Java Code Examples for io.restassured.response.Response#getHeader()
The following examples show how to use
io.restassured.response.Response#getHeader() .
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Example 1
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Test public void givenResourceWasRetrieved_whenRetrievingAgainWithEtag_thenNotModifiedReturned() { // Given final String uriOfResource = createAsUri(); final Response findOneResponse = RestAssured.given() .header("Accept", "application/json") .get(uriOfResource); final String etagValue = findOneResponse.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ETAG); // When final Response secondFindOneResponse = RestAssured.given() .header("Accept", "application/json") .headers("If-None-Match", etagValue) .get(uriOfResource); // Then assertTrue(secondFindOneResponse.getStatusCode() == 304); }
Example 2
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Test public void givenResourceWasRetrievedThenModified_whenRetrievingAgainWithEtag_thenResourceIsReturned() { // Given final String uriOfResource = createAsUri(); final Response firstFindOneResponse = RestAssured.given() .header("Accept", "application/json") .get(uriOfResource); final String etagValue = firstFindOneResponse.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ETAG); final long createdId = firstFindOneResponse.jsonPath().getLong("id"); Foo updatedFoo = new Foo("updated value"); updatedFoo.setId(createdId); Response updatedResponse = RestAssured.given().contentType(ContentType.JSON).body(updatedFoo) .put(uriOfResource); assertThat(updatedResponse.getStatusCode() == 200); // When final Response secondFindOneResponse = RestAssured.given() .header("Accept", "application/json") .headers("If-None-Match", etagValue) .get(uriOfResource); // Then assertTrue(secondFindOneResponse.getStatusCode() == 200); }
Example 3
Source File: From spring-security-oauth with MIT License | 6 votes |
private String obtainAccessToken(String clientId, String username, String password) { final String redirectUrl = ""; final String authorizeUrl = AUTH_SERVER + "/oauth/authorize"; // user login Response response = RestAssured.given().formParams("username", username, "password", password).post(AUTH_SERVER + "/login"); final String cookieValue = response.getCookie("JSESSIONID"); // get access token final Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("response_type", "token"); params.put("client_id", clientId); params.put("redirect_uri", redirectUrl); response = RestAssured.given().cookie("JSESSIONID", cookieValue).formParams(params).post(authorizeUrl); final String location = response.getHeader(HttpHeaders.LOCATION); System.out.println("Location => " + location); assertEquals(HttpStatus.FOUND.value(), response.getStatusCode()); final String accessToken = location.split("#|=|&")[2]; return accessToken; }
Example 4
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Test public void whenResourceIsCreated_thenUriOfTheNewlyCreatedResourceIsDiscoverable() { // When final Foo newResource = new Foo(randomAlphabetic(6)); final Response createResp = RestAssured.given() .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) .body(newResource) .post(getURL()); final String uriOfNewResource = createResp.getHeader(HttpHeaders.LOCATION); // Then final Response response = RestAssured.given() .header(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) .get(uriOfNewResource); final Foo resourceFromServer = response.body().as(Foo.class); assertThat(newResource, equalTo(resourceFromServer)); }
Example 5
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Test public void givenResourceWasRetrievedThenModified_whenRetrievingAgainWithEtag_thenResourceIsReturned() { // Given final String uriOfResource = createAsUri(); final Response firstFindOneResponse = RestAssured.given().header("Accept", "application/json") .get(uriOfResource); final String etagValue = firstFindOneResponse.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ETAG); final long createdId = firstFindOneResponse.jsonPath().getLong("id"); Foo updatedFoo = new Foo("updated value"); updatedFoo.setId(createdId); Response updatedResponse = RestAssured.given().contentType(ContentType.JSON).body(updatedFoo) .put(uriOfResource); assertThat(updatedResponse.getStatusCode() == 200); // When final Response secondFindOneResponse = RestAssured.given().header("Accept", "application/json") .headers("If-None-Match", etagValue).get(uriOfResource); // Then assertTrue(secondFindOneResponse.getStatusCode() == 200); }
Example 6
