Java Code Examples for org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSArray#set()
The following examples show how to use
org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSArray#set() .
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Example 1
Source File: From ambiverse-nlu with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private <K extends Constituent> K getConstituent(TAnnotation constituent, Class<K> clazz, JCas jCas) { Constituent result = getInstancedConstitient(jCas, constituent, clazz); if(constituent.boundaries != null) { result.setExplicit(true); result.setBegin(constituent.boundaries[0]); result.setEnd(constituent.boundaries[1]); } result.setUri(constituent.uri); List<Token> tokens = JCasUtil.selectCovered(jCas, Token.class, result.getBegin(), result.getEnd()); FSArray array = new FSArray(jCas, tokens.size()); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) { array.set(i, tokens.get(i)); } array.addToIndexes(); result.setTokens(array); jCas.addFsToIndexes(clazz.cast(result)); return clazz.cast(result); }
Example 2
Source File: From uima-uimaj with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Same as above, but specialized for array values, not feature slot values * @param extId * @param extId the external ID identifying either a deserialized FS or an out-of-typesystem instance * @param pos the index in the array * @return the TOP instance to be set as the value in an array or as the value of a feature. * @return */ private void finalizeArrayRefValue(int extId, int pos, FSArray fs) { FSInfo fsInfo = fsTree.get(extId); if (fsInfo == null) { // this element may be a ref to an out-of-typesystem FS. // add it to the Out-of-typesystem array elements list (APL) if (extId != 0 && outOfTypeSystemData != null) { List<ArrayElement> ootsElements = outOfTypeSystemData.arrayElements.computeIfAbsent(fs, k -> new ArrayList<>()); // the "value" of the reference is the ID, but we prefix with a letter to indicate // that this ID refers to an array OOTS FS ArrayElement ootsElem = new ArrayElement(pos, "a" + Integer.toString(extId)); ootsElements.add(ootsElem); } fs.set(pos, null); } else { fs.set(pos, fsInfo.fs); } }
Example 3
Source File: From termsuite-core with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static void fillWords(TermOccAnnotation toa, CAS cas) throws CASException, IOException { FSArray fs = (FSArray) cas.createArrayFS(toa.getPattern().size()); int i = 0; int begin = -1; int end = -1; while(i != toa.getPattern().size()){ if (begin != -1 && token == JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT){ end = parser.getValueAsInt(); } else if (token == JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT){ begin = parser.getValueAsInt(); } else if (end != -1){ List<WordAnnotation> wa = JCasUtil.selectCovered(cas.getJCas(),WordAnnotation.class,begin,end); fs.set(i,wa.get(0)); begin = -1; end = -1; i++; } token = parser.nextToken(); } toa.setWords(fs); }
Example 4
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testToList() { assertTrue(UimaTypesUtils.toList((StringArray) null).isEmpty()); assertTrue(UimaTypesUtils.toList((FSArray) null).isEmpty()); // Empty list FSArray array = new FSArray(jCas, 2); assertEquals(2, UimaTypesUtils.toList(array).size()); // Populate array.set(0, new Entity(jCas)); array.set(1, new Entity(jCas)); List<Entity> list = UimaTypesUtils.toList(array); assertEquals(2, list.size()); assertSame(array.get(0), list.get(0)); assertSame(array.get(0), list.get(0)); }
Example 5
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Output pattern (save to the jCas) * * @param jCas the j cas * @param pattern the pattern */ private void outputPattern(final JCas jCas, final PatternExtract pattern) { final Pattern a = new Pattern(jCas); a.setBegin(pattern.getStart()); a.setEnd(pattern.getEnd()); a.setSource(pattern.getFrom()); a.setTarget(pattern.getTo()); final List<WordToken> tokens = pattern.getWordTokens(); final FSArray array = new FSArray(jCas, tokens.size()); int i = 0; for (final WordToken w : tokens) { array.set(i, w); i++; } a.setWords(array); addToJCasIndex(a); }
