Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From solutions-mobile-shopping-assistant-backend-java with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * This method lists all the entities inserted in datastore. It uses HTTP GET method. * * @return List of all entities persisted. */ @SuppressWarnings({"cast", "unchecked"}) @ApiMethod(httpMethod = "GET", path = "offer") public List<Offer> list(@Named("placeId") String placeId, User user) { // TODO(user): Retrieve only offers applicable to given place and user EntityManager mgr = getEntityManager(); List<Offer> result = new ArrayList<Offer>(); try { Query query = mgr.createQuery("select from Offer as Offer"); for (Offer offer : (List<Offer>) query.getResultList()) { result.add(offer); } } finally { mgr.close(); } return result; }
Example #2
Source File: From tech-gallery with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * GET for getting one endorsement. * * @throws InternalServerErrorException in case something goes wrong * @throws OAuthRequestException in case of authentication problem * @throws NotFoundException in case the information are not founded * @throws BadRequestException in case a request with problem were made. */ @Override public Response getEndorsementsByTech(String techId, User user) throws InternalServerErrorException, BadRequestException, NotFoundException, OAuthRequestException { final List<Endorsement> endorsementsByTech = endorsementDao.findAllActivesByTechnology(techId); final List<EndorsementsGroupedByEndorsedTransient> grouped = groupEndorsementByEndorsed(endorsementsByTech, techId); final Technology technology = techService.getTechnologyById(techId, user); techService.updateEdorsedsCounter(technology, grouped.size()); groupUsersWithSkill(grouped, technology); Collections.sort(grouped, new EndorsementsGroupedByEndorsedTransient()); final ShowEndorsementsResponse response = new ShowEndorsementsResponse(); response.setEndorsements(grouped); return response; }
Example #3
Source File: From io2014-codelabs with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Gets a signed URL that can be used to upload a blob. * * @param bucketName Google Cloud Storage bucket to use for upload. * @param objectPath path to the object in the bucket. * @param accessMode controls how the uploaded blob can be accessed. * @param contentType the MIME type of the object of be uploaded. Can be null. * @param user the user making the request. * @throws if the user is not authorized. * @throws if the bucketName or objectPath are not valid. */ @ApiMethod(httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET, path = "blobs/uploads/{bucketName}/{objectPath}") public BlobAccess getUploadUrl(@Named("bucketName") String bucketName, @Named("objectPath") String objectPath, @Named("accessMode") BlobAccessMode accessMode, @Nullable @Named("contentType") String contentType, User user) throws UnauthorizedException, BadRequestException { validateUser(user); validateBucketAndObjectPath(bucketName, objectPath); if (!reserveNameIfAvailable(bucketName, objectPath, accessMode, user)) { throw new UnauthorizedException("You don't have permissions to upload this object"); } return getBlobUrlForUpload( bucketName, objectPath, accessMode, contentType != null ? contentType : ""); }
Example #4
Source File: From appengine-java-guestbook-multiphase with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { Greeting greeting; UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService(); User user = userService.getCurrentUser(); // Find out who the user is. String guestbookName = req.getParameter("guestbookName"); String content = req.getParameter("content"); if (user != null) { greeting = new Greeting(guestbookName, content, user.getUserId(), user.getEmail()); } else { greeting = new Greeting(guestbookName, content); } // Use Objectify to save the greeting and now() is used to make the call synchronously as we // will immediately get a new page using redirect and we want the data to be present. ObjectifyService.ofy().save().entity(greeting).now(); resp.sendRedirect("/guestbook.jsp?guestbookName=" + guestbookName); }
Example #5
Source File: From solutions-mobile-shopping-assistant-backend-java with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * This inserts the entity into App Engine datastore. It uses HTTP POST method. * * @param checkin the entity to be inserted. * @return The inserted entity. */ public CheckIn insert(CheckIn checkin, User user) throws ServiceException { EndpointUtil.throwIfNotAuthenticated(user); checkin.setUserEmail(user.getEmail()); checkin.setCheckinDate(new Date()); // Do not use the key provided by the caller; use a generated key. checkin.clearKey(); EntityManager mgr = getEntityManager(); try { mgr.persist(checkin); } finally { mgr.close(); } // generate personalized offers when user checks into a place and send them // to the user using push notification pushPersonalizedOffers(checkin.getPlaceId(), user); return checkin; }
Example #6
