org.opengis.metadata.citation.Citation Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.opengis.metadata.citation.Citation. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests serialization.
public void testSerialization() {
    assertSame(ID,   assertSerializedEquals(ID));
    assertSame(UUID, assertSerializedEquals(UUID));
    assertSame(HREF, assertSerializedEquals(HREF));

    final List<Identifier> identifiers = new ArrayList<>();
    final Map<Citation,String> map = new IdentifierMapAdapter(identifiers);
    assertTrue(identifiers.add(new IdentifierMapEntry(ID,   "myID")));
    assertTrue(identifiers.add(new IdentifierMapEntry(UUID, "myUUID")));

    final Map<Citation,String> copy = assertSerializedEquals(map);
    assertNotSame(map, copy);
    assertEquals(2, copy.size());
Example #2
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     * Tests the constructor with the {@link DefaultCitation} implementation.
     * The order of properties shall be the order declared in the {@code XmlType.propOrder} annotation.
     * This test may need to be updated if a future GeoAPI release modifies the {@link Citation} interface.
     * Other tests that depends on {@link Citation} property order are {@link NameMapTest#testEntrySet()},
     * {@link TypeMapTest#testEntrySet()} and most tests in {@link ValueMapTest}.
     * @see NameMapTest#testEntrySet()
     * @see TypeMapTest#testEntrySet()
     * @see ValueMapTest
    public void testConstructor() {
        //……Declaring type………Method………………………………………………………………JavaBeans………………………………………………UML identifier……………………………Sentence………………………………………………………Type………………………………………………………………
            Citation.class, "getTitle",                   "title",                   "title",                 "Title",                      InternationalString.class,
            Citation.class, "getAlternateTitles",         "alternateTitles",         "alternateTitle",        "Alternate titles",           InternationalString[].class,
            Citation.class, "getDates",                   "dates",                   "date",                  "Dates",                      CitationDate[].class,
            Citation.class, "getEdition",                 "edition",                 "edition",               "Edition",                    InternationalString.class,
            Citation.class, "getEditionDate",             "editionDate",             "editionDate",           "Edition date",               Date.class,
            Citation.class, "getIdentifiers",             "identifiers",             "identifier",            "Identifiers",                Identifier[].class,
            Citation.class, "getCitedResponsibleParties", "citedResponsibleParties", "citedResponsibleParty", "Cited responsible parties",  ResponsibleParty[].class,
            Citation.class, "getPresentationForms",       "presentationForms",       "presentationForm",      "Presentation forms",         PresentationForm[].class,
            Citation.class, "getSeries",                  "series",                  "series",                "Series",                     Series.class,
            Citation.class, "getOtherCitationDetails",    "otherCitationDetails",    "otherCitationDetails",  "Other citation details",     InternationalString.class,
//          Citation.class, "getCollectiveTitle",         "collectiveTitle",         "collectiveTitle",       "Collective title",           InternationalString.class,   -- deprecated as of ISO 19115:2014
            Citation.class, "getISBN",                    "ISBN",                    "ISBN",                  "ISBN",                       String.class,
            Citation.class, "getISSN",                    "ISSN",                    "ISSN",                  "ISSN",                       String.class,
     DefaultCitation.class, "getOnlineResources",         "onlineResources",         "onlineResource",        "Online resources",           OnlineResource[].class,
     DefaultCitation.class, "getGraphics",                "graphics",                "graphic",               "Graphics",                   BrowseGraphic[].class);
Example #3
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 * Constructs a new instance initialized with the values from the specified metadata object.
 * This is a <cite>shallow</cite> copy constructor, since the other metadata contained in the
 * given object are not recursively copied.
 * @param  object  the metadata to copy values from, or {@code null} if none.
 * @see #castOrCopy(ProcessStep)
public DefaultProcessStep(final ProcessStep object) {
    if (object != null) {
        description           = object.getDescription();
        rationale             = object.getRationale();
        stepDateTime          = TemporalUtilities.createInstant(object.getDate());
        processors            = copyCollection(object.getProcessors(), ResponsibleParty.class);
        sources               = copyCollection(object.getSources(), Source.class);
        outputs               = copyCollection(object.getOutputs(), Source.class);
        processingInformation = object.getProcessingInformation();
        reports               = copyCollection(object.getReports(), ProcessStepReport.class);
        if (object instanceof DefaultProcessStep) {
            references = copyCollection(((DefaultProcessStep) object).getReferences(), Citation.class);
