org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptUtil Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Shifts a filter originating from the right child of the LogicalJoin to the * right, to reflect the filter now being applied on the resulting * MultiJoin. * * @param joinRel the original LogicalJoin * @param left the left child of the LogicalJoin * @param right the right child of the LogicalJoin * @param rightFilter the filter originating from the right child * @return the adjusted right filter */ private RexNode shiftRightFilter( Join joinRel, RelNode left, MultiJoin right, RexNode rightFilter) { if (rightFilter == null) { return null; } int nFieldsOnLeft = left.getRowType().getFieldList().size(); int nFieldsOnRight = right.getRowType().getFieldList().size(); int[] adjustments = new int[nFieldsOnRight]; for (int i = 0; i < nFieldsOnRight; i++) { adjustments[i] = nFieldsOnLeft; } rightFilter = rightFilter.accept( new RelOptUtil.RexInputConverter( joinRel.getCluster().getRexBuilder(), right.getRowType().getFieldList(), joinRel.getRowType().getFieldList(), adjustments)); return rightFilter; }
Example #2
Source File: From Bats with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
RexNode simplifyAnd(RexCall e, RexUnknownAs unknownAs) { List<RexNode> operands = RelOptUtil.conjunctions(e); if (unknownAs == FALSE && predicateElimination) { simplifyAndTerms(operands, FALSE); } else { simplifyList(operands, unknownAs); } final List<RexNode> terms = new ArrayList<>(); final List<RexNode> notTerms = new ArrayList<>(); for (RexNode o : operands) { RelOptUtil.decomposeConjunction(o, terms, notTerms); } switch (unknownAs) { case FALSE: return simplifyAnd2ForUnknownAsFalse(terms, notTerms, Comparable.class); } return simplifyAnd2(terms, notTerms); }
Example #3
Source File: From Bats with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Determines whether any additional filters are applicable to a join tree. * If there are any, creates a filter node on top of the join tree with the * additional filters. * * @param relBuilder Builder holding current join tree * @param multiJoin join factors being optimized * @param left left side of join tree * @param right right side of join tree * @param filtersToAdd remaining filters */ private void addAdditionalFilters( RelBuilder relBuilder, LoptMultiJoin multiJoin, LoptJoinTree left, LoptJoinTree right, List<RexNode> filtersToAdd) { RexNode filterCond = addFilters(multiJoin, left, -1, right, filtersToAdd, false); if (!filterCond.isAlwaysTrue()) { // adjust the filter to reflect the outer join output int [] adjustments = new int[multiJoin.getNumTotalFields()]; if (needsAdjustment(multiJoin, adjustments, left, right, false)) { RexBuilder rexBuilder = multiJoin.getMultiJoinRel().getCluster().getRexBuilder(); filterCond = filterCond.accept( new RelOptUtil.RexInputConverter( rexBuilder, multiJoin.getMultiJoinFields(), relBuilder.peek().getRowType().getFieldList(), adjustments)); relBuilder.filter(filterCond); } } }
Example #4
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static boolean populate(List<RelNode> nodes, List<int[][]> tempLinks, RelNode rel) { if (nodes.isEmpty() && rel instanceof LogicalProject) { return populate(nodes, tempLinks, ((LogicalProject) rel).getInput()); } if (rel instanceof TableScan) { nodes.add(rel); return true; } if (rel instanceof LogicalJoin) { LogicalJoin join = (LogicalJoin) rel; if (join.getJoinType().isOuterJoin()) { throw new RuntimeException("only non nulls-generating join allowed, but got " + join.getJoinType()); } populate(nodes, tempLinks, join.getLeft()); populate(nodes, tempLinks, join.getRight()); for (RexNode rex : RelOptUtil.conjunctions(join.getCondition())) { tempLinks.add(grab(nodes, rex)); } return true; } throw new RuntimeException("Invalid node type " + rel.getClass().getSimpleName() + " in lattice query"); }
Example #5
