com.intellij.psi.PsiAnnotationMemberValue Java Examples

The following examples show how to use com.intellij.psi.PsiAnnotationMemberValue. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From litho with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static ImmutableList<EventDeclarationModel> getEventDeclarations(PsiClass psiClass) {
  final PsiAnnotation layoutSpecAnnotation =
      AnnotationUtil.findAnnotation(psiClass, LayoutSpec.class.getName());
  if (layoutSpecAnnotation == null) {
    throw new RuntimeException("LayoutSpec annotation not found on class");

  PsiAnnotationMemberValue psiAnnotationMemberValue =

  ArrayList<EventDeclarationModel> eventDeclarationModels = new ArrayList<>();
  if (psiAnnotationMemberValue instanceof PsiArrayInitializerMemberValue) {
    PsiArrayInitializerMemberValue value =
        (PsiArrayInitializerMemberValue) psiAnnotationMemberValue;
    for (PsiAnnotationMemberValue annotationMemberValue : value.getInitializers()) {
      PsiClassObjectAccessExpression accessExpression =
          (PsiClassObjectAccessExpression) annotationMemberValue;
  } else if (psiAnnotationMemberValue instanceof PsiClassObjectAccessExpression) {
        getEventDeclarationModel((PsiClassObjectAccessExpression) psiAnnotationMemberValue));

  return ImmutableList.copyOf(eventDeclarationModels);
Example #2
Source File:    From component-runtime with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Stream<Suggestion> fromComponent(final PsiClass clazz, final String defaultFamily) {
    final PsiAnnotation componentAnnotation =
            AnnotationUtil.findAnnotation(clazz, PARTITION_MAPPER, PROCESSOR, EMITTER);
    final PsiAnnotationMemberValue name = componentAnnotation.findAttributeValue("name");
    if (name == null || "\"\"".equals(name.getText())) {
        return Stream.empty();

    final PsiAnnotationMemberValue familyValue = componentAnnotation.findAttributeValue("family");
    final String componentFamily = (familyValue == null || removeQuotes(familyValue.getText()).isEmpty()) ? null
            : removeQuotes(familyValue.getText());

    final String family = ofNullable(componentFamily).orElseGet(() -> ofNullable(defaultFamily).orElse(null));
    if (family == null) {
        return Stream.empty();

    return Stream
            .of(new Suggestion(family + "." + DISPLAY_NAME, Suggestion.Type.Family), new Suggestion(
                    family + "." + removeQuotes(name.getText()) + "." + DISPLAY_NAME, Suggestion.Type.Component));
Example #3
Source File:    From dagger-intellij-plugin with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
@Override public boolean shouldShow(UsageTarget target, Usage usage) {
  PsiElement element = ((UsageInfo2UsageAdapter) usage).getElement();
  PsiMethod psimethod = PsiConsultantImpl.findMethod(element);

  PsiAnnotationMemberValue attribValue = PsiConsultantImpl

  // Is it a @Provides method?
  return psimethod != null
      // Ensure it has an @Provides.
      && PsiConsultantImpl.hasAnnotation(psimethod, CLASS_PROVIDES)
      // Check for Qualifier annotations.
      && PsiConsultantImpl.hasQuailifierAnnotations(psimethod, qualifierAnnotations)
      // Right return type.
      && PsiConsultantImpl.getReturnClassFromMethod(psimethod, false)
      // Right type parameters.
      && PsiConsultantImpl.hasTypeParameters(psimethod, typeParameters)
      // @Provides(type=SET)
      && attribValue != null
      && attribValue.textMatches(SET_TYPE);
Example #4
Source File:    From attic-polygene-java with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private RemoveAnnotationValueFix( @NotNull PsiAnnotationMemberValue annotationValueToRemove,
                                  @NotNull PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement sideEffectClassReference )
    super( message( "side.effects.annotation.declared.correctly.fix.remove.class.reference",
                    sideEffectClassReference.getQualifiedName() ) );
    this.annotationValueToRemove = annotationValueToRemove;
Example #5
Source File:    From dagger-intellij-plugin with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static List<PsiType> getTypeParameters(PsiElement psiElement) {
  PsiClassType psiClassType = getPsiClassType(psiElement);
  if (psiClassType == null) {
    return new ArrayList<PsiType>();

