Java Code Examples for org.jxmpp.jid.impl.JidCreate#entityBareFrom()
The following examples show how to use
org.jxmpp.jid.impl.JidCreate#entityBareFrom() .
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Example 1
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Creates a new public Conference Room. * * @param roomName the name of the room. * @param serviceName the service name to use ( * @return the new ChatRoom created. If an error occured, null will be returned. */ public ChatRoom createConferenceRoom(Localpart roomName, DomainBareJid serviceName) { EntityBareJid roomAddress = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(roomName, serviceName); final MultiUserChat chatRoom = MultiUserChatManager.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection()).getMultiUserChat( roomAddress); final GroupChatRoom room = UIComponentRegistry.createGroupChatRoom(chatRoom); try { LocalPreferences pref = SettingsManager.getLocalPreferences(); Resourcepart nickname = pref.getNickname(); chatRoom.create(nickname); // Send an empty room configuration form which indicates that we want // an instant room chatRoom.sendConfigurationForm(new Form( DataForm.Type.submit )); } catch (XMPPException | SmackException | InterruptedException e1) { Log.error("Unable to send conference room chat configuration form.", e1); return null; } getChatContainer().addChatRoom(room); return room; }
Example 2
Source File: From xyTalk-pc with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public static void sendMessage(String roomId, String content) { EntityBareJid jid = null; try { jid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(roomId); } catch (XmppStringprepException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } Chat chat = ChatManager.getInstanceFor(Launcher.connection).chatWith(jid); org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message message = new org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message(); message.setType(; message.addExtension(new Receipt()); message.setBody(content); try { chat.send(message); DebugUtil.debug("chat.sendMessage::" + message.toString()); } catch (NotConnectedException | InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
Example 3
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Tests that roster pushes with invalid from are ignored. * @throws XmppStringprepException if the provided string is invalid. * * @see <a href="">RFC 6121, Section 2.1.6</a> */ @Test public void testIgnoreInvalidFrom() throws XmppStringprepException { final BareJid spammerJid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""); RosterPacket packet = new RosterPacket(); packet.setType(Type.set); packet.setTo(connection.getUser()); packet.setFrom(JidCreate.entityBareFrom("")); packet.addRosterItem(new Item(spammerJid, "Cool products!")); final String requestId = packet.getStanzaId(); // Simulate receiving the roster push connection.processStanza(packet); // Smack should reply with an error IQ ErrorIQ errorIQ = connection.getSentPacket(); assertEquals(requestId, errorIQ.getStanzaId()); assertEquals(Condition.service_unavailable, errorIQ.getError().getCondition()); assertNull("Contact was added to roster", Roster.getInstanceFor(connection).getEntry(spammerJid)); }
Example 4
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@SmackIntegrationTest public void mucJoinLeaveTest() throws XmppStringprepException, NotAMucServiceException, NoResponseException, XMPPErrorException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException, MucNotJoinedException { EntityBareJid mucAddress = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(Localpart.from("smack-inttest-join-leave-" + randomString), mucService.getDomain()); MultiUserChat muc = mucManagerOne.getMultiUserChat(mucAddress); muc.join(Resourcepart.from("nick-one")); Presence reflectedLeavePresence = muc.leave(); MUCUser mucUser = MUCUser.from(reflectedLeavePresence); assertNotNull(mucUser); assertTrue(mucUser.getStatus().contains(MUCUser.Status.PRESENCE_TO_SELF_110)); }
Example 5
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void tlsTest(int runs, CharSequence jidCs, String password, String host, int port, String tlsPin, boolean shouldThrow) throws XmppStringprepException, KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { EntityBareJid jid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(jidCs); for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) { boolean res = tlsTest(jid, password, host, port, tlsPin, shouldThrow); if (!res) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } }
Example 6
