Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From swellrt with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void visit(SList<T> list) { JavaScriptObject jsarray = JsoView.createArray(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { try { list.pick(i).accept(this); jsArrayPush(jsarray, currentObject); } catch (SException e) { ex = e; return; } } currentObject = jsarray; }
Example #2
Source File: From requestor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <C extends Collection<JavaScriptObject>> C deserialize(Class<C> collectionType, String response, DeserializationContext context) { JsArray<JavaScriptObject> jsArray = eval(response); if (collectionType.equals(List.class) || collectionType.equals(Collection.class) || collectionType.equals(JsArrayList.class)) { return (C) new JsArrayList(jsArray); } else { C col = context.getInstance(collectionType); for (int i = 0; i < jsArray.length(); i++) { JavaScriptObject t = jsArray.get(i); col.add(t); } return col; } }
Example #3
Source File: From requestor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public Payload serialize(FormData formData) { if (formData.getFormElement() != null) return new Payload(FormDataOverlay.create(formData.getFormElement())); FormDataOverlay overlay = FormDataOverlay.create(); for (FormData.Param param : formData) { final Object value = param.getValue(); if (value instanceof String) { overlay.append(param.getName(), (String) value); } else { overlay.append(param.getName(), (JavaScriptObject) value, param.getFileName()); } } return new Payload(overlay); }
Example #4
Source File: From incubator-retired-wave with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Copy key-value pairs from jsonObject; accept only string, number, or * null values; skip all pairs with other values. This step makes sure that * the StateMap only contains sanitized keys prefixed with ':'. Note that * hasOwnProperty() cannot be used on jsonObject. However, typeof and null * comparison are safe. * * @param source JavaScriptObject to copy from. * @param target JavaScriptObject to copy into. */ public final static native void copyJson(JavaScriptObject source, JavaScriptObject target) /*-{ for (var key in target) { if (target.hasOwnProperty(key)) { delete target[key]; } } for (var key in source) { if (source[key] === null) { target[':' + key] = null; } else if (typeof source[key] === 'string') { target[':' + key] = source[key]; } else if (typeof source[key] === 'number') { target[':' + key] = String(source[key]); } } }-*/;
Example #5
Source File: From gwt-jackson with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * <p>Constructor for JacksonTypeOracle.</p> * * @param logger a {@link} object. * @param typeOracle a {@link} object. */ public JacksonTypeOracle( TreeLogger logger, TypeOracle typeOracle ) { this.logger = logger; this.typeOracle = typeOracle; this.objectReaderType = typeOracle.findType( ObjectReader.class.getCanonicalName() ); this.objectWriterType = typeOracle.findType( ObjectWriter.class.getCanonicalName() ); this.keySerializerType = typeOracle.findType( KeySerializer.class.getCanonicalName() ); this.keyDeserializerType = typeOracle.findType( KeyDeserializer.class.getCanonicalName() ); this.jsonSerializerType = typeOracle.findType( JsonSerializer.class.getCanonicalName() ); this.jsonDeserializerType = typeOracle.findType( JsonDeserializer.class.getCanonicalName() ); this.mapType = typeOracle.findType( Map.class.getCanonicalName() ); this.iterableType = typeOracle.findType( Iterable.class.getCanonicalName() ); this.jsoType = typeOracle.findType( JavaScriptObject.class.getCanonicalName() ); this.enumType = typeOracle.findType( Enum.class.getCanonicalName() ); this.stringType = typeOracle.findType( String.class.getCanonicalName() ); }
Example #6
Source File: From openchemlib-js with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
public native String toSVG(int width, int height, String id, JavaScriptObject options) /*-{ //todo: re-enable this check once it becomes possible to change the font //if (!$doc.createElement) { // throw new Error('Molecule#toSVG cannot be used outside of a browser\'s Window environment'); //} options = options || {}; var factorTextSize = options.factorTextSize || 1; var autoCrop = options.autoCrop === true; var autoCropMargin = typeof options.autoCropMargin === 'undefined' ? 5 : options.autoCropMargin; var svg = this.@com.actelion.research.gwt.minimal.JSMolecule::getSVG(IIFZILjava/lang/String;Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)(width, height, factorTextSize, autoCrop, autoCropMargin, id, options); if (options.fontWeight) { svg = svg.replace(/font-family=" Helvetica" /g, 'font-family=" Helvetica" font-weight="' + options.fontWeight + '" '); } if (options.strokeWidth) { svg = svg.replace(/stroke-width="[^"]+"/g, 'stroke-width="' + options.strokeWidth + '"'); } return svg; }-*/;
