reactor.core.publisher.Flux Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Write the given stream of {@link DataBuffer DataBuffers} to the given {@code AsynchronousFileChannel}. * Does <strong>not</strong> close the channel when the flux is terminated, and does * <strong>not</strong> {@linkplain #release(DataBuffer) release} the data buffers in the * source. If releasing is required, then subscribe to the returned {@code Flux} with a * {@link #releaseConsumer()}. * <p>Note that the writing process does not start until the returned {@code Flux} is subscribed to. * @param source the stream of data buffers to be written * @param channel the channel to write to * @param position the file position at which the write is to begin; must be non-negative * @return a flux containing the same buffers as in {@code source}, that starts the writing * process when subscribed to, and that publishes any writing errors and the completion signal */ public static Flux<DataBuffer> write( Publisher<DataBuffer> source, AsynchronousFileChannel channel, long position) { Assert.notNull(source, "'source' must not be null"); Assert.notNull(channel, "'channel' must not be null"); Assert.isTrue(position >= 0, "'position' must be >= 0"); Flux<DataBuffer> flux = Flux.from(source); return Flux.create(sink -> { AsynchronousFileChannelWriteCompletionHandler completionHandler = new AsynchronousFileChannelWriteCompletionHandler(sink, channel, position); sink.onDispose(completionHandler); flux.subscribe(completionHandler); }); }
Example #2
Source File: From spring-cloud-deployer-cloudfoundry with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void mockAppResultsInAppList() { givenRequestListApplications(Flux.just(ApplicationSummary.builder() .diskQuota(0) .id("test-application-id-1") .instances(1) .memoryLimit(0) .name("test-application-1") .requestedState("RUNNING") .runningInstances(1) .build(), ApplicationSummary.builder() .diskQuota(0) .id("test-application-id-2") .instances(1) .memoryLimit(0) .name("test-application-2") .requestedState("RUNNING") .runningInstances(1) .build())); }
Example #3
Source File: From redisson with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public Flux<ByteBufferResponse<BRPopLPushCommand>> bRPopLPush(Publisher<BRPopLPushCommand> commands) { return execute(commands, command -> { Assert.notNull(command.getKey(), "Key must not be null!"); Assert.notNull(command.getDestination(), "Destination key must not be null!"); Assert.notNull(command.getTimeout(), "Timeout must not be null!"); byte[] keyBuf = toByteArray(command.getKey()); byte[] destinationBuf = toByteArray(command.getDestination()); Mono<byte[]> m = write(keyBuf, ByteArrayCodec.INSTANCE, RedisCommands.BRPOPLPUSH, keyBuf, destinationBuf, command.getTimeout().getSeconds()); return -> new ByteBufferResponse<>(command, ByteBuffer.wrap(v))); }); }
Example #4
Source File: From feign-reactive with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testSimpleGet_success() throws JsonProcessingException { wireMockRule.stubFor(get(urlEqualTo("/icecream/flavors")) .willReturn(aResponse().withStatus(200) .withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") .withBody(TestUtils.MAPPER.writeValueAsString(Flavor.values())))); wireMockRule.stubFor(get(urlEqualTo("/icecream/mixins")) .willReturn(aResponse().withStatus(200) .withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") .withBody(TestUtils.MAPPER.writeValueAsString(Mixin.values())))); Flux<Flavor> flavors = client.getAvailableFlavors(); Flux<Mixin> mixins = client.getAvailableMixins(); StepVerifier.create(flavors) .expectNextSequence(asList(Flavor.values())) .verifyComplete(); StepVerifier.create(mixins) .expectNextSequence(asList(Mixin.values())) .verifyComplete(); }
Example #5
