javax.measure.IncommensurableException Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From openhab-core with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Convert this QuantityType to a new {@link QuantityType} using the given target unit. * * @param targetUnit the unit to which this {@link QuantityType} will be converted to. * @return the new {@link QuantityType} in the given {@link Unit} or {@code null} in case of a */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public @Nullable QuantityType<T> toUnit(Unit<?> targetUnit) { if (!targetUnit.equals(getUnit())) { try { UnitConverter uc = getUnit().getConverterToAny(targetUnit); Quantity<?> result = Quantities.getQuantity(uc.convert(quantity.getValue()), targetUnit); return new QuantityType<T>(result.getValue(), (Unit<T>) targetUnit); } catch (UnconvertibleException | IncommensurableException e) { logger.debug("Unable to convert unit from {} to {}", getUnit(), targetUnit); return null; } } return this; }
Example #2
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Tests the equivalence between litres and cubic metres. * The litre unit is handled as a special case, since it is not a SI unit but can have SI prefix. * * @throws IncommensurableException if {@link Unit#getConverterToAny(Unit)} failed. */ @Test public void testVolumeEquivalences() throws IncommensurableException { assertEquivalent( "L", Units.LITRE.divide (1E+00), "dm³", Units.CUBIC_METRE.divide (1E+03)); assertEquivalent( "mL", Units.LITRE.divide (1E+03), "cm³", Units.CUBIC_METRE.divide (1E+06)); assertEquivalent( "µL", Units.LITRE.divide (1E+06), "mm³", Units.CUBIC_METRE.divide (1E+09)); assertEquivalent( "fL", Units.LITRE.divide (1E+15), "µm³", Units.CUBIC_METRE.divide (1E+18)); assertEquivalent( "yL", Units.LITRE.divide (1E+24), "nm³", Units.CUBIC_METRE.divide (1E+27)); assertEquivalent( "kL", Units.LITRE.multiply(1E+03), "m³", Units.CUBIC_METRE.divide (1E+00)); assertEquivalent( "ML", Units.LITRE.multiply(1E+06), "dam³", Units.CUBIC_METRE.multiply(1E+03)); assertEquivalent( "GL", Units.LITRE.multiply(1E+09), "hm³", Units.CUBIC_METRE.multiply(1E+06)); assertEquivalent( "TL", Units.LITRE.multiply(1E+12), "km³", Units.CUBIC_METRE.multiply(1E+09)); assertEquivalent( "ZL", Units.LITRE.multiply(1E+21), "Mm³", Units.CUBIC_METRE.multiply(1E+18)); assertEquals ( "dL", Units.LITRE.divide (1E+01).getSymbol()); assertEquals ( "cL", Units.LITRE.divide (1E+02).getSymbol()); assertEquals ( "nL", Units.LITRE.divide (1E+09).getSymbol()); assertEquals ( "pL", Units.LITRE.divide (1E+12).getSymbol()); assertEquals ( "aL", Units.LITRE.divide (1E+18).getSymbol()); assertEquals ( "zL", Units.LITRE.divide (1E+21).getSymbol()); assertEquals ("daL", Units.LITRE.multiply(1E+01).getSymbol()); assertEquals ( "hL", Units.LITRE.multiply(1E+02).getSymbol()); assertEquals ( "PL", Units.LITRE.multiply(1E+15).getSymbol()); assertEquals ( "EL", Units.LITRE.multiply(1E+18).getSymbol()); assertEquals ( "YL", Units.LITRE.multiply(1E+24).getSymbol()); }
Example #3
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Tests {@link SystemUnit#getConverterToAny(Unit)}. * * @throws IncommensurableException if two units were not expected to be considered incompatible. */ @Test @DependsOnMethod("testGetConverterTo") public void testGetConverterToAny() throws IncommensurableException { assertTrue(Units.METRE .getConverterToAny(Units.METRE ).isIdentity()); assertTrue(Units.SECOND.getConverterToAny(Units.SECOND).isIdentity()); assertTrue(Units.RADIAN.getConverterToAny(Units.RADIAN).isIdentity()); assertTrue(Units.RADIAN.getConverterToAny(Units.UNITY ).isIdentity()); assertTrue(Units.UNITY .getConverterToAny(Units.RADIAN).isIdentity()); try { Units.METRE.getConverterToAny(Units.SECOND); fail("Conversion should not have been allowed."); } catch (IncommensurableException e) { final String message = e.getMessage(); assertTrue(message, message.contains("m")); // metre unit symbol assertTrue(message, message.contains("s")); // second unit symbol } }
Example #4