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static Item vaglafItem() throws XmppStringprepException { Item item = new Item(JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""), "vaglaf the only"); item.setItemType(ItemType.both); item.addGroupName("all"); item.addGroupName("friends"); item.addGroupName("partners"); return item; }
Example 7
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void iotScenario(String dataThingJidString, String dataThingPassword, String readingThingJidString, String readingThingPassword, IotScenario scenario) throws Exception { final EntityBareJid dataThingJid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(dataThingJidString); final EntityBareJid readingThingJid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(readingThingJidString); final XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration dataThingConnectionConfiguration = XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration.builder() .setUsernameAndPassword(dataThingJid.getLocalpart(), dataThingPassword) .setXmppDomain(dataThingJid.asDomainBareJid()).setSecurityMode(SecurityMode.disabled) .enableDefaultDebugger().build(); final XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration readingThingConnectionConfiguration = XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration .builder().setUsernameAndPassword(readingThingJid.getLocalpart(), readingThingPassword) .setXmppDomain(readingThingJid.asDomainBareJid()).setSecurityMode(SecurityMode.disabled) .enableDefaultDebugger().build(); final XMPPTCPConnection dataThingConnection = new XMPPTCPConnection(dataThingConnectionConfiguration); final XMPPTCPConnection readingThingConnection = new XMPPTCPConnection(readingThingConnectionConfiguration); dataThingConnection.setReplyTimeout(TIMEOUT); readingThingConnection.setReplyTimeout(TIMEOUT); dataThingConnection.setUseStreamManagement(false); readingThingConnection.setUseStreamManagement(false); try { dataThingConnection.connect().login(); readingThingConnection.connect().login(); scenario.iotScenario(dataThingConnection, readingThingConnection); } finally { dataThingConnection.disconnect(); readingThingConnection.disconnect(); } }
Example 8
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public RoomInvitation parse(XmlPullParser parser, int initialDepth, XmlEnvironment xmlEnvironment) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { final RoomInvitation invitation = new RoomInvitation(); invitation.type = Type.valueOf(parser.getAttributeValue("", "type")); boolean done = false; while (!done) {; String elementName = parser.getName(); if (parser.getEventType() == XmlPullParser.Event.START_ELEMENT) { if ("session".equals(elementName)) { invitation.sessionID = parser.getAttributeValue("", "id"); } else if ("invitee".equals(elementName)) { String inviteeString = parser.nextText(); invitation.invitee = JidCreate.from(inviteeString); } else if ("inviter".equals(elementName)) { String inviterString = parser.nextText(); invitation.inviter = JidCreate.entityFrom(inviterString); } else if ("reason".equals(elementName)) { invitation.reason = parser.nextText(); } else if ("room".equals(elementName)) { String roomString = parser.nextText(); = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(roomString); } } else if (parser.getEventType() == XmlPullParser.Event.END_ELEMENT && ELEMENT_NAME.equals(elementName)) { done = true; } } return invitation; }
Example 9
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static EntityBareJid getBareJidAttribute(XmlPullParser parser, String name) throws XmppStringprepException { final String jidString = parser.getAttributeValue("", name); if (jidString == null) { return null; } return JidCreate.entityBareFrom(jidString); }
Example 10
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void addUnclosableChatRoom(String jidString) { EntityBareJid jid; try { jid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(jidString); } catch (XmppStringprepException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } synchronized (ConferenceUtils.class) { unclosableChatRooms.add(jid); } }
Example 11
