java.math.bigdecimal Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From kfs with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * @param cgPaymentHistoryReportEntry * @param reportDetail */ protected void setReportDate(ContractsGrantsPaymentHistoryReport cgPaymentHistoryReportEntry, ContractsGrantsPaymentHistoryReportDetailDataHolder reportDetail) { reportDetail.setPaymentNumber(cgPaymentHistoryReportEntry.getPaymentNumber()); reportDetail.setPaymentDate(cgPaymentHistoryReportEntry.getPaymentDate()); reportDetail.setCustomerNumber(cgPaymentHistoryReportEntry.getCustomerNumber()); reportDetail.setCustomerName(cgPaymentHistoryReportEntry.getCustomerName()); BigDecimal paymentAmount = (ObjectUtils.isNull(cgPaymentHistoryReportEntry.getPaymentAmount())) ? BigDecimal.ZERO : cgPaymentHistoryReportEntry.getPaymentAmount().bigDecimalValue(); reportDetail.setPaymentAmount(paymentAmount); reportDetail.setInvoiceNumber(cgPaymentHistoryReportEntry.getInvoiceNumber()); BigDecimal invoiceAmount = (ObjectUtils.isNull(cgPaymentHistoryReportEntry.getInvoiceAmount())) ? BigDecimal.ZERO : cgPaymentHistoryReportEntry.getInvoiceAmount().bigDecimalValue(); reportDetail.setInvoiceAmount(invoiceAmount); reportDetail.setAwardNumber(cgPaymentHistoryReportEntry.getAwardNumber().toString()); reportDetail.setReversedIndicator(cgPaymentHistoryReportEntry.isReversedIndicator() ? "Yes" : "No"); reportDetail.setAppliedIndicator(cgPaymentHistoryReportEntry.isAppliedIndicator() ? "Yes" : "No"); }
Example #2
Source File: From jingtum-lib-java with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * 本地签名获取tx_blob * @param account 交易账号 * @param to 接受账号 * @param amountInfo 金额 * @param memos 备注 * @param secret 交易账号私钥 * @param sequence 序列 通过 AccountInfo ainfo = remote.requestAccountInfo(account, null, "trust");获取 * sequence = ainfo.getAccountData().getSequence(); * @return */ public static String sign(String account, String to, AmountInfo amountInfo, List<String> memos, String secret, Integer sequence) { Payment payment = new Payment();, account);, to); Object value = toAmount(amountInfo); if (Value.typeOf(value) == Value.STRING) {// 基础货币 swt, value); } else {// 非基础货币 BigDecimal jine = new BigDecimal(amountInfo.getValue()); Amount amount = new Amount(jine, Currency.fromString(amountInfo.getCurrency()), AccountID.fromString(amountInfo.getIssuer()));, amount); }, String.valueOf(Config.FEE)); payment.sequence(new UInt32(sequence)); payment.flags(new UInt32(0)); payment.addMemo(memos); SignedTransaction tx = payment.sign(secret); String tx_blob = tx.tx_blob; return tx_blob; }
Example #3
Source File: From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * <p>Set time as one unit, including the optional infinite precison * fractional seconds.</p> * * @param hour value constraints are summarized in * <a href="#datetimefield-hour">hour field of date/time field mapping table</a>. * @param minute value constraints are summarized in * <a href="#datetimefield-minute">minute field of date/time field mapping table</a>. * @param second value constraints are summarized in * <a href="#datetimefield-second">second field of date/time field mapping table</a>. * @param fractional value of <code>null</code> indicates this optional * field is not set. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any parameter is * outside value constraints for the field as specified in * <a href="#datetimefieldmapping">date/time field mapping table</a>. */ public void setTime( int hour, int minute, int second, BigDecimal fractional) { setHour(hour, false); setMinute(minute); if (second != 60) { setSecond(second); } else if ((hour == 23 && minute == 59) || (hour == 0 && minute == 0)) { setSecond(second); } else { invalidFieldValue(SECOND, second); } setFractionalSecond(fractional); // must test hour after setting seconds testHour(); }
Example #4
