org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.IDiskAtomFilter Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.IDiskAtomFilter. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public boolean isFilterFullyCoveredBy(IDiskAtomFilter filter, ColumnFamily cachedCf, long now)
    // We can use the cached value only if we know that no data it doesn't contain could be covered
    // by the query filter, that is if:
    //   1) either the whole partition is cached
    //   2) or we can ensure than any data the filter selects are in the cached partition

    // When counting rows to decide if the whole row is cached, we should be careful with expiring
    // columns: if we use a timestamp newer than the one that was used when populating the cache, we might
    // end up deciding the whole partition is cached when it's really not (just some rows expired since the
    // cf was cached). This is the reason for Integer.MIN_VALUE below.
    boolean wholePartitionCached = cachedCf.liveCQL3RowCount(Integer.MIN_VALUE) < metadata.getCaching().rowCache.rowsToCache;

    // Contrarily to the "wholePartitionCached" check above, we do want isFullyCoveredBy to take the
    // timestamp of the query into account when dealing with expired columns. Otherwise, we could think
    // the cached partition has enough live rows to satisfy the filter when it doesn't because some
    // are now expired.
    return wholePartitionCached || filter.isFullyCoveredBy(cachedCf, now);
Example #2
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Composite makePrefix(CompositesIndex index, ByteBuffer key, ExtendedFilter filter, boolean isStart)
    if (key.remaining() == 0)
        return Composites.EMPTY;

    Composite prefix;
    IDiskAtomFilter columnFilter = filter.columnFilter(key);
    if (columnFilter instanceof SliceQueryFilter)
        SliceQueryFilter sqf = (SliceQueryFilter)columnFilter;
        Composite columnName = isStart ? sqf.start() : sqf.finish();
        prefix = columnName.isEmpty() ? index.getIndexComparator().make(key) : index.makeIndexColumnPrefix(key, columnName);
        prefix = index.getIndexComparator().make(key);
    return isStart ? prefix.start() : prefix.end();
Example #3
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public ExtendedFilter makeExtendedFilter(AbstractBounds<RowPosition> range,
                                         IDiskAtomFilter columnFilter,
                                         List<IndexExpression> rowFilter,
                                         int maxResults,
                                         boolean countCQL3Rows,
                                         boolean isPaging,
                                         long timestamp)
    DataRange dataRange;
    if (isPaging)
        assert columnFilter instanceof SliceQueryFilter;
        SliceQueryFilter sfilter = (SliceQueryFilter)columnFilter;
        assert sfilter.slices.length == 1;
        // create a new SliceQueryFilter that selects all cells, but pass the original slice start and finish
        // through to DataRange.Paging to be used on the first and last partitions
        SliceQueryFilter newFilter = new SliceQueryFilter(ColumnSlice.ALL_COLUMNS_ARRAY, sfilter.isReversed(), sfilter.count);
        dataRange = new DataRange.Paging(range, newFilter, sfilter.start(), sfilter.finish(), metadata.comparator);
        dataRange = new DataRange(range, columnFilter);
    return ExtendedFilter.create(this, dataRange, rowFilter, maxResults, countCQL3Rows, timestamp);
Example #4
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public RangeSliceCommand deserialize(DataInput in, int version) throws IOException
    String keyspace = in.readUTF();
    String columnFamily = in.readUTF();
    long timestamp = in.readLong();

    CFMetaData metadata = Schema.instance.getCFMetaData(keyspace, columnFamily);

    IDiskAtomFilter predicate = metadata.comparator.diskAtomFilterSerializer().deserialize(in, version);

