org.openqa.selenium.json.JsonException Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static Object asAtomLocatorParameter(Object object) { if (object instanceof WebElement) { return object; } if (!(object instanceof By)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected locator to be either an element or a By: " + object); } assertLocatorCanBeSerialized(object); Map<String, Object> raw = JSON.toType(JSON.toJson(object), MAP_TYPE); if (!(raw.get("using") instanceof String)) { throw new JsonException("Expected JSON encoded form of locator to have a 'using' field. " + raw); } if (!raw.containsKey("value")) { throw new JsonException("Expected JSON encoded form of locator to have a 'value' field: " + raw); } return ImmutableMap.of((String) raw.get("using"), raw.get("value")); }
Example #2
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static NodeStatus fromJson(Map<String, Object> raw) { List<Active> sessions = ((Collection<?>) raw.get("sessions")).stream() .map(item -> { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> converted = (Map<String, Object>) item; return converted; }) .map(Active::fromJson) .collect(toImmutableList()); try { return new NodeStatus( UUID.fromString((String) raw.get("id")), new URI((String) raw.get("uri")), ((Number) raw.get("maxSessions")).intValue(), readCapacityNamed(raw, "stereotypes"), sessions, ((String) raw.get("registrationSecret"))); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new JsonException(e); } }
Example #3
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Optional<Result> createSession(HttpClient client, InputStream newSessionBlob, long size) { // Create the http request and send it HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(HttpMethod.POST, "/session"); HttpResponse response; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); request.setHeader(CONTENT_LENGTH, String.valueOf(size)); request.setHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, JSON_UTF_8.toString()); request.setContent(() -> newSessionBlob); response = client.execute(request); long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; // Ignore the content type. It may not have been set. Strictly speaking we're not following the // W3C spec properly. Oh well. Map<?, ?> blob; try { blob = new Json().toType(string(response), Map.class); } catch (JsonException e) { throw new WebDriverException( "Unable to parse remote response: " + string(response), e); } InitialHandshakeResponse initialResponse = new InitialHandshakeResponse( time, response.getStatus(), blob); return Stream.of( new W3CHandshakeResponse().getResponseFunction(), new JsonWireProtocolResponse().getResponseFunction()) .map(func -> func.apply(initialResponse)) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .findFirst(); }
Example #4
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static SessionId fromJson(Object raw) { if (raw instanceof String) { return new SessionId(String.valueOf(raw)); } if (raw instanceof Map) { Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) raw; if (map.get("value") instanceof String) { return new SessionId(String.valueOf(map.get("value"))); } } throw new JsonException("Unable to coerce session id from " + raw); }
Example #5
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Container apply(ContainerInfo info) { HttpResponse res = DockerMessages.throwIfNecessary( client.execute( new HttpRequest(POST, "/v1.40/containers/create") .addHeader("Content-Type", JSON_UTF_8) .setContent(asJson(info))), "Unable to create container: ", info); try { Map<String, Object> rawContainer = JSON.toType(Contents.string(res), MAP_TYPE); if (!(rawContainer.get("Id") instanceof String)) { throw new DockerException("Unable to read container id: " + rawContainer); } ContainerId id = new ContainerId((String) rawContainer.get("Id")); if (rawContainer.get("Warnings") instanceof Collection) { String allWarnings = ((Collection<?>) rawContainer.get("Warnings")).stream() .map(String::valueOf) .collect(Collectors.joining("\n", " * ", ""));"Warnings while creating %s from %s: %s", id, info, allWarnings)); } return new Container(protocol, id); } catch (JsonException | NullPointerException e) { throw new DockerException("Unable to create container from " + info); } }
Example #6
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Optional<DockerProtocol> getDockerProtocol() { try { HttpResponse res = handler.execute(new HttpRequest(GET, "/version")); if (!res.isSuccessful()) { return Optional.empty(); } Map<String, Object> raw = JSON.toType(Contents.string(res), MAP_TYPE); Version maxVersion = new Version((String) raw.get("ApiVersion")); Version minVersion = new Version((String) raw.get("MinAPIVersion")); return SUPPORTED_VERSIONS.entrySet().stream() .filter(entry -> { Version version = entry.getKey(); if (version.equalTo(maxVersion) || version.equalTo(minVersion)) { return true; } return version.isLessThan(maxVersion) && version.isGreaterThan(minVersion); }) .map(Map.Entry::getValue) .map(func -> func.apply(handler)) .findFirst(); } catch (ClassCastException | JsonException | NullPointerException | UncheckedIOException e) { return Optional.empty(); } }
Example #7
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
JsonConfig(Reader reader) { try { delegate = new MapConfig(JSON.toType(Require.nonNull("JSON source", reader), MAP_TYPE)); } catch (JsonException e) { throw new ConfigException("Unable to parse input", e); } }
Example #8
Source File: From Selenium-Foundation with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Transform the specified JSON string into the specified type. * <p> * <b>NOTE</b>: For this method to work correctly, the specified type must conform to the * <a href=>JavaBeans</a> specification. For a simple example, see the * {@link com.nordstrom.automation.selenium.listeners.PlatformInterceptor.PlatformIdentity PlatformIdentity} * class. * * @param <T> desired object type * @param json JSON object string * @param type target object type * @return new instance of the specified type */ public static <T> T fromString(final String json, final Type type) { try { return new Json().toType(json, type); } catch (JsonException e) { LOGGER.debug("Failed to deserialize JSON object string: " + json, e); return null; } }