javafx.scene.control.TitledPane Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From pdfsam with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 8 votes |
private VBox settingPanel() { VBox pane = new VBox(); pane.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER); TitledPane prefixTitled = Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("File names settings"), prefix); prefix.addMenuItemFor(Prefix.CURRENTPAGE); prefix.addMenuItemFor(Prefix.FILENUMBER); prefix.addMenuItemFor("[TOTAL_FILESNUMBER]"); pane.getChildren().addAll(selectionPane, Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("Split settings"), splitOptions), Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("Output settings"), destinationPane), prefixTitled); return pane; }
Example #2
Source File: From marathonv5 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void getText() { TitledPane titledPane = (TitledPane) getPrimaryStage().getScene().getRoot().lookup(".titled-pane"); LoggingRecorder lr = new LoggingRecorder(); List<String> text = new ArrayList<>(); Platform.runLater(() -> { RFXTitledPane rfxTitledPane = new RFXTitledPane(titledPane, null, null, lr); titledPane.setExpanded(true); rfxTitledPane.mouseButton1Pressed(null); text.add(rfxTitledPane.getAttribute("text")); }); new Wait("Waiting for titled pane text.") { @Override public boolean until() { return text.size() > 0; } }; AssertJUnit.assertEquals("Node 1", text.get(0)); }
Example #3
Source File: From TerasologyLauncher with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private Optional<TitledPane> createPaneFor(URL url) { return createViewFor(url) .map(view -> { view.getStylesheets().add(BundleUtils.getFXMLUrl("css_webview").toExternalForm()); view.setContextMenuEnabled(false); return view; }) .map(view -> { final AnchorPane pane = new AnchorPane(); AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(view, 0.0); AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(view, 0.0); pane.getChildren().add(view); return pane; }) .map(contentPane -> { String fname = Files.getNameWithoutExtension(url.getFile()); final TitledPane titledPane = new TitledPane(fname, contentPane); titledPane.setAnimated(false); return titledPane; }); }
Example #4
Source File: From pdfsam with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private VBox settingPanel() { VBox pane = new VBox(); pane.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER); VBox.setVgrow(selectionPane, Priority.ALWAYS); TitledPane prefixTitled = Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("File names settings"), prefix); prefix.addMenuItemFor(Prefix.FILENUMBER); prefix.addMenuItemFor("[TOTAL_FILESNUMBER]"); TitledPane options = Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("Rotate settings"), rotateOptions); pane.getChildren().addAll(selectionPane, options, Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("Output settings"), destinationPane), prefixTitled); return pane; }
Example #5
Source File: From pdfsam with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private VBox settingPanel() { VBox pane = new VBox(); pane.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER); TitledPane prefixTitled = Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("File names settings"), prefix); prefix.addMenuItemFor(Prefix.CURRENTPAGE); prefix.addMenuItemFor(Prefix.FILENUMBER); prefix.addMenuItemFor(Prefix.BOOKMARK); prefix.addMenuItemFor(Prefix.BOOKMARK_STRICT); prefix.addMenuItemFor("[TOTAL_FILESNUMBER]"); pane.getChildren().addAll(selectionPane, Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("Split settings"), splitOptions), Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("Output settings"), destinationPane), prefixTitled); return pane; }
Example #6
Source File: From pdfsam with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private VBox settingPanel() { VBox pane = new VBox(); pane.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER); TitledPane prefixTitled = Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("File names settings"), prefix); prefix.addMenuItemFor(Prefix.CURRENTPAGE); prefix.addMenuItemFor(Prefix.FILENUMBER); prefix.addMenuItemFor("[TOTAL_FILESNUMBER]"); pane.getChildren().addAll(selectionPane, Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("Split settings"), splitOptions), Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("Output settings"), destinationPane), prefixTitled); return pane; }
Example #7
Source File: From jfxvnc with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) { ConnectView connectView = new ConnectView(); InfoView infoView = new InfoView(); AboutView aboutView = new AboutView(); detailPane.setMinWidth(0.0); detailPane.getPanes().addAll((TitledPane) connectView.getView(), (TitledPane) infoView.getView(), (TitledPane) aboutView.getView()); detailPane.setExpandedPane((TitledPane) connectView.getView()); detailPane.expandedPaneProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> Platform.runLater(() -> { if (detailPane.getExpandedPane() == null) { // keep first view open detailPane.setExpandedPane(detailPane.getPanes().get(0)); } })); }
