org.openqa.selenium.json.JsonInput Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void shouldDuplicateStreams() { String expected = "{\"key\": \"value\"}"; Reader source = new StringReader(expected); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); Reader tee = new TeeReader(source, writer); try (JsonInput reader = new Json().newInput(tee)) { reader.beginObject(); assertEquals("key", reader.nextName()); reader.skipValue(); reader.endObject(); assertEquals(expected, writer.toString()); } }
Example #2
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private Collection<Map<String, Object>> getFirstMatches() throws IOException { CharSource charSource = backingStore.asByteSource().asCharSource(UTF_8); try (Reader reader = charSource.openBufferedStream(); JsonInput input = json.newInput(reader)) { input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { String name = input.nextName(); if ("capabilities".equals(name)) { input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { name = input.nextName(); if ("firstMatch".equals(name)) { return; } else { input.skipValue(); } } input.endObject(); } else { input.skipValue(); } } } return null; }
Example #3
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private Map<String, Object> getAlwaysMatch() throws IOException { CharSource charSource = backingStore.asByteSource().asCharSource(UTF_8); try (Reader reader = charSource.openBufferedStream(); JsonInput input = json.newInput(reader)) { input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { String name = input.nextName(); if ("capabilities".equals(name)) { input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { name = input.nextName(); if ("alwaysMatch".equals(name)) { return; } else { input.skipValue(); } } input.endObject(); } else { input.skipValue(); } } } return null; }
Example #4
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private Map<String, Object> getOss() throws IOException { CharSource charSource = backingStore.asByteSource().asCharSource(UTF_8); try (Reader reader = charSource.openBufferedStream(); JsonInput input = json.newInput(reader)) { input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { String name = input.nextName(); if ("desiredCapabilities".equals(name)) { return; } else { input.skipValue(); } } } return null; }
Example #5
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void writeMetaData(JsonOutput out) throws IOException { CharSource charSource = backingStore.asByteSource().asCharSource(UTF_8); try (Reader reader = charSource.openBufferedStream(); JsonInput input = json.newInput(reader)) { input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { String name = input.nextName(); switch (name) { case "capabilities": case "desiredCapabilities": case "requiredCapabilities": input.skipValue(); break; default:; out.write(; break; } } } }
Example #6
Source File: From Selenium-Foundation with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Path createNodeConfig(String capabilities, URL hubUrl) throws IOException { String nodeConfigPath = getNodeConfigPath().toString(); String configPathBase = nodeConfigPath.substring(0, nodeConfigPath.length() - 5); String hashCode = String.format("%08X", Objects.hash(capabilities, hubUrl)); Path filePath = Paths.get(configPathBase + "-" + hashCode + ".json"); if (filePath.toFile().createNewFile()) { JsonInput input = new Json().newInput(new StringReader(JSON_HEAD + capabilities + JSON_TAIL)); List<MutableCapabilities> capabilitiesList = GridNodeConfiguration.loadFromJSON(input).capabilities; GridNodeConfiguration nodeConfig = GridNodeConfiguration.loadFromJSON(nodeConfigPath); nodeConfig.capabilities = capabilitiesList; nodeConfig.hub = hubUrl.toString(); try (OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filePath.toFile()))) { out.write(new Json().toJson(nodeConfig).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } } return filePath; }
Example #7
