org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.GeneralName Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From keystore-explorer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private void addPressed() { Container container = getTopLevelAncestor(); DGeneralNameChooser dGeneralNameChooser = null; if (container instanceof JDialog) { dGeneralNameChooser = new DGeneralNameChooser((JDialog) container, title, null); } else { dGeneralNameChooser = new DGeneralNameChooser((JFrame) container, title, null); } dGeneralNameChooser.setLocationRelativeTo(container); dGeneralNameChooser.setVisible(true); GeneralName newGeneralName = dGeneralNameChooser.getGeneralName(); if (newGeneralName == null) { return; } getGeneralNamesTableModel().addRow(newGeneralName); selectGeneralNameInTable(newGeneralName); updateButtonControls(); }
Example #2
Source File: From hadoop-ozone with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Tests that invalid extensions cause a failure in validation. We will fail * if rfc222 type names are added, we also add the extension as both * critical and non-critical fashion to verify that the we catch both cases. * * @throws SCMSecurityException - on Error. */ @Test public void testInvalidExtensionsWithEmail() throws IOException, OperatorCreationException { Extensions emailExtension = getSANExtension(GeneralName.rfc822Name, "", false); PKCS10CertificationRequest csr = getInvalidCSR(keyPair, emailExtension); assertFalse(testApprover.verfiyExtensions(csr)); emailExtension = getSANExtension(GeneralName.rfc822Name, "bilbo" + "", true); csr = getInvalidCSR(keyPair, emailExtension); assertFalse(testApprover.verfiyExtensions(csr)); }
Example #3
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected static GeneralNames getSubjectAlternativeNames( Set<String> sanDnsNames ) { final ASN1EncodableVector subjectAlternativeNames = new ASN1EncodableVector(); if ( sanDnsNames != null ) { for ( final String dnsNameValue : sanDnsNames ) { subjectAlternativeNames.add( new GeneralName( GeneralName.dNSName, dnsNameValue ) ); } } return GeneralNames.getInstance( new DERSequence( subjectAlternativeNames ) ); }
Example #4
Source File: From nifi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static Extensions createDomainAlternativeNamesExtensions(List<String> domainAlternativeNames, String requestedDn) throws IOException { List<GeneralName> namesList = new ArrayList<>(); try { final String cn = IETFUtils.valueToString(new X500Name(requestedDn).getRDNs(BCStyle.CN)[0].getFirst().getValue()); namesList.add(new GeneralName(GeneralName.dNSName, cn)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Failed to extract CN from request DN: " + requestedDn, e); } if (domainAlternativeNames != null) { for (String alternativeName : domainAlternativeNames) { namesList.add(new GeneralName(IPAddress.isValid(alternativeName) ? GeneralName.iPAddress : GeneralName.dNSName, alternativeName)); } } GeneralNames subjectAltNames = new GeneralNames(namesList.toArray(new GeneralName[]{})); ExtensionsGenerator extGen = new ExtensionsGenerator(); extGen.addExtension(Extension.subjectAlternativeName, false, subjectAltNames); return extGen.generate(); }
Example #5
Source File: From hadoop-ozone with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Assert that if DNS is marked critical our PKI profile will reject it. * @throws IOException - on Error. * @throws OperatorCreationException - on Error. */ @Test public void testInvalidExtensionsWithCriticalDNS() throws IOException, OperatorCreationException { Extensions dnsExtension = getSANExtension(GeneralName.dNSName, "", true); PKCS10CertificationRequest csr = getInvalidCSR(keyPair, dnsExtension); assertFalse(testApprover.verfiyExtensions(csr)); // This tests should pass, hence the assertTrue dnsExtension = getSANExtension(GeneralName.dNSName, "", false); csr = getInvalidCSR(keyPair, dnsExtension); assertTrue(testApprover.verfiyExtensions(csr)); }
Example #6