Example #8
Source File: From ShootOFF with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private Pane buildCoursePanes() { final File coursesDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("")); final ItemSelectionPane<File> uncategorizedPane = buildCategoryPane(coursesDirectory); coursePanes.getChildren().add(new TitledPane("Uncategorized Courses", uncategorizedPane)); categoryMap.put(coursesDirectory.getPath(), uncategorizedPane); final File[] courseFolders = coursesDirectory.listFiles(FOLDER_FILTER); if (courseFolders != null) { for (final File courseFolder : courseFolders) { coursePanes.getChildren().add(new TitledPane(courseFolder.getName().replaceAll("_", "") + " Courses", buildCategoryPane(courseFolder))); } } else { logger.error("{} does not appear to be a valid course directory", coursesDirectory.getPath()); } return coursePanes; }
Example #9
Source File: From mars-sim with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public void createGreenhouses(TitledPane tp, Settlement settlement) { VBox v = new VBox(); v.setSpacing(10); v.setPadding(new Insets(0, 20, 10, 20)); List<Building> buildings = settlement.getBuildingManager().getACopyOfBuildings(); Iterator<Building> iter1 = buildings.iterator(); while (iter1.hasNext()) { Building building =; if (building.hasFunction(FunctionType.FARMING)) { // try { Farming farm = (Farming) building.getFunction(FunctionType.FARMING); Button b = createGreenhouseDialog(farm); v.getChildren().add(b); // } // catch (BuildingException e) {} } } tp.setContent(v);//"1 2 3 4 5...")); tp.setExpanded(true); }
Example #10
Source File: From mokka7 with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 6 votes |
public void bind(final Accordion accordion, final String propertyName) { Object selectedPane = props.getProperty(propertyName); for (TitledPane tp : accordion.getPanes()) { if (tp.getText() != null && tp.getText().equals(selectedPane)) { accordion.setExpandedPane(tp); break; } } accordion.expandedPaneProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<TitledPane>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends TitledPane> ov, TitledPane t, TitledPane expandedPane) { if (expandedPane != null) { props.setProperty(propertyName, expandedPane.getText()); } } }); }
Example #11
Source File: From constellation with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void updateEditorPanel(final AttributeState state) { if (state != null) { Platform.runLater(() -> { clearHeaderTitledPanes(); for (GraphElementType type : state.getGraphElements()) { double longestTitleWidth = calcLongestTitle(state.getAttributeNames().get(type)); populateContentContainer(state, type, longestTitleWidth); } for (int i = 0; i < titledPaneHeadingsContainer.getChildren().size(); i++) { TitledPane tp = (TitledPane) titledPaneHeadingsContainer.getChildren().get(i); int count = ((VBox) tp.getContent()).getChildren().size(); final int totalAttrs = state.getAttributeCounts().get(ELEMENT_TYPES[i]); final String attrCountDisplay = totalAttrs == count ? String.format(HEADING_TITLES[i], totalAttrs, "") : String.format(HEADING_TITLES[i], totalAttrs, String.format(HIDDEN_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION, totalAttrs - count)); headingTitleProperties[i].setValue(attrCountDisplay); if (!state.getActiveGraphElements().isEmpty()) { tp.setExpanded(state.getActiveGraphElements().contains(ELEMENT_TYPES[i])); } } }); } }
Example #12
Source File: From Open-Lowcode with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public Node getNode( PageActionManager actionmanager, CPageData inputdata, Window parentwindow, TabPane[] parenttabpanes, CollapsibleNode nodetocollapsewhenactiontriggered) { Node payloadnode = payload.getNode(actionmanager, inputdata, parentwindow, parenttabpanes, (closewheninlineactioninside ? this : null)); collapsiblepane = new TitledPane(this.title, payloadnode); collapsiblepane.setCollapsible(true); collapsiblepane.setExpanded(this.openbydefault); collapsiblepane.setBorder(Border.EMPTY); collapsiblepane.setAnimated(false); return collapsiblepane; }
Example #13
Source File: From BowlerStudio with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public PluginManagerWidget(PluginManager m, Node graphic){ HBox content = new HBox(20); content.setPadding(new Insets(0, 20, 10, 20)); this.manager = m; ArrayList<TitledPane> plugins = manager.getPlugins(); accordion.getPanes().addAll(plugins); disconnectTHis = new Button("Disconnect "+manager.getName(), AssetFactory.loadIcon("Disconnect-Device.png")); disconnectTHis.setOnMousePressed( event -> { new Thread(){ public void run(){ Thread.currentThread().setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new IssueReportingExceptionHandler()); setName("disconnect plugins"); Log.warning("Disconnect button for "+manager.getName()+" pressed"); getManager().getDevice().disconnect(); } }.start(); }); setGraphic(AssetFactory.loadIcon("Bowler-Device-In-Manager.png")); deviceName.setOnAction(event -> { getManager().setName(deviceName.getText()); setText(manager.getName()); disconnectTHis.setText("Disconnect "+manager.getName()); }); Platform.runLater(()->deviceName.setText(manager.getName())); content.setHgrow(accordion, Priority.ALWAYS); content.getChildren().addAll(graphic,disconnectTHis,deviceName,accordion); setContent(content); setText(manager.getName()); }