Source File: From nomulus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Converts an email address to a GAE user id. * * @return Numeric GAE user id (in String form), or null if email address has no GAE id */ public static String convertEmailAddressToGaeUserId(String emailAddress) { final GaeUserIdConverter gaeUserIdConverter = new GaeUserIdConverter(); = allocateId(); List<String> emailParts = Splitter.on('@').splitToList(emailAddress); checkState(emailParts.size() == 2, "'%s' is not a valid email address", emailAddress); gaeUserIdConverter.user = new User(emailAddress, emailParts.get(1)); try { // Perform these operations in a transactionless context to avoid enlisting in some outer // transaction (if any). tm().doTransactionless(() -> ofy().saveWithoutBackup().entity(gaeUserIdConverter).now()); // The read must be done in its own transaction to avoid reading from the session cache. return tm() .transactNew(() -> ofy().load().entity(gaeUserIdConverter).safe().user.getUserId()); } finally { tm().doTransactionless(() -> ofy().deleteWithoutBackup().entity(gaeUserIdConverter).now()); } }
Example #7
Source File: From tech-gallery with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * GET for getting all technologies. * * @throws NotFoundException . */ @Override public Response getTechnologies(User user) throws InternalServerErrorException, NotFoundException, BadRequestException { List<Technology> techEntities = technologyDAO.findAllActives(); // if list is null, return a not found exception if (techEntities == null || techEntities.isEmpty()) { return new TechnologiesResponse(); } else { verifyTechnologyFollowedByUser(user, techEntities); TechnologiesResponse response = new TechnologiesResponse(); Technology.sortTechnologiesDefault(techEntities); response.setTechnologies(techEntities); return response; } }
Example #8
Source File: From ud859 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Returns a list of Conferences that the user created. * In order to receive the websafeConferenceKey via the JSON params, uses a POST method. * * @param user A user who invokes this method, null when the user is not signed in. * @return a list of Conferences that the user created. * @throws UnauthorizedException when the user is not signed in. */ @ApiMethod( name = "getConferencesCreated", path = "getConferencesCreated", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST ) public List<Conference> getConferencesCreated(final User user) throws UnauthorizedException { // If not signed in, throw a 401 error. if (user == null) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization required"); } String userId = user.getUserId(); Key<Profile> userKey = Key.create(Profile.class, userId); return ofy().load().type(Conference.class) .ancestor(userKey) .order("name").list(); }
Example #9
Source File: From appengine-java-guestbook-multiphase with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { if (req.getParameter("testing") != null) { resp.setContentType("text/plain"); resp.getWriter().println("Hello, this is a testing servlet. \n\n"); Properties p = System.getProperties(); p.list(resp.getWriter()); } else { UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService(); User currentUser = userService.getCurrentUser(); if (currentUser != null) { resp.setContentType("text/plain"); resp.getWriter().println("Hello, " + currentUser.getNickname()); } else { resp.sendRedirect(userService.createLoginURL(req.getRequestURI())); } } }
Example #10
Source File: From appstart with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@ApiMethod( name = "todos.delete", path = "todos/{id}" ) public Todo delete(@Named("id") Long id, @Named("auth") boolean auth, User user) { if(auth) { this.authenticate(user); } Todo todo = null; try { todo = service.delete(id); } catch(Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Something went wrong", e); throw e; } return todo; }
Example #11
Source File: From ud859 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Returns a collection of Conference Object that the user is going to attend. * * @param user An user who invokes this method, null when the user is not signed in. * @return a Collection of Conferences that the user is going to attend. * @throws UnauthorizedException when the User object is null. */ @ApiMethod( name = "getConferencesToAttend", path = "getConferencesToAttend", httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET ) public Collection<Conference> getConferencesToAttend(final User user) throws UnauthorizedException, NotFoundException { // If not signed in, throw a 401 error. if (user == null) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization required"); } Profile profile = ofy().load().key(Key.create(Profile.class, getUserId(user))).now(); if (profile == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Profile doesn't exist."); } List<String> keyStringsToAttend = profile.getConferenceKeysToAttend(); List<Key<Conference>> keysToAttend = new ArrayList<>(); for (String keyString : keyStringsToAttend) { keysToAttend.add(Key.<Conference>create(keyString)); } return ofy().load().keys(keysToAttend).values(); }
