net.sf.mpxj.Task Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 7 votes |
/** * Test baseline estimated finishes. * * @param project project * @param startTaskID initial task ID * @param maxBaselines maximum baselines to test * @return task ID for next tests */ private int testEstimatedFinishes(ProjectFile project, int startTaskID, int maxBaselines) { int taskID = startTaskID; for (int index = 0; index < maxBaselines; index++) { Task task = project.getTaskByID(Integer.valueOf(taskID)); taskID++; Date value; if (index == 0) { value = task.getBaselineEstimatedFinish(); } else { value = task.getBaselineEstimatedFinish(index); } assertEquals(ESTIMATED_FINISHES[index], m_dateFormat.format(value)); } return taskID; }
Example #2
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Add tasks to the tree. * * @param parentNode parent tree node * @param parent parent task container */ private void addTasks(MpxjTreeNode parentNode, ChildTaskContainer parent) { for (Task task : parent.getChildTasks()) { final Task t = task; MpxjTreeNode childNode = new MpxjTreeNode(task, TASK_EXCLUDED_METHODS) { @Override public String toString() { return t.getName(); } }; parentNode.add(childNode); addTasks(childNode, task); } }
Example #3
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/** * Test to ensure that the basic task hierarchy is * represented correctly. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testStructure() throws Exception { ProjectFile file = new ProjectFile(); Task task1 = file.addTask(); assertNull(task1.getParentTask()); Task task2 = task1.addTask(); assertEquals(task2.getParentTask(), task1); task1.addTask(); List<Task> children = task1.getChildTasks(); assertEquals(children.size(), 2); List<Task> toplevel = file.getChildTasks(); assertEquals(toplevel.size(), 1); }
Example #4
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/** * When exports schedules as MSPDI (via Aspose tasks) * they do not have finish dates, just a start date and a duration. * This method populates finish dates. * * @param task task to validate */ private void validateFinishDate(Task task) { if (task.getFinish() == null) { Date startDate = task.getStart(); if (startDate != null) { if (task.getMilestone()) { task.setFinish(startDate); } else { Duration duration = task.getDuration(); if (duration != null) { ProjectCalendar calendar = task.getEffectiveCalendar(); task.setFinish(calendar.getDate(startDate, duration, false)); } } } } }
Example #5
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Test baseline costs. * * @param project project * @param startTaskID initial task ID * @param maxBaselines maximum baselines to test * @return task ID for next tests */ private int testCosts(ProjectFile project, int startTaskID, int maxBaselines) { int taskID = startTaskID; for (int index = 0; index < maxBaselines; index++) { Task task = project.getTaskByID(Integer.valueOf(taskID)); taskID++; Number value; if (index == 0) { value = task.getBaselineCost(); } else { value = task.getBaselineCost(index); } assertEquals(COSTS[index], value.toString()); } return taskID; }
Example #6
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Recursively update parent task dates. * * @param parentTask parent task */ private void updateDates(Task parentTask) { if (parentTask.hasChildTasks()) { Date plannedStartDate = null; Date plannedFinishDate = null; for (Task task : parentTask.getChildTasks()) { updateDates(task); plannedStartDate = DateHelper.min(plannedStartDate, task.getStart()); plannedFinishDate = DateHelper.max(plannedFinishDate, task.getFinish()); } parentTask.setStart(plannedStartDate); parentTask.setFinish(plannedFinishDate); } }
Example #7
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Test an individual project. * * @param file project file */ private void testTaskCosts(File file) throws MPXJException { ProjectReader reader = ProjectReaderUtility.getProjectReader(file.getName()); if (reader instanceof MPDDatabaseReader) { assumeJvm(); } int maxIndex = reader instanceof MPXReader ? 3 : 10; ProjectFile project =; for (int index = 1; index <= maxIndex; index++) { Task task = project.getTaskByID(Integer.valueOf(index)); assertEquals("Cost" + index, task.getName()); testTaskCosts(file, task, index, maxIndex); } }