Example #14
Source File: From constellation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Display a dialog containing all Rule objects registered with the Quality * Control View and which matched for a given identifier. * * @param owner The owner Node * @param identifier The identifier of the graph node being displayed. * @param rules The list of rules measured against this graph node. */ private static void showRuleDialog(final Node owner, final String identifier, final List<Pair<Integer, String>> rules) { final ScrollPane sp = new ScrollPane(); sp.setPrefHeight(512); sp.setPrefWidth(512); sp.setFitToWidth(true); sp.setVbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.ALWAYS); sp.setHbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER); final VBox vbox = new VBox(); vbox.prefWidthProperty().bind(sp.widthProperty()); vbox.setPadding(Insets.EMPTY); for (final Pair<Integer, String> rule : rules) { final String[] t = rule.getValue().split("§"); final String quality = rule.getKey() == 0 ? Bundle.MSG_NotApplicable() : "" + rule.getKey(); final String title = String.format("%s - %s", quality, t[0]); final Text content = new Text(t[1]); content.wrappingWidthProperty().bind(sp.widthProperty().subtract(16)); // Subtract a random number to avoid the vertical scrollbar. final TitledPane tp = new TitledPane(title, content); tp.prefWidthProperty().bind(vbox.widthProperty()); tp.setExpanded(false); tp.setWrapText(true); vbox.getChildren().add(tp); } sp.setContent(vbox); final Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION); alert.setHeaderText(String.format(Bundle.MSG_QualtyControlRules(), identifier)); alert.getDialogPane().setContent(sp); alert.setResizable(true);; }
Example #15
Source File: From latexdraw with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void start(final Stage aStage) throws Exception { super.start(aStage); final TitledPane root = FXMLLoader.load(LaTeXDraw.class.getResource("/fxml/Template.fxml"), injector.getInstance(ResourceBundle.class), injector.getInstance(BuilderFactory.class), cl -> injector.getInstance(cl)); final BorderPane pane = new BorderPane(); pane.setTop(root.getContent()); pane.setCenter(stage.getScene().getRoot()); stage.getScene().setRoot(pane); }
Example #16
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private VBox createSummaryView() { VBox vb = new VBox(); TitledPane idPane = new TitledPane("Identification info", createIdGridPane()); GridPane createSpatialGridPane = createSpatialGridPane(); vb.getChildren().add(idPane); if (!createSpatialGridPane.getChildren().isEmpty()) { TitledPane spatialPane = new TitledPane("Spatial representation", createSpatialGridPane); vb.getChildren().add(spatialPane); } return vb; }
Example #17
Source File: From pdfsam with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private VBox settingPanel() { VBox pane = new VBox(); pane.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER); VBox.setVgrow(selectionPane, Priority.ALWAYS); TitledPane prefixTitled = Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("File names settings"), prefix); prefix.addMenuItemFor(Prefix.FILENUMBER); prefix.addMenuItemFor("[TOTAL_FILESNUMBER]"); pane.getChildren().addAll(selectionPane, titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("Extract settings"), extractOptions), titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("Output settings"), destinationPane), prefixTitled); return pane; }
Example #18
Source File: From constellation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * multi value pane showing multiple values for an attribute * * @param attribute * @param attributePane * @param values */ private void createMultiValuePane(final AttributeData attribute, final TitledPane attributePane, final Object[] values) { final VBox dataAndMoreButtonBox = new VBox(5); // 5 = spacing final ScrollPane multiValuePane = new ScrollPane(); multiValuePane.setFitToWidth(true); final ObservableList<Object> listData = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); if (values.length > VISIBLE_ROWS) { for (int i = 0; i < VISIBLE_ROWS; i++) { listData.add(values[i]); } } else { listData.addAll(values); } final ListView<Object> listView = createListView(attribute, listData); final boolean moreToLoad = values.length > VISIBLE_ROWS; int visibleRow = moreToLoad ? VISIBLE_ROWS : listData.size(); listView.setPrefHeight((CELL_HEIGHT * visibleRow) + 2); // +2 because if it is == then there is still a scrollbar. multiValuePane.setPrefHeight((CELL_HEIGHT * visibleRow) + 1); multiValuePane.setContent(listView); multiValuePane.setVbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER); dataAndMoreButtonBox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); dataAndMoreButtonBox.setPadding(new Insets(0, 0, 5, 0)); dataAndMoreButtonBox.getChildren().add(multiValuePane); if (moreToLoad) { Button loadMoreButton = createLoadMoreButton(dataAndMoreButtonBox, attribute); dataAndMoreButtonBox.getChildren().add(loadMoreButton); } dataAndMoreButtonBox.addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, (KeyEvent event) -> { if (event.isShortcutDown() && (event.getCode() == KeyCode.A)) { listView.getSelectionModel().selectAll(); event.consume(); } }); attributePane.setContent(dataAndMoreButtonBox); }
