Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
@BeforeClass @CreateDS( name = "WildFlyDS", factory = InMemoryDirectoryServiceFactory.class, partitions = @CreatePartition(name = "wildfly", suffix = "dc=wildfly,dc=org"), allowAnonAccess = true ) @CreateLdapServer( transports = @CreateTransport(protocol = "LDAP", address = "localhost", port = 10389), allowAnonymousAccess = true ) public static void setUpLdap() throws Exception { directoryService = DSAnnotationProcessor.getDirectoryService(); final SchemaManager schemaManager = directoryService.getSchemaManager(); final InputStream ldif = OutboundLdapConnectionTestCase.class .getResourceAsStream("/" + OutboundLdapConnectionTestCase.class.getSimpleName() + ".ldif"); for (LdifEntry ldifEntry : new LdifReader(ldif)) { directoryService.getAdminSession().add(new DefaultEntry(schemaManager, ldifEntry.getEntry())); } ldapServer = ServerAnnotationProcessor.getLdapServer(directoryService); }
Example #2
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test a Modify changeType LdifEntry with a different attribute used */ @Test public void testLdifEntryChangeTypeModifyNotSameAttr() throws Exception { String ldif = "changetype: modify\n" + "add: cn\n" + "sn: v1\n" + "sn: v2\n" + "-"; assertThrows( LdapLdifException.class, () -> { new LdifEntry( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", ldif ); } ); }
Example #3
Source File: From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
@BeforeClass @CreateDS( name = "WildFlyDS", factory =, partitions = @CreatePartition(name = "wildfly", suffix = "dc=wildfly,dc=org"), allowAnonAccess = true ) @CreateLdapServer( transports = @CreateTransport(protocol = "LDAP", address = "localhost", port = 10389), allowAnonymousAccess = true ) public static void setUp() throws Exception { directoryService = DSAnnotationProcessor.getDirectoryService(); SchemaManager schemaManager = directoryService.getSchemaManager(); InputStream ldif = LdapRoleMappingU2GTestCase.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + LdapRoleMappingU2GTestCase.class.getSimpleName() + ".ldif"); for (LdifEntry ldifEntry : new LdifReader(ldif)) { directoryService.getAdminSession().add(new DefaultEntry(schemaManager, ldifEntry.getEntry())); } ldapServer = ServerAnnotationProcessor.getLdapServer(directoryService); startServer(); }
Example #4
Source File: From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Creates a principal in the KDC with the specified user and password. * * @param principal principal name, do not include the domain. * @param password password. * @throws Exception thrown if the principal could not be created. */ public synchronized void createPrincipal(String principal, String password) throws Exception { String orgName= conf.getProperty(ORG_NAME); String orgDomain = conf.getProperty(ORG_DOMAIN); String baseDn = "ou=users,dc=" + orgName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + ",dc=" + orgDomain.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); String content = "dn: uid=" + principal + "," + baseDn + "\n" + "objectClass: top\n" + "objectClass: person\n" + "objectClass: inetOrgPerson\n" + "objectClass: krb5principal\n" + "objectClass: krb5kdcentry\n" + "cn: " + principal + "\n" + "sn: " + principal + "\n" + "uid: " + principal + "\n" + "userPassword: " + password + "\n" + "krb5PrincipalName: " + principal + "@" + getRealm() + "\n" + "krb5KeyVersionNumber: 0"; for (LdifEntry ldifEntry : new LdifReader(new StringReader(content))) { ds.getAdminSession().add(new DefaultEntry(ds.getSchemaManager(), ldifEntry.getEntry())); } }
Example #5
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test a Modify changeType LdifEntry with a different attribute used */ @Test public void testLdifEntryChangeTypeModifyNotSameAttr2() throws Exception { String ldif = "changetype: modify\n" + "add: cn\n" + "cn: v1\n" + "sn: v2\n" + "-"; assertThrows( LdapLdifException.class, () -> { new LdifEntry( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", ldif ); } ); }
Example #6
