com.esri.core.geometry.ogc.OGCLineString Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From spatial-framework-for-hadoop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public BytesWritable evaluate(BytesWritable geomref, IntWritable index) { if (geomref == null || geomref.getLength() == 0 || index == null) { LogUtils.Log_ArgumentsNull(LOG); return null; } OGCGeometry ogcGeometry = GeometryUtils.geometryFromEsriShape(geomref); if (ogcGeometry == null){ LogUtils.Log_ArgumentsNull(LOG); return null; } int idx = index.get() - 1; // 1-based UI, 0-based engine if (GeometryUtils.getType(geomref) == GeometryUtils.OGCType.ST_POLYGON) { try { OGCLineString hole = ((OGCPolygon)(ogcGeometry)).interiorRingN(idx); return GeometryUtils.geometryToEsriShapeBytesWritable(hole); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.Log_InternalError(LOG, "ST_InteriorRingN: " + e); return null; } } else { LogUtils.Log_InvalidType(LOG, GeometryUtils.OGCType.ST_POLYGON, GeometryUtils.getType(geomref)); return null; } }
Example #2
Source File: From geometry-api-java with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testFirstPointOfPolygon() { OGCGeometry g = OGCGeometry .fromText("POLYGON((-10 -10, 10 -10, 10 10, -10 10, -10 -10), (-5 -5, -5 5, 5 5, 5 -5, -5 -5))"); assertTrue(g.geometryType().equals("Polygon")); OGCPolygon p = (OGCPolygon) g; assertTrue(p.numInteriorRing() == 1); OGCLineString ls = p.exteriorRing(); OGCPoint p1 = ls.pointN(1); assertTrue(ls.pointN(1).equals(OGCGeometry.fromText("POINT(10 -10)"))); OGCPoint p2 = ls.pointN(3); assertTrue(ls.pointN(3).equals(OGCGeometry.fromText("POINT(-10 10)"))); OGCPoint p0 = ls.pointN(0); assertTrue(ls.pointN(0).equals(OGCGeometry.fromText("POINT(-10 -10)"))); String ms = g.convertToMulti().asText(); assertTrue(ms.equals("MULTIPOLYGON (((-10 -10, 10 -10, 10 10, -10 10, -10 -10), (-5 -5, -5 5, 5 5, 5 -5, -5 -5)))")); }
Example #3
Source File: From presto with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Description("Returns a LineString from an array of points") @ScalarFunction("ST_LineString") @SqlType(GEOMETRY_TYPE_NAME) public static Slice stLineString(@SqlType("array(" + GEOMETRY_TYPE_NAME + ")") Block input) { MultiPath multipath = new Polyline(); OGCPoint previousPoint = null; for (int i = 0; i < input.getPositionCount(); i++) { Slice slice = GEOMETRY.getSlice(input, i); if (slice.getInput().available() == 0) { throw new PrestoException(INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, format("Invalid input to ST_LineString: null point at index %s", i + 1)); } OGCGeometry geometry = deserialize(slice); if (!(geometry instanceof OGCPoint)) { throw new PrestoException(INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, format("ST_LineString takes only an array of valid points, %s was passed", geometry.geometryType())); } OGCPoint point = (OGCPoint) geometry; if (point.isEmpty()) { throw new PrestoException(INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, format("Invalid input to ST_LineString: empty point at index %s", i + 1)); } if (previousPoint == null) { multipath.startPath(point.X(), point.Y()); } else { if (point.Equals(previousPoint)) { throw new PrestoException(INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, format("Invalid input to ST_LineString: consecutive duplicate points at index %s", i + 1)); } multipath.lineTo(point.X(), point.Y()); } previousPoint = point; } OGCLineString linestring = new OGCLineString(multipath, 0, null); return serialize(linestring); }
Example #4
Source File: From presto with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@SqlNullable @Description("Returns the vertex of a linestring at the specified index (indices started with 1) ") @ScalarFunction("ST_PointN") @SqlType(GEOMETRY_TYPE_NAME) public static Slice stPointN(@SqlType(GEOMETRY_TYPE_NAME) Slice input, @SqlType(INTEGER) long index) { OGCGeometry geometry = deserialize(input); validateType("ST_PointN", geometry, EnumSet.of(LINE_STRING)); OGCLineString linestring = (OGCLineString) geometry; if (index < 1 || index > linestring.numPoints()) { return null; } return serialize(linestring.pointN(toIntExact(index) - 1)); }
Example #5
