org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.IEditingDomainProvider Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.IEditingDomainProvider. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From bonita-studio with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object getAdapter(final Class adapter) {
    if (adapter == IPropertySheetPage.class) {
        return getSite().getPage().getActiveEditor().getAdapter(adapter);
    } else if (adapter == IEditingDomainProvider.class) {
        return new IEditingDomainProvider() {

            public EditingDomain getEditingDomain() {
                final IEditorPart part = getSite().getPage().getActiveEditor();
                if (part instanceof DiagramEditor) {
                    return ((DiagramEditor) part).getEditingDomain();
                return null;
    return super.getAdapter(adapter);
Example #2
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object execute ( final ExecutionEvent event ) throws ExecutionException

    final IEditorPart editor = getActivePage ().getActiveEditor ();

    byte b = (byte)1;
    for ( final Attribute attribute : SelectionHelper.iterable ( getSelection (), Attribute.class ) )
        EditingDomain domain = AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.getEditingDomainFor ( attribute );

        if ( domain == null && editor instanceof IEditingDomainProvider )
            domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)editor ).getEditingDomain ();

        SetCommand.create ( domain, attribute, ProtocolPackage.Literals.ATTRIBUTE__FIELD_NUMBER, b ).execute ();


    return null;
Example #3
Source File:    From ifml-editor with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
	// Remove any menu items for old selection.
	if (createChildMenuManager != null) {
		depopulateManager(createChildMenuManager, createChildActions);
	if (createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
		depopulateManager(createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions);

	// Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
	Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
	Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

	ISelection selection = event.getSelection();
	if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ((IStructuredSelection)selection).size() == 1) {
		Object object = ((IStructuredSelection)selection).getFirstElement();

		EditingDomain domain = ((IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart).getEditingDomain();

		newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(object, null);
		newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(null, object);

	// Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
	createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions(newChildDescriptors, selection);
	createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions(newSiblingDescriptors, selection);

	if (createChildMenuManager != null) {
		populateManager(createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null);
	if (createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
		populateManager(createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null);
Example #4
Source File:    From ifml-editor with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
	// Remove any menu items for old selection.
	if (createChildMenuManager != null) {
		depopulateManager(createChildMenuManager, createChildActions);
	if (createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
		depopulateManager(createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions);

	// Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
	Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
	Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

	ISelection selection = event.getSelection();
	if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ((IStructuredSelection)selection).size() == 1) {
		Object object = ((IStructuredSelection)selection).getFirstElement();

		EditingDomain domain = ((IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart).getEditingDomain();

		newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(object, null);
		newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(null, object);

	// Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
	createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions(newChildDescriptors, selection);
	createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions(newSiblingDescriptors, selection);

	if (createChildMenuManager != null) {
		populateManager(createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null);
	if (createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
		populateManager(createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null);
Example #5
Source File:    From eip-designer with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
   * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
   * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
   * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
   * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
   * @generated
public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
     // Remove any menu items for old selection.
     if (createChildMenuManager != null) {
        depopulateManager(createChildMenuManager, createChildActions);
     if (createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
        depopulateManager(createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions);

     // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
     Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
     Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

     ISelection selection = event.getSelection();
     if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ((IStructuredSelection)selection).size() == 1) {
        Object object = ((IStructuredSelection)selection).getFirstElement();

        EditingDomain domain = ((IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart).getEditingDomain();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(object, null);
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(null, object);

     // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
     createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions(newChildDescriptors, selection);
     createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions(newSiblingDescriptors, selection);

     if (createChildMenuManager != null) {
        populateManager(createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null);
     if (createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
        populateManager(createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null);
Example #6
Source File:    From hybris-commerce-eclipse-plugin with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
	// Remove any menu items for old selection.
	if (createChildMenuManager != null) {
		depopulateManager(createChildMenuManager, createChildActions);
	if (createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
		depopulateManager(createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions);

	// Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
	Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
	Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

	ISelection selection = event.getSelection();
	if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ((IStructuredSelection)selection).size() == 1) {
		Object object = ((IStructuredSelection)selection).getFirstElement();

		EditingDomain domain = ((IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart).getEditingDomain();

		newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(object, null);
		newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(null, object);

	// Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
	createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions(newChildDescriptors, selection);
	createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions(newSiblingDescriptors, selection);

	if (createChildMenuManager != null) {
		populateManager(createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null);
	if (createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
		populateManager(createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null);
Example #7
Source File:    From M2Doc with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if (createChildMenuManager != null) {
        depopulateManager(createChildMenuManager, createChildActions);
    if (createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
        depopulateManager(createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions);

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection();
    if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ((IStructuredSelection) selection).size() == 1) {
        Object object = ((IStructuredSelection) selection).getFirstElement();

        EditingDomain domain = ((IEditingDomainProvider) activeEditorPart).getEditingDomain();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(object, null);
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(null, object);