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public TypeDeclaration<?> toTypeDeclaration() { ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration classDecl = new ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration().setName(name); String propertyName = decapitalize(name); classDecl.addField(getJavaType(), propertyName).setPrivate(true).setFinal(true); ConstructorDeclaration constructor = classDecl.addConstructor().setPublic(true); constructor.addParameter(getJavaType(), propertyName); constructor.getBody().addStatement(String.format( "this.%s = java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(%s, \"Missing value for %s\");", propertyName, propertyName, name )); MethodDeclaration fromJson = classDecl.addMethod("fromJson").setPrivate(true).setStatic(true); fromJson.setType(name); fromJson.addParameter(JsonInput.class, "input"); fromJson.getBody().get().addStatement(String.format("return %s;", getMapper())); MethodDeclaration toString = classDecl.addMethod("toString").setPublic(true); toString.setType(String.class); toString.getBody().get().addStatement(String.format("return %s.toString();", propertyName)); return classDecl; }
Example #8
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static CreateSessionResponse fromJson(JsonInput input) { Session session = null; byte[] downstreamResponse = null; input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { switch (input.nextName()) { case "downstreamEncodedResponse": downstreamResponse = Base64.getDecoder().decode(input.nextString()); break; case "session": session =; break; default: input.skipValue(); break; } } input.endObject(); return new CreateSessionResponse(session, downstreamResponse); }
Example #9
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void dumpTo(Path target) { CompilationUnit unit = new CompilationUnit(); unit.setPackageDeclaration("org.openqa.selenium.devtools." + + ".model"); unit.addImport(Beta.class); unit.addImport(JsonInput.class); unit.addType(toTypeDeclaration()); Path typeFile = target.resolve(capitalize(name) + ".java"); ensureFileDoesNotExists(typeFile); try { Files.write(typeFile, unit.toString().getBytes()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } }
Example #10
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void dumpTo(Path target) { if (type instanceof ObjectType) { CompilationUnit unit = new CompilationUnit(); unit.setPackageDeclaration(getNamespace()); unit.addImport(Beta.class); unit.addImport(JsonInput.class); unit.addType(toTypeDeclaration()); Path eventFile = target.resolve(capitalize(name) + ".java"); ensureFileDoesNotExists(eventFile); try { Files.write(eventFile, unit.toString().getBytes()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } } }
Example #11
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static DistributorStatus fromJson(JsonInput input) { Set<NodeSummary> nodes = null; input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { switch (input.nextName()) { case "nodes": nodes =; break; default: input.skipValue(); } } input.endObject(); return new DistributorStatus(nodes); }
Example #12
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static <X> Function<JsonInput, X> map(final String keyName, Type typeOfX) { Require.nonNull("Key name", keyName); Require.nonNull("Type to convert to", typeOfX); return input -> { X value = null; input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { String name = input.nextName(); if (keyName.equals(name)) { value =; } else { input.skipValue(); } } input.endObject(); return value; }; }
Example #13
Source File: From java-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private @Nullable Collection<Map<String, Object>> getFirstMatch() throws IOException { CharSource charSource = backingStore.asByteSource().asCharSource(UTF_8); try (Reader reader = charSource.openBufferedStream(); JsonInput input = json.newInput(reader)) { input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { String name = input.nextName(); if (CAPABILITIES.equals(name)) { input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { name = input.nextName(); if (FIRST_MATCH.equals(name)) { return; } input.skipValue(); } input.endObject(); } else { input.skipValue(); } } } return null; }
Example #14
Source File: From java-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private @Nullable Map<String, Object> getAlwaysMatch() throws IOException { CharSource charSource = backingStore.asByteSource().asCharSource(UTF_8); try (Reader reader = charSource.openBufferedStream(); JsonInput input = json.newInput(reader)) { input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { String name = input.nextName(); if (CAPABILITIES.equals(name)) { input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { name = input.nextName(); if (ALWAYS_MATCH.equals(name)) { return; } input.skipValue(); } input.endObject(); } else { input.skipValue(); } } } return null; }
Example #15
