Java Code Examples for
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Example 1
Source File: From fdroidclient with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Sanitize and format an incoming repo URI for function and readability. * This also forces URLs listed in {@code app/src/main/res/xml/network_security_config.xml} * to have "https://" as the scheme. * * @see <a href="">Network Security Config</a> */ public static String sanitizeRepoUri(Uri uri) { String scheme = uri.getScheme(); String newScheme = scheme.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); String host = uri.getHost(); String newHost = host.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); String userInfo = uri.getUserInfo(); if ("http".equals(newScheme)) { for (String httpsDomain : FORCE_HTTPS_DOMAINS) { if (newHost.endsWith(httpsDomain)) { scheme = "https"; break; } } } return uri.toString() .replaceAll("\\?.*$", "") // remove the whole query .replaceAll("/*$", "") // remove all trailing slashes .replace(userInfo + "@", "") // remove user authentication .replaceFirst(host, newHost) .replaceFirst(scheme, newScheme) .replace("fdroidrepo", "http") // proper repo address .replace("/FDROID/REPO", "/fdroid/repo"); // for QR FDroid path }
Example 2
Source File: From shadowsocks-android-java with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static ShadowsocksConfig parse(String proxyInfo) throws Exception { ShadowsocksConfig config = new ShadowsocksConfig(); Uri uri = Uri.parse(proxyInfo); if (uri.getPort() == -1) { String base64String = uri.getHost(); proxyInfo = "ss://" + new String(Base64.decode(base64String.getBytes("ASCII"), Base64.DEFAULT)); uri = Uri.parse(proxyInfo); } String userInfoString = uri.getUserInfo(); if (userInfoString != null) { String[] userStrings = userInfoString.split(":"); config.EncryptMethod = userStrings[0]; if (userStrings.length >= 2) { config.Password = userStrings[1]; } } if (!CryptFactory.isCipherExisted(config.EncryptMethod)) { throw new Exception(String.format("Method: %s does not support", config.EncryptMethod)); } config.ServerAddress = new InetSocketAddress(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); return config; }
Example 3
Source File: From Aria with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * 分割获取url,协议,ip/域名,端口,内容 * * @param url 输入的url{@code String url = "[电影天堂]猩球崛起3:终极之战BD国英双语中英双字.mkv";} */ public static FtpUrlEntity getFtpUrlInfo(String url) { Uri uri = Uri.parse(url); String userInfo = uri.getUserInfo(), remotePath = uri.getPath(); ALog.d(TAG, String.format("scheme = %s, user = %s, host = %s, port = %s, path = %s", uri.getScheme(), userInfo, uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), remotePath)); FtpUrlEntity entity = new FtpUrlEntity(); entity.url = url; entity.hostName = uri.getHost(); entity.port = uri.getPort() == -1 ? "21" : String.valueOf(uri.getPort()); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(userInfo)) { String[] temp = userInfo.split(":"); if (temp.length == 2) { entity.user = temp[0]; entity.password = temp[1]; } else { entity.user = userInfo; } } entity.scheme = uri.getScheme(); entity.remotePath = TextUtils.isEmpty(remotePath) ? "/" : remotePath; return entity; }
Example 4
Source File: From SmartZPN with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public static ShadowsocksConfig parse(String proxyInfo) throws Exception { ShadowsocksConfig config = new ShadowsocksConfig(); Uri uri = Uri.parse(proxyInfo); if (uri.getPort() == -1) { String base64String = uri.getHost(); proxyInfo = "ss://" + new String(Base64.decode(base64String.getBytes("ASCII"), Base64.DEFAULT)); uri = Uri.parse(proxyInfo); } String userInfoString = uri.getUserInfo(); if (userInfoString != null) { String[] userStrings = userInfoString.split(":"); config.EncryptMethod = userStrings[0]; if (userStrings.length >= 2) { config.Password = userStrings[1]; } } config.ServerAddress = new InetSocketAddress(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); config.Encryptor = EncryptorFactory.createEncryptorByConfig(config); return config; }
Example 5
Source File: From SmartProxy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public static ShadowsocksConfig parse(String proxyInfo) throws Exception{ ShadowsocksConfig config=new ShadowsocksConfig(); Uri uri=Uri.parse(proxyInfo); if(uri.getPort()==-1){ String base64String=uri.getHost(); proxyInfo="ss://"+ new String(Base64.decode(base64String.getBytes("ASCII"),Base64.DEFAULT)); uri=Uri.parse(proxyInfo); } String userInfoString=uri.getUserInfo(); if(userInfoString!=null){ String[] userStrings=userInfoString.split(":"); config.EncryptMethod=userStrings[0]; if(userStrings.length>=2){ config.Password=userStrings[1]; } } config.ServerAddress=new InetSocketAddress(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); config.Encryptor=EncryptorFactory.createEncryptorByConfig(config); return config; }