Example #7
Source File: From requestor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testDeserializeCollection() throws Exception { DeserializationContext ctx = new DeserializationContext(JavaScriptObject.class) { @Override public <T> T getInstance(Class<T> type) { return (T) new ArrayList<Object>(); } }; String input = "[{\"name\":\"John Doe\",\"age\":31},{\"name\":\"Alice\",\"age\":27}]"; JsArray<JavaScriptObject> expected = (JsArray<JavaScriptObject>) JavaScriptObject.createArray(); expected.push(create("John Doe", 31)); expected.push(create("Alice", 27)); List<JavaScriptObject> output = serdes.deserialize(List.class, input, ctx); JsArray<JavaScriptObject> outputArray = (JsArray<JavaScriptObject>) JavaScriptObject.createArray(); outputArray.push(output.get(0)); outputArray.push(output.get(1)); assertEquals(JsonSerdes.stringify(expected), JsonSerdes.stringify(outputArray)); }
Example #8
Source File: From jts with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
private void showPoland() { WKTReader r = new WKTReader(); try { Geometry g =; g.setSRID(4326); Geometry g2 = g.buffer(1); Geometry g3 = g2.difference(g); JavaScriptObject f1 = parseWKT(g.toString()); JavaScriptObject f2 = parseWKT(g3.toString()); JsArray<JavaScriptObject> fs = JsArray.createArray().cast(); fs.push(f1); fs.push(f2); addFeatures(mMap, fs); } catch (ParseException e) { sLogger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to parse wkb", e); } }
Example #9
Source File: From dashbuilder with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private native void drawBar(JavaScriptObject data)/*-{ canvas = this.@org.dashbuilder.renderer.chartjs.lib.Chart::getNativeElement()(); nativeCanvas = this.@org.dashbuilder.renderer.chartjs.lib.Chart::getNativeCanvas()(); if(nativeCanvas != null) { nativeCanvas.destroy(); } var options = this.@org.dashbuilder.renderer.chartjs.lib.Chart::constructOptions()(); nativeCanvas = new $wnd.Chart(canvas.getContext("2d")).Bar(data, options); this.@org.dashbuilder.renderer.chartjs.lib.Chart::setNativeCanvas(Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)(nativeCanvas); }-*/;
Example #10
Source File: From appinventor-extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static native double distanceBetweenPoints(JavaScriptObject map, MockMap.LatLng point1, MockMap.LatLng point2)/*-{ var pt1 = [,], pt2 = [,]; return map.distance(pt1, pt2); }-*/;
Example #11
Source File: From gwtmockito with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void shouldAllowOnlyJavascriptCastsThatAreValidJavaCasts() { // Casts to ancestors should be legal JavaScriptObject o = Document.get().createDivElement().cast(); Node n = Document.get().createDivElement().cast(); DivElement d = Document.get().createDivElement().cast(); // Casts to sibling elements shouldn't be legal (even though they are in javascript) try { IFrameElement i = Document.get().createDivElement().cast(); fail("Exception not thrown"); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} }
Example #12
Source File: From incubator-retired-wave with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Generic constructor that can be used for testing. * * @param library the gadget RPC library object. */ // @VisibleForTesting protected Controller(JavaScriptObject library) { setGadgetRpcLibrary(library); for (Service service : Service.values()) { registerService(service.getName()); serviceMap.put(service.getName(), service); } }
Example #13
Source File: From gwt-jackson with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testRootJavaScriptObject() { Person person = JavaScriptObject.createObject().cast(); person.setFirstName( "Bob" ); person.setLastName( "Morane" ); JsonWriter jsonWriter = newJsonWriter(); jsonWriter.setLenient( true ); jsonWriter.value( person ); jsonWriter.close(); assertEquals( "{\"firstName\":\"Bob\",\"lastName\":\"Morane\"}", jsonWriter.getOutput() ); }
Example #14
