Java Code Examples for org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple#of()
The following examples show how to use
org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple#of() .
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Example 1
Source File: From fredbet with Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International | 6 votes |
private Triple<Integer, Integer, Integer> calculateMinMax(List<Statistic> statisticList) { int minPoints = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxPoints = 0; int maxGroupPoints = 0; for (Statistic statistic : statisticList) { if (statistic.getSum() < minPoints) { minPoints = statistic.getSum(); } if (statistic.getSum() > maxPoints) { maxPoints = statistic.getSum(); } if (statistic.getPointsGroup() > maxGroupPoints) { maxGroupPoints = statistic.getPointsGroup(); } } return Triple.of(minPoints, maxPoints, maxGroupPoints); }
Example 2
Source File: From incubator-gobblin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public boolean hasNext() { if (_retVal != null) { return true; } while (_iterator.hasNext() && _retVal == null) { Pair<String, UrlTrieNode> nextPair =; UrlTrieNode nextNode = nextPair.getRight(); if (nextNode.getSize() <= _groupSize) { _retVal = Triple.of(nextPair.getLeft(), GoogleWebmasterFilter.FilterOperator.CONTAINS, nextNode); return true; } else if (nextNode.isExist()) { _retVal = Triple.of(nextPair.getLeft(), GoogleWebmasterFilter.FilterOperator.EQUALS, nextNode); return true; } } return false; }
Example 3
Source File: From symbolicautomata with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Computes the intersection with <code>aut1</code> and <code>aut2</code> as * a new SFA * @throws TimeoutException */ public static <A, B> Triple<SAFA<A, B>, PositiveBooleanExpression,PositiveBooleanExpression> binaryOp(SAFA<A, B> aut1, SAFA<A, B> aut2, BooleanAlgebra<A, B> ba, BoolOp op) throws TimeoutException { int offset = aut1.maxStateId + 1; BooleanExpressionFactory<PositiveBooleanExpression> boolexpr = getBooleanExpressionFactory(); // Integer initialState = aut1.maxStateId + aut2.maxStateId + 2; PositiveBooleanExpression initialState = null; Collection<Integer> finalStates = new ArrayList<Integer>(aut1.finalStates); for (int state : aut2.finalStates) finalStates.add(state + offset); // Copy all transitions (with proper renaming for aut2) Collection<SAFAInputMove<A, B>> transitions = new ArrayList<SAFAInputMove<A, B>>(aut1.getInputMoves()); for (SAFAInputMove<A, B> t : aut2.getInputMoves()) transitions.add(new SAFAInputMove<>(t.from + offset, boolexpr.offset(offset).apply(, t.guard)); PositiveBooleanExpression liftedAut2Init = boolexpr.offset(offset).apply(aut2.initialState); switch (op) { case Union: initialState = boolexpr.MkOr(aut1.initialState, liftedAut2Init); break; case Intersection: // Add extra moves from new initial state initialState = boolexpr.MkAnd(aut1.initialState, liftedAut2Init); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("Operation " + op + " not implemented"); } return Triple.of( MkSAFA(transitions, initialState, finalStates, ba, false, false, false), aut1.initialState, liftedAut2Init); }
Example 4
Source File: From with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private Triple<ValidationResult, Event, Ticket> assignTicket(UpdateTicketOwnerForm updateTicketOwner, Optional<Errors> bindingResult, Locale fallbackLocale, Optional<UserDetails> userDetails, Triple<Event, TicketReservation, Ticket> result, String formPrefix) { Ticket t = result.getRight(); final Event event = result.getLeft(); if(t.getLockedAssignment()) { //in case of locked assignment, fullName and Email will be overwritten updateTicketOwner.setFirstName(t.getFirstName()); updateTicketOwner.setLastName(t.getLastName()); updateTicketOwner.setFullName(t.getFullName()); updateTicketOwner.setEmail(t.getEmail()); } final TicketReservation ticketReservation = result.getMiddle(); List<TicketFieldConfiguration> fieldConf = ticketFieldRepository.findAdditionalFieldsForEvent(event.getId()); var