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Tests {@link CoordinateSystems#swapAndScaleAxes(CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem)} with a non-square matrix. * * @throws IncommensurableException if a conversion between incompatible units was attempted. */ @Test @DependsOnMethod("testSwapAndScaleAxes") public void testScaleAndSwapAxesNonSquare() throws IncommensurableException { final DefaultCartesianCS cs = new DefaultCartesianCS(singletonMap(NAME_KEY, "Test"), new DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis(getProperties(HardCodedAxes.SOUTHING), "y", AxisDirection.SOUTH, Units.CENTIMETRE), new DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis(getProperties(HardCodedAxes.EASTING), "x", AxisDirection.EAST, Units.MILLIMETRE)); Matrix matrix = swapAndScaleAxes(HardCodedCS.CARTESIAN_2D, cs); assertMatrixEquals("(x,y) → (y,x)", Matrices.create(3, 3, new double[] { 0, -100, 0, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }), matrix, STRICT); matrix = swapAndScaleAxes(HardCodedCS.CARTESIAN_3D, cs); assertMatrixEquals("(x,y,z) → (y,x)", Matrices.create(3, 4, new double[] { 0, -100, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }), matrix, STRICT); }
Example #5
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Tests {@link CoordinateSystems#swapAndScaleAxes(CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem)} * with a more arbitrary case, which include unit conversions. * * @throws IncommensurableException if a conversion between incompatible units was attempted. */ @Test @DependsOnMethod("testSwapAndScaleAxes3D") public void testSwapAndScaleAxes() throws IncommensurableException { final CoordinateSystem hxy = new DefaultCartesianCS(singletonMap(NAME_KEY, "(h,x,y)"), HardCodedAxes.HEIGHT_cm, HardCodedAxes.EASTING, HardCodedAxes.NORTHING); final CoordinateSystem yxh = new DefaultCartesianCS(singletonMap(NAME_KEY, "(y,x,h)"), HardCodedAxes.SOUTHING, HardCodedAxes.EASTING, HardCodedAxes.DEPTH); assertTrue(swapAndScaleAxes(hxy, hxy).isIdentity()); assertTrue(swapAndScaleAxes(yxh, yxh).isIdentity()); assertMatrixEquals("(h,x,y) → (y,x,h)", Matrices.create(4, 4, new double[] { 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}), swapAndScaleAxes(hxy, yxh), STRICT); assertMatrixEquals("(y,x,h) → (h,x,y)", Matrices.create(4, 4, new double[] { 0, 0, -100, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}), swapAndScaleAxes(yxh, hxy), STRICT); }
Example #6
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Tests {@link CoordinateSystems#swapAndScaleAxes(CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem)} for (λ,φ,h) ↔ (φ,λ,h). * This very common conversion is of critical importance to Apache SIS. * * @throws IncommensurableException if a conversion between incompatible units was attempted. */ @Test @DependsOnMethod("testSwapAndScaleAxes2D") public void testSwapAndScaleAxes3D() throws IncommensurableException { final CoordinateSystem λφh = new DefaultEllipsoidalCS(singletonMap(NAME_KEY, "(λ,φ,h)"), HardCodedAxes.GEODETIC_LONGITUDE, HardCodedAxes.GEODETIC_LATITUDE, HardCodedAxes.ELLIPSOIDAL_HEIGHT); final CoordinateSystem φλh = new DefaultEllipsoidalCS(singletonMap(NAME_KEY, "(φ,λ,h)"), HardCodedAxes.GEODETIC_LATITUDE, HardCodedAxes.GEODETIC_LONGITUDE, HardCodedAxes.ELLIPSOIDAL_HEIGHT); final Matrix expected = Matrices.create(4, 4, new double[] { 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}); assertTrue(swapAndScaleAxes(λφh, λφh).isIdentity()); assertTrue(swapAndScaleAxes(φλh, φλh).isIdentity()); assertMatrixEquals("(λ,φ,h) → (φ,λ,h)", expected, swapAndScaleAxes(λφh, φλh), STRICT); assertMatrixEquals("(φ,λ,h) → (λ,φ,h)", expected, swapAndScaleAxes(φλh, λφh), STRICT); }
Example #7
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Tests {@link CoordinateSystems#swapAndScaleAxes(CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem)} for (λ,φ) ↔ (φ,λ). * This very common conversion is of critical importance to Apache SIS. * * @throws IncommensurableException if a conversion between incompatible units was attempted. */ @Test public void testSwapAndScaleAxes2D() throws IncommensurableException { final CoordinateSystem λφ = new DefaultEllipsoidalCS(singletonMap(NAME_KEY, "(λ,φ)"), HardCodedAxes.GEODETIC_LONGITUDE, HardCodedAxes.GEODETIC_LATITUDE); final CoordinateSystem φλ = new DefaultEllipsoidalCS(singletonMap(NAME_KEY, "(φ,λ)"), HardCodedAxes.GEODETIC_LATITUDE, HardCodedAxes.GEODETIC_LONGITUDE); final Matrix expected = Matrices.create(3, 3, new double[] { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}); assertTrue(swapAndScaleAxes(λφ, λφ).isIdentity()); assertTrue(swapAndScaleAxes(φλ, φλ).isIdentity()); assertMatrixEquals("(λ,φ) → (φ,λ)", expected, swapAndScaleAxes(λφ, φλ), STRICT); assertMatrixEquals("(φ,λ) → (λ,φ)", expected, swapAndScaleAxes(φλ, λφ), STRICT); }
