org.apache.helix.model.StateModelDefinition Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.apache.helix.model.StateModelDefinition. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From uReplicator with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Build OnlineOffline state model definition
public static StateModelDefinition build() {
  Builder builder = new Builder(name);
  // init state

  // add states
  builder.addState(, 20);
  builder.addState(, -1);
  for (HelixDefinedState state : HelixDefinedState.values()) {
    builder.addState(, -1);

  // add transitions

  builder.addTransition(,, 25);
  builder.addTransition(,, 5);
  builder.addTransition(,, 0);

  // bounds
  builder.dynamicUpperBound(, "R");

Example #2
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static int getStateCount(String state, StateModelDefinition stateModelDef, int liveAndEnabledSize,
    int preferenceListSize) {
  String num = stateModelDef.getNumInstancesPerState(state);
  int stateCount = -1;
  if ("N".equals(num)) {
    stateCount = liveAndEnabledSize;
  } else if ("R".equals(num)) {
    stateCount = preferenceListSize;
  } else {
    try {
      stateCount = Integer.parseInt(num);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error("Invalid count for state:" + state + " ,count=" + num);

  return stateCount;
Example #3
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Compute best state for partition in AUTO ideal state mode.
 * @param liveInstances
 * @param stateModelDef
 * @param preferenceList
 * @param currentStateOutput instance->state for each partition
 * @param disabledInstancesForPartition
 * @param idealState
 * @param clusterConfig
 * @param partition
 * @param monitoredResolver
 * @return
protected Map<String, String> computeBestPossibleStateForPartition(Set<String> liveInstances,
    StateModelDefinition stateModelDef, List<String> preferenceList,
    CurrentStateOutput currentStateOutput, Set<String> disabledInstancesForPartition,
    IdealState idealState, ClusterConfig clusterConfig, Partition partition,
    MonitoredAbnormalResolver monitoredResolver) {
  Optional<Map<String, String>> optionalOverwrittenStates =
      computeStatesOverwriteForPartition(stateModelDef, preferenceList, currentStateOutput,
          idealState, partition, monitoredResolver);
  if (optionalOverwrittenStates.isPresent()) {
    return optionalOverwrittenStates.get();

  Map<String, String> currentStateMap = new HashMap<>(
      currentStateOutput.getCurrentStateMap(idealState.getResourceName(), partition));
  return computeBestPossibleMap(preferenceList, stateModelDef, currentStateMap, liveInstances,
Example #4
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Compute the best state for all partitions.
 * This is the default implementation, subclasses should re-implement
 * this method if its logic to generate bestpossible map for each partition is different from the default one here.
 * @param cache
 * @param idealState
 * @param resource
 * @param currentStateOutput
 *          Provides the current state and pending state transitions for all partitions
 * @return
public ResourceAssignment computeBestPossiblePartitionState(
    T cache, IdealState idealState, Resource resource,
    CurrentStateOutput currentStateOutput) {
  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
    LOG.debug("Processing resource:" + resource.getResourceName());
  String stateModelDefName = idealState.getStateModelDefRef();
  StateModelDefinition stateModelDef = cache.getStateModelDef(stateModelDefName);
  ResourceAssignment partitionMapping = new ResourceAssignment(resource.getResourceName());
  for (Partition partition : resource.getPartitions()) {
    Set<String> disabledInstancesForPartition =
        cache.getDisabledInstancesForPartition(resource.getResourceName(), partition.toString());
    List<String> preferenceList = getPreferenceList(partition, idealState,
    Map<String, String> bestStateForPartition =
        computeBestPossibleStateForPartition(cache.getLiveInstances().keySet(), stateModelDef,
            preferenceList, currentStateOutput, disabledInstancesForPartition, idealState,
            cache.getClusterConfig(), partition,
    partitionMapping.addReplicaMap(partition, bestStateForPartition);
  return partitionMapping;
Example #5
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * The current states are not valid if there are more than one top state replicas for a single top
 * state state model.
public boolean checkCurrentStates(final CurrentStateOutput currentStateOutput,
    final String resourceName, final Partition partition, StateModelDefinition stateModelDef) {
  if (!stateModelDef.isSingleTopStateModel()) {
    return true;
  // TODO: Cache top state count in the ResourceControllerDataProvider and avoid repeated counting
  // TODO: here. It would be premature to do it now. But with more use case, we can improve the
  // TODO: ResourceControllerDataProvider to calculate by default.
  if (currentStateOutput.getCurrentStateMap(resourceName, partition).values().stream()
      .filter(state -> state.equals(stateModelDef.getTopState())).count() > 1) {
    return false;
  return true;
Example #6
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void setup() {
  admin = new ZKHelixAdmin(ZK_ADDRESS);
  // create cluster
  echo("Creating cluster: " + CLUSTER_NAME);
  admin.addCluster(CLUSTER_NAME, true);