Source File: From document-management-software with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void onDraw() { if (title != null) { Label label = new Label(I18N.message(title)); label.setHeight(20); addMember(label); } addMember(editor); editor.startEditor(); editor.setMode(AceEditorMode.VELOCITY); editor.setTheme(AceEditorTheme.ECLIPSE); editor.setShowGutter(true); editor.setShowPrintMargin(false); editor.setAutocompleteEnabled(true); AceEditor.addCompletionProvider(new AutomationCompletionProvider()); editor.setWidth(getWidth() - 20 + "px"); editor.setHeight(getHeight() - 20 + "px"); if (text != null) editor.setText(text); editor.addOnChangeHandler(new AceEditorCallback() { @Override public void invokeAceCallback(JavaScriptObject obj) { if (changedHandler != null) changedHandler.onChanged(null); } }); }
Example #15
Source File: From putnami-web-toolkit with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private void uploadData(JavaScriptObject object) { StyleUtils.removeStyle(this, STYLE_ERROR); this.fileId = UUID.uuid(); this.initProgressBar(); nativeUploadData(object, this, urlUpload + this.fileId, CsrfController.get().getHeader(), CsrfController.get().getToken()); }
Example #16
Source File: From caja with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private native JavaScriptObject makeUriPolicy() /*-{ return { mitigate: function (uri) { // Skip rewriting jquery and jqueryui when loaded // from the google cdn if (uri.getDomain() === "" && (uri.getPath().indexOf("/ajax/libs/jquery/") === 0 || uri.getPath().indexOf("/ajax/libs/jqueryui/") === 0)) { return uri; } return null; }, fetch: $, rewrite: function (uri, uriEffect, loaderType, hints) { if (uriEffect === $wnd.html4.ueffects.NEW_DOCUMENT) { return uri; } if (uriEffect === $wnd.html4.ueffects.SAME_DOCUMENT && (loaderType === $wnd.html4.ltypes.SANDBOXED || loaderType === $wnd.html4.ltypes.DATA)) { if (hints && hints.XHR) { return uri; } return "" + "?url=" + encodeURIComponent(uri.toString()) + "&container=caja"; } return null; } }; }-*/;
Example #17
Source File: From swellrt with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Object parseJsonObject(String json) { if (json != null) return JsonUtils.<JavaScriptObject> safeEval(json); return null; }
Example #18
Source File: From swellrt with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Creates a renderer for <template> doodads. */ static TemplateNodeMutationHandler create() { final PartIdFactory partIdFactory = SessionPartIdFactory.get(); CajolerFacade cajoler = CajolerFacade.instance(); final JavaScriptObject taming = cajoler.getTaming(); PluginContextFactory defaultFactory = new PluginContextFactory() { @Override public PluginContext create(ContentElement doodad) { return new PluginContext(doodad, partIdFactory, taming); } }; return new TemplateNodeMutationHandler(cajoler, defaultFactory); }
Example #19
Source File: From appinventor-extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
native JavaScriptObject getIconPreferredSize()/*-{ var marker =; if (marker) { var img = marker._icon && marker._icon.querySelector('svg'); if (img) { return [parseInt(img.getAttribute('width')), parseInt(img.getAttribute('height'))]; } img = marker._icon && marker._icon.querySelector('img'); if (img) { return [img.naturalWidth, img.naturalHeight]; } } return [-1, -1]; // this is only called for when the width/height is -1, so this is idempotent. }-*/;
Example #20
Source File: From requestor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testSerializeCollection() throws Exception { JsArrayList<JavaScriptObject> input = new JsArrayList<JavaScriptObject>(create("John Doe", 31), create("Alice", 27)); String expected = "[{\"name\":\"John Doe\",\"age\":31},{\"name\":\"Alice\",\"age\":27}]"; String output = serdes.serialize(input, null); assertEquals(expected, output); }
Example #21
Source File: From gwtbootstrap3-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public FullCalendar(final String id, final ViewOption defaultView, final CalendarConfig config, final boolean editable) { getElement().setId(id); this.currentView = defaultView == null ? ViewOption.month : defaultView; this.config = config; this.editable = editable; loaded = false; if (languageScripts == null) { languageScripts = new HashMap<String, JavaScriptObject>(); } }
Example #22
Source File: From swellrt with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Issues a simulated gadget RPC call at JS level. * * @param gadgetId ID of the gadget that would generate this call. * @param service name of the service. * @param args call arguments. */ public void simulateCallFromGadget(String gadgetId, String service, JavaScriptObject ... args) { JsArrayMixed arr = JsArrayMixed.create(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { arr.put(i, args[i]); } simulateCallFromGadgetHelper(gadgetId, service, arr); }
Example #23