Source File: From redisson with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public Flux<NumericResponse<BitCountCommand, Long>> bitCount(Publisher<BitCountCommand> commands) { return execute(commands, command -> { Assert.notNull(command.getKey(), "Key must not be null!"); Range<Long> range = command.getRange(); if (range == null) { range = Range.unbounded(); } byte[] keyBuf = toByteArray(command.getKey()); Mono<Long> m; if (range == Range.<Long>unbounded()) { m = write(keyBuf, StringCodec.INSTANCE, RedisCommands.BITCOUNT, keyBuf); } else { m = write(keyBuf, StringCodec.INSTANCE, RedisCommands.BITCOUNT, keyBuf, range.getLowerBound().getValue().orElse(0L), range.getUpperBound().getValue().get()); } return -> new NumericResponse<>(command, v)); }); }
Example #6
Source File: From reactor-core with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void expectNextCountErrorIsSuppressed() { assertThatExceptionOfType(AssertionError.class) .isThrownBy(() -> StepVerifier.create(Flux.just("foo") .flatMap(r -> { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();})) .expectNextCount(1) .verifyError()) .satisfies(error -> { assertThat(error) .hasMessageStartingWith("expectation \"expectNextCount(1)\" failed") .hasMessageContaining("signal: onError(java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException)"); assertThat(error.getSuppressed()) .hasSize(1) .allMatch(spr -> spr instanceof ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException); }); }
Example #7
Source File: From spring-cloud-rsocket with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") RSocket accept(RSocket rSocket) { RSocket pong = new RSocketProxy(rSocket) { @Override public Flux<Payload> requestChannel(Publisher<Payload> payloads) { return Flux.from(payloads).map(Payload::getDataUtf8).doOnNext(str -> { int received = pingsReceived.incrementAndGet();"received " + str + "(" + received + ") in Pong"); }).map(PingPongApp::reply).map(reply -> { ByteBuf data = ByteBufUtil.writeUtf8(ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT, reply); ByteBuf routingMetadata = getForwardingMetadata(strategies, "ping", 1L); return DefaultPayload.create(data, routingMetadata); }); } }; return pong; }
Example #8
Source File: From james-project with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test void contextShouldCombineMDCs() { String value1 = "value1"; String value2 = "value2"; String key1 = "key1"; String key2 = "key2"; Flux.just(1) .doOnEach(ReactorUtils.log(() -> { assertThat(MDC.get(key1)).isEqualTo(value1); assertThat(MDC.get(key2)).isEqualTo(value2); })) .subscriberContext(ReactorUtils.context("test1", MDCBuilder.of(key1, value1))) .subscriberContext(ReactorUtils.context("test2", MDCBuilder.of(key2, value2))) .blockLast(); }
Example #9
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Async public void consumeSSE() { ParameterizedTypeReference<ServerSentEvent<String>> type = new ParameterizedTypeReference<ServerSentEvent<String>>() { }; Flux<ServerSentEvent<String>> eventStream = client.get() .uri("/stream-sse") .retrieve() .bodyToFlux(type); eventStream.subscribe(content ->"Current time: {} - Received SSE: name[{}], id [{}], content[{}] ",, content.event(),,, error -> logger.error("Error receiving SSE: {}", error), () ->"Completed!!!")); }
Example #10
Source File: From smallrye-reactive-streams-operators with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override protected Optional<Flux> createInstanceEmittingAMultipleValuesAndFailure(String v1, String v2, RuntimeException e) { Flux<String> stream = Flux.create(emitter -> {;; emitter.error(e); }); return Optional.of(stream); }
Example #11
Source File: From spring-cloud-app-broker with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Flux<Envelope> getLogStream(String serviceInstanceId) { return this.applicationIdsProvider .getApplicationIds(serviceInstanceId) .doOnNext(id -> LOG.debug("Starting log streaming for app with ID {}", id)) .flatMap(this::createApplicationStreamer); }
Example #12
