org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From minsx-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
public void finishInitial() { try { Integer sslPort = 465; simpleEmail = new SimpleEmail(); simpleEmail.setHostName(; simpleEmail.setSmtpPort(this.port); simpleEmail.setAuthentication(this.username, this.password); simpleEmail.setFrom(this.from); simpleEmail.setCharset("UTF-8"); if (sslPort.equals(this.port)) { simpleEmail.setSSLOnConnect(true); } htmlEmail = new HtmlEmail(); htmlEmail.setHostName(; htmlEmail.setSmtpPort(this.port); htmlEmail.setAuthentication(this.username, this.password); htmlEmail.setFrom(this.from); htmlEmail.setCharset("UTF-8"); if (sslPort.equals(this.port)) { htmlEmail.setSSLOnConnect(true); } } catch (EmailException e) { throw new MailSendException(String.format("Incorrect setting field of [from],cause: %s", e.getMessage()), e); } }
Example #2
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void addTo(Email email, String to, String tenantId) { if (to == null) { // To has to be set, otherwise it can fallback to the forced To and then it won't be noticed early on throw new FlowableException("No recipient could be found for sending email"); } String newTo = getForceTo(tenantId); if (newTo == null) { newTo = to; } String[] tos = splitAndTrim(newTo); if (tos != null) { for (String t : tos) { try { email.addTo(t); } catch (EmailException e) { throw new FlowableException("Could not add " + t + " as recipient", e); } } } else { throw new FlowableException("No recipient could be found for sending email"); } }
Example #3
Source File: From AuthMeReloaded with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void shouldSendRecoveryCode() throws EmailException { // given given(settings.getProperty(SecuritySettings.RECOVERY_CODE_HOURS_VALID)).willReturn(7); given(settings.getRecoveryCodeEmailMessage()) .willReturn("Hi <playername />, your code on <servername /> is <recoverycode /> (valid <hoursvalid /> hours)"); HtmlEmail email = mock(HtmlEmail.class); given(sendMailSsl.initializeMail(anyString())).willReturn(email); given(sendMailSsl.sendEmail(anyString(), any(HtmlEmail.class))).willReturn(true); // when boolean result = emailService.sendRecoveryCode("Timmy", "", "12C56A"); // then assertThat(result, equalTo(true)); verify(sendMailSsl).initializeMail(""); ArgumentCaptor<String> messageCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class); verify(sendMailSsl).sendEmail(messageCaptor.capture(), eq(email)); assertThat(messageCaptor.getValue(), equalTo("Hi Timmy, your code on serverName is 12C56A (valid 7 hours)")); }
Example #4
Source File: From dhis2-core with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
private HtmlEmail getHtmlEmail( String hostName, int port, String username, String password, boolean tls, String sender ) throws EmailException { HtmlEmail email = new HtmlEmail(); email.setHostName( hostName ); email.setFrom( sender, getEmailName() ); email.setSmtpPort( port ); email.setStartTLSEnabled( tls ); if ( username != null && password != null ) { email.setAuthenticator( new DefaultAuthenticator( username, password ) ); } return email; }
Example #5
Source File: From estatio with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private boolean sendMessage( final ImageHtmlEmail email, final int backoffIntervalMs, final int numBackoffIntervals) { try { email.send(); return true; } catch (EmailException ex) { if(backoffIntervalMs == 0) { LOG.error(String.format( "Failed to send an email after %d attempts; giving up", numBackoffIntervals), ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } LOG.warn(String.format( "Failed to send an email; sleeping for %d seconds then will retry", backoffIntervalMs), ex); sleep(backoffIntervalMs); return false; } }
Example #6
Source File: From restcommander with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * */ public static Email buildMessage(Email email) throws EmailException { String from = Play.configuration.getProperty("mail.smtp.from"); if (email.getFromAddress() == null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(from)) { email.setFrom(from); } else if (email.getFromAddress() == null) { throw new MailException("Please define a 'from' email address", new NullPointerException()); } if ((email.getToAddresses() == null || email.getToAddresses().size() == 0) && (email.getCcAddresses() == null || email.getCcAddresses().size() == 0) && (email.getBccAddresses() == null || email.getBccAddresses().size() == 0)) { throw new MailException("Please define a recipient email address", new NullPointerException()); } if (email.getSubject() == null) { throw new MailException("Please define a subject", new NullPointerException()); } if (email.getReplyToAddresses() == null || email.getReplyToAddresses().size() == 0) { email.addReplyTo(email.getFromAddress().getAddress()); } return email; }