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void registerAccount(String username, String password) throws NoResponseException, XMPPErrorException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException, XmppStringprepException { if (accountRegistrationConnection == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Account registration not configured"); } switch (sinttestConfiguration.accountRegistration) { case serviceAdministration: EntityBareJid userJid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(Localpart.from(username), accountRegistrationConnection.getXMPPServiceDomain()); adminManager.addUser(userJid, password); break; case inBandRegistration: if (!accountManager.supportsAccountCreation()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Account creation/registation is not supported"); } Set<String> requiredAttributes = accountManager.getAccountAttributes(); if (requiredAttributes.size() > 4) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unkown required attributes"); } Map<String, String> additionalAttributes = new HashMap<>(); additionalAttributes.put("name", "Smack Integration Test"); additionalAttributes.put("email", ""); Localpart usernameLocalpart = Localpart.from(username); accountManager.createAccount(usernameLocalpart, password, additionalAttributes); break; case disabled: throw new IllegalStateException("Account creation no possible"); } }
Example 12
Source File: From Zom-Android-XMPP with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void removeGroupMemberAsync(ChatGroup group, Contact contact) { String chatRoomJid = group.getAddress().getAddress(); if (mMUCs.containsKey(chatRoomJid)) { MultiUserChat muc = mMUCs.get(chatRoomJid); try { EntityBareJid contactJid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(contact.getAddress().getAddress()); muc.revokeMembership(contactJid); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Example 13
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Test adding a roster item according to the example in * <a href="" * >RFC3921: Adding a Roster Item</a>. * * @throws Throwable in case a throwable is thrown. */ @Test public void testAddRosterItem() throws Throwable { // Constants for the new contact final BareJid contactJID = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""); final String contactName = "Nurse"; final String[] contactGroup = {"Servants"}; // Setup assertNotNull("Can't get the roster from the provided connection!", roster); initRoster(); rosterListener.reset(); // Adding the new roster item final RosterUpdateResponder serverSimulator = new RosterUpdateResponder() { @Override void verifyUpdateRequest(final RosterPacket updateRequest) { final Item item = updateRequest.getRosterItems().iterator().next(); assertEquals("The provided JID doesn't match the requested!", contactJID, item.getJid()); assertSame("The provided name doesn't match the requested!", contactName, item.getName()); assertSame("The provided group number doesn't match the requested!", contactGroup.length, item.getGroupNames().size()); assertSame("The provided group doesn't match the requested!", contactGroup[0], item.getGroupNames().iterator().next()); } }; serverSimulator.start(); roster.createItemAndRequestSubscription(contactJID, contactName, contactGroup); serverSimulator.join(); // Check if an error occurred within the simulator final Throwable exception = serverSimulator.getException(); if (exception != null) { throw exception; } rosterListener.waitUntilInvocationOrTimeout(); // Verify the roster entry of the new contact final RosterEntry addedEntry = roster.getEntry(contactJID); assertNotNull("The new contact wasn't added to the roster!", addedEntry); assertTrue("The roster listener wasn't invoked for the new contact!", rosterListener.getAddedAddresses().contains(contactJID)); assertSame("Setup wrong name for the new contact!", contactName, addedEntry.getName()); assertSame("Setup wrong default subscription status!", ItemType.none, addedEntry.getType()); assertSame("The new contact should be member of exactly one group!", 1, addedEntry.getGroups().size()); assertSame("Setup wrong group name for the added contact!", contactGroup[0], addedEntry.getGroups().iterator().next().getName()); // Verify the unchanged roster items verifyRomeosEntry(roster.getEntry(JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""))); verifyMercutiosEntry(roster.getEntry(JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""))); verifyBenvoliosEntry(roster.getEntry(JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""))); assertSame("Wrong number of roster entries.", 4, roster.getEntries().size()); }
Example 14