sameCountryValidator = new SameCountryValidator(configurationManager, extensionManager, event, ticketReservation.getId(), vatChecker); AdvancedTicketAssignmentValidator advancedValidator = new AdvancedTicketAssignmentValidator(sameCountryValidator, new GroupManager.WhitelistValidator(event.getId(), groupManager)); var additionalServiceIds = new HashSet<>(additionalServiceItemRepository.findAdditionalServiceIdsByReservationUuid(t.getTicketsReservationId())); var ticketFieldFilterer = new Validator.TicketFieldsFilterer(fieldConf, ticketUUID -> t.getCategoryId(), additionalServiceIds, ticketRepository.findFirstTicketInReservation(t.getTicketsReservationId())); Validator.AdvancedValidationContext context = new Validator.AdvancedValidationContext(updateTicketOwner, fieldConf, t.getCategoryId(), t.getUuid(), formPrefix); ValidationResult validationResult = Validator.validateTicketAssignment(updateTicketOwner, ticketFieldFilterer.getFieldsForTicket(t.getUuid()), bindingResult, event, formPrefix, sameCountryValidator) .or(Validator.performAdvancedValidation(advancedValidator, context, bindingResult.orElse(null))) .ifSuccess(() -> updateTicketOwner(updateTicketOwner, fallbackLocale, t, event, ticketReservation, userDetails)); return Triple.of(validationResult, event, ticketRepository.findByUUID(t.getUuid())); }
Example 5
Source File: From onos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static Triple<String, Integer, Optional<String>> extractIpPortPath(DeviceId deviceId) { /* * We can expect the following formats: * * netconf:ip:port/path * netconf:ip:port */ String string = deviceId.toString(); /* * The first ':' is the separation between the scheme and the IP. * * The last ':' will represent the separator between the IP and the port. */ int first = string.indexOf(':'); int last = string.lastIndexOf(':'); String ip = string.substring(first + 1, last); String port = string.substring(last + 1); String path = null; int pathSep = port.indexOf('/'); if (pathSep != -1) { path = port.substring(pathSep + 1); port = port.substring(0, pathSep); } return Triple.of(ip, new Integer(port), (path == null || path.isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(path))); }
Example 6
Source File: From syncope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override protected Triple<JobType, String, String> getReference(final JobKey jobKey) { String key = JobNamer.getTaskKeyFromJobName(jobKey.getName()); Task task = taskDAO.find(key); return task == null || !(task instanceof SchedTask) ? null : Triple.of(JobType.TASK, key, binder.buildRefDesc(task)); }
Example 7
Source File: From syncope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static Triple<Integer, String, String> buildTotalAny2OrResources(final NumbersInfo numbers) { int number; String label; String icon; if (numbers.getAnyType2() == null) { number = numbers.getTotalResources(); label = new ResourceModel("resources").getObject(); icon = "fa fa-database"; } else { number = numbers.getTotalAny2(); label = numbers.getAnyType2(); icon = "ion ion-gear-a"; } return Triple.of(number, label, icon); }
Example 8
Source File: From syncope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static Triple<Integer, String, String> buildTotalAny1OrRoles(final NumbersInfo numbers) { int number; String label; String icon; if (numbers.getAnyType1() == null) { number = numbers.getTotalRoles(); label = new ResourceModel("roles").getObject(); icon = "fa fa-users"; } else { number = numbers.getTotalAny1(); label = numbers.getAnyType1(); icon = "ion ion-gear-a"; } return Triple.of(number, label, icon); }
Example 9
