Java Code Examples for org.joda.time.DateTime#plus()
The following examples show how to use
org.joda.time.DateTime#plus() .
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Example 1
Source File: From freehealth-connector with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public DateTime getVerifiedSigningTime(int amount, TimeUnit unit) { Iterator i$ = this.timestampGenTime.iterator(); DateTime start; DateTime end; do { if (!i$.hasNext()) { return new DateTime(); } DateTime genTime = (DateTime)i$.next(); start = genTime.minus(unit.toMillis((long)amount)); end =; } while(this.signingTime.isBefore(start) || this.signingTime.isAfter(end)); return this.signingTime; }
Example 2
Source File: From freehealth-connector with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public DateTime getVerifiedSigningTime(int amount, TimeUnit unit) { Iterator i$ = this.timestampGenTime.iterator(); DateTime start; DateTime end; do { if (!i$.hasNext()) { return new DateTime(); } DateTime genTime = (DateTime)i$.next(); start = genTime.minus(unit.toMillis((long)amount)); end =; } while(this.signingTime.isBefore(start) || this.signingTime.isAfter(end)); return this.signingTime; }
Example 3
Source File: From freehealth-connector with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public DateTime getVerifiedSigningTime(int amount, TimeUnit unit) { Iterator i$ = this.timestampGenTime.iterator(); DateTime start; DateTime end; do { if (!i$.hasNext()) { return new DateTime(); } DateTime genTime = (DateTime)i$.next(); start = genTime.minus(unit.toMillis((long)amount)); end =; } while(this.signingTime.isBefore(start) || this.signingTime.isAfter(end)); return this.signingTime; }
Example 4
Source File: From supl-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private DateTime toGloTime(DateTime dateTime) { dateTime =; int countLeapSec1 = getLeapSecond(dateTime); // The countLeapSec1 would produce the correct number of leap seconds except for an edge case // where a straddle leap second occurs (number of leap seconds now != number of leap seconds // after adjusting the time with the computed leap seconds). In such case, we need to add one to // the used leap second. DateTime gpsDateTimeMinusLeapSec = dateTime.minusSeconds(countLeapSec1); int countLeapSec2 = getLeapSecond(gpsDateTimeMinusLeapSec); gpsDateTimeMinusLeapSec = (countLeapSec1 == countLeapSec2) ? gpsDateTimeMinusLeapSec : gpsDateTimeMinusLeapSec.minusSeconds(countLeapSec2); gpsDateTimeMinusLeapSec.plusHours(TimeConstants.MOSCOW_UTC_TIME_OFFSET_HOURS); return gpsDateTimeMinusLeapSec; }
Example 5
Source File: From incubator-pinot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Handles the given time series request using the given time series parser. * * @param timeSeriesRequest the request to retrieve time series. * * @return the time series for the given request. * * @throws Exception Any exception that is thrown during the retrieval. */ public TimeSeriesResponse handle(TimeSeriesRequest timeSeriesRequest, TimeSeriesResponseParser timeSeriesResponseParser) throws Exception { // Time ranges for creating ThirdEye request DateTime start = timeSeriesRequest.getStart(); DateTime end = timeSeriesRequest.getEnd(); if (timeSeriesRequest.isEndDateInclusive()) { // ThirdEyeRequest is exclusive endpoint, so increment by one bucket TimeGranularity aggregationTimeGranularity = timeSeriesRequest.getAggregationTimeGranularity(); end =; } // Create request ThirdEyeRequest request = createThirdEyeRequest("timeseries", timeSeriesRequest, start, end); Future<ThirdEyeResponse> responseFuture = queryCache.getQueryResultAsync(request); // 5 minutes timeout ThirdEyeResponse response = responseFuture.get(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES); List<TimeSeriesRow> rows = timeSeriesResponseParser.parseResponse(response); // compute the derived metrics computeDerivedMetrics(timeSeriesRequest, rows); return new TimeSeriesResponse(rows); }
Example 6