    List<IndexExpression> rowFilter;
    int filterCount = in.readInt();
    rowFilter = new ArrayList<>(filterCount);
    for (int i = 0; i < filterCount; i++)
    AbstractBounds<RowPosition> range = AbstractBounds.serializer.deserialize(in, version).toRowBounds();

    int maxResults = in.readInt();
    boolean countCQL3Rows = in.readBoolean();
    boolean isPaging = in.readBoolean();
    return new RangeSliceCommand(keyspace, columnFamily, timestamp, predicate, range, rowFilter, maxResults, countCQL3Rows, isPaging);
Example #5
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected AbstractQueryPager(ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel,
                             int toFetch,
                             boolean localQuery,
                             CFMetaData cfm,
                             IDiskAtomFilter columnFilter,
                             long timestamp)
    this.consistencyLevel = consistencyLevel;
    this.localQuery = localQuery;

    this.cfm = cfm;
    this.columnFilter = columnFilter;
    this.timestamp = timestamp;

    this.remaining = toFetch;
Example #6
Source File:    From sasi with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static List<Row> getIndexed(ColumnFamilyStore store, IDiskAtomFilter columnFilter, DecoratedKey startKey, int maxResults, IndexExpression... expressions)
    IPartitioner p = StorageService.getPartitioner();
    AbstractBounds<RowPosition> bounds;

    if (startKey == null)
        bounds = new Range<>(p.getMinimumToken(), p.getMinimumToken()).toRowBounds();
        bounds = new Bounds<>(startKey, p.getMinimumToken().maxKeyBound(p));

                                     new DataRange(bounds, columnFilter),
Example #7
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected AbstractQueryPager(ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel,
                             int toFetch,
                             boolean localQuery,
                             String keyspace,
                             String columnFamily,
                             IDiskAtomFilter columnFilter,
                             long timestamp)
    this(consistencyLevel, toFetch, localQuery, Schema.instance.getCFMetaData(keyspace, columnFamily), columnFilter, timestamp);
Example #8
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Map<ByteBuffer, List<ColumnOrSuperColumn>> multigetSliceInternal(String keyspace,
                                                                         List<ByteBuffer> keys,
                                                                         ColumnParent column_parent,
                                                                         long timestamp,
                                                                         SlicePredicate predicate,
                                                                         ConsistencyLevel consistency_level,
                                                                         ClientState cState)
throws org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException, UnavailableException, TimedOutException
    CFMetaData metadata = ThriftValidation.validateColumnFamily(keyspace, column_parent.column_family);
    ThriftValidation.validateColumnParent(metadata, column_parent);
    ThriftValidation.validatePredicate(metadata, column_parent, predicate);

    org.apache.cassandra.db.ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel = ThriftConversion.fromThrift(consistency_level);

    List<ReadCommand> commands = new ArrayList<ReadCommand>(keys.size());
    IDiskAtomFilter filter = toInternalFilter(metadata, column_parent, predicate);

    for (ByteBuffer key: keys)
        ThriftValidation.validateKey(metadata, key);
        // Note that we should not share a slice filter amongst the command, due to SliceQueryFilter not  being immutable
        // due to its columnCounter used by the lastCounted() method (also see SelectStatement.getSliceCommands)
        commands.add(ReadCommand.create(keyspace, key, column_parent.getColumn_family(), timestamp, filter.cloneShallow()));

    return getSlice(commands, column_parent.isSetSuper_column(), consistencyLevel, cState);
Example #9
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public RangeSliceCommand(String keyspace,
                         String columnFamily,
                         long timestamp,
                         IDiskAtomFilter predicate,
                         AbstractBounds<RowPosition> range,
                         int maxResults)
    this(keyspace, columnFamily, timestamp, predicate, range, null, maxResults, false, false);
Example #10
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public RangeSliceCommand(String keyspace,
                         String columnFamily,
                         long timestamp,
                         IDiskAtomFilter predicate,
                         AbstractBounds<RowPosition> range,
                         List<IndexExpression> row_filter,
                         int maxResults)
    this(keyspace, columnFamily, timestamp, predicate, range, row_filter, maxResults, false, false);
Example #11
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public RangeSliceCommand(String keyspace,
                         String columnFamily,
                         long timestamp,
                         IDiskAtomFilter predicate,
                         AbstractBounds<RowPosition> range,
                         List<IndexExpression> rowFilter,
                         int maxResults,
                         boolean countCQL3Rows,
                         boolean isPaging)
    super(keyspace, columnFamily, timestamp, range, predicate, rowFilter);
    this.maxResults = maxResults;
    this.countCQL3Rows = countCQL3Rows;
    this.isPaging = isPaging;
Example #12
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public long serializedSize(RangeSliceCommand rsc, int version)
    long size = TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(rsc.keyspace);
    size += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(rsc.columnFamily);
    size += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(rsc.timestamp);

