com.facebook.presto.spi.type.VarcharType Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From presto-kinesis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testFixedWithString() { String str = "Ich bin zwei Oeltanks"; byte[] row = str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); RawKinesisRowDecoder rowDecoder = new RawKinesisRowDecoder(); KinesisColumnHandle row1 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 0, "row1", VarcharType.VARCHAR, null, null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row2 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 1, "row2", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "0", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row3 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 2, "row3", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "0:4", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row4 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 3, "row4", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "5:8", null, null, false, false); List<KinesisColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.of(row1, row2, row3, row4); Set<KinesisFieldValueProvider> providers = new HashSet<>(); boolean valid = rowDecoder.decodeRow(row, providers, columns, buildMap(columns)); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals(providers.size(), columns.size()); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row1, str); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row2, str); // these only work for single byte encodings... DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row3, str.substring(0, 4)); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row4, str.substring(5, 8)); }
Example #2
Source File: From presto-kudu with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Overrides original implementation because of usage of 'extra' column. */ @Test @Override public void testDescribeTable() { MaterializedResult actualColumns = this.computeActual("DESC ORDERS").toTestTypes(); MaterializedResult.Builder builder = MaterializedResult.resultBuilder(this.getQueryRunner().getDefaultSession(), VarcharType.VARCHAR, VarcharType.VARCHAR, VarcharType.VARCHAR, VarcharType.VARCHAR); for (MaterializedRow row: actualColumns.getMaterializedRows()) { builder.row(row.getField(0), row.getField(1), "", ""); } MaterializedResult filteredActual =; builder = MaterializedResult.resultBuilder(this.getQueryRunner().getDefaultSession(), VarcharType.VARCHAR, VarcharType.VARCHAR, VarcharType.VARCHAR, VarcharType.VARCHAR); MaterializedResult expectedColumns = builder .row("orderkey", "bigint", "", "") .row("custkey", "bigint", "", "") .row("orderstatus", "varchar", "", "") .row("totalprice", "double", "", "") .row("orderdate", "varchar", "", "") .row("orderpriority", "varchar", "", "") .row("clerk", "varchar", "", "") .row("shippriority", "integer", "", "") .row("comment", "varchar", "", "").build(); Assert.assertEquals(filteredActual, expectedColumns, String.format("%s != %s", filteredActual, expectedColumns)); }
Example #3
Source File: From presto-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static Object getTypeValue(Type type, Object value) { Object toEncode; if (Types.isArrayType(type)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type " + type); } else if (Types.isMapType(type)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type " + type); } else if (type.equals(VARBINARY)) { return ((Slice) value).getBytes(); } else if (type instanceof VarcharType) { return ((Slice) value).toStringUtf8(); } else { return value; } }
Example #4
Source File: From presto-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * @param type Presto type * @param block Block to decode * @param position Position in the block to get * @return Java object from the Block */ private static Object readObject(Type type, Block block, int position) { if (Types.isArrayType(type)) { Type elementType = Types.getElementType(type); return getArrayFromBlock(elementType, block.getObject(position, Block.class)); } else if (Types.isMapType(type)) { return getMapFromBlock(type, block.getObject(position, Block.class)); } else { if (type.getJavaType() == Slice.class) { Slice slice = (Slice) TypeUtils.readNativeValue(type, block, position); return type.equals(VarcharType.VARCHAR) ? slice.toStringUtf8() : slice.getBytes(); } return TypeUtils.readNativeValue(type, block, position); } }
Example #5
Source File: From presto-kinesis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testNonExistent() throws Exception { byte[] json = "{}".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); JsonKinesisRowDecoder rowDecoder = new JsonKinesisRowDecoder(PROVIDER.get()); KinesisColumnHandle row1 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 0, "row1", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "very/deep/varchar", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row2 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 1, "row2", BigintType.BIGINT, "no_bigint", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row3 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 2, "row3", DoubleType.DOUBLE, "double/is_missing", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row4 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 3, "row4", BooleanType.BOOLEAN, "hello", null, null, false, false); List<KinesisColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.of(row1, row2, row3, row4); Set<KinesisFieldValueProvider> providers = new HashSet<>(); boolean valid = rowDecoder.decodeRow(json, providers, columns, buildMap(columns)); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals(providers.size(), columns.size()); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row1); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row2); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row3); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row4); }