Example #19
Source File: From logbook-kai with MIT License | 5 votes |
private void initializeDetail(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> ob, Boolean o, Boolean n) { if (!n) return; for (Node node : this.detail.getChildren()) { if (node instanceof TitledPane) { Parent content = this.detailNode(this.attackDetails); ((TitledPane) node).setContent(content); } } }
Example #20
Source File: From constellation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void resetPanel() { Platform.runLater(() -> { clearHeaderTitledPanes(); for (Node n : titledPaneHeadingsContainer.getChildren()) { TitledPane tp = (TitledPane) n; tp.setExpanded(false); } }); }
Example #21
Source File: From jfxvnc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void bind(final Accordion accordion, final String propertyName) { Object selectedPane = props.getProperty(propertyName); for (TitledPane tp : accordion.getPanes()) { if (tp.getText() != null && tp.getText().equals(selectedPane)) { accordion.setExpandedPane(tp); break; } } accordion.expandedPaneProperty().addListener((ov, t, expandedPane) -> { if (expandedPane != null) { props.setProperty(propertyName, expandedPane.getText()); } }); }
Example #22
Source File: From tuxguitar with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
public JFXLegendPanel(JFXContainer<? extends Region> parent) { super(new TitledPane(), parent); this.getControl().setContent(new Pane()); this.getControl().setCollapsible(false); this.getControl().setAnimated(false); this.getContentPane().setFocusTraversable(false); }
Example #23
Source File: From pmd-designer with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
@Override public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) { initialiseLanguageChoiceBox(); Platform.runLater(() -> { // Fixes blurry text in the description text area descriptionArea.setCache(false); ScrollPane sp = (ScrollPane) descriptionArea.getChildrenUnmodifiable().get(0); sp.setCache(false); for (Node n : sp.getChildrenUnmodifiable()) { n.setCache(false); } }); // Expands required info pane Platform.runLater(() -> infoAccordion.setExpandedPane((TitledPane) infoAccordion.getChildrenUnmodifiable().get(0))); Platform.runLater(this::registerValidators); exportResultArea.setSyntaxHighlighter(new XmlSyntaxHighlighter()); exportResultArea.setEditable(false); ControlUtil.copyToClipboardButton(copyResultButton, exportResultArea::getText); resetMetadataButton.setOnAction(e -> { Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.CONFIRMATION, "Wipe out the rule's metadata?", ButtonType.YES, ButtonType.CANCEL); alert.showAndWait(); exportResultArea.setSyntaxHighlighter(new XmlSyntaxHighlighter()); if (alert.getResult() == ButtonType.YES) { nameProperty().setValue(""); descriptionProperty().setValue(""); messageProperty().setValue(""); priorityProperty().setValue(RulePriority.MEDIUM); } }); languageVersionRangeSlider.currentLanguageProperty().bind(this.languageProperty()); Platform.runLater(() -> exportResultArea.moveTo(0)); }
Example #24
Source File: From scenic-view with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public SVRemoteNodeAdapter(final Node node, final boolean collapseControls, final boolean collapseContentControls, final boolean fillChildren, final SVRemoteNodeAdapter parent) { super(ConnectorUtils.nodeClass(node), node.getClass().getName()); boolean mustBeExpanded = !(node instanceof Control) || !collapseControls; if (!mustBeExpanded && !collapseContentControls) { mustBeExpanded = node instanceof TabPane || node instanceof SplitPane || node instanceof ScrollPane || node instanceof Accordion || node instanceof TitledPane; } setExpanded(mustBeExpanded); = node.getId(); this.nodeId = ConnectorUtils.getNodeUniqueID(node); this.focused = node.isFocused(); if (node.getParent() != null && parent == null) { this.parent = new SVRemoteNodeAdapter(node.getParent(), collapseControls, collapseContentControls, false, null); } else if (parent != null) { this.parent = parent; } /** * Check visibility and mouse transparency after calculating the parent */ this.mouseTransparent = node.isMouseTransparent() || (this.parent != null && this.parent.isMouseTransparent()); this.visible = node.isVisible() && (this.parent == null || this.parent.isVisible()); /** * TODO This should be improved */ if (fillChildren) { nodes = ChildrenGetter.getChildren(node) .stream() .map(childNode -> new SVRemoteNodeAdapter(childNode, collapseControls, collapseContentControls, true, this)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } }
Example #25
Source File: From phoebus with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 5 votes |
/** Create a TilePane for each WidgetCategory * @param parent Parent Pane * @return Map of panes for each category */ private Map<WidgetCategory, Pane> createWidgetCategoryPanes(final Pane parent) { final Map<WidgetCategory, Pane> palette_groups = new HashMap<>(); final Set<String> deprecated = Preferences.hidden_widget_types; for (final WidgetCategory category : WidgetCategory.values()) { if (!WidgetFactory.getInstance() .getWidgetDescriptions() .stream() .filter(desc -> !deprecated.contains(desc.getType())) .filter(desc -> desc.getCategory() == category) .findFirst().isPresent()) continue; final TilePane palette_group = new TilePane(); palette_group.getStyleClass().add("palette_group"); palette_group.setPrefColumns(1); palette_group.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); palette_groups.put(category, palette_group); palette_group.setHgap(2); palette_group.setVgap(2); final TitledPane pane = new TitledPane(category.getDescription(), palette_group); pane.getStyleClass().add("palette_category"); parent.getChildren().add(pane); } return palette_groups; }
Example #26
Source File: From marathonv5 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Parent getContentPane() { BorderPane root = new BorderPane(); root.getStyleClass().add("MarathonFileChooser"); root.setId("marathon-file-chooser"); if (doesAllowChildren) { if (!fileChooserInfo.isFileCreation()) { propertiesView = new AddPropertiesView(new TestPropertiesInfo(fileChooserInfo.getFileToSave())); TitledPane titledPane = new TitledPane("Properties", propertiesView); centerPane.getChildren().addAll(splitPane, titledPane); root.setPrefWidth(540); root.setPrefHeight(580); } else { root.setPrefWidth(540); root.setPrefHeight(380); centerPane.getChildren().addAll(splitPane); } } else { root.setPrefWidth(540); root.setPrefHeight(380); centerPane.getChildren().add(childrenListView); } root.setCenter(centerPane); root.setBottom(buttonBar); return root; }
Example #27
Source File: From WorkbenchFX with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Creates a control which shows the details of an exception or error to be used as the content of * a {@link WorkbenchDialog}. * * @param message the {@link Node} containing the standard dialog message * @param details about the error or exception */ public DialogErrorContent(Node message, String details) { this.message = message; this.details = details; getStyleClass().add("container"); // add message to the dialog content getChildren().add(message); // if details were specified, add them wrapped in a TitledPane if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(details)) { TextArea textArea = new TextArea(); textArea.setText(details); textArea.setWrapText(true); textArea.getStyleClass().add("error-details-text-area"); TitledPane titledPane = new TitledPane(); titledPane.getStyleClass().add("error-details-titled-pane"); titledPane.setText("Details"); titledPane.setContent(textArea); titledPane.setPrefHeight(300); getChildren().add(titledPane); } }
Example #28
Source File: From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
static VBox defaultPreferencePaneNode(ObjectProperty<Composite<ARGBType, ARGBType>> composite) { final TitledPane titledPane = SourceStateCompositePane.createTitledPane(composite); final VBox vbox = new VBox(titledPane); vbox.setSpacing(0.0); vbox.setPadding(Insets.EMPTY); return vbox; }
Example #29
Source File: From MyBox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void initControls() { try { super.initControls(); accordionPane.expandedPaneProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<TitledPane>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends TitledPane> v, TitledPane o, TitledPane n) { if (parent == null || n == null || (myPane != null && myPane.equals(n))) { return; } expandPane(n); } }); isPickingColor.addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> ov, Boolean oldVal, Boolean newVal) { if (imageController == null || imageController.isPickingColor.isBound()) { return; } imageController.isPickingColor.set(newVal); } }); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.toString()); } }
Example #30
Source File: From marathonv5 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public AccordionSample() { super(150,150); TitledPane t1 = new TitledPane("Node 1", new Button("Button")); TitledPane t2 = new TitledPane("Node 2", new Text("String")); TitledPane t3 = new TitledPane("Node 3", new Rectangle(120,50, Color.RED)); Accordion accordion = new Accordion(); accordion.getPanes().add(t1); accordion.getPanes().add(t2); accordion.getPanes().add(t3); getChildren().add(accordion); }