  // Add nodes to the cluster
  echo("Adding " + NUM_NODES + " participants to the cluster");
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_NODES; i++) {
    admin.addInstance(CLUSTER_NAME, INSTANCE_CONFIG_LIST.get(i));
    echo("\t Added participant: " + INSTANCE_CONFIG_LIST.get(i).getInstanceName());

  // Add a state model
  StateModelDefinition myStateModel = defineStateModel();
  echo("Configuring StateModel: " + "MyStateModel  with 1 Master and 1 Slave");
  admin.addStateModelDef(CLUSTER_NAME, STATE_MODEL_NAME, myStateModel);

  // Add a resource with 6 partitions and 2 replicas
  echo("Adding a resource MyResource: " + "with 6 partitions and 2 replicas");
  // this will set up the ideal state, it calculates the preference list for
  // each partition similar to consistent hashing
Example #7
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Update per-instance resource bean
 * @param stateMap partition->state
 * @tags tags instance tags
 * @param stateModelDef
public synchronized void update(Map<Partition, String> stateMap, Set<String> tags,
    StateModelDefinition stateModelDef) {
  if (tags == null || tags.isEmpty()) {
    _tags = ImmutableList.of(ClusterStatusMonitor.DEFAULT_TAG);
  } else {
    _tags = Lists.newArrayList(tags);

  int cnt = 0;
  for (String state : stateMap.values()) {
    // Skip DROPPED and initial state (e.g. OFFLINE)
    if (state.equalsIgnoreCase(
        || state.equalsIgnoreCase(stateModelDef.getInitialState())) {
  _partitions = cnt;
Example #8
Source File:    From incubator-pinot with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static StateModelDefinition generatePinotStateModelDefinition() {
  StateModelDefinition.Builder builder = new StateModelDefinition.Builder(PINOT_SEGMENT_ONLINE_OFFLINE_STATE_MODEL);

  // Set the initial state when the node starts

  // Add transitions between the states.
  builder.addTransition(CONSUMING_STATE, ONLINE_STATE);
  builder.addTransition(OFFLINE_STATE, CONSUMING_STATE);
  builder.addTransition(OFFLINE_STATE, ONLINE_STATE);
  builder.addTransition(CONSUMING_STATE, OFFLINE_STATE);
  builder.addTransition(ONLINE_STATE, OFFLINE_STATE);
  builder.addTransition(OFFLINE_STATE, DROPPED_STATE);

  // set constraints on states.
  // static constraint
  builder.dynamicUpperBound(ONLINE_STATE, "R");
  // dynamic constraint, R means it should be derived based on the replication
  // factor.
  builder.dynamicUpperBound(CONSUMING_STATE, "R");

  StateModelDefinition statemodelDefinition =;
  return statemodelDefinition;
Example #9
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Check for a partition, whether all transitions for its replicas are downward transitions. Note
 * that this function does NOT check for ERROR states.
 * @param currentStateMap
 * @param bestPossibleMap
 * @param stateModelDef
 * @return true if there are; false otherwise
private boolean isLoadBalanceDownwardForAllReplicas(Map<String, String> currentStateMap,
    Map<String, String> bestPossibleMap, StateModelDefinition stateModelDef) {
  Set<String> allInstances = new HashSet<>();
  Map<String, Integer> statePriorityMap = stateModelDef.getStatePriorityMap();