Source File: From big-c with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Creates a principal in the KDC with the specified user and password. * * @param principal principal name, do not include the domain. * @param password password. * @throws Exception thrown if the principal could not be created. */ public synchronized void createPrincipal(String principal, String password) throws Exception { String orgName= conf.getProperty(ORG_NAME); String orgDomain = conf.getProperty(ORG_DOMAIN); String baseDn = "ou=users,dc=" + orgName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + ",dc=" + orgDomain.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); String content = "dn: uid=" + principal + "," + baseDn + "\n" + "objectClass: top\n" + "objectClass: person\n" + "objectClass: inetOrgPerson\n" + "objectClass: krb5principal\n" + "objectClass: krb5kdcentry\n" + "cn: " + principal + "\n" + "sn: " + principal + "\n" + "uid: " + principal + "\n" + "userPassword: " + password + "\n" + "krb5PrincipalName: " + principal + "@" + getRealm() + "\n" + "krb5KeyVersionNumber: 0"; for (LdifEntry ldifEntry : new LdifReader(new StringReader(content))) { ds.getAdminSession().add(new DefaultEntry(ds.getSchemaManager(), ldifEntry.getEntry())); } }
Example #7
Source File: From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
@BeforeClass @CreateDS( name = "WildFlyDS", factory =, partitions = @CreatePartition(name = "wildfly", suffix = "dc=wildfly,dc=org"), allowAnonAccess = true ) @CreateLdapServer( transports = @CreateTransport(protocol = "LDAP", address = "localhost", port = 10389), allowAnonymousAccess = true ) public static void setUp() throws Exception { directoryService = DSAnnotationProcessor.getDirectoryService(); SchemaManager schemaManager = directoryService.getSchemaManager(); InputStream ldif = LdapRoleMappingG2UTestCase.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + LdapRoleMappingG2UTestCase.class.getSimpleName() + ".ldif"); for (LdifEntry ldifEntry : new LdifReader(ldif)) { directoryService.getAdminSession().add(new DefaultEntry(schemaManager, ldifEntry.getEntry())); } ldapServer = ServerAnnotationProcessor.getLdapServer(directoryService); startServer(); }
Example #8
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test a reversed move ModifyDN * * @throws LdapException on error */ @Test public void testReverseModifyDNMove() throws LdapException { Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=john doe, dc=example, dc=com" ); Dn newSuperior = new Dn( "ou=system" ); Rdn rdn = new Rdn( "cn=john doe" ); LdifEntry reversed = LdifRevertor.reverseMove( newSuperior, dn ); assertNotNull( reversed ); assertEquals( "cn=john doe,ou=system", reversed.getDn().getName() ); assertEquals( ChangeType.ModDn, reversed.getChangeType() ); assertFalse( reversed.isDeleteOldRdn() ); assertEquals( rdn.getName(), reversed.getNewRdn() ); assertEquals( "dc=example, dc=com", Strings.trim( reversed.getNewSuperior() ) ); assertNull( reversed.getEntry() ); }
Example #9
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test a ModDn changeType LdifEntry with no control */ @Test public void testLdifEntryChangeTypeModDnNoControl() throws Exception { String ldif = "changetype: moddn\n" + "newrdn: cn=app2\n" + "deleteoldrdn: 1\n"; LdifEntry ldifEntry = new LdifEntry( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", ldif ); assertNotNull( ldifEntry ); assertEquals( ChangeType.ModDn, ldifEntry.getChangeType() ); assertNull( ldifEntry.getEntry() ); assertEquals( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", ldifEntry.getDn().getName() ); assertFalse( ldifEntry.hasControls() ); assertTrue( ldifEntry.isLdifChange() ); assertEquals( "cn=app2", ldifEntry.getNewRdn() ); assertTrue( ldifEntry.isDeleteOldRdn() ); assertNull( ldifEntry.getNewSuperior() ); }
Example #10
