Java Code Examples for org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketSession#getId()
The following examples show how to use
org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketSession#getId() .
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Example 1
Source File: From kurento-tutorial-java with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private synchronized void sendMessage(final WebSocketSession session, String message) { log.debug("[Handler::sendMessage] {}", message); if (!session.isOpen()) { log.warn("[Handler::sendMessage] Skip, WebSocket session isn't open"); return; } final String sessionId = session.getId(); if (!users.containsKey(sessionId)) { log.warn("[Handler::sendMessage] Skip, unknown user, id: {}", sessionId); return; } try { session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(message)); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("[Handler::sendMessage] Exception: {}", ex.getMessage()); } }
Example 2
Source File: From kurento-tutorial-java with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void handleAddIceCandidate(final WebSocketSession session, JsonObject jsonMessage) { final String sessionId = session.getId(); if (!users.containsKey(sessionId)) { log.warn("[Handler::handleAddIceCandidate] Skip, unknown user, id: {}", sessionId); return; } final UserSession user = users.get(sessionId); final JsonObject jsonCandidate = jsonMessage.get("candidate").getAsJsonObject(); final IceCandidate candidate = new IceCandidate(jsonCandidate.get("candidate").getAsString(), jsonCandidate.get("sdpMid").getAsString(), jsonCandidate.get("sdpMLineIndex").getAsInt()); WebRtcEndpoint webRtcEp = user.getWebRtcEndpoint(); webRtcEp.addIceCandidate(candidate); }
Example 3
Source File: From artemis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * @param discoveryConfig * @param session */ private void add(final DiscoveryConfig discoveryConfig, final WebSocketSession session) { if ((discoveryConfig == null) || (session == null)) { return; } final String serviceId = discoveryConfig.getServiceId(); final String sessionId = session.getId(); if (StringValues.isNullOrWhitespace(serviceId) || StringValues.isNullOrWhitespace(sessionId)) { return; } Set<String> sessionIds = serviceChangeSessions.get(serviceId); if (sessionIds == null) { synchronized(ServiceChangeWsHandler.class) { sessionIds = serviceChangeSessions.get(serviceId); if (sessionIds == null) { sessionIds = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet(); serviceChangeSessions.put(serviceId, sessionIds); } } } sessionIds.add(sessionId); }
Example 4
Source File: From kurento-tutorial-java with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void stop(final WebSocketSession session) {"[Handler::stop]"); // Update the UI sendPlayEnd(session); // Remove the user session and release all resources String sessionId = session.getId(); UserSession user = users.remove(sessionId); if (user != null) { MediaPipeline mediaPipeline = user.getMediaPipeline(); if (mediaPipeline != null) {"[Handler::stop] Release the Media Pipeline"); mediaPipeline.release(); } } }
Example 5
Source File: From computoser with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private void join(String gameId, String playerName, WebSocketSession session) { Game game = games.get(gameId); if (game == null) { sendMessage(new GameEvent(GameEventType.NO_GAME_AVAILABLE), session); } if (!game.isStarted()) { String playerId = session.getId(); Player player = players.get(playerId); player.setName(playerName); playerGames.put(playerId, game); if (!game.playerJoined(player)) { sendMessage(new GameEvent(GameEventType.PLAYER_NAME_TAKEN), session); } } else { sendMessage(new GameEvent(GameEventType.GAME_ALREADY_STARTED), session); } }
Example 6
Source File: From kurento-tutorial-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void stop(WebSocketSession session) throws IOException { String sessionId = session.getId(); if (pipelines.containsKey(sessionId)) { pipelines.get(sessionId).release(); CallMediaPipeline pipeline = pipelines.remove(sessionId); pipeline.release(); // Both users can stop the communication. A 'stopCommunication' // message will be sent to the other peer. UserSession stopperUser = registry.getBySession(session); if (stopperUser != null) { UserSession stoppedUser = (stopperUser.getCallingFrom() != null) ? registry.getByName(stopperUser .getCallingFrom()) : stopperUser.getCallingTo() != null ? registry .getByName(stopperUser.getCallingTo()) : null; if (stoppedUser != null) { JsonObject message = new JsonObject(); message.addProperty("id", "stopCommunication"); stoppedUser.sendMessage(message); stoppedUser.clear(); } stopperUser.clear(); } } }