Source File: From Bats with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void apply(RelOptRuleCall call, Filter filter, TableScan scan) { final RelOptPlanner planner = call.getPlanner(); final List<RelOptMaterialization> materializations = planner.getMaterializations(); if (!materializations.isEmpty()) { RelNode root = filter.copy(filter.getTraitSet(), Collections.singletonList((RelNode) scan)); List<RelOptMaterialization> applicableMaterializations = RelOptMaterializations.getApplicableMaterializations(root, materializations); for (RelOptMaterialization materialization : applicableMaterializations) { if (RelOptUtil.areRowTypesEqual(scan.getRowType(), materialization.queryRel.getRowType(), false)) { RelNode target = materialization.queryRel; final HepPlanner hepPlanner = new HepPlanner(program, planner.getContext()); hepPlanner.setRoot(target); target = hepPlanner.findBestExp(); List<RelNode> subs = new MaterializedViewSubstitutionVisitor(target, root) .go(materialization.tableRel); for (RelNode s : subs) { call.transformTo(s); } } } } }
Example #6
Source File: From Bats with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected RelNode getProjectChild( RelOptRuleCall call, LogicalProject project, boolean leftChild) { // locate the appropriate MultiJoin based on which rule was fired // and which projection we're dealing with MultiJoin multiJoin; if (leftChild) { multiJoin = call.rel(2); } else if (call.rels.length == 4) { multiJoin = call.rel(3); } else { multiJoin = call.rel(4); } // create a new MultiJoin that reflects the columns in the projection // above the MultiJoin return RelOptUtil.projectMultiJoin(multiJoin, project); }
Example #7
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public final RelOptTable extend(List<RelDataTypeField> extendedFields) { final Table table = unwrap(Table.class); // Get the set of extended columns that do not have the same name as a column // in the base table. final List<RelDataTypeField> baseColumns = getRowType().getFieldList(); final List<RelDataTypeField> dedupedFields = RelOptUtil.deduplicateColumns(baseColumns, extendedFields); final List<RelDataTypeField> dedupedExtendedFields = dedupedFields.subList(baseColumns.size(), dedupedFields.size()); if (table instanceof ExtensibleTable) { final Table extendedTable = ((ExtensibleTable) table).extend(dedupedExtendedFields); return extend(extendedTable); } else if (table instanceof ModifiableViewTable) { final ModifiableViewTable modifiableViewTable = (ModifiableViewTable) table; final ModifiableViewTable extendedView = modifiableViewTable.extend(dedupedExtendedFields, getRelOptSchema().getTypeFactory()); return extend(extendedView); } throw new RuntimeException("Cannot extend " + table); }
Example #8
Source File: From dk-fitting with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void implement(Implementor implementor) { implementor.visitChild(0, getLeft()); implementor.visitChild(0, getRight()); if (!getCondition().isA(SqlKind.EQUALS)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only equi-join are supported"); } List<RexNode> operands = ((RexCall) getCondition()).getOperands(); if (operands.size() != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only equi-join are supported"); } List<Integer> leftKeys = new ArrayList<Integer>(1); List<Integer> rightKeys = new ArrayList<Integer>(1); List<Boolean> filterNulls = new ArrayList<Boolean>(1); RexNode rexNode = RelOptUtil.splitJoinCondition(getLeft(), getRight(), getCondition(), leftKeys, rightKeys, filterNulls); String leftRelAlias = implementor.getElasticsearchRelationAlias((ElasticsearchRelNode) getLeft()); String rightRelAlias = implementor.getElasticsearchRelationAlias((ElasticsearchRelNode) getRight()); String leftJoinFieldName = implementor.getFieldName((ElasticsearchRelNode) getLeft(), leftKeys.get(0)); String rightJoinFieldName = implementor.getFieldName((ElasticsearchRelNode) getRight(), rightKeys.get(0)); String result = implementor.getElasticsearchRelationAlias((ElasticsearchRelNode) getLeft()) + " = JOIN " + leftRelAlias + " BY "+ leftJoinFieldName + ' ' + getElasticsearchJoinType() + ", " + rightRelAlias + " BY "+ rightJoinFieldName + ';'; System.out.println("implementor = " + result); }
Example #9