Source File: From api-layer with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void routeAndVerifyRetry(List<String> gatewayUrls, int timeoutSec) { final long time0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (String gatewayUrl : gatewayUrls) { while (true) { String url = gatewayUrl + "/application/instance"; try { Response response = given().when() .get(url) .andReturn(); if (response.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { fail(); } StringTokenizer retryList = new StringTokenizer(response.getHeader("RibbonRetryDebug"), "|"); assertThat(retryList.countTokens(), is(greaterThan(1))); break; } catch (RuntimeException | AssertionError e) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - time0 > timeoutSec * 1000) throw e; await().timeout(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } } }
Example 7
Source File: From spring-security-oauth with MIT License | 5 votes |
private String obtainAccessToken() { final String redirectUrl = "http://localhost:8082/jwt-client/login/oauth2/code/custom"; final String authorizeUrl = "http://localhost:8083/auth/realms/baeldung/protocol/openid-connect/auth?response_type=code&client_id=jwtClient&scope=read&redirect_uri=" + redirectUrl; final String tokenUrl = "http://localhost:8083/auth/realms/baeldung/protocol/openid-connect/token"; // obtain authentication url with custom codes Response response = RestAssured.given().redirects().follow(false).get(authorizeUrl); String authSessionId = response.getCookie("AUTH_SESSION_ID"); String kcPostAuthenticationUrl = response.asString().split("action=\"")[1].split("\"")[0].replace("&", "&"); // obtain authentication code and state response = RestAssured.given().redirects().follow(false).cookie("AUTH_SESSION_ID", authSessionId) .formParams("username", "", "password", "123", "credentialId", "") .post(kcPostAuthenticationUrl); assertThat(HttpStatus.FOUND.value()).isEqualTo(response.getStatusCode()); // extract authorization code String location = response.getHeader(HttpHeaders.LOCATION); String code = location.split("code=")[1].split("&")[0]; // get access token Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("grant_type", "authorization_code"); params.put("code", code); params.put("client_id", "jwtClient"); params.put("redirect_uri", redirectUrl); params.put("client_secret", "jwtClientSecret"); response = RestAssured.given().formParams(params).post(tokenUrl); return response.jsonPath().getString("access_token"); }
Example 8
Source File: From knox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String createFileNN( String user, String password, String file, String permsOctal, int status ) throws IOException { if( status == HttpStatus.SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT ) { driver.getMock( "WEBHDFS" ) .expect() .method( "PUT" ) .pathInfo( "/v1" + file ) .queryParam( "", user ) .queryParam( "op", "CREATE" ) .respond() .status( status ) .header( "Location", driver.getRealUrl("DATANODE") + file + "?op=CREATE&"+user ); } else { driver.getMock( "WEBHDFS" ) .expect() .method( "PUT" ) .pathInfo( "/v1" + file ) .queryParam( "", user ) .queryParam( "op", "CREATE" ) .respond() .status( status ); } Response response = given() //.log().headers() //.log().parameters() .auth().preemptive().basic( user, password ) .header( "X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf" ) .queryParam( "op", "CREATE" ) .queryParam( "permission", permsOctal ) .then() //.log().all() .statusCode( status ) .when().put( driver.getUrl( "WEBHDFS" ) + "/v1" + file + ( driver.isUseGateway() ? "" : "?" + user ) ); String location = response.getHeader( "Location" ); log.trace( "Redirect location: " + response.getHeader( "Location" ) ); return location; }
Example 9
Source File: From knox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test( timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT ) public void testBasicOutboundEncodedHeaderUseCase() throws IOException { LOG_ENTER(); String root = "/tmp/GatewayBasicFuncTest/testBasicOutboundHeaderUseCase"; String username = "hdfs"; String password = "hdfs-password"; driver.getMock( "WEBHDFS" ) .expect() .method( "PUT" ) .pathInfo( "/v1" + root + "/dir/fileレポー" ) .header( "Host", driver.getRealAddr( "WEBHDFS" ) ) .queryParam( "op", "CREATE" ) .queryParam( "", username ) .respond() .status( HttpStatus.SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT ) .header("Location", driver.getRealUrl("DATANODE") + "/v1" + root + "/dir/file%E3%83%AC%E3%83%9D%E3%83%BC?op=CREATE&"); Response response = given() //.log().all() .auth().preemptive().basic( username, password ) .header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf") .queryParam( "op", "CREATE" ) .then() //.log().ifError() .statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT ) .when().put( driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") + "/v1" + root + "/dir/fileレポー" ); // .when().put( driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") + "/v1" + root + "/dir/file%E3%83%AC%E3%83%9D%E3%83%BC" ); String location = response.getHeader( "Location" ); log.debug( "Redirect location: " + response.getHeader( "Location" ) ); if( driver.isUseGateway() ) { assertThat( location, containsString("/dir/file%E3%83%AC%E3%83%9D%E3%83%BC") ); } LOG_EXIT(); }