            scope      = ((DefaultProcessStep) object).getScope();
Example #4
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 * Returns the mapping between parameter identifiers and parameter names as defined by the given authority.
 * This method assumes that the identifiers of all parameters defined by that authority are numeric.
 * Examples of authorities defining numeric parameters are EPSG and GeoTIFF.
 * <p>The map returned by this method is modifiable. Callers are free to add or remove entries.</p>
 * @param  parameters  the parameters for which to get a mapping from identifiers to names.
 * @param  authority   the authority defining the parameters.
 * @return mapping from parameter identifiers to parameter names defined by the given authority.
 * @throws NumberFormatException if a parameter identifier of the given authority is not numeric.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the same identifier is used for two or more parameters.
public static Map<Integer,String> identifierToName(final ParameterDescriptorGroup parameters, final Citation authority) {
    final Map<Integer,String> mapping = new HashMap<>();
    for (final GeneralParameterDescriptor descriptor : parameters.descriptors()) {
        final Identifier id = IdentifiedObjects.getIdentifier(descriptor, authority);
        if (id != null) {
            String name = IdentifiedObjects.getName(descriptor, authority);
            if (name == null) {
                name = IdentifiedObjects.getName(descriptor, null);
            if (mapping.put(Integer.valueOf(id.getCode()), name) != null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.DuplicatedIdentifier_1, id));
    return mapping;
Example #5
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 * Determines whether a match or mismatch is found between the two given collections of identifiers.
 * If any of the given collections is {@code null} or empty, then this method returns {@code null}.
 * <p>According ISO 19162 (<cite>Well known text representation of coordinate reference systems</cite>),
 * {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.AbstractIdentifiedObject#getIdentifiers() identifiers} should have precedence over
 * {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.AbstractIdentifiedObject#getName() name} for identifying {@code IdentifiedObject}s,
 * at least in the case of {@linkplain org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.DefaultOperationMethod operation methods} and
 * {@linkplain org.apache.sis.parameter.AbstractParameterDescriptor parameters}.</p>
 * @param  id1  the first collection of identifiers, or {@code null}.
 * @param  id2  the second collection of identifiers, or {@code null}.
 * @return {@code TRUE} or {@code FALSE} on match or mismatch respectively, or {@code null} if this method
 *         can not determine if there is a match or mismatch.
public static Boolean hasCommonIdentifier(final Iterable<? extends ReferenceIdentifier> id1,
                                          final Iterable<? extends ReferenceIdentifier> id2)
    if (id1 != null && id2 != null) {
        boolean hasFound = false;
        for (final ReferenceIdentifier identifier : id1) {
            final Citation authority = identifier.getAuthority();
            final String   codeSpace = identifier.getCodeSpace();
            for (final Identifier other : id2) {
                if (authorityMatches(identifier, authority, codeSpace)) {
                    if (CharSequences.equalsFiltered(identifier.getCode(), other.getCode(), Characters.Filter.UNICODE_IDENTIFIER, true)) {
                        return Boolean.TRUE;
                    hasFound = true;
        if (hasFound) {
            return Boolean.FALSE;
    return null;
Example #6
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 * Returns a hard-coded metadata filled with the data referenced by the specified identifier.
 * Alternatively, this method can also return a {@code CodeList} or {@code Enum} element.
 * @param  <T>         the parameterized type of the {@code type} argument.
 * @param  type        the interface to implement, or {@code CodeList} or some {@code Enum} types.
 * @param  identifier  the identifier of hard-coded values for the metadata entity to be returned.
 * @return an implementation of the required interface, or the code list element.
public <T> T lookup(final Class<T> type, final String identifier) {
    ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("type", type);
    ArgumentChecks.ensureNonEmpty("identifier", identifier);
    Object value;
    if (CodeList.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
        value = getCodeList(type, identifier);
    } else {
        value = null;
        if (type == Citation.class) {
            value = createCitation(identifier);
        if (value == null) {
            return NilReason.MISSING.createNilObject(type);
    return type.cast(value);
Example #7
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 * Tests the handling of duplicated authorities.
public void testDuplicatedAuthorities() {
    final List<Identifier> identifiers = new ArrayList<>();
    assertTrue(identifiers.add(new IdentifierMapEntry(ID,   "myID1")));
    assertTrue(identifiers.add(new IdentifierMapEntry(UUID, "myUUID")));
    assertTrue(identifiers.add(new IdentifierMapEntry(ID,   "myID2")));