Source File: From Bats with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Returns a relational expression with the inputs switched round. Does not * modify <code>join</code>. Returns null if the join cannot be swapped (for * example, because it is an outer join). * * @param join join to be swapped * @param swapOuterJoins whether outer joins should be swapped * @param relBuilder Builder for relational expressions * @return swapped join if swapping possible; else null */ public static RelNode swap(Join join, boolean swapOuterJoins, RelBuilder relBuilder) { final JoinRelType joinType = join.getJoinType(); if (!swapOuterJoins && joinType != JoinRelType.INNER) { return null; } final RexBuilder rexBuilder = join.getCluster().getRexBuilder(); final RelDataType leftRowType = join.getLeft().getRowType(); final RelDataType rightRowType = join.getRight().getRowType(); final VariableReplacer variableReplacer = new VariableReplacer(rexBuilder, leftRowType, rightRowType); final RexNode oldCondition = join.getCondition(); RexNode condition = variableReplacer.go(oldCondition); // NOTE jvs 14-Mar-2006: We preserve attribute semiJoinDone after the // swap. This way, we will generate one semijoin for the original // join, and one for the swapped join, and no more. This // doesn't prevent us from seeing any new combinations assuming // that the planner tries the desired order (semijoins after swaps). Join newJoin = join.copy(join.getTraitSet(), condition, join.getRight(), join.getLeft(), joinType.swap(), join.isSemiJoinDone()); final List<RexNode> exps = RelOptUtil.createSwappedJoinExprs(newJoin, join, true); return relBuilder.push(newJoin).project(exps, join.getRowType().getFieldNames()).build(); }
Example #10
Source File: From Bats with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Build the list of join conditions for this join. * A join condition is built only for equality and IS NOT DISTINCT FROM comparisons. The difference is: * null == null is FALSE whereas null IS NOT DISTINCT FROM null is TRUE * For a use case of the IS NOT DISTINCT FROM comparison, see * {@link org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.AggregateRemoveRule} * @param conditions populated list of join conditions * @param leftFields join fields from the left input * @param rightFields join fields from the right input */ protected void buildJoinConditions(List<JoinCondition> conditions, List<String> leftFields, List<String> rightFields, List<Integer> leftKeys, List<Integer> rightKeys) { List<RexNode> conjuncts = RelOptUtil.conjunctions(this.getCondition()); short i=0; for (Pair<Integer, Integer> pair :, rightKeys)) { final RexNode conditionExpr = conjuncts.get(i++); final SqlKind kind = conditionExpr.getKind(); if (kind != SqlKind.EQUALS && kind != SqlKind.IS_NOT_DISTINCT_FROM) { throw UserException.unsupportedError() .message("Unsupported comparator in join condition %s", conditionExpr) .build(logger); } conditions.add(new JoinCondition(kind.toString(), FieldReference.getWithQuotedRef(leftFields.get(pair.left)), FieldReference.getWithQuotedRef(rightFields.get(pair.right)))); } }
Example #11
Source File: From Bats with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void infer(RexNode predicates, Set<RexNode> allExprs, List<RexNode> inferredPredicates, boolean includeEqualityInference, ImmutableBitSet inferringFields) { for (RexNode r : RelOptUtil.conjunctions(predicates)) { if (!includeEqualityInference && equalityPredicates.contains(r)) { continue; } for (Mapping m : mappings(r)) { RexNode tr = r.accept( new RexPermuteInputsShuttle(m, joinRel.getInput(0), joinRel.getInput(1))); // Filter predicates can be already simplified, so we should work with // simplified RexNode versions as well. It also allows prevent of having // some duplicates in in result pulledUpPredicates RexNode simplifiedTarget = simplify.simplifyFilterPredicates(RelOptUtil.conjunctions(tr)); if (checkTarget(inferringFields, allExprs, tr) && checkTarget(inferringFields, allExprs, simplifiedTarget)) { inferredPredicates.add(simplifiedTarget); allExprs.add(simplifiedTarget); } } } }
Example #12
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** Creates a project with a dummy column, to protect the parts of the system * that cannot handle a relational expression with no columns. * * @param fieldCount Number of fields in the original relational expression * @param input Trimmed input * @param originalRelNode Source RelNode for hint propagation (or null if no propagation needed) * @return Dummy project */ protected TrimResult dummyProject(int fieldCount, RelNode input, RelNode originalRelNode) { final RelOptCluster cluster = input.getCluster(); final Mapping mapping = Mappings.create(MappingType.INVERSE_SURJECTION, fieldCount, 1); if (input.getRowType().getFieldCount() == 1) { // Input already has one field (and may in fact be a dummy project we // created for the child). We can't do better. return result(input, mapping); } final RexLiteral expr = cluster.getRexBuilder().makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.ZERO); relBuilder.push(input); relBuilder.project(ImmutableList.of(expr), ImmutableList.of("DUMMY")); RelNode newProject =; if (originalRelNode != null) { newProject = RelOptUtil.propagateRelHints(originalRelNode, newProject); } return result(newProject, mapping); }
