org.apache.commons.vfs2.provider.UriParser Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From hop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public FileName parseUri( VfsComponentContext context, FileName base, String uri ) throws FileSystemException { StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(); String scheme = UriParser.extractScheme( uri, name ); UriParser.canonicalizePath( name, 0, name.length(), this ); // Normalize separators in the path UriParser.fixSeparators( name ); // Normalise the path FileType fileType = UriParser.normalisePath( name ); String fullPath = name.toString(); // Extract bucket name final String bucketName = UriParser.extractFirstElement( name ); return new S3FileName( scheme, bucketName, fullPath, fileType ); }
Example #2
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Tests FindFiles with a file name that has a hash sign in it. */ public void testHashFindFiles() throws Exception { final FileSystemManager fsManager = VFS.getManager(); final FileObject[] foList = getBaseFolder().findFiles(Selectors.SELECT_FILES); boolean hashFileFound = false; for (final FileObject fo : foList) { if (fo.getURL().toString().contains("test-hash")) { hashFileFound = true; assertEquals(fo.toString(), UriParser.decode(fo.getURL().toString())); } } if (!hashFileFound) { fail("Test hash file containing 'test-hash' not found"); } }
Example #3
Source File: From commons-configuration with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public String getBasePath(final String path) { if (UriParser.extractScheme(path) == null) { return super.getBasePath(path); } try { final FileSystemManager fsManager = VFS.getManager(); final FileName name = fsManager.resolveURI(path); return name.getParent().getURI(); } catch (final FileSystemException fse) { fse.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
Example #4
Source File: From commons-configuration with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public String getFileName(final String path) { if (UriParser.extractScheme(path) == null) { return super.getFileName(path); } try { final FileSystemManager fsManager = VFS.getManager(); final FileName name = fsManager.resolveURI(path); return name.getBaseName(); } catch (final FileSystemException fse) { fse.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
Example #5
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Lists the children of the file. */ @Override protected String[] doListChildren() throws Exception { // List the children of this file doGetChildren(); // VFS-210 if (children == null) { return null; } // TODO - get rid of this children stuff final String[] childNames = new String[children.size()]; int childNum = -1; final Iterator<FTPFile> iterChildren = children.values().iterator(); while (iterChildren.hasNext()) { childNum++; final FTPFile child =; childNames[childNum] = child.getName(); } return UriParser.encode(childNames); }
Example #6
Source File: From hop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public FileName parseUri( VfsComponentContext context, FileName base, String uri ) throws FileSystemException { StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(); String scheme = UriParser.extractScheme( uri, name ); UriParser.canonicalizePath( name, 0, name.length(), this ); // Normalize separators in the path UriParser.fixSeparators( name ); // Normalise the path FileType fileType = UriParser.normalisePath( name ); // Extract bucket name final String bucketName = UriParser.extractFirstElement( name ); return new S3NFileName( scheme, bucketName, name.toString(), fileType ); }
Example #7
Source File: From hop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public FileName parseUri( VfsComponentContext context, FileName base, String uri ) throws FileSystemException { StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(); String scheme = UriParser.extractScheme( uri, name ); UriParser.canonicalizePath( name, 0, name.length(), this ); // Normalize separators in the path UriParser.fixSeparators( name ); // Normalise the path FileType fileType = UriParser.normalisePath( name ); // Extract bucket name final String bucketName = UriParser.extractFirstElement( name ); return new S3AFileName( scheme, bucketName, name.toString(), fileType ); }
Example #8
Source File: From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void updateLocation() { String pathText = wPath.getText(); String scheme = pathText.isEmpty() ? HDFS_SCHEME : UriParser.extractScheme( pathText ); if ( scheme != null ) { List<VFSScheme> availableVFSSchemes = getAvailableVFSSchemes(); for ( int i = 0; i < availableVFSSchemes.size(); i++ ) { VFSScheme s = availableVFSSchemes.get( i ); if ( scheme.equals( s.scheme ) ) { i ); selectedVFSScheme = s; } } } }
Example #9