Example 6
Source File: From shadowsocks-android-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static HttpConnectConfig parse(String proxyInfo) { HttpConnectConfig config = new HttpConnectConfig(); Uri uri = Uri.parse(proxyInfo); String userInfoString = uri.getUserInfo(); if (userInfoString != null) { String[] userStrings = userInfoString.split(":"); config.UserName = userStrings[0]; if (userStrings.length >= 2) { config.Password = userStrings[1]; } } config.ServerAddress = new InetSocketAddress(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); return config; }
Example 7
Source File: From VpnProxy with MIT License | 5 votes |
public static HttpConnectConfig parse(String proxyInfo) { HttpConnectConfig config = new HttpConnectConfig(); Uri uri = Uri.parse(proxyInfo); String userInfoString = uri.getUserInfo(); if (userInfoString != null) { String[] userStrings = userInfoString.split(":"); config.UserName = userStrings[0]; if (userStrings.length >= 2) { config.Password = userStrings[1]; } } config.ServerAddress = new InetSocketAddress(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); return config; }
Example 8
Source File: From BaoLianDeng with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public static HttpConnectConfig parse(String proxyInfo) { HttpConnectConfig config = new HttpConnectConfig(); Uri uri = Uri.parse(proxyInfo); String userInfoString = uri.getUserInfo(); if (userInfoString != null) { String[] userStrings = userInfoString.split(":"); config.UserName = userStrings[0]; if (userStrings.length >= 2) { config.Password = userStrings[1]; } } config.ServerAddress = new InetSocketAddress(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); return config; }
Example 9
Source File: From SmartZPN with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public static HttpConnectConfig parse(String proxyInfo) { HttpConnectConfig config = new HttpConnectConfig(); Uri uri = Uri.parse(proxyInfo); String userInfoString = uri.getUserInfo(); if (userInfoString != null) { String[] userStrings = userInfoString.split(":"); config.UserName = userStrings[0]; if (userStrings.length >= 2) { config.Password = userStrings[1]; } } config.ServerAddress = new InetSocketAddress(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); return config; }
Example 10
Source File: From SmartProxy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public static HttpConnectConfig parse(String proxyInfo){ HttpConnectConfig config=new HttpConnectConfig(); Uri uri=Uri.parse(proxyInfo); String userInfoString=uri.getUserInfo(); if(userInfoString!=null){ String[] userStrings=userInfoString.split(":"); config.UserName=userStrings[0]; if(userStrings.length>=2){ config.Password=userStrings[1]; } } config.ServerAddress=new InetSocketAddress(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); return config; }
Example 11
Source File: From AppManager-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * "https://{basicAuthUser}:{basicAuthPassword}@import-to-appmanager/{name}" * to * "" * * @param uri * @return decoded FileEntry, or null if it was not able to decode uri. */ public static FileEntry decode(String uri) { FileEntry entry; // validate url try { Uri encodedUri = Uri.parse(uri); String specialHost = encodedUri.getHost(); if (!matchesSpecialHosts(specialHost)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("host is not '" + getSpecialHostsList() + "'"); } entry = new FileEntry(); = encodedUri.getFragment(); // null if not include String userInfo = encodedUri.getUserInfo(); if (null != userInfo) { String[] parts = userInfo.split(":"); String basicAuthUser = parts[0]; String basicAuthPassword = parts[1]; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(basicAuthUser) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(basicAuthPassword)) { entry.basicAuthUser = basicAuthUser; entry.basicAuthPassword = basicAuthPassword; } } String schema = encodedUri.getScheme(); String encodedPath = encodedUri.getPath(); int separatePoint = encodedPath.indexOf("/"); String host = encodedPath.substring(0, separatePoint); String path = encodedPath.substring(separatePoint + 1); String query = encodedUri.getQuery(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(query)) { entry.url = schema + "://" + host + path; } else { entry.url = schema + "://" + host + path + "?" + query; } return entry; } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); return null; } }