Source File: From xipki with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static List<String> extractOcspUrls(AuthorityInformationAccess aia) throws CertificateEncodingException { AccessDescription[] accessDescriptions = aia.getAccessDescriptions(); List<AccessDescription> ocspAccessDescriptions = new LinkedList<>(); for (AccessDescription accessDescription : accessDescriptions) { if (accessDescription.getAccessMethod().equals(X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_ad_ocsp)) { ocspAccessDescriptions.add(accessDescription); } } final int n = ocspAccessDescriptions.size(); List<String> ocspUris = new ArrayList<>(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { GeneralName accessLocation = ocspAccessDescriptions.get(i).getAccessLocation(); if (accessLocation.getTagNo() == GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier) { String ocspUri = ((ASN1String) accessLocation.getName()).getString(); ocspUris.add(ocspUri); } } return ocspUris; }
Example #7
Source File: From xipki with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected PKIMessage buildErrorPkiMessage(ASN1OctetString tid, PKIHeader requestHeader, int failureCode, String statusText) { GeneralName respRecipient = requestHeader.getSender(); PKIHeaderBuilder respHeader = new PKIHeaderBuilder( requestHeader.getPvno().getValue().intValue(), getSender(), respRecipient); respHeader.setMessageTime(new ASN1GeneralizedTime(new Date())); if (tid != null) { respHeader.setTransactionID(tid); } ASN1OctetString senderNonce = requestHeader.getSenderNonce(); if (senderNonce != null) { respHeader.setRecipNonce(senderNonce); } PKIStatusInfo status = generateRejectionStatus(failureCode, statusText); ErrorMsgContent error = new ErrorMsgContent(status); PKIBody body = new PKIBody(PKIBody.TYPE_ERROR, error); return new PKIMessage(, body); }
Example #8
Source File: From vespa with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private String getValue(GeneralName bcGeneralName) { ASN1Encodable name = bcGeneralName.getName(); switch (bcGeneralName.getTagNo()) { case GeneralName.rfc822Name: case GeneralName.dNSName: case GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier: return DERIA5String.getInstance(name).getString(); case GeneralName.directoryName: return X500Name.getInstance(name).toString(); case GeneralName.iPAddress: byte[] octets = DEROctetString.getInstance(name.toASN1Primitive()).getOctets(); try { return InetAddress.getByAddress(octets).getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { // Only thrown if IP address is of invalid length, which is an illegal argument throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } default: return name.toString(); } }
Example #9
Source File: From keystore-explorer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private void okPressed() { ASN1ObjectIdentifier accessMethod = joiAccessMethod.getObjectId(); if (accessMethod == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, res.getString("DAccessDescriptionChooser.AccessMethodValueReq.message"), getTitle(), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } GeneralName accessLocation = jgnAccessLocation.getGeneralName(); if (accessLocation == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, res.getString("DAccessDescriptionChooser.AccessLocationValueReq.message"), getTitle(), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } accessDescription = new AccessDescription(accessMethod, accessLocation); closeDialog(); }
Example #10
Source File: From signer with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Returns the AuthorityInfoAccess extension value on list format.<br> * Otherwise, returns <b>list empty</b>.<br> * @return List Authority info access list */ public List<String> getAuthorityInfoAccess() { List<String> address = new ArrayList<String>(); try { byte[] authorityInfoAccess = certificate.getExtensionValue(Extension.authorityInfoAccess.getId()); if (authorityInfoAccess != null && authorityInfoAccess.length > 0) { AuthorityInformationAccess infoAccess = AuthorityInformationAccess.getInstance( JcaX509ExtensionUtils.parseExtensionValue(authorityInfoAccess)); for (AccessDescription desc : infoAccess.getAccessDescriptions()) if (desc.getAccessLocation().getTagNo() == GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier) address.add(((DERIA5String) desc.getAccessLocation().getName()).getString()); } return address; } catch (Exception error) {; return address; } }
Example #11
Source File: From keystore-explorer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private String getCertificateIssuerStringValue(byte[] value) throws IOException { // @formatter:off /* * certificateIssuer ::= GeneralNames * * GeneralNames ::= ASN1Sequence SIZE (1..MAX) OF GeneralName */ // @formatter:on StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); GeneralNames certificateIssuer = GeneralNames.getInstance(value); for (GeneralName generalName : certificateIssuer.getNames()) { sb.append(GeneralNameUtil.toString(generalName)); sb.append(NEWLINE); } return sb.toString(); }