    CFMetaData metadata = Schema.instance.getCFMetaData(rsc.keyspace, rsc.columnFamily);

    IDiskAtomFilter filter = rsc.predicate;

    size += metadata.comparator.diskAtomFilterSerializer().serializedSize(filter, version);

    if (rsc.rowFilter == null)
        size += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(0);
        size += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(rsc.rowFilter.size());
        for (IndexExpression expr : rsc.rowFilter)
            size += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeofWithShortLength(expr.column);
            size += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(expr.operator.ordinal());
            size += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeofWithShortLength(expr.value);
    size += AbstractBounds.serializer.serializedSize(rsc.keyRange, version);
    size += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(rsc.maxResults);
    size += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(rsc.countCQL3Rows);
    size += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(rsc.isPaging);
    return size;
Example #13
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static ReadCommand create(String ksName, ByteBuffer key, String cfName, long timestamp, IDiskAtomFilter filter)
    if (filter instanceof SliceQueryFilter)
        return new SliceFromReadCommand(ksName, key, cfName, timestamp, (SliceQueryFilter)filter);
        return new SliceByNamesReadCommand(ksName, key, cfName, timestamp, (NamesQueryFilter)filter);
Example #14
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public List<Row> getRangeSlice(final AbstractBounds<RowPosition> range,
                               List<IndexExpression> rowFilter,
                               IDiskAtomFilter columnFilter,
                               int maxResults)
    return getRangeSlice(range, rowFilter, columnFilter, maxResults, System.currentTimeMillis());
Example #15
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public List<Row> getRangeSlice(final AbstractBounds<RowPosition> range,
                               List<IndexExpression> rowFilter,
                               IDiskAtomFilter columnFilter,
                               int maxResults,
                               long now)
    return getRangeSlice(makeExtendedFilter(range, columnFilter, rowFilter, maxResults, false, false, now));
Example #16
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public List<Row> getRangeSlice(AbstractBounds<RowPosition> range,
                               List<IndexExpression> rowFilter,
                               IDiskAtomFilter columnFilter,
                               int maxResults,
                               long now,
                               boolean countCQL3Rows,
                               boolean isPaging)
    return getRangeSlice(makeExtendedFilter(range, columnFilter, rowFilter, maxResults, countCQL3Rows, isPaging, now));
Example #17
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public List<Row> search(AbstractBounds<RowPosition> range,
                        List<IndexExpression> clause,
                        IDiskAtomFilter dataFilter,
                        int maxResults)
    return search(range, clause, dataFilter, maxResults, System.currentTimeMillis());
Example #18
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public List<Row> search(AbstractBounds<RowPosition> range,
                        List<IndexExpression> clause,
                        IDiskAtomFilter dataFilter,
                        int maxResults,
                        long now)
    return search(makeExtendedFilter(range, dataFilter, clause, maxResults, false, false, now));
Example #19
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static List<Row> getRangeSlice(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, ByteBuffer superColumn)
    IDiskAtomFilter filter = superColumn == null
                           ? new IdentityQueryFilter()
                           : new SliceQueryFilter(SuperColumns.startOf(superColumn), SuperColumns.endOf(superColumn), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    Token min = StorageService.getPartitioner().getMinimumToken();
    return cfs.getRangeSlice(new Bounds<Token>(min, min).toRowBounds(), null, filter, 10000);
Example #20
Source File:    From titan1withtp3.1 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Create a RangeSliceCommand and run it against the StorageProxy.
 * <p>
 * To match the behavior of the standard Cassandra thrift API endpoint, the
 * {@code nowMillis} argument should be the number of milliseconds since the
 * UNIX Epoch (e.g. System.currentTimeMillis() or equivalent obtained
 * through a {@link TimestampProvider}). This is per
 * {@link org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CassandraServer#get_range_slices(ColumnParent, SlicePredicate, KeyRange, ConsistencyLevel)},
 * which passes the server's System.currentTimeMillis() to the
 * {@code RangeSliceCommand} constructor.
private List<Row> getKeySlice(Token start,
                              Token end,
                              @Nullable SliceQuery sliceQuery,
                              int pageSize,
                              long nowMillis) throws BackendException {
    IPartitioner partitioner = StorageService.getPartitioner();