Example #8
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Test baseline estimated starts. * * @param project project * @param startTaskID initial task ID * @param maxBaselines maximum baselines to test * @return task ID for next tests */ private int testEstimatedStarts(ProjectFile project, int startTaskID, int maxBaselines) { int taskID = startTaskID; for (int index = 0; index < maxBaselines; index++) { Task task = project.getTaskByID(Integer.valueOf(taskID)); taskID++; Date value; if (index == 0) { value = task.getBaselineEstimatedStart(); } else { value = task.getBaselineEstimatedStart(index); } assertEquals(ESTIMATED_STARTS[index], m_dateFormat.format(value)); } return taskID; }
Example #9
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * This method writes extended attribute data for a task. * * @param xml MSPDI task * @param mpx MPXJ task */ private void writeTaskExtendedAttributes(Project.Tasks.Task xml, Task mpx) { Project.Tasks.Task.ExtendedAttribute attrib; List<Project.Tasks.Task.ExtendedAttribute> extendedAttributes = xml.getExtendedAttribute(); for (TaskField mpxFieldID : getAllTaskExtendedAttributes()) { Object value = mpx.getCachedValue(mpxFieldID); if (FieldTypeHelper.valueIsNotDefault(mpxFieldID, value)) { m_extendedAttributesInUse.add(mpxFieldID); Integer xmlFieldID = Integer.valueOf(MPPTaskField.getID(mpxFieldID) | MPPTaskField.TASK_FIELD_BASE); attrib = m_factory.createProjectTasksTaskExtendedAttribute(); extendedAttributes.add(attrib); attrib.setFieldID(xmlFieldID.toString()); attrib.setValue(DatatypeConverter.printExtendedAttribute(this, value, mpxFieldID.getDataType())); attrib.setDurationFormat(printExtendedAttributeDurationFormat(value)); } } }
Example #10
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Test an individual project. * * @param file project file */ private void testAssignmentText(File file) throws MPXJException { ProjectReader reader = ProjectReaderUtility.getProjectReader(file.getName()); if (reader instanceof MPDDatabaseReader) { assumeJvm(); } int maxIndex = 30; ProjectFile project =; for (int index = 1; index <= maxIndex; index++) { Task task = project.getTaskByID(Integer.valueOf(index)); assertEquals("Task " + index, task.getName()); testAssignmentText(file, task, index, maxIndex); } }
Example #11
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Read task baseline values. * * @param row result set row */ protected void processTaskBaseline(Row row) { Integer id = row.getInteger("TASK_UID"); Task task = m_project.getTaskByUniqueID(id); if (task != null) { int index = row.getInt("TB_BASE_NUM"); task.setBaselineDuration(index, MPDUtility.getAdjustedDuration(m_project, row.getInt("TB_BASE_DUR"), MPDUtility.getDurationTimeUnits(row.getInt("TB_BASE_DUR_FMT")))); task.setBaselineStart(index, row.getDate("TB_BASE_START")); task.setBaselineFinish(index, row.getDate("TB_BASE_FINISH")); task.setBaselineWork(index, row.getDuration("TB_BASE_WORK")); task.setBaselineCost(index, row.getCurrency("TB_BASE_COST")); } }
Example #12
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * This test reads flags from an MPP9 file where each set of 20 tasks has * a single flag from 1-20 set. The next set of 20 tasks increases by * one outline level. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testMPP9Flags2() throws Exception { File in = new File(MpxjTestData.filePath("legacy/mpp9flags2.mpp")); ProjectFile mpp = new MPPReader().read(in); int index = 0; boolean[] flags; for (Task task : mpp.getTasks()) { if (task.getUniqueID().intValue() != 0 && task.getName().startsWith("Parent") == false) { flags = getFlagArray(task); assertTrue("Incorrect flag set in task " + task.getName(), testSingleFlagTrue(flags, index)); ++index; if (index == 20) { index = 0; } } } }
Example #13