Example 12
Source File: From YCAudioPlayer with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * 拼接字符串 * @param url url * @param map map集合 * @return */ public static String getUrl(String url, HashMap<String, String> map){ if(TextUtils.isEmpty(url)){ return null; } //解析一个url Uri uri = Uri.parse(url); // 完整的url信息 String urlStr = uri.toString(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","url: " + urlStr); // scheme部分 String scheme = uri.getScheme(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","scheme: " + scheme); // host部分 String host = uri.getHost(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","host: " + host); //port部分 int port = uri.getPort(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","port: " + port); // 访问路劲 String path = uri.getPath(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","path: " + path); List<String> pathSegments = uri.getPathSegments(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","pathSegments: " + pathSegments.toString()); // Query部分 String query = uri.getQuery(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","query: " + query); //获取此URI的解码权限部分。对于服务器地址,权限的结构如下:Examples: "", "" String authority = uri.getAuthority(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","authority: " + authority); //从权限获取已解码的用户信息。例如,如果权限为“任何人”,此方法将返回“任何人”。 String userInfo = uri.getUserInfo(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","userInfo: " + userInfo); //UrlUtils: url: //UrlUtils: scheme: https //UrlUtils: host: //UrlUtils: port: -1 //UrlUtils: path: /app/financialManagement //UrlUtils: pathSegments: [app, financialManagement] //UrlUtils: query: null //UrlUtils: authority: //UrlUtils: userInfo: null Uri.Builder builder = uri.buildUpon(); if (map != null && map.size() > 0) { //使用迭代器进行遍历 for (Object o : map.entrySet()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o; String key = (String) entry.getKey(); String value = (String) entry.getValue(); //对键和值进行编码,然后将参数追加到查询字符串中。 builder.appendQueryParameter(key, value); } } return builder.toString(); }
Example 13
Source File: From fdroidclient with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private void init(Context context, Uri incomingUri) { /* an URL from a click, NFC, QRCode scan, etc */ Uri uri = incomingUri; if (uri == null) { isValidRepo = false; return; } Utils.debugLog(TAG, "Parsing incoming intent looking for repo: " + incomingUri); // scheme and host should only ever be pure ASCII aka Locale.ENGLISH String scheme = uri.getScheme(); host = uri.getHost(); port = uri.getPort(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(scheme) || (TextUtils.isEmpty(host) && !"file".equals(scheme))) { errorMessage = String.format(context.getString(R.string.malformed_repo_uri), uri); Log.i(TAG, errorMessage); isValidRepo = false; return; } if (Arrays.asList("FDROIDREPO", "FDROIDREPOS").contains(scheme)) { /* * QRCodes are more efficient in all upper case, so QR URIs are * encoded in all upper case, then forced to lower case. Checking if * the special F-Droid scheme being all is upper case means it * should be downcased. */ uri = Uri.parse(uri.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } else if (uri.getPath().endsWith("/FDROID/REPO")) { /* * some QR scanners chop off the fdroidrepo:// and just try http://, * then the incoming URI does not get downcased properly, and the * query string is stripped off. So just downcase the path, and * carry on to get something working. */ uri = Uri.parse(uri.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } // make scheme and host lowercase so they're readable in dialogs scheme = scheme.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); host = host.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (uri.getPath() == null || !Arrays.asList("https", "http", "fdroidrepos", "fdroidrepo", "content", "file").contains(scheme)) { isValidRepo = false; return; } String userInfo = uri.getUserInfo(); if (userInfo != null) { String[] userInfoTokens = userInfo.split(":"); if (userInfoTokens != null && userInfoTokens.length >= 2) { username = userInfoTokens[0]; password = userInfoTokens[1]; for (int i = 2; i < userInfoTokens.length; i++) { password += ":" + userInfoTokens[i]; } } } fingerprint = uri.getQueryParameter("fingerprint"); bssid = uri.getQueryParameter("bssid"); ssid = uri.getQueryParameter("ssid"); fromSwap = uri.getQueryParameter("swap") != null; uriString = sanitizeRepoUri(uri); isValidRepo = true; }