Source File: From fenixedu-academic with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public BigDecimal getLastYearApprovedECTS() { ExecutionYear oneYearAgo = readCurrentExecutionYear().getPreviousExecutionYear(); BigDecimal result = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (final Registration registration : readStudent().getRegistrationsSet()) { if (registration.isBolonha() && registration.hasAnyCurriculumLines(oneYearAgo)) { result = result.add( calculateApprovedECTS(registration.getLastStudentCurricularPlan().getApprovedCurriculumLines( oneYearAgo.getFirstExecutionPeriod()))).add( calculateApprovedECTS(registration.getLastStudentCurricularPlan().getApprovedCurriculumLines( oneYearAgo.getLastExecutionPeriod()))); } } return result; }
Example #5
Source File: From snowflake-jdbc with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public BigDecimal toBigDecimal(int index) throws SFException { String str = toString(index); try { if (str == null) { return null; } else { return new BigDecimal(str); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SFException(ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE_CONVERT, logicalTypeStr, SnowflakeUtil.BIG_DECIMAL_STR, str); } }
Example #6
Source File: From S-mall-ssm with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@RequestMapping("changeCartNum") public String changeCartNum(Integer id, Integer num, Model model, HttpSession session) throws Exception { User user = (User) session.getAttribute("user"); CartItem cartItemFromDB = (CartItem) cartItemService.get(id); String msg = "fail"; checkUser(user, cartItemFromDB.getUser()); if (cartItemFromDB.getProduct().getStock() >= num) { cartItemFromDB.setNumber(num); cartItemFromDB.setSum(cartItemFromDB.getProduct() .getNowPrice().multiply(new BigDecimal(num))); cartItemService.update(cartItemFromDB); msg = "success"; } model.addAttribute("msg", msg); return "msg"; }
Example #7
Source File: From atomic-plugins-inapps with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private InAppProduct JSONObjectToInapp(JSONObject object) { InAppProduct product = new InAppProduct(); product.productId = object.optString("productId"); //String type = object.optString("type"); product.localizedPrice = object.optString("price"); product.title = object.optString("title"); product.description = object.optString("description"); String price; if (object.has("price_amount_micros")) { price = String.valueOf(((float) object.optInt("price_amount_micros")) / 1000000); } else { String tmpPrice = product.localizedPrice.replace(",", "."); price = String.valueOf(tmpPrice.replace(',', '.').substring(0, tmpPrice.length() - 2)); } product.price = new BigDecimal(price).doubleValue(); return product; }
Example #8
Source File: From openapi-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Fake endpoint for testing various parameters 假端點 偽のエンドポイント 가짜 엔드 포인트 * * Fake endpoint for testing various parameters 假端點 偽のエンドポイント 가짜 엔드 포인트 */ @Test public void testEndpointParametersTest() { BigDecimal number = null; Double _double = null; String patternWithoutDelimiter = null; byte[] _byte = null; Integer integer = null; Integer int32 = null; Long int64 = null; Float _float = null; String string = null; File binary = null; LocalDate date = null; OffsetDateTime dateTime = null; String password = null; String paramCallback = null; // api.testEndpointParameters(number, _double, patternWithoutDelimiter, _byte, integer, int32, int64, _float, string, binary, date, dateTime, password, paramCallback); // TODO: test validations }
Example #9
Source File: From Qora with MIT License | 6 votes |
public Pair<Transaction, Integer> createArbitraryTransaction(PrivateKeyAccount creator, int service, byte[] data, BigDecimal fee) { //CHECK FOR UPDATES this.checkUpdate(); //TIME long time = NTP.getTime(); //CREATE SIGNATURE byte[] signature = ArbitraryTransaction.generateSignature(this.fork, creator, service, data, fee, time); //CREATE ARBITRARY TRANSACTION ArbitraryTransaction arbitraryTransaction = new ArbitraryTransaction(creator, service, data, fee, time, creator.getLastReference(this.fork), signature); //VALIDATE AND PROCESS return this.afterCreate(arbitraryTransaction); }