Example #13
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test void testIsDeterministic() { SqlOperator ndc = new SqlSpecialOperator( "NDC", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, 0, false, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, null, null) { @Override public boolean isDeterministic() { return false; } }; RexNode n = rexBuilder.makeCall(ndc); assertFalse(RexUtil.isDeterministic(n)); assertEquals(0, RexUtil.retainDeterministic(RelOptUtil.conjunctions(n)).size()); }
Example #14
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static Pair<List<RexNode>, List<RexNode>> splitProjects( final RexBuilder rexBuilder, final RelNode input, List<RexNode> nodes) { final RelOptUtil.InputReferencedVisitor visitor = new RelOptUtil.InputReferencedVisitor(); visitor.visitEach(nodes); if (visitor.inputPosReferenced.size() == input.getRowType().getFieldCount()) { // All inputs are referenced return null; } final List<RexNode> belowNodes = new ArrayList<>(); final List<RelDataType> belowTypes = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Integer> positions = Lists.newArrayList(visitor.inputPosReferenced); for (int i : positions) { final RexNode node = rexBuilder.makeInputRef(input, i); belowNodes.add(node); belowTypes.add(node.getType()); } final List<RexNode> aboveNodes = new RexShuttle() { @Override public RexNode visitInputRef(RexInputRef ref) { final int index = positions.indexOf(ref.getIndex()); return rexBuilder.makeInputRef(belowTypes.get(index), index); } }.visitList(nodes); return Pair.of(aboveNodes, belowNodes); }
Example #15
Source File: From Bats with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
static void testVolcanoPlanner() throws Exception { VolcanoPlanner volcanoPlanner = createVolcanoPlanner(); volcanoPlanner.addRelTraitDef(ConventionTraitDef.INSTANCE); // volcanoPlanner.addRelTraitDef(RelCollationTraitDef.INSTANCE); // addRules(volcanoPlanner); volcanoPlanner.addRule(ReduceExpressionsRule.PROJECT_INSTANCE); // volcanoPlanner.addRule(EnumerableRules.ENUMERABLE_PROJECT_RULE); RelNode relNode = testSqlToRelConverter(volcanoPlanner); volcanoPlanner.setRoot(relNode); relNode = volcanoPlanner.findBestExp(); // 在这一æ¥å‡ºé”™ String plan = RelOptUtil.toString(relNode); System.out.println("Volcano Plan:"); System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(plan); }
Example #16
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test void testLarge() { // Size factor used to be 400, but lambdas use a lot of stack final int x = 300; SqlValidatorTest.checkLarge(x, input -> { final RelRoot root = tester.convertSqlToRel(input); final String s = RelOptUtil.toString(root.project()); assertThat(s, notNullValue()); }); }
Example #17
Source File: From Bats with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Given a list of Index Expressions(usually indexed fields/functions from one or a set of indexes), * separate a filter condition into * 1), relevant subset of conditions (by relevant, it means at least one given index Expression was found) and, * 2), the rest in remainderCondition * @param relevantPaths * @param condition * @return */ public IndexConditionInfo indexConditionRelatedToFields(List<LogicalExpression> relevantPaths, RexNode condition) { // Use the same filter analyzer that is used for partitioning columns RewriteCombineBinaryOperators reverseVisitor = new RewriteCombineBinaryOperators(true, builder); condition = condition.accept(reverseVisitor); RexSeparator separator = new RexSeparator(relevantPaths, scan, builder); RexNode indexCondition = separator.getSeparatedCondition(condition); if (indexCondition == null) { return new IndexConditionInfo(null, null, false); } List<RexNode> conjuncts = RelOptUtil.conjunctions(condition); List<RexNode> indexConjuncts = RelOptUtil.conjunctions(indexCondition); for (RexNode indexConjunction: indexConjuncts) { RexUtil.removeAll(conjuncts, indexConjunction); } RexNode remainderCondition = RexUtil.composeConjunction(builder, conjuncts, false); indexCondition = indexCondition.accept(reverseVisitor); return new IndexConditionInfo(indexCondition, remainderCondition, true); }
