org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.ThingUID Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From smarthome with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@PUT @RolesAllowed({ Role.USER, Role.ADMIN }) @Path("/{thingUID}/enable") @ApiOperation(value = "Sets the thing enabled status.") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = String.class), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Thing not found.") }) public Response setEnabled(@HeaderParam(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE) String language, @PathParam("thingUID") @ApiParam(value = "thing") String thingUID, @ApiParam(value = "enabled") String enabled) throws IOException { final Locale locale = localeService.getLocale(language); ThingUID thingUIDObject = new ThingUID(thingUID); // Check if the Thing exists, 404 if not Thing thing = thingRegistry.get(thingUIDObject); if (null == thing) {"Received HTTP PUT request for set enabled at '{}' for the unknown thing '{}'.", uriInfo.getPath(), thingUID); return getThingNotFoundResponse(thingUID); } thingManager.setEnabled(thingUIDObject, Boolean.valueOf(enabled)); // everything went well return getThingResponse(Status.OK, thing, locale, null); }
Example #2
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@Test public void assertThatDiscoveryResultIsAddedToInboxWhenThingWithDifferentUIDexists() { assertThat(inbox.getAll().size(), is(0)); ThingTypeUID thingTypeUID = new ThingTypeUID("dummyBindingId2", "dummyThingType"); ThingUID thingUID = new ThingUID(thingTypeUID, "dummyThingId"); managedThingProvider.add(ThingBuilder.create(thingTypeUID, "dummyThingId").build()); Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>(); props.put("property1", "property1value1"); props.put("property2", "property2value1"); DiscoveryResult discoveryResult = new DiscoveryResultImpl(thingTypeUID, thingUID, null, null, null, "DummyLabel1", DEFAULT_TTL); inbox.add(discoveryResult); assertThat(inbox.getAll().size(), is(0)); }
Example #3
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public ComponentAlarmControlPanel(ThingUID thing, HaID haID, String configJSON, @Nullable ChannelStateUpdateListener channelStateUpdateListener, Gson gson) { super(thing, haID, configJSON, gson); config = gson.fromJson(configJSON, Config.class); final String[] state_enum = { config.state_disarmed, config.state_armed_home, config.state_armed_away, config.state_pending, config.state_triggered }; channels.put(stateChannelID, new CChannel(this, stateChannelID, new TextValue(state_enum), config.state_topic, null,, "", channelStateUpdateListener)); channels.put(switchDisarmChannelID, new CChannel(this, switchDisarmChannelID, new TextValue(new String[] { config.payload_disarm }), config.state_topic, null,, "", channelStateUpdateListener)); channels.put(switchArmHomeChannelID, new CChannel(this, switchArmHomeChannelID, new TextValue(new String[] { config.payload_arm_home }), config.state_topic, null,, "", channelStateUpdateListener)); channels.put(switchArmAwayChannelID, new CChannel(this, switchArmAwayChannelID, new TextValue(new String[] { config.payload_arm_away }), config.state_topic, null,, "", channelStateUpdateListener)); }
Example #4
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@Override @Nullable public FirmwareStatusInfo getFirmwareStatusInfo(ThingUID thingUID) { ParameterChecks.checkNotNull(thingUID, "Thing UID"); FirmwareUpdateHandler firmwareUpdateHandler = getFirmwareUpdateHandler(thingUID); if (firmwareUpdateHandler == null) { logger.trace("No firmware update handler available for thing with UID {}.", thingUID); return null; } Firmware latestFirmware = getLatestSuitableFirmware(firmwareUpdateHandler.getThing()); FirmwareStatusInfo firmwareStatusInfo = getFirmwareStatusInfo(firmwareUpdateHandler, latestFirmware); processFirmwareStatusInfo(firmwareUpdateHandler, firmwareStatusInfo, latestFirmware); return firmwareStatusInfo; }
Example #5
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@Override protected Thing createThing(ThingTypeUID thingTypeUID, String channelID, String itemAcceptedType, WemoHttpCall wemoHttpCaller) { Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.put(WemoBindingConstants.DEVICE_ID, WEMO_LIGHT_ID); ThingUID thingUID = new ThingUID(thingTypeUID, TEST_THING_ID); ChannelUID channelUID = new ChannelUID(thingUID, channelID); Channel channel = ChannelBuilder.create(channelUID, itemAcceptedType).withType(DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE_UID) .withKind(ChannelKind.STATE).withLabel("label").build(); ThingUID bridgeUID = new ThingUID(BRIDGE_TYPE_UID, WEMO_BRIDGE_ID); thing = ThingBuilder.create(thingTypeUID, thingUID).withConfiguration(configuration).withChannel(channel) .withBridge(bridgeUID).build(); managedThingProvider.add(thing); ThingHandler handler = thing.getHandler(); if (handler != null) { AbstractWemoHandler h = (AbstractWemoHandler) handler; h.setWemoHttpCaller(wemoHttpCaller); } return thing; }