Source File: From nomulus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testSuccess_multipleHostsProcessedInBatch() throws Exception { HostResource host1 = persistActiveHost("ns1.example.tld"); HostResource host2 = persistActiveHost("ns2.example.tld"); HostResource host3 = persistActiveHost("ns3.example.tld"); persistResource(newDomainBase("example1.tld", host1)); persistResource(newDomainBase("example2.tld", host2)); persistResource(newDomainBase("example3.tld", host3)); DateTime timeEnqueued = clock.nowUtc(); DateTime laterTimeEnqueued =; enqueuer.enqueueAsyncDnsRefresh(host1, timeEnqueued); enqueuer.enqueueAsyncDnsRefresh(host2, timeEnqueued); enqueuer.enqueueAsyncDnsRefresh(host3, laterTimeEnqueued); runMapreduce(); assertDnsTasksEnqueued("example1.tld", "example2.tld", "example3.tld"); assertNoTasksEnqueued(QUEUE_ASYNC_HOST_RENAME); verify(action.asyncTaskMetrics).recordDnsRefreshBatchSize(3L); verify(action.asyncTaskMetrics, times(2)) .recordAsyncFlowResult(DNS_REFRESH, OperationResult.SUCCESS, timeEnqueued); verify(action.asyncTaskMetrics) .recordAsyncFlowResult(DNS_REFRESH, OperationResult.SUCCESS, laterTimeEnqueued); verifyNoMoreInteractions(action.asyncTaskMetrics); }
Example 7
Source File: From nomulus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Create a new {@link Lock} for the given resource name in the specified tld (which can be null * for cross-tld locks). */ public static Lock create( String resourceName, @Nullable String tld, String requestLogId, DateTime acquiredTime, Duration leaseLength) { checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(resourceName), "resourceName cannot be null or empty"); Lock instance = new Lock(); // Add the tld to the Lock's id so that it is unique for locks acquiring the same resource // across different TLDs. instance.lockId = makeLockId(resourceName, tld); instance.requestLogId = requestLogId; instance.expirationTime =; instance.acquiredTime = acquiredTime; instance.resourceName = resourceName; instance.tld = tld; return instance; }
Example 8
Source File: From incubator-pinot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private TimeRange getTimeRangeWithOffsets(AnomalyOffset offset, DateTime windowStart, DateTime windowEnd, DatasetConfigDTO datasetConfig) { Period preOffsetPeriod = offset.getPreOffsetPeriod(); Period postOffsetPeriod = offset.getPostOffsetPeriod(); DateTimeZone dateTimeZone = DateTimeZone.forID(datasetConfig.getTimezone()); DateTime windowStartDateTime = new DateTime(windowStart, dateTimeZone); DateTime windowEndDateTime = new DateTime(windowEnd, dateTimeZone); windowStartDateTime = windowStartDateTime.minus(preOffsetPeriod); windowEndDateTime =; long windowStartTime = windowStartDateTime.getMillis(); long windowEndTime = windowEndDateTime.getMillis(); try { Long maxDataTime = CACHE_REGISTRY.getDatasetMaxDataTimeCache().get(datasetConfig.getDataset()); if (windowEndTime > maxDataTime) { windowEndTime = maxDataTime; } } catch (ExecutionException e) { LOG.error("Exception when reading max time for {}", datasetConfig.getDataset(), e); } TimeRange range = new TimeRange(windowStartTime, windowEndTime); return range; }
Example 9
Source File: From emr-dynamodb-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public <T> RetryResult<T> runWithRetry(Callable<T> callable, Reporter reporter, PrintCounter retryCounter) { fib1 = 0; fib2 = 1; retryCount = 0; DateTime currentTime = new DateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC); DateTime retryEndTime =; while (true) { if (isShutdown) {"Is shut down, giving up and returning null"); return null; } try { T returnObj =; return new RetryResult<>(returnObj, retryCount); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(retryEndTime, e, reporter, retryCounter); } } }
Example 10
Source File: From jlogstash-input-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * 获取过滤条件 * * @return */ private Document getFilterDoc() { DateTime start = startTime.get(); if (start == null) { return queryDocument; } DateTime end =; Map<String, Object> condition = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if ("id".equals(since_type)) { condition.put("$gte", new ObjectId(start.toDate())); condition.put("$lt", new ObjectId(end.toDate())); } else { condition.put("$gte", start); condition.put("$lt", end); } queryDocument.put(since_column, condition); return queryDocument; }
Example 11