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Resolve the uri to a file name. * * @param uri The URI to resolve. * @return The FileName of the file. * @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs. */ @Override public FileName resolveURI(final String uri) throws FileSystemException { UriParser.checkUriEncoding(uri); if (uri == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } // Extract the scheme final String scheme = UriParser.extractScheme(getSchemes(), uri); if (scheme != null) { // An absolute URI - locate the provider final FileProvider provider = providers.get(scheme); if (provider != null) { return provider.parseUri(null, uri); } // Otherwise, assume a local file } // Handle absolute file names if (localFileProvider != null && localFileProvider.isAbsoluteLocalName(uri)) { return localFileProvider.parseUri(null, uri); } if (scheme != null) { // An unknown scheme - hand it to the default provider FileSystemException.requireNonNull(defaultProvider, "vfs.impl/unknown-scheme.error", scheme, uri); return defaultProvider.parseUri(null, uri); } // Assume a relative name - use the supplied base file FileSystemException.requireNonNull(baseFile, "vfs.impl/find-rel-file.error", uri); return resolveName(baseFile.getName(), uri, NameScope.FILE_SYSTEM); }
Example #10
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** Create directory structure for {@link #testSpecialName()} and {@link #testSchemePrefix()} */ private FileObject prepareSpecialFile(final String dirname, final String testFileName) throws FileSystemException { // set up a folder containing an filename with special characters: final FileObject dir = manager.resolveFile("ram:" + dirname); dir.createFolder(); // construct the absolute name to make sure the relative name is not miss-interpreted // ("./" + UriParser.encode(testFileName, ENC) would also work) final String filePath = dir.getName().getPath() + "/" + UriParser.encode(testFileName, ENC); final FileObject specialFile = dir.resolveFile(filePath); specialFile.createFile(); return dir; }
Example #11
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Create the temporary file name. * * @param baseName The base to prepend to the file name being created. * @return the name of the File. */ protected String createFilename(final String baseName) { // BUG29007 // return baseName + "_" + getFilecount() + ".tmp"; // BUG34976 get rid of maybe reserved and dangerous characters // e.g. to allow replication of final String safeBasename = UriParser.encode(baseName, TMP_RESERVED_CHARS).replace('%', '_'); return "tmp_" + getFilecount() + "_" + safeBasename; }
Example #12
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Test some special file name symbols. * <p> * Use the RamProvider since it has no character limitations like * the (Windows) LocalFileProvider. */ @Test public void testSpecialName() throws FileSystemException { // we test with this file name // does not work with '!' final String testDir = "/spacialtest/"; final String testFileName = "test:+-_ \"()<>%#.txt"; final String expectedName = testDir + testFileName; final FileObject dir = prepareSpecialFile(testDir, testFileName); // DO: verify you can list it: final FileObject[] findFilesResult = dir.findFiles(new AllFileSelector()); // includes dir final FileObject[] getChildrenResult = dir.getChildren(); final FileObject getChildResult = dir.getChild(UriParser.encode(testFileName, ENC)); // validate findFiles returns expected result assertEquals("Unexpected result findFiles: " + Arrays.toString(findFilesResult), 2, findFilesResult.length); String resultName = findFilesResult[0].getName().getPathDecoded(); assertEquals("findFiles Child name does not match", expectedName, resultName); assertEquals("Did findFiles but child was no file", FileType.FILE, findFilesResult[0].getType()); // validate getChildren returns expected result assertEquals("Unexpected result getChildren: " + Arrays.toString(getChildrenResult), 1, getChildrenResult.length); resultName = getChildrenResult[0].getName().getPathDecoded(); assertEquals("getChildren Child name does not match", expectedName, resultName); assertEquals("Did getChildren but child was no file", FileType.FILE, getChildrenResult[0].getType()); // validate getChild returns expected child assertNotNull("Did not find direct child", getChildResult); resultName = getChildResult.getName().getPathDecoded(); assertEquals("getChild name does not match", expectedName, resultName); assertEquals("getChild was no file", FileType.FILE, getChildResult.getType()); }
Example #13
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns the decoded URI of the file. * * @return the FileName as a URI. */ @Override public String toString() { try { return UriParser.decode(super.getURI()); } catch (final FileSystemException e) { return super.getURI(); } }