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Test updating a roster item according to the example in * <a href="" * >RFC3921: Updating a Roster Item</a>. * * @throws Throwable in case a throwable is thrown. */ @Test public void testUpdateRosterItem() throws Throwable { // Constants for the updated contact final BareJid contactJID = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""); final String contactName = "Romeo"; final String[] contactGroups = {"Friends", "Lovers"}; // Setup assertNotNull("Can't get the roster from the provided connection!", roster); initRoster(); rosterListener.reset(); // Updating the roster item final RosterUpdateResponder serverSimulator = new RosterUpdateResponder() { @Override void verifyUpdateRequest(final RosterPacket updateRequest) { final Item item = updateRequest.getRosterItems().iterator().next(); assertEquals("The provided JID doesn't match the requested!", contactJID, item.getJid()); assertSame("The provided name doesn't match the requested!", contactName, item.getName()); assertTrue("The updated contact doesn't belong to the requested groups (" + contactGroups[0] + ")!", item.getGroupNames().contains(contactGroups[0])); assertTrue("The updated contact doesn't belong to the requested groups (" + contactGroups[1] + ")!", item.getGroupNames().contains(contactGroups[1])); assertSame("The provided group number doesn't match the requested!", contactGroups.length, item.getGroupNames().size()); } }; serverSimulator.start(); roster.createGroup(contactGroups[1]).addEntry(roster.getEntry(contactJID)); serverSimulator.join(); // Check if an error occurred within the simulator final Throwable exception = serverSimulator.getException(); if (exception != null) { throw exception; } rosterListener.waitUntilInvocationOrTimeout(); // Verify the roster entry of the updated contact final RosterEntry addedEntry = roster.getEntry(contactJID); assertNotNull("The contact was deleted from the roster!", addedEntry); assertTrue("The roster listener wasn't invoked for the updated contact!", rosterListener.getUpdatedAddresses().contains(contactJID)); assertSame("Setup wrong name for the changed contact!", contactName, addedEntry.getName()); assertTrue("The updated contact doesn't belong to the requested groups (" + contactGroups[0] + ")!", roster.getGroup(contactGroups[0]).contains(addedEntry)); assertTrue("The updated contact doesn't belong to the requested groups (" + contactGroups[1] + ")!", roster.getGroup(contactGroups[1]).contains(addedEntry)); assertSame("The updated contact should be member of two groups!", contactGroups.length, addedEntry.getGroups().size()); // Verify the unchanged roster items verifyMercutiosEntry(roster.getEntry(JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""))); verifyBenvoliosEntry(roster.getEntry(JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""))); assertSame("Wrong number of roster entries (" + roster.getEntries() + ").", 3, roster.getEntries().size()); }
Example 15
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Test deleting a roster item according to the example in * <a href="" * >RFC3921: Deleting a Roster Item</a>. * @throws Throwable if throwable is thrown. */ @Test public void testDeleteRosterItem() throws Throwable { // The contact which should be deleted final BareJid contactJID = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""); // Setup assertNotNull("Can't get the roster from the provided connection!", roster); initRoster(); rosterListener.reset(); // Delete a roster item final RosterUpdateResponder serverSimulator = new RosterUpdateResponder() { @Override void verifyUpdateRequest(final RosterPacket updateRequest) { final Item item = updateRequest.getRosterItems().iterator().next(); assertEquals("The provided JID doesn't match the requested!", contactJID, item.getJid()); } }; serverSimulator.start(); roster.removeEntry(roster.getEntry(contactJID)); serverSimulator.join(); // Check if an error occurred within the simulator final Throwable exception = serverSimulator.getException(); if (exception != null) { throw exception; } rosterListener.waitUntilInvocationOrTimeout(); // Verify final RosterEntry deletedEntry = roster.getEntry(contactJID); assertNull("The contact wasn't deleted from the roster!", deletedEntry); assertTrue("The roster listener wasn't invoked for the deleted contact!", rosterListener.getDeletedAddresses().contains(contactJID)); verifyMercutiosEntry(roster.getEntry(JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""))); verifyBenvoliosEntry(roster.getEntry(JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""))); assertSame("Wrong number of roster entries (" + roster.getEntries() + ").", 2, roster.getEntries().size()); }
Example 16