Example #12
Source File: From tech-gallery with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public Technology addOrUpdateTechnology(Technology technology, User user) throws BadRequestException, IOException, GeneralSecurityException { Technology foundTechnology = validateInformations(technology); Boolean isUpdate = foundTechnology != null && foundTechnology.getId().equals(technology.getId()) && foundTechnology.getActive().equals(Boolean.TRUE); String imageLink = saveImage(technology); if (isUpdate) { updateTechnology(foundTechnology, technology, user, imageLink); } else { addTechnology(technology, user, imageLink); } return technology; }
Example #13
Source File: From io2014-codelabs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Checks user's permissions to delete a blob and throws an exception if user doesn't have * permissions. * * @param bucketName Google Cloud Storage bucket where the object was uploaded. * @param objectPath path to the object in the bucket. * @param user the user making the request. * @return true if the object may exist and delete operation should proceed; false otherwise. * @throws if the user is not authorized. */ private boolean checkDeletePermissions(String bucketName, String objectPath, User user) throws UnauthorizedException { BlobMetadata metadata = BlobManager.getBlobMetadata(bucketName, objectPath); if (metadata == null) { return false; } if (getUserId(user).equals(metadata.getOwnerId())) { // User is the owner. return true; } throw new UnauthorizedException("You don't have permissions to delete this object"); }
Example #14
Source File: From tech-gallery with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Validate inputs of SkillResponse. * * @param project inputs to be validate * @param user info about user from google * @throws BadRequestException for the validations. * @throws InternalServerErrorException in case something goes wrong * @throws NotFoundException in case the information are not founded */ private void validateInputs(Project project, User user) throws BadRequestException, NotFoundException, InternalServerErrorException {"Validating inputs of skill"); if (user == null || user.getUserId() == null || user.getUserId().isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_GOOGLE_ENDPOINT_NULL.message()); } if (project == null || project.getName() == null) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.NAME_CANNOT_BLANK.message()); } }
Example #15
Source File: From tech-gallery with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Validate the user logged in. * * @param user info about user from google * * @throws BadRequestException in case a request with problem were made. * @throws InternalServerErrorException in case something goes wrong * @throws NotFoundException in case the information are not founded */ private void validateUser(User user) throws BadRequestException, NotFoundException, InternalServerErrorException {"Validating user to comment"); if (user == null || user.getUserId() == null || user.getUserId().isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_GOOGLE_ENDPOINT_NULL.message()); } final TechGalleryUser techUser = userService.getUserByGoogleId(user.getUserId()); if (techUser == null) { throw new NotFoundException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_NOT_EXIST.message()); } }
Example #16
Source File: From ud859 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Gets the Profile entity for the current user * or creates it if it doesn't exist * @param user * @return user's Profile */ private static Profile getProfileFromUser(User user) { // First fetch the user's Profile from the datastore. Profile profile = ofy().load().key( Key.create(Profile.class, user.getUserId())).now(); if (profile == null) { // Create a new Profile if it doesn't exist. // Use default displayName and teeShirtSize String email = user.getEmail(); profile = new Profile(user.getUserId(), extractDefaultDisplayNameFromEmail(email), email, TeeShirtSize.NOT_SPECIFIED); } return profile; }
Example #17
Source File: From appengine-java-vm-guestbook-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService(); User user = userService.getCurrentUser(); String code = (String) req.getParameter("ccode"); String captcha = (String) req.getSession().getAttribute("captcha"); if (captcha != null && code != null) { if (!captcha.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(code)) { resp.getWriter().println("<html><head><title>error</title></head><body>error in captcha." + "<br/><a href='/guestbook.jsp'>Try again</a>.</body></html>"); return; } } else { resp.getWriter().println("error in captcha"); return; } String guestbookName = req.getParameter("guestbookName"); Key guestbookKey = KeyFactory.createKey("Guestbook", guestbookName); String content = req.getParameter("content"); Date date = new Date(); Entity greeting = new Entity("Greeting", guestbookKey); greeting.setProperty("user", user); greeting.setProperty("date", date); content = content.substring(0, Math.min(content.length(), 490)); greeting.setProperty("content", content); DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); datastore.put(greeting); resp.sendRedirect("/guestbook.jsp?guestbookName=" + guestbookName); }