Example #8
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Adjusts the resolution units for the given coordinate system axis. This methods select the units which * result in the smallest absolute value of {@link #resolution}. * * @param maxValue the maximal absolute value that a coordinate on the axis may have. * @param axisUnit {@link CoordinateSystemAxis#getUnit()}. * @return whether the given axis unit is compatible with the expected unit. */ boolean forAxis(double maxValue, final Unit<?> axisUnit) throws IncommensurableException { if (!axisUnit.isCompatible(unit)) { return false; } final UnitConverter c = unit.getConverterToAny(axisUnit); final double r = Math.abs(c.convert(resolution)); if (r < resolution) { resolution = r; // To units producing the smallest value. unit = axisUnit; } else { maxValue = Math.abs(c.inverse().convert(maxValue)); // From axis units to selected units. } if (maxValue > magnitude) { magnitude = maxValue; } return true; }
Example #9
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Creates an operation between two vertical coordinate reference systems. * The default implementation checks if both CRS use the same datum, then * adjusts for axis direction and units. * * <p>This method returns only <em>one</em> step for a chain of concatenated operations (to be built by the caller). * But a list is returned because the same step may be implemented by different operation methods. Only one element * in the returned list should be selected (usually the first one).</p> * * @param sourceCRS input coordinate reference system. * @param targetCRS output coordinate reference system. * @return a coordinate operation from {@code sourceCRS} to {@code targetCRS}. * @throws FactoryException if the operation can not be constructed. * * @todo Needs to implement vertical datum shift. */ protected List<CoordinateOperation> createOperationStep(final VerticalCRS sourceCRS, final VerticalCRS targetCRS) throws FactoryException { final VerticalDatum sourceDatum = sourceCRS.getDatum(); final VerticalDatum targetDatum = targetCRS.getDatum(); if (!equalsIgnoreMetadata(sourceDatum, targetDatum)) { throw new OperationNotFoundException(notFoundMessage(sourceDatum, targetDatum)); } final VerticalCS sourceCS = sourceCRS.getCoordinateSystem(); final VerticalCS targetCS = targetCRS.getCoordinateSystem(); final Matrix matrix; try { matrix = CoordinateSystems.swapAndScaleAxes(sourceCS, targetCS); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IncommensurableException exception) { throw new OperationNotFoundException(notFoundMessage(sourceCRS, targetCRS), exception); } return asList(createFromAffineTransform(AXIS_CHANGES, sourceCRS, targetCRS, matrix)); }
Example #10
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Returns an affine transform between two coordinate systems. * Only units and axes order are taken in account by this method. * * @param sourceCRS the source coordinate reference system. * @param targetCRS the target coordinate reference system. * @param mtFactory the math transform factory to use. * @return the transform from the given source to the given target CRS, or {@code null} if none is needed. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the coordinate systems are not of the same type or axes do not match. * @throws IncommensurableException if the units are not compatible or a unit conversion is non-linear. * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating a math transform. */ private static MathTransform swapAndScaleAxes(final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS, final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS, final MathTransformFactory mtFactory) throws IllegalArgumentException, IncommensurableException, FactoryException { /* * Assertion: source and target CRS must be equals, ignoring change in axis order or units. * The first line is for disabling this check if the number of dimensions are not the same * (e.g. as in the "geographic 3D to geographic 2D" conversion) because ALLOW_VARIANT mode * still requires a matching number of dimensions. */ assert ReferencingUtilities.getDimension(sourceCRS) != ReferencingUtilities.getDimension(targetCRS) || Utilities.deepEquals(sourceCRS, targetCRS, ComparisonMode.ALLOW_VARIANT); final Matrix m = CoordinateSystems.swapAndScaleAxes(sourceCRS.getCoordinateSystem(), targetCRS.getCoordinateSystem()); return (m.isIdentity()) ? null : mtFactory.createAffineTransform(m); }
Example #11
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Concatenates to the given transform the operation needed for swapping and scaling the axes. * The two coordinate systems must implement the same GeoAPI coordinate system interface. * For example if {@code sourceCRS} uses a {@code CartesianCS}, then {@code targetCRS} must use * a {@code CartesianCS} too. * * @param transform the transform to which to concatenate axis changes. * @param sourceCRS the first CRS of the pair for which to check for axes changes. * @param targetCRS the second CRS of the pair for which to check for axes changes. * @param interpDim the number of dimensions of the interpolation CRS, or 0 if none. * @param isSource {@code true} for pre-concatenating the changes, or {@code false} for post-concatenating. * @param factory the factory to use for performing axis changes. */ private static MathTransform swapAndScaleAxes(MathTransform transform, final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS, final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS, final int interpDim, final boolean isSource, final MathTransformFactory factory) throws FactoryException { if (sourceCRS != null && targetCRS != null && sourceCRS != targetCRS) try { Matrix m = CoordinateSystems.swapAndScaleAxes(sourceCRS.getCoordinateSystem(), targetCRS.getCoordinateSystem()); if (!m.isIdentity()) { if (interpDim != 0) { m = Matrices.createPassThrough(interpDim, m, 0); } final MathTransform s = factory.createAffineTransform(m); transform = factory.createConcatenatedTransform(isSource ? s : transform, isSource ? transform : s); } } catch (IncommensurableException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IllegalArgumentValue_2, (isSource ? "sourceCRS" : "targetCRS"), (isSource ? sourceCRS : targetCRS).getName()), e); } return transform; }
Example #12
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Returns the converter to be used by {@link #doubleValue(Unit)} and {@link #doubleValueList(Unit)}. */ private UnitConverter getConverterTo(final Unit<?> unit) { final Unit<?> source = getUnit(); if (source == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(Resources.format(Resources.Keys.UnitlessParameter_1, Verifier.getDisplayName(descriptor))); } ensureNonNull("unit", unit); final short expectedID = Verifier.getUnitMessageID(source); if (Verifier.getUnitMessageID(unit) != expectedID) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(expectedID, unit)); } try { return source.getConverterToAny(unit); } catch (IncommensurableException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IncompatibleUnits_2, source, unit), e); } }
Example #13
Source File: From smarthome with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Convert this QuantityType to a new {@link QuantityType} using the given target unit. * * @param targetUnit the unit to which this {@link QuantityType} will be converted to. * @return the new {@link QuantityType} in the given {@link Unit} or {@code null} in case of a */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public @Nullable QuantityType<T> toUnit(Unit<?> targetUnit) { if (!targetUnit.equals(getUnit())) { try { UnitConverter uc = getUnit().getConverterToAny(targetUnit); Quantity<?> result = Quantities.getQuantity(uc.convert(quantity.getValue()), targetUnit); return new QuantityType<T>(result.getValue(), (Unit<T>) targetUnit); } catch (UnconvertibleException | IncommensurableException e) { logger.debug("Unable to convert unit from {} to {}", getUnit(), targetUnit); return null; } } return this; }
