Java Code Examples for org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.iteration.CloseableIteration#next()
The following examples show how to use
org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.iteration.CloseableIteration#next() .
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Example 1
Source File: From rya with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void readFromPosition_positionStartsNotBegining() throws Exception { final List<QueryChange> expected = write10ChangesToChangeLog().subList(5, 10); // set the position to some non-0 position final TopicPartition partition = new TopicPartition(topic, 0); consumer.assign(Lists.newArrayList(partition)); consumer.seekToEnd(Lists.newArrayList(partition)); final CloseableIteration<ChangeLogEntry<QueryChange>, QueryChangeLogException> iter = changeLog.readFromPosition(5L); final List<QueryChange> actual = new ArrayList<>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final ChangeLogEntry<QueryChange> entry =; actual.add(entry.getEntry()); } assertEquals(expected, actual); }
Example 2
Source File: From rdf4j with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
@Override public synchronized void removeTermIteration(Iterator<Statement> iter, Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts) { try { CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> stmts; stmts = dataset().getStatements(subj, pred, obj, contexts); try { while (stmts.hasNext()) { Statement st =; sink.deprecate(st); } } finally { stmts.close(); } size = -1; } catch (SailException e) { throw new ModelException(e); } }
Example 3
Source File: From rdf4j with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
/** * @param add * @param uc * @throws SailException */ protected void executeAdd(Add add, UpdateContext uc, int maxExecTime) throws SailException { ValueConstant sourceGraph = add.getSourceGraph(); ValueConstant destinationGraph = add.getDestinationGraph(); Resource source = sourceGraph != null ? (Resource) sourceGraph.getValue() : null; Resource destination = destinationGraph != null ? (Resource) destinationGraph.getValue() : null; if (source == null && destination == null || (source != null && source.equals(destination))) { // source and destination are the same, copy is a null-operation. return; } // get all statements from source and add them to destination CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> statements = null; try { statements = con.getStatements(null, null, null, uc.isIncludeInferred(), (Resource) source); if (maxExecTime > 0) { statements = new TimeLimitIteration<Statement, SailException>(statements, 1000L * maxExecTime) { @Override protected void throwInterruptedException() throws SailException { throw new SailException("execution took too long"); } }; } while (statements.hasNext()) { Statement st =; con.addStatement(uc, st.getSubject(), st.getPredicate(), st.getObject(), (Resource) destination); } } finally { if (statements != null) { statements.close(); } } }
Example 4
Source File: From rdf4j with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
private int applyRuleRdfs9_1() throws SailException { int nofInferred = 0; Iterable<Statement> ntIter = newThisIteration.getStatements(null, RDFS.SUBCLASSOF, null); for (Statement nt : ntIter) { Resource xxx = nt.getSubject(); Value yyy = nt.getObject(); if (yyy instanceof Resource) { CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> t1Iter; t1Iter = getWrappedConnection().getStatements(null, RDF.TYPE, xxx, true); while (t1Iter.hasNext()) { Statement t1 =; Resource aaa = t1.getSubject(); boolean added = addInferredStatement(aaa, RDF.TYPE, yyy); if (added) { nofInferred++; } } t1Iter.close(); } } return nofInferred; }
Example 5
Source File: From rdf4j with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
private int applyRuleRdfs7_2() throws SailException { int nofInferred = 0; Iterable<Statement> ntIter = newThisIteration.getStatements(null, RDFS.SUBPROPERTYOF, null); for (Statement nt : ntIter) { Resource aaa = nt.getSubject(); Value bbb = nt.getObject(); if (aaa instanceof IRI && bbb instanceof IRI) { CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> t1Iter; t1Iter = getWrappedConnection().getStatements(null, (IRI) aaa, null, true); while (t1Iter.hasNext()) { Statement t1 =; Resource xxx = t1.getSubject(); Value yyy = t1.getObject(); boolean added = addInferredStatement(xxx, (IRI) bbb, yyy); if (added) { nofInferred++; } } t1Iter.close(); } } return nofInferred; }