Example #7
Source File: From JARVIS with MIT License | 6 votes |
public static void takePicture() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, EmailException { Webcam webcam = null; String filePath = null; try{ Properties pro = getProperties(); filePath = pro.getProperty("RobotWorkPlace")+"CamPic/Pic"; webcam = Webcam.getDefault(); webcam.setViewSize(WebcamResolution.VGA.getSize()); WebcamPanel panel = new WebcamPanel(webcam); panel.setFPSDisplayed(true); panel.setDisplayDebugInfo(true); panel.setImageSizeDisplayed(true); panel.setMirrored(true); WebcamUtils.capture(webcam, filePath, ImageUtils.FORMAT_PNG); }finally{ webcam.close(); } MailUtil.sendPic("Camera", filePath+".png"); }
Example #8
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void addTo(CommandContext commandContext, Email email, String to, String tenantId) { if (to == null) { // To has to be set, otherwise it can fallback to the forced To and then it won't be noticed early on throw new FlowableException("No recipient could be found for sending email"); } String newTo = getForceTo(commandContext, tenantId); if (newTo == null) { newTo = to; } String[] tos = splitAndTrim(newTo); if (tos != null) { for (String t : tos) { try { email.addTo(t); } catch (EmailException e) { throw new FlowableException("Could not add " + t + " as recipient", e); } } } else { throw new FlowableException("No recipient could be found for sending email"); } }
Example #9
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void addCc(CommandContext commandContext, Email email, String cc, String tenantId) { if (cc == null) { return; } String newCc = getForceTo(commandContext, tenantId); if (newCc == null) { newCc = cc; } String[] ccs = splitAndTrim(newCc); if (ccs != null) { for (String c : ccs) { try { email.addCc(c); } catch (EmailException e) { throw new FlowableException("Could not add " + c + " as cc recipient", e); } } } }
Example #10
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void addBcc(CommandContext commandContext, Email email, String bcc, String tenantId) { if (bcc == null) { return; } String newBcc = getForceTo(commandContext, tenantId); if (newBcc == null) { newBcc = bcc; } String[] bccs = splitAndTrim(newBcc); if (bccs != null) { for (String b : bccs) { try { email.addBcc(b); } catch (EmailException e) { throw new FlowableException("Could not add " + b + " as bcc recipient", e); } } } }
Example #11
Source File: From AuthMeReloaded with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void shouldCreateEmailObjectWithOAuth2() throws EmailException { // given given(settings.getProperty(EmailSettings.SMTP_PORT)).willReturn(587); given(settings.getProperty(EmailSettings.OAUTH2_TOKEN)).willReturn("oAuth2 token"); String smtpHost = ""; given(settings.getProperty(EmailSettings.SMTP_HOST)).willReturn(smtpHost); String senderMail = ""; given(settings.getProperty(EmailSettings.MAIL_ACCOUNT)).willReturn(senderMail); // when HtmlEmail email = sendMailSsl.initializeMail(""); // then assertThat(email, not(nullValue())); assertThat(email.getToAddresses(), hasSize(1)); assertThat(email.getToAddresses().get(0).getAddress(), equalTo("")); assertThat(email.getFromAddress().getAddress(), equalTo(senderMail)); assertThat(email.getHostName(), equalTo(smtpHost)); assertThat(email.getSmtpPort(), equalTo("587")); Properties mailProperties = email.getMailSession().getProperties(); assertThat(mailProperties.getProperty("mail.smtp.auth.mechanisms"), equalTo("XOAUTH2")); assertThat(mailProperties.getProperty("mail.smtp.auth.plain.disable"), equalTo("true")); assertThat(mailProperties.getProperty(OAuth2SaslClientFactory.OAUTH_TOKEN_PROP), equalTo("oAuth2 token")); }
Example #12
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void setFrom(Email email, String from, String tenantId) { String fromAddress = null; if (from != null) { fromAddress = from; } else { // use default configured from address in process engine config if (tenantId != null && tenantId.length() > 0) { Map<String, MailServerInfo> mailServers = CommandContextUtil.getProcessEngineConfiguration().getMailServers(); if (mailServers != null && mailServers.containsKey(tenantId)) { MailServerInfo mailServerInfo = mailServers.get(tenantId); fromAddress = mailServerInfo.getMailServerDefaultFrom(); } } if (fromAddress == null) { fromAddress = CommandContextUtil.getProcessEngineConfiguration().getMailServerDefaultFrom(); } } try { email.setFrom(fromAddress); } catch (EmailException e) { throw new FlowableException("Could not set " + from + " as from address in email", e); } }