Example #18
Source File: From dremio-oss with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Check if the given RelNode contains any Cartesian join. * Return true if find one. Otherwise, return false. * * @param relNode the RelNode to be inspected. * @param leftKeys a list used for the left input into the join which has * equi-join keys. It can be empty or not (but not null), * this method will clear this list before using it. * @param rightKeys a list used for the right input into the join which has * equi-join keys. It can be empty or not (but not null), * this method will clear this list before using it. * @param filterNulls The join key positions for which null values will not * match. null values only match for the "is not distinct * from" condition. * @return Return true if the given relNode contains Cartesian join. * Otherwise, return false */ public static boolean checkCartesianJoin(RelNode relNode, List<Integer> leftKeys, List<Integer> rightKeys, List<Boolean> filterNulls) { if (relNode instanceof Join) { leftKeys.clear(); rightKeys.clear(); Join joinRel = (Join) relNode; RelNode left = joinRel.getLeft(); RelNode right = joinRel.getRight(); RexNode remaining = RelOptUtil.splitJoinCondition(left, right, joinRel.getCondition(), leftKeys, rightKeys, filterNulls); if(joinRel.getJoinType() == JoinRelType.INNER) { if(leftKeys.isEmpty() || rightKeys.isEmpty()) { return true; } } else { if(!remaining.isAlwaysTrue() || leftKeys.isEmpty() || rightKeys.isEmpty()) { return true; } } } for (RelNode child : relNode.getInputs()) { if(checkCartesianJoin(child, leftKeys, rightKeys, filterNulls)) { return true; } } return false; }
Example #19
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Validates updates against the constraint of a modifiable view. * * @param validatorTable A {@link SqlValidatorTable} that may wrap a * ModifiableViewTable * @param update The UPDATE parse tree node * @param targetRowType The target type */ private void checkConstraint( SqlValidatorTable validatorTable, SqlUpdate update, RelDataType targetRowType) { final ModifiableViewTable modifiableViewTable = validatorTable.unwrap(ModifiableViewTable.class); if (modifiableViewTable != null) { final Table table = modifiableViewTable.unwrap(Table.class); final RelDataType tableRowType = table.getRowType(typeFactory); final Map<Integer, RexNode> projectMap = RelOptUtil.getColumnConstraints(modifiableViewTable, targetRowType, typeFactory); final Map<String, Integer> nameToIndex = SqlValidatorUtil.mapNameToIndex(tableRowType.getFieldList()); // Validate update values against the view constraint. final List<SqlNode> targets = update.getTargetColumnList().getList(); final List<SqlNode> sources = update.getSourceExpressionList().getList(); for (final Pair<SqlNode, SqlNode> column :, sources)) { final String columnName = ((SqlIdentifier) column.left).getSimple(); final Integer columnIndex = nameToIndex.get(columnName); if (projectMap.containsKey(columnIndex)) { final RexNode columnConstraint = projectMap.get(columnIndex); final ValidationError validationError = new ValidationError(column.right, RESOURCE.viewConstraintNotSatisfied(columnName, Util.last(validatorTable.getQualifiedName()))); RelOptUtil.validateValueAgainstConstraint(column.right, columnConstraint, validationError); } } } }
Example #20
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override protected @Nonnull String computeDigest(boolean withType) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(op.getName()); sb.append("("); for (RexNode operand : operands) { sb.append(operand); sb.append(", "); } sb.append("{\n"); sb.append(RelOptUtil.toString(rel)); sb.append("})"); return sb.toString(); }
Example #21
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) { Project project = call.rel(0); MultiJoin multiJoin = call.rel(1); // if all inputs have their projFields set, then projection information // has already been pushed into each input boolean allSet = true; for (int i = 0; i < multiJoin.getInputs().size(); i++) { if (multiJoin.getProjFields().get(i) == null) { allSet = false; break; } } if (allSet) { return; } // create a new MultiJoin that reflects the columns in the projection // above the MultiJoin final RelBuilder relBuilder = call.builder(); MultiJoin newMultiJoin = RelOptUtil.projectMultiJoin(multiJoin, project); relBuilder.push(newMultiJoin) .project(project.getProjects(), project.getRowType().getFieldNames()); call.transformTo(; }
