android.webkit.WebBackForwardList Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From Hentoid with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { WebBackForwardList webBFL = webView.copyBackForwardList(); int i = webBFL.getCurrentIndex(); do { i--; } while (i >= 0 && webView.getOriginalUrl() .equals(webBFL.getItemAtIndex(i).getOriginalUrl())); if (webView.canGoBackOrForward(i - webBFL.getCurrentIndex())) { webView.goBackOrForward(i - webBFL.getCurrentIndex()); } else { super.onBackPressed(); } return true; } return false; }
Example #2
Source File: From AgentWeb with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void onPageFinished(WebView view) { if (!mIsOnReceivedTitle && mWebChromeClient != null) { WebBackForwardList list = null; try { list = view.copyBackForwardList(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { if (LogUtils.isDebug()) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (list != null && list.getSize() > 0 && list.getCurrentIndex() >= 0 && list.getItemAtIndex(list.getCurrentIndex()) != null) { String previousTitle = list.getItemAtIndex(list.getCurrentIndex()).getTitle(); mWebChromeClient.onReceivedTitle(view, previousTitle); } } }
Example #3
Source File: From habpanelviewer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public boolean canGoBackOrForward(int steps) { int increment = steps < 0 ? -1 : 1; WebBackForwardList list = copyBackForwardList(); int count = 0; int startIdx = list.getCurrentIndex(); for (int i = startIdx + increment; i < list.getSize() && i >= 0; i += increment) { WebHistoryItem item = list.getItemAtIndex(i); if (!item.getOriginalUrl().startsWith("data:")) { count += increment; if (count == steps) { return true; } } } return false; }
Example #4
Source File: From habpanelviewer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void goBackOrForward(int steps) { int increment = steps < 0 ? -1 : 1; WebBackForwardList list = copyBackForwardList(); int count = 0; int intCount = 0; int startIdx = list.getCurrentIndex(); for (int i = startIdx + increment; i < list.getSize() && i >= 0; i += increment) { intCount += increment; WebHistoryItem item = list.getItemAtIndex(i); if (!item.getOriginalUrl().startsWith("data:")) { count += increment; if (count == steps) { super.goBackOrForward(intCount); return; } } } }
Example #5
Source File: From letv with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void _backEvent() { if (this.mWebView != null && this.mWebView.canGoBack()) { this.mWebView.stopLoading(); LogInfo.log("+->", "mWebView-->>back" + this.mWebView.getUrl()); WebBackForwardList list = this.mWebView.copyBackForwardList(); if (list.getCurrentIndex() <= 0) { this.pullDownUrlText.setText(String.format(getString(R.string.supplied_by), new Object[]{getUrlTitle(list.getItemAtIndex(0).getUrl())})); } else { this.pullDownUrlText.setText(String.format(getString(R.string.supplied_by), new Object[]{getUrlTitle(list.getItemAtIndex(list.getCurrentIndex() - 1).getUrl())})); this.titleView.setText(list.getItemAtIndex(list.getCurrentIndex() - 1).getTitle()); } this.mWebView.goBack(); if (!this.close.isShown()) { this.close.setVisibility(0); } } else if ("floatBallActive".equals(this.web_flag)) { finish(); } else { finish(); } }
Example #6
Source File: From DoingDaily with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void backAction() { String curUrl = webView.getUrl(); boolean isExit = true; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(curUrl)) { if (webView.canGoBack()) { WebBackForwardList backList = webView.copyBackForwardList(); if (backList != null && backList.getCurrentIndex() == 1) { isExit = false; loadLocalHtml(articleBean.getBody()); } } } if (isExit) { mActivity.finish(); } }
Example #7
Source File: From bluemix-parking-meter with MIT License | 5 votes |
public boolean startOfHistory() { WebBackForwardList currentList = this.copyBackForwardList(); WebHistoryItem item = currentList.getItemAtIndex(0); if( item!=null){ // Null-fence in case they haven't called loadUrl yet (CB-2458) String url = item.getUrl(); String currentUrl = this.getUrl(); LOG.d(TAG, "The current URL is: " + currentUrl); LOG.d(TAG, "The URL at item 0 is: " + url); return currentUrl.equals(url); } return false; }
Example #8
Source File: From tysq-android with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public boolean onConsumeBackEvent(FragmentManager fragmentManager) { WebBackForwardList webBackForwardList = this.mWebView.copyBackForwardList(); //如果有回退历史,而且可回退,就消费该事件 if (webBackForwardList.getSize() > 0 && this.mWebView.canGoBack()) { this.mWebView.goBack(); return true; } return super.onConsumeBackEvent(fragmentManager); }
Example #9
Source File: From bluemix-parking-meter with MIT License | 5 votes |