Example #14
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public FileName parseUri(final VfsComponentContext context, final FileName base, final String filename) throws FileSystemException { final StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(); // Extract the scheme and authority parts final Authority auth = extractToPath(context, filename, name); // extract domain String username = auth.getUserName(); final String domain = extractDomain(username); if (domain != null) { username = username.substring(domain.length() + 1); } // Decode and adjust separators UriParser.canonicalizePath(name, 0, name.length(), this); UriParser.fixSeparators(name); // Extract the share final String share = UriParser.extractFirstElement(name); if (share == null || share.length() == 0) { throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider.smb/missing-share-name.error", filename); } // Normalise the path. Do this after extracting the share name, // to deal with things like smb://hostname/share/.. final FileType fileType = UriParser.normalisePath(name); final String path = name.toString(); return new SmbFileName(auth.getScheme(), auth.getHostName(), auth.getPort(), username, auth.getPassword(), domain, share, path, fileType); }
Example #15
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Lists the children of the file. Is only called if {@link #doGetType} returns {@link FileType#FOLDER}. */ @Override protected String[] doListChildren() throws Exception { // VFS-210: do not try to get listing for anything else than directories if (!file.isDirectory()) { return null; } return UriParser.encode(file.list()); }
Example #16
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Called when the children of this file change. */ @Override protected void onChildrenChanged(final FileName child, final FileType newType) { if (children != null && newType.equals(FileType.IMAGINARY)) { try { children.remove(UriParser.decode(child.getBaseName())); } catch (final FileSystemException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } else { // if child was added we have to rescan the children // TODO - get rid of this children = null; } }
Example #17
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected FtpFileObject(final AbstractFileName name, final FtpFileSystem fileSystem, final FileName rootName) throws FileSystemException { super(name, fileSystem); final String relPath = UriParser.decode(rootName.getRelativeName(name)); if (".".equals(relPath)) { // do not use the "." as path against the ftp-server // e.g. the ftp-server do a recursive listing then // this.relPath = UriParser.decode(rootName.getPath()); // this.relPath = "."; this.relPath = null; } else { this.relPath = relPath; } }
Example #18
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Locates a file object, by absolute URI. * * @param baseFile The base FileObject. * @param uri The URI of the file to be located. * @param properties FileSystemOptions to use to locate or create the file. * @return The FileObject. * @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs. */ @Override public synchronized FileObject findFile(final FileObject baseFile, final String uri, final FileSystemOptions properties) throws FileSystemException { // Parse the name final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(uri); final String scheme = UriParser.extractScheme(getContext().getFileSystemManager().getSchemes(), uri, buffer); UriParser.fixSeparators(buffer); UriParser.normalisePath(buffer); final String path = buffer.toString(); // Create the temp file system if it does not exist // FileSystem filesystem = findFileSystem( this, (Properties) null); FileSystem filesystem = findFileSystem(this, properties); if (filesystem == null) { if (rootFile == null) { rootFile = getContext().getTemporaryFileStore().allocateFile("tempfs"); } final FileName rootName = getContext().parseURI(scheme + ":" + FileName.ROOT_PATH); // final FileName rootName = // new LocalFileName(scheme, scheme + ":", FileName.ROOT_PATH); filesystem = new LocalFileSystem(rootName, rootFile.getAbsolutePath(), properties); addFileSystem(this, filesystem); } // Find the file return filesystem.resolveFile(path); }
Example #19
Source File: From commons-configuration with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public URL getURL(final String basePath, final String file) throws MalformedURLException { if ((basePath != null && UriParser.extractScheme(basePath) == null) || (basePath == null && UriParser.extractScheme(file) == null)) { return super.getURL(basePath, file); } try { final FileSystemManager fsManager = VFS.getManager(); FileName path; if (basePath != null && UriParser.extractScheme(file) == null) { final FileName base = fsManager.resolveURI(basePath); path = fsManager.resolveName(base, file); } else { path = fsManager.resolveURI(file); } final URLStreamHandler handler = new VFSURLStreamHandler(path); return new URL(null, path.getURI(), handler); } catch (final FileSystemException fse) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Could not parse basePath: " + basePath + " and fileName: " + file, fse); } }