Example #6
Source File: From presto-kinesis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testStringNumber() throws Exception { byte[] json = "{\"a_number\":481516,\"a_string\":\"2342\"}".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); JsonKinesisRowDecoder rowDecoder = new JsonKinesisRowDecoder(PROVIDER.get()); KinesisColumnHandle row1 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 0, "row1", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_number", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row2 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 1, "row2", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_number", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row3 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 2, "row3", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_string", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row4 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 3, "row4", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_string", null, null, false, false); List<KinesisColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.of(row1, row2, row3, row4); Set<KinesisFieldValueProvider> providers = new HashSet<>(); boolean valid = rowDecoder.decodeRow(json, providers, columns, buildMap(columns)); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals(providers.size(), columns.size()); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row1, "481516"); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row2, 481516); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row3, "2342"); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row4, 2342); }
Example #7
Source File: From presto-kinesis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testNullValues() throws Exception { byte[] json = "{}".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); JsonKinesisRowDecoder rowDecoder = new JsonKinesisRowDecoder(PROVIDER.get()); KinesisColumnHandle row1 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 0, "row1", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_number", KinesisFieldDecoder.DEFAULT_FIELD_DECODER_NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row2 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 1, "row2", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_string", KinesisFieldDecoder.DEFAULT_FIELD_DECODER_NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row3 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 2, "row3", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_number", MillisecondsSinceEpochJsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row4 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 3, "row4", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_string", MillisecondsSinceEpochJsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row5 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 4, "row5", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_number", MillisecondsSinceEpochJsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row6 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 5, "row6", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_string", MillisecondsSinceEpochJsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); List<KinesisColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.of(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6); Set<KinesisFieldValueProvider> providers = new HashSet<>(); boolean valid = rowDecoder.decodeRow(json, providers, columns, buildMap(columns)); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals(providers.size(), columns.size()); // sanity checks DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row1); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row2); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row3); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row4); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row5); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row6); }
Example #8
Source File: From presto-kudu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static Slice getSlice(Type type, RowResult row, int field) { if (type instanceof VarcharType) { return Slices.utf8Slice(row.getString(field)); } else if (type instanceof VarbinaryType) { return Slices.wrappedBuffer(row.getBinary(field)); } else if (type instanceof DecimalType) { BigDecimal dec = row.getDecimal(field); return Decimals.encodeScaledValue(dec); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("getSlice not implemented for " + type); } }
Example #9
Source File: From presto-kinesis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static Map.Entry<SchemaTableName, KinesisStreamDescription> createSimpleJsonStreamDescription(String streamName, SchemaTableName schemaTableName) { // Format: {"id" : 1324, "name" : "some string"} ArrayList<KinesisStreamFieldDescription> fieldList = new ArrayList<KinesisStreamFieldDescription>(); fieldList.add(new KinesisStreamFieldDescription("id", BigintType.BIGINT, "id", "comment", null, null, false)); fieldList.add(new KinesisStreamFieldDescription("name", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "name", "comment", null, null, false)); KinesisStreamFieldGroup grp = new KinesisStreamFieldGroup("json", fieldList); KinesisStreamDescription desc = new KinesisStreamDescription(schemaTableName.getTableName(), schemaTableName.getSchemaName(), streamName, grp); return new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(schemaTableName, desc); }