Source File: From vaadin-combobox-multiselect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public native void attachMousewheelListenerNative(Element element, JavaScriptObject mousewheelListenerFunction) /*-{ if (element.addEventListener) { // FireFox likes "wheel", while others use "mousewheel" var eventName = 'onmousewheel' in element ? 'mousewheel' : 'wheel'; element.addEventListener(eventName, mousewheelListenerFunction); } }-*/;
Example #24
Source File: From vaadin-combobox-multiselect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public native void detachMousewheelListenerNative(Element element, JavaScriptObject mousewheelListenerFunction) /*-{ if (element.addEventListener) { // FireFox likes "wheel", while others use "mousewheel" var eventName = element.onwheel===undefined?"mousewheel":"wheel"; element.removeEventListener(eventName, mousewheelListenerFunction); } }-*/;
Example #25
Source File: From swellrt with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Utility function to send Gadget mode to Wave gadget. * * @param target the gadget frame ID. * @param mode JSON string of Gadget state. */ public native void sendModeRpc(String target, JavaScriptObject mode) /*-{ try { $, 'wave_gadget_mode', null, mode); } catch (e) { // HACK(user): Ignoring any failure for now. @org.waveprotocol.wave.client.gadget.GadgetLog::log(Ljava/lang/String;) ('wave_gadget_mode RPC failed'); } }-*/;
Example #26
Source File: From gwtbootstrap3-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void updateSliderForStringArray(SliderOption option, List<String> value) { JsArrayString array = JavaScriptObject.createArray().cast(); for (String val : value) { array.push(val); } if (isAttached()) { setAttribute(getElement(), option.getName(), array); refresh(); } else { String arrayStr = JsonUtils.stringify(array); attributeMixin.setAttribute(option.getDataAttribute(), arrayStr); } }
Example #27
Source File: From caja with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public native JavaScriptObject initialize(Element el) /*-{ el.focus(); var jsEditor = $wnd.CodeMirror.fromTextArea(el, { parserfile: ["parsecss.js", "tokenizejavascript.js", "parsejavascript.js", "parsexml.js", "parsehtmlmixed.js" ], stylesheet: ["css/xmlcolors.css","css/jscolors.css","css/csscolors.css"], autoMatchParens : true, path : 'js/', height : '100%', textWrapping: false, lineNumbers: true, breakPoints: true, }); return jsEditor; }-*/;
Example #28
Source File: From document-management-system with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Upload folder. This is a Javascript native function. */ public native JavaScriptObject createFolder(JavaScriptObject file, String filePostName, String path, AsyncCallback<UploaderEvent> callback, String context) /*-{ var self = this; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = context + '/frontend/CreateFolder';'POST', url, true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function (aEvt) { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if ("" !== xhr.response && "" !== JSON.parse(xhr.response).error) { // Error self.@com.openkm.frontend.client.widget.filebrowser.uploader.DragAndDropUploader::callUploadedFolder(*)(callback, path, JSON.parse(xhr.response).error) } else { // Folder created self.@com.openkm.frontend.client.widget.filebrowser.uploader.DragAndDropUploader::callUploadedFolder(*)(callback, path, null) } } }; var formData = new FormData(); formData.append(filePostName, file); formData.append('path', path); // Kick off the multipart/form-data upload xhr.send(formData); return xhr; }-*/;
Example #29
Source File: From core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
public static native String pretty(JavaScriptObject obj, String indent)/*-{ var result = ""; if (indent == null) indent = ""; for (var property in obj) { var value = obj[property]; if (typeof value == 'string') value = "'" + value + "'"; else if (typeof value == 'object') { if (value instanceof Array) { // Just let JS convert the Array to a string! value = "[ " + value + " ]"; } else { // Recursive dump // (replace " " by "\t" or something else if you prefer) var od =;Ljava/lang/String;)(value, indent + "\t"); // If you like { on the same line as the key //value = "{\n" + od + "\n" + indent + "}"; // If you prefer { and } to be aligned value = "\n" + indent + "{\n" + od + "\n" + indent + "}"; } } result += indent + "'" + property + "' : " + value + ",\n"; } return result.replace(/,\n$/, ""); }-*/;
Example #30
Source File: From actor-platform with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public JavaScriptObject buildOverlay(Contact prev, Contact current, Contact next) { return null; }