Example #6
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@Test public void testInvalidSynchronize() { ThingTypeUID thingTypeUID = new ThingTypeUID("bindingId", "thingType"); Map<String, Object> discoveryResultSourceMap = new HashMap<>(); discoveryResultSourceMap.put("ipAddress", ""); DiscoveryResultImpl discoveryResult = new DiscoveryResultImpl(thingTypeUID, new ThingUID(thingTypeUID, "thingId"), null, discoveryResultSourceMap, "ipAddress", "TARGET", DEFAULT_TTL); discoveryResult.setFlag(DiscoveryResultFlag.IGNORED); discoveryResult.synchronize(null); assertEquals("", discoveryResult.getProperties().get("ipAddress")); assertEquals("ipAddress", discoveryResult.getRepresentationProperty()); assertEquals("TARGET", discoveryResult.getLabel()); assertEquals(DiscoveryResultFlag.IGNORED, discoveryResult.getFlag()); }
Example #7
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/** * Extracts the CCU infos from the UDP response. */ private void extractGatewayInfos() throws IOException { try { DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(new byte[265], 256); socket.receive(packet); Eq3UdpResponse response = new Eq3UdpResponse(packet.getData()); logger.trace("Eq3UdpResponse: {}", response); if (response.isValid()) { logger.debug("Discovered a CCU gateway with serial number '{}'", response.getSerialNumber()); String address = packet.getAddress().getHostAddress(); ThingUID thingUid = new ThingUID(THING_TYPE_BRIDGE, response.getSerialNumber()); thingDiscovered(DiscoveryResultBuilder.create(thingUid).withProperty("gatewayAddress", address) .withRepresentationProperty("gatewayAddress") .withLabel(response.getDeviceTypeId() + " - " + address).build()); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException ex) { // ignore } }
Example #8
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@GET @RolesAllowed({ Role.ADMIN }) @Path("/{thingUID}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @ApiOperation(value = "Gets thing by UID.") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = ThingDTO.class), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Thing not found.") }) public Response getByUID(@HeaderParam(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE) @ApiParam(value = "language") String language, @PathParam("thingUID") @ApiParam(value = "thingUID") String thingUID) { final Locale locale = localeService.getLocale(language); Thing thing = thingRegistry.get((new ThingUID(thingUID))); // return Thing data if it does exist if (thing != null) { return getThingResponse(Status.OK, thing, locale, null); } else { return getThingNotFoundResponse(thingUID); } }
Example #9
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public static @Nullable Thing createThing(ThingUID thingUID, Configuration configuration, @Nullable Map<String, String> properties, @Nullable ThingUID bridgeUID, ThingTypeUID thingTypeUID, List<ThingHandlerFactory> thingHandlerFactories) { for (ThingHandlerFactory thingHandlerFactory : thingHandlerFactories) { if (thingHandlerFactory.supportsThingType(thingTypeUID)) { Thing thing = thingHandlerFactory.createThing(thingTypeUID, configuration, thingUID, bridgeUID); if (thing == null) { LOGGER.error( "Thing factory ({}) returned null on create thing when it reports to support the thing type ({}).", thingHandlerFactory.getClass(), thingTypeUID); } else { if (properties != null) { for (String key : properties.keySet()) { thing.setProperty(key, properties.get(key)); } } } return thing; } } return null; }
Example #10
Source File: From smarthome with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public @Nullable Collection<ThingUID> removeOlderResults(final DiscoveryService source, final long timestamp, final @Nullable Collection<ThingTypeUID> thingTypeUIDs, @Nullable ThingUID bridgeUID) { HashSet<ThingUID> removedResults = new HashSet<>(); for (final DiscoveryListener listener : this.listeners) { try { Collection<ThingUID> olderResults = AccessController .doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<@Nullable Collection<ThingUID>>() { @Override public @Nullable Collection<ThingUID> run() { return listener.removeOlderResults(source, timestamp, thingTypeUIDs, bridgeUID); } }); if (olderResults != null) { removedResults.addAll(olderResults); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Cannot notify the DiscoveryListener '{}' on all things removed event!", listener.getClass().getName(), ex); } } return removedResults; }
Example #11