Example 7
Source File: From TrackRay with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession session, CloseStatus closeStatus) throws Exception {"connect websocket closed......."); String id = session.getId(); kill(id); super.afterConnectionClosed(session, closeStatus); }
Example 8
Source File: From java-trader with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
NodeSession(NodeMgmtServiceImpl nodeMgmtService, WebSocketSession wsSession){ this.nodeMgmtService = nodeMgmtService; this.wsSession = wsSession; this.wsState = SessionState.Initializing; wsId = wsSession.getId(); creationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); }
Example 9
Source File: From redtorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession session, CloseStatus status) throws Exception { String sessionId = session.getId(); int nodeId = (int) session.getAttributes().get(RtConstant.KEY_NODE_ID); if (sessionIdNodeIdMap.containsKey(sessionId)) {"è¿æ¥å·²å ³é,èç¹ID:{},äŒè¯ID:{}", nodeId, sessionId); sessionIdSessionMap.remove(sessionId); nodeIdSessionIdMap.remove(nodeId); sessionIdNodeIdMap.remove(sessionId); masterSystemService.removeGatewayIdByNodeId(nodeId); masterTradeExecuteService.removeSubscribeRelationByNodeId(nodeId); skipLoginNodeIdSet.remove(nodeId); skipTradeEventsNodeIdSet.remove(nodeId); String operatorId = nodeIdOperatorIdMap.remove(nodeId); synchronized (operatorIdNodeIdSetMap) { Set<Integer> nodeIdSet = operatorIdNodeIdSetMap.get(operatorId); if (nodeIdSet != null) { nodeIdSet.remove(nodeId); } if (nodeIdSet != null && nodeIdSet.isEmpty()) { operatorIdNodeIdSetMap.remove(operatorId); } } var dataQueue = nodeIdDataQueueMap.remove(nodeId); if (dataQueue != null) { byte[] shutdownData = new byte[] { 0 }; dataQueue.put(shutdownData); } if (session.getAttributes().get(WebSocketConstant.KEY_AUTHED) != null && (boolean) session.getAttributes().get(WebSocketConstant.KEY_AUTHED)) { nodeService.updateNodeLogoutInfo(nodeId); } } else {"è¿æ¥å·²å ³é,è¿æ¥æªè®€è¯ïŒèç¹ID:{},äŒè¯ID:{}", nodeId, sessionId); } }
Example 10
Source File: From example-restful-project with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public synchronized void register(String teapotId, WebSocketSession session) { String sessionId = session.getId();; mapTeapotIdSessionId.put(teapotId, sessionId); mapSessionIdTeapotId.put(sessionId, teapotId); }
Example 11
Source File: From kurento-tutorial-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Invoked when a new WebSocket message arrives. */ @Override protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) throws Exception { final String sessionId = session.getId(); JsonObject jsonMessage = gson.fromJson(message.getPayload(), JsonObject.class);"[Handler::handleTextMessage] message: {}, sessionId: {}", jsonMessage, sessionId); try { final String messageId = jsonMessage.get("id").getAsString(); switch (messageId) { case "PROCESS_SDP_OFFER": // Start: Create user session and process SDP Offer handleProcessSdpOffer(session, jsonMessage); break; case "ADD_ICE_CANDIDATE": handleAddIceCandidate(session, jsonMessage); break; case "STOP": handleStop(session, jsonMessage); break; case "ERROR": handleError(session, jsonMessage); break; default: // Ignore the message log.warn("[Handler::handleTextMessage] Skip, invalid message, id: {}", messageId); break; } } catch (Throwable ex) { log.error("[Handler::handleTextMessage] Exception: {}, sessionId: {}", ex, sessionId); sendError(session, "[Kurento] Exception: " + ex.getMessage()); } }
Example 12
