Java Code Examples for java.util.Vector#insertElementAt()
The following examples show how to use
java.util.Vector#insertElementAt() .
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Example 1
Source File: From unitime with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Collection getCourseNbrs(int idx) { Vector ret = new Vector(); boolean contains = false; if (getSubjectArea(idx)>=0) { for (Iterator i= new CourseOfferingDAO(). getSession(). createQuery("select co.uniqueId, co.courseNbr, co.title from CourseOffering co "+ "where co.subjectArea.uniqueId = :subjectAreaId "+ "and co.instructionalOffering.notOffered = false "+ "order by co.courseNbr "). setFetchSize(200). setCacheable(true). setLong("subjectAreaId", getSubjectArea(idx)).iterate();i.hasNext();) { Object[] o = (Object[]); ret.add(new IdValue((Long)o[0],((String)o[1] + " - " + (String)o[2]))); if (o[0].equals(getCourseNbr(idx))) contains = true; } } if (!contains) setCourseNbr(idx, -1L); if (ret.size()==1) setCourseNbr(idx, ((IdValue)ret.firstElement()).getId()); else ret.insertElementAt(new IdValue(-1L,"-"), 0); return ret; }
Example 2
Source File: From openbd-core with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * This method fixes bug #3275: "SearchEngineFriendlyURLFilter may sometimes match a request to the wrong alias" This method will also ignore duplicates, and strip off unwanted whitespace * * @param mappings * @param aliasToAdd */ private static void addAlias(Vector<String> mappings, String aliasToAdd) { int size = mappings.size(); int i = 0; aliasToAdd = aliasToAdd.trim(); for (; i < size; i++) { String storedAlias = mappings.elementAt(i); if (aliasToAdd.length() > storedAlias.length()) { mappings.insertElementAt(aliasToAdd, i); return; } else if (aliasToAdd.equals(storedAlias)) // The aliases are the same so do nothing return; } // The alias wasn't inserted so place it at the end if (i == size) mappings.addElement(aliasToAdd); }
Example 3
Source File: From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private Vector getOrderedDescriptions(String repositoryID, sender) { Vector descs = new Vector(); if (sender == null) { return descs; } FullValueDescription aFVD = sender.meta(repositoryID); while (aFVD != null) { descs.insertElementAt(aFVD, 0); if ((aFVD.base_value != null) && !kEmptyStr.equals(aFVD.base_value)) { aFVD = sender.meta(aFVD.base_value); } else return descs; } return descs; }
Example 4
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private Vector getOrderedDescriptions(String repositoryID, sender) { Vector descs = new Vector(); if (sender == null) { return descs; } FullValueDescription aFVD = sender.meta(repositoryID); while (aFVD != null) { descs.insertElementAt(aFVD, 0); if ((aFVD.base_value != null) && !kEmptyStr.equals(aFVD.base_value)) { aFVD = sender.meta(aFVD.base_value); } else return descs; } return descs; }
Example 5
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private Vector testLastAndPrevious(BreakIterator bi, String text) { int p = bi.last(); int lastP = p; Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>(); if (p != text.length()) errln("last() returned " + p + " instead of " + text.length()); while (p != BreakIterator.DONE) { p = bi.previous(); if (p != BreakIterator.DONE) { if (p >= lastP) errln("previous() failed to move backward: previous() on position " + lastP + " yielded " + p); result.insertElementAt(text.substring(p, lastP), 0); } else { if (lastP != 0) errln("previous() returned DONE prematurely: offset was " + lastP + " instead of 0"); } lastP = p; } return result; }
Example 6
Source File: From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private Vector getOrderedDescriptions(String repositoryID, sender) { Vector descs = new Vector(); if (sender == null) { return descs; } FullValueDescription aFVD = sender.meta(repositoryID); while (aFVD != null) { descs.insertElementAt(aFVD, 0); if ((aFVD.base_value != null) && !kEmptyStr.equals(aFVD.base_value)) { aFVD = sender.meta(aFVD.base_value); } else return descs; } return descs; }
Example 7
