org.eclipse.microprofile.openapi.OASFactory Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From smallrye-open-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Test method for * {@link OASFactoryResolverImpl#createObject(java.lang.Class)}. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @Test public void testCreateObject_All() { Class modelClasses[] = { APIResponse.class, APIResponses.class, Callback.class, Components.class, Contact.class, Content.class, Discriminator.class, Encoding.class, Example.class, ExternalDocumentation.class, Header.class, Info.class, License.class, Link.class, MediaType.class, OAuthFlow.class, OAuthFlows.class, OpenAPI.class, Operation.class, Parameter.class, PathItem.class, Paths.class, RequestBody.class, Schema.class, SecurityRequirement.class, SecurityScheme.class, Server.class, ServerVariable.class, Tag.class, XML.class }; for (Class modelClass : modelClasses) { Constructible object = OASFactory.createObject(modelClass); Assert.assertNotNull(object); } }
Example #2
Source File: From smallrye-open-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Test method for * {@link OASFactoryResolverImpl#createObject(java.lang.Class)}. */ @Test public void testCreateObject_License() { License license = OASFactory.createObject(License.class).name("Test License").url("urn:test-url"); Assert.assertNotNull(license); Assert.assertEquals(LicenseImpl.class, license.getClass()); Assert.assertEquals("Test License", license.getName()); Assert.assertEquals("urn:test-url", license.getUrl()); }
Example #3
Source File: From smallrye-open-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Test method for * {@link OASFactoryResolverImpl#createObject(java.lang.Class)}. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @Test public void testCreateObject_RTE() { Class c = String.class; try { OASFactory.createObject(c);"Expected a runtime error."); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Assert.assertEquals("SROAP09000: Class 'java.lang.String' is not Constructible.", e.getMessage()); } }
Example #4
Source File: From microprofile-open-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private <T extends Constructible> T createConstructibleInstance(Class<T> clazz) { // Check that the OASFactory is able to create an instance of the given Class. final T o1 = OASFactory.createObject(clazz); assertNotNull(o1, "The return value of OASFactory.createObject(" + clazz.getName() + ") must not be null."); assertTrue(clazz.isInstance(o1), "The return value of OASFactory.createObject() is expected to be an instance of: " + clazz.getName()); final T o2 = OASFactory.createObject(clazz); assertNotNull(o2, "The return value of OASFactory.createObject(" + clazz.getName() + ") must not be null."); assertTrue(clazz.isInstance(o2), "The return value of OASFactory.createObject() is expected to be an instance of: " + clazz.getName()); assertNotSame(o2, o1, "OASFactory.createObject(" + clazz.getName() + ") is expected to create a new object on each invocation."); return o1; }
Example #5
Source File: From microprofile-open-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public PathItem filterPathItem(PathItem pathItem){ if(pathItem.getGET() != null && "Retrieve all available flights".equals(pathItem.getGET().getSummary())){ //Add new operation pathItem.PUT(OASFactory.createObject(Operation.class). summary("filterPathItem - added put operation") .responses(OASFactory.createObject(APIResponses.class).addAPIResponse("200", OASFactory.createObject(APIResponse.class).description("filterPathItem - successfully put airlines")))); //Spec states : All filterable descendant elements of a filtered element must be called before its ancestor //Override the operatioId value that was previously overridden by the filterOperation method pathItem.getGET().setOperationId("filterPathItemGetFlights"); } if (pathItem.getPOST() != null && "createBooking".equals(pathItem.getPOST().getOperationId())) { Map<String, Callback> callbacks = pathItem.getPOST().getCallbacks(); if (callbacks.containsKey("bookingCallback")) { Callback callback = callbacks.get("bookingCallback"); if (callback.hasPathItem("http://localhost:9080/airlines/bookings") && callback.getPathItem("http://localhost:9080/airlines/bookings").getGET() != null) { if ("child - Retrieve all bookings for current user".equals(callback.getPathItem("http://localhost:9080/airlines/bookings") .getGET().getDescription())) { callback.getPathItem("http://localhost:9080/airlines/bookings").getGET() .setDescription("parent - Retrieve all bookings for current user"); } } } } return pathItem; }
Example #6
Source File: From microprofile1.4-samples with MIT License | 4 votes |
@Override public OpenAPI buildModel() { return OASFactory.createObject(OpenAPI.class); }
