org.jivesoftware.smackx.delay.packet.DelayInformation Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From desktopclient-java with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private static Date getDelay(Message m) { // first: new XEP-0203 specification ExtensionElement delay = DelayInformation.from(m); // fallback: obsolete XEP-0091 specification if (delay == null) { delay = m.getExtension("x", "jabber:x:delay"); } if (delay instanceof DelayInformation) { Date date = ((DelayInformation) delay).getStamp(); if (date.after(new Date())) LOGGER.warning("delay time is in future: "+date); return date; } return null; }
Example #2
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public final DelayInformation parse(XmlPullParser parser, int initialDepth, XmlEnvironment xmlEnvironment) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException, SmackTextParseException { String stampString = parser.getAttributeValue("", "stamp"); String from = parser.getAttributeValue("", "from"); final String reason; XmlPullParser.Event event =; switch (event) { case TEXT_CHARACTERS: reason = parser.getText();; break; case END_ELEMENT: reason = null; break; default: // TODO: Should be SmackParseException. throw new IOException("Unexpected event: " + event); } Date stamp = parseDate(stampString); return new DelayInformation(stamp, from, reason); }
Example #3
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void checkMamQueryResults() throws Exception { Message message = StanzaBuilder.buildMessage("iasd207") .from("coven@chat.shakespeare.lit") .to("hag66@shakespeare.lit/pda") .build(); GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(2002, 10 - 1, 13, 23, 58, 37); calendar.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); Date date = calendar.getTime(); DelayInformation delay = new DelayInformation(date); Message forwardedMessage = StanzaBuilder.buildMessage("162BEBB1-F6DB-4D9A-9BD8-CFDCC801A0B2") .from(JidCreate.from("coven@chat.shakespeare.lit/firstwitch")) .ofType( .setBody("Thrice the brinded cat hath mew.") .build(); Forwarded forwarded = new Forwarded(delay, forwardedMessage); message.addExtension(new MamResultExtension("g27", "34482-21985-73620", forwarded)); assertEquals(mamQueryResultExample, message.toXML(StreamOpen.CLIENT_NAMESPACE).toString()); MamResultExtension mamResultExtension = MamResultExtension.from(message); assertEquals(mamResultExtension.getId(), "34482-21985-73620"); assertEquals(mamResultExtension.getForwarded().getDelayInformation().getStamp(), date); Message resultMessage = (Message) mamResultExtension.getForwarded().getForwardedStanza(); assertEquals(resultMessage.getFrom(), JidCreate.from("coven@chat.shakespeare.lit/firstwitch")); assertEquals(resultMessage.getStanzaId(), "162BEBB1-F6DB-4D9A-9BD8-CFDCC801A0B2"); assertEquals(resultMessage.getType(),; assertEquals(resultMessage.getBody(), "Thrice the brinded cat hath mew."); }
Example #4
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void messageReceived(ChatRoom room, Message message) { // Do not play sounds on history updates. DelayInformation inf = message.getExtension("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay"); if (inf != null) { return; } SoundPreferences preferences = soundPreference.getPreferences(); if (preferences.isPlayIncomingSound()) { File incomingFile = new File(preferences.getIncomingSound()); SparkManager.getSoundManager().playClip(incomingFile); } }
Example #5
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void processStanza(final Stanza stanza) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( () -> { try { final Message message = (Message)stanza; // Do not handle errors or offline messages final DelayInformation offlineInformation = message.getExtension("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay"); if (offlineInformation != null || message.getError() != null) { return; } final JivePropertiesExtension extension = ((JivePropertiesExtension) message.getExtension( JivePropertiesExtension.NAMESPACE )); final boolean broadcast = extension != null && extension.getProperty( "broadcast" ) != null; if ((broadcast || message.getType() == Type.normal || message.getType() == Type.headline) && message.getBody() != null) { showAlert((Message)stanza); } else { String host = SparkManager.getSessionManager().getServerAddress(); String from = stanza.getFrom() != null ? stanza.getFrom().toString() : ""; if (host.equalsIgnoreCase(from) || !ModelUtil.hasLength(from)) { showAlert((Message)stanza); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); } } ); }