Source File: From jdk8u_jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private Vector testLastAndPrevious(BreakIterator bi, String text) { int p = bi.last(); int lastP = p; Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>(); if (p != text.length()) errln("last() returned " + p + " instead of " + text.length()); while (p != BreakIterator.DONE) { p = bi.previous(); if (p != BreakIterator.DONE) { if (p >= lastP) errln("previous() failed to move backward: previous() on position " + lastP + " yielded " + p); result.insertElementAt(text.substring(p, lastP), 0); } else { if (lastP != 0) errln("previous() returned DONE prematurely: offset was " + lastP + " instead of 0"); } lastP = p; } return result; }
Example 8
Source File: From luaj with MIT License | 5 votes |
public void testInsertBeginningOfList() { LuaTable t = new_Table(); Vector v = new Vector(); for ( int i = 1; i <= 32; ++i ) { LuaString test = LuaValue.valueOf("Test Value! "+i); t.insert(1, test); v.insertElementAt(test, 0); compareLists(t,v); } }
Example 9
Source File: From luaj with MIT License | 5 votes |
private static final void prefillLists(LuaTable t,Vector v) { for ( int i = 1; i <= 32; ++i ) { LuaString test = LuaValue.valueOf("Test Value! "+i); t.insert(0, test); v.insertElementAt(test, v.size()); } }
Example 10
Source File: From The-NOC-List with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Vector sortKeyListAlpha() { Vector v = new Vector(); for(int count = 0; count < keyList.size(); count++) { String s = (String)keyList.elementAt(count); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { int c = s.compareTo((String) v.elementAt(i)); if (c < 0) { v.insertElementAt(s, i); break; } else if (c == 0) break; } if (i >= v.size()) v.addElement(s); } keyList = v; return v; }
Example 11
Source File: From unitime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Collection getClassNumbers(int idx) { Vector ret = new Vector(); boolean contains = false; SchedulingSubpart subpart = (getItype(idx)>0?new SchedulingSubpartDAO().get(getItype(idx)):null); CourseOffering co = (getItype(idx)>0?new CourseOfferingDAO().get(getCourseNbr(idx)):null); if (subpart!=null) { TreeSet classes = new TreeSet(new ClassComparator(ClassComparator.COMPARE_BY_HIERARCHY)); classes.addAll(new Class_DAO(). getSession(). createQuery("select distinct c from Class_ c "+ "where c.schedulingSubpart.uniqueId=:schedulingSubpartId"). setFetchSize(200). setCacheable(true). setLong("schedulingSubpartId", getItype(idx)). list()); for (Iterator i=classes.iterator();i.hasNext();) { Class_ c = (Class_); if (c.getUniqueId().equals(getClassNumber(idx))) contains = true; String extId = c.getClassSuffix(co); ret.add(new IdValue(c.getUniqueId(), c.getSectionNumberString() + (extId == null || extId.isEmpty() || extId.equalsIgnoreCase(c.getSectionNumberString()) ? "" : " - " + extId))); } } if (ret.isEmpty()) ret.add(new IdValue(-1L,"N/A")); if (!contains) setClassNumber(idx, -1L); if (ret.size()==1) setClassNumber(idx, ((IdValue)ret.firstElement()).getId()); else ret.insertElementAt(new IdValue(-1L,"-"), 0); return ret; }
Example 12
Source File: From JDKSourceCode1.8 with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Adds a pattern to a pattern group */ private void addPattern(int kernelType, LocationPathPattern pattern) { // Make sure the array of pattern groups is long enough final int oldLength = _patternGroups.length; if (kernelType >= oldLength) { Vector[] newGroups = new Vector[kernelType * 2]; System.arraycopy(_patternGroups, 0, newGroups, 0, oldLength); _patternGroups = newGroups; } // Find the vector to put this pattern into Vector patterns; if (kernelType == DOM.NO_TYPE) { if (pattern.getAxis() == Axis.ATTRIBUTE) { patterns = (_attribNodeGroup == null) ? (_attribNodeGroup = new Vector(2)) : _attribNodeGroup; } else { patterns = (_childNodeGroup == null) ? (_childNodeGroup = new Vector(2)) : _childNodeGroup; } } else { patterns = (_patternGroups[kernelType] == null) ? (_patternGroups[kernelType] = new Vector(2)) : _patternGroups[kernelType]; } if (patterns.size() == 0) { patterns.addElement(pattern); } else { boolean inserted = false; for (int i = 0; i < patterns.size(); i++) { final LocationPathPattern lppToCompare = (LocationPathPattern)patterns.elementAt(i); if (pattern.noSmallerThan(lppToCompare)) { inserted = true; patterns.insertElementAt(pattern, i); break; } } if (inserted == false) { patterns.addElement(pattern); } } }
Example 13