    final IdentifierMap map = new ModifiableIdentifierMap(identifiers);
    assertEquals("Duplicated authorities shall be filtered.", 2, map.size());
    assertEquals("Duplicated authorities shall still exist.", 3, identifiers.size());
    assertEquals("myID1",  map.get(ID));
    assertEquals("myUUID", map.get(UUID));

    final Iterator<Citation> it = map.keySet().iterator();
    assertFalse("Duplicated authority shall have been removed.", it.hasNext());

    assertEquals(1, identifiers.size());
    assertEquals(1, map.size());
Example #8
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 * Tests parsing of a free text in a non-standard variant.
 * We continue to support this format for compatibility reason, but
 * also because it is more compact and closer to what we would expect
 * inside a {@code <textGroup>} node.
 * @throws JAXBException if the XML in this test can not be parsed by JAXB.
public void testNonStandard() throws JAXBException {
    final String legacy =
            "<cit:CI_Citation xmlns:lan=\"" + Namespaces.LAN + '"'
                          + " xmlns:cit=\"" + Namespaces.CIT + '"'
                          + " xmlns:gco=\"" + Namespaces.GCO + '"'
                          + " xmlns:xsi=\"" + Namespaces.XSI + "\">\n" +
            "  <cit:title xsi:type=\"lan:PT_FreeText_PropertyType\">\n" +
            "    <gco:CharacterString>OpenSource Project</gco:CharacterString>\n" +
            "    <lan:PT_FreeText>\n" +
            "      <lan:textGroup>\n" +
            "        <lan:LocalisedCharacterString locale=\"#locale-eng\">OpenSource Project</lan:LocalisedCharacterString>\n" +
            "        <lan:LocalisedCharacterString locale=\"#locale-ita\">Progetto OpenSource</lan:LocalisedCharacterString>\n" +
            "        <lan:LocalisedCharacterString locale=\"#locale-fra\">Projet OpenSource</lan:LocalisedCharacterString>\n" +
            "      </lan:textGroup>\n" +
            "    </lan:PT_FreeText>\n" +
            "  </cit:title>\n" +