Example #12
Source File: From localization_nifi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private List<String> extractSanFromCsr(JcaPKCS10CertificationRequest csr) { List<String> sans = new ArrayList<>(); Attribute[] certAttributes = csr.getAttributes(); for (Attribute attribute : certAttributes) { if (attribute.getAttrType().equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs_9_at_extensionRequest)) { Extensions extensions = Extensions.getInstance(attribute.getAttrValues().getObjectAt(0)); GeneralNames gns = GeneralNames.fromExtensions(extensions, Extension.subjectAlternativeName); GeneralName[] names = gns.getNames(); for (GeneralName name : names) {"Type: " + name.getTagNo() + " | Name: " + name.getName()); String title = ""; if (name.getTagNo() == GeneralName.dNSName) { title = "DNS"; } else if (name.getTagNo() == GeneralName.iPAddress) { title = "IP Address"; // name.toASN1Primitive(); } else if (name.getTagNo() == GeneralName.otherName) { title = "Other Name"; } sans.add(title + ": " + name.getName()); } } } return sans; }
Example #13
Source File: From hadoop-ozone with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Validates the SubjectAlternative names in the Certificate. * * @param ext - Extension - SAN, which allows us to get the SAN names. * @param profile - This profile. * @return - True if the request contains only SANs, General names that we * support. False otherwise. */ private static Boolean validateSubjectAlternativeName(Extension ext, PKIProfile profile) { if (ext.isCritical()) { // SAN extensions should not be marked as critical under ozone profile. LOG.error("SAN extension marked as critical in the Extension. {}", GeneralNames.getInstance(ext.getParsedValue()).toString()); return false; } GeneralNames generalNames = GeneralNames.getInstance(ext.getParsedValue()); for (GeneralName name : generalNames.getNames()) { try { if (!profile.validateGeneralName(name.getTagNo(), name.getName().toString())) { return false; } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { LOG.error("IP address validation failed." + name.getName().toString(), e); return false; } } return true; }
Example #14
Source File: From SecuritySample with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public CRLDistributionPointsImpl(X509Certificate cert) throws CertificateException, IOException { URINames = new ArrayList<>(); byte[] extVal = cert.getExtensionValue(Extension.cRLDistributionPoints.getId()); if (extVal == null) return; CRLDistPoint crlDistPoint = CRLDistPoint.getInstance(X509ExtensionUtil.fromExtensionValue(extVal)); DistributionPoint[] points = crlDistPoint.getDistributionPoints(); for (DistributionPoint p : points) { GeneralNames tmp = p.getCRLIssuer(); if (tmp != null) { GeneralName[] crlIssers = tmp.getNames(); for (int i = 0; i < crlIssers.length; i++) { if (crlIssers[i].getTagNo() == GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier) { String issuerUrl = crlIssers[i].toString(); URINames.add(issuerUrl); } } } } }
Example #15
Source File: From signer with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public Attribute getValue() { try { X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) certificates[0]; Digest digest = DigestFactory.getInstance().factoryDefault(); digest.setAlgorithm(DigestAlgorithmEnum.SHA_1); byte[] hash = digest.digest(cert.getEncoded()); X500Name dirName = new X500Name(cert.getSubjectDN().getName()); GeneralName name = new GeneralName(dirName); GeneralNames issuer = new GeneralNames(name); ASN1Integer serial = new ASN1Integer(cert.getSerialNumber()); IssuerSerial issuerSerial = new IssuerSerial(issuer, serial); ESSCertID essCertId = new ESSCertID(hash, issuerSerial); return new Attribute(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(identifier), new DERSet(new DERSequence(new ASN1Encodable[]{new DERSequence(essCertId), new DERSequence(DERNull.INSTANCE)}))); } catch (CertificateEncodingException ex) { throw new SignerException(ex.getMessage()); } }
Example #16