Source File: From youran with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 构建freemarker配置 * * @param templatePO * @return (freemarker配置 , 模板内部版本号 , 模板目录地址) */ private Triple<Configuration, Integer, String> buildTriple(CodeTemplatePO templatePO) { String templateDir = dataDirService.getTemplateRecentDir(templatePO);"开始构建FreeMarker Configuration,templateId={},innerVersion={},模板文件输出目录:{}", templatePO.getTemplateId(), templatePO.getInnerVersion(), templateDir); // 把模板输出到目录 templateFileOutputService.outputTemplateFiles(templatePO.getTemplateFiles(), templateDir); Configuration cfg = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_25); try { cfg.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(new File(templateDir)); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("模板目录设置异常", e); throw new BusinessException("模板目录设置异常"); } cfg.setNumberFormat("#"); // 设置可访问的静态工具类 cfg.setSharedVariable("MetaConstType", metaConstTypeModel); cfg.setSharedVariable("JFieldType", jFieldTypeModel); cfg.setSharedVariable("QueryType", queryTypeModel); cfg.setSharedVariable("EditType", editTypeModel); cfg.setSharedVariable("MetaSpecialField", metaSpecialFieldModel); cfg.setSharedVariable("PrimaryKeyStrategy", primaryKeyStrategyModel); cfg.setSharedVariable("CommonTemplateFunction", commonTemplateFunctionModel); cfg.setSharedVariable("JavaTemplateFunction", javaTemplateFunctionModel); cfg.setSharedVariable("SqlTemplateFunction", sqlTemplateFunctionModel); return Triple.of(cfg, templatePO.getInnerVersion(), templateDir); }
Example 10
Source File: From with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private Triple<Event, String, TicketReservation> performExistingCategoryTest(List<TicketCategoryModification> categories, boolean bounded, List<Integer> attendeesNr, boolean addSeatsIfNotAvailable, boolean expectSuccess, int reservedTickets, int expectedEventSeats) { assertEquals("Test error: categories' size must be equal to attendees' size", categories.size(), attendeesNr.size()); Pair<Event, String> eventWithUsername = initEvent(categories, organizationRepository, userManager, eventManager, eventRepository); Event event = eventWithUsername.getKey(); String username = eventWithUsername.getValue(); DateTimeModification expiration = DateTimeModification.fromZonedDateTime(; CustomerData customerData = new CustomerData("Integration", "Test", "", "Billing Address", "reference", "en", "1234", "CH", null); Iterator<Integer> attendeesIterator = attendeesNr.iterator(); List<TicketCategory> existingCategories = ticketCategoryRepository.findAllTicketCategories(event.getId()); List<Attendee> allAttendees = new ArrayList<>(); List<TicketsInfo> ticketsInfoList = .map(existingCategory -> { Category category = new Category(existingCategory.getId(), existingCategory.getName(), existingCategory.getPrice()); List<Attendee> attendees = generateAttendees(; allAttendees.addAll(attendees); return new TicketsInfo(category, attendees, addSeatsIfNotAvailable, false); }).collect(toList()); AdminReservationModification modification = new AdminReservationModification(expiration, customerData, ticketsInfoList, "en", false,false, null, null); if(reservedTickets > 0) { TicketReservationModification trm = new TicketReservationModification(); trm.setAmount(reservedTickets); trm.setTicketCategoryId(existingCategories.get(0).getId()); TicketReservationWithOptionalCodeModification r = new TicketReservationWithOptionalCodeModification(trm, Optional.empty()); ticketReservationManager.createTicketReservation(event, Collections.singletonList(r), Collections.emptyList(), DateUtils.addDays(new Date(), 1), Optional.empty(), Locale.ENGLISH, false); } Result<Pair<TicketReservation, List<Ticket>>> result = adminReservationManager.createReservation(modification, event.getShortName(), username); if(expectSuccess) { validateSuccess(bounded, attendeesNr, event, username, existingCategories, result, allAttendees, expectedEventSeats, reservedTickets); } else { assertFalse(result.isSuccess()); return null; } return Triple.of(eventWithUsername.getLeft(), eventWithUsername.getRight(), result.getData().getKey()); }
Example 11