    final Citation citation = unmarshal(Citation.class, legacy);
    assertEquals(getExpectedI18N(), citation.getTitle());
Example #9
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 * Returns the metadata (optionally as an unmodifiable object), or {@code null} if none.
 * If {@code freeze} is {@code true}, then the returned metadata instance can not be modified.
 * @param  freeze  {@code true} if this method should set the returned metadata to
 *                 {@link DefaultMetadata.State#FINAL}, or {@code false} for leaving the metadata editable.
 * @return the metadata, or {@code null} if none.
public final DefaultMetadata build(final boolean freeze) {
    final DefaultMetadata md = metadata;
    metadata = null;
    if (md != null) {
        if (standardISO != 0) {
            List<Citation> c = Citations.ISO_19115;
            if (standardISO == 1) {
                c = Collections.singletonList(c.get(0));
        if (freeze) {
    return md;
Example #10
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 * Constructs a new instance initialized with the values from the specified metadata object.
 * This is a <cite>shallow</cite> copy constructor, since the other metadata contained in the
 * given object are not recursively copied.
 * @param  object  the metadata to copy values from, or {@code null} if none.
 * @see #castOrCopy(Lineage)
public DefaultLineage(final Lineage object) {
    if (object != null) {
        statement               = object.getStatement();
        processSteps            = copyCollection(object.getProcessSteps(), ProcessStep.class);
        sources                 = copyCollection(object.getSources(), Source.class);
        if (object instanceof DefaultLineage) {
            scope                   = ((DefaultLineage) object).getScope();
            additionalDocumentation = copyCollection(((DefaultLineage) object).getAdditionalDocumentation(), Citation.class);
Example #11
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 * Creates a new {@code PropertyInformation} instance from the annotations on the given getter method.
 * @param  standard     the international standard that define the property, or {@code null} if none.
 * @param  property     the property name as defined by the international {@code standard}.
 * @param  getter       the getter method defined in the interface.
 * @param  elementType  the value type, either the method return type if not a collection,
 *                      or the type of elements in the collection otherwise.
 * @param  range        the range of valid values, or {@code null} if none. This information is associated to the
 *                      implementation method rather than the interface one, because it is specific to SIS.
PropertyInformation(final Citation standard, final String property, final Method getter,
        final Class<E> elementType, final ValueRange range)
    super(standard, property, getter.isAnnotationPresent(Deprecated.class));
    parent = getter.getDeclaringClass();
    this.elementType = elementType;
    final UML uml = getter.getAnnotation(UML.class);
    byte minimumOccurs = 0;
    byte maximumOccurs = 1;
    if (uml != null) {
        switch (uml.obligation()) {
            case MANDATORY:   minimumOccurs =  1; break;
            case FORBIDDEN:   maximumOccurs =  0; break;
            case CONDITIONAL: minimumOccurs = -1; break;
    if (maximumOccurs != 0) {
        final Class<?> c = getter.getReturnType();
        if (c.isArray() || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
            maximumOccurs = -1;
    this.minimumOccurs = minimumOccurs;
    this.maximumOccurs = maximumOccurs;
    this.domainValue   = range;
Example #12
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 * Tests a simple case for a missing data.
 * @throws JAXBException if an error occurred during (un)marshalling.
public void testMissing() throws JAXBException {
    final String expected =
            "<cit:CI_Citation xmlns:cit=\"" + Namespaces.CIT + '"' +
                            " xmlns:gco=\"" + Namespaces.GCO + "\">\n" +
            "  <cit:title>\n" +
            "    <gco:CharacterString>A title</gco:CharacterString>\n" +
            "  </cit:title>\n" +
            "  <cit:series gco:nilReason=\"missing\"/>\n" +

    final Citation citation = unmarshal(Citation.class, expected);
    assertTitleEquals("citation", "A title", citation);

    final Series series = citation.getSeries();
    assertInstanceOf("Should have instantiated a proxy.", NilObject.class, series);

    final NilReason reason = ((NilObject) series).getNilReason();
    assertSame("nilReason", NilReason.MISSING, reason);
    assertNull("NilReason.explanation", reason.getOtherExplanation());
    assertNull("NilReason.URI",         reason.getURI());

    assertEquals("Series[missing]", series.toString());
    assertNull("All attributes are expected to be null.", series.getName());

    final String actual = marshal(citation);
    assertXmlEquals(expected, actual, "xmlns:*");
    assertEquals(citation, unmarshal(Citation.class, actual));
Example #13
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 * Tests the comparison of {@link NilObject} instances.
public void testNilObjectComparison() {
    final Citation e1 = NilReason.TEMPLATE.createNilObject(Citation.class);
    final Citation e2 = NilReason.MISSING .createNilObject(Citation.class);
    final Citation e3 = NilReason.TEMPLATE.createNilObject(Citation.class);
    assertEquals("NilObject.hashCode()", e1.hashCode(), e3.hashCode());
    assertFalse ("NilObject.hashCode()", e1.hashCode() == e2.hashCode());
    assertEquals("NilObject.equals(Object)", e1, e3);
    assertFalse ("NilObject.equals(Object)", e1.equals(e2));

    assertInstanceOf("e1", LenientComparable.class, e1);
    final LenientComparable c = (LenientComparable) e1;
    assertTrue (c.equals(e3, ComparisonMode.STRICT));
    assertFalse(c.equals(e2, ComparisonMode.STRICT));
    assertFalse(c.equals(e2, ComparisonMode.BY_CONTRACT));
    assertTrue (c.equals(e2, ComparisonMode.IGNORE_METADATA));
    assertTrue (c.equals(e2, ComparisonMode.APPROXIMATE));
    assertTrue (c.equals(e2, ComparisonMode.DEBUG));

