Java Code Examples for org.openqa.selenium.Alert#accept()
The following examples show how to use
org.openqa.selenium.Alert#accept() .
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Example 1
Source File: From LuckyFrameClient with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public static String alertOperation(AndroidDriver<AndroidElement> appium, String operation) { String result = ""; Alert alert = appium.switchTo().alert(); switch (operation) { case "alertaccept": alert.accept();"�����������ͬ��..."); break; case "alertdismiss": alert.dismiss();"�����������ȡ��..."); break; case "alertgettext": result = "��ȡ����ֵ�ǡ�" + alert.getText() + "��";"���������ͨ��getText��ȡ����text����...��Text����ֵ:{}��",alert.getText()); break; default: break; } return result; }
Example 2
Source File: From WebAndAppUITesting with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * 切换到alter,并点击确认框 */ public void clickAlert(String msg) { WebDriverWait webDriverWait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); Alert alert; baseOpt.wait(20); // Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); try { // 不稳定,原因待查。还是用上面的吧 // wait and switchTo, Otherwise, throws a TimeoutException alert = webDriverWait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent()); } catch (Exception e) { this.screenShot(); + "==>alert等待超时!"); alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); // 与waituntil功能重复,但until经常失败,为了增强健壮性才如此写 } if (msg != null) { AssertUtil.assertEquals(alert.getText(), msg, "提示语错误"); } alert.accept(); baseOpt.wait(30); }
Example 3
Source File: From java-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected boolean assertThatAlertListenerWorks(EmptyWebDriver driver, TestListener listener, String prefix) { try { Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); alert.accept(); alert.dismiss(); alert.sendKeys("Keys"); assertThat(listener.messages, contains(prefix + "Attempt to accept alert", prefix + "The alert was accepted", prefix + "Attempt to dismiss alert", prefix + "The alert was dismissed", prefix + "Attempt to send keys to alert", prefix + "Keys were sent to alert")); return true; } finally { listener.messages.clear(); } }
Example 4
Source File: From product-es with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String closeAlertAndGetItsText() { try { Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); String alertText = alert.getText(); if (acceptNextAlert) { alert.accept(); } else { alert.dismiss(); } return alertText; } finally { acceptNextAlert = true; } }
Example 5
Source File: From product-cep with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(groups = "wso2.cep", description = "Verifying XSS Vulnerability in event data sources - driver field") public void testXSSVenerabilityDriverField() throws Exception { boolean isVulnerable = false; // Login driver.get(getLoginURL()); driver.findElement("txtUserName")).clear(); driver.findElement("txtUserName")).sendKeys(cepServer.getContextTenant().getContextUser().getUserName()); driver.findElement("txtPassword")).clear(); driver.findElement("txtPassword")).sendKeys(cepServer.getContextTenant().getContextUser().getPassword()); driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input.button")).click(); // Sending request to even-tracer admin service String url = backendURL.substring(0, 22) + "/carbon/ndatasource/validateconnection-ajaxprocessor.jsp?"; List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<>(); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("dsName", "John")); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("driver", "<script>alert(1)</script>")); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("url", "")); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("username", "John")); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("dsType", "RDBMS")); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("dsProviderType", "default")); url += URLEncodedUtils.format(params, "UTF-8"); driver.get(url); try { // Alert appears if vulnerable to XSS attack. Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); alert.accept(); isVulnerable = true; } catch (NoAlertPresentException e) { // XSS vulnerability is not there } Assert.assertFalse(isVulnerable); driver.close(); }
Example 6
Source File: From product-es with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String closeAlertAndGetItsText() { try { Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); String alertText = alert.getText(); if (acceptNextAlert) { alert.accept(); } else { alert.dismiss(); } return alertText; } finally { acceptNextAlert = true; } }
Example 7