Source File: From incubator-pinot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns a DataFrame populated with mock data for a given config and time range. * * @param config metric generator config * @param start start time * @param end end time * @param interval time granularity * @return DataFrame with mock data */ private static DataFrame makeData(Map<String, Object> config, DateTime start, DateTime end, Period interval) { List<Long> timestamps = new ArrayList<>(); List<Double> values = new ArrayList<>(); double mean = MapUtils.getDoubleValue(config, "mean", 0); double std = MapUtils.getDoubleValue(config, "std", 1); double daily = MapUtils.getDoubleValue(config, "daily", mean); double weekly = MapUtils.getDoubleValue(config, "weekly", daily); NormalDistribution dist = new NormalDistribution(mean, std); DateTime origin = start.withFields(DataFrameUtils.makeOrigin(PeriodType.days())); while (origin.isBefore(end)) { if (origin.isBefore(start)) { origin =; continue; } timestamps.add(origin.getMillis()); double compDaily = weekly * (COMPONENT_ALPHA_WEEKLY + Math.sin(origin.getDayOfWeek() / 7.0 * 2 * Math.PI + 1) / 2 * (1 - COMPONENT_ALPHA_WEEKLY)); double compHourly = daily * (COMPONENT_ALPHA_DAILY + Math.sin(origin.getHourOfDay() / 24.0 * 2 * Math.PI + 1) / 2 * (1 - COMPONENT_ALPHA_DAILY)); double compEpsilon = dist.sample(); values.add((double) Math.max(Math.round(compDaily + compHourly + compEpsilon), 0)); origin =; } return new DataFrame() .addSeries(COL_TIME, ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(timestamps.toArray(new Long[0]))) .addSeries(COL_VALUE, ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(values.toArray(new Double[0]))) .setIndex(COL_TIME); }
Example 12
Source File: From unitime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public int[] countQueries(Map<String, int[]> table, DateTime date) { DateTime d = date; int[] ret = new int[Type.values().length]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) ret[i] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iWindow; i++) { int[] count = table.get(format(d)); if (count != null) for (int j = 0; j < count.length; j++) ret[j] += count[j]; d =; } return ret; }
Example 13
Source File: From cassandra-reaper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private DateTime nextActivationStartDate(int scheduleIndex) { DateTime timeBeforeFirstSchedule =; if (context.config.getAutoScheduling().hasScheduleSpreadPeriod()) { return scheduleIndex * context.config.getAutoScheduling().getScheduleSpreadPeriod().toMillis()); } return timeBeforeFirstSchedule; }
Example 14
Source File: From MaxKey with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String kerberosPrincipal="Administrator@CONNSEC.COM"; kerberosPrincipal=kerberosPrincipal.substring(0, kerberosPrincipal.indexOf("@")); System.out.println(kerberosPrincipal); if (Pattern.matches("[0-9]+", "TWO_WEEK")){ System.out.println("true"); }else{ System.out.println("false"); } DateTime datetime=new DateTime(new Date(), ISOChronology.getInstanceUTC()); System.out.println(DateUtils.toUtc(datetime));*1000); System.out.println(DateUtils.toUtc(datetime)); String json="{\"fullPrincipal\":\"Administrator@CONNSEC.COM\",\"principal\":\"Administrator\",\"userDomain\":\"CONNSEC\",\"notOnOrAfter\":\"2014-01-18T07:10:16.624Z\"}"; KerberosToken kerberosToken=new KerberosToken(); kerberosToken=(KerberosToken)JsonUtils.json2Object(json, kerberosToken); System.out.println(kerberosToken); System.out.println(DateUtils.toUtcDate(kerberosToken.getNotOnOrAfter())); }
Example 15
Source File: From incubator-pinot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private List<DateTime> getMonitoringWindowEndTimes() { List<DateTime> endTimes = new ArrayList<>(); // get current hour/day, depending on granularity of dataset, DateTime currentEndTime = new DateTime(getBoundaryAlignedTimeForDataset(new DateTime(endTime, dateTimeZone)), dateTimeZone); DateTime lastDateTime = new DateTime(getBoundaryAlignedTimeForDataset(new DateTime(startTime, dateTimeZone)), dateTimeZone); while (lastDateTime.isBefore(currentEndTime)) { lastDateTime =; endTimes.add(lastDateTime); } return endTimes; }
Example 16
Source File: From incubator-pinot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static long[] makeCutoffs(DateTime origin, DateTime max, Period bucketSize) { List<Long> offsets = new ArrayList<>(); DateTime offset = origin; while (offset.isBefore(max) || offset.isEqual(max)) { offsets.add(offset.getMillis()); offset =; } return ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(offsets.toArray(new Long[offsets.size()])); }
Example 17
Source File: From evt4j with MIT License | 5 votes |
public static String getExpirationTime(@NotNull String referenceTime, @Nullable String type) { int TIMESTAMP_LENGTH = 19; Duration expireDuration = Duration.standardSeconds(100); if (type != null && type.equals("everipay")) { expireDuration = Duration.standardSeconds(10); } DateTime dateTime = Utils.getCorrectedTime(referenceTime); DateTime expiration =; return expiration.toString().substring(0, TIMESTAMP_LENGTH); }
Example 18