    SliceRange columnSlice = new SliceRange();
    if (sliceQuery == null) {
    } else {
                .setCount(sliceQuery.hasLimit() ? sliceQuery.getLimit() : Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    /* Note: we need to fetch columns for each row as well to remove "range ghosts" */
    SlicePredicate predicate = new SlicePredicate().setSlice_range(columnSlice);

    // Old cassandra code did not use partitioner anyway in this new code removed it as a parmaeter
    // RowPosition startPosition = start.minKeyBound(partitioner);
    RowPosition startPosition = start.minKeyBound();
    // RowPosition endPosition = end.minKeyBound(partitioner);
    RowPosition endPosition = end.minKeyBound();

    List<Row> rows;

    try {
        CFMetaData cfm = Schema.instance.getCFMetaData(keyspace, columnFamily);
        IDiskAtomFilter filter = ThriftValidation.asIFilter(predicate, cfm, null);

        RangeSliceCommand cmd = new RangeSliceCommand(keyspace, columnFamily, nowMillis, filter, new Bounds<RowPosition>(startPosition, endPosition), pageSize);

        rows = StorageProxy.getRangeSlice(cmd, ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new PermanentBackendException(e);

    return rows;
Example #21
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public IDiskAtomFilter readFilter()
    return expected == null || expected.isEmpty()
         ? new SliceQueryFilter(ColumnSlice.ALL_COLUMNS_ARRAY, false, 1)
         : new NamesQueryFilter(ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(expected.getComparator(), expected.getColumnNames()));
Example #22
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testIndexUpdateOverwritingExpiringColumns() throws Exception
    // see CASSANDRA-7268
    Keyspace keyspace ="Keyspace2");

    // create a row and update the birthdate value with an expiring column
    Mutation rm;
    rm = new Mutation("Keyspace2", ByteBufferUtil.bytes("k100"));
    rm.add("Indexed1", cellname("birthdate"), ByteBufferUtil.bytes(100L), 1, 1000);

    IndexExpression expr = new IndexExpression(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("birthdate"), Operator.EQ, ByteBufferUtil.bytes(100L));
    List<IndexExpression> clause = Arrays.asList(expr);
    IDiskAtomFilter filter = new IdentityQueryFilter();
    Range<RowPosition> range = Util.range("", "");
    List<Row> rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore("Indexed1").search(range, clause, filter, 100);
    assertEquals(1, rows.size());

    // requires a 1s sleep because we calculate local expiry time as (now() / 1000) + ttl

    // now overwrite with the same name/value/ttl, but the local expiry time will be different
    rm = new Mutation("Keyspace2", ByteBufferUtil.bytes("k100"));
    rm.add("Indexed1", cellname("birthdate"), ByteBufferUtil.bytes(100L), 1, 1000);

    rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore("Indexed1").search(range, clause, filter, 100);
    assertEquals(1, rows.size());

    // check that modifying the indexed value using the same timestamp behaves as expected
    rm = new Mutation("Keyspace2", ByteBufferUtil.bytes("k101"));
    rm.add("Indexed1", cellname("birthdate"), ByteBufferUtil.bytes(101L), 1, 1000);

    expr = new IndexExpression(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("birthdate"), Operator.EQ, ByteBufferUtil.bytes(101L));
    clause = Arrays.asList(expr);
    rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore("Indexed1").search(range, clause, filter, 100);
    assertEquals(1, rows.size());

    rm = new Mutation("Keyspace2", ByteBufferUtil.bytes("k101"));
    rm.add("Indexed1", cellname("birthdate"), ByteBufferUtil.bytes(102L), 1, 1000);
    // search for the old value
    rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore("Indexed1").search(range, clause, filter, 100);
    assertEquals(0, rows.size());
    // and for the new
    expr = new IndexExpression(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("birthdate"), Operator.EQ, ByteBufferUtil.bytes(102L));
    clause = Arrays.asList(expr);
    rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore("Indexed1").search(range, clause, filter, 100);
    assertEquals(1, rows.size());
Example #23
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void rangeTombstoneFilteringTest() throws Exception
    Keyspace keyspace =;
    ColumnFamilyStore cfs = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(CFNAME);

