Java Code Examples for
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Example 1
Source File: From ud859 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Returns a list of Conferences that the user created. * In order to receive the websafeConferenceKey via the JSON params, uses a POST method. * * @param user A user who invokes this method, null when the user is not signed in. * @return a list of Conferences that the user created. * @throws UnauthorizedException when the user is not signed in. */ @ApiMethod( name = "getConferencesCreated", path = "getConferencesCreated", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST ) public List<Conference> getConferencesCreated(final User user) throws UnauthorizedException { // If not signed in, throw a 401 error. if (user == null) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization required"); } String userId = user.getUserId(); Key<Profile> userKey = Key.create(Profile.class, userId); return ofy().load().type(Conference.class) .ancestor(userKey) .order("name").list(); }
Example 2
Source File: From ud859 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Returns a list of Conferences that the user created. * In order to receive the websafeConferenceKey via the JSON params, uses a POST method. * * @param user A user who invokes this method, null when the user is not signed in. * @return a list of Conferences that the user created. * @throws UnauthorizedException when the user is not signed in. */ @ApiMethod( name = "getConferencesCreated", path = "getConferencesCreated", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST ) public List<Conference> getConferencesCreated(final User user) throws UnauthorizedException { // If not signed in, throw a 401 error. if (user == null) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization required"); } String userId = user.getUserId(); Key<Profile> userKey = Key.create(Profile.class, userId); return ofy().load().type(Conference.class) .ancestor(userKey) .order("name").list(); }
Example 3
Source File: From nomulus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testSuccess_linkedToContactEmail() { // Even though the user is the contact is still Marla Singer user = new User("", "", user.getUserId()); authResult = AuthResult.create(AuthLevel.USER, UserAuthInfo.create(user, false)); action = new RegistryLockGetAction( Method.GET, response, accessor, authResult, Optional.of("TheRegistrar"));; assertThat(GSON.fromJson(response.getPayload(), Map.class).get("results")) .isEqualTo( ImmutableList.of( ImmutableMap.of( "lockEnabledForContact", true, "email", "", "clientId", "TheRegistrar", "locks", ImmutableList.of()))); }
Example 4
Source File: From tech-gallery with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Validate inputs of SkillResponse. * * @param skill inputs to be validate * @param user info about user from google * * @throws BadRequestException for the validations. * @throws InternalServerErrorException in case something goes wrong * @throws NotFoundException in case the information are not founded */ private void validateInputs(Skill skill, User user) throws BadRequestException, NotFoundException, InternalServerErrorException {"Validating inputs of skill"); if (user == null || user.getUserId() == null || user.getUserId().isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_GOOGLE_ENDPOINT_NULL.message()); } final TechGalleryUser techUser = userService.getUserByGoogleId(user.getUserId()); if (techUser == null) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_NOT_EXIST.message()); } if (skill == null) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.SKILL_CANNOT_BLANK.message()); } if (skill.getValue() == null || skill.getValue() < 0 || skill.getValue() > 5) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.SKILL_RANGE.message()); } if (skill.getTechnology() == null) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.TECHNOLOGY_ID_CANNOT_BLANK.message()); } }
Example 5
Source File: From ud859 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Gets the Profile entity for the current user * or creates it if it doesn't exist * @param user * @return user's Profile */ private static Profile getProfileFromUser(User user) { // First fetch the user's Profile from the datastore. Profile profile = ofy().load().key( Key.create(Profile.class, user.getUserId())).now(); if (profile == null) { // Create a new Profile if it doesn't exist. // Use default displayName and teeShirtSize String email = user.getEmail(); profile = new Profile(user.getUserId(), extractDefaultDisplayNameFromEmail(email), email, TeeShirtSize.NOT_SPECIFIED); } return profile; }
Example 6
Source File: From ud859 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns a Profile object associated with the given user object. The cloud * endpoints system automatically inject the User object. * * @param user * A User object injected by the cloud endpoints. * @return Profile object. * @throws UnauthorizedException * when the User object is null. */ @ApiMethod(name = "getProfile", path = "profile", httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET) public Profile getProfile(final User user) throws UnauthorizedException { if (user == null) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization required"); } // TODO // load the Profile Entity String userId = user.getUserId(); Key key = Key.create(Profile.class, userId); Profile profile = (Profile) ofy().load().key(key).now(); return profile; }