    // Following object should alway be different because it does not implement the same interface.
    final ResponsibleParty r1 = NilReason.TEMPLATE.createNilObject(ResponsibleParty.class);
    assertFalse(c.equals(r1, ComparisonMode.STRICT));
    assertFalse(c.equals(r1, ComparisonMode.BY_CONTRACT));
    assertFalse(c.equals(r1, ComparisonMode.IGNORE_METADATA));
    assertFalse(c.equals(r1, ComparisonMode.APPROXIMATE));
    assertFalse(c.equals(r1, ComparisonMode.DEBUG));
Example #14
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 * Tests {@link DefaultDataIdentification#asMap()}, in particular on the {@code "language"} property.
 * This property still use the UML identifier of ISO 19115:2003.
public void testValueMap() {
    final DefaultDataIdentification info = create();
    final Map<String,Object> map = info.asMap();
    assertEquals("abstract", "Global 5.0 x 2.5 degree model data", map.get("abstract").toString());
    assertTitleEquals("title", "Sea Surface Temperature Analysis Model", (Citation) map.get("citation"));
    assertEquals("spatialRepresentationType", singleton(SpatialRepresentationType.GRID), map.get("spatialRepresentationType"));

    final Locale[] locales = {Locale.US, Locale.FRENCH};
    assertArrayEquals("language",     locales, ((Collection<?>) map.get("language")).toArray());
    assertArrayEquals("languages",    locales, ((Collection<?>) map.get("languages")).toArray());
    assertArrayEquals("getLanguages", locales, ((Collection<?>) map.get("getLanguages")).toArray());
Example #15
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 * Checks the value returned by {@link CommonAuthorityFactory#getAuthority()}.
public void testAuthority() {
    final Citation authority = factory.getAuthority();
    assertTrue (Citations.identifierMatches(authority, "WMS"));
    assertFalse(Citations.identifierMatches(authority, "OGP"));
    assertFalse(Citations.identifierMatches(authority, "EPSG"));
    assertEquals(Constants.OGC, Citations.toCodeSpace(authority));
Example #16
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 * Tests {@link MetadataCopier#copy(Class, Object)}.
public void testCopyWithType() {
    final MetadataCopier copier = new MetadataCopier(MetadataStandard.ISO_19115);
    final DefaultCitation original = HardCodedCitations.EPSG;
    final Citation copy = copier.copy(Citation.class, original);
    assertNotSame(original, copy);
    assertEquals(original, copy);
Example #17
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 * Returns citation information about the associated resource, or {@code null} if none.
 * @return Citation information about the associated resource, or {@code null} if none.
@XmlElement(name = "name")
@UML(identifier="name", obligation=CONDITIONAL, specification=ISO_19115)
public Citation getName() {
    return name;
Example #18
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 * Constructs a new instance initialized with the values from the specified metadata object.
 * This is a <cite>shallow</cite> copy constructor, since the other metadata contained in the
 * given object are not recursively copied.
 * @param  object  the metadata to copy values from, or {@code null} if none.
public DefaultCoupledResource(final DefaultCoupledResource object) {
    if (object != null) {
        this.scopedName         = object.getScopedName();
        this.resourceReferences = copyCollection(object.getResourceReferences(), Citation.class);
        this.resources          = copyCollection(object.getResources(), DataIdentification.class);
        this.operation          = object.getOperation();
Example #19
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 * Creates the service identification to use for testing purpose.
private static DefaultServiceIdentification create() {
    final NameFactory factory = DefaultFactories.forBuildin(NameFactory.class);
    final DefaultCoupledResource resource = DefaultCoupledResourceTest.create(factory);
    resource.setResourceReferences(singleton(new DefaultCitation("WMS specification")));
    final DefaultServiceIdentification id = new DefaultServiceIdentification(
            factory.createGenericName(null, "Web Map Server"),      // serviceType
            NilReason.MISSING.createNilObject(Citation.class),      // citation
            "A dummy service for testing purpose.");                // abstract
    return id;
Example #20
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 * Tests hash code computation of an object containing another metadata object.
public void testNested() {
    final InternationalString   title    = new SimpleInternationalString("Some title");
    final InternationalString   person   = new SimpleInternationalString("Illustre inconnu");
    final DefaultIndividual     party    = new DefaultIndividual(person, null, null);
    final DefaultResponsibleParty resp   = new DefaultResponsibleParty(Role.AUTHOR);
    final DefaultCitation       instance = new DefaultCitation(title);
     * Individual hash code is the sum of all its properties, none of them being a collection.
    int expected = DefaultIndividual.class.hashCode() + person.hashCode();
    assertEquals("Individual", Integer.valueOf(expected), hash(party));
     * The +31 below come from java.util.List contract, since above Individual is a list member.
    expected += ResponsibleParty.class.hashCode() + Role.AUTHOR.hashCode() + 31;
    assertEquals("Responsibility", Integer.valueOf(expected), hash(resp));
     * The +31 below come from java.util.List contract, since above Responsibility is a list member.
    expected += Citation.class.hashCode() + title.hashCode() + 31;
    assertEquals("Citation", Integer.valueOf(expected), hash(instance));
Example #21
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 * Tests {@link TypeMap#get(Object)} on a well known metadata type for various {@link TypeValuePolicy}.
public void testGet() {
    final MetadataStandard standard = MetadataStandard.ISO_19115;
    final KeyNamePolicy keyPolicy = KeyNamePolicy.JAVABEANS_PROPERTY;
    Map<String, Class<?>> types;