Example 10
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void givenResourceWasRetrieved_whenRetrievingAgainWithEtag_thenNotModifiedReturned() { // Given final String uriOfResource = createAsUri(); final Response findOneResponse = RestAssured.given().header("Accept", "application/json").get(uriOfResource); final String etagValue = findOneResponse.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ETAG); // When final Response secondFindOneResponse = RestAssured.given().header("Accept", "application/json") .headers("If-None-Match", etagValue).get(uriOfResource); // Then assertTrue(secondFindOneResponse.getStatusCode() == 304); }
Example 11
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void whenInvalidPOSTIsSentToValidURIOfResource_thenAllowHeaderListsTheAllowedActions() { // Given final String uriOfExistingResource = createAsUri(); // When final Response res =; // Then final String allowHeader = res.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ALLOW); assertThat(allowHeader, AnyOf.anyOf(containsString("GET"), containsString("PUT"), containsString("DELETE"))); }
Example 12
Source File: From spring-security-oauth with MIT License | 5 votes |
private String obtainAccessToken(String clientId, String username, String password) { String authorizeUrl = AUTH_SERVER + "/auth"; Map<String, String> loginParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); loginParams.put("grant_type", "implicit"); loginParams.put("client_id", clientId); loginParams.put("response_type", "token"); loginParams.put("redirect_uri", REDIRECT_URL); loginParams.put("scope", "read write"); // user login Response response = RestAssured.given().formParams(loginParams).get(authorizeUrl); String cookieValue = response.getCookie("AUTH_SESSION_ID"); String authUrlWithCode = response.htmlPath().getString("'**'.find{node ->'form'}*.@action"); // get access token Map<String, String> tokenParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); tokenParams.put("username", username); tokenParams.put("password", password); tokenParams.put("client_id", clientId); tokenParams.put("redirect_uri", REDIRECT_URL); response = RestAssured.given().cookie("AUTH_SESSION_ID", cookieValue).formParams(tokenParams) .post(authUrlWithCode); final String location = response.getHeader(HttpHeaders.LOCATION); assertEquals(HttpStatus.FOUND.value(), response.getStatusCode()); final String accessToken = location.split("#|=|&")[4]; return accessToken; }
Example 13
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void whenCallingWelcomeEndpoint_thenCorrect() { get(uri + "/welcome").then() .assertThat() .header("sessionId", notNullValue()) .cookie("token", notNullValue()); Response response = get(uri + "/welcome"); String headerName = response.getHeader("sessionId"); String cookieValue = response.getCookie("token"); assertThat(headerName).isNotBlank(); assertThat(cookieValue).isNotBlank(); }
Example 14
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 5 votes |
protected final String createAsUri(final T resource) { final Response response = createAsResponse(resource); Preconditions.checkState(response.getStatusCode() == 201, "create operation: " + response.getStatusCode()); final String locationOfCreatedResource = response.getHeader(HttpHeaders.LOCATION); Preconditions.checkNotNull(locationOfCreatedResource); return locationOfCreatedResource; }
Example 15
Source File: From spring-security-oauth with MIT License | 4 votes |
private String obtainAccessTokenWithAuthorizationCode(String username, String password) { String authorizeUrl = AUTH_SERVER + "/auth"; String tokenUrl = AUTH_SERVER + "/token"; Map<String, String> loginParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); loginParams.put("client_id", CLIENT_ID); loginParams.put("response_type", "code"); loginParams.put("redirect_uri", REDIRECT_URL); loginParams.put("scope", "read write"); // user login Response response = RestAssured.given().formParams(loginParams).get(authorizeUrl); String cookieValue = response.getCookie("AUTH_SESSION_ID"); String authUrlWithCode = response.htmlPath().getString("'**'.find{node ->'form'}*.