  for (String instance : allInstances) {
    String currentState = currentStateMap.get(instance);
    String bestPossibleState = bestPossibleMap.get(instance);
    if (currentState == null) {
      return false; // null -> state is upward
    if (bestPossibleState != null) {
      // Compare priority values and return if an upward transition is found
      // Note that lower integer value implies higher priority
      if (!statePriorityMap.containsKey(currentState)
          || !statePriorityMap.containsKey(bestPossibleState)) {
        // If the state is not found in statePriorityMap, consider it not strictly downward by
        // default because we can't determine whether it is downward
        return false;
      if (statePriorityMap.get(currentState) > statePriorityMap.get(bestPossibleState)) {
        return false;
  return true;
Example #10
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * From current state output, find out the location of the top state of given resource
 * and partition
 * @param currentStateOutput current state output
 * @param resourceName resource name
 * @param partition partition of the resource
 * @param stateModelDef state model def object
 * @return name of the node that contains top state, null if there is not top state recorded
private String findCurrentTopStateLocation(CurrentStateOutput currentStateOutput,
    String resourceName, Partition partition, StateModelDefinition stateModelDef) {
  Map<String, String> stateMap = currentStateOutput.getCurrentStateMap(resourceName, partition);
  for (String instance : stateMap.keySet()) {
    if (stateMap.get(instance).equals(stateModelDef.getTopState())) {
      return instance;
  return null;
Example #11
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Message generateCancellationMessageForPendingMessage(final String desiredState, final String currentState,
    final String nextState, final Message pendingMessage, final HelixManager manager,
    final Resource resource, final Partition partition, final Map<String, String> sessionIdMap,
    final String instanceName, final StateModelDefinition stateModelDef,
    final Message cancellationMessage, final boolean isCancellationEnabled) {

  Message message = null;

  if (pendingMessage != null) {
    String pendingState = pendingMessage.getToState();
    if (nextState.equalsIgnoreCase(pendingState)) {
      LogUtil.logInfo(logger, _eventId,
          "Message already exists for " + instanceName + " to transit " + resource
              .getResourceName() + "." + partition.getPartitionName() + " from "
              + currentState + " to " + nextState + ", isRelay: " + pendingMessage.isRelayMessage());
    } else if (currentState.equalsIgnoreCase(pendingState)) {
      LogUtil.logInfo(logger, _eventId,
          "Message hasn't been removed for " + instanceName + " to transit " + resource
              .getResourceName() + "." + partition.getPartitionName() + " to "
              + pendingState + ", desiredState: " + desiredState + ", isRelay: " + pendingMessage.isRelayMessage());
    } else {
      LogUtil.logInfo(logger, _eventId,
          "IdealState changed before state transition completes for " + resource
              .getResourceName() + "." + partition.getPartitionName() + " on "
              + instanceName + ", pendingState: " + pendingState + ", currentState: "
              + currentState + ", nextState: " + nextState + ", isRelay: " + pendingMessage.isRelayMessage());

      message = createStateTransitionCancellationMessage(manager, resource,
          partition.getPartitionName(), instanceName, sessionIdMap.get(instanceName),
          stateModelDef.getId(), pendingMessage.getFromState(), pendingState, nextState,
          cancellationMessage, isCancellationEnabled, currentState);
  return message;
Example #12
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void process(ClusterEvent event) throws Exception {
  _eventId = event.getEventId();
  CurrentStateOutput currentStateOutput = event.getAttribute(;
  final Map<String, Resource> resourceMap =
  final ClusterStatusMonitor clusterStatusMonitor =
  ResourceControllerDataProvider cache =

  if (currentStateOutput == null || resourceMap == null || cache == null) {
    throw new StageException(
        "Missing attributes in event:" + event + ". Requires CURRENT_STATE|RESOURCES|DataCache");

  final BestPossibleStateOutput bestPossibleStateOutput =
      compute(event, resourceMap, currentStateOutput);
  event.addAttribute(, bestPossibleStateOutput);

  final Map<String, InstanceConfig> instanceConfigMap = cache.getInstanceConfigMap();
  final Map<String, StateModelDefinition> stateModelDefMap = cache.getStateModelDefMap();
  asyncExecute(cache.getAsyncTasksThreadPool(), new Callable<Object>() {
    public Object call() {
      try {
        if (clusterStatusMonitor != null) {
              .setPerInstanceResourceStatus(bestPossibleStateOutput, instanceConfigMap,
                  resourceMap, stateModelDefMap);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        LogUtil.logError(logger, _eventId, "Could not update cluster status metrics!", e);
      return null;
Example #13
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Representation post(Representation entity) {
  try {
    String clusterName = (String) getRequest().getAttributes().get("clusterName");
    String modelName = (String) getRequest().getAttributes().get("modelName");
    ZkClient zkClient =
        (ZkClient) getContext().getAttributes().get(RestAdminApplication.ZKCLIENT);