Example #10
Source File: From presto-kinesis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testSimple() throws Exception { byte[] json = ByteStreams.toByteArray(TestJsonDecoder.class.getResourceAsStream("/decoder/json/message.json")); JsonKinesisRowDecoder rowDecoder = new JsonKinesisRowDecoder(PROVIDER.get()); KinesisColumnHandle row1 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 0, "row1", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "source", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row2 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 1, "row2", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "user/screen_name", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row3 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 2, "row3", BigintType.BIGINT, "id", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row4 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 3, "row4", BigintType.BIGINT, "user/statuses_count", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row5 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 4, "row5", BooleanType.BOOLEAN, "user/geo_enabled", null, null, false, false); List<KinesisColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.of(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5); Set<KinesisFieldValueProvider> providers = new HashSet<>(); boolean valid = rowDecoder.decodeRow(json, providers, columns, buildMap(columns)); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals(providers.size(), columns.size()); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row1, "<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">twitterfeed</a>"); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row2, "EKentuckyNews"); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row3, 493857959588286460L); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row4, 7630); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row5, true); }
Example #11
Source File: From presto-kinesis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testOtherExtracts() throws Exception { // Test other scenarios: deeper dive into object, get JSON constructs as strings, etc. byte[] json = ByteStreams.toByteArray(TestJsonDecoder.class.getResourceAsStream("/decoder/json/event.json")); JsonKinesisRowDecoder rowDecoder = new JsonKinesisRowDecoder(PROVIDER.get()); KinesisColumnHandle row1 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 0, "event_source", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "source", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row2 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 1, "user", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "user/handle", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row3 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 2, "user_string", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "user", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row4 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 3, "timestamp", BigintType.BIGINT, "timestamp", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row5 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 4, "browser_name", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "environment/browser/name", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row6 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 5, "tags_array", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "tags", null, null, false, false); List<KinesisColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.of(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6); Set<KinesisFieldValueProvider> providers = new HashSet<>();"Decoding row from event JSON file"); boolean valid = rowDecoder.decodeRow(json, providers, columns, buildMap(columns)); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals(providers.size(), columns.size()); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row1, "otherworld"); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row2, "joeblow"); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row3, "{\"email\":\"\",\"handle\":\"joeblow\"}"); KinesisFieldValueProvider provider = DecoderTestUtil.findValueProvider(providers, row6); assertNotNull(provider); String(provider.getSlice().getBytes(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row4, 1450214872847L); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row5, "Chrome"); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row6, "[\"tag1\",\"tag2\",\"tag3\"]");"DONE"); }
Example #12
Source File: From presto-kinesis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testNullValues() throws Exception { byte[] json = "{}".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); JsonKinesisRowDecoder rowDecoder = new JsonKinesisRowDecoder(PROVIDER.get()); KinesisColumnHandle row1 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 0, "row1", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_number", KinesisFieldDecoder.DEFAULT_FIELD_DECODER_NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row2 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 1, "row2", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_string", KinesisFieldDecoder.DEFAULT_FIELD_DECODER_NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row3 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 2, "row3", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_number", SecondsSinceEpochJsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row4 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 3, "row4", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_string", SecondsSinceEpochJsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row5 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 4, "row5", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_number", SecondsSinceEpochJsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row6 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 5, "row6", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_string", SecondsSinceEpochJsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); List<KinesisColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.of(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6); Set<KinesisFieldValueProvider> providers = new HashSet<>(); boolean valid = rowDecoder.decodeRow(json, providers, columns, buildMap(columns)); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals(providers.size(), columns.size()); // sanity checks DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row1); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row2); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row3); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row4); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row5); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row6); }
Example #13
Source File: From presto-kinesis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testSimple() { String csv = "\"row 1\",row2,\"row3\",100,\"200\",300,4.5"; CsvKinesisRowDecoder rowDecoder = new CsvKinesisRowDecoder(); KinesisColumnHandle row1 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 0, "row1", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "0", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row2 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 1, "row2", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "1", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row3 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 2, "row3", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "2", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row4 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 3, "row4", BigintType.BIGINT, "3", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row5 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 4, "row5", BigintType.BIGINT, "4", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row6 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 5, "row6", BigintType.BIGINT, "5", null, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row7 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 6, "row7", DoubleType.DOUBLE, "6", null, null, false, false); List<KinesisColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.of(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7); Set<KinesisFieldValueProvider> providers = new HashSet<>(); boolean valid = rowDecoder.decodeRow(csv.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), providers, columns, buildMap(columns)); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals(providers.size(), columns.size()); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row1, "row 1"); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row2, "row2"); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row3, "row3"); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row4, 100); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row5, 200); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row6, 300); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row7, 4.5d); }
Example #14
Source File: From presto-kinesis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testNullValues() throws Exception { byte[] json = "{}".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); JsonKinesisRowDecoder rowDecoder = new JsonKinesisRowDecoder(PROVIDER.get()); KinesisColumnHandle row1 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 0, "row1", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_number", KinesisFieldDecoder.DEFAULT_FIELD_DECODER_NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row2 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 1, "row2", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_string", KinesisFieldDecoder.DEFAULT_FIELD_DECODER_NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row3 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 2, "row3", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_number", ISO8601JsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row4 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 3, "row4", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_string", ISO8601JsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row5 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 4, "row5", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_number", ISO8601JsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row6 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 5, "row6", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_string", ISO8601JsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); List<KinesisColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.of(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6); Set<KinesisFieldValueProvider> providers = new HashSet<>(); boolean valid = rowDecoder.decodeRow(json, providers, columns, buildMap(columns)); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals(providers.size(), columns.size()); // sanity checks DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row1); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row2); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row3); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row4); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row5); DecoderTestUtil.checkIsNull(providers, row6); }
Example #15
Source File: From presto-kinesis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testNullValues() throws Exception { byte[] json = "{}".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); JsonKinesisRowDecoder rowDecoder = new JsonKinesisRowDecoder(PROVIDER.get()); KinesisColumnHandle row1 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 0, "row1", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_number", KinesisFieldDecoder.DEFAULT_FIELD_DECODER_NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row2 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 1, "row2", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_string", KinesisFieldDecoder.DEFAULT_FIELD_DECODER_NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row3 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 2, "row3", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_number", RFC2822JsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row4 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 3, "row4", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_string", RFC2822JsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row5 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 4, "row5", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_number", RFC2822JsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row6 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 5, "row6", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_string", RFC2822JsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); List<KinesisColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.of(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6); Set<KinesisFieldValueProvider> providers = new HashSet<>(); boolean valid = rowDecoder.decodeRow(json, providers, columns, map(columns)); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals(providers.size(), columns.size()); // sanity checks checkIsNull(providers, row1); checkIsNull(providers, row2); checkIsNull(providers, row3); checkIsNull(providers, row4); checkIsNull(providers, row5); checkIsNull(providers, row6); }
Example #16
Source File: From presto-kinesis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testSimple() { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(100); buf.putLong(4815162342L); // 0 - 7 buf.putInt(12345678); // 8 - 11 buf.putShort((short) 4567); // 12 - 13 buf.put((byte) 123); // 14 buf.put("Ich bin zwei Oeltanks".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); // 15+ byte[] row = new byte[buf.position()]; System.arraycopy(buf.array(), 0, row, 0, buf.position()); RawKinesisRowDecoder rowDecoder = new RawKinesisRowDecoder(); KinesisColumnHandle row1 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 0, "row1", BigintType.BIGINT, "0", "LONG", null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row2 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 1, "row2", BigintType.BIGINT, "8", "INT", null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row3 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 2, "row3", BigintType.BIGINT, "12", "SHORT", null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row4 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 3, "row4", BigintType.BIGINT, "14", "BYTE", null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row5 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 4, "row5", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "15", null, null, false, false); List<KinesisColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.of(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5); Set<KinesisFieldValueProvider> providers = new HashSet<>(); boolean valid = rowDecoder.decodeRow(row, providers, columns, buildMap(columns)); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals(providers.size(), columns.size()); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row1, 4815162342L); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row2, 12345678); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row3, 4567); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row4, 123); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row5, "Ich bin zwei Oeltanks"); }
Example #17
Source File: From presto-kinesis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("NumericCastThatLosesPrecision") @Test public void testFloatStuff() { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(100); buf.putDouble(Math.PI); buf.putFloat((float) Math.E); buf.putDouble(Math.E); byte[] row = new byte[buf.position()]; System.arraycopy(buf.array(), 0, row, 0, buf.position()); RawKinesisRowDecoder rowDecoder = new RawKinesisRowDecoder(); KinesisColumnHandle row1 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 0, "row1", VarcharType.VARCHAR, null, "DOUBLE", null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row2 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 1, "row2", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "8", "FLOAT", null, false, false); List<KinesisColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.of(row1, row2); Set<KinesisFieldValueProvider> providers = new HashSet<>(); boolean valid = rowDecoder.decodeRow(row, providers, columns, buildMap(columns)); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals(providers.size(), columns.size()); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row1, Math.PI); DecoderTestUtil.checkValue(providers, row2, Math.E); }
Example #18
Source File: From presto-kudu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static Object getJavaValue(Type type, Object nativeValue) { if (type instanceof VarcharType) { return ((Slice) nativeValue).toStringUtf8(); } else if (type == TimestampType.TIMESTAMP) { return ((Long) nativeValue) * 1000; } else if (type == BigintType.BIGINT) { return nativeValue; } else if (type == IntegerType.INTEGER) { return ((Long) nativeValue).intValue(); } else if (type == SmallintType.SMALLINT) { return ((Long) nativeValue).shortValue(); } else if (type == TinyintType.TINYINT) { return ((Long) nativeValue).byteValue(); } else if (type == DoubleType.DOUBLE) { return nativeValue; } else if (type == RealType.REAL) { // conversion can result in precision lost return intBitsToFloat(((Long) nativeValue).intValue()); } else if (type == BooleanType.BOOLEAN) { return nativeValue; } else if (type instanceof VarbinaryType) { return ((Slice) nativeValue).toByteBuffer(); } else if (type instanceof DecimalType) { return nativeValue; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Back conversion not implemented for " + type); } }
Example #19
Source File: From presto-kudu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static NullableValue getColumnValue(Type type, PartialRow row, int i) { if (row.isNull(i)) { return NullableValue.asNull(type); } else { if (type instanceof VarcharType) { return NullableValue.of(type, utf8Slice(row.getString(i))); } else if (type == TimestampType.TIMESTAMP) { return NullableValue.of(type, row.getLong(i) / 1000); } else if (type == BigintType.BIGINT) { return NullableValue.of(type, row.getLong(i)); } else if (type == IntegerType.INTEGER) { return NullableValue.of(type, row.getInt(i)); } else if (type == SmallintType.SMALLINT) { return NullableValue.of(type, row.getShort(i)); } else if (type == TinyintType.TINYINT) { return NullableValue.of(type, row.getByte(i)); } else if (type == DoubleType.DOUBLE) { return NullableValue.of(type, row.getDouble(i)); } else if (type == RealType.REAL) { return NullableValue.of(type, (long) floatToRawIntBits(row.getFloat(i))); } else if (type == BooleanType.BOOLEAN) { return NullableValue.of(type, row.getBoolean(i)); } else if (type instanceof VarbinaryType) { return NullableValue.of(type, wrappedBuffer(row.getBinary(i))); } else if (type instanceof DecimalType) { return NullableValue.of(type, row.getDecimal(i)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Handling of type " + type + " is not implemented"); } } }
Example #20
Source File: From presto-kudu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static Type mappedType(Type sourceType) { if (sourceType == DateType.DATE) { return VarcharType.VARCHAR; } else { return sourceType; } }
Example #21
Source File: From presto-kudu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static Type fromKuduClientType(org.apache.kudu.Type ktype, ColumnTypeAttributes attributes) { switch (ktype) { case STRING: return VarcharType.VARCHAR; case UNIXTIME_MICROS: return TimestampType.TIMESTAMP; case INT64: return BigintType.BIGINT; case INT32: return IntegerType.INTEGER; case INT16: return SmallintType.SMALLINT; case INT8: return TinyintType.TINYINT; case FLOAT: return RealType.REAL; case DOUBLE: return DoubleType.DOUBLE; case BOOL: return BooleanType.BOOLEAN; case BINARY: return VarbinaryType.VARBINARY; case DECIMAL: return DecimalType.createDecimalType(attributes.getPrecision(), attributes.getScale()); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Kudu type not implemented for " + ktype); } }
Example #22
Source File: From presto-kudu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static org.apache.kudu.Type toKuduClientType(Type type) { if (type instanceof VarcharType) { return org.apache.kudu.Type.STRING; } else if (type == TimestampType.TIMESTAMP) { return org.apache.kudu.Type.UNIXTIME_MICROS; } else if (type == BigintType.BIGINT) { return org.apache.kudu.Type.INT64; } else if (type == IntegerType.INTEGER) { return org.apache.kudu.Type.INT32; } else if (type == SmallintType.SMALLINT) { return org.apache.kudu.Type.INT16; } else if (type == TinyintType.TINYINT) { return org.apache.kudu.Type.INT8; } else if (type == RealType.REAL) { return org.apache.kudu.Type.FLOAT; } else if (type == DoubleType.DOUBLE) { return org.apache.kudu.Type.DOUBLE; } else if (type == BooleanType.BOOLEAN) { return org.apache.kudu.Type.BOOL; } else if (type instanceof VarbinaryType) { return org.apache.kudu.Type.BINARY; } else if (type instanceof DecimalType) { return org.apache.kudu.Type.DECIMAL; } else if (type == DateType.DATE) { return org.apache.kudu.Type.STRING; } else if (type instanceof CharType) { return org.apache.kudu.Type.STRING; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Type mapping implemented for Presto type: " + type); } }
Example #23
Source File: From presto-kudu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static Object getObject(Type type, RowResult row, int field) { if (row.isNull(field)) { return null; } else { if (type instanceof VarcharType) { return row.getString(field); } else if (type == TimestampType.TIMESTAMP) { return row.getLong(field) / 1000; } else if (type == BigintType.BIGINT) { return row.getLong(field); } else if (type == IntegerType.INTEGER) { return row.getInt(field); } else if (type == SmallintType.SMALLINT) { return row.getShort(field); } else if (type == TinyintType.TINYINT) { return row.getByte(field); } else if (type == DoubleType.DOUBLE) { return row.getDouble(field); } else if (type == RealType.REAL) { return row.getFloat(field); } else if (type == BooleanType.BOOLEAN) { return row.getBoolean(field); } else if (type instanceof VarbinaryType) { return Slices.wrappedBuffer(row.getBinary(field)); } else if (type instanceof DecimalType) { return row.getDecimal(field); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("getObject not implemented for " + type); } } }
Example #24
Source File: From kubesql with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void handleStringMap(Map<String, String> map, String prefix, Map<String, Object> data) { if (map != null) { for (String key : map.keySet()) { String columnName = (prefix + key).toLowerCase(); data.put(columnName, map.get(key)); if (!getKubeColumn().containsKey(columnName)) { UpdateColumns(columnName, new KubeColumn<V1Node>(columnName, VarcharType.createUnboundedVarcharType(), key)); } } } }
Example #25
Source File: From presto-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Slice getSlice(int field) { byte[] bytes = getValue(field); Type type = getType(field); if (type instanceof VarbinaryType) { return Slices.wrappedBuffer(bytes); } else if (type instanceof VarcharType) { return Slices.utf8Slice(new String(bytes, UTF_8)); } else { throw new PrestoException(NOT_SUPPORTED, "Unsupported type " + type); } }
Example #26
Source File: From kubesql with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Map<String, Object> kubeAPIToData(V1Node node) { Map<String, Object> nodeData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (String key : kubeColumn.keySet()) { KubeDataGetInterface kubeDataGetInterface = kubeColumn.get(key); if (kubeDataGetInterface.getDataSrc() == null) { nodeData.put(key, kubeDataGetInterface.getData(node)); } } Map<String, String> labels = node.getMetadata().getLabels(); handleStringMap(labels, NodeLabelsPrefix, nodeData); Map<String, String> annotations = node.getMetadata().getAnnotations(); handleStringMap(annotations, NodeAnnotationsPrefix, nodeData); Map<String, Quantity> allocatable = node.getStatus().getAllocatable(); handleQuantity(allocatable, NodeAllocatablePrefix, nodeData); Map<String, Quantity> capacity = node.getStatus().getCapacity(); handleQuantity(capacity, NodeCapacityPrefix, nodeData); List<V1NodeCondition> conditions = node.getStatus().getConditions(); if (conditions != null) { for (V1NodeCondition condition : conditions) { String columnNamePrefix = condition.getType().toLowerCase(); String columnName; columnName = columnNamePrefix + "." + ConditonLasttransitiontime; nodeData.put(columnName, condition.getLastTransitionTime()); if (!getKubeColumn().containsKey(columnName)) { UpdateColumns(columnName, new KubeColumn<V1Node>(columnName, TimestampType.TIMESTAMP, columnName)); } columnName = columnNamePrefix + "." + ConditionLastheartbeattime; nodeData.put(columnName, condition.getLastHeartbeatTime()); if (!getKubeColumn().containsKey(columnName)) { UpdateColumns(columnName, new KubeColumn<V1Node>(columnName, TimestampType.TIMESTAMP, columnName)); } columnName = columnNamePrefix + "." + ConditionStatus; nodeData.put(columnName, condition.getStatus()); if (!getKubeColumn().containsKey(columnName)) { UpdateColumns(columnName, new KubeColumn<V1Node>(columnName, VarcharType.createUnboundedVarcharType(), columnName)); } columnName = columnNamePrefix + "." + ConditionMessage; nodeData.put(columnName, condition.getMessage()); if (!getKubeColumn().containsKey(columnName)) { UpdateColumns(columnName, new KubeColumn<V1Node>(columnName, VarcharType.createUnboundedVarcharType(), columnName)); } columnName = columnNamePrefix + "." + ConditionReason; nodeData.put(columnName, condition.getReason()); if (!getKubeColumn().containsKey(columnName)) { UpdateColumns(columnName, new KubeColumn<V1Node>(columnName, VarcharType.createUnboundedVarcharType(), columnName)); } } } return nodeData; }
Example #27
Source File: From presto-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static Map<String, String> getQueryDsl(TupleDomain<ColumnHandle> constraint) { final Map<String, Object> mergeDslMap = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> dslCacher = new HashMap<>(); if (constraint.getColumnDomains().isPresent()) { for (TupleDomain.ColumnDomain<ColumnHandle> cd : constraint.getColumnDomains().get()) { ElasticsearchColumnHandle column = (ElasticsearchColumnHandle) cd.getColumn(); String columnName = column.getName(); if ("_type".equals(columnName)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("this _type filter have't support!"); } else if (columnName.startsWith("_")) { getRangesFromDomain(cd.getDomain()).forEach(range -> { checkArgument(range.isSingleValue(), "dsl is must [=] demo where _dsl = \"..dsl string\""); checkArgument(range.getType() instanceof VarcharType, "_dsl filter is not string"); String dsl = ((Slice) range.getSingleValue()).toStringUtf8(); dslCacher.put(columnName, dsl); if (!"_dsl".equals(columnName)) { dsl = dsl.replace(MatchQueryFunction.MATCH_COLUMN_SEP, columnName.substring(1)); } addEsQueryFilter(mergeDslMap, dsl); }); } else { getRangesFromDomain(cd.getDomain()).forEach(range -> { checkArgument(column.getType().equals(range.getType()), "filter type is " + range.getType() + " but column [" + columnName + "] type is " + column.getType()); QueryBuilder queryBuilder = getQueryBuilderFromPrestoRange(columnName, range); addEsQueryFilter(mergeDslMap, queryBuilder.toString()); }); } } } try { String allDsl = mergeDslMap.isEmpty() ? QueryBuilders.boolQuery().toString() : MAPPER.writeValueAsString(mergeDslMap); dslCacher.put("_allDsl", allDsl); return dslCacher; } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new PrestoException(ES_DSL_ERROR, e); } }
Example #28