Example #13
Source File: From minsx-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void sendHtmlMail(List<String> to, String title, String htmlText, List<EmailAttachment> emailAttachments) { finishInitial(); try { htmlEmail.setSubject(title); for (String t : to) { simpleEmail.addBcc(t); } htmlEmail.setHtmlMsg(htmlText); htmlEmail.setSentDate(new Date()); for (EmailAttachment emailAttachment : emailAttachments) { htmlEmail.attach(emailAttachment); } htmlEmail.send(); } catch (EmailException e) { throw new MailSendException(String.format("Send Email [%s] failed,cause: %s", title, e.getMessage()), e); } }
Example #14
Source File: From judgels with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public void send(String recipient, String subject, String body) { new Thread(() -> { try { HtmlEmail email = new HtmlEmail(); email.setHostName(config.getHost()); email.setSmtpPort(config.getPort()); email.setAuthenticator(new DefaultAuthenticator(config.getUsername(), config.getPassword())); email.setSSLOnConnect(config.getUseSsl()); email.setFrom(config.getSender()); email.setSubject(subject); email.setHtmlMsg(body); email.addTo(recipient); email.send(); } catch (EmailException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }).start(); }
Example #15
Source File: From incubator-pinot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static void sendNotificationForDataIncomplete( Multimap<String, DataCompletenessConfigDTO> incompleteEntriesToNotify, ThirdEyeAnomalyConfiguration thirdeyeConfig) { HtmlEmail email = new HtmlEmail(); String subject = String.format("Data Completeness Checker Report"); StringBuilder textBody = new StringBuilder(); for (String dataset : incompleteEntriesToNotify.keySet()) { List<DataCompletenessConfigDTO> entries = Lists.newArrayList(incompleteEntriesToNotify.get(dataset)); textBody.append(String.format("\nDataset: %s\n", dataset)); for (DataCompletenessConfigDTO entry : entries) { textBody.append(String.format("%s ", entry.getDateToCheckInSDF())); } textBody.append("\n*******************************************************\n"); }"Data Completeness Checker Report : Sending email to {} with subject {} and text {}", thirdeyeConfig.getFailureToAddress(), subject, textBody.toString()); try { EmailHelper.sendEmailWithTextBody(email, SmtpConfiguration.createFromProperties(thirdeyeConfig.getAlerterConfiguration().get(SMTP_CONFIG_KEY)), subject, textBody.toString(), thirdeyeConfig.getFailureFromAddress(), new DetectionAlertFilterRecipients(EmailUtils.getValidEmailAddresses(thirdeyeConfig.getFailureToAddress()))); } catch (EmailException e) { LOG.error("Exception in sending email notification for incomplete datasets", e); } }
Example #16
Source File: From mamute with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Post public void requestEmailWithToken(String email) { User user = users.loadByEmail(email); if (user == null) { validator.add("error", "forgot_password.invalid_email")); validator.onErrorRedirectTo(this).forgotPasswordForm(); return; } Email forgotPasswordEmail = emailWithTokenFor(user); try { mailer.send(forgotPasswordEmail); result.include("mamuteMessages", Arrays.asList("confirmation", "forgot_password.sent_mail", user.getEmail()),"confirmation", "forgot_password.sent_mail.warn") )); result.redirectTo(this).forgotPasswordForm(); } catch (EmailException e) { validator.add("error", "forgot_password.send_mail.error")); validator.onErrorRedirectTo(this).forgotPasswordForm(); } }
Example #17
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void setFrom(Email email, String from, String tenantId) { String fromAddress = null; if (from != null) { fromAddress = from; } else { // use default configured from address in process engine config if (tenantId != null && tenantId.length() > 0) { Map<String, MailServerInfo> mailServers = Context.getProcessEngineConfiguration().getMailServers(); if (mailServers != null && mailServers.containsKey(tenantId)) { MailServerInfo mailServerInfo = mailServers.get(tenantId); fromAddress = mailServerInfo.getMailServerDefaultFrom(); } } if (fromAddress == null) { fromAddress = Context.getProcessEngineConfiguration().getMailServerDefaultFrom(); } } try { email.setFrom(fromAddress); } catch (EmailException e) { throw new ActivitiException("Could not set " + from + " as from address in email", e); } }