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Adds a leaf node, which could be a task or a milestone. * * @param parentName parent bar name * @param row row to add * @param task task to populate with data from the row */ private void populateLeaf(String parentName, Row row, Task task) { if (row.getInteger("TASKID") != null) { populateTask(row, task); } else { populateMilestone(row, task); } String name = task.getName(); if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) { task.setName(parentName); } }
Example #14
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Test an individual project. * * @param file project file */ private void testTaskNumbers(File file) throws MPXJException { ProjectReader reader = ProjectReaderUtility.getProjectReader(file.getName()); if (reader instanceof MPDDatabaseReader) { assumeJvm(); } int maxIndex = reader instanceof MPXReader ? 5 : 20; ProjectFile project =; for (int index = 1; index <= maxIndex; index++) { Task task = project.getTaskByID(Integer.valueOf(index)); assertEquals("Number" + index, task.getName()); testTaskNumbers(file, task, index, maxIndex); } }
Example #15
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Read relationship data from a PEP file. */ private void readRelationships() { for (MapRow row : getTable("CONTAB")) { Task task1 = m_projectFile.getTaskByUniqueID(row.getInteger("TASK_ID_1")); Task task2 = m_projectFile.getTaskByUniqueID(row.getInteger("TASK_ID_2")); if (task1 != null && task2 != null) { RelationType type = row.getRelationType("TYPE"); Duration lag = row.getDuration("LAG"); Relation relation = task2.addPredecessor(task1, type, lag); m_eventManager.fireRelationReadEvent(relation); } } }
Example #16
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Writes task predecessor links to a PM XML file. * * @param task MPXJ Task instance */ private void writePredecessors(Task task) { List<Relation> relations = task.getPredecessors(); for (Relation mpxj : relations) { RelationshipType xml = m_factory.createRelationshipType(); m_project.getRelationship().add(xml); xml.setLag(getDuration(mpxj.getLag())); xml.setObjectId(Integer.valueOf(++m_relationshipObjectID)); xml.setPredecessorActivityObjectId(mpxj.getTargetTask().getUniqueID()); xml.setSuccessorActivityObjectId(mpxj.getSourceTask().getUniqueID()); xml.setPredecessorProjectObjectId(PROJECT_OBJECT_ID); xml.setSuccessorProjectObjectId(PROJECT_OBJECT_ID); xml.setType(RELATION_TYPE_MAP.get(mpxj.getType())); } }
Example #17
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Read an individual remark type from a Gantt Designer file. * * @param remark remark type */ private void processRemarks(GanttDesignerRemark remark) { for (GanttDesignerRemark.Task remarkTask : remark.getTask()) { Integer id = remarkTask.getRow(); Task task = m_projectFile.getTaskByID(id); String notes = task.getNotes(); if (notes.isEmpty()) { notes = remarkTask.getContent(); } else { notes = notes + '\n' + remarkTask.getContent(); } task.setNotes(notes); } }
Example #18
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Extract a duration amount from the assignment, converting a percentage * into an actual duration. * * @param task parent task * @param work duration from assignment * @return Duration instance */ private Duration assignmentDuration(Task task, Duration work) { Duration result = work; if (result != null) { if (result.getUnits() == TimeUnit.PERCENT) { Duration taskWork = task.getWork(); if (taskWork != null) { result = Duration.getInstance(taskWork.getDuration() * result.getDuration(), taskWork.getUnits()); } } } return result; }
Example #19
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Locates a task within a child task container which matches the supplied UUID. * * @param parent child task container * @param uuid required UUID * @return Task instance or null if the task is not found */ private Task findChildTaskByUUID(ChildTaskContainer parent, UUID uuid) { Task result = null; for (Task task : parent.getChildTasks()) { if (uuid.equals(task.getGUID())) { result = task; break; } } return result; }
Example #20