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Method to handle the Add-Button */ private void addContactButton() { String errorMessage = Res.getString("title.error"); String jid = getJID(); UIManager.put("OptionPane.okButtonText", Res.getString("ok")); if(jid.length()==0) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(dialog, Res.getString("message.invalid.jid.error"), Res.getString("title.error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } String contact = UserManager.escapeJID(jid); String nickname = nicknameField.getText(); String group = (String) groupBox.getSelectedItem(); Transport transport = null; if (publicBox.isSelected()) { AccountItem item = (AccountItem) accounts.getSelectedItem(); transport = item.getTransport(); } if (transport == null) { if (!contact.contains("@")) { contact = contact + "@" + SparkManager.getConnection().getXMPPServiceDomain(); } } else { if (!contact.contains("@")) { contact = contact + "@" + transport.getXMPPServiceDomain(); } } if (!ModelUtil.hasLength(nickname) && ModelUtil.hasLength(contact)) { // Try to load nickname from VCard VCard vcard = new VCard(); try { EntityBareJid contactJid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(contact); vcard.load(SparkManager.getConnection(), contactJid); nickname = vcard.getNickName(); } catch (XMPPException | SmackException | XmppStringprepException | InterruptedException e1) { Log.error(e1); } // If no nickname, use first name. if (!ModelUtil.hasLength(nickname)) { nickname = XmppStringUtils.parseLocalpart(contact); } nicknameField.setText(nickname); } ContactGroup contactGroup = contactList.getContactGroup(group); boolean isSharedGroup = contactGroup != null && contactGroup.isSharedGroup(); if (isSharedGroup) { errorMessage = Res .getString(""); } else if (!ModelUtil.hasLength(contact)) { errorMessage = Res.getString(""); } else if (!XmppStringUtils.parseBareJid(contact).contains("@")) { errorMessage = Res.getString("message.invalid.jid.error"); } else if (!ModelUtil.hasLength(group)) { errorMessage = Res.getString(""); } else if (ModelUtil.hasLength(contact) && ModelUtil.hasLength(group) && !isSharedGroup) { addEntry(); dialog.setVisible(false); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(dialog, errorMessage, Res.getString("title.error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }
Example 17
Source File: From Zom-Android-XMPP with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void joinChatGroupAsync(Address address, String reason) { String chatRoomJid = address.getBareAddress(); String[] parts = chatRoomJid.split("@"); String room = parts[0]; try { if (mConnection == null || (!mConnection.isAuthenticated())) return; // mBookmarkManager.addBookmarkedConference(address.getUser(),JidCreate.entityBareFrom(chatRoomJid),true,null,null); // Create a MultiUserChat using a Connection for a room MultiUserChatManager mucMgr = MultiUserChatManager.getInstanceFor(mConnection); mucMgr.setAutoJoinOnReconnect(true); EntityBareJid crJid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(chatRoomJid); MultiUserChat muc = mucMgr.getMultiUserChat( crJid); DiscussionHistory history = new DiscussionHistory(); history.setMaxStanzas(Integer.MAX_VALUE); muc.join(Resourcepart.from(mUser.getName()), null, history, SmackConfiguration.getDefaultPacketReplyTimeout()); String subject = muc.getSubject(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(subject)) subject = room; ChatGroup chatGroup = mGroups.get(chatRoomJid); if (chatGroup == null) { chatGroup = new ChatGroup(address, subject, this); mGroups.put(chatRoomJid, chatGroup); } mMUCs.put(chatRoomJid, muc); addMucListeners(muc, chatGroup); loadMembers(muc, chatGroup); queryArchive(crJid); } catch (Exception e) { debug(TAG,"error joining MUC",e); } }
Example 18
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Test processing a roster push with an empty group is equivalent with providing * no group. * * @throws Throwable in case a throwable is thrown. * @see <a href="">SMACK-294</a> */ @Test public void testEmptyGroupRosterPush() throws Throwable { final BareJid contactJID = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""); assertNotNull("Can't get the roster from the provided connection!", roster); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<iq id=\"rostertest2\" type=\"set\" ") .append("to=\"").append(connection.getUser()).append("\">") .append("<query xmlns=\"jabber:iq:roster\">") .append("<item jid=\"").append(contactJID).append("\">") .append("<group></group>") .append("</item>") .append("</query>") .append("</iq>"); final XmlPullParser parser = TestUtils.getIQParser(sb.toString()); final IQ rosterPush = PacketParserUtils.parseIQ(parser); initRoster(); rosterListener.reset(); // Simulate receiving the roster push connection.processStanza(rosterPush); rosterListener.waitUntilInvocationOrTimeout(); // Verify