Example #6
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Adds a text message this transcript window. * * @param nickname the nickname of the author of the message. * @param message the message to insert. * @param foreground the color to use for the nickname (excluding the message text) foreground. * @param background the color to use for the entire background (eg, to highlight). */ public void insertMessage( CharSequence nickname, Message message, Color foreground, Color background ) { for ( TranscriptWindowInterceptor interceptor : SparkManager.getChatManager().getTranscriptWindowInterceptors() ) { try { boolean handled = interceptor.isMessageIntercepted( this, nickname.toString(), message ); if ( handled ) { // Do nothing. return; } } catch ( Exception e ) { Log.error( "A TranscriptWindowInterceptor ('" + interceptor + "') threw an exception while processing a chat message (current user: '" + nickname + "').", e ); } } String body = message.getBody(); // Verify the timestamp of this message. Determine if it is a 'live' message, or one that was sent earlier. final DelayInformation inf = message.getExtension( "delay", "urn:xmpp:delay" ); final ZonedDateTime sentDate; final boolean isDelayed; if ( inf != null ) { sentDate = inf.getStamp().toInstant().atZone( ZoneOffset.UTC ); body = "(" + Res.getString( "offline" ) + ") " + body; isDelayed = true; } else { sentDate =; isDelayed = false; } add( new MessageEntry( sentDate, isDelayed, nickname.toString(), foreground, body, (Color) UIManager.get( "Message.foreground" ), background ) ); }
Example #7
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void forwardedWithDelayTest() throws Exception { XmlPullParser parser; String control; Forwarded fwd; // @formatter:off control = XMLBuilder.create("forwarded").a("xmlns", "urn:xmpp:forwarded:0") .e("message").a("from", "").up() .e("delay").ns(DelayInformation.NAMESPACE).a("stamp", "2010-07-10T23:08:25Z") .asString(outputProperties); // @formatter:on parser = PacketParserUtils.getParserFor(control); fwd = new ForwardedProvider().parse(parser); // assert there is delay information in packet DelayInformation delay = fwd.getDelayInformation(); assertNotNull(delay); // check message assertThat("", equalsCharSequence(fwd.getForwardedStanza().getFrom())); // check end of tag assertEquals(XmlPullParser.Event.END_ELEMENT, parser.getEventType()); assertEquals("forwarded", parser.getName()); }
Example #8
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void parsePresenceWithInvalidLegacyDelayed() throws Exception { String stanza = "<presence from='' to=''>" + "<x xmlns='jabber:x:delay'/></presence>"; Presence presence = PacketParserUtils.parsePresence(PacketParserUtils.getParserFor(stanza)); DelayInformation delay = DelayInformationManager.getXep203DelayInformation(presence); assertNull(delay); }
Example #9
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void validatePresenceWithDelayedDelivery() throws Exception { String stanza = "<presence from='' to=''>" + "<delay xmlns='urn:xmpp:delay' stamp='2002-09-10T23:41:07Z'/></presence>"; Presence presence = PacketParserUtils.parsePresence(PacketParserUtils.getParserFor(stanza)); DelayInformation delay = DelayInformationManager.getXep203DelayInformation(presence); assertNotNull(delay); Date date = XmppDateTime.parseDate("2002-09-10T23:41:07Z"); assertEquals(date, delay.getStamp()); }
Example #10
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Get the Delayed Delivery timestamp or <code>null</code>. * * @param packet TODO javadoc me please * @return the Delayed Delivery timestamp or <code>null</code> */ public static Date getDelayTimestamp(Stanza packet) { DelayInformation delayInformation = getDelayInformation(packet); if (delayInformation == null) { return null; } return delayInformation.getStamp(); }
Example #11
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Get Delayed Delivery information. This method first looks for a PacketExtension with the * XEP-203 namespace and falls back to the XEP-91 namespace. * * @param packet TODO javadoc me please * @return the Delayed Delivery information or <code>null</code> */ public static DelayInformation getDelayInformation(Stanza packet) { DelayInformation delayInformation = getXep203DelayInformation(packet); if (delayInformation != null) { return delayInformation; } return getLegacyDelayInformation(packet); }
Example #12