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test a Add changeType LdifEntry with no control * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testLdifEntryChangeTypeAddNoControl() throws Exception { String ldif = "changetype: add\n" + "cn: app1\n" + "objectClass: top\n" + "objectClass: apApplication\n" + "displayName: app1 \n" + "dependencies:\n" + "envVars:"; LdifEntry ldifEntry = new LdifEntry( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", ldif ); assertNotNull( ldifEntry ); assertEquals( ChangeType.Add, ldifEntry.getChangeType() ); assertNotNull( ldifEntry.getEntry() ); assertEquals( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", ldifEntry.getDn().getName() ); assertFalse( ldifEntry.hasControls() ); assertTrue( ldifEntry.isLdifChange() ); Attribute attr = ldifEntry.get( "displayname" ); assertTrue( attr.contains( "app1" ) ); }
Example #11
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test a ModDn changeType LdifEntry with no control and a newSuperior */ @Test public void testLdifEntryChangeTypeModDnRenameNoControlNewSuperior() throws Exception { String ldif = "changetype: moddn\n" + "newrdn: cn=app2\n" + "deleteoldrdn: 1\n" + "newsuperior: dc=example, dc=com"; LdifEntry ldifEntry = new LdifEntry( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", ldif ); assertNotNull( ldifEntry ); assertEquals( ChangeType.ModDn, ldifEntry.getChangeType() ); assertNull( ldifEntry.getEntry() ); assertEquals( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", ldifEntry.getDn().getName() ); assertFalse( ldifEntry.hasControls() ); assertTrue( ldifEntry.isLdifChange() ); assertEquals( "cn=app2", ldifEntry.getNewRdn() ); assertTrue( ldifEntry.isDeleteOldRdn() ); assertEquals( "dc=example, dc=com", ldifEntry.getNewSuperior() ); }
Example #12
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test a Delete changeType LdifEntry with one control * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testLdifParserChangeTypeDeleteWithControl() throws Exception { String ldif = "# Delete an entry. The operation will attach the LDAPv3\n" + "# Tree Delete Control defined in [9]. The criticality\n" + "# field is \"true\" and the controlValue field is\n" + "# absent, as required by [9].\n" + "control: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805 true\n" + "changetype: delete\n"; LdifEntry ldifEntry = new LdifEntry( "ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com", ldif ); assertNotNull( ldifEntry ); assertEquals( ChangeType.Delete, ldifEntry.getChangeType() ); assertNull( ldifEntry.getEntry() ); assertEquals( "ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com", ldifEntry.getDn().getName() ); assertTrue( ldifEntry.hasControls() ); LdifControl ldifControl = ldifEntry.getControl( "1.2.840.113556.1.4.805" ); assertNotNull( ldifControl ); assertEquals( "1.2.840.113556.1.4.805", ldifControl.getOid() ); assertTrue( ldifControl.isCritical() ); assertNull( ldifControl.getValue() ); }
Example #13
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test a reversed rename ModifyDN, where the Rdn are both simple, not overlapping, * with deleteOldRdn = true, and the Ava not present in the initial entry * * Covers case 2.1 of * * Initial entry * dn: cn=test,ou=system * objectclass: top * objectclass: person * cn: test * sn: This is a test * * new Rdn : cn=joe * * @throws LdapException on error */ @Test public void test21ReverseRenameSimpleSimpleNotOverlappingDeleteOldRdnDontExistInEntry() throws LdapException { Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=test,ou=system" ); Rdn oldRdn = new Rdn( "cn=test" ); Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( "cn=joe" ); Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn, "objectClass: top", "objectClass: person", "cn: test", "sn: this is a test" ); List<LdifEntry> reverseds = LdifRevertor.reverseRename( entry, newRdn, LdifRevertor.DELETE_OLD_RDN ); assertNotNull( reverseds ); assertEquals( 1, reverseds.size() ); LdifEntry reversed = reverseds.get( 0 ); assertEquals( "cn=joe,ou=system", reversed.getDn().getName() ); assertEquals( ChangeType.ModRdn, reversed.getChangeType() ); assertTrue( reversed.isDeleteOldRdn() ); assertEquals( oldRdn.getName(), reversed.getNewRdn() ); assertNull( reversed.getNewSuperior() ); }