    JsonParameters jsonParameters = new JsonParameters(entity);
    String command = jsonParameters.getCommand();

    if (command.equalsIgnoreCase(ClusterSetup.addStateModelDef)) {
      ZNRecord newStateModel =
      HelixDataAccessor accessor =
          ClusterRepresentationUtil.getClusterDataAccessor(zkClient, clusterName);

          new StateModelDefinition(newStateModel));
    } else {
      throw new HelixException("Unsupported command: " + command + ". Should be one of ["
          + ClusterSetup.addStateModelDef + "]");
    getResponse().setEntity(getStateModelRepresentation(clusterName, modelName));
  } catch (Exception e) {
    LOG.error("Error in posting " + entity, e);
  return null;
Example #14
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Get a StateModelDefinition without transitions. The auto rebalancer doesn't take transitions
 * into account when computing mappings, so this is acceptable.
 * @param modelName name to give the model
 * @param initialState initial state for all nodes
 * @param states ordered map of state to count
 * @return incomplete StateModelDefinition for rebalancing
private StateModelDefinition getIncompleteStateModelDef(String modelName, String initialState,
    LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> states) {
  StateModelDefinition.Builder builder = new StateModelDefinition.Builder(modelName);
  int i = states.size();
  for (String state : states.keySet()) {
    builder.addState(state, i);
    builder.upperBound(state, states.get(state));
Example #15
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Compute the best state for all partitions.
 * This is the default implementation, subclasses should re-implement
 * this method if its logic to generate bestpossible map for each partition is different from the default one here.
 * @param cache
 * @param idealState
 * @param resource
 * @param currentStateOutput Provides the current state and pending state transitions for all partitions
 * @return
public ResourceAssignment computeBestPossiblePartitionState(ResourceControllerDataProvider cache,
    IdealState idealState, Resource resource, CurrentStateOutput currentStateOutput) {
  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
    LOG.debug("Processing resource:" + resource.getResourceName());

  Set<String> allNodes = cache.getEnabledInstances();
  Set<String> liveNodes = cache.getLiveInstances().keySet();

  ClusterConfig clusterConfig = cache.getClusterConfig();
  long delayTime = DelayedRebalanceUtil.getRebalanceDelay(idealState, clusterConfig);
  Set<String> activeNodes = DelayedRebalanceUtil
      .getActiveNodes(allNodes, idealState, liveNodes, cache.getInstanceOfflineTimeMap(),
          cache.getLiveInstances().keySet(), cache.getInstanceConfigMap(), delayTime,

  String stateModelDefName = idealState.getStateModelDefRef();
  StateModelDefinition stateModelDef = cache.getStateModelDef(stateModelDefName);
  ResourceAssignment partitionMapping = new ResourceAssignment(resource.getResourceName());
  for (Partition partition : resource.getPartitions()) {
    Set<String> disabledInstancesForPartition =
        cache.getDisabledInstancesForPartition(resource.getResourceName(), partition.toString());
    List<String> preferenceList = getPreferenceList(partition, idealState, activeNodes);
    Map<String, String> bestStateForPartition =
        computeBestPossibleStateForPartition(liveNodes, stateModelDef, preferenceList,
            currentStateOutput, disabledInstancesForPartition, idealState, clusterConfig,
            partition, cache.getAbnormalStateResolver(stateModelDefName));

    partitionMapping.addReplicaMap(partition, bestStateForPartition);

  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
    LOG.debug("Best possible mapping for resource  " + resource.getResourceName() + ": "
        + partitionMapping);