    types = standard.asTypeMap(DefaultCitation.class, keyPolicy, TypeValuePolicy.PROPERTY_TYPE);
    assertEquals(InternationalString.class, types.get("title"));
    assertEquals(Collection.class,          types.get("alternateTitles"));

    types = standard.asTypeMap(DefaultCitation.class, keyPolicy, TypeValuePolicy.ELEMENT_TYPE);
    assertEquals(InternationalString.class, types.get("title"));
    assertEquals(InternationalString.class, types.get("alternateTitles"));

    types = standard.asTypeMap(DefaultCitation.class, keyPolicy, TypeValuePolicy.DECLARING_INTERFACE);
    assertEquals(Citation.class, types.get("title"));
    assertEquals(Citation.class, types.get("alternateTitles"));

    types = standard.asTypeMap(DefaultCitation.class, keyPolicy, TypeValuePolicy.DECLARING_CLASS);
    assertEquals(DefaultCitation.class, types.get("title"));
    assertEquals(DefaultCitation.class, types.get("alternateTitles"));

     * Tests declaring classes/interfaces again, now with metadata having a class hierarchy.
    types = standard.asTypeMap(DefaultGeographicDescription.class, keyPolicy, TypeValuePolicy.DECLARING_INTERFACE);
    assertEquals(GeographicDescription.class, types.get("geographicIdentifier"));
    assertEquals(GeographicExtent.class,      types.get("inclusion"));