Example 7
Source File: From ud859 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * This is an ugly workaround for null userId for Android clients. * * @param user A User object injected by the cloud endpoints. * @return the App Engine userId for the user. */ private static String getUserId(User user) { String userId = user.getUserId(); if (userId == null) {"userId is null, so trying to obtain it from the datastore."); AppEngineUser appEngineUser = new AppEngineUser(user); ofy().save().entity(appEngineUser).now(); // Begin new session for not using session cache. Objectify objectify = ofy().factory().begin(); AppEngineUser savedUser = objectify.load().key(appEngineUser.getKey()).now(); userId = savedUser.getUser().getUserId();"Obtained the userId: " + userId); } return userId; }
Example 8
Source File: From google-oauth-java-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Return the user id for the currently logged in user. */ static final String getUserId() { UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService(); User loggedIn = userService.getCurrentUser(); Preconditions.checkState(loggedIn != null, "This servlet requires the user to be logged in."); return loggedIn.getUserId(); }
Example 9
Source File: From tech-gallery with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public TechGalleryUser validateUser(User user) throws BadRequestException, NotFoundException, InternalServerErrorException { if (user == null || user.getUserId() == null || user.getUserId().isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_GOOGLE_ENDPOINT_NULL.message()); } final TechGalleryUser techUser = getUserByGoogleId(user.getUserId()); if (techUser == null) { throw new NotFoundException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_NOT_EXIST.message()); } return techUser; }
Example 10
Source File: From tech-gallery with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Validate the user logged in. * * @param user info about user from google * @throws InternalServerErrorException in case something goes wrong * @throws NotFoundException in case the information are not founded * @throws BadRequestException in case a request with problem were made. */ private void validateUser(User user) throws BadRequestException, NotFoundException, InternalServerErrorException { if (user == null || user.getUserId() == null || user.getUserId().isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_GOOGLE_ENDPOINT_NULL.message()); } TechGalleryUser techUser = userService.getUserByGoogleId(user.getUserId()); if (techUser == null) { throw new NotFoundException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_NOT_EXIST.message()); } }
Example 11
Source File: From tech-gallery with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Validate the user logged in. * * @param user info about user from google * * @throws BadRequestException in case a request with problem were made. * @throws InternalServerErrorException in case something goes wrong * @throws NotFoundException in case the information are not founded */ private void validateUser(User user) throws BadRequestException, NotFoundException, InternalServerErrorException {"Validating user to link"); if (user == null || user.getUserId() == null || user.getUserId().isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_GOOGLE_ENDPOINT_NULL.message()); } final TechGalleryUser techUser = userService.getUserByGoogleId(user.getUserId()); if (techUser == null) { throw new NotFoundException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_NOT_EXIST.message()); } }
Example 12
Source File: From tech-gallery with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Validate the user logged in. * * @param user info about user from google * @throws InternalServerErrorException in case something goes wrong * @throws NotFoundException in case the information are not founded * @throws BadRequestException in case a request with problem were made. */ private void validateUser(User user) throws BadRequestException, NotFoundException, InternalServerErrorException { if (user == null || user.getUserId() == null || user.getUserId().isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_GOOGLE_ENDPOINT_NULL.message()); } final TechGalleryUser techUser = userService.getUserByGoogleId(user.getUserId()); if (techUser == null) { throw new NotFoundException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_NOT_EXIST.message()); } }
Example 13
Source File: From ud859 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns a Profile object associated with the given user object. The cloud * endpoints system automatically inject the User object. * * @param user * A User object injected by the cloud endpoints. * @return Profile object. * @throws UnauthorizedException * when the User object is null. */ @ApiMethod(name = "getProfile", path = "profile", httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET) public Profile getProfile(final User user) throws UnauthorizedException { if (user == null) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization required"); } // TODO // load the Profile Entity String userId = user.getUserId(); Key key = Key.create(Profile.class, userId); Profile profile = (Profile) ofy().load().key(key).now(); return profile; }
Example 14