@action"); // get code Map<String, String> codeParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); codeParams.put("username", username); codeParams.put("password", password); response = RestAssured.given().cookie("AUTH_SESSION_ID", cookieValue).formParams(codeParams) .post(authUrlWithCode); final String location = response.getHeader(HttpHeaders.LOCATION); assertEquals(HttpStatus.FOUND.value(), response.getStatusCode()); final String code = location.split("#|=|&")[3]; //get access token Map<String, String> tokenParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); tokenParams.put("grant_type", "authorization_code"); tokenParams.put("client_id", CLIENT_ID); tokenParams.put("client_secret", CLIENT_SECRET); tokenParams.put("redirect_uri", REDIRECT_URL); tokenParams.put("code", code); response = RestAssured.given().formParams(tokenParams) .post(tokenUrl); return response.jsonPath().getString("access_token"); }
Example 16
Source File: From okapi with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testDepCheck() { RestAssured.port = port; RestAssuredClient c; Response r; // create basic 1.0.0 final String docBasic_1_0_0 = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"basic-module-1.0.0-alpha\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"this module\"," + LS + " \"provides\" : [ {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"_tenant\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.1\"," + LS + " \"interfaceType\" : \"system\"," + LS + " \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"POST\", \"DELETE\" ]," + LS + " \"pathPattern\" : \"/_/tenant\"," + LS + " \"permissionsRequired\" : [ ]" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"pathPattern\" : \"/_/tenant/disable\"," + LS + " \"permissionsRequired\" : [ ]" + LS + " } ]" + LS + " }, {" + LS + " \"id\" : \"bint\"," + LS + " \"version\" : \"1.0\"," + LS + " \"handlers\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"pathPattern\" : \"/foo\"," + LS + " \"permissionsRequired\" : [ ]" + LS + " } ]" + LS + " } ]," + LS + " \"requires\" : [ { " + LS + " \"id\" : \"unknown1\", \"version\" : \"1.0\"" + " }, {" + " \"id\" : \"unknown2\", \"version\" : \"2.0\"" + " } ]," + LS + " \"launchDescriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"exec\" : " + "\"java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}"; c = api.createRestAssured3(); r = c.given() .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(docBasic_1_0_0) .post("/_/proxy/modules?check=true") .then().statusCode(400).log().ifValidationFails().extract().response(); Assert.assertTrue( "raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty()); Assert.assertEquals("Missing dependency: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha requires unknown1: 1.0" + ". " + "Missing dependency: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha requires unknown2: 2.0", r.getBody().asString()); c = api.createRestAssured3(); r = c.given() .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(docBasic_1_0_0) .post("/_/proxy/modules?check=false") .then().statusCode(201).log().ifValidationFails().extract().response(); Assert.assertTrue( "raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty()); final String location = r.getHeader("Location"); c = api.createRestAssured3(); c.given() .delete(location) .then().statusCode(204).log().ifValidationFails(); Assert.assertTrue( "raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty()); }
Example 17
Source File: From pnc with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static Integer getIdFromLocationHeader(Response response) { String location = response.getHeader("Location"); return Integer.valueOf(location.substring(location.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)); }
Example 18
Source File: From knox with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test( timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT ) public void testBasicOutboundHeaderUseCase() throws IOException { LOG_ENTER(); String root = "/tmp/GatewayBasicFuncTest/testBasicOutboundHeaderUseCase"; String username = "hdfs"; String password = "hdfs-password"; InetSocketAddress gatewayAddress = driver.gateway.getAddresses()[0]; String gatewayHostName = gatewayAddress.getHostName(); String gatewayAddrName = InetAddress.getByName(gatewayHostName).getHostAddress(); driver.getMock( "WEBHDFS" ) .expect() .method( "PUT" ) .pathInfo( "/v1" + root + "/dir/file" ) .header( "Host", driver.getRealAddr( "WEBHDFS" ) ) .queryParam( "op", "CREATE" ) .queryParam( "", username ) .respond() .status( HttpStatus.SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT ) .header("Location", driver.getRealUrl("DATANODE") + "/v1" + root + "/dir/file?op=CREATE&"); Response response = given() //.log().all() .auth().preemptive().basic( username, password ) .header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf") .queryParam( "op", "CREATE" ) .then() //.log().ifError() .statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT ) .when().put( driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") + "/v1" + root + "/dir/file" ); String location = response.getHeader( "Location" ); log.debug( "Redirect location: " + response.getHeader( "Location" ) ); if( driver.isUseGateway() ) { assertThat( location, anyOf( startsWith( "http://" + gatewayHostName + ":" + gatewayAddress.getPort() + "/" ), startsWith( "http://" + gatewayAddrName + ":" + gatewayAddress.getPort() + "/" ) ) ); assertThat( location, containsString( "?