Source File: From feign-reactive with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Mono<ReactiveHttpResponse> executeRequest(ReactiveHttpRequest request) { Mono<Object> bodyMono; if (request.body() instanceof Mono) { bodyMono = ((Mono<Object>) request.body()); } else if (request.body() instanceof Flux) { bodyMono = ((Flux) request.body()).collectList(); } else { bodyMono = Mono.just(request.body()); } bodyMono = bodyMono.switchIfEmpty(Mono.just(new byte[0])); return bodyMono.<ReactiveHttpResponse>flatMap(body -> { MultiValueMap<String, String> headers = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(request.headers()); if (acceptGzip) { headers.add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); } ResponseEntity response =, HttpMethod.valueOf(request.method()), new HttpEntity<>(body, headers), responseType()); return Mono.just(new FakeReactiveHttpResponse(response, returnPublisherType)); }) .onErrorMap(ex -> ex instanceof ResourceAccessException && ex.getCause() instanceof SocketTimeoutException, ReadTimeoutException::new) .onErrorResume(HttpStatusCodeException.class, ex -> Mono.just(new ErrorReactiveHttpResponse(ex))); }
Example #13
Source File: From Learning-Path-Spring-5-End-to-End-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void testHotPublisher(){ UnicastProcessor<String> hotSource = UnicastProcessor.create(); Flux<Category> hotPublisher = hotSource.publish() .autoConnect().map((String t) -> Category.builder().name(t).build()); hotPublisher.subscribe(category -> System.out.println("Subscriber 1: "+ category.getName())); hotSource.onNext("sports"); hotSource.onNext("cars"); hotPublisher.subscribe(category -> System.out.println("Subscriber 2: "+category.getName())); hotSource.onNext("games"); hotSource.onNext("electronics"); hotSource.onComplete(); }
Example #14
Source File: From jetlinks-community with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Flux<MeasurementValue> getValue(MeasurementParameter parameter) { return Mono.justOrEmpty(parameter.getString("deviceId")) .flatMapMany(deviceId -> { int history = parameter.getInt("history").orElse(1); //合并历史数据和实时数据 return fromHistory(deviceId, history); }); }
Example #15
Source File: From james-project with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test void searchForMessageShouldReturnMessagesFromMyDelegatedMailboxes() throws Exception { assumeTrue(mailboxManager.hasCapability(MailboxCapabilities.ACL)); session = mailboxManager.createSystemSession(USER_1); MailboxSession sessionFromDelegater = mailboxManager.createSystemSession(USER_2); MailboxPath delegatedMailboxPath = MailboxPath.forUser(USER_2, "SHARED"); MailboxId delegatedMailboxId = mailboxManager.createMailbox(delegatedMailboxPath, sessionFromDelegater).get(); MessageManager delegatedMessageManager = mailboxManager.getMailbox(delegatedMailboxId, sessionFromDelegater); MessageId messageId = delegatedMessageManager .appendMessage(AppendCommand.from(message), sessionFromDelegater) .getId().getMessageId(); mailboxManager.setRights(delegatedMailboxPath, MailboxACL.EMPTY.apply(MailboxACL.command() .forUser(USER_1) .rights(MailboxACL.Right.Read, MailboxACL.Right.Lookup) .asAddition()), sessionFromDelegater); MultimailboxesSearchQuery multiMailboxesQuery = MultimailboxesSearchQuery .from(SearchQuery.matchAll()) .build(); assertThat(Flux.from(, session, DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_LIMIT)) .collectList().block()) .containsOnly(messageId); }
Example #16
Source File: From reactor-workshop with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void zipTwoStreams() throws Exception { //given final Flux<Integer> nums = Flux.just(1, 2, 3); final Flux<String> strs = Flux.just("a", "b"); //when final Flux<Tuple2<Integer, String>> pairs = nums.zipWith(strs); final Flux<Tuple2<Integer, String>> pairs2 =, strs); //same thing //then pairs.subscribe(p ->"Pair: {}", p)); }
Example #17
