ch.vorburger.mariadb4j.DB Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From freeacs with MIT License | 9 votes |
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws ManagedProcessException { randomFolder = "./db/" + UUID.randomUUID(); DBConfigurationBuilder configBuilder = DBConfigurationBuilder.newBuilder(); configBuilder.setPort(3307); configBuilder.setDataDir(randomFolder); db = DB.newEmbeddedDB(; db.start(); db.createDB("acs", "acs", "acs"); db.source("install.sql", "acs", "acs", "acs"); String url = configBuilder.getURL("acs"); HikariConfig hikariConfig = new HikariConfig(); hikariConfig.setDataSourceClassName("org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbDataSource"); hikariConfig.addDataSourceProperty("url", url); hikariConfig.addDataSourceProperty("user", "acs"); hikariConfig.addDataSourceProperty("password", "acs"); dataSource = new HikariDataSource(hikariConfig); }
Example #2
Source File: From rmlmapper-java with MIT License | 6 votes |
protected static void stopDBs(DB mysqlDB) throws ManagedProcessException { if (mysqlDB != null) { mysqlDB.stop(); } // Make sure all tempFiles are removed int counter = 0; while (!tempFiles.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator<String> i = tempFiles.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { try { if (new File( { i.remove(); } } catch (Exception ex) { counter++; ex.printStackTrace(); // Prevent infinity loops if (counter > 100) { throw new Error("Could not remove all temp mapping files."); } } } } }
Example #3
Source File: From rmlmapper-java with MIT License | 5 votes |
protected static DB setUpMySQLDBInstance(int portNumber) throws ManagedProcessException { DBConfigurationBuilder configBuilder = DBConfigurationBuilder.newBuilder(); configBuilder.setPort(portNumber); configBuilder.addArg("--user=root"); configBuilder.addArg("--sql-mode=STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ANSI_QUOTES"); DB mysqlDB = DB.newEmbeddedDB(; mysqlDB.start(); return mysqlDB; }
Example #4
Source File: From BungeeChat2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@SneakyThrows(ManagedProcessException.class) @SuppressFBWarnings( // TODO: Remove when fixed in SpotBugs value = "RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED", justification = "Return values can be safely ignored as they are for chaining only.") public static void startDatabase() { final int limit = 100; int count = 0; String actualBaseDir; String actualDataDir; do { actualBaseDir = baseDir + count; } while ((++count < limit) && (new File(actualBaseDir)).exists()); Preconditions.checkElementIndex(count, limit, "count must be less than " + limit); actualDataDir = actualBaseDir + "/data"; final DBConfiguration config = DBConfigurationBuilder.newBuilder() .setPort(0) .setSocket(localhost) .setBaseDir(actualBaseDir) .setDataDir(actualDataDir) .build(); databaseInstance = DB.newEmbeddedDB(config); databaseInstance.start(); port = databaseInstance.getConfiguration().getPort(); host = localhost + ':' + port; databaseInstance.createDB("test"); }
Example #5
Source File: From hawkular-apm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private DB createDatabase() throws ManagedProcessException { DBConfigurationBuilder configBuilder = DBConfigurationBuilder.newBuilder(); configBuilder.setPort(3306); configBuilder.setDataDir("target/mariaDB"); configBuilder.setBaseDir("target/mariaDB"); DB database = DB.newEmbeddedDB(; database.start(); return database; }
Example #6
Source File: From CodeDefenders with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void before() throws Exception { config = DBConfigurationBuilder.newBuilder(); config.addArg("--user=root"); config.setPort(0); // 0 => autom. detect free port db = DB.newEmbeddedDB(; db.start(); db.createDB(dbName); db.source(initFile, username, password, dbName); }
Example #7
Source File: From pinpoint with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { driverProperties = DriverProperties.load("database/", "maria"); int embeddedDBPort = Integer.parseInt(driverProperties.getProperty(EMBEDDED_DB_PORT_KEY)); TEST_DATABASE = DB.newEmbeddedDB(embeddedDBPort); TEST_DATABASE.start(); TEST_DATABASE.createDB("test"); TEST_DATABASE.source("jdbc/mariadb/init.sql"); }
Example #8
Source File: From mdw with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void startup() throws SQLException { try { if (db != null) db.stop(); boolean firstTime = false; File baseDir = new File(config.getBaseDir()); if (!baseDir.exists() || baseDir.listFiles().length == 0) { firstTime = true; if (!baseDir.exists() && !baseDir.mkdirs()) throw new IOException("Cannot create db base dir: " + baseDir); ZipHelper.unzip(dbJar, baseDir, binariesSubLoc, null, false); if (!config.isWindows()) { Util.forceExecutable(new File(baseDir, "bin/my_print_defaults")); Util.forceExecutable(new File(baseDir, "bin/mysql_install_db")); Util.forceExecutable(new File(baseDir, "bin/mysqld")); Util.forceExecutable(new File(baseDir, "bin/mysql")); } } if (!firstTime) { File dataDir = new File(config.getDataDir()); if (!dataDir.exists() || dataDir.listFiles().length == 0) firstTime = true; } db = DB.newEmbeddedDB(config); db.start(); if (firstTime) { String rootPass = System.getenv("MDW_EMBEDDED_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD"); if (rootPass == null) rootPass = "mdwchangeme"; // can only connect from localhost, so hardwired is okay"CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + dbName + "`;", "root", null, null); // set a password on the root account"SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('" + rootPass + "');", "root", null, null); // create the app user account and grant permissions"GRANT ALL ON " + dbName + ".* to '" + user + "'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '" + password + "'", "root", rootPass, null);"GRANT ALL ON " + dbName + ".* to '" + user + "'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '" + password + "'", "root", rootPass, null); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SQLException("MariaDB4j startup error: " + ex, ex); } }
Example #9
Source File: From pinpoint with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static DB testDBStop() throws ManagedProcessException { if (TEST_DATABASE != null) { TEST_DATABASE.stop(); } return null; }