Source File: From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Return the IDL module nesting of the given Type. * For IDLEntity CompoundTypes (or their arrays) apply any user specified * -idlModule translation or, if none applicable, strip any package * prefix. * Add boxedIDL or boxedRMI modules if required. * @param t Given Type * @return Array containing the original module nesting. */ protected String[] getIDLModuleNames(Type t) { String[] modNames = t.getIDLModuleNames(); //default module name array CompoundType ct; if ( t.isCompound() ) { ct = (CompoundType)t; if ( !ct.isIDLEntity ) return modNames; //normal (non-IDLEntity) case if ( "org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity" .equals( t.getQualifiedName() ) ) return modNames; } else if ( t.isArray() ) { Type et = t.getElementType(); if ( et.isCompound() ) { ct = (CompoundType)et; if ( !ct.isIDLEntity ) return modNames; //normal (non-IDLEntity) case if ( "org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity" .equals( t.getQualifiedName() ) ) return modNames; } else return modNames; } else return modNames; //no preprocessing needed for primitives //it's an IDLEntity or an array of... Vector mVec = new Vector(); if ( !translateJavaPackage( ct,mVec ) ) //apply -idlModule translation stripJavaPackage( ct,mVec ); //..or strip prefixes (not both) if ( ct.isBoxed() ) { //add boxedIDL if required mVec.insertElementAt( "org",0 ); mVec.insertElementAt( "omg",1 ); mVec.insertElementAt( "boxedIDL",2 ); } if ( t.isArray() ) { //add boxedRMI if required mVec.insertElementAt( "org",0 ); mVec.insertElementAt( "omg",1 ); mVec.insertElementAt( "boxedRMI",2 ); } String[] outArr = new String[mVec.size()]; mVec.copyInto( outArr ); return outArr; }
Example 14
Source File: From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Adds a pattern to a pattern group */ private void addPattern(int kernelType, LocationPathPattern pattern) { // Make sure the array of pattern groups is long enough final int oldLength = _patternGroups.length; if (kernelType >= oldLength) { Vector[] newGroups = new Vector[kernelType * 2]; System.arraycopy(_patternGroups, 0, newGroups, 0, oldLength); _patternGroups = newGroups; } // Find the vector to put this pattern into Vector patterns; if (kernelType == DOM.NO_TYPE) { if (pattern.getAxis() == Axis.ATTRIBUTE) { patterns = (_attribNodeGroup == null) ? (_attribNodeGroup = new Vector(2)) : _attribNodeGroup; } else { patterns = (_childNodeGroup == null) ? (_childNodeGroup = new Vector(2)) : _childNodeGroup; } } else { patterns = (_patternGroups[kernelType] == null) ? (_patternGroups[kernelType] = new Vector(2)) : _patternGroups[kernelType]; } if (patterns.size() == 0) { patterns.addElement(pattern); } else { boolean inserted = false; for (int i = 0; i < patterns.size(); i++) { final LocationPathPattern lppToCompare = (LocationPathPattern)patterns.elementAt(i); if (pattern.noSmallerThan(lppToCompare)) { inserted = true; patterns.insertElementAt(pattern, i); break; } } if (inserted == false) { patterns.addElement(pattern); } } }
Example 15
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Adds a pattern to a pattern group */ private void addPattern(int kernelType, LocationPathPattern pattern) { // Make sure the array of pattern groups is long enough final int oldLength = _patternGroups.length; if (kernelType >= oldLength) { Vector[] newGroups = new Vector[kernelType * 2]; System.arraycopy(_patternGroups, 0, newGroups, 0, oldLength); _patternGroups = newGroups; } // Find the vector to put this pattern into Vector patterns; if (kernelType == DOM.NO_TYPE) { if (pattern.getAxis() == Axis.ATTRIBUTE) { patterns = (_attribNodeGroup == null) ? (_attribNodeGroup = new Vector(2)) : _attribNodeGroup; } else { patterns = (_childNodeGroup == null) ? (_childNodeGroup = new Vector(2)) : _childNodeGroup; } } else { patterns = (_patternGroups[kernelType] == null) ? (_patternGroups[kernelType] = new Vector(2)) : _patternGroups[kernelType]; } if (patterns.size() == 0) { patterns.addElement(pattern); } else { boolean inserted = false; for (int i = 0; i < patterns.size(); i++) { final LocationPathPattern lppToCompare = (LocationPathPattern)patterns.elementAt(i); if (pattern.noSmallerThan(lppToCompare)) { inserted = true; patterns.insertElementAt(pattern, i); break; } } if (inserted == false) { patterns.addElement(pattern); } } }
Example 16