Example #10
Source File: From pentaho-reporting with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Receives notification that a row of data is being processed. Reads the data from the field defined for this * function and adds it to the running total. * <P> * This function assumes that it will find an instance of the Number class in the column of the data-row specified by * the field name. * * @param event * Information about the event. */ public void itemsAdvanced( final ReportEvent event ) { final Object fieldValue = getDataRow().get( getField() ); if ( fieldValue == null ) { return; } if ( fieldValue instanceof Number == false ) { return; } final Number numerValue = (Number) fieldValue; final BigDecimal number = ExpressionUtilities.convertToBigDecimal( numerValue ); final BigDecimal oldValue = sum.get( lastGroupSequenceNumber ); if ( oldValue == null ) { sum.set( lastGroupSequenceNumber, number ); } else { sum.set( lastGroupSequenceNumber, oldValue.add( number ) ); } }
Example #11
Source File: From development with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Creates a subscription based on period MONTH, creates parameter for it * and checks the pricing. All parameter data types are covered. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testSimplePeriod1BeginOfJanuary() throws Exception { final int testMonth = Calendar.JANUARY; final int testDay = 1; // costs for options will be for enumeration parameter, not price for // parameter final BigDecimal parametersAndOptionsCosts = new BigDecimal(5200) .setScale(BIGDECIMAL_SCALE); BigDecimal durationParamCosts = getDurationParamCosts(1300, 1, BigDecimal.ONE); // with all factors and multipliers no error situation testSimplePeriod1BeginOfJanuaryBase(testMonth, testDay, parametersAndOptionsCosts.add(durationParamCosts).setScale( PriceConverter.NORMALIZED_PRICE_SCALING, RoundingMode.HALF_UP), ""); xmlValidator.validateBillingResultXML(); }
Example #12
Source File: From tlaplus with MIT License | 6 votes |
public static final void reportSuccess(final long numOfDistinctStates, final long actualDistance, final long numOfGenStates) throws IOException { // Prevent div-by-zero when calculating collision probabilities when no states // are generated. if (numOfDistinctStates == numOfGenStates && numOfGenStates == 0) { // When the number of states is zero, printing a collision probability is // useless anyway. But the Toolbox will probably crash if omitted. MP.printMessage(EC.TLC_SUCCESS, new String[] { "val = 0.0", "val = 0.0" }); return; } // shown as 'calculated' in Toolbox final String optimisticProbStr = "val = " + ProbabilityToString(calculateOptimisticProbability(numOfDistinctStates, numOfGenStates), 2); // shown as 'observed' in Toolbox final BigDecimal actualProb = BigDecimal.valueOf(1d).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(actualDistance), new MathContext(2)); final String actualProbStr = "val = " + ProbabilityToString(actualProb.doubleValue(), 2); MP.printMessage(EC.TLC_SUCCESS, new String[] { optimisticProbStr, actualProbStr }); }
Example #13
Source File: From hyena with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 计算delta(变动)部分在积分块中的所占成本 * * @param rec 积分块 * @param delta 变动部分 * @return 所占成本 */ public BigDecimal accountCost(PointRecPo rec, BigDecimal delta) { BigDecimal cost = DecimalUtils.ZERO; if (rec.getTotalCost() == null || DecimalUtils.lte(rec.getTotalCost(), DecimalUtils.ZERO)) { // 积分块没有成本时直接返回0 return cost; } else if (DecimalUtils.lte(rec.getAvailable(), delta)) { // 不够抵扣时返回剩余的全部 cost = this.getAvailableCost(rec); } else { // 按比例计算 cost = delta.multiply(rec.getTotalCost()).divide(rec.getTotal()) .setScale(DecimalUtils.SCALE_2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); } return cost; }