the roster entry of the new contact final RosterEntry addedEntry = roster.getEntry(contactJID); assertNotNull("The new contact wasn't added to the roster!", addedEntry); assertTrue("The roster listener wasn't invoked for the new contact!", rosterListener.getAddedAddresses().contains(contactJID)); assertSame("Setup wrong default subscription status!", ItemType.none, addedEntry.getType()); assertSame("The new contact shouldn't be member of any group!", 0, addedEntry.getGroups().size()); // Verify the unchanged roster items verifyRomeosEntry(roster.getEntry(JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""))); verifyMercutiosEntry(roster.getEntry(JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""))); verifyBenvoliosEntry(roster.getEntry(JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""))); assertSame("Wrong number of roster entries.", 4, roster.getEntries().size()); }
Example 19
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Initialize the roster according to the example in * <a href="" * >RFC3921: Retrieving One's Roster on Login</a>. * * @throws SmackException if Smack detected an exceptional situation. * @throws XmppStringprepException if the provided string is invalid. */ private void initRoster() throws InterruptedException, SmackException, XmppStringprepException { roster.reload(); while (true) { final Stanza sentPacket = connection.getSentPacket(); if (sentPacket instanceof RosterPacket && ((IQ) sentPacket).getType() == Type.get) { // setup the roster get request final RosterPacket rosterRequest = (RosterPacket) sentPacket; assertSame("The <query/> element MUST NOT contain any <item/> child elements!", 0, rosterRequest.getRosterItemCount()); // prepare the roster result final RosterPacket rosterResult = new RosterPacket(); rosterResult.setTo(connection.getUser()); rosterResult.setType(Type.result); rosterResult.setStanzaId(rosterRequest.getStanzaId()); // prepare romeo's roster entry final Item romeo = new Item(JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""), "Romeo"); romeo.addGroupName("Friends"); romeo.setItemType(ItemType.both); rosterResult.addRosterItem(romeo); // prepare mercutio's roster entry final Item mercutio = new Item(JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""), "Mercutio"); mercutio.setItemType(ItemType.from); rosterResult.addRosterItem(mercutio); // prepare benvolio's roster entry final Item benvolio = new Item(JidCreate.entityBareFrom(""), "Benvolio"); benvolio.setItemType(ItemType.both); rosterResult.addRosterItem(benvolio); // simulate receiving the roster result and exit the loop connection.processStanza(rosterResult); break; } } roster.waitUntilLoaded(); rosterListener.waitUntilInvocationOrTimeout(); }
Example 20
Source File: From Zom-Android-XMPP with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private boolean loadVCard (ContentResolver resolver, String jid) { try { debug(TAG, "loading vcard for: " + jid); EntityBareJid bareJid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(jid); VCardManager vCardManager = VCardManager.getInstanceFor(mConnection); VCard vCard = vCardManager.loadVCard(bareJid); Contact contact = mContactListManager.getContact(bareJid.toString()); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(vCard.getNickName())) { if (!vCard.getNickName().equals(contact.getName())) { contact.setName(vCard.getNickName()); mContactListManager.doSetContactName(contact.getAddress().getBareAddress(), contact.getName()); } } //check for a forwarding address if (vCard.getJabberId() != null && (!vCard.getJabberId().equals(bareJid.toString()))) { contact.setForwardingAddress(vCard.getJabberId()); } else { contact.setForwardingAddress(null); } // If VCard is loaded, then save the avatar to the personal folder. String avatarHash = vCard.getAvatarHash(); if (avatarHash != null) { byte[] avatarBytes = vCard.getAvatar(); if (avatarBytes != null) { debug(TAG, "found avatar image in vcard for: " + bareJid.toString()); debug(TAG, "start avatar length: " + avatarBytes.length); int rowsUpdated = DatabaseUtils.updateAvatarBlob(resolver, Imps.Avatars.CONTENT_URI, avatarBytes, bareJid.toString()); if (rowsUpdated <= 0) DatabaseUtils.insertAvatarBlob(resolver, Imps.Avatars.CONTENT_URI, mProviderId, mAccountId, avatarBytes, avatarHash, bareJid.toString()); return true; } } } catch (Exception e) { debug(TAG, "err loading vcard: " + e.toString()); if (e.getMessage() != null) { String streamErr = e.getMessage(); if (streamErr != null && (streamErr.contains("404") || streamErr.contains("503"))) { return false; } } } return false; }