Example 14
Source File: From fdroidclient with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private void showAddRepo() { /* * If there is text in the clipboard, and it looks like a URL, use that. * Otherwise use "https://" as default repo string. */ String text = getPrimaryClipAsText(); String fingerprint = null; String username = null; String password = null; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) { try { new URL(text); Uri uri = Uri.parse(text); fingerprint = uri.getQueryParameter("fingerprint"); // uri might contain a QR-style, all uppercase URL: if (TextUtils.isEmpty(fingerprint)) { fingerprint = uri.getQueryParameter("FINGERPRINT"); } String userInfo = uri.getUserInfo(); if (userInfo != null) { String[] userInfoTokens = userInfo.split(":"); if (userInfoTokens.length >= 2) { username = userInfoTokens[0]; password = userInfoTokens[1]; for (int i = 2; i < userInfoTokens.length; i++) { password += ":" + userInfoTokens[i]; } } } text = NewRepoConfig.sanitizeRepoUri(uri); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { text = null; } } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) { text = DEFAULT_NEW_REPO_TEXT; } showAddRepo(text, fingerprint, username, password); }
Example 15
Source File: From pjsip-android with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void handleMakeDirectCall(Intent intent) { Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras(); if (bundle == null) return; Uri uri = bundle.getParcelable(PARAM_DIRECT_CALL_URI); if (uri == null) return; String sipServer = intent.getStringExtra(PARAM_DIRECT_CALL_SIP_SERVER); String name = intent.getStringExtra(PARAM_GUEST_NAME); boolean isVideo = intent.getBooleanExtra(PARAM_IS_VIDEO, false); boolean isVideoConference = false; if (isVideo) { isVideoConference = intent.getBooleanExtra(PARAM_IS_VIDEO_CONF, false); } Logger.debug(TAG, "Making call to " + uri.getUserInfo()); String accountID = "sip:"+name+"@"+uri.getHost(); String sipUri = "sip:" + uri.getUserInfo()+"@"+uri.getHost(); try { startStack(); SipAccountData sipAccountData = new SipAccountData() .setHost(sipServer != null ? sipServer : uri.getHost()) .setUsername(name) .setPort((uri.getPort() > 0) ? uri.getPort() : 5060) .setRealm(uri.getHost()); /* display name not yet implemented server side for direct calls */ /* .setUsername("guest") */ /* .setGuestDisplayName(name)*/ SipAccount pjSipAndroidAccount = new SipAccount(this, sipAccountData); pjSipAndroidAccount.createGuest(); mConfiguredGuestAccount = pjSipAndroidAccount.getData(); // Overwrite the old value if present mActiveSipAccounts.put(accountID, pjSipAndroidAccount); SipCall call = mActiveSipAccounts.get(accountID).addOutgoingCall(sipUri, isVideo, isVideoConference); if (call != null) { call.setVideoParams(isVideo, isVideoConference); mBroadcastEmitter.outgoingCall(accountID, call.getId(), uri.getUserInfo(), isVideo, isVideoConference); } else { Logger.error(TAG, "Error while making a direct call as Guest"); mBroadcastEmitter.outgoingCall(accountID, -1, uri.getUserInfo(), false, false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.error(TAG, "Error while making a direct call as Guest", ex); mBroadcastEmitter.outgoingCall(accountID, -1, uri.getUserInfo(), false, false); Crashlytics.logException(ex); } }
Example 16
Source File: From Android-AdvancedWebView with MIT License | 4 votes |
public boolean isPermittedUrl(final String url) { // if the permitted hostnames have not been restricted to a specific set if (mPermittedHostnames.size() == 0) { // all hostnames are allowed return true; } final Uri parsedUrl = Uri.parse(url); // get the hostname of the URL that is to be checked final String actualHost = parsedUrl.getHost(); // if the hostname could not be determined, usually because the URL has been invalid if (actualHost == null) { return false; } // if the host contains invalid characters (e.g. a backslash) if (!actualHost.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9._!~*')(;:&=+$,%\\[\\]-]*$")) { // prevent mismatches between interpretations by `Uri` and `WebView`, e.g. for `\` return false; } // get the user information from the authority part of the URL that is to be checked final String actualUserInformation = parsedUrl.getUserInfo(); // if the user information contains invalid characters (e.g. a backslash) if (actualUserInformation != null && !actualUserInformation.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9._!~*')(;:&=+$,%-]*$")) { // prevent mismatches between interpretations by `Uri` and `WebView`, e.g. for `\` return false; } // for every hostname in the set of permitted hosts for (String expectedHost : mPermittedHostnames) { // if the two hostnames match or if the actual host is a subdomain of the expected host if (actualHost.equals(expectedHost) || actualHost.endsWith("." + expectedHost)) { // the actual hostname of the URL to be checked is allowed return true; } } // the actual hostname of the URL to be checked is not allowed since there were no matches return false; }