    // Inserting data
    String key = "k111";
    Mutation rm;
    ColumnFamily cf;

    rm = new Mutation(KSNAME, ByteBufferUtil.bytes(key));
    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i += 2)
        add(rm, i, 0);

    rm = new Mutation(KSNAME, ByteBufferUtil.bytes(key));
    cf = rm.addOrGet(CFNAME);
    delete(cf, 5, 10, 1);

    rm = new Mutation(KSNAME, ByteBufferUtil.bytes(key));
    cf = rm.addOrGet(CFNAME);
    delete(cf, 15, 20, 2);

    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, b(11), b(14), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, System.currentTimeMillis()));
    Collection<RangeTombstone> rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(0, rt.size());

    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, b(11), b(15), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, System.currentTimeMillis()));
    rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(1, rt.size());

    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, b(20), b(25), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, System.currentTimeMillis()));
    rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(1, rt.size());

    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, b(12), b(25), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, System.currentTimeMillis()));
    rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(1, rt.size());

    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, b(25), b(35), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, System.currentTimeMillis()));
    rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(0, rt.size());

    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, b(1), b(40), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, System.currentTimeMillis()));
    rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(2, rt.size());

    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, b(7), b(17), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, System.currentTimeMillis()));
    rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(2, rt.size());

    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, b(5), b(20), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, System.currentTimeMillis()));
    rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(2, rt.size());

    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, b(5), b(15), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, System.currentTimeMillis()));
    rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(2, rt.size());

    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, b(1), b(2), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, System.currentTimeMillis()));
    rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(0, rt.size());

    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, b(1), b(5), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, System.currentTimeMillis()));
    rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(1, rt.size());

    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, b(1), b(10), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, System.currentTimeMillis()));
    rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(1, rt.size());

    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, b(5), b(6), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, System.currentTimeMillis()));
    rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(1, rt.size());

    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, b(17), b(20), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, System.currentTimeMillis()));
    rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(1, rt.size());

    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, b(17), b(18), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, System.currentTimeMillis()));
    rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(1, rt.size());

    ColumnSlice[] slices = new ColumnSlice[]{new ColumnSlice( b(1), b(10)), new ColumnSlice( b(16), b(20))};
    IDiskAtomFilter sqf = new SliceQueryFilter(slices, false, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    cf = cfs.getColumnFamily( new QueryFilter(dk(key), CFNAME, sqf, System.currentTimeMillis()) );
    rt = rangeTombstones(cf);
    assertEquals(2, rt.size());
Example #24
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testDeleteCompositeIndex() throws Exception
    String keySpace = "Keyspace2";
    String cfName = "Indexed3"; // has gcGrace 0

    Keyspace keyspace =;
    ColumnFamilyStore cfs = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(cfName);

    ByteBuffer rowKey = ByteBufferUtil.bytes("k1");
    ByteBuffer clusterKey = ByteBufferUtil.bytes("ck1");
    ByteBuffer colName = ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col1");

    CellNameType baseComparator = cfs.getComparator();
    CellName compositeName = baseComparator.makeCellName(clusterKey, colName);

    ByteBuffer val1 = ByteBufferUtil.bytes("v2");

    // Insert indexed value.
    Mutation rm;
    rm = new Mutation(keySpace, rowKey);
    rm.add(cfName, compositeName, val1, 0);

    // Now delete the value and flush too.
    rm = new Mutation(keySpace, rowKey);
    rm.delete(cfName, 1);

    // We want the data to be gcable, but even if gcGrace == 0, we still need to wait 1 second
    // since we won't gc on a tie.
    try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) {}