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void delayInformationTest() throws Exception { DelayInformationProvider p = new DelayInformationProvider(); DelayInformation delayInfo; XmlPullParser parser; String control; GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(2002, 9 - 1, 10, 23, 8, 25); calendar.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); Date date = calendar.getTime(); control = XMLBuilder.create("x") .a("xmlns", "jabber:x:delay") .a("from", "") .a("stamp", "2002-09-10T23:08:25Z") .t("Offline Storage") .asString(outputProperties); parser = PacketParserUtils.getParserFor(control); delayInfo = p.parse(parser); assertEquals("", delayInfo.getFrom()); assertEquals(date, delayInfo.getStamp()); assertEquals("Offline Storage", delayInfo.getReason()); assertEquals(XmlPullParser.Event.END_ELEMENT, parser.getEventType()); assertEquals("x", parser.getName()); control = XMLBuilder.create("x") .a("xmlns", "jabber:x:delay") .a("from", "") .a("stamp", "2002-09-10T23:08:25Z") .asString(outputProperties); parser = PacketParserUtils.getParserFor(control); delayInfo = p.parse(parser); assertEquals("", delayInfo.getFrom()); assertEquals(date, delayInfo.getStamp()); assertNull(delayInfo.getReason()); assertEquals(XmlPullParser.Event.END_ELEMENT, parser.getEventType()); assertEquals("x", parser.getName()); }
Example #13
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void dateFormatsTest() throws Exception { DelayInformationProvider p = new DelayInformationProvider(); DelayInformation delayInfo; String control; // XEP-0082 date format control = XMLBuilder.create("delay") .a("xmlns", "urn:xmpp:delay") .a("from", "") .a("stamp", "2002-09-10T23:08:25.12Z") .asString(outputProperties); delayInfo = p.parse(PacketParserUtils.getParserFor(control)); GregorianCalendar cal = (GregorianCalendar) calendar.clone(); cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 120); assertEquals(cal.getTime(), delayInfo.getStamp()); // XEP-0082 date format without milliseconds control = XMLBuilder.create("delay") .a("xmlns", "urn:xmpp:delay") .a("from", "") .a("stamp", "2002-09-10T23:08:25Z") .asString(outputProperties); delayInfo = p.parse(PacketParserUtils.getParserFor(control)); assertEquals(calendar.getTime(), delayInfo.getStamp()); // XEP-0082 date format without milliseconds and leading 0 in month control = XMLBuilder.create("delay") .a("xmlns", "urn:xmpp:delay") .a("from", "") .a("stamp", "2002-9-10T23:08:25Z") .asString(outputProperties); delayInfo = p.parse(PacketParserUtils.getParserFor(control)); assertEquals(calendar.getTime(), delayInfo.getStamp()); }
Example #14
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void legacyDateFormatsTest() throws FactoryConfigurationError, XmlPullParserException, IOException, Exception { LegacyDelayInformationProvider p = new LegacyDelayInformationProvider(); DelayInformation delayInfo; String control; // XEP-0091 date format control = XMLBuilder.create("x") .a("xmlns", "jabber:x:delay") .a("from", "") .a("stamp", "20020910T23:08:25") .asString(outputProperties); delayInfo = p.parse(PacketParserUtils.getParserFor(control)); assertEquals(calendar.getTime(), delayInfo.getStamp()); // XEP-0091 date format without leading 0 in month SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMd'T'HH:mm:ss"); dateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); GregorianCalendar dateInPast = new GregorianCalendar(); if (dateInPast.get(Calendar.MONTH) >= 10) { dateInPast.set(Calendar.MONTH, dateInPast.get(Calendar.MONTH) - 3); } dateInPast.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -3); dateInPast.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); control = XMLBuilder.create("x") .a("xmlns", "jabber:x:delay") .a("from", "") .a("stamp", dateFormat.format(dateInPast.getTime())) .asString(outputProperties); delayInfo = p.parse(PacketParserUtils.getParserFor(control)); assertEquals(dateInPast.getTime(), delayInfo.getStamp()); // XEP-0091 date format from SMACK-243 control = XMLBuilder.create("x") .a("xmlns", "jabber:x:delay") .a("from", "") .a("stamp", "200868T09:16:20") .asString(outputProperties); delayInfo = p.parse(PacketParserUtils.getParserFor(control)); Date controlDate = XmppDateTime.parseDate("2008-06-08T09:16:20.0Z"); assertEquals(controlDate, delayInfo.getStamp()); }
Example #15