Example #20
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public FileName parseUri(final VfsComponentContext context, final FileName base, final String uri) throws FileSystemException { final StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(); // Extract the scheme String scheme = UriParser.extractScheme(getSchemes(context, base, uri), uri, name); if (scheme == null && base != null) { scheme = base.getScheme(); } if (scheme == null) { scheme = "file"; } // Remove encoding, and adjust the separators UriParser.canonicalizePath(name, 0, name.length(), this); UriParser.fixSeparators(name); // Extract the root prefix final String rootFile = extractRootPrefix(uri, name); // Normalise the path final FileType fileType = UriParser.normalisePath(name); final String path = name.toString(); return createFileName(scheme, rootFile, path, fileType); }
Example #21
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Determines if a name is an absolute file name. * * @param name The file name. * @return true if the name is absolute, false otherwise. */ public boolean isAbsoluteName(final String name) { // TODO - this is yucky final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(name); try { UriParser.fixSeparators(b); extractRootPrefix(name, b); return true; } catch (final FileSystemException e) { return false; } }
Example #22
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns the decoded URI of the file. * * @return the FileName as a URI. */ @Override public String toString() { try { return UriParser.decode(super.getURI()); } catch (final FileSystemException e) { return super.getURI(); } }
Example #23
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns the URI of the file. * * @return The URI of the file. */ @Override public String toString() { try { // VFS-325: URI may contain percent-encoded values as part of file name, so decode // those characters before returning return UriParser.decode(getName().getURI()); } catch (final FileSystemException e) { return getName().getURI(); } }
Example #24
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Tests resolution of an absolute file name. */ public void testHashURL() throws Exception { final FileObject file = getReadFolder().resolveFile("test-hash-#test.txt"); assertEquals(file.toString(), UriParser.decode(file.getURL().toString())); }
Example #25
Source File: From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static AbstractFileName parseUri( String uri, FileNameParser fileNameParser ) throws FileSystemException { StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(); String scheme = UriParser.extractScheme( uri, name ); UriParser.canonicalizePath( name, 0, name.length(), fileNameParser ); UriParser.fixSeparators( name ); FileType fileType = UriParser.normalisePath( name ); // Extract the named connection name final String connection = UriParser.extractFirstElement( name ); String path = name.toString(); return new ConnectionFileName( scheme, connection, path, fileType ); }
Example #26
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Resolves a name, relative to the root. * * @param base the base file name * @param name the name * @param scope the {@link NameScope} * @return The FileName of the file. * @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs. */ @Override public FileName resolveName(final FileName base, final String name, final NameScope scope) throws FileSystemException { FileSystemException.requireNonNull(base, "Invalid base FileName."); FileSystemException.requireNonNull(name, "Invalid name FileName."); final FileName realBase; if (VFS.isUriStyle() && base.isFile()) { realBase = base.getParent(); } else { realBase = base; } final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(name); // Adjust separators UriParser.fixSeparators(buffer); String scheme = UriParser.extractScheme(getSchemes(), buffer.toString()); // Determine whether to prepend the base path if (name.length() == 0 || (scheme == null && buffer.charAt(0) != FileName.SEPARATOR_CHAR)) { // Supplied path is not absolute if (!VFS.isUriStyle()) { // when using URIs the parent already do have the trailing "/" buffer.insert(0, FileName.SEPARATOR_CHAR); } buffer.insert(0, realBase.getPath()); } // Normalise the path final FileType fileType = UriParser.normalisePath(buffer); // Check the name is ok final String resolvedPath = buffer.toString(); if (!AbstractFileName.checkName(realBase.getPath(), resolvedPath, scope)) { throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider/invalid-descendent-name.error", name); } String fullPath; if (scheme != null) { fullPath = resolvedPath; } else { scheme = realBase.getScheme(); fullPath = realBase.getRootURI() + resolvedPath; } final FileProvider provider = providers.get(scheme); if (provider != null) { // TODO: extend the file name parser to be able to parse // only a pathname and take the missing informations from // the base. Then we can get rid of the string operation. // // String fullPath = base.getRootURI() + // resolvedPath.substring(1); return provider.parseUri(realBase, fullPath); } // An unknown scheme - hand it to the default provider - if possible if (scheme != null && defaultProvider != null) { return defaultProvider.parseUri(realBase, fullPath); } // TODO: avoid fallback to this point // this happens if we have a virtual filesystem (no provider for scheme) return ((AbstractFileName) realBase).createName(resolvedPath, fileType); }
Example #27
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Resolves a URI, relative to a base file with specified FileSystem configuration. * * @param baseFile The base file. * @param uri The file name. May be a fully qualified or relative path or a url. * @param fileSystemOptions Options to pass to the file system. * @return A FileObject representing the target file. * @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs accessing the file. */ public FileObject resolveFile(final FileObject baseFile, final String uri, final FileSystemOptions fileSystemOptions) throws FileSystemException { final FileObject realBaseFile; if (baseFile != null && VFS.isUriStyle() && baseFile.getName().isFile()) { realBaseFile = baseFile.getParent(); } else { realBaseFile = baseFile; } // TODO: use resolveName and use this name to resolve the fileObject UriParser.checkUriEncoding(uri); if (uri == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } // Extract the scheme final String scheme = UriParser.extractScheme(getSchemes(), uri); if (scheme != null) { // An absolute URI - locate the provider final FileProvider provider = providers.get(scheme); if (provider != null) { return provider.findFile(realBaseFile, uri, fileSystemOptions); } // Otherwise, assume a local file } // Handle absolute file names if (localFileProvider != null && localFileProvider.isAbsoluteLocalName(uri)) { return localFileProvider.findLocalFile(uri); } if (scheme != null) { // An unknown scheme - hand it to the default provider FileSystemException.requireNonNull(defaultProvider, "vfs.impl/unknown-scheme.error", scheme, uri); return defaultProvider.findFile(realBaseFile, uri, fileSystemOptions); } // Assume a relative name - use the supplied base file FileSystemException.requireNonNull(realBaseFile, "vfs.impl/find-rel-file.error", uri); return realBaseFile.resolveFile(uri); }
Example #28
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void init() throws FileSystemException { super.init(); // Build the index try { final List<TarFileObject> strongRef = new ArrayList<>(DEFAULT_INDEX_SIZE); TarArchiveEntry entry; while ((entry = getTarFile().getNextTarEntry()) != null) { final AbstractFileName name = (AbstractFileName) getFileSystemManager().resolveName(getRootName(), UriParser.encode(entry.getName())); // Create the file TarFileObject fileObj; if (entry.isDirectory() && getFileFromCache(name) != null) { fileObj = (TarFileObject) getFileFromCache(name); fileObj.setTarEntry(entry); continue; } fileObj = createTarFileObject(name, entry); putFileToCache(fileObj); strongRef.add(fileObj); fileObj.holdObject(strongRef); // Make sure all ancestors exist // TODO - create these on demand TarFileObject parent = null; for (AbstractFileName parentName = (AbstractFileName) name .getParent(); parentName != null; fileObj = parent, parentName = (AbstractFileName) parentName .getParent()) { // Locate the parent parent = (TarFileObject) getFileFromCache(parentName); if (parent == null) { parent = createTarFileObject(parentName, null); putFileToCache(parent); strongRef.add(parent); parent.holdObject(strongRef); } // Attach child to parent parent.attachChild(fileObj.getName()); } } } catch (final IOException e) { throw new FileSystemException(e); } finally { closeCommunicationLink(); } }
Example #29
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected SftpFileObject(final AbstractFileName name, final SftpFileSystem fileSystem) throws FileSystemException { super(name, fileSystem); relPath = UriParser.decode(fileSystem.getRootName().getRelativeName(name)); }
Example #30
Source File: From commons-vfs with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Returns the children of the file. */ @Override protected String[] doListChildren() throws Exception { return UriParser.encode(file.list()); }