Source File: From spring-credhub with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Flux<CredentialSummary> findByPath(final String path) { Assert.notNull(path, "credential path must not be null"); return this.credHubOperations.doWithWebClient((webClient) -> webClient.get().uri(PATH_URL_QUERY, path) .retrieve().onStatus(HttpStatus::isError, ExceptionUtils::buildError) .bodyToMono(CredentialSummaryData.class) .flatMapMany((data) -> Flux.fromIterable(data.getCredentials()))); }
Example #18
Source File: From linstor-server with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private Flux<ApiCallRc> deleteRemainingInTransaction(ResourceName rscName) { ResourceDefinition rscDfn = ctrlApiDataLoader.loadRscDfn(rscName, false); Flux<ApiCallRc> flux; if (rscDfn == null) { flux = Flux.empty(); } else { for (Resource rsc : getRscStreamPrivileged(rscDfn).collect(Collectors.toList())) { if (isDisklessPrivileged(rsc)) { deletePrivileged(rsc); } else { markDeletedPrivileged(rsc); } } ctrlTransactionHelper.commit(); Flux<ApiCallRc> nextStep = deleteData(rscName); flux = ctrlSatelliteUpdateCaller.updateSatellites(rscDfn, nextStep) .transform(updateResponses -> CtrlResponseUtils.combineResponses( updateResponses, rscName, "Resource {1} on {0} deleted" )) .concatWith(nextStep) .onErrorResume(CtrlResponseUtils.DelayedApiRcException.class, ignored -> Flux.empty()); } return flux; }
Example #19
Source File: From micrometer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void main(String[] args) { MeterRegistry registry = SampleConfig.myMonitoringSystem(); AtomicLong n = new AtomicLong(); registry.gauge("gauge", Tags.of("k", "v"), n); registry.gauge("gauge", Tags.of("k", "v1"), n, n2 -> n2.get() - 1); RandomEngine r = new MersenneTwister64(0); Normal dist = new Normal(0, 10, r); Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(5)) .doOnEach(d -> n.set(Math.abs(dist.nextInt()))) .blockLast(); }
Example #20
Source File: From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test // SPR-14952 public void writeAndFlushWithFluxOfDefaultDataBuffer() throws Exception { TestServerHttpResponse response = new TestServerHttpResponse(); Flux<Flux<DefaultDataBuffer>> flux = Flux.just(Flux.just(wrap("foo"))); response.writeAndFlushWith(flux).block(); assertTrue(response.statusCodeWritten); assertTrue(response.headersWritten); assertTrue(response.cookiesWritten); assertEquals(1, response.body.size()); assertEquals("foo", new String(response.body.get(0).asByteBuffer().array(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); }
Example #21
Source File: From jetlinks-community with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@GetMapping(value = "/{dashboard}/{object}/{measurement}/{dimension}", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE) @Authorize(merge = false) public Flux<MeasurementValue> getMeasurementValue(@PathVariable String dashboard, @PathVariable String object, @PathVariable String dimension, @PathVariable String measurement, @RequestParam Map<String, Object> params) { return dashboardManager .getDashboard(dashboard) .flatMap(dash -> dash.getObject(object)) .flatMap(obj -> obj.getMeasurement(measurement)) .flatMap(meas -> meas.getDimension(dimension)) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(() -> new NotFoundException("不支持的仪表盘"))) .flatMapMany(dim -> dim.getValue(MeasurementParameter.of(params))); }
Example #22
Source File: From spring-cloud-app-broker with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Mono<List<BackingApplication>> addCredentials(List<BackingApplication> backingApplications, String serviceInstanceGuid) { return Flux.fromIterable(backingApplications) .flatMap(backingApplication -> { List<CredentialProviderSpec> specs = getSpecsForApplication(backingApplication); return Flux.fromIterable(specs) .flatMap(spec -> { CredentialProvider provider = locator.getByName(spec.getName(), spec.getArgs()); return provider.addCredentials(backingApplication, serviceInstanceGuid); }) .then(Mono.just(backingApplication)); }) .collectList(); }
Example #23