    // Read the index and we check we do get no value (and no NPE)
    // Note: the index will return the entry because it hasn't been deleted (we
    // haven't read yet nor compacted) but the data read itself will return null
    IndexExpression expr = new IndexExpression(colName, Operator.EQ, val1);
    List<IndexExpression> clause = Arrays.asList(expr);
    IDiskAtomFilter filter = new IdentityQueryFilter();
    Range<RowPosition> range = Util.range("", "");
    List<Row> rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(cfName).search(range, clause, filter, 100);
    assertEquals(0, rows.size());
Example #25
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testDeleteOfInconsistentValuesInKeysIndex() throws Exception
    String keySpace = "Keyspace2";
    String cfName = "Indexed1";

    Keyspace keyspace =;
    ColumnFamilyStore cfs = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(cfName);

    ByteBuffer rowKey = ByteBufferUtil.bytes("k1");
    CellName colName = cellname("birthdate"); 
    ByteBuffer val1 = ByteBufferUtil.bytes(1L);
    ByteBuffer val2 = ByteBufferUtil.bytes(2L);

    // create a row and update the "birthdate" value, test that the index query fetches this version
    Mutation rm;
    rm = new Mutation(keySpace, rowKey);
    rm.add(cfName, colName, val1, 0);
    IndexExpression expr = new IndexExpression(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("birthdate"), Operator.EQ, val1);
    List<IndexExpression> clause = Arrays.asList(expr);
    IDiskAtomFilter filter = new IdentityQueryFilter();
    Range<RowPosition> range = Util.range("", "");
    List<Row> rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(cfName).search(range, clause, filter, 100);
    assertEquals(1, rows.size());

    // force a flush, so our index isn't being read from a memtable

    // now apply another update, but force the index update to be skipped
    rm = new Mutation(keySpace, rowKey);
    rm.add(cfName, colName, val2, 1);
    keyspace.apply(rm, true, false);

    // Now searching the index for either the old or new value should return 0 rows
    // because the new value was not indexed and the old value should be ignored
    // (and in fact purged from the index cf).
    // first check for the old value
    rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(cfName).search(range, clause, filter, 100);
    assertEquals(0, rows.size());
    // now check for the updated value
    expr = new IndexExpression(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("birthdate"), Operator.EQ, val2);
    clause = Arrays.asList(expr);
    filter = new IdentityQueryFilter();
    range = Util.range("", "");
    rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(cfName).search(range, clause, filter, 100);
    assertEquals(0, rows.size());

    // now, reset back to the original value, still skipping the index update, to
    // make sure the value was expunged from the index when it was discovered to be inconsistent
    rm = new Mutation(keySpace, rowKey);
    rm.add(cfName, colName, ByteBufferUtil.bytes(1L), 3);
    keyspace.apply(rm, true, false);

    expr = new IndexExpression(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("birthdate"), Operator.EQ, ByteBufferUtil.bytes(1L));
    clause = Arrays.asList(expr);
    filter = new IdentityQueryFilter();
    range = Util.range("", "");
    rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(cfName).search(range, clause, filter, 100);
    assertEquals(0, rows.size());
Example #26
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testDeleteOfInconsistentValuesFromCompositeIndex() throws Exception
    String keySpace = "Keyspace2";
    String cfName = "Indexed2";

    Keyspace keyspace =;
    ColumnFamilyStore cfs = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(cfName);

    ByteBuffer rowKey = ByteBufferUtil.bytes("k1");
    ByteBuffer clusterKey = ByteBufferUtil.bytes("ck1");
    ByteBuffer colName = ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col1"); 

    CellNameType baseComparator = cfs.getComparator();
    CellName compositeName = baseComparator.makeCellName(clusterKey, colName);

    ByteBuffer val1 = ByteBufferUtil.bytes("v1");
    ByteBuffer val2 = ByteBufferUtil.bytes("v2");

    // create a row and update the author value
    Mutation rm;
    rm = new Mutation(keySpace, rowKey);
    rm.add(cfName, compositeName, val1, 0);

    // test that the index query fetches this version
    IndexExpression expr = new IndexExpression(colName, Operator.EQ, val1);
    List<IndexExpression> clause = Arrays.asList(expr);
    IDiskAtomFilter filter = new IdentityQueryFilter();
    Range<RowPosition> range = Util.range("", "");
    List<Row> rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(cfName).search(range, clause, filter, 100);
    assertEquals(1, rows.size());

