net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagFloat Java Examples

The following examples show how to use net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagFloat. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From NBTEdit with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static void setValidValue(Node<NamedNBT> node, String value){
	NamedNBT named = node.getObject();
	NBTBase base = named.getNBT();
	if (base instanceof NBTTagByte)
		named.setNBT(new NBTTagByte(ParseHelper.parseByte(value)));
	if (base instanceof NBTTagShort)
		named.setNBT(new NBTTagShort(ParseHelper.parseShort(value)));
	if (base instanceof NBTTagInt)
		named.setNBT(new NBTTagInt(ParseHelper.parseInt(value)));
	if (base instanceof NBTTagLong)
		named.setNBT(new NBTTagLong(ParseHelper.parseLong(value)));
	if(base instanceof NBTTagFloat)
		named.setNBT(new NBTTagFloat(ParseHelper.parseFloat(value)));
	if(base instanceof NBTTagDouble)
		named.setNBT(new NBTTagDouble(ParseHelper.parseDouble(value)));
	if(base instanceof NBTTagByteArray)
		named.setNBT(new NBTTagByteArray(ParseHelper.parseByteArray(value)));
	if(base instanceof NBTTagIntArray)
		named.setNBT(new NBTTagIntArray(ParseHelper.parseIntArray(value)));
	if (base instanceof NBTTagString)
		named.setNBT(new NBTTagString(value));
Example #2
Source File:    From ehacks-pro with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static NBTBase newTag(byte type) {
    switch (type) {
        case 1: {
            return new NBTTagCompound();
        case 2: {
            return new NBTTagByte((byte) 0);
        case 3: {
            return new NBTTagShort();
        case 4: {
            return new NBTTagInt(0);
        case 5: {
            return new NBTTagLong(0L);
        case 6: {
            return new NBTTagFloat(0.0f);
        case 7: {
            return new NBTTagDouble(0.0);
        case 8: {
            return new NBTTagString("");
        case 9: {
            return new NBTTagList();
        case 10: {
            return new NBTTagByteArray(new byte[0]);
        case 11: {
            return new NBTTagIntArray(new int[0]);
    return null;
Example #3
Source File:    From ehacks-pro with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static String toString(NBTBase base) {
    switch (GuiNBTNode.NBT_ICON_MAPPING[base.getId() - 1]) {
        case 0: {
            return "(TagCompound)";
        case 1: {
            return "" + ((NBTTagByte) base).func_150290_f();
        case 2: {
            return "" + ((NBTTagShort) base).func_150289_e();
        case 3: {
            return "" + ((NBTTagInt) base).func_150287_d();
        case 4: {
            return "" + ((NBTTagLong) base).func_150291_c();
        case 5: {
            return "" + ((NBTTagFloat) base).func_150288_h();
        case 6: {
            return "" + ((NBTTagDouble) base).func_150286_g();
        case 7: {
            return ((NBTTagString) base).func_150285_a_();
        case 8: {
            return "(TagList)";
        case 9: {
            return base.toString();
        case 10: {
            return base.toString();
    return "?";
Example #4
Source File:    From ehacks-pro with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void setValidValue(Node<NamedNBT> node, String value) {
    NamedNBT named = node.getObject();
    NBTBase base = named.getNBT();
    if (base instanceof NBTTagByte) {
        named.setNBT(new NBTTagByte(ParseHelper.parseByte(value)));
    if (base instanceof NBTTagShort) {
        named.setNBT(new NBTTagShort(ParseHelper.parseShort(value)));
    if (base instanceof NBTTagInt) {
        named.setNBT(new NBTTagInt(ParseHelper.parseInt(value)));
    if (base instanceof NBTTagLong) {
        named.setNBT(new NBTTagLong(ParseHelper.parseLong(value)));
    if (base instanceof NBTTagFloat) {
        named.setNBT(new NBTTagFloat(ParseHelper.parseFloat(value)));
    if (base instanceof NBTTagDouble) {
        named.setNBT(new NBTTagDouble(ParseHelper.parseDouble(value)));
    if (base instanceof NBTTagByteArray) {
        named.setNBT(new NBTTagByteArray(ParseHelper.parseByteArray(value)));
    if (base instanceof NBTTagIntArray) {
        named.setNBT(new NBTTagIntArray(ParseHelper.parseIntArray(value)));
    if (base instanceof NBTTagString) {
        named.setNBT(new NBTTagString(value));
Example #5
Source File:    From NOVA-Core with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Reads an unknown object withPriority a known name from NBT
 * @param tag - tag to read the value from
 * @param key - name of the value
 * @return object or suggestionValue if nothing is found
public Object load(@Nullable NBTTagCompound tag, @Nullable String key) {
	if (tag != null && key != null) {
		NBTBase saveTag = tag.getTag(key);