  // Check if @Provides(type=?) pattern (annotation with specified type).
  PsiAnnotationMemberValue attribValue = findTypeAttributeOfProvidesAnnotation(psiElement);
  if (attribValue != null) {
    if (attribValue.textMatches(SET_TYPE)) {
      // type = SET. Transform the type parameter to the element type.
      ArrayList<PsiType> result = new ArrayList<PsiType>();
      return result;
    } else if (attribValue.textMatches(MAP_TYPE)) {
      // TODO(radford): Need to figure out key type for maps.
      // type = SET or type = MAP. Transform the type parameter to the element type.
      //ArrayList<PsiType> result = new ArrayList<PsiType>();
      //return result;

  if (PsiConsultantImpl.isLazyOrProvider(getClass(psiClassType))) {
    psiClassType = extractFirstTypeParameter(psiClassType);

  Collection<PsiType> typeParameters =
  return new ArrayList<PsiType>(typeParameters);
Example #6
Source File:    From dagger-intellij-plugin with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Return the appropriate return class for a given method element.
 * @param psiMethod the method to get the return class from.
 * @param expandType set this to true if return types annotated with @Provides(type=?)
 * should be expanded to the appropriate collection type.
 * @return the appropriate return class for the provided method element.
public static PsiClass getReturnClassFromMethod(PsiMethod psiMethod, boolean expandType) {
  if (psiMethod.isConstructor()) {
    return psiMethod.getContainingClass();

  PsiClassType returnType = ((PsiClassType) psiMethod.getReturnType());
  if (returnType != null) {
    // Check if has @Provides annotation and specified type
    if (expandType) {
      PsiAnnotationMemberValue attribValue = findTypeAttributeOfProvidesAnnotation(psiMethod);
      if (attribValue != null) {
        if (attribValue.textMatches(SET_TYPE)) {
          String typeName = "java.util.Set<" + returnType.getCanonicalText() + ">";
          returnType =
              ((PsiClassType) PsiElementFactory.SERVICE.getInstance(psiMethod.getProject())
                  .createTypeFromText(typeName, psiMethod));
        } else if (attribValue.textMatches(MAP_TYPE)) {
          // TODO(radford): Supporting map will require fetching the key type and also validating
          // the qualifier for the provided key.
          // String typeName = "java.util.Map<String, " + returnType.getCanonicalText() + ">";
          // returnType = ((PsiClassType) PsiElementFactory.SERVICE.getInstance(psiMethod.getProject())
          //    .createTypeFromText(typeName, psiMethod));

    return returnType.resolve();
  return null;
Example #7
Source File:    From dagger-intellij-plugin with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static PsiAnnotationMemberValue findTypeAttributeOfProvidesAnnotation(
    PsiElement element ) {
  PsiAnnotation annotation = findAnnotation(element, CLASS_PROVIDES);
  if (annotation != null) {
    return annotation.findAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE);
  return null;
Example #8
Source File:    From lombok-intellij-plugin with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static Collection<String> getOnX(@NotNull PsiAnnotation psiAnnotation, @NotNull String parameterName) {
  PsiAnnotationMemberValue onXValue = psiAnnotation.findAttributeValue(parameterName);
  if (!(onXValue instanceof PsiAnnotation)) {
    return Collections.emptyList();
  Collection<PsiAnnotation> annotations = PsiAnnotationUtil.getAnnotationValues((PsiAnnotation) onXValue, "value", PsiAnnotation.class);
  Collection<String> annotationStrings = new ArrayList<>();
  for (PsiAnnotation annotation : annotations) {
    PsiAnnotationParameterList params = annotation.getParameterList();
    annotationStrings.add(PsiAnnotationSearchUtil.getSimpleNameOf(annotation) + params.getText());
  return annotationStrings;
Example #9
Source File:    From attic-polygene-java with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private ProblemDescriptor createProblemDescriptor( @NotNull InspectionManager manager,
                                                   @NotNull PsiAnnotationMemberValue mixinAnnotationValue,
                                                   @NotNull PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement mixinClassReference,
                                                   @NotNull String message )
    RemoveInvalidMixinClassReferenceFix fix = new RemoveInvalidMixinClassReferenceFix(
        mixinAnnotationValue, mixinClassReference
    return manager.createProblemDescriptor( mixinAnnotationValue, message, fix, GENERIC_ERROR_OR_WARNING );
Example #10
Source File:    From attic-polygene-java with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public RemoveInvalidConcernClassReferenceFix( @NotNull PsiAnnotationMemberValue annotationValueToRemove,
                                              @NotNull PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement concernClassReference )
    super( message( "concerns.annotation.declared.correctly.fix.remove.concern.class.reference",
                    concernClassReference.getQualifiedName() ) );
    this.concernClassAnnotationValue = annotationValueToRemove;
Example #11
Source File:    From aircon with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void visitConfigGroupAnnotation(final UAnnotation node) {
	final PsiArrayInitializerMemberValue configGroupValues = ConfigElementsUtils.getConfigGroupValuesAttribute(node.getJavaPsi());