    types = standard.asTypeMap(DefaultGeographicDescription.class, keyPolicy, TypeValuePolicy.DECLARING_CLASS);
    assertEquals(DefaultGeographicDescription.class, types.get("geographicIdentifier"));
    assertEquals(AbstractGeographicExtent.class,     types.get("inclusion"));
Example #22
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 * Tests {@link Citations#fromName(String)}.
 * @throws IllegalAccessException should never happen since we asked only for public fields.
public void testFromName() throws IllegalAccessException {
    assertSame(SIS,              fromName(Constants.SIS));
    assertSame(OGC,              fromName(Constants.OGC));   // Success of this test is important for remaining of SIS.
    assertSame(EPSG,             fromName(Constants.EPSG));  // Success of this test is important for remaining of SIS.
    assertSame(IOGP,             fromName(Constants.IOGP));
    assertSame(IOGP,             fromName("OGP"));
    assertSame(ESRI,             fromName("ESRI"));          // Handled in a way very similar to "OGC".
    assertSame(NETCDF,           fromName("NetCDF"));
    assertSame(GEOTIFF,          fromName(Constants.GEOTIFF));
    assertSame(PROJ4,            fromName("Proj.4"));
    assertSame(PROJ4,            fromName("Proj4"));
    assertSame(MAP_INFO,         fromName("MapInfo"));
    assertSame(S57,              fromName("S-57"));
    assertSame(S57,              fromName("S57"));
    assertSame(ISBN,             fromName("ISBN"));
    assertSame(ISSN,             fromName("ISSN"));
    assertSame(ISO_19115.get(0), fromName("ISO 19115-1"));
    assertSame(ISO_19115.get(1), fromName("ISO 19115-2"));
    assertSame(WMS,              fromName("WMS"));
    assertSame(WMS,              fromName(Constants.CRS));
     * Verify again, but using reflection for making sure that the field names
     * are consistent and that we did not forgot any citation constant.
    for (final Field field : Citations.class.getFields()) {
        if (Citation.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {
            final String name = field.getName();
            assertSame(name, field.get(null), Citations.fromName(name));
Example #23
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 * Constructs a new instance initialized with the values from the specified metadata object.
 * This is a <cite>shallow</cite> copy constructor, since the other metadata contained in the
 * given object are not recursively copied.
 * @param  object  the metadata to copy values from, or {@code null} if none.
 * @see #castOrCopy(Processing)
public DefaultProcessing(final Processing object) {
    if (object != null) {
        identifiers          = singleton(object.getIdentifier(), Identifier.class);
        softwareReferences   = copyCollection(object.getSoftwareReferences(), Citation.class);
        procedureDescription = object.getProcedureDescription();
        documentations       = copyCollection(object.getDocumentations(), Citation.class);
        runTimeParameters    = object.getRunTimeParameters();
        algorithms           = copyCollection(object.getAlgorithms(), Algorithm.class);
Example #24
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 * Tests {@link TreeNode#newChild()}.
public void testNewChild() {
    final DefaultCitation citation = metadataWithHierarchy();
    final TreeNode node = create(citation, Citation.class);
     * Ensure that we can not overwrite existing nodes.
    TreeTable.Node child = node.newChild();
    child.setValue(TableColumn.IDENTIFIER, "title");
    try {
        child.setValue(TableColumn.VALUE, "A new title");
        fail("Attemps to overwrite an existing value shall fail.");
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
     * Clear the title and try again. This time, it shall work.
    child = node.newChild();
    child.setValue(TableColumn.IDENTIFIER, "title");
    child.setValue(TableColumn.VALUE, "A new title");
    assertTitleEquals("citation", "A new title", citation);
    assertSame(citation.getTitle(), child.getValue(TableColumn.VALUE));
     * Try adding a new element in a collection.
     * Note that the code below imply a conversion from String to InternationalString.
    child = node.newChild();
    child.setValue(TableColumn.IDENTIFIER, "alternateTitle");
    child.setValue(TableColumn.VALUE, "Third alternate title");
    assertEquals(3, citation.getAlternateTitles().size());
    assertEquals("Third alternate title", child.getValue(TableColumn.VALUE).toString());
Example #25
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Sets the convention, authority, colors and indentation to use for formatting WKT elements.
 * This method does not validate the argument — validation must be done by the caller.
 * @param  convention    the convention, or {@code null} for the default value.
 * @param  authority     the authority, or {@code null} for inferring it from the convention.