Source File: From nifi-registry with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String closeAlertAndGetItsText() { try { Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); String alertText = alert.getText(); if (acceptNextAlert) { alert.accept(); } else { alert.dismiss(); } return alertText; } finally { acceptNextAlert = true; } }
Example 8
Source File: From htmlunit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Gets the alerts collected by the driver. * Note: it currently works only if no new page has been loaded in the window * @param maxWaitTime the maximum time to wait to get the alerts (in millis) * @param driver the driver * @param alertsLength the expected length of Alerts * @return the collected alerts * @throws Exception in case of problem */ protected List<String> getCollectedAlerts(final long maxWaitTime, final WebDriver driver, final int alertsLength) throws Exception { final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<>(); long maxWait = System.currentTimeMillis() + maxWaitTime; while (collectedAlerts.size() < alertsLength && System.currentTimeMillis() < maxWait) { try { final Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); final String text = alert.getText(); collectedAlerts.add(text); alert.accept(); // handling of alerts requires some time // at least for tests with many alerts we have to take this into account maxWait += 100; if (useRealBrowser()) { if (getBrowserVersion().isIE()) { // alerts for real IE are really slow maxWait += 5000; } } } catch (final NoAlertPresentException e) { Thread.sleep(10); } } return collectedAlerts; }
Example 9
Source File: From product-es with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String closeAlertAndGetItsText() { try { Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); String alertText = alert.getText(); if (acceptNextAlert) { alert.accept(); } else { alert.dismiss(); } return alertText; } finally { acceptNextAlert = true; } }
Example 10
Source File: From nifi-registry with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String closeAlertAndGetItsText() { try { Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); String alertText = alert.getText(); if (acceptNextAlert) { alert.accept(); } else { alert.dismiss(); } return alertText; } finally { acceptNextAlert = true; } }
Example 11
Source File: From nifi-registry with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String closeAlertAndGetItsText() { try { Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); String alertText = alert.getText(); if (acceptNextAlert) { alert.accept(); } else { alert.dismiss(); } return alertText; } finally { acceptNextAlert = true; } }
Example 12
Source File: From product-cep with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(groups = "wso2.cep", description = "Verifying XSS Vulnerability in event data sources - data source name field") public void testXSSVenerabilityNameField() throws Exception { boolean isVulnerable = false; // Login driver.get(getLoginURL()); driver.findElement("txtUserName")).clear(); driver.findElement("txtUserName")).sendKeys(cepServer.getContextTenant().getContextUser().getUserName()); driver.findElement("txtPassword")).clear(); driver.findElement("txtPassword")).sendKeys(cepServer.getContextTenant().getContextUser().getPassword()); driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input.button")).click(); // Sending request to even-tracer admin service String url = backendURL.substring(0, 22) + "/carbon/ndatasource/newdatasource.jsp?"; List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<>(); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("dsName", "RiskScoringDB\"><script>alert(1)</script><example attr=\"")); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("edit", "true")); url += URLEncodedUtils.format(params, "UTF-8"); driver.get(url); try { // Alert appears if vulnerable to XSS attack. Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); alert.accept(); isVulnerable = true; } catch (NoAlertPresentException e) { // XSS vulnerability is not there } Assert.assertFalse(isVulnerable); driver.close(); }
Example 13
Source File: From nifi-registry with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String closeAlertAndGetItsText() { try { Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); String alertText = alert.getText(); if (acceptNextAlert) { alert.accept(); } else { alert.dismiss(); } return alertText; } finally { acceptNextAlert = true; } }
Example 14
Source File: From nifi-registry with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String closeAlertAndGetItsText() { try { Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); String alertText = alert.getText(); if (acceptNextAlert) { alert.accept(); } else { alert.dismiss(); } return alertText; } finally { acceptNextAlert = true; } }
Example 15