Example #22
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void onMatch(final RelOptRuleCall call) { Join join = call.rel(0); final RelNode swapped = swap(join, this.swapOuter, call.builder()); if (swapped == null) { return; } // The result is either a Project or, if the project is trivial, a // raw Join. final Join newJoin = swapped instanceof Join ? (Join) swapped : (Join) swapped.getInput(0); call.transformTo(swapped); // We have converted join='a join b' into swapped='select // a0,a1,a2,b0,b1 from b join a'. Now register that project='select // b0,b1,a0,a1,a2 from (select a0,a1,a2,b0,b1 from b join a)' is the // same as 'b join a'. If we didn't do this, the swap join rule // would fire on the new join, ad infinitum. final RelBuilder relBuilder = call.builder(); final List<RexNode> exps = RelOptUtil.createSwappedJoinExprs(newJoin, join, false); relBuilder.push(swapped) .project(exps, newJoin.getRowType().getFieldNames()); call.getPlanner().ensureRegistered(, newJoin); }
Example #23
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns a relational expression with the inputs switched round. Does not * modify <code>join</code>. Returns null if the join cannot be swapped (for * example, because it is an outer join). * * @param join join to be swapped * @param swapOuterJoins whether outer joins should be swapped * @param relBuilder Builder for relational expressions * @return swapped join if swapping possible; else null */ public static RelNode swap(Join join, boolean swapOuterJoins, RelBuilder relBuilder) { final JoinRelType joinType = join.getJoinType(); if (!swapOuterJoins && joinType != JoinRelType.INNER) { return null; } final RexBuilder rexBuilder = join.getCluster().getRexBuilder(); final RelDataType leftRowType = join.getLeft().getRowType(); final RelDataType rightRowType = join.getRight().getRowType(); final VariableReplacer variableReplacer = new VariableReplacer(rexBuilder, leftRowType, rightRowType); final RexNode oldCondition = join.getCondition(); RexNode condition = variableReplacer.apply(oldCondition); // NOTE jvs 14-Mar-2006: We preserve attribute semiJoinDone after the // swap. This way, we will generate one semijoin for the original // join, and one for the swapped join, and no more. This // doesn't prevent us from seeing any new combinations assuming // that the planner tries the desired order (semijoins after swaps). Join newJoin = join.copy(join.getTraitSet(), condition, join.getRight(), join.getLeft(), joinType.swap(), join.isSemiJoinDone()); final List<RexNode> exps = RelOptUtil.createSwappedJoinExprs(newJoin, join, true); return relBuilder.push(newJoin) .project(exps, join.getRowType().getFieldNames()) .build(); }
Example #24
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Adjusts a filter to reflect swapping of join inputs * * @param rexBuilder rexBuilder * @param multiJoin join factors being optimized * @param origLeft original LHS of the join tree (before swap) * @param origRight original RHS of the join tree (before swap) * @param condition original join condition * * @return join condition reflect swap of join inputs */ private RexNode swapFilter( RexBuilder rexBuilder, LoptMultiJoin multiJoin, LoptJoinTree origLeft, LoptJoinTree origRight, RexNode condition) { int nFieldsOnLeft = origLeft.getJoinTree().getRowType().getFieldCount(); int nFieldsOnRight = origRight.getJoinTree().getRowType().getFieldCount(); int [] adjustments = new int[nFieldsOnLeft + nFieldsOnRight]; for (int i = 0; i < nFieldsOnLeft; i++) { adjustments[i] = nFieldsOnRight; } for (int i = nFieldsOnLeft; i < (nFieldsOnLeft + nFieldsOnRight); i++) { adjustments[i] = -nFieldsOnLeft; } condition = condition.accept( new RelOptUtil.RexInputConverter( rexBuilder, multiJoin.getJoinFields(origLeft, origRight), multiJoin.getJoinFields(origRight, origLeft), adjustments)); return condition; }
Example #25
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Disabled("Infinite planning") @Test void testQuery02Conversion() { query(2) .convertMatches(relNode -> { String s = RelOptUtil.toString(relNode); assertThat(s, not(containsString("Correlator"))); return null; }); }
Example #26