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * Propagate start and end dates to summary tasks. * * @param parentTask parent task */ private void updateDates(Task parentTask) { if (parentTask.hasChildTasks()) { Date plannedStartDate = parentTask.getStart(); Date plannedFinishDate = parentTask.getFinish(); for (Task task : parentTask.getChildTasks()) { updateDates(task); plannedStartDate = DateHelper.min(plannedStartDate, task.getStart()); plannedFinishDate = DateHelper.max(plannedFinishDate, task.getFinish()); } parentTask.setStart(plannedStartDate); parentTask.setFinish(plannedFinishDate); } }
Example #21
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
/** * Read data for an individual task from the tables in a PEP file. * * @param parent parent task * @param id task ID * @return task instance */ private Task readTask(ChildTaskContainer parent, Integer id) { Table a0 = getTable("A0TAB"); Table a1 = getTable("A1TAB"); Table a2 = getTable("A2TAB"); Table a3 = getTable("A3TAB"); Table a4 = getTable("A4TAB"); Task task = parent.addTask(); MapRow a1Row = a1.find(id); MapRow a2Row = a2.find(id); setFields(A0TAB_FIELDS, a0.find(id), task); setFields(A1TAB_FIELDS, a1Row, task); setFields(A2TAB_FIELDS, a2Row, task); setFields(A3TAB_FIELDS, a3.find(id), task); setFields(A5TAB_FIELDS, a4.find(id), task); task.setStart(task.getEarlyStart()); task.setFinish(task.getEarlyFinish()); if (task.getName() == null) { task.setName(task.getText(1)); } m_eventManager.fireTaskReadEvent(task); return task; }
Example #22
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
/** * Retrieve all child tasks below this task to the bottom of the hierarchy. * If the task has no child tasks then just add it to the array. * * @param tasks array to collect child tasks * @param task current task */ private void gatherChildTasks(List<Task> tasks, Task task) { if (task.hasChildTasks()) { task.getChildTasks().forEach(child -> gatherChildTasks(tasks, child)); } else { tasks.add(task); } }
Example #23
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
@Override public void process(Context context) { Task currentTask = context.getTask(getString(0)); Task previousTask = context.getTask(getString(1)); if (currentTask != null && previousTask != null) { Relation relation = currentTask.addPredecessor(previousTask, getRelationType(2), getDuration(3)); context.getEventManager().fireRelationReadEvent(relation); } }
Example #24
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
/** * Iterates through the tasks setting the correct * outline level and ID values. * * @param id current ID value * @param task current task * @param outlineLevel current outline level * @return next ID value */ private int updateStructure(int id, Task task, Integer outlineLevel) { task.setID(Integer.valueOf(id++)); task.setOutlineLevel(outlineLevel); outlineLevel = Integer.valueOf(outlineLevel.intValue() + 1); for (Task childTask : task.getChildTasks()) { id = updateStructure(id, childTask, outlineLevel); } return id; }
Example #25
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
/** * Read task data from a Gantt Designer file. * * @param gantt Gantt Designer file */ private void processTasks(Gantt gantt) { ProjectCalendar calendar = m_projectFile.getDefaultCalendar(); for (Gantt.Tasks.Task ganttTask : gantt.getTasks().getTask()) { String wbs = ganttTask.getID(); ChildTaskContainer parentTask = getParentTask(wbs); Task task = parentTask.addTask(); //ganttTask.getB() // bar type //ganttTask.getBC() // bar color task.setCost(ganttTask.getC()); task.setName(ganttTask.getContent()); task.setDuration(ganttTask.getD()); task.setDeadline(ganttTask.getDL()); //ganttTask.getH() // height //ganttTask.getIn(); // indent task.setWBS(wbs); task.setPercentageComplete(ganttTask.getPC()); task.setStart(ganttTask.getS()); //ganttTask.getU(); // Unknown //ganttTask.getVA(); // Valign task.setFinish(calendar.getDate(task.getStart(), task.getDuration(), false)); m_taskMap.put(wbs, task); } }
Example #26
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
/** * Extract predecessor data. */ private void processPredecessors() { for (Map.Entry<Task, List<MapRow>> entry : m_predecessorMap.entrySet()) { Task task = entry.getKey(); List<MapRow> predecessors = entry.getValue(); for (MapRow predecessor : predecessors) { processPredecessor(task, predecessor); } } }