    // force a flush and retry the query, so our index isn't being read from a memtable
    rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(cfName).search(range, clause, filter, 100);
    assertEquals(1, rows.size());

    // now apply another update, but force the index update to be skipped
    rm = new Mutation(keySpace, rowKey);
    rm.add(cfName, compositeName, val2, 1);
    keyspace.apply(rm, true, false);

    // Now searching the index for either the old or new value should return 0 rows
    // because the new value was not indexed and the old value should be ignored
    // (and in fact purged from the index cf).
    // first check for the old value
    rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(cfName).search(range, clause, filter, 100);
    assertEquals(0, rows.size());
    // now check for the updated value
    expr = new IndexExpression(colName, Operator.EQ, val2);
    clause = Arrays.asList(expr);
    filter = new IdentityQueryFilter();
    range = Util.range("", "");
    rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(cfName).search(range, clause, filter, 100);
    assertEquals(0, rows.size());

    // now, reset back to the original value, still skipping the index update, to
    // make sure the value was expunged from the index when it was discovered to be inconsistent
    rm = new Mutation(keySpace, rowKey);
    rm.add(cfName, compositeName, val1, 2);
    keyspace.apply(rm, true, false);

    expr = new IndexExpression(colName, Operator.EQ, val1);
    clause = Arrays.asList(expr);
    filter = new IdentityQueryFilter();
    range = Util.range("", "");
    rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(cfName).search(range, clause, filter, 100);
    assertEquals(0, rows.size());
Example #27
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public int getLiveCount(IDiskAtomFilter filter, long now)
    return cf == null ? 0 : filter.getLiveCount(cf, now);
Example #28
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public IDiskAtomFilter filter()
    return filter;
Example #29
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public IVersionedSerializer<IDiskAtomFilter> diskAtomFilterSerializer()
    return diskAtomFilterSerializer;
Example #30
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Get a row iterator over the provided memtables and sstables, between the provided keys
 * and filtered by the queryfilter.
 * @param memtables Memtables pending flush.
 * @param sstables SStables to scan through.
 * @param range The data range to fetch
 * @param cfs
 * @return A row iterator following all the given restrictions
public static CloseableIterator<Row> getIterator(final Iterable<Memtable> memtables,
                                                 final Collection<SSTableReader> sstables,
                                                 final DataRange range,
                                                 final ColumnFamilyStore cfs,
                                                 final long now)
    // fetch data from current memtable, historical memtables, and SSTables in the correct order.
    final List<CloseableIterator<OnDiskAtomIterator>> iterators = new ArrayList<>(Iterables.size(memtables) + sstables.size());

    for (Memtable memtable : memtables)
        iterators.add(new ConvertToColumnIterator(range, memtable.getEntryIterator(range.startKey(), range.stopKey())));

    for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables)

    // reduce rows from all sources into a single row
    return MergeIterator.get(iterators, COMPARE_BY_KEY, new MergeIterator.Reducer<OnDiskAtomIterator, Row>()
        private final int gcBefore = cfs.gcBefore(now);
        private final List<OnDiskAtomIterator> colIters = new ArrayList<>();
        private DecoratedKey key;
        private ColumnFamily returnCF;

        protected void onKeyChange()
            this.returnCF = ArrayBackedSortedColumns.factory.create(cfs.metadata, range.columnFilter.isReversed());

        public void reduce(OnDiskAtomIterator current)
            this.key = current.getKey();

        protected Row getReduced()
            // First check if this row is in the rowCache. If it is and it covers our filter, we can skip the rest
            ColumnFamily cached = cfs.getRawCachedRow(key);
            IDiskAtomFilter filter = range.columnFilter(key.getKey());

            if (cached == null || !cfs.isFilterFullyCoveredBy(filter, cached, now))
                // not cached: collate
                QueryFilter.collateOnDiskAtom(returnCF, colIters, filter, gcBefore, now);
                QueryFilter keyFilter = new QueryFilter(key,, filter, now);
                returnCF = cfs.filterColumnFamily(cached, keyFilter);

            Row rv = new Row(key, returnCF);
            key = null;
            return rv;