Example #7
Source File: From microprofile-open-api with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test(expectedExceptions = { NullPointerException.class }) public void nullValueTest() { @SuppressWarnings("unused") final Object o = OASFactory.createObject(null); }
Example #8
Source File: From microprofile-open-api with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IllegalArgumentException.class }) public void baseInterfaceTest() { @SuppressWarnings("unused") final Constructible c = OASFactory.createObject(Constructible.class); }
Example #9
Source File: From microprofile-open-api with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IllegalArgumentException.class }) public void extendedBaseInterfaceTest() { @SuppressWarnings("unused") final MyConstructible m = OASFactory.createObject(MyConstructible.class); }
Example #10
Source File: From microprofile-open-api with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IllegalArgumentException.class }) public void extendedInterfaceTest() { @SuppressWarnings("unused") final MyLicense m = OASFactory.createObject(MyLicense.class); }
Example #11
Source File: From microprofile-open-api with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IllegalArgumentException.class }) public void customAbstractClassTest() { @SuppressWarnings("unused") final MyAbstractLicenseImpl m = OASFactory.createObject(MyAbstractLicenseImpl.class); }
Example #12
Source File: From microprofile-open-api with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test(expectedExceptions = { IllegalArgumentException.class }) public void customClassTest() { @SuppressWarnings("unused") final MyLicenseImpl m = OASFactory.createObject(MyLicenseImpl.class); }
Example #13
Source File: From openapi-style-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static OpenAPI createSimplePingOpenAPI() { return OASFactory.createOpenAPI() .openapi("3.0.1") .info( OASFactory.createInfo() .title("Ping Specification") .version("1.0") .license(OASFactory.createLicense() .name("Eclipse Public License - v2.0") .url("")) .description("This is a test spec") .contact( OASFactory.createContact() .name("OpenAPI Tools") .email("")) ) .addServer( OASFactory.createServer() .url("http://localhost:8000/") ) .paths( OASFactory.createPaths() .addPathItem( "/ping", OASFactory.createPathItem() .GET( OASFactory.createOperation() .operationId("pingGet") .summary("A simple get call") .description("When this method is called, the server answers with 200 OKs") .addTag("demo") .responses( OASFactory.createAPIResponses() .addAPIResponse( "200", OASFactory.createAPIResponse() .description("OK") ) ) ) ) ); }
Example #14
Source File: From openapi-style-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static OpenAPI createPingOpenAPI() { return OASFactory.createOpenAPI() .openapi("3.0.1") .info( OASFactory.createInfo() .title("Ping Specification") .version("1.0") .license(OASFactory.createLicense() .name("Eclipse Public License - v2.0") .url("")) .description("This is a test spec") .contact( OASFactory.createContact() .name("OpenAPI Tools") .email("")) ) .addServer( OASFactory.createServer() .url("http://localhost:8000/") ) .paths( OASFactory.createPaths() .addPathItem( "/ping", OASFactory.createPathItem() .GET( OASFactory.createOperation() .operationId("pingGet") .summary("A simple get call") .description("When this method is called, the server answers with 200 OKs") .addTag("demo") .responses( OASFactory.createAPIResponses() .addAPIResponse( "200", OASFactory.createAPIResponse() .description("OK") ) ) ) ) .addPathItem( "/ping2", OASFactory.createPathItem() .GET( OASFactory.createOperation() .operationId("ping2Get") .summary("A get that return an object response") .description("When this method is called, the server answers with 200 and a json object as response") .addTag("demo") .responses( OASFactory.createAPIResponses() .addAPIResponse( "200", OASFactory.createAPIResponse() .content(OASFactory.createContent() .addMediaType("application/json", OASFactory.createMediaType() .schema(OASFactory.createSchema() .ref("'#/components/schemas/Myobject'"))) ) .description("A second path to test validation of ref examples") ) ) ) ) ).components(OASFactory .createComponents() .addSchema("Myobject", OASFactory.createSchema() .type(SchemaType.OBJECT) .addProperty("name", OASFactory.createSchema() .type(SchemaType.STRING)) .addProperty("prop1", OASFactory.createSchema() .type(SchemaType.STRING) .example("prop 1 description")) .addProperty("status", OASFactory.createSchema() .ref("#/components/schemas/Status")) ).addSchema("Status", OASFactory.createSchema() .type(SchemaType.STRING) .description("status description") .example("status example") .addEnumeration("item1") .addEnumeration("item2") ) ); }