Source File: From smarthome with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private ThingUID getThingUID() { DsAPI digitalSTROMClient = new DsAPIImpl(HOST_ADDRESS, Config.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, Config.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT, true); String dSID = null; switch (digitalSTROMClient.checkConnection("123")) { case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK: case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED: case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN: Map<String, String> dsidMap = digitalSTROMClient.getDSID(null); if (dsidMap != null) { dSID = dsidMap.get(JSONApiResponseKeysEnum.DSID.getKey()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dSID)) { return new ThingUID(DigitalSTROMBindingConstants.THING_TYPE_DSS_BRIDGE, dSID); } else { logger.error("Can't get server dSID to generate ThingUID. Please add the server manually."); } } return null; }
Example #12
Source File: From smarthome with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public DiscoveryResult createResult(RemoteDevice device) { DiscoveryResult result = null; ThingUID thingUid = getThingUID(device); if (thingUid != null) { String label = StringUtils.isEmpty(device.getDetails().getFriendlyName()) ? device.getDisplayString() : device.getDetails().getFriendlyName(); String host = device.getIdentity().getDescriptorURL().getHost(); int port = device.getIdentity().getDescriptorURL().getPort(); String path = device.getIdentity().getDescriptorURL().getPath(); try { Map<String, Object> properties = getDescription(host, port, path); properties.put(SonyAudioBindingConstants.HOST_PARAMETER, device.getIdentity().getDescriptorURL().getHost()); result = DiscoveryResultBuilder.create(thingUid).withLabel(label).withProperties(properties).build(); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } return result; }
Example #13
Source File: From smarthome with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public @Nullable ThingUID getThingUID(RemoteDevice device) { DeviceDetails details = device.getDetails(); if (details != null) { ModelDetails modelDetails = details.getModelDetails(); if (modelDetails != null) { String modelName = modelDetails.getModelName(); if (modelName != null) { if (modelName.startsWith("Philips hue bridge")) { return new ThingUID(THING_TYPE_BRIDGE, details.getSerialNumber()); } } } } return null; }
Example #14
Source File: From smarthome with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public DiscoveryResult createResult(ServiceInfo service) { ThingUID thingUID = getThingUID(service); if (thingUID != null) { if (service.getHostAddresses() != null && service.getHostAddresses().length > 0 && !service.getHostAddresses()[0].isEmpty()) { logger.debug("Discovered Tradfri gateway: {}", service); Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>(4); properties.put(PROPERTY_VENDOR, "IKEA of Sweden"); properties.put(GATEWAY_CONFIG_HOST, service.getHostAddresses()[0]); properties.put(GATEWAY_CONFIG_PORT, service.getPort()); properties.put(PROPERTY_SERIAL_NUMBER, service.getName()); String fwVersion = service.getPropertyString("version"); if (fwVersion != null) { properties.put(PROPERTY_FIRMWARE_VERSION, fwVersion); } return DiscoveryResultBuilder.create(thingUID).withProperties(properties).withLabel("TRÃ…DFRI Gateway") .withRepresentationProperty(GATEWAY_CONFIG_HOST).build(); } else { logger.warn("Discovered Tradfri gateway doesn't have an IP address: {}", service); } } return null; }
Example #15
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private void listFirmwareStatus(Console console, String[] args) { if (args.length != 2) { console.println("Specify the thing id to get its firmware status: firmware status <thingUID>"); return; } ThingUID thingUID = new ThingUID(args[1]); FirmwareStatusInfo firmwareStatusInfo = firmwareUpdateService.getFirmwareStatusInfo(thingUID); if (firmwareStatusInfo != null) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(String.format("Firmware status for thing with UID %s is %s.", thingUID, firmwareStatusInfo.getFirmwareStatus())); if (firmwareStatusInfo.getUpdatableFirmwareVersion() != null) { sb.append(String.format(" The latest updatable firmware version is %s.", firmwareStatusInfo.getUpdatableFirmwareVersion())); } console.println(sb.toString()); } else { console.println( String.format("The firmware status for thing with UID %s could not be determined.", thingUID)); } }
Example #16