_=" ) ); } assertThat(location, not(containsString("host="))); assertThat(location, not(containsString("port="))); LOG_EXIT(); }
Example 19
Source File: From okapi with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testUiModule(TestContext context) { async = context.async(); Response r; final String docUiModuleInput = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"ui-1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"sample-ui\"," + LS + " \"uiDescriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"npm\" : \"name-of-module-in-npm\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}"; final String docUiModuleOutput = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"ui-1\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"sample-ui\"," + LS + " \"uiDescriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"npm\" : \"name-of-module-in-npm\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}"; RestAssuredClient c; c = api.createRestAssured3(); r = c.given() .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(docUiModuleInput).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201) .body(equalTo(docUiModuleOutput)).extract().response(); Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty()); String location = r.getHeader("Location"); c = api.createRestAssured3(); c.given() .get(location) .then().statusCode(200).body(equalTo(docUiModuleOutput)); Assert.assertTrue("raml: " + c.getLastReport().toString(), c.getLastReport().isEmpty()); given().delete(location) .then().statusCode(204); checkDbIsEmpty("testUiModule done", context); async.complete(); }
Example 20
Source File: From okapi with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testNotFound(TestContext context) { async = context.async(); Response r; ValidatableResponse then; final String docTenantRoskilde = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"" + okapiTenant + "\"," + LS + " \"name\" : \"" + okapiTenant + "\"," + LS + " \"description\" : \"Roskilde bibliotek\"" + LS + "}"; r = given() .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(docTenantRoskilde).post("/_/proxy/tenants") .then().statusCode(201) .body(equalTo(docTenantRoskilde)) .extract().response(); final String locationTenantRoskilde = r.getHeader("Location"); for (String type : Arrays.asList("request-response", "request-only", "headers")) { final String docSampleModule = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"," + LS + " \"filters\" : [ {" + LS + " \"methods\" : [ \"GET\", \"POST\" ]," + LS + " \"path\" : \"/test2\"," + LS + " \"level\" : \"20\"," + LS + " \"type\" : \"" + type + "\"," + LS + " \"permissionsRequired\" : [ ]" + LS + " } ]" + LS + "}"; r = given() .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(docSampleModule).post("/_/proxy/modules").then().statusCode(201) .extract().response(); final String locationSampleModule = r.getHeader("Location"); final String docLaunch1 = "{" + LS + " \"srvcId\" : \"sample-module-1\"," + LS + " \"nodeId\" : \"localhost\"," + LS + " \"descriptor\" : {" + LS + " \"exec\" : " + "\"java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar\"" + LS + " }" + LS + "}"; r = given().header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(docLaunch1).post("/_/discovery/modules") .then().statusCode(201) .extract().response(); locationSampleDeployment = r.getHeader("Location"); final String docEnableSample = "{" + LS + " \"id\" : \"sample-module-1\"" + LS + "}"; r = given() .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body(docEnableSample).post("/_/proxy/tenants/" + okapiTenant + "/modules") .then().statusCode(201) .body(equalTo(docEnableSample)).extract().response(); final String enableLoc = r.getHeader("Location"); given().header("X-Okapi-Tenant", okapiTenant) .body("bar").post("/test2") .then().statusCode(404); given().delete(enableLoc).then().statusCode(204); given().delete(locationSampleModule).then().statusCode(204); given().delete(locationSampleDeployment).then().statusCode(204); locationSampleDeployment = null; } given().delete(locationTenantRoskilde) .then().statusCode(204); async.complete(); }