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public Forwarded parse(XmlPullParser parser, int initialDepth, XmlEnvironment xmlEnvironment) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException, SmackParsingException { DelayInformation di = null; Stanza packet = null; outerloop: while (true) { XmlPullParser.Event eventType =; switch (eventType) { case START_ELEMENT: String name = parser.getName(); String namespace = parser.getNamespace(); switch (name) { case DelayInformation.ELEMENT: if (DelayInformation.NAMESPACE.equals(namespace)) { di = DelayInformationProvider.INSTANCE.parse(parser, parser.getDepth(), null); } else { LOGGER.warning("Namespace '" + namespace + "' does not match expected namespace '" + DelayInformation.NAMESPACE + "'"); } break; case Message.ELEMENT: packet = PacketParserUtils.parseMessage(parser); break; default: LOGGER.warning("Unsupported forwarded packet type: " + name); } break; case END_ELEMENT: if (parser.getDepth() == initialDepth) { break outerloop; } break; default: // Catch all for incomplete switch (MissingCasesInEnumSwitch) statement. break; } } if (packet == null) { // TODO: Should be SmackParseException. throw new IOException("forwarded extension must contain a packet"); } return new Forwarded(di, packet); }
Example #16
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void handleIncomingPacket(Stanza stanza) throws SmackException.NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { // We only handle message packets here. if (stanza instanceof Message) { final Message message = (Message)stanza; boolean isGroupChat = message.getType() == Message.Type.groupchat; // Check if Conference invite. If so, do not handle here. if (message.getExtension("x", "jabber:x:conference") != null) { return; } final String body = message.getBody(); final JivePropertiesExtension extension = ((JivePropertiesExtension) message.getExtension( JivePropertiesExtension.NAMESPACE )); final boolean broadcast = extension != null && extension.getProperty( "broadcast" ) != null; // Handle offline message. DelayInformation offlineInformation = message.getExtension("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay"); if (offlineInformation != null && ( == message.getType() || Message.Type.normal == message.getType())) { handleOfflineMessage(message); } if (body == null || isGroupChat || broadcast || message.getType() == Message.Type.normal || message.getType() == Message.Type.headline || message.getType() == Message.Type.error) { return; } // Create new chat room for Agent Invite. final Jid from = stanza.getFrom(); final String host = SparkManager.getSessionManager().getServerAddress(); // Don't allow workgroup notifications to come through here. final BareJid bareJID = from.asBareJid(); if (host.equalsIgnoreCase(from.toString()) || from == null) { return; } ChatRoom room = null; try { room = SparkManager.getChatManager().getChatContainer().getChatRoom(bareJID); } catch (ChatRoomNotFoundException e) { // Ignore } // Check for non-existent rooms. if (room == null) { EntityBareJid entityBareJid = bareJID.asEntityBareJidIfPossible(); if (entityBareJid != null) { createOneToOneRoom(entityBareJid, message); } } } }
Example #17
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * get the timestamp of the forwarded packet. * * @return the {@link DelayInformation} representing the time when the original stanza was sent. May be null. */ public DelayInformation getDelayInformation() { return delay; }
Example #18
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Creates a new Forwarded stanza extension. * * @param delay an optional {@link DelayInformation} timestamp of the packet. * @param fwdPacket the stanza that is forwarded (required). */ public Forwarded(DelayInformation delay, Stanza fwdPacket) { this.delay = delay; this.forwardedPacket = fwdPacket; }
Example #19
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Get Delayed Delivery information as defined in XEP-91 * <p> * Prefer {@link #getDelayInformation(Stanza)} over this method for backwards compatibility. * </p> * @param packet TODO javadoc me please * @return the Delayed Delivery information or <code>null</code> */ public static DelayInformation getLegacyDelayInformation(Stanza packet) { return packet.getExtension(DelayInformation.class); }
Example #20
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Get Delayed Delivery information as defined in XEP-203 * <p> * Prefer {@link #getDelayInformation(Stanza)} over this method for backwards compatibility. * </p> * @param packet TODO javadoc me please * @return the Delayed Delivery information or <code>null</code> */ public static DelayInformation getXep203DelayInformation(Stanza packet) { return DelayInformation.from(packet); }