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private void printThings(Console console, Collection<Thing> things) { if (things.isEmpty()) { console.println("No things found."); } for (Thing thing : things) { String id = thing.getUID().toString(); String thingType = thing instanceof Bridge ? "Bridge" : "Thing"; ThingStatusInfo status = thingStatusInfoI18nLocalizationService.getLocalizedThingStatusInfo(thing, null); ThingUID bridgeUID = thing.getBridgeUID(); String label = thing.getLabel(); console.println(String.format("%s (Type=%s, Status=%s, Label=%s, Bridge=%s)", id, thingType, status, label, bridgeUID)); } }
Example #17
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@Override public String getBindingId() { ThingUID thingId = this.thingUID; if (thingId != null) { return thingId.getBindingId(); } return ""; }
Example #18
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private void addThingsToBridge(Bridge bridge) { Collection<Thing> things = thingRegistry.getAll(); for (Thing thing : things) { ThingUID bridgeUID = thing.getBridgeUID(); if (bridgeUID != null && bridgeUID.equals(bridge.getUID())) { if (bridge instanceof BridgeImpl && !bridge.getThings().contains(thing)) { ((BridgeImpl) bridge).addThing(thing); } } } }
Example #19
Source File: From smarthome with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Verify valid DiscoveryResult with completeFSInterntRadioDevice. * * @throws ValidationException */ @SuppressWarnings("null") @Test public void validDiscoveryResultWithComplete() throws ValidationException { RemoteDevice completeFSInternetRadioDevice = createDefaultFSInternetRadioDevice(DEFAULT_RADIO_BASE_URL); final DiscoveryResult result = discoveryParticipant.createResult(completeFSInternetRadioDevice); assertEquals(new ThingUID(DEFAULT_RADIO_THING_UID), result.getThingUID()); assertEquals(FSInternetRadioBindingConstants.THING_TYPE_RADIO, result.getThingTypeUID()); assertEquals(DEFAULT_RADIO_MANIFACTURER, result.getProperties().get(FSInternetRadioBindingConstants.PROPERTY_MANUFACTURER)); assertEquals(DEFAULT_RADIO_MODEL_NUMBER, result.getProperties().get(FSInternetRadioBindingConstants.PROPERTY_MODEL)); }
Example #20
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/** * Creates a new instance of this class with the specified parameters. * * @param thingUID the Thing UID to be filtered (could be null or empty) * @param flag the discovery result flag to be filtered (could be null) */ public InboxFilterCriteria(ThingUID thingUID, DiscoveryResultFlag flag) { this.bindingId = null; this.thingTypeUID = null; this.thingUID = thingUID; this.flag = flag; }
Example #21
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@Override public void onMessageReceived(ThingUID bridge, LIRCResponse message) { LIRCResponse response = message; String command = response.getCommand(); if ("LIST".equals(command) && response.isSuccess()) { for (String remoteID : response.getData()) { addRemote(bridge, remoteID); } } }
Example #22
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private void createResult() { ThingUID uid = getThingUID(); if (uid != null) { Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>(2); properties.put(DigitalSTROMBindingConstants.HOST, HOST_ADDRESS); DiscoveryResult result = DiscoveryResultBuilder.create(uid).withProperties(properties) .withLabel("digitalSTROM-Server").build(); thingDiscovered(result); } }
Example #23
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private void onLightAddedInternal(FullLight light) { ThingUID thingUID = getThingUID(light); ThingTypeUID thingTypeUID = getThingTypeUID(light); String modelId = light.getNormalizedModelID(); if (thingUID != null && thingTypeUID != null) { ThingUID bridgeUID = hueBridgeHandler.getThing().getUID(); Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>(); properties.put(LIGHT_ID, light.getId()); if (modelId != null) { properties.put(Thing.PROPERTY_MODEL_ID, modelId); } String uniqueID = light.getUniqueID(); if (uniqueID != null) { properties.put(UNIQUE_ID, uniqueID); } DiscoveryResult discoveryResult = DiscoveryResultBuilder.create(thingUID).withThingType(thingTypeUID) .withProperties(properties).withBridge(bridgeUID).withRepresentationProperty(UNIQUE_ID) .withLabel(light.getName()).build(); thingDiscovered(discoveryResult); } else { logger.debug("discovered unsupported light of type '{}' and model '{}' with id {}", light.getType(), modelId, light.getId()); } }
Example #24