Source File: From rice with Educational Community License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Accept the javascript alert (clicking OK) * */ protected void acceptAlert() { Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); //update is executed alert.accept(); }
Example 16
Source File: From xframium-java with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public boolean _executeStep( Page pageObject, WebDriver webDriver, Map<String, Object> contextMap, Map<String, PageData> dataMap, Map<String, Page> pageMap, SuiteContainer sC, ExecutionContextTest executionContext ) { try { WebDriverWait alertWait = new WebDriverWait( webDriver, 5 ); Alert currentAlert = alertWait.until( new Function<WebDriver,Alert>(){ @Override public Alert apply( WebDriver t ) { return ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent().apply( t ); } } ); if ( getContext() != null && !getContext().isEmpty() ) addContext( getContext(), currentAlert.getText(), contextMap, executionContext ); switch( ALERT_TYPE.valueOf( getName() ) ) { case ACCEPT: currentAlert.accept(); break; case DISMISS: currentAlert.dismiss(); break; case SEND_KEYS: currentAlert.sendKeys( getParameterValue( getParameterList().get( 0 ), contextMap, dataMap, executionContext.getxFID() ) + "" ); currentAlert.accept(); break; default: log.warn( "Unhandled Alert Type: " + getName() ); } } catch( NoAlertPresentException e ) { return false; } return true; }
Example 17
Source File: From base-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void doTest() {"/"); //通过点击,进入功能模块"SJDK3849CKMS3849DJCK2039ZMSK0003"));"SJDK3849CKMS3849DJCK2039ZMSK0004")); //获取table中的所有操作前的tr List<WebElement> beforeTrs = s.findElements(By.xpath("//table//tbody//tr")); //断言所有tr是否等于期望值 assertEquals(beforeTrs.size(), 5); //打开添加页面"//a[@href='/base-curd/account/user/read']")); //填写表单 s.type(By.xpath("//form[@id='create-user-form']//input[@name='username']"), "admin"); s.type(By.xpath("//form[@id='create-user-form']//input[@name='realname']"), "maurice.chen"); s.type(By.xpath("//form[@id='create-user-form']//input[@name='password']"), "admin"); s.type(By.xpath("//form[@id='create-user-form']//input[@name='confirmPassword']"), "admin"); s.getSelect(By.xpath("//form[@id='create-user-form']//select[@name='state']")).selectByValue("1"); s.type(By.xpath("//form[@id='create-user-form']//input[@name='email']"), ""); //选中所有复选框 s.check(s.findElement("selectAll"))); //提交表单,页面验证不通过"//div[@class='panel-footer']//button[@type='submit']")); //设置最后的一个值 s.type(By.xpath("//form[@id='create-user-form']//input[@name='username']"), "test_admin"); //验证通过,提交表单"//div[@class='panel-footer']//button[@type='submit']")); //返回成功信息 String message = s.findElement(By.className("alert")).getText(); assertTrue(message.contains("新增成功")); //获取table中的所有操作前的tr List<WebElement> aflterTrs = s.findElements(By.xpath("//table//tbody//tr")); //添加成功后应该比开始的记录多一条 assertEquals(aflterTrs.size(), beforeTrs.size() + 1); //点击编辑功能 s.findElement(By.xpath("//table//tbody//tr//*[text()='test_admin']//..//a")).click(); //填写表单 s.type(By.xpath("//form[@id='update-user-form']//input[@name='realname']"), "test_realname"); s.getSelect(By.xpath("//form[@id='update-user-form']//select[@name='state']")).selectByValue("2"); //选中所有复选框 for (WebElement element : s.findElements("groupId"))) { s.uncheck(element); } //提交表单"//div[@class='panel-footer']//button[@type='submit']")); //返回成功信息 message = s.findElement(By.className("alert")).getText(); assertTrue(message.contains("修改成功")); aflterTrs = s.findElement(By.tagName("table")).findElements(By.xpath("//tbody//tr")); //添加成功后应该比开始的记录多一条 assertEquals(aflterTrs.size(), beforeTrs.size() + 1); //选中删除的记录 s.check(By.xpath("//table//tbody//tr//*[text()='test_admin']//..//input")); //提交删除表单"//div[@class='panel-footer']//*[@type='submit']")); Alert alert = s.getDriver().switchTo().alert(); alert.accept(); //返回成功信息 message = s.findElement(By.className("alert")).getText(); assertTrue(message.contains("删除1条信息成功")); aflterTrs = s.findElement(By.tagName("table")).findElements(By.xpath("//tbody//tr")); //删除成功后应该刚刚开始的记录一样 assertEquals(aflterTrs.size(), beforeTrs.size()); //打开查询框"//div[@class='panel-footer']//*[@data-toggle='modal']")); s.waitForVisible("search-modal")); //设置查询条件值 s.type("filter_RLIKES_username"), "admin"); s.type("filter_RLIKES_realname"), "maurice"); s.getSelect("filter_EQI_state")).selectByValue("1"); s.type("filter_RLIKES_email"), "es"); //查询"//div[@class='modal-footer']//button[@type='submit']")); aflterTrs = s.findElement(By.tagName("table")).findElements(By.xpath("//tbody//tr")); //断言查询后的记录数 assertEquals(aflterTrs.size(), 1); }
Example 18
Source File: From opentest with MIT License | 4 votes |