Example #14
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test a Delete changeType LdifEntry with no control * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testLdifParserChangeTypeDeleteNoControl() throws Exception { String ldif = "# Delete an entry. The operation will attach the LDAPv3\n" + "# Tree Delete Control defined in [9]. The criticality\n" + "# field is \"true\" and the controlValue field is\n" + "# absent, as required by [9].\n" + "changetype: delete\n"; LdifEntry ldifEntry = new LdifEntry( "ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com", ldif ); assertNotNull( ldifEntry ); assertEquals( ChangeType.Delete, ldifEntry.getChangeType() ); assertNull( ldifEntry.getEntry() ); assertEquals( "ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com", ldifEntry.getDn().getName() ); assertFalse( ldifEntry.hasControls() ); }
Example #15
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test a Delete changeType LdifEntry with no control and following Attrs : * should get an exception * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testLdifParserChangeTypeDeleteNoControlAttribute() throws Exception { String ldif = "# Delete an entry. The operation will attach the LDAPv3\n" + "# Tree Delete Control defined in [9]. The criticality\n" + "# field is \"true\" and the controlValue field is\n" + "# absent, as required by [9].\n" + "changetype: delete\n" + "cn: bad !!\n"; assertThrows( LdapLdifException.class, () -> { new LdifEntry( "ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com", ldif ); } ); }
Example #16
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Test a Modify changeType LdifEntry with increment operation */ @Test public void testLdifEntryChangeTypeModifyIncrement() throws Exception { String ldif = "changetype: modify\n" + "increment: uidNumber\n" + "-"; LdifEntry ldifEntry = new LdifEntry( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", ldif ); assertNotNull( ldifEntry ); assertEquals( ChangeType.Modify, ldifEntry.getChangeType() ); assertNull( ldifEntry.getEntry() ); assertEquals( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", ldifEntry.getDn().getName() ); assertFalse( ldifEntry.hasControls() ); assertTrue( ldifEntry.isLdifChange() ); // Check the modification assertNotNull( ldifEntry.getModifications() ); for ( Modification modification : ldifEntry.getModifications() ) { assertEquals( ModificationOperation.INCREMENT_ATTRIBUTE, modification.getOperation() ); Attribute attribute = modification.getAttribute(); assertNotNull( attribute ); assertEquals( "uidnumber", attribute.getId() ); } }
Example #17
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Test a Modify changeType LdifEntry with no end separator ("-") */ @Test public void testLdifEntryChangeTypeModifyNoEndSeparator() throws Exception { String ldif = "changetype: modify\n" + "add: cn\n" + "cn: v1\n" + "cn: v2\n"; assertThrows( LdapLdifException.class, () -> { new LdifEntry( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", ldif ); } ); }
Example #18
Source File: From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
/** * Partition initialization - loads schema entries from the files on classpath. * * @see */ @Override protected void doInit() throws Exception { if (initialized) return; LOG.debug("Initializing schema partition " + getId()); suffixDn.apply(schemaManager); super.doInit(); // load schema final Map<String, Boolean> resMap = ResourceMap.getResources(Pattern.compile("schema[/\\Q\\\\E]ou=schema.*")); for (String resourcePath : new TreeSet<String>(resMap.keySet())) { if (resourcePath.endsWith(".ldif")) { URL resource = DefaultSchemaLdifExtractor.getUniqueResource(resourcePath, "Schema LDIF file"); LdifReader reader = new LdifReader(resource.openStream()); LdifEntry ldifEntry =; reader.close(); Entry entry = new DefaultEntry(schemaManager, ldifEntry.getEntry()); // add mandatory attributes if (entry.get(SchemaConstants.ENTRY_CSN_AT) == null) { entry.add(SchemaConstants.ENTRY_CSN_AT, defaultCSNFactory.newInstance().toString()); } if (entry.get(SchemaConstants.ENTRY_UUID_AT) == null) { entry.add(SchemaConstants.ENTRY_UUID_AT, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } AddOperationContext addContext = new AddOperationContext(null, entry); super.add(addContext); } } }