Source File: From java with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void determineNextResync(DateTime now) { this.nextResync =; }
Example 19
Source File: From nomulus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public final EppResponse run() throws EppException { extensionManager.register(MetadataExtension.class); extensionManager.validate(); validateClientIsLoggedIn(gainingClientId); DateTime now = tm().getTransactionTime(); ContactResource existingContact = loadAndVerifyExistence(ContactResource.class, targetId, now); verifyAuthInfoPresentForResourceTransfer(authInfo); verifyAuthInfo(authInfo.get(), existingContact); // Verify that the resource does not already have a pending transfer. if (TransferStatus.PENDING.equals(existingContact.getTransferData().getTransferStatus())) { throw new AlreadyPendingTransferException(targetId); } String losingClientId = existingContact.getCurrentSponsorClientId(); // Verify that this client doesn't already sponsor this resource. if (gainingClientId.equals(losingClientId)) { throw new ObjectAlreadySponsoredException(); } verifyNoDisallowedStatuses(existingContact, DISALLOWED_STATUSES); HistoryEntry historyEntry = historyBuilder .setType(HistoryEntry.Type.CONTACT_TRANSFER_REQUEST) .setModificationTime(now) .setParent(Key.create(existingContact)) .build(); DateTime transferExpirationTime =; ContactTransferData serverApproveTransferData = new ContactTransferData.Builder() .setTransferRequestTime(now) .setTransferRequestTrid(trid) .setGainingClientId(gainingClientId) .setLosingClientId(losingClientId) .setPendingTransferExpirationTime(transferExpirationTime) .setTransferStatus(TransferStatus.SERVER_APPROVED) .build(); // If the transfer is server approved, this message will be sent to the losing registrar. */ PollMessage serverApproveLosingPollMessage = createLosingTransferPollMessage(targetId, serverApproveTransferData, historyEntry); // If the transfer is server approved, this message will be sent to the gaining registrar. */ PollMessage serverApproveGainingPollMessage = createGainingTransferPollMessage(targetId, serverApproveTransferData, historyEntry); ContactTransferData pendingTransferData = serverApproveTransferData .asBuilder() .setTransferStatus(TransferStatus.PENDING) .setServerApproveEntities( ImmutableSet.of( serverApproveGainingPollMessage.createVKey(), serverApproveLosingPollMessage.createVKey())) .build(); // When a transfer is requested, a poll message is created to notify the losing registrar. PollMessage requestPollMessage = createLosingTransferPollMessage(targetId, pendingTransferData, historyEntry).asBuilder() .setEventTime(now) // Unlike the serverApprove messages, this applies immediately. .build(); ContactResource newContact = existingContact.asBuilder() .setTransferData(pendingTransferData) .addStatusValue(StatusValue.PENDING_TRANSFER) .build(); ofy().save().<Object>entities( newContact, historyEntry, requestPollMessage, serverApproveGainingPollMessage, serverApproveLosingPollMessage); return responseBuilder .setResultFromCode(SUCCESS_WITH_ACTION_PENDING) .setResData(createTransferResponse(targetId, newContact.getTransferData())) .build(); }
Example 20
Source File: From commcare-android with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
@Test public void testDateCalculations() { //Test Identity Calculations Date now = new Date(); LocalDateTime ldnow = new LocalDateTime(now); DateTime dtnow = new DateTime(now); Assert.assertEquals("Dates are incompatible (Date -> LocalDate)", now.getTime(), ldnow.toDate().getTime()); Assert.assertEquals("Dates are incompatible (Date -> DateTime)", now.getTime(), dtnow.toLocalDateTime().toDate().getTime()); DateTime elevenPm = new DateTime(2020, 10, 10, 23, 00, 00); DateTime twoAmNd =; DateTime elevenThirtyPmNd = new DateTime(2020, 10, 11, 23, 30, 00); DateTime elevenPmPlusThree =; DateTime elevenPmPlusThreeDaysThirtyMinutes =; DateTime elevenPmPlusThreeDaysOneHour =; Assert.assertEquals(1, SyncDetailCalculations.getDaysBetweenJavaDatetimes(elevenPm.toDate(), twoAmNd.toDate())); Assert.assertEquals(0, SyncDetailCalculations.getDaysBetweenJavaDatetimes(twoAmNd.toDate(), elevenThirtyPmNd.toDate())); Assert.assertEquals(3, SyncDetailCalculations.getDaysBetweenJavaDatetimes(elevenPm.toDate(), elevenPmPlusThree.toDate())); Assert.assertEquals(3, SyncDetailCalculations.getDaysBetweenJavaDatetimes(elevenPm.toDate(), elevenPmPlusThreeDaysThirtyMinutes.toDate())); Assert.assertEquals(4, SyncDetailCalculations.getDaysBetweenJavaDatetimes(elevenPm.toDate(), elevenPmPlusThreeDaysOneHour.toDate())); }