Example 6
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Convert a collection (of annotation) to an FSArray * * @param jCas the jcas * @param collection the collection * @return the FS array */ public static FSArray toFSArray(JCas jCas, Collection<? extends FeatureStructure> collection) { if (collection == null || collection.isEmpty()) { return new FSArray(jCas, 0); } else { FSArray array = new FSArray(jCas, collection.size()); int i = 0; for (FeatureStructure fs : collection) { array.set(i, fs); i++; } return array; } }
Example 7
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Convert an array of feature structures, to a FSArray * * @param jCas the jcas * @param fses the fses * @return the FS array */ public static FSArray toFSArray(JCas jCas, FeatureStructure... fses) { if (fses.length == 0) { return new FSArray(jCas, 0); } else { FSArray array = new FSArray(jCas, fses.length); int i = 0; for (FeatureStructure fs : fses) { array.set(i, fs); i++; } return array; } }
Example 8
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void copyExistingLemmas(final WordToken t, FSArray fsArray) { int i = 0; for (FeatureStructure fs : t.getLemmas().toArray()) { fsArray.set(i, fs); i++; } }
Example 9
Source File: From termsuite-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void addOccurrenceToCas(JCas jCas, RegexOccurrence occurrence) { TermOccAnnotation annotation = (TermOccAnnotation) jCas .getCas().createAnnotation( jCas.getCasType(TermOccAnnotation.type), occurrence.getBegin(), occurrence.getEnd()); StringArray patternFeature = new StringArray(jCas, occurrence.size()); FSArray innerWords = new FSArray(jCas, occurrence.size()); StringBuilder termLemma = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; for (LabelledAnnotation la:occurrence.getLabelledAnnotations()) { patternFeature.set(i, la.getLabel()); WordAnnotation word = (WordAnnotation) la.getAnnotation(); termLemma.append(word.getLemma()); if(i<occurrence.size()-1) termLemma.append(TermSuiteConstants.WHITESPACE); WordAnnotation wordAnno = (WordAnnotation) la.getAnnotation(); if(wordAnno.getRegexLabel() != null) { if(!wordAnno.getRegexLabel().equals(la.getLabel())) { LOGGER.warn("Another label has already been set for WordAnnotation "+wordAnno.getCoveredText()+":"+wordAnno.getRegexLabel()+" ["+wordAnno.getBegin()+","+wordAnno.getEnd()+"]. Ignoring the new label "+la.getLabel()+" (rule: "+occurrence.getRule().getName()+")"); } } else wordAnno.setRegexLabel(la.getLabel()); innerWords.set(i, wordAnno); i++; } annotation.setWords(innerWords); annotation.setPattern(patternFeature); annotation.setSpottingRuleName(occurrence.getRule().getName()); annotation.setTermKey(TermSuiteUtils.getGroupingKey(annotation)); annotation.addToIndexes(); }
Example 10
Source File: From bluima with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** Convenience method to set POS tag */ public static void setPosTags(Token token, JCas jcas, String... posTags) { FSArray slots = new FSArray(jcas, posTags.length); for (int i = 0; i < posTags.length; i++) { POSTag posTag = new POSTag(jcas); posTag.setValue(posTags[i]); posTag.addToIndexes(); slots.set(i, posTag); } token.setPosTag(slots); }
Example 11
Source File: From bluima with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void test() throws Exception { // INDEXING String indexName = "test_index" + System.currentTimeMillis(); String clusterName = "elasticsearch_neuroner_dev"; JCas jCas = getTestCas("many layer V prefrontal cortical pyramidal neurons"); Header header = createAnnot(jCas, Header.class, 0, 0); header.setDocId("17"); header.setCopyright("1976-01-16"); FSArray slots = new FSArray(jCas, 2); AuthorInfo ai = new AuthorInfo(jCas); ai.setForeName("fn1"); ai.setLastName("ln1"); slots.set(0, ai); AuthorInfo ai2 = new AuthorInfo(jCas); ai2.setForeName("fn2"); ai2.setLastName("ln2"); slots.set(1, ai2); header.setAuthors(slots); createAnnot(jCas, Layer.class, 5, 12, "layer V"); createAnnot(jCas, BrainRegionProp.class, 13, 32, "prefrontal cortical"); createAnnot(jCas, Morphology.class, 33, 42, "pyramidal").setOntologyId( "testOntoId"); createAnnot(jCas, NeuronTrigger.class, 43, 50, "neurons"); createAnnot(jCas, Neuron.class, 5, 50, "layer V prefrontal cortical pyramidal neurons"); JcasPipelineBuilder builder = new JcasPipelineBuilder(jCas); builder.add(NaiveSentenceSplitterAnnotator.class); builder.add(NeuronIndexer2.class, PARAM_INDEX_NAME, indexName, PARAM_CLUSTER_NAME, clusterName); builder.process(true); }