Example #19
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testAnonymizeModify() throws Exception { String ldif = "dn:,ou=Email,ou=Services,o=acme,dc=com\n" + "changetype: modify\n" + "replace: cn\n" + "cn::QUNNRSBJbmMuIExlZ2FsIFRlYW0=\n" + "-"; LdifAnonymizer anonymizer = new LdifAnonymizer( schemaManager ); anonymizer.addNamingContext( "o=acm,dc=com" ); String result = anonymizer.anonymize( ldif ); List<LdifEntry> entries = ldifReader.parseLdif( result ); assertEquals( 1, entries.size() ); LdifEntry entry = entries.get( 0 ); assertTrue( entry.isChangeModify() ); assertEquals( 1, entry.getModifications().size() ); Modification modification = entry.getModifications().get( 0 ); assertEquals( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, modification.getOperation() ); Attribute attribute = modification.getAttribute(); assertEquals( "cn", attribute.getUpId() ); assertEquals( 1, attribute.size() ); String value = attribute.getString(); // We can only test the length and the fact the values are not equal (as the value has been anonymized) assertEquals( "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA".length(), value.length() ); assertEquals( "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", value ); }
Example #20
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Test a Delete changeType LdifEntry with controls * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testLdifParserChangeTypeDeleteWithControls() throws Exception { String ldif = "# Delete an entry. The operation will attach the LDAPv3\n" + "# Tree Delete Control defined in [9]. The criticality\n" + "# field is \"true\" and the controlValue field is\n" + "# absent, as required by [9].\n" + "control: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805 true\n" + "control: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.806 false: test\n" + "changetype: delete\n"; LdifEntry ldifEntry = new LdifEntry( "ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com", ldif ); assertNotNull( ldifEntry ); assertEquals( ChangeType.Delete, ldifEntry.getChangeType() ); assertNull( ldifEntry.getEntry() ); assertEquals( "ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com", ldifEntry.getDn().getName() ); assertTrue( ldifEntry.hasControls() ); LdifControl ldifControl = ldifEntry.getControl( "1.2.840.113556.1.4.805" ); assertNotNull( ldifControl ); assertEquals( "1.2.840.113556.1.4.805", ldifControl.getOid() ); assertTrue( ldifControl.isCritical() ); assertNull( ldifControl.getValue() ); ldifControl = ldifEntry.getControl( "1.2.840.113556.1.4.806" ); assertNotNull( ldifControl ); assertEquals( "1.2.840.113556.1.4.806", ldifControl.getOid() ); assertFalse( ldifControl.isCritical() ); assertNotNull( ldifControl.getValue() ); assertEquals( "test", Strings.utf8ToString( ldifControl.getValue() ) ); }
Example #21
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testAnonymizerModifyBinaryOptionAttribute() throws LdapException, IOException { String ldif = "dn: cn=Acme certificate,o=Acme,c=US,ou=IT Infrastructure,\n" + "changetype: modify\n" + "replace: certificateRevocationList;binary\n" + "certificateRevocationList;binary::YmxhaCBibGFo\n" + "-"; LdifAnonymizer anonymizer = new LdifAnonymizer( schemaManager ); anonymizer.addNamingContext( "" ); String result = anonymizer.anonymize( ldif ); List<LdifEntry> entries = ldifReader.parseLdif( result ); assertEquals( 1, entries.size() ); LdifEntry entry = entries.get( 0 ); assertTrue( entry.isChangeModify() ); assertEquals( 1, entry.getModifications().size() ); Modification modification = entry.getModifications().get( 0 ); assertEquals( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, modification.getOperation() ); Attribute attribute = modification.getAttribute(); assertEquals( "certificateRevocationList;binary", attribute.getUpId() ); assertEquals( 1, attribute.size() ); for ( Value value : attribute ) { String str = value.getString(); // We can only test the length and the fact the values are not equal (as the vale has been anonymized) assertNotSame( 0, value.length() ); assertEquals( str.length(), value.length() ); } }