public WebBackForwardList restoreState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { WebBackForwardList myList = super.restoreState(savedInstanceState); Log.d(TAG, "WebView restoration crew now restoring!"); //Initialize the plugin manager once more this.pluginManager.init(); return myList; }
Example #10
Source File: From reader with MIT License | 5 votes |
public void printBackForwardList() { WebBackForwardList currentList = this.copyBackForwardList(); int currentSize = currentList.getSize(); for(int i = 0; i < currentSize; ++i) { WebHistoryItem item = currentList.getItemAtIndex(i); String url = item.getUrl(); LOG.d(TAG, "The URL at index: " + Integer.toString(i) + " is " + url ); } }
Example #11
Source File: From reader with MIT License | 5 votes |
public boolean startOfHistory() { WebBackForwardList currentList = this.copyBackForwardList(); WebHistoryItem item = currentList.getItemAtIndex(0); if( item!=null){ // Null-fence in case they haven't called loadUrl yet (CB-2458) String url = item.getUrl(); String currentUrl = this.getUrl(); LOG.d(TAG, "The current URL is: " + currentUrl); LOG.d(TAG, "The URL at item 0 is: " + url); return currentUrl.equals(url); } return false; }
Example #12
Source File: From reader with MIT License | 5 votes |
public WebBackForwardList restoreState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { WebBackForwardList myList = super.restoreState(savedInstanceState); Log.d(TAG, "WebView restoration crew now restoring!"); //Initialize the plugin manager once more this.pluginManager.init(); return myList; }
Example #13
Source File: From reader with MIT License | 5 votes |
public void printBackForwardList() { WebBackForwardList currentList = this.copyBackForwardList(); int currentSize = currentList.getSize(); for(int i = 0; i < currentSize; ++i) { WebHistoryItem item = currentList.getItemAtIndex(i); String url = item.getUrl(); LOG.d(TAG, "The URL at index: " + Integer.toString(i) + " is " + url ); } }
Example #14
Source File: From reader with MIT License | 5 votes |
public boolean startOfHistory() { WebBackForwardList currentList = this.copyBackForwardList(); WebHistoryItem item = currentList.getItemAtIndex(0); if( item!=null){ // Null-fence in case they haven't called loadUrl yet (CB-2458) String url = item.getUrl(); String currentUrl = this.getUrl(); LOG.d(TAG, "The current URL is: " + currentUrl); LOG.d(TAG, "The URL at item 0 is: " + url); return currentUrl.equals(url); } return false; }
Example #15
Source File: From reader with MIT License | 5 votes |
public WebBackForwardList restoreState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { WebBackForwardList myList = super.restoreState(savedInstanceState); Log.d(TAG, "WebView restoration crew now restoring!"); //Initialize the plugin manager once more this.pluginManager.init(); return myList; }
Example #16
Source File: From phonegapbootcampsite with MIT License | 5 votes |
public void printBackForwardList() { WebBackForwardList currentList = this.copyBackForwardList(); int currentSize = currentList.getSize(); for(int i = 0; i < currentSize; ++i) { WebHistoryItem item = currentList.getItemAtIndex(i); String url = item.getUrl(); LOG.d(TAG, "The URL at index: " + Integer.toString(i) + " is " + url ); } }
Example #17
Source File: From phonegapbootcampsite with MIT License | 5 votes |
public boolean startOfHistory() { WebBackForwardList currentList = this.copyBackForwardList(); WebHistoryItem item = currentList.getItemAtIndex(0); if( item!=null){ // Null-fence in case they haven't called loadUrl yet (CB-2458) String url = item.getUrl(); String currentUrl = this.getUrl(); LOG.d(TAG, "The current URL is: " + currentUrl); LOG.d(TAG, "The URL at item 0 is: " + url); return currentUrl.equals(url); } return false; }
Example #18
Source File: From phonegapbootcampsite with MIT License | 5 votes |
public WebBackForwardList restoreState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { WebBackForwardList myList = super.restoreState(savedInstanceState); Log.d(TAG, "WebView restoration crew now restoring!"); //Initialize the plugin manager once more this.pluginManager.init(); return myList; }
Example #19
Source File: From CordovaYoutubeVideoPlayer with MIT License | 5 votes |
public void printBackForwardList() { WebBackForwardList currentList = this.copyBackForwardList(); int currentSize = currentList.getSize(); for(int i = 0; i < currentSize; ++i) { WebHistoryItem item = currentList.getItemAtIndex(i); String url = item.getUrl(); LOG.d(TAG, "The URL at index: " + Integer.toString(i) + " is " + url ); } }
Example #20
Source File: From CordovaYoutubeVideoPlayer with MIT License | 5 votes |