Example #27
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
/** * Writes a resource assignment to a PM XML file. * * @param mpxj MPXJ ResourceAssignment instance */ private void writeAssignment(ResourceAssignment mpxj) { ResourceAssignmentType xml = m_factory.createResourceAssignmentType(); m_project.getResourceAssignment().add(xml); Task task = mpxj.getTask(); Task parentTask = task.getParentTask(); Integer parentTaskUniqueID = parentTask == null ? null : parentTask.getUniqueID(); xml.setActivityObjectId(mpxj.getTaskUniqueID()); xml.setActualCost(getDouble(mpxj.getActualCost())); xml.setActualFinishDate(mpxj.getActualFinish()); xml.setActualOvertimeUnits(getDuration(mpxj.getActualOvertimeWork())); xml.setActualRegularUnits(getDuration(mpxj.getActualWork())); xml.setActualStartDate(mpxj.getActualStart()); xml.setActualUnits(getDuration(mpxj.getActualWork())); xml.setAtCompletionUnits(getDuration(mpxj.getRemainingWork())); xml.setPlannedCost(getDouble(mpxj.getActualCost())); xml.setFinishDate(mpxj.getFinish()); xml.setGUID(DatatypeConverter.printUUID(mpxj.getGUID())); xml.setObjectId(mpxj.getUniqueID()); xml.setPlannedDuration(getDuration(mpxj.getWork())); xml.setPlannedFinishDate(mpxj.getFinish()); xml.setPlannedStartDate(mpxj.getStart()); xml.setPlannedUnits(getDuration(mpxj.getWork())); xml.setPlannedUnitsPerTime(getPercentage(mpxj.getUnits())); xml.setProjectObjectId(PROJECT_OBJECT_ID); xml.setRateSource("Resource"); xml.setRemainingCost(getDouble(mpxj.getActualCost())); xml.setRemainingDuration(getDuration(mpxj.getRemainingWork())); xml.setRemainingFinishDate(mpxj.getFinish()); xml.setRemainingStartDate(mpxj.getStart()); xml.setRemainingUnits(getDuration(mpxj.getRemainingWork())); xml.setRemainingUnitsPerTime(getPercentage(mpxj.getUnits())); xml.setResourceObjectId(mpxj.getResourceUniqueID()); xml.setStartDate(mpxj.getStart()); xml.setWBSObjectId(parentTaskUniqueID); xml.getUDF().addAll(writeUDFType(FieldTypeClass.ASSIGNMENT, mpxj)); }
Example #28
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
/** * The Primavera WBS entries we read in as tasks have user-entered start and end dates * which aren't calculated or adjusted based on the child task dates. We try * to compensate for this by using these user-entered dates as baseline dates, and * deriving the planned start, actual start, planned finish and actual finish from * the child tasks. This method recursively descends through the tasks to do this. */ private void updateDates() { for (Task task : m_project.getChildTasks()) { updateDates(task); } }
Example #29
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
/** * Read one or more child tasks. * * @param block task data * @param name task name * @param baseline task baseline data */ private void readChildTasks(Block block, String name, Block baseline) { Block cUsageTask = getChildBlock(block, "CUsageTask"); byte[] cUsageTaskBaselineData = getByteArray(cUsageTask, "CBaselineData"); Resource resource = readChildTaskResource(cUsageTask); List<Task> tasks = getChildBlocks(baseline, "CBar").map(bar -> readChildTask(name, bar, cUsageTaskBaselineData, resource)).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (tasks.size() > 1) { m_extraBarCounts.put(tasks.get(0), Integer.valueOf(tasks.size() - 1)); } }
Example #30
Source File: From mpxj with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
/** * Test the finish date values for a task. * * @param file parent file * @param task task * @param testIndex index of number being tested * @param maxIndex highest index to test * @param useDateFormat true=use date-only format false=use date time format */ private void testTaskFinishDates(File file, Task task, int testIndex, int maxIndex, boolean useDateFormat) throws ParseException { DateFormat format = useDateFormat ? m_dateFormat : m_dateTimeFormat; for (int index = 1; index <= maxIndex; index++) { Date expectedValue = testIndex == index ? format.parse(DATES[index - 1]) : null; Date actualValue = task.getFinish(index); assertEquals(file.getName() + " Finish" + index, expectedValue, actualValue); } }