Example #14
Source File: From birt with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 5 votes |
public void testValidateValue( ) throws PropertyValueException { assertEquals( null, type.validateValue( design, null, propDefn, null ) ); assertEquals( null, type.validateValue( design, null, propDefn, "" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ assertEquals( 12.34d, ( (Double) type.validateValue( design, null, propDefn, new Double( 12.34d ) ) ).doubleValue( ), 2 ); assertEquals( 12.34d, ( (Double) type.validateValue( design, null, propDefn, new Float( 12.34f ) ) ).doubleValue( ), 2 ); assertEquals( 12.34d, ( (Double) type.validateValue( design, null, propDefn, new BigDecimal( 12.34 ) ) ).doubleValue( ), 2 ); assertEquals( 12, ( (Double) type.validateValue( design, null, propDefn, new Integer( 12 ) ) ).intValue( ) ); assertEquals( 1, ( (Double) type.validateValue( design, null, propDefn, new Boolean( true ) ) ).intValue( ) ); assertEquals( 0, ( (Double) type.validateValue( design, null, propDefn, new Boolean( false ) ) ).intValue( ) ); // String ThreadResources.setLocale( ULocale.ENGLISH ); assertEquals( 1234.123d, ( (Double) type.validateValue( design, null, propDefn, "1,234.123" ) ).doubleValue( ), 3 ); //$NON-NLS-1$ assertEquals( 1234.123d, ( (Double) type.validateValue( design, null, propDefn, "1234.123" ) ).doubleValue( ), 3 ); //$NON-NLS-1$ }
Example #15
Source File: From SB_Elsinore_Server with MIT License | 5 votes |
public BigDecimal convertF(BigDecimal temp) { if (this.scale.equals("C")) { return cToF(temp); } return temp; }
Example #16
Source File: From OSPREY3 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public static String formatBigLn(BigDecimal f) { if (f == null) { return "null"; } else if (MathTools.isZero(f)) { return "0"; } else { MathContext mathContext = new MathContext(16, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); BoltzmannCalculator bcalc = new BoltzmannCalculator(mathContext); return String.format("%9.4f", bcalc.ln1p(f)); } }
Example #17
Source File: From hermes with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 创建 债权标 虚拟产品 * @param repay * @return */ public Product generateVirtualProduct(Repay repay) throws Exception{ Boolean existsFlag = false; Product virtualProcut = new Product(); try{ List<Product> lists = productService.findByStatusIn(Product.Status.YLTX_CREDIT_PROCD); if(lists!=null && lists.size()>0){ virtualProcut = lists.get(0); existsFlag = true; } }catch(Exception e){ existsFlag = false; } if(!existsFlag){ virtualProcut.setRepay(repay); virtualProcut.setName("债权转让产品"); virtualProcut.setCode("00"); virtualProcut.setAmount("0"); virtualProcut.setPeriod("0"); virtualProcut.setRate("0"); virtualProcut.setDeadline(0); virtualProcut.setManageFee(BigDecimal.ZERO); virtualProcut.setManageFeeType(""); virtualProcut.setStatus(Product.Status.YLTX_CREDIT_PROCD); virtualProcut.setStartingAmt(new BigDecimal("1")); virtualProcut.setDescription("易联标虚拟产品配置初始化"); Product savedProduct=; if(savedProduct !=null){"易联标虚拟产品配置初始化成功"); virtualProcut = savedProduct; // 设置产品对应的 费率 initCreditRate(savedProduct, new BigDecimal(HermesConstants.YLTX_CREDIT_LEND_FEE), Rate.RateType.LOAN); initCreditRate(savedProduct, new BigDecimal(HermesConstants.YLTX_CREDIT_RISK_FEE), Rate.RateType.RISK); } } return virtualProcut; }
Example #18
Source File: From Java-EE-8-Sampler with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void givenBeanWithNegativeFields_shouldNotValidate() { Numbers numbers = new Numbers(); numbers.setABigDecimal(BigDecimal.valueOf(-1)); numbers.setAPrimitiveNumber(-5); LongAdder longAdder = new LongAdder(); longAdder.add(-5); numbers.setALongAdder(longAdder); Set<ConstraintViolation<Numbers>> constraintViolations = validator.validate(numbers); assertThat(constraintViolations.size()).isEqualTo(3); }