		if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagFloat) {
			return tag.getFloat(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagDouble) {
			return tag.getDouble(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagInt) {
			return tag.getInteger(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagString) {
			return tag.getString(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagShort) {
			return tag.getShort(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagByte) {
			if (tag.getBoolean("isBoolean")) {
				return tag.getBoolean(key);
			} else {
				return tag.getByte(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagLong) {
			return tag.getLong(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagByteArray) {
			return tag.getByteArray(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagIntArray) {
			return tag.getIntArray(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
			NBTTagCompound innerTag = tag.getCompoundTag(key);
			return toNova(innerTag);
	return null;
Example #6
Source File:    From NOVA-Core with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Reads an unknown object withPriority a known name from NBT
 * @param tag - tag to read the value from
 * @param key - name of the value
 * @return object or suggestionValue if nothing is found
public Object load(NBTTagCompound tag, String key) {
	if (tag != null && key != null) {
		NBTBase saveTag = tag.getTag(key);

		if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagFloat) {
			return tag.getFloat(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagDouble) {
			return tag.getDouble(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagInt) {
			return tag.getInteger(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagString) {
			if (tag.getBoolean(key + "::nova.isBigInteger")) {
				return new BigInteger(tag.getString(key));
			} else if (tag.getBoolean(key + "::nova.isBigDecimal")) {
				return new BigDecimal(tag.getString(key));
			} else {
				return tag.getString(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagShort) {
			return tag.getShort(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagByte) {
			if (tag.getBoolean(key + "::nova.isBoolean")) {
				return tag.getBoolean(key);
			} else {
				return tag.getByte(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagLong) {
			return tag.getLong(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagByteArray) {
			return tag.getByteArray(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagIntArray) {
			return tag.getIntArray(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
			NBTTagCompound innerTag = tag.getCompoundTag(key);
			return toNova(innerTag);
	return null;
Example #7
Source File:    From NOVA-Core with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Reads an unknown object withPriority a known name from NBT
 * @param tag - tag to read the value from
 * @param key - name of the value
 * @return object or suggestionValue if nothing is found
public Object load(NBTTagCompound tag, String key) {
	if (tag != null && key != null) {
		NBTBase saveTag = tag.getTag(key);

		if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagFloat) {
			return tag.getFloat(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagDouble) {
			return tag.getDouble(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagInt) {
			return tag.getInteger(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagString) {
			if (tag.getBoolean(key + "::nova.isBigInteger")) {
				return new BigInteger(tag.getString(key));
			} else if (tag.getBoolean(key + "::nova.isBigDecimal")) {
				return new BigDecimal(tag.getString(key));
			} else {
				return tag.getString(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagShort) {
			return tag.getShort(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagByte) {
			if (tag.getBoolean(key + "::nova.isBoolean")) {
				return tag.getBoolean(key);
			} else {
				return tag.getByte(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagLong) {
			return tag.getLong(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagByteArray) {
			return tag.getByteArray(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagIntArray) {
			return tag.getIntArray(key);
		} else if (saveTag instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
			NBTTagCompound innerTag = tag.getCompoundTag(key);
			return toNova(innerTag);
	return null;
Example #8
Source File:    From TickDynamic with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new NBTTagList filled with the specified floats
protected NBTTagList newFloatNBTList(float ... p_70049_1_)
    NBTTagList nbttaglist = new NBTTagList();
    float[] afloat = p_70049_1_;
    int i = p_70049_1_.length;

    for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
        float f1 = afloat[j];
        nbttaglist.appendTag(new NBTTagFloat(f1));