  return partitionMapping;
Example #16
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected Map<String, String> computeBestPossibleMapForDisabledResource(
    final Map<String, String> currentStateMap, StateModelDefinition stateModelDef) {
  Map<String, String> bestPossibleStateMap = new HashMap<>();
  for (String instance : currentStateMap.keySet()) {
    if (! {
      bestPossibleStateMap.put(instance, stateModelDef.getInitialState());
  return bestPossibleStateMap;
Example #17
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void addStateModelDef(String clusterName, String stateModelDefName,
    String stateModelDefFile)
    throws IOException {
  ZNRecord record =
      (ZNRecord) (new ZNRecordSerializer().deserialize(readFile(stateModelDefFile)));
  if (record == null || record.getId() == null || !record.getId().equals(stateModelDefName)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "state model definition must have same id as state model def name");
  addStateModelDef(clusterName, stateModelDefName, new StateModelDefinition(record), false);
Example #18
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * If the proposed instance may cause unnecessary state transition (according to the current
 * state), check and return a alternative instance to avoid.
 * @param requestedState                      The requested state.
 * @param proposedInstance                    The current proposed instance to host the replica
 *                                            with the specified state.
 * @param currentState                        The current state of the proposed Instance, or init
 *                                            state if the proposed instance does not have an
 *                                            assignment.
 * @param stateModelDef
 * @param assignedInstances
 * @param remainCandidateCount                The count of the remaining unassigned instances
 * @param remainRequestCount                  The count of the remaining replicas that need to be
 *                                            assigned with the given state.
 * @param currentStatePrioritizedInstanceIter The iterator of the prioritized instance list which
 *                                            can be used to find a better alternative instance.
 * @return The alternative instance, or the original proposed instance if adjustment is not
 * necessary.
private String adjustInstanceIfNecessary(String requestedState, String proposedInstance,
    String currentState, StateModelDefinition stateModelDef, Set<String> assignedInstances,
    int remainCandidateCount, int remainRequestCount,
    Iterator<String> currentStatePrioritizedInstanceIter) {
  String adjustedInstance = proposedInstance;
  // Check and alternate the assignment for reducing top state handoff.
  // 1. If the requested state is not the top state, then it does not worth it to adjust.
  // 2. If all remaining candidates need to be assigned with the the state, then there is no need
  // to adjust.
  // 3. If the proposed instance already has the top state or a secondary state, then adjustment
  // is not necessary.
  if (remainRequestCount < remainCandidateCount && requestedState
      .equals(stateModelDef.getTopState()) && !requestedState.equals(currentState)
      && !stateModelDef.getSecondTopStates().contains(currentState)) {
    // If the desired state is the top state, but the instance cannot be transited to the
    // top state in one hop, try to keep the top state on current host or a host with a closer
    // state.
    while (currentStatePrioritizedInstanceIter.hasNext()) {
      // Note that it is safe to check the prioritized instance items only once here.
      // Since the only possible condition when we don't use an instance in this list is that
      // it has been assigned with a state. And this is not revertable.
      String currentStatePrioritizedInstance =;
      if (!assignedInstances.contains(currentStatePrioritizedInstance)) {
        adjustedInstance = currentStatePrioritizedInstance;
    // Note that if all the current top state instances are not assignable, then we fallback
    // to the default logic that assigning the state according to preference list order.
  return adjustedInstance;
Example #19
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ResourceAssignment computeBestPossiblePartitionState(ResourceControllerDataProvider cache,
    IdealState idealState, Resource resource, CurrentStateOutput currentStateOutput) {
  // Looking for cached BestPossible mapping for this resource, if it is already there, do not recompute it again.
  // The cached mapping will be cleared in ResourceControllerDataProvider if there is anything changed in cluster state that can
  // cause the potential changes in BestPossible state.
  ResourceAssignment partitionMapping =
  if (partitionMapping != null) {
    return partitionMapping;
  }"Computing BestPossibleMapping for " + resource.getResourceName());

  String stateModelDefName = idealState.getStateModelDefRef();
  StateModelDefinition stateModelDef = cache.getStateModelDef(stateModelDefName);
  partitionMapping = new ResourceAssignment(resource.getResourceName());
  for (Partition partition : resource.getPartitions()) {
    Map<String, String> currentStateMap =
        currentStateOutput.getCurrentStateMap(resource.getResourceName(), partition);
    Set<String> disabledInstancesForPartition =
        cache.getDisabledInstancesForPartition(resource.getResourceName(), partition.toString());
    Map<String, String> idealStateMap =
    Map<String, String> bestStateForPartition =
        computeCustomizedBestStateForPartition(cache, stateModelDef, idealStateMap,
            currentStateMap, disabledInstancesForPartition, idealState.isEnabled());
    partitionMapping.addReplicaMap(partition, bestStateForPartition);

  cache.setCachedResourceAssignment(resource.getResourceName(), partitionMapping);
  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
    LOG.debug(String.format("Processing resource: %s", resource.getResourceName()));
    LOG.debug(String.format("Final Mapping of resource : %s", partitionMapping.toString()));
  return partitionMapping;
Example #20
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public HelixStateMachineEngine(HelixManager manager) {
  _stateModelParser = new StateModelParser();
  _manager = manager;