Source File: From sakai with Educational Community License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Gets the path of sites back to the root of the tree. * @param s * @param ourParent * @return */ private List<Site> getPwd(Site s, String ourParent) { if (ourParent == null) return null; log.debug("Getting Current Working Directory for {} {}", s.getId(), s.getTitle()); int depth = 0; Vector<Site> pwd = new Vector<Site>(); Set<String> added = new HashSet<String>(); // Add us to the list at the top (will become the end) pwd.add(s); added.add(s.getId()); // Make sure we don't go on forever while (ourParent != null && depth < 8) { depth++; Site site = null; try { site = SiteService.getSiteVisit(ourParent); } catch (Exception e) { break; } // We have no patience with loops if (added.contains(site.getId())) break; log.debug("Adding Parent {} {}", site.getId(), site.getTitle()); pwd.insertElementAt(site, 0); // Push down stack added.add(site.getId()); ResourceProperties rp = site.getProperties(); ourParent = rp.getProperty(PROP_PARENT_ID); } // PWD is only defined for > 1 site if (pwd.size() < 2) return null; return pwd; }
Example 17
Source File: From TorrentEngine with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Takes an X509 dir name as a string of the format "C=AU, ST=Victoria", or * some such, converting it into an ordered set of name attributes. lookUp * should provide a table of lookups, indexed by lowercase only strings and * yielding a DERObjectIdentifier, other than that OID. and numeric oids * will be processed automatically. The passed in converter is used to convert the * string values to the right of each equals sign to their ASN.1 counterparts. * <br> * @param reverse true if we should start scanning from the end, false otherwise. * @param lookUp table of names and oids. * @param dirName the string dirName * @param converter the converter to convert string values into their ASN.1 equivalents */ public X509Name( boolean reverse, Hashtable lookUp, String dirName, X509NameEntryConverter converter) { this.converter = converter; X509NameTokenizer nTok = new X509NameTokenizer(dirName); while (nTok.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = nTok.nextToken(); int index = token.indexOf('='); if (index == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("badly formated directory string"); } String name = token.substring(0, index); String value = token.substring(index + 1); DERObjectIdentifier oid = decodeOID(name, lookUp); if (value.indexOf('+') > 0) { X509NameTokenizer vTok = new X509NameTokenizer(value, '+'); this.ordering.addElement(oid); this.values.addElement(vTok.nextToken()); this.added.addElement(FALSE); while (vTok.hasMoreTokens()) { String sv = vTok.nextToken(); int ndx = sv.indexOf('='); String nm = sv.substring(0, ndx); String vl = sv.substring(ndx + 1); this.ordering.addElement(decodeOID(nm, lookUp)); this.values.addElement(vl); this.added.addElement(TRUE); } } else { this.ordering.addElement(oid); this.values.addElement(value); this.added.addElement(FALSE); } } if (reverse) { Vector o = new Vector(); Vector v = new Vector(); Vector a = new Vector(); int count = 1; for (int i = 0; i < this.ordering.size(); i++) { if (((Boolean)this.added.elementAt(i)).booleanValue()) { o.insertElementAt(this.ordering.elementAt(i), count); v.insertElementAt(this.values.elementAt(i), count); a.insertElementAt(this.added.elementAt(i), count); count++; } else { o.insertElementAt(this.ordering.elementAt(i), 0); v.insertElementAt(this.values.elementAt(i), 0); a.insertElementAt(this.added.elementAt(i), 0); count = 1; } } this.ordering = o; this.values = v; this.added = a; } }
Example 18
Source File: From gsn with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Performs a deep add of the contents of the specified <code>ArgArray</code>. * Existing ArgArrays are not replaced but are instead 'augmented' with * values from <code>newStuff</code>. Scalar values are replaced. When * adding a <code>Vector</code> at places where a <code>Vector</code> * already exists, the behaviour is controlled by the <code>vectorMode</code> * argument to allow one of error, replace, insert, or append. * * @param newStuff - the <code>ArgArray</code> contents to add. * @param vectorMode - One of MODE_REPLACE, VECTOR_MODE_INSERT, * VECTOR_MODE_APPEND, VECTOR_MODE_ERROR