Source File: From quark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public RelNode toRel( RelOptTable.ToRelContext context, RelOptTable relOptTable) { // Request all fields. RelNode rel = new QuarkTileScan(context.getCluster(), this.relOptTable, this.quarkTile, this.backingTable); //Create a filter RexBuilder rexBuilder = rel.getCluster().getRexBuilder(); List<RexNode> filterArgs = Lists.newArrayList(); filterArgs.add(rexBuilder.makeInputRef(rel, this.quarkTile.groupingColumn)); filterArgs.add(rexBuilder.makeLiteral(bitSetToString(this.quarkTile.groupingValue))); rel = LogicalFilter.create(rel, rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.EQUALS, filterArgs)); //Create a project list List<Integer> posList = Lists.newArrayList(); for (QuarkTile.Column quarkColumn : this.quarkTile.cubeColumns) { posList.add(quarkColumn.cubeOrdinal); } for (Lattice.Measure measure : this.quarkTile.measures) { posList.add(((QuarkTile.Measure) measure).ordinal); } return RelOptUtil.createProject(rel, posList); }
Example #27
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public RexNode visitCall(RexCall call) { RexNode newCall = super.visitCall(call); if (call.getOperator() == SqlStdOperatorTable.IS_NOT_DISTINCT_FROM) { RexCall tmpCall = (RexCall) newCall; newCall = RelOptUtil.isDistinctFrom( rexBuilder, tmpCall.operands.get(0), tmpCall.operands.get(1), true); } return newCall; }
Example #28
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test void testProjectDigestWithOneTrivialField() { final FrameworkConfig config = RelBuilderTest.config().build(); final RelBuilder builder = RelBuilder.create(config); final RelNode rel = builder .scan("EMP") .project(builder.field("EMPNO")) .build(); String digest = RelOptUtil.toString(rel, SqlExplainLevel.DIGEST_ATTRIBUTES); final String expected = "" + "LogicalProject(inputs=[0])\n" + " LogicalTableScan(table=[[scott, EMP]])\n"; assertThat(digest, isLinux(expected)); }
Example #29
Source File: From Bats with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns whether the inferred type of an {@link AggregateCall} matches the * type it was given when it was created. * * @param aggCall Aggregate call * @param litmus What to do if an error is detected (types do not match) * @return Whether the inferred and declared types match */ private boolean typeMatchesInferred( final AggregateCall aggCall, final Litmus litmus) { SqlAggFunction aggFunction = aggCall.getAggregation(); AggCallBinding callBinding = aggCall.createBinding(this); RelDataType type = aggFunction.inferReturnType(callBinding); RelDataType expectedType = aggCall.type; return RelOptUtil.eq("aggCall type", expectedType, "inferred type", type, litmus); }
Example #30
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** Creates a program that invokes heuristic join-order optimization * (via {@link org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.JoinToMultiJoinRule}, * {@link org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.MultiJoin} and * {@link org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.LoptOptimizeJoinRule}) * if there are 6 or more joins (7 or more relations). */ public static Program heuristicJoinOrder( final Iterable<? extends RelOptRule> rules, final boolean bushy, final int minJoinCount) { return (planner, rel, requiredOutputTraits, materializations, lattices) -> { final int joinCount = RelOptUtil.countJoins(rel); final Program program; if (joinCount < minJoinCount) { program = ofRules(rules); } else { // Create a program that gathers together joins as a MultiJoin. final HepProgram hep = new HepProgramBuilder() .addRuleInstance(FilterJoinRule.FILTER_ON_JOIN) .addMatchOrder(HepMatchOrder.BOTTOM_UP) .addRuleInstance(JoinToMultiJoinRule.INSTANCE) .build(); final Program program1 = of(hep, false, DefaultRelMetadataProvider.INSTANCE); // Create a program that contains a rule to expand a MultiJoin // into heuristically ordered joins. // We use the rule set passed in, but remove JoinCommuteRule and // JoinPushThroughJoinRule, because they cause exhaustive search. final List<RelOptRule> list = Lists.newArrayList(rules); list.removeAll( ImmutableList.of(JoinCommuteRule.INSTANCE, JoinAssociateRule.INSTANCE, JoinPushThroughJoinRule.LEFT, JoinPushThroughJoinRule.RIGHT)); list.add(bushy ? MultiJoinOptimizeBushyRule.INSTANCE : LoptOptimizeJoinRule.INSTANCE); final Program program2 = ofRules(list); program = sequence(program1, program2); } return planner, rel, requiredOutputTraits, materializations, lattices); }; }