Source File: From tech-gallery with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Validation for User. * * @author <a href=""> João Felipe de Medeiros Moreira </a> * @since 28/09/2015 * * @param user to be validated * @param techUser to be validated * * @throws BadRequestException in case the params are not correct * @throws InternalServerErrorException in case of internal error */ private void validateUser(User user, TechGalleryUser techUser) throws BadRequestException, InternalServerErrorException {"Validating user to recommend"); if (user == null || user.getUserId() == null || user.getUserId().isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_GOOGLE_ENDPOINT_NULL.message()); } if (techUser == null) { throw new BadRequestException(ValidationMessageEnums.USER_NOT_EXIST.message()); } }
Example 15
Source File: From ud859 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Register to attend the specified Conference. * * @param user An user who invokes this method, null when the user is not signed in. * @param websafeConferenceKey The String representation of the Conference Key. * @return Boolean true when success, otherwise false * @throws UnauthorizedException when the user is not signed in. * @throws NotFoundException when there is no Conference with the given conferenceId. */ @ApiMethod( name = "registerForConference", path = "conference/{websafeConferenceKey}/registration", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST ) public WrappedBoolean registerForConference(final User user, @Named("websafeConferenceKey") final String websafeConferenceKey) throws UnauthorizedException, NotFoundException, ForbiddenException, ConflictException { // If not signed in, throw a 401 error. if (user == null) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization required"); } // Get the userId final String userId = user.getUserId(); WrappedBoolean result = ofy().transact(new Work<WrappedBoolean>() { @Override public WrappedBoolean run() { try { // Get the conference key // Will throw ForbiddenException if the key cannot be created Key<Conference> conferenceKey = Key.create(websafeConferenceKey); // Get the Conference entity from the datastore Conference conference = ofy().load().key(conferenceKey).now(); // 404 when there is no Conference with the given conferenceId. if (conference == null) { return new WrappedBoolean (false, "No Conference found with key: " + websafeConferenceKey); } // Get the user's Profile entity Profile profile = getProfileFromUser(user); // Has the user already registered to attend this conference? if (profile.getConferenceKeysToAttend().contains( websafeConferenceKey)) { return new WrappedBoolean (false, "Already registered"); } else if (conference.getSeatsAvailable() <= 0) { return new WrappedBoolean (false, "No seats available"); } else { // All looks good, go ahead and book the seat profile.addToConferenceKeysToAttend(websafeConferenceKey); conference.bookSeats(1); // Save the Conference and Profile entities ofy().save().entities(profile, conference).now(); // We are booked! return new WrappedBoolean(true, "Registration successful"); } } catch (Exception e) { return new WrappedBoolean(false, "Unknown exception"); } } }); // if result is false if (!result.getResult()) { if (result.getReason().contains("No Conference found with key")) { throw new NotFoundException (result.getReason()); } else if (result.getReason() == "Already registered") { throw new ConflictException("You have already registered"); } else if (result.getReason() == "No seats available") { throw new ConflictException("There are no seats available"); } else { throw new ForbiddenException("Unknown exception"); } } return result; }
Example 16
Source File: From tech-gallery with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * POST for adding a endorsement. TODO: Refactor - Extract Method. Same in * {@link #addOrUpdateEndorsement(EndorsementResponse, User)} * * @throws InternalServerErrorException in case something goes wrong * @throws NotFoundException in case the information are not founded * @throws BadRequestException in case a request with problem were made. * @throws OAuthRequestException in case of authentication problem */ @Override public Endorsement addOrUpdateEndorsementPlusOne(EndorsementResponse endorsement, User user) throws InternalServerErrorException, BadRequestException, NotFoundException, OAuthRequestException { // endorser user google id String googleId; // endorser user from techgallery datastore TechGalleryUser tgEndorserUser; // endorsed user from techgallery datastore TechGalleryUser tgEndorsedUser; // endorsed email String endorsedEmail; // technology from techgallery datastore Technology technology; // User from endpoint (endorser) can't be null if (user == null) { throw new OAuthRequestException(i18n.t("OAuth error, null user reference!")); } else { googleId = user.getUserId(); } // TechGalleryUser can't be null and must exists on datastore if (googleId == null || googleId.equals("")) { throw new NotFoundException(i18n.t("Current user was not found!")); } else { // get the TechGalleryUser from datastore tgEndorserUser = userDao.findByGoogleId(googleId); if (tgEndorserUser == null) { throw new BadRequestException(i18n.t("Endorser user do not exists on datastore!")); } tgEndorserUser.setGoogleId(googleId); } // endorsed email can't be null. endorsedEmail = endorsement.getEndorsed(); if (endorsedEmail == null || endorsedEmail.equals("")) { throw new BadRequestException(i18n.t("Endorsed email was not especified!")); } else { // get user from PEOPLE tgEndorsedUser = userService.getUserSyncedWithProvider(endorsedEmail); if (tgEndorsedUser == null) { throw new BadRequestException(i18n.t("Endorsed email was not found on PEOPLE!")); } } // technology id can't be null and must exists on datastore final String technologyId = endorsement.getTechnology(); if (technologyId == null || technologyId.equals("")) { throw new BadRequestException(i18n.t("Technology was not especified!")); } else { technology = techDao.findById(technologyId); if (technology == null) { throw new BadRequestException(i18n.t("Technology do not exists!")); } } // final checks and persist // user cannot endorse itself if (tgEndorserUser.getId().equals(tgEndorsedUser.getId())) { throw new BadRequestException(i18n.t("You cannot endorse yourself!")); } // should exist only one active endorsement per endorser/endorsed/technology. the others are // saved for history purpose. if already exist one active endorsement, set to inactive. // if not, add a new one as active final List<Endorsement> endorsements = endorsementDao.findActivesByUsers(tgEndorserUser, tgEndorsedUser, technology); if (endorsements.size() == 1) { endorsements.get(0).setInactivatedDate(new Date()); endorsements.get(0).setActive(false); endorsementDao.update(endorsements.get(0)); UserProfileServiceImpl.getInstance().handleEndorsement(endorsements.get(0)); return getEndorsement(endorsements.get(0).getId()); } else if (endorsements.size() > 1) { throw new BadRequestException( i18n.t("More than one active endorserment for the same endorser/endorsed/technology!")); } // create endorsement and save it final Endorsement entity = new Endorsement(); entity.setEndorser(Ref.create(tgEndorserUser)); entity.setEndorsed(Ref.create(tgEndorsedUser)); entity.setTimestamp(new Date()); entity.setTechnology(Ref.create(technology)); entity.setActive(true); endorsementDao.add(entity); UserProfileServiceImpl.getInstance().handleEndorsement(entity); return getEndorsement(entity.getId()); }
Example 17
Source File: From ud859 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Register to attend the specified Conference. * * @param user An user who invokes this method, null when the user is not signed in. * @param websafeConferenceKey The String representation of the Conference Key. * @return Boolean true when success, otherwise false * @throws UnauthorizedException when the user is not signed in. * @throws NotFoundException when there is no Conference with the given conferenceId. */ @ApiMethod( name = "registerForConference", path = "conference/{websafeConferenceKey}/registration", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST ) public WrappedBoolean registerForConference(final User user, @Named("websafeConferenceKey") final String websafeConferenceKey) throws UnauthorizedException, NotFoundException, ForbiddenException, ConflictException { // If not signed in, throw a 401 error. if (user == null) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization required"); } // Get the userId final String userId = user.getUserId(); WrappedBoolean result = ofy().transact(new Work<WrappedBoolean>() { @Override public WrappedBoolean run() { try { // Get the conference key // Will throw ForbiddenException if the key cannot be created Key<Conference> conferenceKey = Key.create(websafeConferenceKey); // Get the Conference entity from the datastore Conference conference = ofy().load().key(conferenceKey).now(); // 404 when there is no Conference with the given conferenceId. if (conference == null) { return new WrappedBoolean (false, "No Conference found with key: " + websafeConferenceKey); } // Get the user's Profile entity Profile profile = getProfileFromUser(user); // Has the user already registered to attend this conference? if (profile.getConferenceKeysToAttend().contains( websafeConferenceKey)) { return new WrappedBoolean (false, "Already registered"); } else if (conference.getSeatsAvailable() <= 0) { return new WrappedBoolean (false, "No seats available"); } else { // All looks good, go ahead and book the seat profile.addToConferenceKeysToAttend(websafeConferenceKey); conference.bookSeats(1); // Save the Conference and Profile entities ofy().save().entities(profile, conference).now(); // We are booked! return new WrappedBoolean(true, "Registration successful"); } } catch (Exception e) { return new WrappedBoolean(false, "Unknown exception"); } } }); // if result is false if (!result.getResult()) { if (result.getReason().contains("No Conference found with key")) { throw new NotFoundException (result.getReason()); } else if (result.getReason() == "Already registered") { throw new ConflictException("You have already registered"); } else if (result.getReason() == "No seats available") { throw new ConflictException("There are no seats available"); } else { throw new ForbiddenException("Unknown exception"); } } return result; }
Example 18