Source File: From kurento-tutorial-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void initWebRtcEndpoint(final WebSocketSession session, final WebRtcEndpoint webRtcEp, String sdpOffer) { initBaseEventListeners(session, webRtcEp, "WebRtcEndpoint"); initWebRtcEventListeners(session, webRtcEp); final String sessionId = session.getId(); final String name = "user" + sessionId + "_webrtcendpoint"; webRtcEp.setName(name); /* OPTIONAL: Force usage of an Application-specific STUN server. Usually this is configured globally in KMS WebRTC settings file: /etc/kurento/modules/kurento/WebRtcEndpoint.conf.ini But it can also be configured per-application, as shown:"[Handler::initWebRtcEndpoint] Using STUN server:"); webRtcEp.setStunServerAddress(""); webRtcEp.setStunServerPort(3478); */ // Continue the SDP Negotiation: Generate an SDP Answer final String sdpAnswer = webRtcEp.processOffer(sdpOffer);"[Handler::initWebRtcEndpoint] name: {}, SDP Offer from browser to KMS:\n{}", name, sdpOffer);"[Handler::initWebRtcEndpoint] name: {}, SDP Answer from KMS to browser:\n{}", name, sdpAnswer); JsonObject message = new JsonObject(); message.addProperty("id", "PROCESS_SDP_ANSWER"); message.addProperty("sdpAnswer", sdpAnswer); sendMessage(session, message.toString()); }
Example 13
Source File: From kurento-tutorial-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) throws Exception { JsonObject jsonMessage = gson.fromJson(message.getPayload(), JsonObject.class); String sessionId = session.getId(); log.debug("[Handler::handleTextMessage] {}, sessionId: {}", jsonMessage, sessionId); try { String messageId = jsonMessage.get("id").getAsString(); switch (messageId) { case "PROCESS_SDP_OFFER": handleProcessSdpOffer(session, jsonMessage); break; case "ADD_ICE_CANDIDATE": handleAddIceCandidate(session, jsonMessage); break; case "STOP": handleStop(session, jsonMessage); break; default: sendError(session, "Invalid message, id: " + messageId); break; } } catch (Throwable ex) { log.error("[Handler::handleTextMessage] Exception: {}, sessionId: {}", ex, sessionId); sendError(session, "Exception: " + ex.getMessage()); } }
Example 14
Source File: From kurento-tutorial-java with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public UserSession(WebSocketSession session) { = session.getId(); }
Example 15
Source File: From data-highway with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void afterConnectionEstablished(WebSocketSession session) throws Exception { sessionId = session.getId(); Map<String, Object> attributes = session.getAttributes(); version = (String) attributes.get(VERSION); roadName = (String) attributes.get(ROAD_NAME); streamName = (String) attributes.get(STREAM_NAME); DefaultOffset defaultOffset = (DefaultOffset) attributes.get(DEFAULT_OFFSET); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<Sensitivity> grants = (Set<Sensitivity>) attributes.get(GRANTS); Authentication authentication = (Authentication) session.getPrincipal(); RoadConsumer consumer; metrics = metricsFactory.create(roadName, streamName); try { authorisation.checkAuthorisation(authentication, roadName, grants); consumer = consumerFactory.create(roadName, streamName, defaultOffset); MessageFunction messageFunction = messageFunctionFactory.create(roadName, grants); EventSender sender = bytes -> sendEvent(session, bytes); service = serviceFactory.create(version, consumer, messageFunction, sender, metrics); } catch (UnknownRoadException e) { metrics.markRoadNotFound(); session.close(); throw e; } Scheduler scheduler = Schedulers.newSingle( String.format("offramp[v%s,%s.%s:%s]", version, roadName, streamName, sessionId)); metrics.incrementActiveConnections(); Mono<Void> mono = Mono .fromRunnable(service) .subscribeOn(scheduler) .doOnError(t -> true, t -> { log.error("Road: {}, stream: {}, sessionId: {} - Error in OfframpService", roadName, streamName, sessionId, t); }) .doOnSuccess(s -> {"Road: {}, stream: {}, sessionId: {} - OfframpService Completed", roadName, streamName, sessionId); }) .doOnTerminate(() -> { disposables.dispose(); metrics.decrementActiveConnections(); }).then(); disposables.add(() -> close(service)); disposables.add(() -> close(consumer)); disposables.add(() -> close(() -> session.close(SERVER_ERROR))); disposables.add(scheduler); disposables.add(mono.subscribe());"Road: {}, stream: {}, sessionId: {} - Connection established with defaultOffset: {}", roadName, streamName, sessionId, defaultOffset); metrics.markConnectionEstablished(); }
Example 16