Example 17
Source File: From YCAudioPlayer with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * 协议部分,随便设置 yc:// * 如果携带参数,则:yc:// */ @Override protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Uri uri = getIntent().getData(); if (uri != null) { //解析一个url // 完整的url信息 String urlStr = uri.toString(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","url: " + urlStr); // scheme部分 String scheme = uri.getScheme(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","scheme: " + scheme); // host部分 String host = uri.getHost(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","host: " + host); //port部分 int port = uri.getPort(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","port: " + port); // 访问路劲 String path = uri.getPath(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","path: " + path); List<String> pathSegments = uri.getPathSegments(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","pathSegments: " + pathSegments.toString()); // Query部分 String query = uri.getQuery(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","query: " + query); //获取此URI的解码权限部分。对于服务器地址,权限的结构如下:Examples: "", "" String authority = uri.getAuthority(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","authority: " + authority); //从权限获取已解码的用户信息。例如,如果权限为“任何人”,此方法将返回“任何人”。 String userInfo = uri.getUserInfo(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","userInfo: " + userInfo); //获取指定参数值 String type = uri.getQueryParameter("type"); Log.e( "UrlUtils","type: " + type); //获取指定参数值,该方法获取值一直是空 //String level = uri.getQueryParameter("level"); ///Log.e( "UrlUtils","level: " + level); String level = getValueByName(urlStr, "level"); Log.e( "UrlUtils","level: " + level); switch (type){ //yc:// case "yangchong": ActivityUtils.startActivity(GuideActivity.class); break; //yc:// case "main": readGoActivity(new Intent(this,MainActivity.class),this); break; //yc:// case "setting": readGoActivity(new Intent(this, MeSettingActivity.class),this); break; } } finish(); }
Example 18
Source File: From YCAudioPlayer with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * 协议部分,随便设置 yc://app/?page=main */ @Override protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Uri uri = getIntent().getData(); if (uri != null) { //解析一个url // 完整的url信息 String urlStr = uri.toString(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","url: " + urlStr); // scheme部分 String scheme = uri.getScheme(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","scheme: " + scheme); // host部分 String host = uri.getHost(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","host: " + host); //port部分 int port = uri.getPort(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","port: " + port); // 访问路劲 String path = uri.getPath(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","path: " + path); List<String> pathSegments = uri.getPathSegments(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","pathSegments: " + pathSegments.toString()); // Query部分 String query = uri.getQuery(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","query: " + query); //获取此URI的解码权限部分。对于服务器地址,权限的结构如下:Examples: "", "" String authority = uri.getAuthority(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","authority: " + authority); //从权限获取已解码的用户信息。例如,如果权限为“任何人”,此方法将返回“任何人”。 String userInfo = uri.getUserInfo(); Log.e( "UrlUtils","userInfo: " + userInfo); //获取指定参数值 String page = uri.getQueryParameter("page"); Log.e( "UrlUtils","main: " + page); //UrlUtils: url: //UrlUtils: scheme: https //UrlUtils: host: //UrlUtils: port: -1 //UrlUtils: path: /app/financialManagement //UrlUtils: pathSegments: [app, financialManagement] //UrlUtils: query: null //UrlUtils: authority: //UrlUtils: userInfo: null switch (page){ //yc://app/?page=yangchong case "yangchong": ActivityUtils.startActivity(GuideActivity.class); break; //yc://app/?page=main case "main": readGoActivity(new Intent(this,MainActivity.class),this); break; //yc://app/?page=setting case "setting": readGoActivity(new Intent(this, MeSettingActivity.class),this); break; } } finish(); }