Example #18
Source File: From appstart with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void authenticate(User user) { if(user == null) { log.warning("User is not authenticated"); throw new RuntimeException("Authentication required!"); } else { // further validation such as domain checking, etc...; } }
Example #19
Source File: From appengine-modules-sample-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { final UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService(); final User currentUser = userService.getCurrentUser(); if (currentUser != null) { resp.setContentType("text/plain"); resp.getWriter().println("Hello, " + currentUser.getNickname()); } else { resp.sendRedirect(userService.createLoginURL(req.getRequestURI())); } }
Example #20
Source File: From sc2gears with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public RpcResult< Void > recalculateFileInfoStats( final String googleAccount ) { LOGGER.fine( "For Google account: " + googleAccount ); final UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService(); final User user = userService.getCurrentUser(); if ( user == null ) return RpcResult.createNotLoggedInErrorResult(); if ( !userService.isUserAdmin() ) return RpcResult.createNoPermissionErrorResult(); PersistenceManager pm = null; try { pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager(); final Key accountKey = CachingService.getAccountKeyByUser( pm, new User( googleAccount, "" ) ); if ( accountKey == null ) return RpcResult.createErrorResult( "Invalid Google account!" ); TaskServlet.register_recalcFileStatsTask( accountKey ); pm.makePersistent( new Event( accountKey, Type.FILE_STATS_RECALC_TRIGGERED, "By admin: " + user.getEmail() ) ); } finally { if ( pm != null ) pm.close(); } return RpcResult.createInfoResult( "File stats recalculation has been kicked-off..." ); }
Example #21
Source File: From nomulus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { // Registrar "TheRegistrar" has access to TLD "currenttld" but not to "newtld". createTlds("currenttld", "newtld"); disallowRegistrarAccess(CLIENT_ID, "newtld"); // Add a technical contact to the registrar (in addition to the default admin contact created by // AppEngineRule). techContact = getOnlyElement(loadRegistrar(CLIENT_ID).getContactsOfType(RegistrarContact.Type.TECH)); action.registrarAccessor = null; action.appEngineServiceUtils = appEngineServiceUtils; when(appEngineServiceUtils.getCurrentVersionHostname("backend")).thenReturn("backend.hostname"); action.jsonActionRunner = new JsonActionRunner(ImmutableMap.of(), new JsonResponse(new ResponseImpl(rsp))); action.sendEmailUtils = new SendEmailUtils( getGSuiteOutgoingEmailAddress(), getGSuiteOutgoingEmailDisplayName(), ImmutableList.of("notification@test.example", "notification2@test.example"), emailService); action.registrarConsoleMetrics = new RegistrarConsoleMetrics(); action.authResult = AuthResult.create( AuthLevel.USER, UserAuthInfo.create(new User("", "", "12345"), false)); inject.setStaticField(Ofy.class, "clock", clock); when(req.getMethod()).thenReturn("POST"); when(rsp.getWriter()).thenReturn(new PrintWriter(writer)); when(req.getContentType()).thenReturn("application/json"); when(req.getReader()).thenReturn(createJsonPayload(ImmutableMap.of("op", "read"))); // We set the default to a user with access, as that's the most common test case. When we want // to specifically check a user without access, we can switch user for that specific test. setUserWithAccess(); RegistrarConsoleMetrics.settingsRequestMetric.reset(); }
Example #22
Source File: From tech-gallery with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Validate inputs of SkillResponse. * * @param skill inputs to be validate * @param user info about user from google * * @throws BadRequestException for the validations. * @throws InternalServerErrorException in case something goes wrong * @throws NotFoundException in case the information are not founded */ private void validateInputs(Skill skill, User user) throws BadRequestException, NotFoundException, InternalServerErrorException {"Validating inputs of skill"); if (user == null || user.getUserId() == null || user.getUserId().isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_GOOGLE_ENDPOINT_NULL.message()); } final TechGalleryUser techUser = userService.getUserByGoogleId(user.getUserId()); if (techUser == null) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_NOT_EXIST.message()); } if (skill == null) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.SKILL_CANNOT_BLANK.message()); } if (skill.getValue() == null || skill.getValue() < 0 || skill.getValue() > 5) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.SKILL_RANGE.message()); } if (skill.getTechnology() == null) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.TECHNOLOGY_ID_CANNOT_BLANK.message()); } }