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private void assertSendCommand(String channel, Command command, HueLightState currentState, String expectedReply, String expectedModel, String expectedVendor) { FullLight light = gson.fromJson(currentState.toString(), FullConfig.class).getLights().get(0); Bridge mockBridge = mock(Bridge.class); when(mockBridge.getStatus()).thenReturn(ThingStatus.ONLINE); Thing mockThing = mock(Thing.class); when(mockThing.getConfiguration()).thenReturn(new Configuration(Collections.singletonMap(LIGHT_ID, "1"))); HueClient mockClient = mock(HueClient.class); when(mockClient.getLightById(any())).thenReturn(light); HueLightHandler hueLightHandler = new HueLightHandler(mockThing) { @Override protected synchronized HueClient getHueClient() { return mockClient; } @Override protected Bridge getBridge() { return mockBridge; } }; hueLightHandler.initialize(); verify(mockThing).setProperty(eq(Thing.PROPERTY_MODEL_ID), eq(expectedModel)); verify(mockThing).setProperty(eq(Thing.PROPERTY_VENDOR), eq(expectedVendor)); hueLightHandler.handleCommand(new ChannelUID(new ThingUID("hue::test"), channel), command); ArgumentCaptor<StateUpdate> captorStateUpdate = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(StateUpdate.class); verify(mockClient).updateLightState(any(FullLight.class), captorStateUpdate.capture()); assertJson(expectedReply, captorStateUpdate.getValue().toJson()); }
Example #25
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/** * Create a HA MQTT component. The configuration JSon string is required. * * @param thingUID The Thing UID that this component will belong to. * @param haID The location of this component. The HomeAssistant ID contains the object-id, node-id and * component-id. * @param configJSON Most components expect a "name", a "state_topic" and "command_topic" like with * "{name:'Name',state_topic:'homeassistant/switch/0/object/state',command_topic:'homeassistant/switch/0/object/set'". * @param updateListener A channel state update listener * @return A HA MQTT Component */ public static @Nullable AbstractComponent createComponent(ThingUID thingUID, HaID haID, String configJSON, @Nullable ChannelStateUpdateListener updateListener, Gson gson) { try { switch (haID.component) { case "alarm_control_panel": return new ComponentAlarmControlPanel(thingUID, haID, configJSON, updateListener, gson); case "binary_sensor": return new ComponentBinarySensor(thingUID, haID, configJSON, updateListener, gson); case "camera": return new ComponentCamera(thingUID, haID, configJSON, updateListener, gson); case "cover": return new ComponentCover(thingUID, haID, configJSON, updateListener, gson); case "fan": return new ComponentFan(thingUID, haID, configJSON, updateListener, gson); case "climate": return new ComponentClimate(thingUID, haID, configJSON, updateListener, gson); case "light": return new ComponentLight(thingUID, haID, configJSON, updateListener, gson); case "lock": return new ComponentLock(thingUID, haID, configJSON, updateListener, gson); case "sensor": return new ComponentSensor(thingUID, haID, configJSON, updateListener, gson); case "switch": return new ComponentSwitch(thingUID, haID, configJSON, updateListener, gson); } } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { logger.warn("Not supported", e); } return null; }
Example #26
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@Override public Channel getChannel(ChannelUID channelUID) { ThingUID thingUID = channelUID.getThingUID(); Thing thing = get(thingUID); if (thing != null) { return thing.getChannel(channelUID.getId()); } return null; }
Example #27
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@Override public void onLightRemoved(@Nullable HueBridge bridge, FullLight light) { ThingUID thingUID = getThingUID(light); if (thingUID != null) { thingRemoved(thingUID); } }
Example #28
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private ThingUID getPlayerUID(ThingTypeUID thingTypeUID, ThingUID thingUID, Configuration configuration) { if (thingUID != null) { return thingUID; } else { String udn = (String) configuration.get(UDN); return new ThingUID(thingTypeUID, udn); } }
Example #29
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@Test public void createThingWithBridge() { ThingUID bridgeUID = new ThingUID("binding:bridge:1"); ThingType thingType = ThingTypeBuilder.instance("bindingId", "thingTypeId", "label").build(); Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); Thing thing = ThingFactory.createThing(thingType, new ThingUID(thingType.getUID(), "thingId"), configuration, bridgeUID); assertThat(thing.getBridgeUID(), is(equalTo(bridgeUID))); }
Example #30
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@Override public Thing createThing(ThingTypeUID thingTypeUID, Configuration configuration, ThingUID thingUID, ThingUID bridgeUID) { if (SonosBindingConstants.SUPPORTED_THING_TYPES_UIDS.contains(thingTypeUID)) { ThingUID sonosDeviceUID = getPlayerUID(thingTypeUID, thingUID, configuration); logger.debug("Creating a sonos thing with ID '{}'", sonosDeviceUID); return super.createThing(thingTypeUID, configuration, sonosDeviceUID, null); } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The thing type " + thingTypeUID + " is not supported by the sonos binding."); }