Example #18
Source File: From AuthMeReloaded with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void shouldCreateEmailObjectWithAddress() throws EmailException { // given given(settings.getProperty(EmailSettings.SMTP_PORT)).willReturn(465); String smtpHost = ""; given(settings.getProperty(EmailSettings.SMTP_HOST)).willReturn(smtpHost); String senderAccount = "exampleAccount"; given(settings.getProperty(EmailSettings.MAIL_ACCOUNT)).willReturn(senderAccount); String senderAddress = ""; given(settings.getProperty(EmailSettings.MAIL_ADDRESS)).willReturn(senderAddress); String senderName = "Server administration"; given(settings.getProperty(EmailSettings.MAIL_SENDER_NAME)).willReturn(senderName); // when HtmlEmail email = sendMailSsl.initializeMail(""); // then assertThat(email, not(nullValue())); assertThat(email.getToAddresses(), hasSize(1)); assertThat(email.getToAddresses().get(0).getAddress(), equalTo("")); assertThat(email.getFromAddress().getAddress(), equalTo(senderAddress)); assertThat(email.getFromAddress().getPersonal(), equalTo(senderName)); assertThat(email.getHostName(), equalTo(smtpHost)); assertThat(email.getSmtpPort(), equalTo("465")); }
Example #19
Source File: From AuthMeReloaded with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Sends an email to the user with the temporary verification code. * * @param name the name of the player * @param mailAddress the player's email * @param code the verification code * @return true if email could be sent, false otherwise */ public boolean sendVerificationMail(String name, String mailAddress, String code) { if (!hasAllInformation()) { logger.warning("Cannot send verification email: not all email settings are complete"); return false; } HtmlEmail email; try { email = sendMailSsl.initializeMail(mailAddress); } catch (EmailException e) { logger.logException("Failed to create verification email with the given settings:", e); return false; } String mailText = replaceTagsForVerificationEmail(settings.getVerificationEmailMessage(), name, code, settings.getProperty(SecuritySettings.VERIFICATION_CODE_EXPIRATION_MINUTES)); return sendMailSsl.sendEmail(mailText, email); }
Example #20
Source File: From translationstudio8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 设置抄送人,如果有多个抄送人,用逗号分隔 * @param cc * 抄送人邮箱地址 * @throws MessagingException * @throws EmailException ; */ public void setCC(String cc) throws MessagingException, EmailException { if (cc == null) { return; } Address[] address = InternetAddress.parse(cc); for (Address i : address) { Map<String, String> map = getEmailInfo(i.toString()); email.addCc(map.get("email"), map.get("name")); } }
Example #21
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected HtmlEmail createHtmlEmail(String text, String html) { HtmlEmail email = new HtmlEmail(); try { email.setHtmlMsg(html); if (text != null) { // for email clients that don't support html email.setTextMsg(text); } return email; } catch (EmailException e) { throw new ActivitiException("Could not create HTML email", e); } }
Example #22
Source File: From nexus-public with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testEmailConfigurationSendsTestEmail() throws EmailException { when(emailConfiguration.isEnabled()).thenReturn(true); when(emailManager.getConfiguration()).thenReturn(emailConfiguration); String destinationAddress = ""; underTest.testEmailConfiguration(destinationAddress); verify(emailManager).sendVerification(emailConfiguration, destinationAddress); }
Example #23
Source File: From camunda-bpm-platform with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected HtmlEmail createHtmlEmail(String text, String html) { HtmlEmail email = new HtmlEmail(); try { email.setHtmlMsg(html); if (text != null) { // for email clients that don't support html email.setTextMsg(text); } return email; } catch (EmailException e) { throw LOG.emailCreationException("HTML", e); } }
Example #24
Source File: From nexus-public with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void send(final Email mail) throws EmailException { checkNotNull(mail); EmailConfiguration model = getConfigurationInternal(); if (model.isEnabled()) { Email prepared = apply(model, mail); prepared.send(); } else { log.warn("No email enabled but asked to send anyway."); } }
Example #25
Source File: From translationstudio8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 设置要发送的附件 * @param attachment * 附件数组 * @throws MessagingException * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException * @throws EmailException ; */ public void setMixMail(File[] attachment) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException, EmailException { if (attachment != null) { for (File file : attachment) { EmailAttachment attach = new EmailAttachment(); attach.setPath(file.getAbsolutePath()); attach.setName(MimeUtility.encodeText(file.getName())); email.attach(attach); } } }
Example #26
Source File: From incubator-pinot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** Sends email according to the provided config. */ private static void sendEmail(SmtpConfiguration config, HtmlEmail email, String subject, String fromAddress, DetectionAlertFilterRecipients recipients) throws EmailException { if (config != null) { email.setSubject(subject);"Sending email to {}", recipients.toString()); email.setHostName(config.getSmtpHost()); email.setSmtpPort(config.getSmtpPort()); if (config.getSmtpUser() != null && config.getSmtpPassword() != null) { email.setAuthenticator( new DefaultAuthenticator(config.getSmtpUser(), config.getSmtpPassword())); email.setSSLOnConnect(true); } email.setFrom(fromAddress); email.setTo(AlertUtils.toAddress(recipients.getTo())); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(recipients.getCc())) { email.setCc(AlertUtils.toAddress(recipients.getCc())); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(recipients.getBcc())) { email.setBcc(AlertUtils.toAddress(recipients.getBcc())); } email.send();"Email sent with subject [{}] to address [{}]!", subject, recipients.toString()); } else { LOG.error("No email config provided for email with subject [{}]!", subject); } }
Example #27
Source File: From sAINT with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
public void sendEmailAttachment(String email_to, String assunto, String msg, String file, String file_logs) { File fileScreenshot = new File(file); EmailAttachment attachment = new EmailAttachment(); attachment.setPath(fileScreenshot.getPath()); attachment.setDisposition(EmailAttachment.ATTACHMENT); attachment.setDescription("Attachment"); attachment.setName(fileScreenshot.getName()); File fileLogs = new File(file_logs); EmailAttachment attachmentLogs = new EmailAttachment(); attachmentLogs.setPath(fileLogs.getPath()); attachmentLogs.setDisposition(EmailAttachment.ATTACHMENT); attachmentLogs.setDescription("Logs"); attachmentLogs.setName(fileLogs.getName()); try { MultiPartEmail email = new MultiPartEmail(); email.setDebug(debug); email.setHostName(smtp); email.addTo(email_to); email.setFrom(email_from); email.setAuthentication(email_from, email_password); email.setSubject(assunto); email.setMsg(msg); email.setSSL(true); email.attach(attachment); email.attach(attachmentLogs); email.send(); } catch (EmailException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } }
Example #28
Source File: From translationstudio8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 设置要发送的附件,并对附件重命名 * @param attachment * 附件的集合,key 为附件的名称,value为附件 * @throws MessagingException * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException * @throws EmailException ; */ public void setMixMailRename(Map<String, File> attachment) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException, EmailException { if (attachment != null) { for (String fileName : attachment.keySet()) { EmailAttachment attach = new EmailAttachment(); attach.setPath(attachment.get(fileName).getAbsolutePath()); attach.setName(MimeUtility.encodeText(fileName)); email.attach(attach); } } }
Example #29
Source File: From restcommander with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(expected = MailException.class) public void buildMessageWithoutSubject() throws EmailException { new PlayBuilder().build(); Email email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setFrom(""); email.addTo(""); Mail.buildMessage(email); }
Example #30
Source File: From minsx-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void sendHtmlMail(List<String> to, String title, String htmlText) { finishInitial(); try { htmlEmail.setSubject(title); for (String t : to) { simpleEmail.addBcc(t); } htmlEmail.setHtmlMsg(htmlText); htmlEmail.setSentDate(new Date()); htmlEmail.send(); } catch (EmailException e) { throw new MailSendException(String.format("Send Email [%s] failed,cause: %s", title, e.getMessage()), e); } }