Source File: From java-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void writeMetaData(JsonOutput out) throws IOException { CharSource charSource = backingStore.asByteSource().asCharSource(UTF_8); try (Reader reader = charSource.openBufferedStream(); JsonInput input = json.newInput(reader)) { input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { String name = input.nextName(); switch (name) { case CAPABILITIES: case DESIRED_CAPABILITIES: case REQUIRED_CAPABILITIES: input.skipValue(); break; default:; out.write(; break; } } } }
Example #16
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static Map<Capabilities, Integer> readCapabilityCounts(JsonInput input) { Map<Capabilities, Integer> toReturn = new HashMap<>(); input.beginArray(); while (input.hasNext()) { Capabilities caps = null; int count = 0; input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { switch (input.nextName()) { case "capabilities": caps =; break; case "count": count = input.nextNumber().intValue(); break; default: input.skipValue(); break; } } input.endObject(); toReturn.put(caps, count); } input.endArray(); return toReturn; }
Example #17
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static CreateSessionRequest fromJson(JsonInput input) { Set<Dialect> downstreamDialects = null; Capabilities capabilities = null; Map<String, Object> metadata = null; input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { switch (input.nextName()) { case "capabilities": capabilities =; break; case "downstreamDialects": downstreamDialects = TypeToken<Set<Dialect>>(){}.getType()); break; case "metadata": metadata =; break; default: input.skipValue(); } } input.endObject(); return new CreateSessionRequest(downstreamDialects, capabilities, metadata); }
Example #18
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static <T> T get(HttpResponse response, Type typeOfT) { try (Reader reader = reader(response); JsonInput input = JSON.newInput(reader)) { // Alright then. We might be dealing with the object we expected, or we might have an // error. We shall assume that a non-200 http status code indicates that something is // wrong. if (response.getStatus() != 200) { throw ERRORS.decode(JSON.toType(string(response), MAP_TYPE)); } if (Void.class.equals(typeOfT) && input.peek() == END) { return null; } input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { if ("value".equals(input.nextName())) { return; } else { input.skipValue(); } } throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to locate value: " + string(response)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } }
Example #19
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public NodeStatus getStatus() { HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(GET, "/status"); HttpTracing.inject(tracer, tracer.getCurrentContext(), req); HttpResponse res = client.execute(req); try (Reader reader = reader(res); JsonInput in = JSON.newInput(reader)) { in.beginObject(); // Skip everything until we find "value" while (in.hasNext()) { if ("value".equals(in.nextName())) { in.beginObject(); while (in.hasNext()) { if ("node".equals(in.nextName())) { return; } else { in.skipValue(); } } in.endObject(); } else { in.skipValue(); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to read status"); }
Example #20
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Command(String method, Map<String, Object> params, Function<JsonInput, X> mapper, boolean sendsResponse) { this.method = Require.nonNull("Method name", method); this.params = ImmutableMap.copyOf(Require.nonNull("Command parameters", params)); this.mapper = Require.nonNull("Mapper for result", mapper); this.sendsResponse = sendsResponse; }
Example #21
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
static ImageSummary fromJson(JsonInput input) { input.beginObject(); ImageId id = null; List<String> repoTags = new ArrayList<>(); while (input.hasNext()) { switch (input.nextName()) { case "Id": id = new ImageId(input.nextString()); break; case "RepoTags": // This is a required field, but can be null. *sigh* List<String> tags =; if (tags != null) { repoTags = tags; } break; default: input.skipValue(); break; } } input.endObject(); return new ImageSummary(id, repoTags); }
Example #22