Example 12
Source File: From uima-uimafit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @Test public void testSelectOnArrays() throws Exception { String text = "Rot wood cheeses dew?"; tokenBuilder.buildTokens(jCas, text); Collection<TOP> allFS = select(jCas, TOP.class); FSArray allFSArray = new FSArray(jCas, allFS.size()); int i = 0; for (FeatureStructure fs : allFS) { allFSArray.set(i, fs); i++; } // Print what is expected // for (FeatureStructure fs : allFS) { // System.out.println("Type: " + fs.getType().getName() + "]"); // } // System.out.println("Tokens: [" + toText(select(jCas, Token.class)) + "]"); // Document Annotation, one sentence and 4 tokens. assertEquals(6, allFS.size()); assertEquals(toText(select(jCas, Token.class)), toText(select(allFSArray, Token.class))); assertEquals(toText((Iterable) select(jCas, Token.class)), toText((Iterable) select(allFSArray, Token.class))); }
Example 13
Source File: From uima-uimaj with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testToString() throws InvalidXMLException, IOException, ResourceInitializationException, CASException { File typeSystemFile = JUnitExtension.getFile("ExampleCas/testTypeSystem_docmetadata.xml"); TypeSystemDescription typeSystem = UIMAFramework.getXMLParser().parseTypeSystemDescription( new XMLInputSource(typeSystemFile)); source = CasCreationUtils.createCas(typeSystem, new TypePriorities_impl(), null); jcas = source.getJCas(); DocMeta d = new DocMeta(jcas); d.setFeat("a string"); d.setFeat2("b string"); d.setFeat3("c string"); FSArray fsa = new FSArray(jcas, 2); fsa.set(0, new Annotation(jcas, 1,2)); fsa.set(1, new Annotation(jcas, 3,4)); d.setArrayFs(fsa); IntegerArray intarr = new IntegerArray(jcas, 2); intarr.set(0, 10); intarr.set(1, -10); d.setArrayints(intarr); StringArray strarr = new StringArray(jcas, 2); strarr.set(0, "first"); strarr.set(1, "second"); d.setArraystr(strarr); System.out.println(d.toString()); }
Example 14
Source File: From uima-uimaj with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Update existing array. The size has already been checked to be equal, but could be 0 * @param arrayType * @param values * @param existingArray */ private void updateExistingArray(List<String> values, CommonArrayFS existingArray) { final int sz = values.size(); if (existingArray instanceof FSArray) { final FSArray fsArray = (FSArray) existingArray; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { String featVal = values.get(i); if (emptyVal(featVal)) { // can be empty if JSON fsArray.set(i, null); } else { maybeSetFsArrayElement(values, i, fsArray); final int xmiId = Integer.parseInt(featVal); final int pos = i; TOP tgtFs = maybeGetFsForXmiId(xmiId); if (null == tgtFs) { fixupToDos.add( () -> finalizeFSArrayRefValue(xmiId, fsArray, pos)); } else { fsArray.set(i, tgtFs); } } } return; } CommonPrimitiveArray existingPrimitiveArray = (CommonPrimitiveArray) existingArray; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { existingPrimitiveArray.setArrayValueFromString(i, values.get(i)); } }
Example 15
Source File: From uima-uimaj with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void maybeSetFsArrayElement(List<String> values, int i, FSArray fsArray) { String featVal = values.get(i); if (emptyVal(featVal)) { // can be empty if JSON fsArray.set(i, null); } else { final int xmiId = Integer.parseInt(featVal); final int pos = i; TOP tgtFs = maybeGetFsForXmiId(xmiId); if (null == tgtFs) { fixupToDos.add( () -> finalizeFSArrayRefValue(xmiId, fsArray, pos)); } else { fsArray.set(i, tgtFs); } } }
Example 16