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions(newChildDescriptors, selection);
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions(newSiblingDescriptors, selection);

    if (createChildMenuManager != null) {
        populateManager(createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null);
    if (createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
        populateManager(createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null);
Example #8
Source File:    From scava with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
	// Remove any menu items for old selection.
	if (createChildMenuManager != null) {
		depopulateManager(createChildMenuManager, createChildActions);
	if (createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
		depopulateManager(createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions);

	// Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
	Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
	Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

	ISelection selection = event.getSelection();
	if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ((IStructuredSelection)selection).size() == 1) {
		Object object = ((IStructuredSelection)selection).getFirstElement();

		EditingDomain domain = ((IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart).getEditingDomain();

		newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(object, null);
		newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(null, object);

	// Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
	createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions(newChildDescriptors, selection);
	createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions(newSiblingDescriptors, selection);

	if (createChildMenuManager != null) {
		populateManager(createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null);
	if (createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
		populateManager(createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null);
Example #9
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createChildSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createChildActions );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createSiblingActions );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #10
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #11
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createChildSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createChildActions );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createSiblingActions );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #12
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createChildSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createChildActions );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createSiblingActions );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #13
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createChildSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createChildActions );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createSiblingActions );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #14
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #15
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createChildSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createChildActions );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createSiblingActions );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #16
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #17
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createChildSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createChildActions );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createSiblingActions );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #18
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createChildSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createChildActions );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createSiblingActions );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #19
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createChildSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createChildActions );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createSiblingActions );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #20
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createChildSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createChildActions );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createSiblingActions );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #21
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createChildSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createChildActions );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createSiblingActions );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #22
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createChildSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createChildActions );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createSiblingActions );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #23
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #24
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions );
        depopulateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    createChildSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createChildActions );
    createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );
    createSiblingSubmenuActions = extractSubmenuActions ( createSiblingActions );

    if ( createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null );
        createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingSubmenuActions, null );
        populateManager ( createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions, null );
        createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #25
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener}, handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings that can
 * be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged ( final SelectionChangedEvent event )
    // Remove any menu items for old selection.
    if ( this.createChildMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( this.createChildMenuManager, this.createChildActions );
    if ( this.createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        depopulateManager ( this.createSiblingMenuManager, this.createSiblingActions );

    // Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
    Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
    Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

    final ISelection selection = event.getSelection ();
    if ( selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).size () == 1 )
        final Object object = ( (IStructuredSelection)selection ).getFirstElement ();

        final EditingDomain domain = ( (IEditingDomainProvider)this.activeEditorPart ).getEditingDomain ();

        newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( object, null );
        newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors ( null, object );

    // Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
    this.createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions ( newChildDescriptors, selection );
    this.createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions ( newSiblingDescriptors, selection );

    if ( this.createChildMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( this.createChildMenuManager, this.createChildActions, null );
        this.createChildMenuManager.update ( true );
    if ( this.createSiblingMenuManager != null )
        populateManager ( this.createSiblingMenuManager, this.createSiblingActions, null );
        this.createSiblingMenuManager.update ( true );
Example #26
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void setViewPart ( final IViewPart part )

    if ( part != this.activeEditorPart )
        if ( this.activeEditorPart != null )
            deactivate ();

        if ( part instanceof IEditingDomainProvider )
            this.activeEditorPart = part;
            activate ();

    // Switch to the new selection provider.
    if ( this.selectionProvider != null )
        this.selectionProvider.removeSelectionChangedListener ( this );
    if ( part == null )
        this.selectionProvider = null;
        this.selectionProvider = part.getSite ().getSelectionProvider ();
        this.selectionProvider.addSelectionChangedListener ( this );

        this.deleteAction.setActiveWorkbenchPart ( part );

        // Fake a selection changed event to update the menus.
        if ( this.selectionProvider.getSelection () != null )
            selectionChanged ( new SelectionChangedEvent ( this.selectionProvider, this.selectionProvider.getSelection () ) );
Example #27
Source File:    From neoscada with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This implements {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener},
 * handling {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s by querying for the children and siblings
 * that can be added to the selected object and updating the menus accordingly.
 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @generated
public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
	// Remove any menu items for old selection.
	if (createChildMenuManager != null) {
		depopulateManager(createChildMenuManager, createChildActions);
	if (createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
		depopulateManager(createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions);

	// Query the new selection for appropriate new child/sibling descriptors
	Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
	Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;

	ISelection selection = event.getSelection();
	if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection
			&& ((IStructuredSelection) selection).size() == 1) {
		Object object = ((IStructuredSelection) selection)

		EditingDomain domain = ((IEditingDomainProvider) activeEditorPart)

		newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(object, null);
		newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(null, object);

	// Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus.
	createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions(newChildDescriptors,
	createSiblingActions = generateCreateSiblingActions(
			newSiblingDescriptors, selection);

	if (createChildMenuManager != null) {
		populateManager(createChildMenuManager, createChildActions, null);
	if (createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
		populateManager(createSiblingMenuManager, createSiblingActions,