Source File: From sqlg with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Validates the key values and converts it into a Triple with three maps. * The left map is a map of keys together with their PropertyType. * The middle map is a map of keys together with their values. * The right map is a map of keys with values where the values are guaranteed not to be null. * * @param sqlDialect The dialect. * @param keyValues The key value pairs. * @return A Triple with 3 maps. */ public static Triple<Map<String, PropertyType>, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>> validateVertexKeysValues(SqlDialect sqlDialect, Object[] keyValues) { Map<String, Object> resultAllValues = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Map<String, Object> resultNotNullValues = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Map<String, PropertyType> keyPropertyTypeMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if (keyValues.length % 2 != 0) throw Element.Exceptions.providedKeyValuesMustBeAMultipleOfTwo(); for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.length; i = i + 2) { if (!(keyValues[i] instanceof String) && !(keyValues[i] instanceof T)) { throw Element.Exceptions.providedKeyValuesMustHaveALegalKeyOnEvenIndices(); } if (keyValues[i].equals( { throw Vertex.Exceptions.userSuppliedIdsNotSupported(); } if (!keyValues[i].equals(T.label)) { String key = (String) keyValues[i]; sqlDialect.validateColumnName(key); Object value = keyValues[i + 1]; ElementHelper.validateProperty(key, value); sqlDialect.validateProperty(key, value); if (value != null) { resultNotNullValues.put(key, value); keyPropertyTypeMap.put(key, PropertyType.from(value)); } else { keyPropertyTypeMap.put(key, PropertyType.STRING); } resultAllValues.put(key, value); } } return Triple.of(keyPropertyTypeMap, resultAllValues, resultNotNullValues); }
Example 12
Source File: From aion with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Imports a batch of blocks. * * @param blockRange the block range to be imported * @param peerDisplayId the display identifier for the peer who provided the batch * @return a {@link Triple} containing: * <ol> * <li>the best block height after the imports,</li> * <li>the set of imported hashes,</li> * <li>the import result for the last imported block</li> * </ol> */ public Triple<Long, Set<ByteArrayWrapper>, ImportResult> tryToConnect(final List<Block> blockRange, String peerDisplayId) { lock.lock(); try { ImportResult importResult = null; Set<ByteArrayWrapper> imported = new HashSet<>(); for (Block block : blockRange) { Pair<ImportResult, Long> result = tryToConnectWithTimedExecution(new BlockWrapper(block)); importResult = result.getLeft(); long importTime = result.getRight(); // printing additional information when debug is enabled SYNC_LOG.debug( "<import-status: node = {}, hash = {}, number = {}, txs = {}, block time = {}, result = {}, time elapsed = {} ns, block td = {}, chain td = {}>", peerDisplayId, block.getShortHash(), block.getNumber(), block.getTransactionsList().size(), block.getTimestamp(), importResult, importTime, block.getTotalDifficulty(), getTotalDifficulty()); if (checkKernelShutdownForCLI()) { break; } else if (!importResult.isStored()) { // stop at invalid blocks return Triple.of(bestBlock.getNumber(), imported, importResult); } else { imported.add(block.getHashWrapper()); } } return Triple.of(bestBlock.getNumber(), imported, importResult); } finally{ lock.unlock(); checkKernelExit(); } }
Example 13
Source File: From freehealth-connector with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Set<EncryptionToken> getETKSet(org.taktik.connector.technical.utils.IdentifierType identifierType, String identifierValue, String applicationId, UUID longLivedCacheKey, boolean isOwnEtk) throws TechnicalConnectorException { Date now = new Date(); Triple<IdentifierType, String, String> key = Triple.of(identifierType, identifierValue, applicationId); Set<EncryptionToken> cachedResult = longLivedCacheKey != null ? longLivedEtksMap.get(Pair.of(longLivedCacheKey, key)) : null; if (cachedResult == null) { cachedResult = etksMap.get(key); if (cachedResult != null && isOwnEtk && longLivedCacheKey != null) { longLivedEtksMap.put(Pair.of(longLivedCacheKey, key), cachedResult); } } if (cachedResult == null || ! -> tok.getCertificate().getNotAfter().after(now))) { Set<EncryptionToken> result = new HashSet<>(); SearchCriteriaType searchCriteria = this.generatedSearchCriteria(identifierType.getType(ETKDEPOT), identifierValue, applicationId); GetEtkResponse response = this.getETK(searchCriteria); validate(response); if (response.getETK() != null) { result.add(toEncryptionToken(response.getETK())); } else if (applicationId == null && !response.getMatchingEtks().isEmpty()) { for (MatchingEtk matchEtk : response.getMatchingEtks()) { result.addAll(this.getEtk(matchEtk, identifierType, identifierValue)); } } else { unableToFindEtk(searchCriteria); } if (isOwnEtk && longLivedCacheKey != null) { longLivedEtksMap.put(Pair.of(longLivedCacheKey, key), result); } else { etksMap.put(key, result); } return result; } return cachedResult; }
Example 14
Source File: From sqlg with MIT License | 4 votes |
private static Triple<ResultSet, ResultSetMetaData, PreparedStatement> executeQuery(SqlgGraph sqlgGraph, String sql, LinkedList<SchemaTableTree> distinctQueryStack) { if (sqlgGraph.tx().isInBatchMode()) { sqlgGraph.tx().flush(); } try { if (distinctQueryStack.peekFirst().getStepType() != SchemaTableTree.STEP_TYPE.GRAPH_STEP) { Preconditions.checkState(!distinctQueryStack.peekFirst().getParentIdsAndIndexes().isEmpty()); } Connection conn = sqlgGraph.tx().getConnection(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(sql); } // explain plan can be useful for performance issues // uncomment if needed, don't think we need this in production // if (logger.isTraceEnabled()){ // String expl="EXPLAIN "+sql; // try { // try (PreparedStatement stmt=conn.prepareStatement(expl)){ // int parameterCount = 1; // if (recordId != null) { // stmt.setLong(parameterCount++, recordId.getId()); // } // SqlgUtil.setParametersOnStatement(sqlgGraph, distinctQueryStack, conn, stmt, parameterCount); // try(ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery()){ // while({ // System.out.println(rs.getString(1)); // } // } // // // } // } catch (SQLException sqle){ // logger.warn(expl); // logger.warn(sqle.getMessage()); // } // } PreparedStatement preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sql); sqlgGraph.tx().add(preparedStatement); int parameterCount = 1; SqlgUtil.setParametersOnStatement(sqlgGraph, distinctQueryStack, preparedStatement, parameterCount); // // this is critical to use a cursor, otherwise we load everything into memory if (sqlgGraph.tx().getFetchSize()!=null){ preparedStatement.setFetchSize(sqlgGraph.tx().getFetchSize()); } ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); ResultSetMetaData resultSetMetaData = resultSet.getMetaData(); return Triple.of(resultSet, resultSetMetaData, preparedStatement); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
Example 15
Source File: From azure-keyvault-java with MIT License | 4 votes |
private static Triple<byte[], byte[], Mac> GetAlgorithmParameters(String algorithm, byte[] key) throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { byte[] aes_key; byte[] hmac_key; Mac hmac; if (algorithm.equalsIgnoreCase(Aes128CbcHmacSha256.ALGORITHM_NAME)) { if ((key.length << 3) < 256) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("%s key length in bits %d < 256", algorithm, key.length << 3)); } hmac_key = new byte[128 >> 3]; aes_key = new byte[128 >> 3]; // The HMAC key precedes the AES key System.arraycopy(key, 0, hmac_key, 0, 128 >> 3); System.arraycopy(key, 128 >> 3, aes_key, 0, 128 >> 3); hmac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256"); hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(hmac_key, "HmacSHA256")); } else if (algorithm.equalsIgnoreCase(Aes192CbcHmacSha384.ALGORITHM_NAME)) { if ((key.length << 3) < 384) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("%s key length in bits %d < 384", algorithm, key.length << 3)); } hmac_key = new byte[192 >> 3]; aes_key = new byte[192 >> 3]; // The HMAC key precedes the AES key System.arraycopy(key, 0, hmac_key, 