Source File: From presto with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@SqlNullable @Description("Returns TRUE if and only if the line is closed and simple") @ScalarFunction("ST_IsRing") @SqlType(BOOLEAN) public static Boolean stIsRing(@SqlType(GEOMETRY_TYPE_NAME) Slice input) { OGCGeometry geometry = deserialize(input); validateType("ST_IsRing", geometry, EnumSet.of(LINE_STRING)); OGCLineString line = (OGCLineString) geometry; return line.isClosed() && line.isSimple(); }
Example #6
Source File: From presto with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static OGCGeometry createFromEsriGeometry(Geometry geometry, boolean multiType) { Geometry.Type type = geometry.getType(); switch (type) { case Polygon: { if (!multiType && ((Polygon) geometry).getExteriorRingCount() <= 1) { return new OGCPolygon((Polygon) geometry, null); } return new OGCMultiPolygon((Polygon) geometry, null); } case Polyline: { if (!multiType && ((Polyline) geometry).getPathCount() <= 1) { return new OGCLineString((Polyline) geometry, 0, null); } return new OGCMultiLineString((Polyline) geometry, null); } case MultiPoint: { if (!multiType && ((MultiPoint) geometry).getPointCount() <= 1) { if (geometry.isEmpty()) { return new OGCPoint(new Point(), null); } return new OGCPoint(((MultiPoint) geometry).getPoint(0), null); } return new OGCMultiPoint((MultiPoint) geometry, null); } case Point: { if (!multiType) { return new OGCPoint((Point) geometry, null); } return new OGCMultiPoint((Point) geometry, null); } case Envelope: { Polygon polygon = new Polygon(); polygon.addEnvelope((Envelope) geometry, false); return new OGCPolygon(polygon, null); } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected geometry type: " + type); } }
Example #7
Source File: From spatial-framework-for-hadoop with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public BooleanWritable evaluate(BytesWritable geomref) { if (geomref == null || geomref.getLength() == 0) { LogUtils.Log_ArgumentsNull(LOG); return null; } OGCGeometry ogcGeometry = GeometryUtils.geometryFromEsriShape(geomref); if (ogcGeometry == null){ LogUtils.Log_ArgumentsNull(LOG); return null; } try { switch(GeometryUtils.getType(geomref)) { case ST_LINESTRING: OGCLineString lns = (OGCLineString)ogcGeometry; resultBoolean.set(lns.isClosed() && lns.isSimple()); return resultBoolean; default: // ST_IsRing gives ERROR on Point, Polygon, or MultiLineString - on Postgres LogUtils.Log_InvalidType(LOG, GeometryUtils.OGCType.ST_LINESTRING, GeometryUtils.getType(geomref)); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.Log_InternalError(LOG, "ST_IsRing" + e); return null; } }
Example #8
Source File: From geometry-api-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testInstanceSizes() { assertEquals(getInstanceSize(AttributeStreamOfFloat.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_ATTRIBUTE_STREAM_OF_FLOAT); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(AttributeStreamOfDbl.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_ATTRIBUTE_STREAM_OF_DBL); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(AttributeStreamOfInt8.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_ATTRIBUTE_STREAM_OF_INT8); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(AttributeStreamOfInt16.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_ATTRIBUTE_STREAM_OF_INT16); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(AttributeStreamOfInt32.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_ATTRIBUTE_STREAM_OF_INT32); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(AttributeStreamOfInt64.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_ATTRIBUTE_STREAM_OF_INT64); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(Envelope.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_ENVELOPE); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(Envelope2D.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_ENVELOPE2D); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(Line.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_LINE); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(MultiPath.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_MULTI_PATH); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(MultiPathImpl.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_MULTI_PATH_IMPL); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(MultiPoint.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_MULTI_POINT); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(MultiPointImpl.