Source File: From kurento-tutorial-java with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void handleProcessSdpOffer(final WebSocketSession session, JsonObject jsonMessage) { // ---- Session handling String sessionId = session.getId();"[Handler::handleStart] User count: {}", users.size());"[Handler::handleStart] New user: {}", sessionId); final UserSession user = new UserSession(); users.put(session.getId(), user); // ---- Media pipeline"[Handler::handleStart] Create Media Pipeline"); final MediaPipeline pipeline = kurento.createMediaPipeline(); user.setMediaPipeline(pipeline); final WebRtcEndpoint webRtcEp = new WebRtcEndpoint.Builder(pipeline).build(); user.setWebRtcEndpoint(webRtcEp); Boolean useSrtp = jsonMessage.get("useSrtp").getAsBoolean(); final RtpEndpoint rtpEp = makeRtpEndpoint(pipeline, useSrtp); user.setRtpEndpoint(rtpEp); // ---- Endpoint configuration rtpEp.connect(webRtcEp); String sdpOffer = jsonMessage.get("sdpOffer").getAsString(); initWebRtcEndpoint(session, webRtcEp, sdpOffer); startWebRtcEndpoint(webRtcEp); Boolean useComedia = jsonMessage.get("useComedia").getAsBoolean(); startRtpEndpoint(session, rtpEp, useComedia, useSrtp); // ---- Debug // String pipelineDot = pipeline.getGstreamerDot(); // try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter("")) { // out.println(pipelineDot); // } catch (IOException ex) { // log.error("[Handler::start] Exception: {}", ex.getMessage()); // } }
Example 17
Source File: From spring4-understanding with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Handle STOMP messages going back out to WebSocket clients. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void handleMessageToClient(WebSocketSession session, Message<?> message) { if (!(message.getPayload() instanceof byte[])) { logger.error("Expected byte[] payload. Ignoring " + message + "."); return; } StompHeaderAccessor stompAccessor = getStompHeaderAccessor(message); StompCommand command = stompAccessor.getCommand(); if (StompCommand.MESSAGE.equals(command)) { if (stompAccessor.getSubscriptionId() == null) { logger.warn("No STOMP \"subscription\" header in " + message); } String origDestination = stompAccessor.getFirstNativeHeader(SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.ORIGINAL_DESTINATION); if (origDestination != null) { stompAccessor = toMutableAccessor(stompAccessor, message); stompAccessor.removeNativeHeader(SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.ORIGINAL_DESTINATION); stompAccessor.setDestination(origDestination); } } else if (StompCommand.CONNECTED.equals(command)) { this.stats.incrementConnectedCount(); stompAccessor = afterStompSessionConnected(message, stompAccessor, session); if (this.eventPublisher != null && StompCommand.CONNECTED.equals(command)) { try { SimpAttributes simpAttributes = new SimpAttributes(session.getId(), session.getAttributes()); SimpAttributesContextHolder.setAttributes(simpAttributes); Principal user = session.getPrincipal(); publishEvent(new SessionConnectedEvent(this, (Message<byte[]>) message, user)); } finally { SimpAttributesContextHolder.resetAttributes(); } } } byte[] payload = (byte[]) message.getPayload(); if (StompCommand.ERROR.equals(command) && getErrorHandler() != null) { Message<byte[]> errorMessage = getErrorHandler().handleErrorMessageToClient((Message<byte[]>) message); stompAccessor = MessageHeaderAccessor.getAccessor(errorMessage, StompHeaderAccessor.class); Assert.notNull(stompAccessor, "Expected STOMP headers"); payload = errorMessage.getPayload(); } sendToClient(session, stompAccessor, payload); }
Example 18
Source File: From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Handle STOMP messages going back out to WebSocket clients. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void handleMessageToClient(WebSocketSession session, Message<?> message) { if (!(message.getPayload() instanceof byte[])) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) { logger.error("Expected byte[] payload. Ignoring " + message + "."); } return; } StompHeaderAccessor accessor = getStompHeaderAccessor(message); StompCommand command = accessor.getCommand(); if (StompCommand.MESSAGE.equals(command)) { if (accessor.getSubscriptionId() == null && logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("No STOMP \"subscription\" header in " + message); } String origDestination = accessor.getFirstNativeHeader(SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.ORIGINAL_DESTINATION); if (origDestination != null) { accessor = toMutableAccessor(accessor, message); accessor.removeNativeHeader(SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.ORIGINAL_DESTINATION); accessor.setDestination(origDestination); } } else if (StompCommand.CONNECTED.equals(command)) { this.stats.incrementConnectedCount(); accessor = afterStompSessionConnected(message, accessor, session); if (this.eventPublisher != null) { try { SimpAttributes simpAttributes = new SimpAttributes(session.getId(), session.getAttributes()); SimpAttributesContextHolder.setAttributes(simpAttributes); Principal user = getUser(session); publishEvent(this.eventPublisher, new SessionConnectedEvent(this, (Message<byte[]>) message, user)); } finally { SimpAttributesContextHolder.resetAttributes(); } } } byte[] payload = (byte[]) message.getPayload(); if (StompCommand.ERROR.equals(command) && getErrorHandler() != null) { Message<byte[]> errorMessage = getErrorHandler().handleErrorMessageToClient((Message<byte[]>) message); if (errorMessage != null) { accessor = MessageHeaderAccessor.getAccessor(errorMessage, StompHeaderAccessor.class); Assert.state(accessor != null, "No StompHeaderAccessor"); payload = errorMessage.getPayload(); } } sendToClient(session, accessor, payload); }
Example 19
Source File: From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Handle STOMP messages going back out to WebSocket clients. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void handleMessageToClient(WebSocketSession session, Message<?> message) { if (!(message.getPayload() instanceof byte[])) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) { logger.error("Expected byte[] payload. Ignoring " + message + "."); } return; } StompHeaderAccessor accessor = getStompHeaderAccessor(message); StompCommand command = accessor.getCommand(); if (StompCommand.MESSAGE.equals(command)) { if (accessor.getSubscriptionId() == null && logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("No STOMP \"subscription\" header in " + message); } String origDestination = accessor.getFirstNativeHeader(SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.ORIGINAL_DESTINATION); if (origDestination != null) { accessor = toMutableAccessor(accessor, message); accessor.removeNativeHeader(SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.ORIGINAL_DESTINATION); accessor.setDestination(origDestination); } } else if (StompCommand.CONNECTED.equals(command)) { this.stats.incrementConnectedCount(); accessor = afterStompSessionConnected(message, accessor, session); if (this.eventPublisher != null) { try { SimpAttributes simpAttributes = new SimpAttributes(session.getId(), session.getAttributes()); SimpAttributesContextHolder.setAttributes(simpAttributes); Principal user = getUser(session); publishEvent(this.eventPublisher, new SessionConnectedEvent(this, (Message<byte[]>) message, user)); } finally { SimpAttributesContextHolder.resetAttributes(); } } } byte[] payload = (byte[]) message.getPayload(); if (StompCommand.ERROR.equals(command) && getErrorHandler() != null) { Message<byte[]> errorMessage = getErrorHandler().handleErrorMessageToClient((Message<byte[]>) message); if (errorMessage != null) { accessor = MessageHeaderAccessor.getAccessor(errorMessage, StompHeaderAccessor.class); Assert.state(accessor != null, "No StompHeaderAccessor"); payload = errorMessage.getPayload(); } } sendToClient(session, accessor, payload); }
Example 20
Source File: From kurento-tutorial-java with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
private void handleProcessSdpOffer(final WebSocketSession session, JsonObject jsonMessage) { // ---- Session handling final String sessionId = session.getId();"[Handler::handleStart] User count: {}", users.size());"[Handler::handleStart] New user, id: {}", sessionId); final UserSession user = new UserSession(); users.put(sessionId, user); // ---- Media pipeline"[Handler::handleStart] Create Media Pipeline"); final MediaPipeline pipeline = kurento.createMediaPipeline(); user.setMediaPipeline(pipeline); final WebRtcEndpoint webRtcEp = new WebRtcEndpoint.Builder(pipeline).build(); user.setWebRtcEndpoint(webRtcEp); webRtcEp.connect(webRtcEp); // ---- Endpoint configuration String sdpOffer = jsonMessage.get("sdpOffer").getAsString(); initWebRtcEndpoint(session, webRtcEp, sdpOffer);"[Handler::handleStart] New WebRtcEndpoint: {}", webRtcEp.getName()); // ---- Endpoint startup startWebRtcEndpoint(webRtcEp); // ---- Debug // final String pipelineDot = pipeline.getGstreamerDot(); // try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter("")) { // out.println(pipelineDot); // } catch (IOException ex) { // log.error("[Handler::start] Exception: {}", ex.getMessage()); // } }