to control how vectors are added to * existing vectors. */ public void deepAdd ( ArgArray newStuff , int vectorMode ) { for ( Enumeration e = newStuff.contents.keys( ) ; e.hasMoreElements( ) ; ) { String key = ( String ) e.nextElement( ); Object val = newStuff.contents.get( key ); if ( val instanceof ArgArray ) { if ( !containsKey( key ) ) { put( key , new ArgArray( ) ); } ArgArray inner = getArgArray( key ); inner.deepAdd( ( ArgArray ) val ); } else if ( val instanceof Vector ) { Vector newVal = deepCloneVector( ( Vector ) val ); if ( !containsKey( key ) || vectorMode == MODE_REPLACE ) { put( key , newVal ); } else { Vector oldVector = getVector( key ); switch ( vectorMode ) { case VECTOR_MODE_INSERT : for ( int i = newVal.size( ) ; i > 0 ; i-- ) { oldVector.insertElementAt( newVal.elementAt( i - 1 ) , 0 ); } break; case VECTOR_MODE_APPEND : for ( int i = 0 ; i < newVal.size( ) ; i++ ) { oldVector.addElement( newVal.elementAt( i ) ); } break; case VECTOR_MODE_ERROR : throw ( new RuntimeException( "Vector element already exists for " + key ) ); default : throw ( new RuntimeException( "Unrecognized mode in ArgArray.deepAdd for key=" + key ) ); } } } else { put( key , val ); } } }
Example 19
Source File: From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Apply user specified -idlModule translation to package names of given * IDLEntity ct. Example: * -idlModule real::mod::nesting * @param ct CompoundType containing given IDLEntity. * @param vec Returned Vector of translated IDL module names. * @return boolean true if any translation was done. */ protected boolean translateJavaPackage( CompoundType ct, Vector vec ) { vec.removeAllElements(); boolean ret = false; String fc = null; if ( ! ct.isIDLEntity() ) return ret; String pName = ct.getPackageName(); //start from Java package names if ( pName == null ) return ret; StringTokenizer pt = new StringTokenizer( pName,"." ); while ( pt.hasMoreTokens() ) vec.addElement( pt.nextToken() ); if ( imHash.size() > 0 ) { //any -idlModule translation to apply? Enumeration k = imHash.keys(); nextModule: while ( k.hasMoreElements() ) { //loop thro user-defined -idlModules String from = (String)k.nextElement(); //from String.. StringTokenizer ft = new StringTokenizer( from,"." ); int vecLen = vec.size(); int ifr; for ( ifr = 0; ifr < vecLen && ft.hasMoreTokens(); ifr++ ) if ( ! vec.elementAt(ifr).equals( ft.nextToken() ) ) continue nextModule; // match if ( ft.hasMoreTokens() ) { //matched so far.. fc = ft.nextToken(); //a 'from' token remains if ( ! ct.getName().equals( fc ) || //matches class name? ft.hasMoreTokens() ) continue nextModule; // match } ret = true; //found a match for ( int i4 = 0; i4 < ifr; i4++ ) vec.removeElementAt( 0 ); //remove 'from' package String to = (String)imHash.get( from ); // String StringTokenizer tt = new StringTokenizer( to,IDL_NAME_SEPARATOR ); int itoco = tt.countTokens(); int ito = 0; if ( fc != null ) itoco--; //user may have given IDL type for ( ito = 0; ito < itoco; ito++ ) vec.insertElementAt( tt.nextToken(),ito ); //insert 'to' modules if ( fc != null ) { String tc = tt.nextToken(); if ( ! ct.getName().equals( tc ) ) //not the IDL type, so.. vec.insertElementAt( tc,ito ); //insert final 'to' module } } } return ret; }
Example 20
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void run() {
if (myClasses.length == 1) {
//TODO: cdr this place should produce at least warning
// selected(myClasses[0]);
selected((T[])ArrayUtil.toObjectArray(myClasses[0].getClass(), myClasses[0]));
else if (myClasses.length > 0) {
PsiElementListCellRenderer<T> renderer = createRenderer();
Arrays.sort(myClasses, renderer.getComparator());
if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) {
Vector<Object> model = new Vector<Object>(Arrays.asList(myClasses));
model.insertElementAt(CodeInsightBundle.message("highlight.thrown.exceptions.chooser.all.entry"), 0);
myList = new JBList(model);
final PopupChooserBuilder builder = new PopupChooserBuilder(myList);
final Runnable callback = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int idx = myList.getSelectedIndex();
if (idx < 0) return;
if (idx > 0) {
selected((T[])ArrayUtil.toObjectArray(myClasses[idx-1].getClass(), myClasses[idx-1]));
else {
ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {