Java Code Examples for org.dom4j.tree.DefaultElement#addAttribute()
The following examples show how to use
org.dom4j.tree.DefaultElement#addAttribute() .
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Example 1
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** */ @Override public void buildDocument(final DefaultElement parent) { final DefaultElement orgaElement = new DefaultElement(CPCore.ORGANIZATION); orgaElement.addAttribute(CPCore.IDENTIFIER, identifier); orgaElement.addAttribute(CPCore.STRUCTURE, structure); final DefaultElement titleElement = new DefaultElement(CPCore.TITLE); titleElement.setText(title); orgaElement.add(titleElement); if (metadata != null) { metadata.buildDocument(orgaElement); } for (final Iterator<CPItem> itItem = items.iterator(); itItem.hasNext();) { final CPItem item =; item.buildDocument(orgaElement); } parent.add(orgaElement); }
Example 2
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** */ @Override public void buildDocument(final DefaultElement parent) { final DefaultElement orgaElement = new DefaultElement(CPCore.ORGANIZATION); orgaElement.addAttribute(CPCore.IDENTIFIER, identifier); orgaElement.addAttribute(CPCore.STRUCTURE, structure); final DefaultElement titleElement = new DefaultElement(CPCore.TITLE); titleElement.setText(title); orgaElement.add(titleElement); if (metadata != null) { metadata.buildDocument(orgaElement); } for (final Iterator<CPItem> itItem = items.iterator(); itItem.hasNext();) { final CPItem item =; item.buildDocument(orgaElement); } parent.add(orgaElement); }
Example 3
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** */ @Override public void buildDocument(final DefaultElement parent) { // String base = ""; // if(xmlbase != null && !xmlbase.equals("")) base=" // xml:base=\""+xmlbase+"\""; // TODO: xml base imlement !!! final DefaultElement resourceElement = new DefaultElement(CPCore.RESOURCE); resourceElement.addAttribute(CPCore.IDENTIFIER, identifier); resourceElement.addAttribute(CPCore.TYPE, type); resourceElement.addAttribute(CPCore.HREF, href); if (!xmlbase.equals("")) { resourceElement.addAttribute(CPCore.BASE, xmlbase); } if (metadata != null) { metadata.buildDocument(resourceElement); } // build files for (final Iterator<CPFile> itFiles = files.iterator(); itFiles.hasNext();) { final CPFile file =; file.buildDocument(resourceElement); } // build dependencies for (final Iterator<CPDependency> itDep = dependencies.iterator(); itDep.hasNext();) { final CPDependency dep =; dep.buildDocument(resourceElement); } parent.add(resourceElement); }
Example 4
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** */ @Override public void buildDocument(final DefaultElement parent) { final DefaultElement itemElement = new DefaultElement(CPCore.ITEM); itemElement.addAttribute(CPCore.IDENTIFIER, identifier); if (!identifierRef.equals("")) { itemElement.addAttribute(CPCore.IDENTIFIERREF, identifierRef); } itemElement.addAttribute(CPCore.ISVISIBLE, isVisibleString()); if (metadata != null) { metadata.buildDocument(itemElement); } final DefaultElement titleElement = new DefaultElement(CPCore.TITLE); titleElement.setText(title); itemElement.add(titleElement); for (final Iterator<CPItem> itItem = items.iterator(); itItem.hasNext();) { final CPItem item =; item.buildDocument(itemElement); } parent.add(itemElement); }
Example 5
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** */ @Override public void buildDocument(final DefaultElement parent) { final DefaultElement fileElement = new DefaultElement(CPCore.FILE); fileElement.addAttribute(CPCore.HREF, href); if (metadata != null) { metadata.buildDocument(fileElement); } parent.add(fileElement); }
Example 6
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** */ @Override public void buildDocument(final DefaultElement parent) { final DefaultElement depElement = new DefaultElement(CPCore.DEPENDENCY); depElement.addAttribute(CPCore.IDENTIFIERREF, identifierRef); parent.add(depElement); }
Example 7
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** */ @Override public void buildDocument(final DefaultElement parent) { // String base = ""; // if(xmlbase != null && !xmlbase.equals("")) base=" // xml:base=\""+xmlbase+"\""; // TODO: xml base imlement !!! final DefaultElement resourceElement = new DefaultElement(CPCore.RESOURCE); resourceElement.addAttribute(CPCore.IDENTIFIER, identifier); resourceElement.addAttribute(CPCore.TYPE, type); resourceElement.addAttribute(CPCore.HREF, href); if (!xmlbase.equals("")) { resourceElement.addAttribute(CPCore.BASE, xmlbase); } if (metadata != null) { metadata.buildDocument(resourceElement); } // build files for (final Iterator<CPFile> itFiles = files.iterator(); itFiles.hasNext();) { final CPFile file =; file.buildDocument(resourceElement); } // build dependencies for (final Iterator<CPDependency> itDep = dependencies.iterator(); itDep.hasNext();) { final CPDependency dep =; dep.buildDocument(resourceElement); } parent.add(resourceElement); }
Example 8
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** */ @Override public void buildDocument(final DefaultElement parent) { final DefaultElement itemElement = new DefaultElement(CPCore.ITEM); itemElement.addAttribute(CPCore.IDENTIFIER, identifier); if (!identifierRef.equals("")) { itemElement.addAttribute(CPCore.IDENTIFIERREF, identifierRef); } itemElement.addAttribute(CPCore.ISVISIBLE, isVisibleString()); if (metadata != null) { metadata.buildDocument(itemElement); } final DefaultElement titleElement = new DefaultElement(CPCore.TITLE); titleElement.setText(title); itemElement.add(titleElement); for (final Iterator<CPItem> itItem = items.iterator(); itItem.hasNext();) { final CPItem item =; item.buildDocument(itemElement); } parent.add(itemElement); }
Example 9
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** */ @Override public void buildDocument(final DefaultElement parent) { final DefaultElement fileElement = new DefaultElement(CPCore.FILE); fileElement.addAttribute(CPCore.HREF, href); if (metadata != null) { metadata.buildDocument(fileElement); } parent.add(fileElement); }
Example 10
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** */ @Override public void buildDocument(final DefaultElement parent) { final DefaultElement depElement = new DefaultElement(CPCore.DEPENDENCY); depElement.addAttribute(CPCore.IDENTIFIERREF, identifierRef); parent.add(depElement); }
Example 11
Source File: From onos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void buildXmppStanza() { xmppStanzaElement = new DefaultElement("iq"); xmppStanzaElement.addAttribute("type", "set"); xmppStanzaElement.addAttribute("from", ""); xmppStanzaElement.addAttribute("to", ""); Element pubsub = new DefaultElement("pubsub", new org.dom4j.Namespace("", "")); Element subscribe = new DefaultElement("subscribe"); subscribe.addAttribute("node", "test"); pubsub.add(subscribe); xmppStanzaElement.add(pubsub); }
Example 12
Source File: From mts with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Creates a specific Msg */ @Override public Msg parseMsgFromXml(ParseFromXmlContext context, Element root, Runner runner) throws Exception { MsgHttp2 msg = (MsgHttp2) super.parseMsgFromXml(context, root, runner); // // Try to find the channel // String channelName = root.attributeValue("channel"); //part to don't have regression if (channelName == null || channelName.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { channelName = root.attributeValue("connectionName"); } String remoteUrl = root.attributeValue("remoteURL"); //part to don't have regression if (remoteUrl == null || remoteUrl.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { remoteUrl = root.attributeValue("server"); } // // If the message is not a request, it is a response. // The channel to use will be obtained from the // channel of the transaction-associated request. if (msg.isRequest()) { ChannelHttp2 channel = null; // case the channelName is specified if (channelName != null && !channelName.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { channel = (ChannelHttp2) getChannel(channelName); } // case the remoteXXX is specified if (remoteUrl != null && !remoteUrl.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { channel = (ChannelHttp2) getChannel(remoteUrl); if (channel == null) { //part to don't have regression DefaultElement defaultElement = new DefaultElement("openChannelHTTP2"); defaultElement.addAttribute("remoteURL", remoteUrl); defaultElement.addAttribute("name", remoteUrl); channel = (ChannelHttp2) this.parseChannelFromXml(defaultElement, runner, StackFactory.PROTOCOL_HTTP2); openChannel(channel); channel = (ChannelHttp2) getChannel(remoteUrl); } } if (channel == null) { throw new ExecutionException("The channel named " + channelName + " does not exist"); } //Set transactionId in message for a request TransactionId transactionId1 = new TransactionId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); msg.setTransactionId(transactionId1); msg.setChannel(channel); } else { TransactionId transactionId = new TransactionId(root.attributeValue("transactionId")); Trans transaction = getInTransaction(transactionId); msg.setTransactionId(transactionId); msg.setTransaction(transaction); msg.setChannel(transaction.getBeginMsg().getChannel()); msg.setListenpoint(transaction.getBeginMsg().getListenpoint()); if (channelName != null) { throw new ExecutionException("You can not specify the \"channel\" attribute while sending a response (provided by the HTTP2 protocol)."); } if (remoteUrl != null) { throw new ExecutionException("You can not specify the \"remoteURL\" attribute while sending a response (provided by the HTTP2 protocol)."); } } return msg; }
Example 13
Source File: From mts with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** Creates a specific HTTP Msg */ @Override public Msg parseMsgFromXml(ParseFromXmlContext context, Element root, Runner runner) throws Exception { Msg msg = super.parseMsgFromXml(context, root, runner); // // Try to find the channel // String channelName = root.attributeValue("channel"); //part to don't have regression if (channelName == null || channelName.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { channelName = root.attributeValue("connectionName"); } String remoteUrl = root.attributeValue("remoteURL"); //part to don't have regression if (remoteUrl == null || remoteUrl.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { remoteUrl = root.attributeValue("server"); } // // If the message is not a request, it is a response. // The channel to use will be obtained from the // channel of the transaction-associated request. if (msg.isRequest()) { Channel channel = null; // case the channelName is specified if (channelName != null && !channelName.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { channel = getChannel(channelName); } // case the remoteXXX is specified if (remoteUrl != null && !remoteUrl.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { channel = getChannel(remoteUrl); if (channel == null) { //part to don't have regression DefaultElement defaultElement = new DefaultElement("openChannelHTTP"); defaultElement.addAttribute("remoteURL", remoteUrl); defaultElement.addAttribute("name", remoteUrl); channel = this.parseChannelFromXml(defaultElement, runner, StackFactory.PROTOCOL_HTTP); openChannel(channel); channel = getChannel(remoteUrl); } } if (channel == null) { throw new ExecutionException("The channel named " + channelName + " does not exist"); } // call to getTransactionId to generate it NOW (important) // it can be generated now because this is a request from xml msg.getTransactionId(); msg.setChannel(channel); } else { if (channelName != null) { throw new ExecutionException("You can not specify the \"channel\" attribute while sending a response (provided by the HTTP protocol)."); } if (remoteUrl != null) { throw new ExecutionException("You can not specify the \"remoteURL\" attribute while sending a response (provided by the HTTP protocol)."); } } return msg; }