 * @param  colors        the syntax coloring, or {@code null} if none.
 * @param  toUpperCase   whether keywords shall be converted to upper cases.
 * @param  longKeywords  {@code -1} for short keywords, {@code +1} for long keywords or 0 for the default.
 * @param  indentation   the amount of spaces to use in indentation for WKT formatting, or {@link WKTFormat#SINGLE_LINE}.
 * @param  listSizeLimit maximum number of elements to show in lists, or {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} if unlimited.
final void configure(Convention convention, final Citation authority, final Colors colors,
        final byte toUpperCase, final byte longKeywords, final byte indentation, final int listSizeLimit)
    this.convention     = convention;
    this.authority      = (authority != null) ? authority : convention.getNameAuthority();
    this.colors         = colors;
    this.toUpperCase    = toUpperCase;
    this.longKeywords   = longKeywords;
    this.indentation    = indentation;
    this.listSizeLimit  = listSizeLimit;
    this.transliterator = (convention == Convention.INTERNAL) ? Transliterator.IDENTITY : Transliterator.DEFAULT;
    unitFormat.setLocale(convention.usesCommonUnits ? Locale.US : Locale.ROOT);
Example #26
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Constructs a new instance initialized with the values from the specified metadata object.
 * This is a <cite>shallow</cite> copy constructor, since the other metadata contained in the
 * given object are not recursively copied.
 * @param object  the metadata to copy values from, or {@code null} if none.
 * @see #castOrCopy(Constraints)
public DefaultConstraints(final Constraints object) {
    if (object != null) {
        useLimitations             = copyCollection(object.getUseLimitations(), InternationalString.class);
        if (object instanceof DefaultConstraints) {
            final DefaultConstraints c = (DefaultConstraints) object;
            constraintApplicationScope = c.getConstraintApplicationScope();
            graphics                   = copyCollection(c.getGraphics(), BrowseGraphic.class);
            references                 = copyCollection(c.getReferences(), Citation.class);
            releasability              = c.getReleasability();
            responsibleParties         = copyCollection(c.getResponsibleParties(), DefaultResponsibility.class);
Example #27
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests {@link InformationMap#get(Object)} on a few specific properties of the {@link Citation} type.
 * This test duplicates {@link PropertyInformationTest}, but is done here again as an integration test.
public void testGet() {
    final Map<String,ExtendedElementInformation> map = MetadataStandard.ISO_19115.asInformationMap(
            Citation.class, KeyNamePolicy.JAVABEANS_PROPERTY);
    assertNull("Shall not exists.", map.get("dummy"));
Example #28
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the name of the data transfer format(s).
 * @return name of the data transfer format(s), or {@code null}.
 * @deprecated As of ISO 19115:2014, replaced by
 * <code>{@linkplain #getFormatSpecificationCitation()}.{@linkplain DefaultCitation#getAlternateTitles()
 * getAlternateTitles()}</code>. Note that citation alternate titles are often used for abbreviations.
@XmlElement(name = "name", namespace = LegacyNamespaces.GMD)
public InternationalString getName() {
    if (FilterByVersion.LEGACY_METADATA.accept()) {
        final Citation citation = getFormatSpecificationCitation();
        if (citation != null) {
            return LegacyPropertyAdapter.getSingleton(citation.getAlternateTitles(),
                    InternationalString.class, null, DefaultFormat.class, "getName");
    return null;
Example #29
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the name of a subset, profile, or product specification of the format.
 * @return name of a subset, profile, or product specification of the format, or {@code null}.
 * @deprecated As of ISO 19115:2014, replaced by
 * <code>{@linkplain #getFormatSpecificationCitation()}.{@linkplain DefaultCitation#getTitle() getTitle()}</code>.
@XmlElement(name = "specification", namespace = LegacyNamespaces.GMD)
public InternationalString getSpecification() {
    if (FilterByVersion.LEGACY_METADATA.accept()) {
        final Citation citation = getFormatSpecificationCitation();
        if (citation != null) {
            return citation.getTitle();
    return null;
Example #30
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Formats the given (authority, code) par value in the given buffer.
static void format(final StringBuilder buffer, final Citation authority, final String code) {
    final boolean quote = (code != null) && (code.indexOf('[') < 0);
    if (quote) buffer.append('“');
    if (quote) buffer.append('”');