Example #22
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Initialize the Schema object from a Single LDIF file * * @param in The input stream to process * @throws LdapException If the schemas can't be initialized * @throws IOException If we had an issue processing the InputStream */ private void initializeSchemas( InputStream in ) throws LdapException, IOException { try ( LdifReader ldifReader = new LdifReader( in ) ) { Schema currentSchema = null; while ( ldifReader.hasNext() ) { LdifEntry ldifEntry =; String dn = ldifEntry.getDn().getName(); if ( SCHEMA_START_PATTERN.matcher( dn ).matches() ) { Schema schema = getSchema( ldifEntry.getEntry() ); schemaMap.put( schema.getSchemaName(), schema ); currentSchema = schema; } else { if ( currentSchema == null ) { throw new LdapException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_16076_NOT_A_SCHEMA_DEFINITION ) ); } loadSchemaObject( currentSchema.getSchemaName(), ldifEntry ); } } } }
Example #23
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Check that we can create an LdifEntry with a null Dn */ @Test public void testLdifEntryNullDn() throws Exception { Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( "", "cn: test" ); LdifEntry ldifEntry = new LdifEntry( ( Dn ) null, "cn: test" ); assertNotNull( ldifEntry ); assertEquals( Dn.EMPTY_DN, ldifEntry.getDn() ); assertEquals( ChangeType.None, ldifEntry.getChangeType() ); assertEquals( entry, ldifEntry.getEntry() ); }
Example #24
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Check that we can create an LdifEntry with an Empty Dn */ @Test public void testLdifEntryEmptyDn() throws Exception { Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( "", "cn: test" ); LdifEntry ldifEntry = new LdifEntry( "", "cn: test" ); assertNotNull( ldifEntry ); assertEquals( Dn.EMPTY_DN, ldifEntry.getDn() ); assertEquals( ChangeType.None, ldifEntry.getChangeType() ); assertEquals( entry, ldifEntry.getEntry() ); }
Example #25
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Check that we can't create an empty LdifEntry */ @Test public void testLdifEntryEmpty() throws Exception { assertThrows( LdapInvalidAttributeValueException.class, () -> { new LdifEntry( "", "" ); } ); }
Example #26
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Test a reversed rename ModifyDN, where the initial Rdn is composite, * the new Rdn is composite, they are overlapping, with deleteOldRdn = true, and * some of the new values exists in the entry. * * Covers case 13.1 of * * Initial entry * dn: sn=small+cn=test,ou=system * objectclass: top * objectclass: person * cn: test * sn: small * sn: big * sn: This is a test * * new Rdn : sn=big+cn=test * * @throws LdapException on error */ @Test public void test132ReverseRenameCompositeCompositeOverlappingDeleteOldRdnExistInEntry() throws LdapException { Dn dn = new Dn( "sn=small+cn=test,ou=system" ); Rdn oldRdn = new Rdn( "sn=small+cn=test" ); Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( "sn=big+cn=test" ); Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn, "objectClass: top", "objectClass: person", "cn: test", "sn: small", "sn: big", "sn: this is a test" ); List<LdifEntry> reverseds = LdifRevertor.reverseRename( entry, newRdn, LdifRevertor.DELETE_OLD_RDN ); assertNotNull( reverseds ); assertEquals( 1, reverseds.size() ); LdifEntry reversed = reverseds.get( 0 ); assertEquals( "sn=big+cn=test,ou=system", reversed.getDn().getName() ); assertEquals( ChangeType.ModRdn, reversed.getChangeType() ); assertFalse( reversed.isDeleteOldRdn() ); assertEquals( oldRdn.getName(), reversed.getNewRdn() ); assertNull( reversed.getNewSuperior() ); }