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String readIdFromManifestJson(File root) { final String MANIFEST_JSON_FILE = "manifest.json"; File manifestJsonFile = new File(root, MANIFEST_JSON_FILE); try (Reader reader = new FileReader(manifestJsonFile); JsonInput json = new Json().newInput(reader)) { String addOnId = null; Map<String, Object> manifestObject =; if (manifestObject.get("applications") instanceof Map) { Map<?, ?> applicationObj = (Map<?, ?>) manifestObject.get("applications"); if (applicationObj.get("gecko") instanceof Map) { Map<?, ?> geckoObj = (Map<?, ?>) applicationObj.get("gecko"); if (geckoObj.get("id") instanceof String) { addOnId = ((String) geckoObj.get("id")).trim(); } } } if (addOnId == null || addOnId.isEmpty()) { addOnId = ((String) manifestObject.get("name")).replaceAll(" ", "") + "@" + manifestObject.get("version"); } return addOnId; } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { throw new WebDriverException("Unable to file manifest.json in xpi file"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } }
Example #23
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static Command fromJson(JsonInput input) { input.beginObject(); SessionId sessionId = null; String name = null; Map<String, Object> parameters = null; while (input.hasNext()) { switch (input.nextName()) { case "name": name = input.nextString(); break; case "parameters": parameters =; break; case "sessionId": sessionId =; break; default: input.skipValue(); break; } } input.endObject(); return new Command(sessionId, name, parameters); }
Example #24
Source File: From java-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private @Nullable Map<String, Object> getOss() throws IOException { CharSource charSource = backingStore.asByteSource().asCharSource(UTF_8); try (Reader reader = charSource.openBufferedStream(); JsonInput input = json.newInput(reader)) { input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { String name = input.nextName(); if (DESIRED_CAPABILITIES.equals(name)) { return; } input.skipValue(); } } return null; }
Example #25
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static NodeSummary fromJson(JsonInput input) { UUID nodeId = null; URI uri = null; boolean up = false; int maxSessionCount = 0; Map<Capabilities, Integer> stereotypes = new HashMap<>(); Map<Capabilities, Integer> used = new HashMap<>(); input.beginObject(); while (input.hasNext()) { switch (input.nextName()) { case "maxSessionCount": maxSessionCount = input.nextNumber().intValue(); break; case "nodeId": nodeId =; break; case "stereotypes": stereotypes = readCapabilityCounts(input); break; case "up": up = input.nextBoolean(); break; case "uri": uri =; break; case "usedStereotypes": used = readCapabilityCounts(input); break; default: input.skipValue(); break; } } input.endObject(); return new NodeSummary(nodeId, uri, up, maxSessionCount, stereotypes, used); }
Example #26
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Command(String method, Map<String, Object> params, Function<JsonInput, X> mapper) { this(method, params, mapper, true); }
Example #27
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
Function<JsonInput, X> getMapper() { return mapper; }
Example #28
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public TypeDeclaration<?> toTypeDeclaration() { ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration classDecl = new ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration().setName(capitalize(name)); -> property.type instanceof EnumType).forEach( property -> classDecl.addMember(((EnumType) property.type).toTypeDeclaration())); properties.forEach(property -> classDecl.addField( property.getJavaType(), property.getFieldName()).setPrivate(true).setFinal(true)); ConstructorDeclaration constructor = classDecl.addConstructor().setPublic(true); properties.forEach( property -> constructor.addParameter(property.getJavaType(), property.getFieldName())); properties.forEach(property -> { if (property.optional) { constructor.getBody().addStatement(String.format( "this.%s = %s;", property.getFieldName(), property.getFieldName())); } else { constructor.getBody().addStatement(String.format( "this.