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_MULTI_POINT_IMPL); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(Point.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_POINT); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(Polygon.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_POLYGON); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(Polyline.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_POLYLINE); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(OGCConcreteGeometryCollection.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_OGC_CONCRETE_GEOMETRY_COLLECTION); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(OGCLineString.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_OGC_LINE_STRING); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(OGCMultiLineString.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_OGC_MULTI_LINE_STRING); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(OGCMultiPoint.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_OGC_MULTI_POINT); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(OGCMultiPolygon.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_OGC_MULTI_POLYGON); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(OGCPoint.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_OGC_POINT); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(OGCPolygon.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_OGC_POLYGON); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(RasterizedGeometry2DImpl.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_RASTERIZED_GEOMETRY_2D_IMPL); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(RasterizedGeometry2DImpl.ScanCallbackImpl.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_SCAN_CALLBACK_IMPL); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(Transformation2D.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_TRANSFORMATION_2D); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(SimpleRasterizer.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_SIMPLE_RASTERIZER); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(SimpleRasterizer.Edge.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_EDGE); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(QuadTreeImpl.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_QUAD_TREE_IMPL); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(QuadTreeImpl.Data.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_DATA); assertEquals(getInstanceSize(StridedIndexTypeCollection.class), SizeOf.SIZE_OF_STRIDED_INDEX_TYPE_COLLECTION); }
Example #9
Source File: From geometry-api-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testFirstPointOfLineString() { OGCGeometry g = OGCGeometry .fromText("LINESTRING(-10 -10, 10 -10, 10 10, -10 10, -10 -10)"); assertTrue(g.geometryType().equals("LineString")); OGCLineString p = (OGCLineString) g; assertTrue(p.numPoints() == 5); assertTrue(p.isClosed()); assertTrue(p.pointN(1).equals(OGCGeometry.fromText("POINT(10 -10)"))); String ms = g.convertToMulti().asText(); assertTrue(ms.equals("MULTILINESTRING ((-10 -10, 10 -10, 10 10, -10 10, -10 -10))")); }
Example #10
Source File: From geometry-api-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testOGCLineString() { Polyline p = new Polyline(); p.startPath(100.0, 0.0); p.lineTo(101.0, 0.0); p.lineTo(101.0, 1.0); p.lineTo(100.0, 1.0); OGCLineString ogcLineString = new OGCLineString(p, 0, null); String result = ogcLineString.asGeoJson(); assertEquals("{\"type\":\"LineString\",\"coordinates\":[[100,0],[101,0],[101,1],[100,1]],\"crs\":null}", result); }
Example #11
Source File: From presto with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static OGCLineString decodePolyline(String polyline) { MultiPath multipath = new Polyline(); boolean isFirstPoint = true; int index = 0; int latitude = 0; int longitude = 0; while (index < polyline.length()) { int result = 1; int shift = 0; int bytes; do { bytes = polyline.charAt(index++) - 63 - 1; result += bytes << shift; shift += 5; } while (bytes >= 0x1f); latitude += (result & 1) != 0 ? ~(result >> 1) : (result >> 1); result = 1; shift = 0; do { bytes = polyline.charAt(index++) - 63 - 1; result += bytes << shift; shift += 5; } while (bytes >= 0x1f); longitude += (result & 1) != 0 ? ~(result >> 1) : (result >> 1); if (isFirstPoint) { multipath.startPath(longitude * 1e-5, latitude * 1e-5); isFirstPoint = false; } else { multipath.lineTo(longitude * 1e-5, latitude * 1e-5); } } return new OGCLineString(multipath, 0, null); }