Source File: From presto-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static Map<String, String> getQueryDsl(TupleDomain<ColumnHandle> constraint) { final Map<String, Object> mergeDslMap = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> dslCacher = new HashMap<>(); if (constraint.getColumnDomains().isPresent()) { for (TupleDomain.ColumnDomain<ColumnHandle> cd : constraint.getColumnDomains().get()) { ElasticsearchColumnHandle column = (ElasticsearchColumnHandle) cd.getColumn(); String columnName = column.getName(); if ("_type".equals(columnName)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("this _type filter have't support!"); } else if (columnName.startsWith("_")) { getRangesFromDomain(cd.getDomain()).forEach(range -> { checkArgument(range.isSingleValue(), "dsl is must [=] demo where _dsl = \"..dsl string\""); checkArgument(range.getType() instanceof VarcharType, "_dsl filter is not string"); String dsl = ((Slice) range.getSingleValue()).toStringUtf8(); dslCacher.put(columnName, dsl); if (!"_dsl".equals(columnName)) { dsl = dsl.replace(MatchQueryFunction.MATCH_COLUMN_SEP, columnName.substring(1)); } addEsQueryFilter(mergeDslMap, dsl); }); } else { getRangesFromDomain(cd.getDomain()).forEach(range -> { checkArgument(column.getType().equals(range.getType()), "filter type is " + range.getType() + " but column [" + columnName + "] type is " + column.getType()); QueryBuilder queryBuilder = getQueryBuilderFromPrestoRange(columnName, range); addEsQueryFilter(mergeDslMap, queryBuilder.toString()); }); } } } try { String allDsl = mergeDslMap.isEmpty() ? QueryBuilders.boolQuery().toString() : MAPPER.writeValueAsString(mergeDslMap.get("query")); //es5和 6开始只能返回 query的自节点 dslCacher.put("_allDsl", allDsl); return dslCacher; } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new PrestoException(ES_DSL_ERROR, e); } }
Example #29
Source File: From presto-kinesis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testBasicFormatting() throws Exception { long now = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) * 1000; // rfc2822 is second granularity String nowString = FORMATTER.print(now); byte[] json = format("{\"a_number\":%d,\"a_string\":\"%s\"}", now, nowString).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); JsonKinesisRowDecoder rowDecoder = new JsonKinesisRowDecoder(PROVIDER.get()); KinesisColumnHandle row1 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 0, "row1", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_number", KinesisFieldDecoder.DEFAULT_FIELD_DECODER_NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row2 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 1, "row2", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_string", KinesisFieldDecoder.DEFAULT_FIELD_DECODER_NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row3 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 2, "row3", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_number", RFC2822JsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row4 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 3, "row4", BigintType.BIGINT, "a_string", RFC2822JsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row5 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 4, "row5", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_number", RFC2822JsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); KinesisColumnHandle row6 = new KinesisColumnHandle("", 5, "row6", VarcharType.VARCHAR, "a_string", RFC2822JsonKinesisFieldDecoder.NAME, null, false, false); List<KinesisColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.of(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6); Set<KinesisFieldValueProvider> providers = new HashSet<>(); boolean valid = rowDecoder.decodeRow(json, providers, columns, map(columns)); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals(providers.size(), columns.size()); // sanity checks checkValue(providers, row1, now); checkValue(providers, row2, nowString); // number parsed as number --> as is checkValue(providers, row3, now); // string parsed as number --> parse text, convert to timestamp checkValue(providers, row4, now); // number parsed as string --> parse text, convert to timestamp, turn into string checkValue(providers, row5, Long.toString(now)); // string parsed as string --> as is checkValue(providers, row6, nowString); }
Example #30
Source File: From presto-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static Map<String, String> getQueryDsl(TupleDomain<ColumnHandle> constraint) { final Map<String, Object> mergeDslMap = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> dslCacher = new HashMap<>(); if (constraint.getColumnDomains().isPresent()) { for (TupleDomain.ColumnDomain<ColumnHandle> cd : constraint.getColumnDomains().get()) { ElasticsearchColumnHandle column = (ElasticsearchColumnHandle) cd.getColumn(); String columnName = column.getName(); if ("_type".equals(columnName)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("this _type filter have't support!"); } else if (columnName.startsWith("_")) { getRangesFromDomain(cd.getDomain()).forEach(range -> { checkArgument(range.isSingleValue(), "dsl is must [=] demo where _dsl = \"..dsl string\""); checkArgument(range.getType() instanceof VarcharType, "_dsl filter is not string"); String dsl = ((Slice) range.getSingleValue()).toStringUtf8(); dslCacher.put(columnName, dsl); if (!"_dsl".equals(columnName)) { dsl = dsl.replace(MatchQueryFunction.MATCH_COLUMN_SEP, columnName.substring(1)); } addEsQueryFilter(mergeDslMap, dsl); }); } else { getRangesFromDomain(cd.getDomain()).forEach(range -> { checkArgument(column.getType().equals(range.getType()), "filter type is " + range.getType() + " but column [" + columnName + "] type is " + column.getType()); QueryBuilder queryBuilder = getQueryBuilderFromPrestoRange(columnName, range); addEsQueryFilter(mergeDslMap, queryBuilder.toString()); }); } } } try { String allDsl = mergeDslMap.isEmpty() ? QueryBuilders.boolQuery().toString() : MAPPER.writeValueAsString(mergeDslMap.get("query")); //es5和 6开始只能返回 query的自节点 dslCacher.put("_allDsl", allDsl); return dslCacher; } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new PrestoException(ES_DSL_ERROR, e); } }