Source File: From uima-uimaj with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void arrayOrListRefstst(boolean tstArray) throws Exception { // using dynamic embedding // an element is multiply-referenced if it is both in the index (referenced by the "view") and is referenced // by an FSRef in a feature or a slot in an FSArray jcas.reset(); // make root FS that is indexed and has a ref RefTypes root = new RefTypes(jcas); root.addToIndexes(); // Test list or array with 1 non-embeddable RefTypes refa1 = new RefTypes(jcas); RefTypes refa2 = new RefTypes(jcas); RefTypes refa3 = new RefTypes(jcas); FSArray a = new FSArray(jcas, 3); a.set(0, refa1); a.set(1, refa2); a.set(2, refa3); NonEmptyFSList l0 = new NonEmptyFSList(jcas); NonEmptyFSList l1 = new NonEmptyFSList(jcas); NonEmptyFSList l2 = new NonEmptyFSList(jcas); EmptyFSList tailEnd = new EmptyFSList(jcas); l0.setTail(l1); l1.setTail(l2);; l2.setTail(tailEnd); l0.setHead(refa1); l1.setHead(refa2); l2.setHead(refa3);; if (tstArray) { root.setAArrayFS(a); // is not (yet) multiply referenced } else { root.setAListFs(l0); } String sfx = (tstArray) ? "a" : "l"; // all embeddable: // because ref1,2,3 are not index, and FSArray isn't either serializeAndCompare("array-all-embeddable-" + sfx + ".txt"); // 1 not embeddable, at all 3 positions refa1.addToIndexes(); // ref1 is multiply indexed serializeAndCompare("array-a1-not-" + sfx + ".txt"); refa1.removeFromIndexes(); refa2.addToIndexes(); serializeAndCompare("array-a2-not-" + sfx + ".txt"); refa2.removeFromIndexes(); refa3.addToIndexes(); serializeAndCompare("array-a3-not-" + sfx + ".txt"); // 3 not embeddable: refa1.addToIndexes(); refa2.addToIndexes(); serializeAndCompare("array-non-embeddable-" + sfx + ".txt"); // FSArray not embeddable if (tstArray) { a.addToIndexes(); } else { l0.addToIndexes(); } serializeAndCompare("array-self-non-embeddable-" + sfx + ".txt"); // all embeddable, FSArray not refa1.removeFromIndexes(); refa2.removeFromIndexes(); refa3.removeFromIndexes(); serializeAndCompare("array-self-items-all-embeddable-" + sfx + ".txt"); }
Example 17
Source File: From uima-uimaj with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * This test tests V2 backwards compatibility * The goal is to match what V2 did for low level cas access * The area this is testing is the use of the LL int operations to change the type of an existing feature structure. */ public void testLLsetType() { LowLevelCAS llc = cas.getLowLevelCAS(); FSArray fsa = new FSArray(ts.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_FS_ARRAY), cas, 3); fsa.addToIndexes(); // otherwise won't be replaced later NonEmptyFSList fsl = new NonEmptyFSList(ts.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_NON_EMPTY_FS_LIST), cas); fsl.addToIndexes(); // otherwise won't be replaced later Annotation token = this.cas.createFS(tokenType); cas.setId2FSsMaybeUnconditionally(token); // set up some refs; these must be updated if the type changes in a way to require a new FS fsa.set(0, token); // set the 0th element of a FS Array to point to the "token" fsl.setHead(token); // set the head element of a FS List to point to the "token" int tokId = token._id(); // set some feature values; some of these are copied (if there's room, etc.) TOP ttfv = cas.createFS(tokenTypeType); token.setFeatureValue(tokenTypeFeat, ttfv); token.setFloatValue(tokenFloatFeat, 1.1f); assertEquals(1.1f, token.getFloatValue(tokenFloatFeat)); token.setDoubleValue(tokenDoubleFeat, 1.7d); assertEquals(1.7d, token.getDoubleValue(tokenDoubleFeat)); token.setBegin(3); token.setEnd(5); Sofa sofa = (Sofa) token.getSofa(); assertTrue(sofa != null); assertTrue(fsa.get(0) == token); assertTrue(fsl.getHead() == token); // change the type to just Annotation // because this is a supertype, it should not create a new FS llc.ll_setIntValue(tokId, 0, TypeSystemConstants.annotTypeCode); Annotation fs = cas.getFsFromId(tokId); assertTrue(fs == token); assertTrue(fs._id() == token._id()); assertEquals(ts.annotType, fs._getTypeImpl()); assertEquals(fs.getBegin(), 3); assertEquals(fs.getEnd(), 