public boolean startOfHistory() { WebBackForwardList currentList = this.copyBackForwardList(); WebHistoryItem item = currentList.getItemAtIndex(0); if( item!=null){ // Null-fence in case they haven't called loadUrl yet (CB-2458) String url = item.getUrl(); String currentUrl = this.getUrl(); LOG.d(TAG, "The current URL is: " + currentUrl); LOG.d(TAG, "The URL at item 0 is: " + url); return currentUrl.equals(url); } return false; }
Example #21
Source File: From CordovaYoutubeVideoPlayer with MIT License | 5 votes |
public WebBackForwardList restoreState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { WebBackForwardList myList = super.restoreState(savedInstanceState); Log.d(TAG, "WebView restoration crew now restoring!"); //Initialize the plugin manager once more this.pluginManager.init(); return myList; }
Example #22
Source File: From wildfly-samples with MIT License | 5 votes |
public void printBackForwardList() { WebBackForwardList currentList = this.copyBackForwardList(); int currentSize = currentList.getSize(); for(int i = 0; i < currentSize; ++i) { WebHistoryItem item = currentList.getItemAtIndex(i); String url = item.getUrl(); LOG.d(TAG, "The URL at index: " + Integer.toString(i) + " is " + url ); } }
Example #23
Source File: From wildfly-samples with MIT License | 5 votes |
public boolean startOfHistory() { WebBackForwardList currentList = this.copyBackForwardList(); WebHistoryItem item = currentList.getItemAtIndex(0); if( item!=null){ // Null-fence in case they haven't called loadUrl yet (CB-2458) String url = item.getUrl(); String currentUrl = this.getUrl(); LOG.d(TAG, "The current URL is: " + currentUrl); LOG.d(TAG, "The URL at item 0 is: " + url); return currentUrl.equals(url); } return false; }
Example #24
Source File: From wildfly-samples with MIT License | 5 votes |
public WebBackForwardList restoreState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { WebBackForwardList myList = super.restoreState(savedInstanceState); Log.d(TAG, "WebView restoration crew now restoring!"); //Initialize the plugin manager once more this.pluginManager.init(); return myList; }
Example #25
Source File: From phonegap-plugin-loading-spinner with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void printBackForwardList() { WebBackForwardList currentList = this.copyBackForwardList(); int currentSize = currentList.getSize(); for(int i = 0; i < currentSize; ++i) { WebHistoryItem item = currentList.getItemAtIndex(i); String url = item.getUrl(); LOG.d(TAG, "The URL at index: " + Integer.toString(i) + " is " + url ); } }
Example #26
Source File: From phonegap-plugin-loading-spinner with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public boolean startOfHistory() { WebBackForwardList currentList = this.copyBackForwardList(); WebHistoryItem item = currentList.getItemAtIndex(0); if( item!=null){ // Null-fence in case they haven't called loadUrl yet (CB-2458) String url = item.getUrl(); String currentUrl = this.getUrl(); LOG.d(TAG, "The current URL is: " + currentUrl); LOG.d(TAG, "The URL at item 0 is: " + url); return currentUrl.equals(url); } return false; }
Example #27
Source File: From phonegap-plugin-loading-spinner with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public WebBackForwardList restoreState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { WebBackForwardList myList = super.restoreState(savedInstanceState); Log.d(TAG, "WebView restoration crew now restoring!"); //Initialize the plugin manager once more this.pluginManager.init(); return myList; }
Example #28
Source File: From YCWebView with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void getWebTitle(WebView view){ WebBackForwardList forwardList = view.copyBackForwardList(); WebHistoryItem item = forwardList.getCurrentItem(); if (item != null) { tvTitle.setText(item.getTitle()); // X5LogUtils.i("-------onReceivedTitle----getWebTitle---"+item.getTitle()); } }
Example #29
Source File: From tysq-android with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public boolean onConsumeBackEvent(FragmentManager fragmentManager) { WebBackForwardList webBackForwardList = this.mWebView.copyBackForwardList(); //如果有回退历史,而且可回退,就消费该事件 if (webBackForwardList.getSize() > 0 && this.mWebView.canGoBack()) { this.mWebView.goBack(); return true; } return super.onConsumeBackEvent(fragmentManager); }
Example #30
Source File: From alpha-wallet-android with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Check if this is the last web item and the last fragment item. */ private void checkBackClickArrowVisibility() { //will this be last item? WebBackForwardList sessionHistory = web3.copyBackForwardList(); int nextIndex = sessionHistory.getCurrentIndex() - 1; if (backFragmentStack.peekLast() == null && nextIndex <= 0) back.setAlpha(0.3f); else back.setAlpha(1.0f); next.setAlpha(1.0f); //if we clicked back then we would have a next available }