%s = java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(%s, \"%s is required\");", property.getFieldName(), property.getFieldName(),; } }); properties.forEach(property -> { MethodDeclaration getter = classDecl.addMethod("get" + capitalize(; getter.setType(property.getJavaType()); if (property.description != null) { getter.setJavadocComment(property.description); } if (property.experimental) { getter.addAnnotation(Beta.class); } if (property.deprecated) { getter.addAnnotation(Deprecated.class); } getter.getBody().get().addStatement(String.format("return %s;", property.getFieldName())); }); MethodDeclaration fromJson = classDecl.addMethod("fromJson").setPrivate(true).setStatic(true); fromJson.setType(capitalize(name)); fromJson.addParameter(JsonInput.class, "input"); BlockStmt body = fromJson.getBody().get(); if (properties.size() > 0) { properties.forEach(property -> { if (property.optional) { body.addStatement(String.format("%s %s = java.util.Optional.empty();", property.getJavaType(), property.getFieldName())); } else { body.addStatement(String.format("%s %s = null;", property.getJavaType(), property.getFieldName())); } }); body.addStatement("input.beginObject();"); body.addStatement( "while (input.hasNext()) {" + "switch (input.nextName()) {" + -> { String mapper = String.format( property.optional ? "java.util.Optional.ofNullable(%s)" : "%s", property.type.getMapper()); return String.format( "case \"%s\":" + " %s = %s;" + " break;",, property.getFieldName(), mapper); }) .collect(joining("\n")) + " default:\n" + " input.skipValue();\n" + " break;" + "}}"); body.addStatement("input.endObject();"); body.addStatement(String.format( "return new %s(%s);", capitalize(name), .collect(joining(", ")))); } else { body.addStatement(String.format("return new %s();", capitalize(name))); } return classDecl; }
Example #29
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public TypeDeclaration<?> toTypeDeclaration() { EnumDeclaration enumDecl = new EnumDeclaration().setName(capitalize(name)).setPublic(true); values.forEach(val -> enumDecl.addEnumConstant(toJavaConstant(val)).addArgument(String.format("\"%s\"", val)) ); enumDecl.addField(String.class, "value").setPrivate(true); enumDecl.addConstructor() .addParameter(String.class, "value") .getBody().addStatement("this.value = value;"); enumDecl.addMethod("fromString").setPublic(true).setStatic(true) .addParameter(String.class, "s") .setType(name) .getBody().get() .addStatement(String.format("return\n" + ".filter(rs -> rs.value.equalsIgnoreCase(s))\n" + ".findFirst()\n" + ".orElseThrow(() -> new org.openqa.selenium.devtools.DevToolsException(\n" + "\"Given value \" + s + \" is not found within %s \"));", name, name)); enumDecl.addMethod("toString").setPublic(true) .setType(String.class) .getBody().get() .addStatement("return value;"); enumDecl.addMethod("toJson").setPublic(true) .setType(String.class) .getBody().get() .addStatement("return value;"); enumDecl.addMethod("fromJson").setPrivate(true).setStatic(true) .setType(name) .addParameter(JsonInput.class, "input") .getBody().get() .addStatement("return fromString(input.nextString());"); return enumDecl; }
Example #30
Source File: From selenium with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public TypeDeclaration<?> toTypeDeclaration() { ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration classDecl = new ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration().setName(name); if (type.equals("object")) { classDecl.addExtendedType("<String, Object>"); } String propertyName = decapitalize(name); classDecl.addField(getJavaType(), propertyName).setPrivate(true).setFinal(true); ConstructorDeclaration constructor = classDecl.addConstructor().setPublic(true); constructor.addParameter(getJavaType(), propertyName); constructor.getBody().addStatement(String.format( "this.%s = java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(%s, \"Missing value for %s\");", propertyName, propertyName, name )); if (type.equals("object")) { MethodDeclaration delegate = classDecl.addMethod("delegate").setProtected(true); delegate.setType("java.util.Map<String, Object>"); delegate.getBody().get().addStatement(String.format("return %s;", propertyName)); } MethodDeclaration fromJson = classDecl.addMethod("fromJson").setPrivate(true).setStatic(true); fromJson.setType(name); fromJson.addParameter(JsonInput.class, "input"); fromJson.getBody().get().addStatement( String.format("return new %s(%s);", name, getMapper())); MethodDeclaration toJson = classDecl.addMethod("toJson").setPublic(true); if (type.equals("object")) { toJson.setType("java.util.Map<String, Object>"); toJson.getBody().get().addStatement(String.format("return %s;", propertyName)); } else { toJson.setType(String.class); toJson.getBody().get().addStatement(String.format("return %s.toString();", propertyName)); } MethodDeclaration toString = classDecl.addMethod("toString").setPublic(true); toString.setType(String.class); toString.getBody().get().addStatement(String.format("return %s.toString();", propertyName)); return classDecl; }