Example #27
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Test a reversed rename ModifyDN, where the initial Rdn is composite, * the new Rdn is composite, they are overlapping, with deleteOldRdn = true, and * none of new values exists in the entry. * * Covers case 13.1 of * * Initial entry * dn: sn=small+cn=test,ou=system * objectclass: top * objectclass: person * cn: test * cn: big * sn: small * sn: This is a test * * new Rdn : sn=joe+cn=test * * @throws LdapException on error */ @Test public void test131ReverseRenameCompositeCompositeOverlappingDeleteOldRdnDontExistInEntry() throws LdapException { Dn dn = new Dn( "sn=small+cn=test,ou=system" ); Rdn oldRdn = new Rdn( "sn=small+cn=test" ); Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( "sn=joe+cn=test" ); Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn, "objectClass: top", "objectClass: person", "cn: test", "cn: big", "sn: small", "sn: this is a test" ); List<LdifEntry> reverseds = LdifRevertor.reverseRename( entry, newRdn, LdifRevertor.DELETE_OLD_RDN ); assertNotNull( reverseds ); assertEquals( 1, reverseds.size() ); LdifEntry reversed = reverseds.get( 0 ); assertEquals( "sn=joe+cn=test,ou=system", reversed.getDn().getName() ); assertEquals( ChangeType.ModRdn, reversed.getChangeType() ); assertTrue( reversed.isDeleteOldRdn() ); assertEquals( oldRdn.getName(), reversed.getNewRdn() ); assertNull( reversed.getNewSuperior() ); }
Example #28
Source File: From activemq-artemis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public synchronized void createPrincipal(String principal, String password) throws Exception { String baseDn = getKdcServer().getSearchBaseDn(); String content = "dn: uid=" + principal + "," + baseDn + "\n" + "objectClass: top\n" + "objectClass: person\n" + "objectClass: inetOrgPerson\n" + "objectClass: krb5principal\n" + "objectClass: krb5kdcentry\n" + "cn: " + principal + "\n" + "sn: " + principal + "\n" + "uid: " + principal + "\n" + "userPassword: " + password + "\n" // using businessCategory as a proxy for memberoOf attribute pending: + "businessCategory: " + "cn=admins,ou=system" + "\n" + "businessCategory: " + "cn=bees,ou=system" + "\n" + "krb5PrincipalName: " + principal + "@" + getRealm() + "\n" + "krb5KeyVersionNumber: 0"; for (LdifEntry ldifEntry : new LdifReader(new StringReader(content))) { service.getAdminSession().add(new DefaultEntry(service.getSchemaManager(), ldifEntry.getEntry())); } }
Example #29
Source File: From datacollector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
static LdapConnection setupLdapServer(GenericContainer server, String setupFile) { // setup Ldap server 1 LdapConnection connection = new LdapNetworkConnection(server.getContainerIpAddress(), server.getMappedPort(LDAP_PORT)); try { connection.bind(BIND_DN, BIND_PWD); LdifReader reader = new LdifReader(Resources.getResource(setupFile).getFile()); for (LdifEntry entry : reader) { connection.add(entry.getEntry()); } } catch (LdapException e) { LOG.error("Setup server 1 failed " + e); } return connection; }
Example #30
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Anonymize a Delete change * * @param ldifEntry The entry to anonymize * @return The anonymized entry * @throws LdapException If the anonymization failed */ private LdifEntry anonymizeChangeModDn( LdifEntry ldifEntry ) throws LdapException { Dn entryDn = ldifEntry.getDn(); // Process the DN Dn anonymizedDn = anonymizeDn( entryDn ); ldifEntry.setDn( anonymizedDn ); // Anonymize the newRdn if any String newRdnStr = ldifEntry.getNewRdn(); if ( newRdnStr != null ) { Dn newRdn = new Dn( schemaManager, newRdnStr ); Dn anonymizedRdn = anonymizeDn( newRdn ); ldifEntry.setNewRdn( anonymizedRdn.toString() ); } // Anonymize the neSuperior if any String newSuperiorStr = ldifEntry.getNewSuperior(); if ( newSuperiorStr != null ) { Dn newSuperior = new Dn( schemaManager, newSuperiorStr ); Dn anonymizedSuperior = anonymizeDn( newSuperior ); ldifEntry.setNewSuperior( anonymizedSuperior.toString() ); } return ldifEntry; }