Example #19
Source File: From yes-cart with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String getGiftSupplier(final String sku, final ShoppingCart cart, final BigDecimal qty) { final long shopId = cart.getShoppingContext().getCustomerShopId(); final Map<String, Warehouse> warehouses = warehouseService.getByShopIdMapped(shopId, false); for (final Warehouse warehouse : warehouses.values()) { final SkuWarehouse inventory = inventoryResolver.findByWarehouseSku(warehouse, sku); if (inventory != null && inventory.isAvailableToSell(qty, true)) { return warehouse.getCode(); } } return null; }
Example #20
Source File: From shopify-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public AvailableStep withWeight(final BigDecimal weight) { final long grams = weight.setScale(ZERO, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).longValueExact(); if (doesNotEqual(shopifyVariant.getGrams(), grams)) { shopifyVariant.setGrams(grams); changed = true; } return this; }
Example #21
Source File: From axelor-open-suite with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
protected InvoiceLineGenerator( Invoice invoice, Product product, String productName, BigDecimal price, BigDecimal inTaxPrice, BigDecimal priceDiscounted, String description, BigDecimal qty, Unit unit, TaxLine taxLine, int sequence, BigDecimal discountAmount, int discountTypeSelect, BigDecimal exTaxTotal, BigDecimal inTaxTotal, boolean isTaxInvoice) { this(invoice, product, productName, description, qty, unit, sequence, isTaxInvoice); this.price = price; this.inTaxPrice = inTaxPrice; this.priceDiscounted = priceDiscounted; this.taxLine = taxLine; this.discountTypeSelect = discountTypeSelect; this.discountAmount = discountAmount; this.exTaxTotal = exTaxTotal; this.inTaxTotal = inTaxTotal; }
Example #22
Source File: From org.hl7.fhir.core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Create a new ID, using a BigDecimal input. Uses * {@link BigDecimal#toPlainString()} to generate the string representation. */ public IdType(BigDecimal thePid) { if (thePid != null) { setValue(toPlainStringWithNpeThrowIfNeeded(thePid)); } else { setValue(null); } }
Example #23
Source File: From andhow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testParse() throws ParsingException { assertNull(type.parse(null)); assertEquals(BigDecimal.ZERO, type.parse("0")); assertEquals(BigDecimal.ONE, type.parse("1")); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("12.34567"), type.parse("12.34567")); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("-300.724578"), type.parse("-300.724578")); }
Example #24
Source File: From aw-reporting with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public BigDecimal getActiveViewCtrBigDecimal() { return activeViewCtr; }
Example #25
Source File: From roncoo-education with MIT License | 4 votes |
public BigDecimal getTotalIncome() { return totalIncome; }
Example #26
Source File: From HIS with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void setTestAmount(BigDecimal testAmount) { this.testAmount = testAmount; }
Example #27
Source File: From sdk-rest with MIT License | 4 votes |
@JsonProperty("customFloat13") public void setCustomFloat13(BigDecimal customFloat13) { this.customFloat13 = customFloat13; }
Example #28
Source File: From HIS with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Criteria andExcuteDispositionAmountIn(List<BigDecimal> values) { addCriterion("excute_disposition_amount in", values, "excuteDispositionAmount"); return (Criteria) this; }
Example #29
Source File: From px-android with MIT License | 4 votes |
public BigDecimal getTransactionAmountRefunded() { return transactionAmountRefunded; }
Example #30
Source File: From freehealth-connector with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
public BigDecimal getMin() { return this.min; }