Example 6
Source File: From rdf4j with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
private int applyRuleRdfs7_1() throws SailException { int nofInferred = 0; Iterable<Statement> ntIter = newThisIteration.getStatements(null, null, null); for (Statement nt : ntIter) { Resource xxx = nt.getSubject(); IRI aaa = nt.getPredicate(); Value yyy = nt.getObject(); CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> t1Iter; t1Iter = getWrappedConnection().getStatements(aaa, RDFS.SUBPROPERTYOF, null, true); while (t1Iter.hasNext()) { Statement t1 =; Value bbb = t1.getObject(); if (bbb instanceof IRI) { boolean added = addInferredStatement(xxx, (IRI) bbb, yyy); if (added) { nofInferred++; } } } t1Iter.close(); } return nofInferred; }
Example 7
Source File: From rdf4j with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
private int applyRuleRdfs5_1() throws SailException { int nofInferred = 0; Iterable<Statement> ntIter = newThisIteration.getStatements(null, RDFS.SUBPROPERTYOF, null); for (Statement nt : ntIter) { Resource aaa = nt.getSubject(); Value bbb = nt.getObject(); if (bbb instanceof Resource) { CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> t1Iter; t1Iter = getWrappedConnection().getStatements((Resource) bbb, RDFS.SUBPROPERTYOF, null, true); while (t1Iter.hasNext()) { Statement t1 =; Value ccc = t1.getObject(); if (ccc instanceof Resource) { boolean added = addInferredStatement(aaa, RDFS.SUBPROPERTYOF, ccc); if (added) { nofInferred++; } } } t1Iter.close(); } } return nofInferred; }
Example 8
Source File: From rdf4j with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
private int applyRuleRdfs3_2() throws SailException { int nofInferred = 0; Iterable<Statement> ntIter = newThisIteration.getStatements(null, RDFS.RANGE, null); for (Statement nt : ntIter) { Resource aaa = nt.getSubject(); Value zzz = nt.getObject(); if (aaa instanceof IRI && zzz instanceof Resource) { CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> t1Iter; t1Iter = getWrappedConnection().getStatements(null, (IRI) aaa, null, true); while (t1Iter.hasNext()) { Statement t1 =; Value uuu = t1.getObject(); if (uuu instanceof Resource) { boolean added = addInferredStatement((Resource) uuu, RDF.TYPE, zzz); if (added) { nofInferred++; } } } t1Iter.close(); } } return nofInferred; }
Example 9
Source File: From rdf4j with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
private int applyRuleRdfs2_2() throws SailException { int nofInferred = 0; Iterable<Statement> ntIter = newThisIteration.getStatements(null, RDFS.DOMAIN, null); for (Statement nt : ntIter) { Resource aaa = nt.getSubject(); Value zzz = nt.getObject(); if (aaa instanceof IRI && zzz instanceof Resource) { CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> t1Iter; t1Iter = getWrappedConnection().getStatements(null, (IRI) aaa, null, true); while (t1Iter.hasNext()) { Statement t1 =; Resource xxx = t1.getSubject(); boolean added = addInferredStatement(xxx, RDF.TYPE, zzz); if (added) { nofInferred++; } } t1Iter.close(); } } return nofInferred; }
Example 10
Source File: From rya with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * interval is after the given interval. Find interval beginnings after the endings of the given interval. * {@link MongoTemporalIndexer#queryIntervalAfter(TemporalInterval, StatementContraints). * * @throws IOException * @throws QueryEvaluationException */ @Test public void testQueryIntervalAfter() throws IOException, QueryEvaluationException { try(MongoTemporalIndexer tIndexer = new MongoTemporalIndexer()) { tIndexer.setConf(conf); tIndexer.init(); // tiB02_E30 read as: Begins 2 seconds, ends at 30 seconds tIndexer.storeStatement(convertStatement(spo_B00_E01)); tIndexer.storeStatement(convertStatement(spo_B02_E29)); //<- after this one. tIndexer.storeStatement(convertStatement(spo_B02_E30)); tIndexer.storeStatement(convertStatement(spo_B02_E31)); tIndexer.storeStatement(convertStatement(spo_B02_E40)); tIndexer.storeStatement(convertStatement(spo_B03_E20)); tIndexer.storeStatement(convertStatement(spo_B29_E30)); tIndexer.storeStatement(convertStatement(spo_B30_E32)); // instants should be ignored. tIndexer.storeStatement(convertStatement(spo_B02)); tIndexer.storeStatement(convertStatement(seriesSpo[1])); // instance at 1 seconds tIndexer.storeStatement(convertStatement(seriesSpo[2])); tIndexer.storeStatement(convertStatement(seriesSpo[31])); CloseableIteration<Statement, QueryEvaluationException> iter; iter = tIndexer.queryIntervalAfter(tvB02_E29, EMPTY_CONSTRAINTS); // Should be found twice: assertTrue("spo_B30_E32 should be found, but actually returned empty results. spo_B30_E32=" + spo_B30_E32, iter.hasNext()); final Statement s =; assertTrue("spo_B30_E32 should be found, but found another. spo_B30_E32="+spo_B30_E32+", but found="+s, spo_B30_E32.equals(s)); assertFalse("Find no more than one, but actually has more.", iter.hasNext()); } }