  _stateModelFactoryMap =
      new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<String, StateModelFactory<? extends StateModel>>>();
  _stateModelDefs = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, StateModelDefinition>();
Example #21
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Instantiate a validator instance
 * @param stateModelDef the state model definition to validate
private StateModelDefinitionValidator(StateModelDefinition stateModelDef) {
  _stateModelDef = stateModelDef;
  _statePriorityList = stateModelDef.getStatesPriorityList();
  _transitionPriorityList = stateModelDef.getStateTransitionPriorityList();
  _stateSet = Sets.newHashSet(_statePriorityList);
Example #22
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean checkCurrentStates(final CurrentStateOutput currentStateOutput,
    final String resourceName, final Partition partition,
    final StateModelDefinition stateModelDef) {
  // By default, all current states are valid.
  return true;
Example #23
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private boolean verifyExternalView(ExternalView externalView,
    PartitionStateMap bestPossibleState, StateModelDefinition stateModelDef) {
  Set<String> ignoreStates = new HashSet<>(
      Arrays.asList(stateModelDef.getInitialState(), HelixDefinedState.DROPPED.toString()));

  Map<String, Map<String, String>> bestPossibleStateMap =

  removeEntryWithIgnoredStates(bestPossibleStateMap.entrySet().iterator(), ignoreStates);

  Map<String, Map<String, String>> externalViewMap = externalView.getRecord().getMapFields();
  removeEntryWithIgnoredStates(externalViewMap.entrySet().iterator(), ignoreStates);

  return externalViewMap.equals(bestPossibleStateMap);
Example #24
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Response getClusterStateModelDefinition(@PathParam("clusterId") String clusterId,
    @PathParam("statemodel") String statemodel) {
  HelixDataAccessor dataAccessor = getDataAccssor(clusterId);
  StateModelDefinition stateModelDef =

  if (stateModelDef == null) {
    return badRequest("Statemodel not found!");
  return JSONRepresentation(stateModelDef.getRecord());
Example #25
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Validate there should be always minimal active replica and top state replica for each
 * partition.
 * Also make sure there is always some partitions with only active replica count.
protected void validateMinActiveAndTopStateReplica(IdealState is, ExternalView ev,
    int minActiveReplica, int numNodes) {
  StateModelDefinition stateModelDef =
  String topState = stateModelDef.getStatesPriorityList().get(0);
  int replica = Integer.valueOf(is.getReplicas());

  Map<String, Integer> stateCount = stateModelDef.getStateCountMap(numNodes, replica);
  Set<String> activeStates = stateCount.keySet();

  for (String partition : is.getPartitionSet()) {
    Map<String, String> assignmentMap = ev.getRecord().getMapField(partition);
        is.getResourceName() + "'s best possible assignment is null for partition " + partition);
        is.getResourceName() + "'s partition " + partition + " has no best possible map in IS.");

    boolean hasTopState = false;
    int activeReplica = 0;
    for (String state : assignmentMap.values()) {
      if (topState.equalsIgnoreCase(state)) {
        hasTopState = true;
      if (activeStates.contains(state)) {

    if (activeReplica < minActiveReplica) {
      int a = 0;

    Assert.assertTrue(hasTopState, String.format("%s missing %s replica", partition, topState));
    Assert.assertTrue(activeReplica >= minActiveReplica,
        String.format("%s has less active replica %d then required %d", partition, activeReplica,
Example #26
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static String[] parseStates(String clusterName, StateModelDefinition stateModDef) {
  String[] result = new String[2];
  String masterStateValue = null, slaveStateValue = null;

  // StateModelDefinition def = new StateModelDefinition(stateModDef);