    return nbttaglist;
Example #9
Source File:    From Et-Futurum with The Unlicense 5 votes vote down vote up
public NBTTagList writeToNBT() {
	NBTTagList nbttaglist = new NBTTagList();
	nbttaglist.appendTag(new NBTTagFloat(x));
	nbttaglist.appendTag(new NBTTagFloat(y));
	nbttaglist.appendTag(new NBTTagFloat(z));
	return nbttaglist;
Example #10
Source File:    From Framez with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected NBTTagList newFloatNBTList(float... par1ArrayOfFloat) {
	NBTTagList nbttaglist = new NBTTagList();
	float[] afloat = par1ArrayOfFloat;
	int i = par1ArrayOfFloat.length;

	for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
		float f1 = afloat[j];
		nbttaglist.appendTag(new NBTTagFloat(f1));

	return nbttaglist;
Example #11
Source File:    From NBTEdit with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static NBTBase newTag(byte type){
	switch (type)
	case 0:
		return new NBTTagEnd();
	case 1:
		return new NBTTagByte((byte) 0);
	case 2:
		return new NBTTagShort();
	case 3:
		return new NBTTagInt(0);
	case 4:
		return new NBTTagLong(0);
	case 5:
		return new NBTTagFloat(0);
	case 6:
		return new NBTTagDouble(0);
	case 7:
		return new NBTTagByteArray(new byte[0]);
	case 8:
		return new NBTTagString("");
	case 9:
		return new NBTTagList();
	case 10:
		return new NBTTagCompound();
	case 11:
		return new NBTTagIntArray(new int[0]);
		return null;
Example #12
Source File:    From NBTEdit with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static String toString(NBTBase base) {
	switch(base.getId()) {
	case 1:
		return "" + ((NBTTagByte)base).func_150290_f();
	case 2:
		return "" + ((NBTTagShort)base).func_150289_e();
	case 3:
		return "" + ((NBTTagInt)base).func_150287_d();
	case 4:
		return "" + ((NBTTagLong)base).func_150291_c();
	case 5:
		return "" + ((NBTTagFloat)base).func_150288_h();
	case 6:
		return "" + ((NBTTagDouble)base).func_150286_g();
	case 7:
		return base.toString();
	case 8:
		return ((NBTTagString)base).func_150285_a_();
	case 9:
		return "(TagList)";
	case 10:
		return "(TagCompound)";
	case 11:
		return base.toString();
		return "?";
Example #13
Source File:    From SimplyJetpacks with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public boolean onItemUse(ItemStack itemStack, EntityPlayer player, World world, int x, int y, int z, int meta, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) {
    if (!world.isRemote) {
        TileEntity tile = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
        if (tile instanceof TileEntityMobSpawner) {
            NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound();
            tag.setString("EntityId", "Zombie");
            NBTTagList spawnPotentials = new NBTTagList();
            NBTTagCompound zombieSpawn = new NBTTagCompound();
            zombieSpawn.setString("Type", "Zombie");
            zombieSpawn.setInteger("Weight", 1);
            NBTTagCompound zombieSpawnProperties = new NBTTagCompound();
            zombieSpawnProperties.setString("id", "Zombie");
            NBTTagList equipment = new NBTTagList();
            equipment.appendTag(new NBTTagCompound());
            equipment.appendTag(new NBTTagCompound());
            equipment.appendTag(new NBTTagCompound());
            equipment.appendTag(ModItems.jetpackPotato.writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
            zombieSpawnProperties.setTag("Equipment", equipment);
            NBTTagList dropChances = new NBTTagList();
            for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
                dropChances.appendTag(new NBTTagFloat(0.0F));
            zombieSpawnProperties.setTag("DropChances", dropChances);
            zombieSpawn.setTag("Properties", zombieSpawnProperties);
            tag.setTag("SpawnPotentials", spawnPotentials);
            tag.setShort("SpawnCount", (short) 2);
            tag.setShort("SpawnRange", (short) 8);
            tag.setShort("Delay", (short) -1);
            tag.setShort("MinSpawnDelay", (short) 30);
            tag.setShort("MaxSpawnDelay", (short) 60);
            tag.setShort("MaxNearbyEntities", (short) 10);
            tag.setShort("RequiredPlayerRange", (short) 96);
    return true;
Example #14
Source File:    From OpenModsLib with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public boolean checkTagType(NBTBase tag) {
	return tag instanceof NBTTagFloat;