Example 11
Source File: From rdf4j with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
private int applyRuleRdfs11_1() throws SailException { int nofInferred = 0; Iterable<Statement> ntIter = newThisIteration.getStatements(null, RDFS.SUBCLASSOF, null); for (Statement nt : ntIter) { Resource xxx = nt.getSubject(); Value yyy = nt.getObject(); if (yyy instanceof Resource) { CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> t1Iter; t1Iter = getWrappedConnection().getStatements((Resource) yyy, RDFS.SUBCLASSOF, null, true); while (t1Iter.hasNext()) { Statement t1 =; Value zzz = t1.getObject(); if (zzz instanceof Resource) { boolean added = addInferredStatement(xxx, RDFS.SUBCLASSOF, zzz); if (added) { nofInferred++; } } } t1Iter.close(); } } return nofInferred; }
Example 12
Source File: From rya with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testStorage() throws SmartUriException, RuntimeException { smartUriConverter.storeEntity(BOB_ENTITY); final String sparql = "SELECT * WHERE { " + "<" + BOB.getData() + "> <" + RDF.TYPE + "> <" + PERSON_TYPE.getId().getData() + "> . " + "<" + BOB.getData() + "> <" + HAS_SSN.getData() + "> ?ssn . " + "<" + BOB.getData() + "> <" + HAS_AGE.getData() + "> ?age . " + "<" + BOB.getData() + "> <" + HAS_WEIGHT.getData() + "> ?weight . " + "<" + BOB.getData() + "> <" + HAS_ADDRESS.getData() + "> ?address . " + "}"; final StatementPatternCollector spCollector = new StatementPatternCollector(); new SPARQLParser().parseQuery(sparql, null).getTupleExpr().visit(spCollector); final List<StatementPattern> patterns = spCollector.getStatementPatterns(); final EntityQueryNode entityQueryNode = new EntityQueryNode(PERSON_TYPE, patterns, smartUriConverter.getEntityStorage()); final QueryBindingSet queryBindingSet = new QueryBindingSet(); final Property ssnProperty = BOB_ENTITY.lookupTypeProperty(PERSON_TYPE, HAS_SSN).get(); queryBindingSet.addBinding(HAS_SSN.getData(), RyaToRdfConversions.convertValue(ssnProperty.getValue())); final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> iter = entityQueryNode.evaluate(queryBindingSet); int count = 0; // These should match what was used in the SPARQL query. final List<String> queryParamNames = Lists.newArrayList("ssn", "age", "weight", "address"); while (iter.hasNext()) { final BindingSet bs =; assertTrue(bs.getBindingNames().containsAll(queryParamNames)); count++; } assertEquals(count, 1); }
Example 13
Source File: From rya with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void accumuloIndexSetTestWithTwoBindingSets() throws RepositoryException, PcjException, TableNotFoundException, RyaTypeResolverException, MalformedQueryException, SailException, QueryEvaluationException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException { // Load some Triples into Rya. final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>(); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Alice"), VF.createIRI("http://hasAge"), VF.createLiteral(BigInteger.valueOf(14))) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Alice"), VF.createIRI("http://playsSport"), VF.createLiteral("Soccer")) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Bob"), VF.createIRI("http://hasAge"), VF.createLiteral(BigInteger.valueOf(16))) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Bob"), VF.createIRI("http://playsSport"), VF.createLiteral("Soccer")) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Charlie"), VF.createIRI("http://hasAge"), VF.createLiteral(BigInteger.valueOf(12))) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Charlie"), VF.createIRI("http://playsSport"), VF.createLiteral("Soccer")) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Eve"), VF.createIRI("http://hasAge"), VF.createLiteral(43)) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Eve"), VF.createIRI("http://playsSport"), VF.createLiteral("Soccer")) ); for(final Statement triple : triples) { ryaConn.add(triple); } // Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results. final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{" + "FILTER(?age < 30) ." + "?name <http://hasAge> ?age." + "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}"; final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(prefix, "testPcj"); // Create and populate the PCJ table. PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn, pcjTableName, sparql, new String[]{"name", "age"}, Optional.absent()); final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(conf, pcjTableName); final QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet(); bs.addBinding("birthDate",VF.createLiteral("1983-03-17",VF.createIRI(""))); bs.addBinding("name",VF.createIRI("http://Alice")); final QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet(); bs2.addBinding("birthDate",VF.createLiteral("1983-04-18",VF.createIRI(""))); bs2.addBinding("name",VF.createIRI("http://Bob")); final Set<BindingSet> bSets = Sets.newHashSet(bs,bs2); final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais.evaluate(bSets); final QueryBindingSet alice = new QueryBindingSet(); alice.addBinding("name", VF.createIRI("http://Alice")); alice.addBinding("age", VF.createLiteral(BigInteger.valueOf(14))); alice.addBinding("birthDate", VF.createLiteral("1983-03-17",VF.createIRI(""))); final QueryBindingSet bob = new QueryBindingSet(); bob.addBinding("name", VF.createIRI("http://Bob")); bob.addBinding("age", VF.createLiteral(BigInteger.valueOf(16))); bob.addBinding("birthDate", VF.createLiteral("1983-04-18",VF.createIRI(""))); final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>(); while(results.hasNext()) { final BindingSet next =; System.out.println(next); fetchedResults.add(next); } Assert.assertEquals(Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(alice,bob), fetchedResults); }
Example 14
Source File: From rya with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void accumuloIndexSetTestWithTwoDirectProductBindingSetsWithConstantMapping() throws Exception { // Load some Triples into Rya. final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>(); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Alice"), VF.createIRI("http://hasAge"), VF.createLiteral(BigInteger.valueOf(14))) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Alice"), VF.createIRI("http://playsSport"), VF.createLiteral("Soccer")) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Bob"), VF.createIRI("http://hasAge"), VF.createLiteral(BigInteger.valueOf(16))) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Bob"), VF.createIRI("http://playsSport"), VF.createLiteral("Soccer")) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Charlie"), VF.createIRI("http://hasAge"), VF.createLiteral(BigInteger.valueOf(12))) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Charlie"), VF.createIRI("http://playsSport"), VF.createLiteral("Soccer")) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Eve"), VF.createIRI("http://hasAge"), VF.createLiteral(43)) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Eve"), VF.createIRI("http://playsSport"), VF.createLiteral("Soccer")) ); for(final Statement triple : triples) { ryaConn.add(triple); } // Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results. final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{" + "?name <http://hasAge> ?age." + "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}"; final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(prefix, "testPcj"); // Create and populate the PCJ table. PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn, pcjTableName, sparql, new String[]{"name", "age"}, Optional.absent()); final String sparql2 = "SELECT ?x " + "{" + "?x <http://hasAge> 16 ." + "?x <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}"; final SPARQLParser p = new SPARQLParser(); final ParsedQuery pq1 = p.parseQuery(sparql, null); final ParsedQuery pq2 = p.parseQuery(sparql2, null); final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(conf, pcjTableName); ais.setProjectionExpr((Projection) QueryVariableNormalizer.getNormalizedIndex(pq2.getTupleExpr(), pq1.getTupleExpr()).get(0)); final QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet(); bs.addBinding("birthDate",VF.createLiteral("1983-03-17",VF.createIRI(""))); bs.addBinding("x",VF.createIRI("http://Alice")); final QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet(); bs2.addBinding("birthDate",VF.createLiteral("1983-04-18",VF.createIRI(""))); bs2.addBinding("x",VF.createIRI("http://Bob")); final Set<BindingSet> bSets = Sets.newHashSet(bs,bs2); final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais.evaluate(bSets); final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>(); while(results.hasNext()) { final BindingSet next =; fetchedResults.add(next); } Assert.assertEquals(Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(bs2), fetchedResults); }