Source File: From rsocket-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@DisplayName("makes 100 requestResponse requests") @Test default void largePayloadRequestResponse100() { Flux.range(1, 100) .flatMap(i -> getClient().requestResponse(LARGE_PAYLOAD).map(Payload::getDataUtf8)) .as(StepVerifier::create) .expectNextCount(100) .expectComplete() .verify(getTimeout()); }
Example #24
Source File: From linstor-server with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private Flux<ApiCallRc> resizeDrbdInTransaction(ResourceName rscName, VolumeNumber vlmNr) { VolumeDefinition vlmDfn = ctrlApiDataLoader.loadVlmDfn(rscName, vlmNr, false); Flux<ApiCallRc> flux; if (vlmDfn == null) { flux = Flux.empty(); } else { Optional<Volume> drbdResizeVlm = streamVolumesPrivileged(vlmDfn) .filter(this::isDrbdDiskful) .findAny(); drbdResizeVlm.ifPresent(this::markVlmDrbdResize); ctrlTransactionHelper.commit(); Flux<ApiCallRc> nextStep = finishResize(rscName, vlmNr); flux = ctrlSatelliteUpdateCaller.updateSatellites(vlmDfn.getResourceDefinition(), nextStep) .transform( updateResponses -> CtrlResponseUtils.combineResponses( updateResponses, rscName, getNodeNames(drbdResizeVlm), "Resized DRBD resource {1} on {0}", null ) ) .concatWith(nextStep); } return flux; }
Example #25
Source File: From reactor-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void windowWhileComplete() throws Exception { Flux<Flux<Integer>> windows = source.windowWhile(i -> i % 3 != 0); subscribe(windows); generateAndComplete(1, 5); verifyMainComplete(Arrays.asList(1, 2), Arrays.asList(4, 5)); }
Example #26
Source File: From Discord4J with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Flux<Member> getGuildMembers(Snowflake guildId) { Function<Map<String, Object>, Flux<MemberData>> doRequest = params -> rest.getGuildService().getGuildMembers(guildId.asLong(), params); return PaginationUtil.paginateAfter(doRequest, data -> Snowflake.asLong(data.user().id()), 0, 100) .map(data -> new Member(gateway, data, guildId.asLong())); }
Example #27
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void givenRecordsAreInserted_whenDbIsQueried_thenShouldIncludeNewRecords() { Mono<Long> saveAndCount = repository.count() .doOnNext(System.out::println) .thenMany(repository.saveAll(Flux.just(new Employee(325, "Kim Jones", "Florida", "", 42), new Employee(654, "Tom Moody", "New Hampshire", "", 44)))) .last() .flatMap(v -> repository.count()) .doOnNext(System.out::println); StepVerifier.create(saveAndCount).expectNext(6L).verifyComplete(); }
Example #28
Source File: From linstor-server with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Flux<byte[]> executeReactive(InputStream msgDataIn) throws IOException { return executeReactive(peerProvider.get(), msgDataIn, false) .thenMany(Flux.<byte[]>empty()); }
Example #29
Source File: From tools-journey with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void findingMissingLetter() { Flux<String> manyLetters = Flux .fromIterable(words) .flatMap(word -> Flux.fromArray(word.split(""))) .distinct() .sort() .zipWith(Flux.range(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE), (string, count) -> String.format("%2d. %s", count, string)); manyLetters.subscribe(System.out::println); }
Example #30
Source File: From aws-doc-sdk-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Because a Flux is also a publisher, the publisherTransformer method integrates nicely with Reactor. Notice that * you must adapt to an SdkPublisher. */ private static CompletableFuture<Void> responseHandlerBuilder_OnEventStream_Reactor(KinesisAsyncClient client, SubscribeToShardRequest request) { SubscribeToShardResponseHandler responseHandler = SubscribeToShardResponseHandler .builder() .onError(t -> System.err.println("Error during stream - " + t.getMessage())) .publisherTransformer(p -> Flux.from(p).limitRate(100).as(SdkPublisher::adapt)) .build(); return client.subscribeToShard(request, responseHandler); }