	for (PsiAnnotationMemberValue psiAnnotationMemberValue : configGroupValues.getInitializers()) {
		if (!verifyConfigFieldReference(node, psiAnnotationMemberValue)) {
Example #12
Source File:    From camel-idea-plugin with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Return the bean name for the {@link PsiClass} and the specific bean annotation
 * @param clazz - class to return bean name for
 * @param annotationFqn - the lookup FQN string for the annotation
 * @return the bean name
private Optional<String> getBeanName(PsiClass clazz, String annotationFqn) {
    String returnName = null;
    final PsiAnnotation annotation = clazz.getAnnotation(annotationFqn);
    if (annotation != null) {
        final PsiAnnotationMemberValue componentAnnotation = annotation.findAttributeValue("value");
        returnName = componentAnnotation != null ? StringUtils.stripDoubleQuotes(componentAnnotation.getText()) : Introspector.decapitalize(clazz.getName());
    return Optional.ofNullable(returnName);
Example #13
Source File:    From camel-idea-plugin with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Searching for the specific bean name and annotation to find it's {@link PsiClass}
 * @param beanName - Name of the bean to search for.
 * @param annotation - Type of bean annotation to filter on.
 * @param project - Project reference to narrow the search inside.
 * @return the {@link PsiClass} matching the bean name and annotation.
public Optional<PsiClass> findBeanClassByName(String beanName, String annotation, Project project) {
    for (PsiClass psiClass : getClassesAnnotatedWith(project, annotation)) {
        final PsiAnnotation classAnnotation = psiClass.getAnnotation(annotation);
        PsiAnnotationMemberValue attribute = classAnnotation.findAttributeValue("value");
        if (attribute != null) {
            if (attribute instanceof PsiReferenceExpressionImpl) {
                //if the attribute value is field reference eg @bean(value = MyClass.BEAN_NAME)
                final PsiField psiField = (PsiField) attribute.getReference().resolve();
                String staticBeanName = StringUtils.stripDoubleQuotes(PsiTreeUtil.getChildOfAnyType(psiField, PsiLiteralExpression.class).getText());
                if (beanName.equals(staticBeanName)) {
                    return Optional.of(psiClass);
            } else {
                final String value = attribute.getText();
                if (beanName.equals(StringUtils.stripDoubleQuotes(value))) {
                    return Optional.of(psiClass);

        } else {
            if (Introspector.decapitalize(psiClass.getName()).equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.stripDoubleQuotes(beanName))) {
                return Optional.of(psiClass);

    return Optional.empty();
Example #14
Source File:    From component-runtime with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private String getFamilyFromPackageInfo(final PsiPackage psiPackage, final Module module) {
    return of(FilenameIndex
            .getFilesByName(psiPackage.getProject(), "", GlobalSearchScope.moduleScope(module)))
                    .map(psiFile -> {
                        if (!PsiJavaFile.class
                                .equals(psiPackage.getQualifiedName())) {
                            return null;
                        final String[] family = { null };
                        PsiJavaFile.class.cast(psiFile).accept(new JavaRecursiveElementWalkingVisitor() {

                            public void visitAnnotation(final PsiAnnotation annotation) {
                                if (!COMPONENTS.equals(annotation.getQualifiedName())) {
                                final PsiAnnotationMemberValue familyAttribute =
                                if (familyAttribute == null) {
                                family[0] = removeQuotes(familyAttribute.getText());
                        return family[0];
                    .orElseGet(() -> {
                        final PsiPackage parent = psiPackage.getParentPackage();
                        if (parent == null) {
                            return null;
                        return getFamilyFromPackageInfo(parent, module);
Example #15
Source File:    From component-runtime with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Stream<Suggestion> fromConfiguration(final String family, final String configurationName,
        final PsiClass configClazz) {
    return Stream
                    .filter(field -> AnnotationUtil.findAnnotation(field, OPTION) != null)
                    .flatMap(field -> {
                        final PsiAnnotation fOption = AnnotationUtil.findAnnotation(field, OPTION);
                        final PsiAnnotationMemberValue fOptionValue = fOption.findAttributeValue("value");

                        String fieldName = removeQuotes(fOptionValue.getText());
                        if (fieldName.isEmpty()) {
                            fieldName = field.getName();

