org.joda.time.base.BaseLocal Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From jfixture with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Override public Object create(Object request, SpecimenContext context) { if (!(request instanceof SpecimenType)) { return new NoSpecimen(); } SpecimenType type = (SpecimenType) request; if (!BaseLocal.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getRawType())) { return new NoSpecimen(); } Date date = (Date) context.resolve(Date.class); long instant = date.getTime(); try { return type.getRawType().getDeclaredConstructor(long.class).newInstance(instant); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new NoSpecimen(); } }
Example #2
Source File: From beanmother with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public boolean canHandle(Object source, TypeToken<?> targetTypeToken) { return targetTypeToken.isSubtypeOf(BaseLocal.class) && stringToDateConverter.canHandle(source, TypeToken.of(Date.class)); }
Example #3
Source File: From beanmother with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public boolean canHandle(Object source, TypeToken<?> targetTypeToken) { return targetTypeToken.isSubtypeOf(BaseLocal.class) && (source instanceof Date); }
Example #4
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override protected StackManipulation convertDateTime(TypeDescriptor<?> type) { // The setter might be called with a different subclass of ReadableInstant than the one stored // in this POJO. We must extract the value passed into the setter and copy it into an instance // that the POJO can accept. // Generate the following code: // return new T(value.getMillis()); // Unless T is a sub-class of BaseLocal. Then generate: // return new T(value.getMillis(), DateTimeZone.UTC); ForLoadedType loadedType = new ForLoadedType(type.getRawType()); List<StackManipulation> stackManipulations = new ArrayList<>(); // Create a new instance of the target type. stackManipulations.add(TypeCreation.of(loadedType)); stackManipulations.add(Duplication.SINGLE); // Load the parameter and cast it to a ReadableInstant. stackManipulations.add(readValue); stackManipulations.add(; // Call ReadableInstant.getMillis to extract the millis since the epoch. stackManipulations.add( MethodInvocation.invoke( READABLE_INSTANT_TYPE .getDeclaredMethods() .filter(ElementMatchers.named("getMillis")) .getOnly())); if (type.isSubtypeOf(TypeDescriptor.of(BaseLocal.class))) { // Access DateTimeZone.UTC stackManipulations.add( FieldAccess.forField( DATE_TIME_ZONE_TYPE .getDeclaredFields() .filter(ElementMatchers.named("UTC")) .getOnly()) .read()); // All subclasses of BaseLocal contain a ()(long, DateTimeZone) constructor // that takes in a millis and time zone argument. Call that constructor of the field to // initialize it. stackManipulations.add( MethodInvocation.invoke( loadedType .getDeclaredMethods() .filter( ElementMatchers.isConstructor() .and( ElementMatchers.takesArguments( ForLoadedType.of(long.class), DATE_TIME_ZONE_TYPE))) .getOnly())); } else { // All subclasses of ReadableInstant and ReadablePartial contain a ()(long) constructor // that takes in a millis argument. Call that constructor of the field to initialize it. stackManipulations.add( MethodInvocation.invoke( loadedType .getDeclaredMethods() .filter( ElementMatchers.isConstructor() .and(ElementMatchers.takesArguments(ForLoadedType.of(long.class)))) .getOnly())); } StackManipulation stackManipulation = new Compound(stackManipulations); return new ShortCircuitReturnNull(readValue, stackManipulation); }