Source File: From nifi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private List<String> extractSanFromCsr(JcaPKCS10CertificationRequest csr) { List<String> sans = new ArrayList<>(); Attribute[] certAttributes = csr.getAttributes(); for (Attribute attribute : certAttributes) { if (attribute.getAttrType().equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs_9_at_extensionRequest)) { Extensions extensions = Extensions.getInstance(attribute.getAttrValues().getObjectAt(0)); GeneralNames gns = GeneralNames.fromExtensions(extensions, Extension.subjectAlternativeName); GeneralName[] names = gns.getNames(); for (GeneralName name : names) {"Type: " + name.getTagNo() + " | Name: " + name.getName()); String title = ""; if (name.getTagNo() == GeneralName.dNSName) { title = "DNS"; } else if (name.getTagNo() == GeneralName.iPAddress) { title = "IP Address"; // name.toASN1Primitive(); } else if (name.getTagNo() == GeneralName.otherName) { title = "Other Name"; } sans.add(title + ": " + name.getName()); } } } return sans; }
Example #17
Source File: From qpid-broker-j with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static Extension createDistributionPointExtension(final String crlUri) throws CertificateException { try { final GeneralName generalName = new GeneralName(GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier, crlUri); final DistributionPointName pointName = new DistributionPointName(new GeneralNames(generalName)); final DistributionPoint[] points = new DistributionPoint[]{new DistributionPoint(pointName, null, null)}; return new Extension(Extension.cRLDistributionPoints, false, new CRLDistPoint(points).getEncoded()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CertificateException(e); } }
Example #18
Source File: From keystore-explorer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private void editGeneralName() { Container container = getTopLevelAncestor(); DGeneralNameChooser dGeneralNameChooser = null; if (container instanceof JDialog) { dGeneralNameChooser = new DGeneralNameChooser((JDialog) container, title, generalName); } else { dGeneralNameChooser = new DGeneralNameChooser((JFrame) container, title, generalName); } dGeneralNameChooser.setLocationRelativeTo(container); dGeneralNameChooser.setVisible(true); GeneralName newGeneralName = dGeneralNameChooser.getGeneralName(); if (newGeneralName == null) { return; } setGeneralName(newGeneralName); }
Example #19
Source File: From dss with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
private String getUrl(DistributionPointName distributionPoint) { if ((distributionPoint != null) && (DistributionPointName.FULL_NAME == distributionPoint.getType())) { final GeneralNames generalNames = (GeneralNames) distributionPoint.getName(); if ((generalNames != null) && (generalNames.getNames() != null && generalNames.getNames().length > 0)) { for (GeneralName generalName : generalNames.getNames()) { if (GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier == generalName.getTagNo()) { ASN1String str = (ASN1String) ((DERTaggedObject) generalName.toASN1Primitive()).getObject(); return str.getString(); } } } } return null; }
Example #20
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Collection<X509CRL> loadCRL(X509Certificate[] chain) throws IOException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertStoreException, CRLException, CertificateException { // for each certificate in chain for (X509Certificate cert : chain) { if (cert.getExtensionValue(Extension.cRLDistributionPoints.getId()) != null) { ASN1Primitive primitive = JcaX509ExtensionUtils .parseExtensionValue(cert.getExtensionValue(Extension.cRLDistributionPoints.getId())); // extract distribution point extension CRLDistPoint distPoint = CRLDistPoint.getInstance(primitive); DistributionPoint[] dp = distPoint.getDistributionPoints(); // each distribution point extension can hold number of distribution points for (DistributionPoint d : dp) { DistributionPointName dpName = d.getDistributionPoint(); // Look for URIs in fullName if (dpName != null && dpName.getType() == DistributionPointName.FULL_NAME) { GeneralName[] genNames = GeneralNames.getInstance(dpName.getName()).getNames(); // Look for an URI for (GeneralName genName : genNames) { // extract url URL url = new URL(genName.getName().toString()); try { // download from Internet to the collection crlCollection.add(downloadCRL(url)); } catch (CertificateException | CRLException e) { throw new CRLException("Couldn't download CRL"); } } } } } else { Log.warning("Certificate " + cert.getSubjectX500Principal().getName().toString() + " have no CRLs"); } // parameters for cert store is collection type, using collection with crl create parameters CollectionCertStoreParameters params = new CollectionCertStoreParameters(crlCollection); // this parameters are next used for creation of certificate store with crls crlStore = CertStore.getInstance("Collection", params); } return crlCollection; }