Example #12
Source File: From geometry-api-java with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testPolygon() throws Exception { OGCGeometry g = OGCGeometry .fromText("POLYGON((-10 -10, 10 -10, 10 10, -10 10, -10 -10), (-5 -5, -5 5, 5 5, 5 -5, -5 -5))"); assertTrue(g.geometryType().equals("Polygon")); OGCPolygon p = (OGCPolygon) g; assertTrue(p.numInteriorRing() == 1); OGCLineString ls = p.exteriorRing(); // assertTrue(ls.pointN(1).equals(OGCGeometry.fromText("POINT(10 -10)"))); boolean b = ls .Equals(OGCGeometry .fromText("LINESTRING(-10 -10, 10 -10, 10 10, -10 10, -10 -10)")); assertTrue(b); OGCLineString lsi = p.interiorRingN(0); b = lsi.Equals(OGCGeometry .fromText("LINESTRING(-5 -5, -5 5, 5 5, 5 -5, -5 -5)")); assertTrue(b); b = lsi.equals((Object)OGCGeometry .fromText("LINESTRING(-5 -5, -5 5, 5 5, 5 -5, -5 -5)")); assertTrue(!lsi.Equals(ls)); OGCMultiCurve boundary = p.boundary(); String s = boundary.asText(); assertTrue(s.equals("MULTILINESTRING ((-10 -10, 10 -10, 10 10, -10 10, -10 -10), (-5 -5, -5 5, 5 5, 5 -5, -5 -5))")); { OGCGeometry g2 = OGCGeometry.fromGeoJson( "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[1.00000001,1.00000001], [4.00000001,1.00000001], [4.00000001,4.00000001], [1.00000001,4.00000001]]]}"); OGCGeometry .fromGeoJson( "{\"type\": \"LineString\", \"coordinates\": [[1.00000001,1.00000001], [7.00000001,8.00000001]]}") .intersects(g2); OGCGeometry .fromGeoJson( "{\"type\": \"LineString\", \"coordinates\": [[2.449,4.865], [7.00000001,8.00000001]]}") .intersects(g2); OGCGeometry g3 = OGCGeometry.fromGeoJson( "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[1.00000001,1.00000001], [4.00000001,1.00000001], [4.00000001,4.00000001], [1.00000001,4.00000001]]]}"); boolean bb = g2.equals((Object) g3); assertTrue(bb); } }
Example #13
Source File: From geometry-api-java with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testGeometryCollection() { SpatialReference sr = SpatialReference.create(4326); StringBuilder geometrySb = new StringBuilder(); geometrySb .append("{\"type\" : \"GeometryCollection\", \"geometries\" : ["); OGCPoint point = new OGCPoint(new Point(1.0, 1.0), sr); assertEquals("{\"x\":1,\"y\":1,\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326}}", point.asJson()); assertEquals( "{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[1,1],\"crs\":{\"type\":\"name\",\"properties\":{\"name\":\"EPSG:4326\"}}}", point.asGeoJson()); geometrySb.append(point.asGeoJson()).append(", "); OGCLineString line = new OGCLineString(new Polyline( new Point(1.0, 1.0), new Point(2.0, 2.0)), 0, sr); assertEquals( "{\"paths\":[[[1,1],[2,2]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326}}", line.asJson()); assertEquals( "{\"type\":\"LineString\",\"coordinates\":[[1,1],[2,2]],\"crs\":{\"type\":\"name\",\"properties\":{\"name\":\"EPSG:4326\"}}}", line.asGeoJson()); geometrySb.append(line.asGeoJson()).append(", "); Polygon p = new Polygon(); p.startPath(1.0, 1.0); p.lineTo(2.0, 2.0); p.lineTo(3.0, 1.0); p.lineTo(2.0, 0.0); OGCPolygon polygon = new OGCPolygon(p, sr); assertEquals( "{\"rings\":[[[1,1],[2,2],[3,1],[2,0],[1,1]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326}}", polygon.asJson()); assertEquals( "{\"type\":\"Polygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[1,1],[2,0],[3,1],[2,2],[1,1]]],\"crs\":{\"type\":\"name\",\"properties\":{\"name\":\"EPSG:4326\"}}}", polygon.asGeoJson()); geometrySb.append(polygon.asGeoJson()).append("]}"); List<OGCGeometry> geoms = new ArrayList<OGCGeometry>(3); geoms.add(point); geoms.add(line); geoms.add(polygon); OGCConcreteGeometryCollection collection = new OGCConcreteGeometryCollection( geoms, sr); String s2 = collection.asGeoJson(); assertEquals("{\"type\":\"GeometryCollection\",\"geometries\":[{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[1,1]},{\"type\":\"LineString\",\"coordinates\":[[1,1],[2,2]]},{\"type\":\"Polygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[1,1],[2,0],[3,1],[2,2],[1,1]]]}],\"crs\":{\"type\":\"name\",\"properties\":{\"name\":\"EPSG:4326\"}}}", collection.asGeoJson()); }