0, 192 >> 3); System.arraycopy(key, 192 >> 3, aes_key, 0, 192 >> 3); hmac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA384"); hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(hmac_key, "HmacSHA384")); } else if (algorithm.equalsIgnoreCase(Aes256CbcHmacSha512.ALGORITHM_NAME)) { if ((key.length << 3) < 512) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("%s key length in bits %d < 512", algorithm, key.length << 3)); } hmac_key = new byte[256 >> 3]; aes_key = new byte[256 >> 3]; // The HMAC key precedes the AES key System.arraycopy(key, 0, hmac_key, 0, 256 >> 3); System.arraycopy(key, 256 >> 3, aes_key, 0, 256 >> 3); hmac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA512"); hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(hmac_key, "HmacSHA512")); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unsupported algorithm: %s", algorithm)); } return Triple.of(aes_key, hmac_key, hmac); }
Example 16
Source File: From syncope with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected Triple<PlainSchema, PlainAttrValue, AnyCond> check(final AnyCond cond, final AnyTypeKind kind) { AnyCond computed = new AnyCond(cond.getType()); computed.setSchema(cond.getSchema()); computed.setExpression(cond.getExpression()); AnyUtils anyUtils = anyUtilsFactory.getInstance(kind); Field anyField = anyUtils.getField(computed.getSchema()); if (anyField == null) { LOG.warn("Ignoring invalid field '{}'", computed.getSchema()); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } // Keeps track of difference between entity's getKey() and JPA @Id fields if ("key".equals(computed.getSchema())) { computed.setSchema("id"); } PlainSchema schema = entityFactory.newEntity(PlainSchema.class); schema.setKey(anyField.getName()); for (AttrSchemaType attrSchemaType : AttrSchemaType.values()) { if (anyField.getType().isAssignableFrom(attrSchemaType.getType())) { schema.setType(attrSchemaType); } } // Deal with any Integer fields logically mapping to boolean values boolean foundBooleanMin = false; boolean foundBooleanMax = false; if (Integer.class.equals(anyField.getType())) { for (Annotation annotation : anyField.getAnnotations()) { if (Min.class.equals(annotation.annotationType())) { foundBooleanMin = ((Min) annotation).value() == 0; } else if (Max.class.equals(annotation.annotationType())) { foundBooleanMax = ((Max) annotation).value() == 1; } } } if (foundBooleanMin && foundBooleanMax) { schema.setType(AttrSchemaType.Boolean); } // Deal with any fields representing relationships to other entities if (ArrayUtils.contains(RELATIONSHIP_FIELDS, computed.getSchema())) { computed.setSchema(computed.getSchema() + "_id"); schema.setType(AttrSchemaType.String); } PlainAttrValue attrValue = anyUtils.newPlainAttrValue(); if (computed.getType() != AttrCond.Type.LIKE && computed.getType() != AttrCond.Type.ILIKE && computed.getType() != AttrCond.Type.ISNULL && computed.getType() != AttrCond.Type.ISNOTNULL) { try { ((JPAPlainSchema) schema).validator().validate(computed.getExpression(), attrValue); } catch (ValidationException e) { LOG.error("Could not validate expression '" + computed.getExpression() + '\'', e); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } return Triple.of(schema, attrValue, computed); }
Example 17
Source File: From aion with MIT License | 4 votes |
private Triple<List<AionTransaction>, Long, Long> pickTransaction( Map<AionAddress, BigInteger> accountPickingInfo, Set<ByteArrayWrapper> pickedTxHash, long cumulatedTxEncodedSize, long cumulatedTxEnergy) { List<AionTransaction> pickedTx = new ArrayList<>(); long pickedTxEncodedSize = 0; long pickedEnergyConsumed = 0; for (Set<ByteArrayWrapper> s : feeView.values()) { for (ByteArrayWrapper hash : s) { if (!pickedTxHash.contains(hash)) { PooledTransaction pendingTx = poolTransactions.get(hash); AionAddress sender = pendingTx.tx.getSenderAddress(); BigInteger currentAccountPickingNonce = accountPickingInfo.getOrDefault(sender, getAccountFirstPickingNonce(sender)); if (currentAccountPickingNonce.equals(pendingTx.tx.getNonceBI())) { long txEncodedSize = pendingTx.tx.getEncoded().length; long txEnergyConsumed = Math.max(pendingTx.energyConsumed, (Constant.MIN_ENERGY_CONSUME / 2)); if ((cumulatedTxEncodedSize + pickedTxEncodedSize + txEncodedSize) <= Constant.MAX_BLK_SIZE && (cumulatedTxEnergy + pickedEnergyConsumed + txEncodedSize) <= blockEnergyLimit) { LOG_TXPOOL.trace("Transaction picked: [{}]", pendingTx.tx); pickedTx.add(pendingTx.tx); pickedTxHash.add(hash); currentAccountPickingNonce = currentAccountPickingNonce.add(BigInteger.ONE); accountPickingInfo.put(sender, currentAccountPickingNonce); pickedTxEncodedSize += txEncodedSize; pickedEnergyConsumed += txEnergyConsumed; } else { return Triple.of(pickedTx, pickedTxEncodedSize, pickedEnergyConsumed); } } } } } return Triple.of(pickedTx, pickedTxEncodedSize, pickedEnergyConsumed); }
Example 18
Source File: From syncope with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override protected Triple<JobType, String, String> getReference(final JobKey jobKey) { return JobManager.NOTIFICATION_JOB.equals(jobKey) ? Triple.of(JobType.NOTIFICATION, (String) null, NotificationJob.class.getSimpleName()) : null; }
Example 19
Source File: From gatk with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
private Triple<VariantContext, ReferenceContext, List<Feature>> createCacheKey(final VariantContext variant, final ReferenceContext referenceContext, final List<Feature> featureList) { return Triple.of(variant, referenceContext, featureList); }
Example 20
Source File: From with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private Triple<Event, TicketCategory, String> testTicketsWithAccessCode() { List<TicketCategoryModification> categories = Collections.singletonList( new TicketCategoryModification(null, "default", AVAILABLE_SEATS, new DateTimeModification(,, new DateTimeModification(,, DESCRIPTION, BigDecimal.TEN, true, "", true, null, null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, AlfioMetadata.empty())); Event event = initEvent(categories, organizationRepository, userManager, eventManager, eventRepository).getKey(); TicketCategory category = ticketCategoryRepository.findAllTicketCategories(event.getId()).stream().filter(TicketCategory::isAccessRestricted).findFirst().orElseThrow(); specialPriceTokenGenerator.generatePendingCodesForCategory(category.getId()); //promo code at event level String accessCode = ACCESS_CODE; eventManager.addPromoCode(accessCode, event.getId(), null, event.getBegin(), event.getEnd(), 0, null, null, 3, "description", "", PromoCodeDiscount.CodeType.ACCESS, category.getId()); TicketReservationModification tr = new TicketReservationModification(); tr.setAmount(3); tr.setTicketCategoryId(category.getId()); TicketReservationWithOptionalCodeModification mod = new TicketReservationWithOptionalCodeModification(tr, Optional.empty()); String reservationId = ticketReservationManager.createTicketReservation(event, Collections.singletonList(mod), Collections.emptyList(), DateUtils.addDays(new Date(), 1), Optional.of(accessCode), Locale.ENGLISH, false); Pair<TotalPrice, Optional<PromoCodeDiscount>> priceAndDiscount = ticketReservationManager.totalReservationCostWithVAT(reservationId); TotalPrice totalPrice = priceAndDiscount.getLeft(); assertFalse(priceAndDiscount.getRight().isEmpty()); assertEquals(ACCESS_CODE, priceAndDiscount.getRight().get().getPromoCode()); // 3 * 10 chf is the normal price, 10% discount -> 300 discount Assert.assertEquals(3000, totalPrice.getPriceWithVAT()); Assert.assertEquals(30, totalPrice.getVAT()); Assert.assertEquals(0, totalPrice.getDiscount()); Assert.assertEquals(0, totalPrice.getDiscountAppliedCount()); OrderSummary orderSummary = ticketReservationManager.orderSummaryForReservationId(reservationId, event); Assert.assertEquals("30.00", orderSummary.getTotalPrice()); Assert.assertEquals("0.30", orderSummary.getTotalVAT()); Assert.assertEquals(3, orderSummary.getTicketAmount()); return Triple.of(event, category, reservationId); }