Example #21
Source File: From xipki with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static Extension createCertificateIssuerExtension(X500Name certificateIssuer) { try { GeneralNames generalNames = new GeneralNames(new GeneralName(certificateIssuer)); return new Extension(Extension.certificateIssuer, true, generalNames.getEncoded()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("error encoding reason: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } }
Example #22
Source File: From AndroidHttpCapture with MIT License | 5 votes |
private ASN1Encodable parseGeneralName(List<?> nameEntry) { if (nameEntry == null || nameEntry.size() != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(nameEntry != null ? String.valueOf(nameEntry) : "nameEntry is null"); } String tag = String.valueOf(nameEntry.get(0)); Matcher m = TAGS_PATTERN.matcher(tag); if (m.matches()) { return new GeneralName(Integer.valueOf(tag), String.valueOf(nameEntry.get(1))); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(nameEntry)); }
Example #23
Source File: From keystore-explorer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private void selectGeneralNameInTable(GeneralName generalName) { for (int i = 0; i < jtGeneralNames.getRowCount(); i++) { if (generalName.equals(jtGeneralNames.getValueAt(i, 0))) { jtGeneralNames.changeSelection(i, 0, false, false); return; } } }
Example #24
Source File: From athenz with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static String extractX509CSREmail(PKCS10CertificationRequest certReq) { List<String> emails = extractX509CSRSANField(certReq, GeneralName.rfc822Name); if (emails.size() == 0) { return null; } return emails.get(0); }
Example #25
Source File: From cloudbreak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static PKCS10CertificationRequestBuilder addSubjectAlternativeNames(PKCS10CertificationRequestBuilder p10Builder, List<String> sanList) throws IOException { GeneralName[] generalNames = sanList .stream() .map(address -> new GeneralName(GeneralName.dNSName, address)) .toArray(GeneralName[]::new); GeneralNames subjectAltNames = new GeneralNames(generalNames); ExtensionsGenerator extGen = new ExtensionsGenerator(); extGen.addExtension(Extension.subjectAlternativeName, false, subjectAltNames); return p10Builder.addAttribute(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs_9_at_extensionRequest, extGen.generate()); }
Example #26
Source File: From athenz with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static String generateX509CSR(PrivateKey privateKey, PublicKey publicKey, String x500Principal, GeneralName[] sanArray) throws OperatorCreationException, IOException { // Create Distinguished Name X500Principal subject = new X500Principal(x500Principal); // Create ContentSigner JcaContentSignerBuilder csBuilder = new JcaContentSignerBuilder(Crypto.RSA_SHA256); ContentSigner signer =; // Create the CSR PKCS10CertificationRequestBuilder p10Builder = new JcaPKCS10CertificationRequestBuilder( subject, publicKey); // Add SubjectAlternativeNames (SAN) if specified ///CLOVER:OFF if (sanArray != null) { ///CLOVER:ON ExtensionsGenerator extGen = new ExtensionsGenerator(); GeneralNames subjectAltNames = new GeneralNames(sanArray); extGen.addExtension(Extension.subjectAlternativeName, false, subjectAltNames); p10Builder.addAttribute(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs_9_at_extensionRequest, extGen.generate()); } PKCS10CertificationRequest csr =; // write to openssl PEM format PemObject pemObject = new PemObject("CERTIFICATE REQUEST", csr.getEncoded()); StringWriter strWriter; try (JcaPEMWriter pemWriter = new JcaPEMWriter(strWriter = new StringWriter())) { pemWriter.writeObject(pemObject); } return strWriter.toString(); }
Example #27
Source File: From dss with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
/** * This method returns a new IssuerSerial based on the certificate token * * @param certToken * the certificate token * @return a IssuerSerial */ public static IssuerSerial getIssuerSerial(final CertificateToken certToken) { final X500Name issuerX500Name = getX509CertificateHolder(certToken).getIssuer(); final GeneralName generalName = new GeneralName(issuerX500Name); final GeneralNames generalNames = new GeneralNames(generalName); final BigInteger serialNumber = certToken.getCertificate().getSerialNumber(); return new IssuerSerial(generalNames, serialNumber); }