Source File: From ud859 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Creates or updates a Profile object associated with the given user * object. * * @param user * A User object injected by the cloud endpoints. * @param profileForm * A ProfileForm object sent from the client form. * @return Profile object just created. * @throws UnauthorizedException * when the User object is null. */ // Declare this method as a method available externally through Endpoints @ApiMethod(name = "saveProfile", path = "profile", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST) // The request that invokes this method should provide data that // conforms to the fields defined in ProfileForm // TODO 1 Pass the ProfileForm parameter // TODO 2 Pass the User parameter public Profile saveProfile(final User user, ProfileForm profileForm) throws UnauthorizedException { // TODO 2 // If the user is not logged in, throw an UnauthorizedException if (user == null) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization required"); } // TODO 2 // Get the userId and mainEmail String mainEmail = user.getEmail(); String userId = user.getUserId(); // TODO 1 // Get the displayName and teeShirtSize sent by the request. String displayName = profileForm.getDisplayName(); TeeShirtSize teeShirtSize = profileForm.getTeeShirtSize(); // Get the Profile from the datastore if it exists // otherwise create a new one Profile profile = ofy().load().key(Key.create(Profile.class, userId)) .now(); if (profile == null) { // Populate the displayName and teeShirtSize with default values // if not sent in the request if (displayName == null) { displayName = extractDefaultDisplayNameFromEmail(user .getEmail()); } if (teeShirtSize == null) { teeShirtSize = TeeShirtSize.NOT_SPECIFIED; } // Now create a new Profile entity profile = new Profile(userId, displayName, mainEmail, teeShirtSize); } else { // The Profile entity already exists // Update the Profile entity profile.update(displayName, teeShirtSize); } // TODO 3 // Save the entity in the datastore ofy().save().entity(profile).now(); // Return the profile return profile; }
Example 19
Source File: From ud859 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Creates a new Conference object and stores it to the datastore. * * @param user A user who invokes this method, null when the user is not signed in. * @param conferenceForm A ConferenceForm object representing user's inputs. * @return A newly created Conference Object. * @throws UnauthorizedException when the user is not signed in. */ @ApiMethod(name = "createConference", path = "conference", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST) public Conference createConference(final User user, final ConferenceForm conferenceForm) throws UnauthorizedException { if (user == null) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization required"); } // TODO (Lesson 4) // Get the userId of the logged in User String userId = user.getUserId(); // TODO (Lesson 4) // Get the key for the User's Profile Key<Profile> profileKey = Key.create(Profile.class, userId); // TODO (Lesson 4) // Allocate a key for the conference -- let App Engine allocate the ID // Don't forget to include the parent Profile in the allocated ID final Key<Conference> conferenceKey = factory().allocateId(profileKey, Conference.class); // TODO (Lesson 4) // Get the Conference Id from the Key final long conferenceId = conferenceKey.getId(); // TODO (Lesson 4) // Get the existing Profile entity for the current user if there is one // Otherwise create a new Profile entity with default values Profile profile = getProfileFromUser(user); // TODO (Lesson 4) // Create a new Conference Entity, specifying the user's Profile entity // as the parent of the conference Conference conference = new Conference(conferenceId, userId, conferenceForm); // TODO (Lesson 4) // Save Conference and Profile Entities ofy().save().entities(conference, profile).now(); return conference; }
Example 20
Source File: From ud859 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Creates or updates a Profile object associated with the given user * object. * * @param user * A User object injected by the cloud endpoints. * @param profileForm * A ProfileForm object sent from the client form. * @return Profile object just created. * @throws UnauthorizedException * when the User object is null. */ // Declare this method as a method available externally through Endpoints @ApiMethod(name = "saveProfile", path = "profile", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST) // The request that invokes this method should provide data that // conforms to the fields defined in ProfileForm // TODO 1 Pass the ProfileForm parameter // TODO 2 Pass the User parameter public Profile saveProfile(final User user, ProfileForm profileForm) throws UnauthorizedException { // TODO 2 // If the user is not logged in, throw an UnauthorizedException if (user == null) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization required"); } // TODO 2 // Get the userId and mainEmail String mainEmail = user.getEmail(); String userId = user.getUserId(); // TODO 1 // Get the displayName and teeShirtSize sent by the request. String displayName = profileForm.getDisplayName(); TeeShirtSize teeShirtSize = profileForm.getTeeShirtSize(); // Get the Profile from the datastore if it exists // otherwise create a new one Profile profile = ofy().load().key(Key.create(Profile.class, userId)) .now(); if (profile == null) { // Populate the displayName and teeShirtSize with default values // if not sent in the request if (displayName == null) { displayName = extractDefaultDisplayNameFromEmail(user .getEmail()); } if (teeShirtSize == null) { teeShirtSize = TeeShirtSize.NOT_SPECIFIED; } // Now create a new Profile entity profile = new Profile(userId, displayName, mainEmail, teeShirtSize); } else { // The Profile entity already exists // Update the Profile entity profile.update(displayName, teeShirtSize); } // TODO 3 // Save the entity in the datastore ofy().save().entity(profile).now(); // Return the profile return profile; }