  List<String> statePriorityList = stateModDef.getStatesPriorityList();

  for (String state : statePriorityList) {
    String count = stateModDef.getNumInstancesPerState(state);
    if (count.equals("1")) {
      if (masterStateValue != null) {
        throw new HelixException("Invalid or unsupported state model definition");
      masterStateValue = state;
    } else if (count.equalsIgnoreCase("R")) {
      if (slaveStateValue != null) {
        throw new HelixException("Invalid or unsupported state model definition");
      slaveStateValue = state;
    } else if (count.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) {
      if (!(masterStateValue == null && slaveStateValue == null)) {
        throw new HelixException("Invalid or unsupported state model definition");
      masterStateValue = slaveStateValue = state;
  if (masterStateValue == null && slaveStateValue == null) {
    throw new HelixException("Invalid or unsupported state model definition");

  if (masterStateValue == null) {
    masterStateValue = slaveStateValue;
  result[0] = masterStateValue;
  result[1] = slaveStateValue;
  return result;
Example #27
Source File:    From ambry with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Get state model definition based on given name.
 * @param stateModelDefName the name of state model definition that would be employed by Ambry cluster.
 * @return {@link StateModelDefinition}
private StateModelDefinition getStateModelDefinition(String stateModelDefName) {
  StateModelDefinition stateModelDefinition;
  switch (stateModelDefName) {
    case ClusterMapConfig.OLD_STATE_MODEL_DEF:
      stateModelDefinition =;
    case ClusterMapConfig.AMBRY_STATE_MODEL_DEF:
      stateModelDefinition = AmbryStateModelDefinition.getDefinition();
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported state model def: " + stateModelDefName);
  return stateModelDefinition;
Example #28
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static StateModelDefinition defineStateModel() {
  StateModelDefinition.Builder builder = new StateModelDefinition.Builder("Bootstrap");
  // Add states and their rank to indicate priority. Lower the rank higher the priority
  builder.addState("MASTER", 1);
  builder.addState("SLAVE", 2);
  builder.addState("BOOTSTRAP", 3);
  // Set the initial state when the node starts

  // Add transitions between the states.
  builder.addTransition("OFFLINE", "BOOTSTRAP", 3);
  builder.addTransition("BOOTSTRAP", "SLAVE", 2);
  builder.addTransition("SLAVE", "MASTER", 1);
  builder.addTransition("MASTER", "SLAVE", 4);
  builder.addTransition("SLAVE", "OFFLINE", 5);
  builder.addTransition("OFFLINE", "DROPPED", 6);

  // set constraints on states.
  // static constraint
  builder.upperBound("MASTER", 1);
  // dynamic constraint, R means it should be derived based on the replication factor.
  builder.dynamicUpperBound("SLAVE", "R");

  StateModelDefinition statemodelDefinition =;

  assert (statemodelDefinition.isValid());

  return statemodelDefinition;
Example #29
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Validate instances for each partition is on different zone and with necessary tagged
 * instances.
private void validateNoZeroReplica(IdealState is, ExternalView ev) {
  int replica = is.getReplicaCount(NUM_NODE);
  StateModelDefinition stateModelDef =

  for (String partition : is.getPartitionSet()) {
    Map<String, String> evStateMap = ev.getRecord().getMapField(partition);
    Map<String, String> isStateMap = is.getInstanceStateMap(partition);
    validateMap(is.getResourceName(), partition, replica, evStateMap, stateModelDef);
    validateMap(is.getResourceName(), partition, replica, isStateMap, stateModelDef);
Example #30
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void validateMap(String resource, String partition, int replica,
    Map<String, String> instanceStateMap, StateModelDefinition stateModelDef) {
  if (instanceStateMap == null || instanceStateMap.isEmpty()) {
    _testSuccess = false;
        String.format("Resource %s partition %s has no active replica!", resource, partition));
  if (instanceStateMap.size() < replica) {
    _testSuccess = false;
        String.format("Resource %s partition %s has %d active replica, less than required %d!",
            resource, partition, instanceStateMap.size(), replica));

  Map<String, Integer> stateCountMap = stateModelDef.getStateCountMap(NUM_NODE, replica);
  String topState = stateModelDef.getStatesPriorityList().get(0);
  if (stateCountMap.get(topState) == 1) {
    int topCount = 0;
    for (String val : instanceStateMap.values()) {
      if (topState.equals(val)) {
    if (topCount > 1) {
      _testSuccess = false;"Resource %s partition %s has %d replica in %s, more than 1!",
          resource, partition, topCount, topState));