Example #23
Source File: From solutions-mobile-backend-starter-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected EntityListDto getAllEntities(EntityListDto cdl, User user) { // get all entities by CbIdList Map<String, Entity> entities = getAllEntitiesByKeyList(cdl.readKeyList(user)); // convert to CbDtos EntityListDto resultCdl = new EntityListDto(); for (Entity e : entities.values()) { EntityDto cd = EntityDto.createFromEntity(e); resultCdl.getEntries().add(cd); } return resultCdl; }
Example #24
Source File: From appengine-tck with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Tests hashCode. * <p>Given user1.equals(user2) returns true, * expect hashCode of user1 == hashCode of user2. */ @Test public void testHashCode() { User user1 = new User("", ""); User user2 = new User("", ""); assertTrue(user1.equals(user2)); assertEquals(user1.hashCode(), user2.hashCode()); }
Example #25
Source File: From appengine-tck with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Tests compareTo email1 less than email2. */ @Test public void testCompareTo_less() { User user1 = new User("aa", "dd"); User user2 = new User("bb", "cc"); assertTrue(user1.compareTo(user2) < 0); }
Example #26
Source File: From ud859 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns a Profile object associated with the given user object. The cloud * endpoints system automatically inject the User object. * * @param user * A User object injected by the cloud endpoints. * @return Profile object. * @throws UnauthorizedException * when the User object is null. */ @ApiMethod(name = "getProfile", path = "profile", httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET) public Profile getProfile(final User user) throws UnauthorizedException { if (user == null) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization required"); } // TODO // load the Profile Entity String userId = user.getUserId(); Key key = Key.create(Profile.class, userId); Profile profile = (Profile) ofy().load().key(key).now(); return profile; }
Example #27
Source File: From sc2gears with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public RpcResult< SettingsInfo > getSettings( final String sharedApiAccount ) { LOGGER.fine( "sharedApiAccount: " + sharedApiAccount ); final UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService(); final User user = userService.getCurrentUser(); if ( user == null ) return RpcResult.createNotLoggedInErrorResult(); PersistenceManager pm = null; try { pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager(); final ApiAccount apiAccount = getApiAccount( pm, sharedApiAccount, user ); if ( apiAccount == null ) return RpcResult.createNoPermissionErrorResult(); final SettingsInfo settingsInfo = new SettingsInfo(); settingsInfo.setGoogleAccount ( apiAccount.getUser ().getEmail() ); settingsInfo.setContactEmail ( apiAccount.getContactEmail () ); settingsInfo.setUserName ( apiAccount.getName () ); settingsInfo.setNotificationAvailOps( apiAccount.getNotificationAvailOps() ); return new RpcResult< SettingsInfo >( settingsInfo ); } finally { if ( pm != null ) pm.close(); } }
Example #28
Source File: From MobileShoppingAssistant-sample with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Removes the entity with primary key id. It uses HTTP DELETE method. * @param id the primary key of the entity to be deleted. * @param user the user deleting the entity. * @throws if user is not * authorized */ @ApiMethod(httpMethod = "DELETE") public final void removeOffer(@Named("id") final Long id, final User user) throws ServiceException { EndpointUtil.throwIfNotAdmin(user); Offer offer = findOffer(id); if (offer == null) { "Offer " + id + " not found, skipping deletion."); return; } ofy().delete().entity(offer).now(); }
Example #29
Source File: From MobileShoppingAssistant-sample with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Unregisters a device from the backend. * @param regId The Google Cloud Messaging registration Id to remove * * @param user the user unregistering a device. * @throws if * user is unauthorized */ @ApiMethod(httpMethod = "DELETE") public final void unregisterDevice(@Named("regId") final String regId, final User user) throws UnauthorizedException { EndpointUtil.throwIfNotAdmin(user); Registration record = findRecord(regId); if (record == null) { "Device " + regId + " not registered, skipping unregister"); return; } ofy().delete().entity(record).now(); }
Example #30
Source File: From tech-gallery with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public List<String> getOrderOptions(User user) { List<String> orderOptions = new ArrayList<String>(); for (TechnologyOrderOptionEnum item : TechnologyOrderOptionEnum.values()) { orderOptions.add(item.option()); } return orderOptions; }