Example 15
Source File: From rya with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testSimpleMergeJoinPredicateOnly2() throws Exception { //add data RyaIRI pred1 = new RyaIRI(litdupsNS, "pred1"); RyaIRI pred2 = new RyaIRI(litdupsNS, "pred2"); RyaType one = new RyaType("1"); RyaType two = new RyaType("2"); RyaType three = new RyaType("3"); RyaIRI subj1 = new RyaIRI(litdupsNS, "subj1"); RyaIRI subj2 = new RyaIRI(litdupsNS, "subj2"); RyaIRI subj3 = new RyaIRI(litdupsNS, "subj3"); RyaIRI subj4 = new RyaIRI(litdupsNS, "subj4"); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj1, pred1, one)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj1, pred1, two)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj1, pred1, three)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj1, pred2, one)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj1, pred2, two)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj1, pred2, three)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj2, pred1, one)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj2, pred1, two)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj2, pred1, three)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj2, pred2, one)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj2, pred2, two)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj2, pred2, three)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj3, pred1, one)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj3, pred1, two)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj3, pred1, three)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj3, pred2, one)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj3, pred2, two)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj3, pred2, three)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj4, pred1, one)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj4, pred1, two)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj4, pred1, three)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj4, pred2, one)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj4, pred2, two)); dao.add(new RyaStatement(subj4, pred2, three)); //1 join HashJoin ijoin = new HashJoin(dao.getQueryEngine()); CloseableIteration<RyaStatement, RyaDAOException> join = ijoin.join(null, pred1, pred2); int count = 0; while (join.hasNext()) { RyaStatement next =; count++; } assertEquals(12, count); join.close(); }
Example 16
Source File: From rdf4j with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
@Override protected BindingSet getNextElement() throws QueryEvaluationException { try { CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> nextRightIter = rightIter; while (nextRightIter.hasNext() || leftIter.hasNext()) { BindingSet leftBindings = null; if (!nextRightIter.hasNext()) { // Use left arg's bindings in case join fails leftBindings =; nextRightIter.close(); nextRightIter = rightIter = strategy.evaluate(join.getRightArg(), leftBindings); } while (nextRightIter.hasNext()) { BindingSet rightBindings =; try { if (join.getCondition() == null) { return rightBindings; } else { // Limit the bindings to the ones that are in scope for // this filter QueryBindingSet scopeBindings = new QueryBindingSet(rightBindings); scopeBindings.retainAll(scopeBindingNames); if (strategy.isTrue(join.getCondition(), scopeBindings)) { return rightBindings; } } } catch (ValueExprEvaluationException e) { // Ignore, condition not evaluated successfully } } if (leftBindings != null) { // Join failed, return left arg's bindings return leftBindings; } } } catch (NoSuchElementException ignore) { // probably, one of the iterations has been closed concurrently in // handleClose() } return null; }
Example 17