5); assertEquals(sofa, fs.getSofa()); assertTrue(fsa.get(0) == fs); assertTrue(fsl.getHead() == fs); // Change Annotation back to Token type llc.ll_setIntValue(tokId, 0, tokenType.getCode()); token = cas.getFsFromId(tokId); assertTrue(fs == token); assertTrue(fs._id() == token._id()); assertEquals(fs.getBegin(), 3); assertEquals(fs.getEnd(), 5); assertEquals(sofa, fs.getSofa()); assertEquals(1.1f, token.getFloatValue(tokenFloatFeat)); assertEquals(ttfv, token.getFeatureValue(tokenTypeFeat)); assertTrue(fsa.get(0) == token); assertTrue(fsl.getHead() == token); // change type where the type forces a copy // token -> token_type_type // These types are completely orthogonal, one doesn't subsume the other llc.ll_setIntValue(tokId, 0, tokenTypeType.getCode()); TOP ttt = cas.getFsFromId(tokId); assertTrue(ttt != token); assertTrue(ttt._id() == tokId); assertEquals(ttt._getTypeImpl(), tokenTypeType); assertTrue(fsa.get(0) == ttt); assertTrue(fsl.getHead() == ttt); llc.ll_setIntValue(tokId, 0, tokenType.getCode()); token = cas.getFsFromId(tokId); assertTrue(ttt != token); assertTrue(ttt._id() == token._id()); assertEquals(token.getBegin(), 0); assertEquals(token.getEnd(), 0); assertEquals(sofa, token.getSofa()); assertEquals(0.0f, token.getFloatValue(tokenFloatFeat)); assertEquals(null, token.getFeatureValue(tokenTypeFeat)); assertTrue(fsa.get(0) == token); assertTrue(fsl.getHead() == token); }
Example 18
Source File: From uima-uimaj with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void ll_setRefArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, int value) { FSArray array = getFsFromId_checked(fsRef); array.set(position, getFsFromId_checked(value)); // that set operation does required journaling }
Example 19
Source File: From uima-uimaj with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private FeatureStructure setAllValues(int v) throws CASException { cas = (CASImpl) cas.getView(CAS.NAME_DEFAULT_SOFA); // create the default initial view sofa. JCas jcas = cas.getJCas(); boolean s1 = v == 0; boolean s2 = v == 1; FeatureStructure fs = cas.createFS(allTypesType); cas.addFsToIndexes(fs); FeatureStructure fs2 = cas.createFS(allTypesType); fs.setBooleanValue(allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aBoolean"), s1 ? true : false); fs.setByteValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aByte"), s1 ? (byte) -117 : (byte) 0); fs.setShortValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aShort"), s1 ? (short) -112 : (short) 0); fs.setIntValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aInteger"), s1 ? 0 : 1); fs.setLongValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aLong"), s2 ? 4321 : 1234); fs.setFloatValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aFloat"), s1 ? 1.3F : Float.NaN); fs.setDoubleValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aDouble"), s2 ? Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : 2.6); fs.setStringValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aString"), "some \"String\""); fs.setFeatureValue(allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aFS"), fs2); FeatureStructure fsAboolean = cas.createBooleanArrayFS(s1 ? 1 : 0); ByteArray fsAbyte = new ByteArray(jcas, s1 ? 2 : 0); if (s1) { fsAbyte.set(0, (byte) 15); fsAbyte.set(1, (byte) 0xee); } FeatureStructure fsAshort = cas.createShortArrayFS(s2 ? 2 : 0); FeatureStructure fsAstring = cas.createStringArrayFS(s1 ? 1 : 0); fsa1 = cas.createFS(allTypesType); fsa2 = cas.createFS(allTypesType); fsa3 = cas.createFS(allTypesType); fsaa = new FSArray(jcas, 3); fsaa.set(0, fsa1); fsaa.set(1, fsa2); fsaa.set(2, fsa3);; FeatureStructure fsMrAboolean = cas.createBooleanArrayFS(1); FeatureStructure fsMrAbyte = cas.createByteArrayFS(2); FeatureStructure fsMrAshort = cas.createShortArrayFS(0); FeatureStructure fsMrAstring = cas.createStringArrayFS(1); fs.setFeatureValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aArrayBoolean"), fsAboolean); fs.setFeatureValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aArrayByte"), fsAbyte); fs.setFeatureValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aArrayShort"), fsAshort); fs.setFeatureValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aArrayString"), fsAstring); fs.setFeatureValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aArrayMrBoolean"), fsMrAboolean); fs.setFeatureValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aArrayMrByte"), fsMrAbyte); fs.setFeatureValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aArrayMrShort"), fsMrAshort); fs.setFeatureValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aArrayMrString"), fsMrAstring); FeatureStructure fsLinteger0 = cas.createFS(tsi.