@Override public void run() {; String perform = this.readStringArgument("perform"); this.waitForAsyncCallsToFinish(); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(this.driver, this.getExplicitWaitSec()); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent()); Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); String text; switch (perform.toLowerCase()) { case "accept": alert.accept(); break; case "dismiss": alert.dismiss(); break; case "gettext": text = alert.getText(); this.writeOutput("text", text); break; case "sendkeys": text = this.readStringArgument("text", null); String key = this.readStringArgument("key", null); if (text != null) { alert.sendKeys(text); } else if (key != null) { String keyString = Keys.valueOf(key.toUpperCase()).toString(); alert.sendKeys(keyString); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Neither the \"text\" argument, nor the \"key\" argument were provided."); } break; default: throw new RuntimeException( "The \"perform\" argument must have one of the following values: accept, " + "authenticate, dismiss, getText, sendKeys, setCredentials."); } }
Example 19
Source File: From rice with Educational Community License v2.0 | 4 votes |
protected void testInquiry() throws Exception { selectFrameIframePortlet(); waitAndTypeByName(CRITERIA_NAME+"[number]", "a1"); waitAndClickByXpath("//*[@alt='Direct Inquiry']"); selectTopFrame(); Thread.sleep(5000); gotoLightBox(); SeleneseTestBase.assertEquals("Travel Account Inquiry", getTextByXpath("//h1/span").trim()); assertElementPresentByLinkText("a1"); selectTopFrame(); waitAndClickByXpath("//div[@class='fancybox-item fancybox-close']"); selectFrameIframePortlet(); waitAndClickByXpath("//button[contains(text(),'Clear Values')]"); //-----------------------------Code will not work as page has freemarker exceptions------------------------ Thread.sleep(2000); waitAndClickByXpath("//*[@alt='Direct Inquiry']"); Alert a1 = driver.switchTo().alert(); Assert.assertEquals("Please enter a value in the appropriate field.", a1.getText()); a1.accept(); switchToWindow("null"); selectFrameIframePortlet(); //No Direct Inquiry Option for Fiscal Officer. waitAndTypeByName(CRITERIA_NAME+"[foId]", "1"); waitAndClickByXpath("//*[@id='u229']"); selectTopFrame(); Thread.sleep(5000); gotoLightBox(); Assert.assertEquals("Fiscal Officer Lookup", getTextByXpath("//h1/span").trim()); Assert.assertEquals("1", waitAndGetAttributeByName(CRITERIA_NAME + "[id]", "value")); waitAndClickByXpath(SEARCH_BUTTON_XPATH); selectFrameIframePortlet(); selectOptionByName(CRITERIA_NAME+"[extension.accountTypeCode]", "CAT"); waitAndClickByXpath("//fieldset[@id='u232_fieldset']/input[@alt='Search Field']"); selectTopFrame(); Thread.sleep(5000); gotoLightBox(); Assert.assertEquals("Travel Account Type Lookup", getTextByXpath("//h1/span").trim()); Assert.assertEquals("CAT", waitAndGetAttributeByName(CRITERIA_NAME + "[accountTypeCode]", "value")); waitAndClickByXpath(SEARCH_BUTTON_XPATH); selectFrameIframePortlet(); }
Example 20
Source File: From appiumpro with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testPicker() { // get to the picker view wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(pickerScreen)).click(); // find the picker elements List<WebElement> pickerEls = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfAllElementsLocatedBy(pickers)); // use the sendKeys method to set the picker wheel values directly pickerEls.get(0).sendKeys("March"); pickerEls.get(1).sendKeys("6"); // trigger the API call to get date info driver.findElement(learnMoreBtn).click(); // verify info was retrieved for the correct date wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent()); Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); Assert.assertThat(alert.getText(), Matchers.containsString("On this day (3/6) in")); // clear the alert alert.accept(); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.not(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent())); // use the selectPickerWheelValue method to move to the next value in the 'month' wheel HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("order", "next"); params.put("offset", 0.15); params.put("element", ((RemoteWebElement) pickerEls.get(0)).getId()); driver.executeScript("mobile: selectPickerWheelValue", params); // and move to the previous value in the 'day' wheel params.put("order", "previous"); params.put("element", ((RemoteWebElement) pickerEls.get(1)).getId()); driver.executeScript("mobile: selectPickerWheelValue", params); // trigger the API call to get date info driver.findElement(learnMoreBtn).click(); // and finally verify info was retrieved for the correct date (4/5) wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent()); alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); Assert.assertThat(alert.getText(), Matchers.containsString("On this day (4/5) in")); alert.accept(); }