Source File: From rya with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testRulesetCopyTool() throws Exception { // Should be copied and are involved in the solution: final RyaStatement[] solutionStatements = { statement("test:FullProfessor1", "rdf:type", "test:FullProfessor"), statement("test:GraduateStudent1", "test:advisor", "test:FullProfessor1"), statement("test:FullProfessor1", "test:telephone", literal("123-456-7890")), statement("test:University1", "test:telephone", literal("555")), statement("test:FullProfessor1", "test:worksFor", "test:University1"), statement("test:FullProfessor1", "test:hired", literal("2001-01-01T04:01:02.000Z", XMLSchema.DATETIME)), statement("test:University1", "geo:asWKT", literal("Point(-77.03524 38.889468)", VF.createIRI(""))) }; // These aren't solutions but should be copied: final RyaStatement[] copyStatements = { statement("test:FullProfessor2", "rdf:type", "test:FullProfessor"), statement("test:GraduateStudent1", "test:advisor", "test:AssistantProfessor1"), statement("test:GraduateStudent1", "test:telephone", literal("555-123-4567")), statement("test:FullProfessor1", "test:telephone", literal("567-8901")), statement("test:University1", "test:telephone", literal("800-123-4567")) }; // Should not be copied: final RyaStatement[] irrelevantStatements = { statement("test:GraduateStudent2", "test:advisor", "test:FullProfessor1"), statement("test:UndergraduateStudent1", "rdf:type", "test:UndergraduateStudent"), statement("test:UndergraduateStudent2", "rdf:type", "test:UndergraduateStudent"), statement("test:GraduateStudent1", "rdf:type", "test:GraduateStudent"), statement("test:GraduateStudent1", "test:name", literal("GraduateStudent1")), statement("test:UndergraduateStudent2", "test:name", literal("UndergraduateStudent2")), statement("test:Course1", "test:name", literal("Course1")), statement("test:GraduateStudent1", "test:emailAddress", literal("")), statement("test:GraduateStudent1", "test:teachingAssistantOf", "test:Course1"), statement("test:GraduateStudent2", "test:undergraduateDegreeFrom", "test:University1"), statement("test:AssistantProfessor1", "test:teacherOf", "test:Course1"), statement("test:FullProfessor1", "test:telephone", literal("xxx-xxx-xxxx")), statement("test:University1", "test:telephone", literal("0000")), // If inferencing is disabled, these shouldn't matter: statement("test:employs", "owl:inverseOf", "test:worksFor"), statement("test:University1", "test:employs", "test:FullProfessor2") }; final String query = QUERY_PREFIXES + "SELECT * {\n" + " test:GraduateStudent1 test:advisor ?person .\n" + " ?person rdf:type test:FullProfessor .\n" + " ?person test:telephone ?number .\n" + " ?person test:worksFor ?university .\n" + " FILTER regex(?number, \"...-...-....\")\n" + " ?university geo:asWKT ?place .\n" + " FILTER regex(?number, \"^[0-9]\")\n" + " ?university test:telephone ?universityNumber\n" + " FILTER regex(?universityNumber, \"^5\")\n" // Would be good to test index functions, but indexing is unreliable (see RYA-72): + " ?person test:hired ?time .\n" // + " FILTER(tempo:after(?time, '2000-01-01T01:01:03-08:00'))\n" + "}"; final int parentNamespaceCount = 2; int childNamespaceCount = 0; parentDao.addNamespace("ns1", ""); parentDao.addNamespace("ns2", ""); // Run the test final AccumuloRyaDAO childDao = runRulesetCopyTest(solutionStatements, copyStatements, irrelevantStatements, query, 1, false); // Verify namespaces were copied final CloseableIteration<Namespace, RyaDAOException> nsIter = childDao.iterateNamespace(); while (nsIter.hasNext()) { childNamespaceCount++;; } Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect number of namespaces copied to child:", parentNamespaceCount, childNamespaceCount);"DONE"); }
Example 18
Source File: From rdf4j with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
/** * @param move * @param uc * @throws SailException */ protected void executeMove(Move move, UpdateContext uc, int maxExecutionTime) throws SailException { ValueConstant sourceGraph = move.getSourceGraph(); ValueConstant destinationGraph = move.getDestinationGraph(); Resource source = sourceGraph != null ? (Resource) sourceGraph.getValue() : null; Resource destination = destinationGraph != null ? (Resource) destinationGraph.getValue() : null; if (source == null && destination == null || (source != null && source.equals(destination))) { // source and destination are the same, move is a null-operation. return; } // clear destination final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); con.clear((Resource) destination); final long clearTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000; if (maxExecutionTime > 0 && clearTime > maxExecutionTime) { throw new SailException("execution took too long"); } // remove all statements from