                        final Suggestion displayNameSuggestion =
                                new Suggestion(configurationName + "." + fieldName + "." + DISPLAY_NAME,
                        final PsiType type = field.getType();
                        if ("java.lang.String".equals(type.getCanonicalText())) {
                            return Stream
                                            new Suggestion(configurationName + "." + fieldName + "." + PLACEHOLDER,
                        final PsiClass clazz = findClass(type);
                        if (clazz != null && clazz.isEnum()) {
                            return Stream
                                                    .map(f -> clazz
                                                            .substring(clazz.getName().lastIndexOf('.') + 1) + '.'
                                                            + f.getName() + "._displayName")
                                                    .map(v -> new Suggestion(v, Suggestion.Type.Configuration)));
                        return Stream.of(displayNameSuggestion);
                    }), extractConfigTypes(family, configClazz));
Example #16
Source File:    From intellij-quarkus with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the value of the given member name of the given annotation.
 * @param annotation the annotation.
 * @param memberName the member name.
 * @return the value of the given member name of the given annotation.
public static String getAnnotationMemberValue(PsiAnnotation annotation, String memberName) {
	PsiAnnotationMemberValue member = annotation.findDeclaredAttributeValue(memberName);
	String value = member != null && member.getText() != null ? member.getText() : null;
	if (value != null && value.length() > 1 && value.charAt(0) == '"' && value.charAt(value.length() - 1) == '"') {
		value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1);
	return value;
Example #17
Source File:    From aircon with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static <T> T getAttributeValue(final PsiAnnotation configAnnotation, String attribute) {
	final PsiAnnotationMemberValue attributeValue = configAnnotation.findAttributeValue(attribute);

	if (attributeValue == null) {
		return null;

	final PsiConstantEvaluationHelper evaluationHelper = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(attributeValue.getProject())
	return (T) evaluationHelper.computeConstantExpression(attributeValue);
Example #18
Source File:    From attic-polygene-java with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public final ProblemDescriptor[] checkClass( @NotNull PsiClass psiClass,
                                             @NotNull InspectionManager manager,
                                             boolean isOnTheFly )
    // If psiClass is not an interface, ignore
    if( !psiClass.isInterface() )
        return null;

    // If @Mixins annotation is empty, ignore
    List<PsiAnnotationMemberValue> mixinAnnotationValues = getMixinsAnnotationValue( psiClass );
    if( mixinAnnotationValues.isEmpty() )
        return null;

    // Get all valid mixin type
    Set<PsiClass> validMixinsType = getAllValidMixinTypes( psiClass );
    if( validMixinsType.isEmpty() )
        return null;

    // For each mixin
    List<ProblemDescriptor> problems = new LinkedList<ProblemDescriptor>();
    for( PsiAnnotationMemberValue mixinAnnotationValue : mixinAnnotationValues )
        PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement mixinClassReference = getMixinClassReference( mixinAnnotationValue );

        // If it's not a class reference, ignore
        if( mixinClassReference == null )

        // If class reference can't be resolved, ignore
        PsiClass mixinClass = (PsiClass) mixinClassReference.resolve();
        if( mixinClass == null )

        String mixinQualifiedName = mixinClass.getQualifiedName();

        boolean isMixinsDeclarationValid = false;
        String message = "";
        if( mixinClass.isInterface() )
            // Mixin can't be an interface
            message = message( "", mixinQualifiedName );
        else if( isAConcern( mixinClass ) )
            // Mixin can't be a concern
            message = message( "", mixinQualifiedName );
        else if( isASideEffect( mixinClass ) )
            // Mixin can't be a side effect
            message = message( "", mixinQualifiedName );
            // If doesn't implement any mixin type, it's a problem
            if( !isImplementValidMixinType( mixinClass, validMixinsType ) )
                message = message(
                isMixinsDeclarationValid = true;

        if( !isMixinsDeclarationValid )
            ProblemDescriptor problemDescriptor = createProblemDescriptor(
                manager, mixinAnnotationValue, mixinClassReference, message );
            problems.add( problemDescriptor );

    return problems.toArray( new ProblemDescriptor[problems.size()] );
Example #19
Source File:    From attic-polygene-java with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public RemoveInvalidMixinClassReferenceFix( @NotNull PsiAnnotationMemberValue mixinClassAnnotationValue,
                                            @NotNull PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement mixinClassReference )
    super( message( "mixin.implements.mixin.type.fix.remove.class.reference", mixinClassReference.getQualifiedName() ) );
    this.mixinClassAnnotationValue = mixinClassAnnotationValue;
Example #20
Source File:    From attic-polygene-java with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public RemoveInvalidMixinClassReferenceFix( @NotNull PsiAnnotationMemberValue mixinsAnnotation )
    super( message( "mixins.annotation.declared.on.mixin.type.fix.remove.mixins.annotation" ) );
    this.mixinsAnnotation = mixinsAnnotation;
Example #21
Source File:    From data-mediator with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
/** make sure the value is boolean. */
public static boolean getBooleanValue(PsiAnnotationMemberValue value){
     return Boolean.valueOf(value.getText());