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_EMPTY_INTEGER_LIST)); FeatureStructure fsLstring0 = cas.createFS(tsi.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_NON_EMPTY_STRING_LIST)); FeatureStructure fsLstring1 = cas.createFS(tsi.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_EMPTY_STRING_LIST)); fsLstring0.setStringValue (tsi.getFeatureByFullName(CAS.TYPE_NAME_NON_EMPTY_STRING_LIST + ":head"), "testStr"); fsLstring0.setFeatureValue (tsi.getFeatureByFullName(CAS.TYPE_NAME_NON_EMPTY_STRING_LIST + ":tail"), fsLstring1); FeatureStructure fsLfs0 = cas.createFS(tsi.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_NON_EMPTY_FS_LIST)); FeatureStructure fsLfs1 = cas.createFS(tsi.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_EMPTY_FS_LIST)); fsLfs0.setFeatureValue (tsi.getFeatureByFullName(CAS.TYPE_NAME_NON_EMPTY_FS_LIST + ":tail"), fsLfs1); fs.setFeatureValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aListInteger"), fsLinteger0); fs.setFeatureValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aListString"), fsLstring0); fs.setFeatureValue (allTypesType.getFeatureByBaseName("aListFs"), fsLfs0); cas.addFsToIndexes(fs); return fs; }
Example 20
Source File: From ctakes-docker with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void consumeTypeIdHits( final JCas jcas, final String codingScheme, final int cTakesSemantic, final CollectionMap<TextSpan, Long, ? extends Collection<Long>> textSpanCuis, final CollectionMap<Long, Concept, ? extends Collection<Concept>> cuiConcepts ) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException { List<IdentifiedAnnotation> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(); // Find the spans associated with de-id strings: String docText = jcas.getDocumentText(); for(String phiString : phiArray){ int searchInd=0; int startInd=0; int endInd; while((startInd = docText.indexOf(phiString, searchInd)) >= 0){ endInd = startInd + phiString.length(); for(IdentifiedAnnotation covered : JCasUtil.selectCovered(jcas, IdentifiedAnnotation.class, startInd, endInd)){ toRemove.add(covered); } searchInd = startInd+1; //System.err.println("Found phi string " + phiString + " at index: " + startInd + " to: " + endInd); } } // Remove all those identified annotations that fall within de-id strings. for(IdentifiedAnnotation annot : toRemove){ annot.removeFromIndexes(); } // Collection of UmlsConcept objects final Collection<UmlsConcept> umlsConceptList = new ArrayList<>(); try { for ( Map.Entry<TextSpan, ? extends Collection<Long>> spanCuis : textSpanCuis ) { umlsConceptList.clear(); for ( Long cuiCode : spanCuis.getValue() ) { umlsConceptList.addAll( createUmlsConcepts( jcas, codingScheme, cTakesSemantic, cuiCode, cuiConcepts ) ); } final FSArray conceptArr = new FSArray( jcas, umlsConceptList.size() ); int arrIdx = 0; for ( UmlsConcept umlsConcept : umlsConceptList ) { conceptArr.set( arrIdx, umlsConcept ); arrIdx++; } final IdentifiedAnnotation annotation = createSemanticAnnotation( jcas, cTakesSemantic ); annotation.setTypeID( cTakesSemantic ); annotation.setBegin( spanCuis.getKey().getStart() ); annotation.setEnd( spanCuis.getKey().getEnd() ); annotation.setDiscoveryTechnique( CONST.NE_DISCOVERY_TECH_DICT_LOOKUP ); annotation.setOntologyConceptArr( conceptArr ); annotation.addToIndexes(); } } catch ( CASRuntimeException crtE ) { // What is really thrown? The jcas "throwFeatMissing" is not a great help throw new AnalysisEngineProcessException( crtE ); } }