Example #28
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * {@link CertificateManager#getServerIdentities(X509Certificate)} should return: * <ul> * <li>the 'xmppAddr' subjectAltName value</li> * <li>explicitly not the Common Name</li> * </ul> * * when a certificate contains: * <ul> * <li>a subjectAltName entry of type otherName with an ASN.1 Object Identifier of "id-on-xmppAddr"</li> * </ul> */ @Test public void testServerIdentitiesXmppAddr() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final String subjectCommonName = "MySubjectCommonName"; final String subjectAltNameXmppAddr = "MySubjectAltNameXmppAddr"; final X509v3CertificateBuilder builder = new JcaX509v3CertificateBuilder( new X500Name( "CN=MyIssuer" ), // Issuer BigInteger.valueOf( Math.abs( new SecureRandom().nextInt() ) ), // Random serial number new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - ( 1000L * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 ) ), // Not before 30 days ago new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + ( 1000L * 60 * 60 * 24 * 99 ) ), // Not after 99 days from now new X500Name( "CN=" + subjectCommonName ), // Subject subjectKeyPair.getPublic() ); final DERSequence otherName = new DERSequence( new ASN1Encodable[] { XMPP_ADDR_OID, new DERUTF8String( subjectAltNameXmppAddr ) }); final GeneralNames subjectAltNames = new GeneralNames( new GeneralName(GeneralName.otherName, otherName ) ); builder.addExtension( Extension.subjectAlternativeName, true, subjectAltNames ); final X509CertificateHolder certificateHolder = contentSigner ); final X509Certificate cert = new JcaX509CertificateConverter().getCertificate( certificateHolder ); // Execute system under test final List<String> serverIdentities = CertificateManager.getServerIdentities( cert ); // Verify result assertEquals( 1, serverIdentities.size() ); assertTrue( serverIdentities.contains( subjectAltNameXmppAddr )); assertFalse( serverIdentities.contains( subjectCommonName ) ); }
Example #29
Source File: From athenz with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static String generateCSR(String domainName, String serviceName, String instanceId, String dnsSuffix, PrivateKey key) { final String dn = "cn=" + domainName + "." + serviceName + ",o=Athenz"; // now let's generate our dsnName field based on our principal's details StringBuilder dnsName = new StringBuilder(128); dnsName.append(serviceName); dnsName.append('.'); dnsName.append(domainName.replace('.', '-')); dnsName.append('.'); dnsName.append(dnsSuffix); GeneralName[] sanArray = new GeneralName[2]; sanArray[0] = new GeneralName(GeneralName.dNSName, new DERIA5String(dnsName.toString())); // next we include our instance id StringBuilder dnsInstance = new StringBuilder(128); dnsInstance.append(instanceId); dnsInstance.append(".instanceid.athenz."); dnsInstance.append(dnsSuffix); sanArray[1] = new GeneralName(GeneralName.dNSName, new DERIA5String(dnsInstance.toString())); String csr = null; try { csr = Crypto.generateX509CSR(key, dn, sanArray); } catch (OperatorCreationException | IOException ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); } return csr; }
Example #30
Source File: From keystore-explorer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private void editSelectedGeneralName() { int selectedRow = jtGeneralNames.getSelectedRow(); if (selectedRow != -1) { GeneralName generalName = (GeneralName) jtGeneralNames.getValueAt(selectedRow, 0); Container container = getTopLevelAncestor(); DGeneralNameChooser dGeneralNameChooser = null; if (container instanceof JDialog) { dGeneralNameChooser = new DGeneralNameChooser((JDialog) container, title, generalName); } else if (container instanceof JFrame) { dGeneralNameChooser = new DGeneralNameChooser((JFrame) container, title, generalName); } dGeneralNameChooser.setLocationRelativeTo(container); dGeneralNameChooser.setVisible(true); GeneralName newGeneralName = dGeneralNameChooser.getGeneralName(); if (newGeneralName == null) { return; } getGeneralNamesTableModel().removeRow(selectedRow); getGeneralNamesTableModel().addRow(newGeneralName); selectGeneralNameInTable(newGeneralName); updateButtonControls(); } }