source and add them to destination CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> statements = null; try { statements = con.getStatements(null, null, null, uc.isIncludeInferred(), (Resource) source); if (maxExecutionTime > 0) { statements = new TimeLimitIteration<Statement, SailException>(statements, 1000L * (maxExecutionTime - clearTime)) { @Override protected void throwInterruptedException() throws SailException { throw new SailException("execution took too long"); } }; } while (statements.hasNext()) { Statement st =; con.addStatement(uc, st.getSubject(), st.getPredicate(), st.getObject(), (Resource) destination); con.removeStatement(uc, st.getSubject(), st.getPredicate(), st.getObject(), (Resource) source); } } finally { if (statements != null) { statements.close(); } } }
Example 19
Source File: From rdf4j with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
@Override public final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> evaluate(Service service, CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> bindings, String baseUri) throws QueryEvaluationException { if (!bindings.hasNext()) { return new EmptyIteration<>(); } TupleExpr expr = service.getArg(); if (!(expr instanceof TupleFunctionCall)) { return new EmptyIteration<>(); } TupleFunctionCall funcCall = (TupleFunctionCall) expr; TupleFunction func = tupleFunctionRegistry.get(funcCall.getURI()) .orElseThrow(() -> new QueryEvaluationException("Unknown tuple function '" + funcCall.getURI() + "'")); List<ValueExpr> argExprs = funcCall.getArgs(); List<CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException>> resultIters = new ArrayList<>(); while (bindings.hasNext()) { BindingSet bs =; Value[] argValues = new Value[argExprs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < argExprs.size(); i++) { ValueExpr argExpr = argExprs.get(i); Value argValue; if (argExpr instanceof Var) { argValue = getValue((Var) argExpr, bs); } else if (argExpr instanceof ValueConstant) { argValue = ((ValueConstant) argExpr).getValue(); } else { throw new ValueExprEvaluationException( "Unsupported ValueExpr for argument " + i + ": " + argExpr.getClass().getSimpleName()); } argValues[i] = argValue; } resultIters .add(TupleFunctionEvaluationStrategy.evaluate(func, funcCall.getResultVars(), bs, vf, argValues)); } return (resultIters.size() > 1) ? new DistinctIteration<>(new UnionIteration<>(resultIters)) : resultIters.get(0); }
Example 20
Source File: From rya with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void accumuloIndexSetTestAttemptJoinAcrossTypes() throws Exception { // Load some Triples into Rya. final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>(); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Alice"), VF.createIRI("http://hasAge"), VF.createLiteral(BigInteger.valueOf(14))) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Alice"), VF.createIRI("http://playsSport"), VF.createLiteral("Soccer")) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Bob"), VF.createIRI("http://hasAge"), VF.createLiteral(BigInteger.valueOf(16))) ); triples.add( VF.createStatement(VF.createIRI("http://Bob"), VF.createIRI("http://playsSport"), VF.createLiteral("Soccer")) ); for(final Statement triple : triples) { ryaConn.add(triple); } // Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results. final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{" + "?name <http://hasAge> ?age." + "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}"; final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(prefix, "testPcj"); // Create and populate the PCJ table. PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn, pcjTableName, sparql, new String[]{"name", "age"}, Optional.absent()); final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(conf,pcjTableName); final QueryBindingSet bs1 = new QueryBindingSet(); bs1.addBinding("age", VF.createLiteral("16")); final QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet(); bs2.addBinding("age", VF.createLiteral(BigInteger.valueOf(14))); final Set<BindingSet> bSets = Sets.newHashSet(bs1,bs2); final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais.evaluate(bSets); final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>(); while(results.hasNext()) { final BindingSet next =; fetchedResults.add(next); } bs2.addBinding("name", VF.createIRI("http://Alice")); Assert.assertEquals(Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(bs2), fetchedResults); }