Example #14
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Computes the suggested precision for printing values in the given units. * * @throws IncommensurableException should never happen. */ private void computeNumFractionDigits(final CoordinateSystem cs) throws IncommensurableException { final int dimension = cs.getDimension(); numFractionDigits = new int[dimension]; thresholdForScientificNotation = new double[dimension]; for (int i=0; i<dimension; i++) { final Unit<?> unit = cs.getAxis(0).getUnit(); final Unit<?> source; double precision; if (Units.isLinear(unit)) { precision = Formulas.LINEAR_TOLERANCE; source = Units.METRE; } else if (Units.isAngular(unit)) { precision = Formulas.ANGULAR_TOLERANCE; source = Units.DEGREE; } else { precision = 0.001; source = unit; } precision = source.getConverterToAny(unit).convert(precision); if (precision > 0) { numFractionDigits[i] = Math.max(DecimalFunctions.fractionDigitsForDelta(precision, false) + 1, 0); } thresholdForScientificNotation[i] = MathFunctions.pow10(coordinateWidth - 1 - numFractionDigits[i]); } }
Example #15
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Returns the range of this wraparound axis, or {@link Double#NaN} if this axis is not a wraparound axis. */ @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") private double wraparoundRange() { if (isWraparound()) { double period = Longitude.MAX_VALUE - Longitude.MIN_VALUE; final Unit<?> unit = getUnit(); if (unit != null) try { period = unit.getConverterToAny(Units.DEGREE).convert(period); } catch (IncommensurableException e) { warning(e, Errors.Keys.InconsistentUnitsForCS_1, unit); return Double.NaN; } return period; } return Double.NaN; }
Example #16
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Converts the given numerical values to date, using the information provided in the given unit symbol. * The unit symbol is typically a string like <cite>"days since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"</cite>. * * @param values the values to convert. May contain {@code null} elements. * @return the converted values. May contain {@code null} elements. */ @Override public Date[] numberToDate(final String symbol, final Number... values) { final Date[] dates = new Date[values.length]; final Matcher parts = Variable.TIME_UNIT_PATTERN.matcher(symbol); if (parts.matches()) try { final UnitConverter converter = Units.valueOf(; final long epoch = StandardDateFormat.toDate(StandardDateFormat.FORMAT.parse(; for (int i=0; i<values.length; i++) { final Number value = values[i]; if (value != null) { dates[i] = new Date(epoch + Math.round(converter.convert(value.doubleValue()))); } } } catch (IncommensurableException | ParserException | DateTimeException | ArithmeticException e) { listeners.warning(e); } return dates; }
Example #17
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns the envelope span along the specified dimension, in terms of the given units. * The default implementation invokes {@link #getSpan(int)} and converts the result. * * @param dimension the dimension to query. * @param unit the unit for the return value. * @return the span in terms of the given unit. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the given index is out of bounds. * @throws IncommensurableException if the length can't be converted to the specified units. */ public double getSpan(final int dimension, final Unit<?> unit) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IncommensurableException { double value = getSpan(dimension); final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = getAxis(getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), dimension); if (axis != null) { final Unit<?> source = axis.getUnit(); if (source != null) { value = source.getConverterToAny(unit).convert(value); } } return value; }
Example #18
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Casts the specified range to the specified type. If this class is associated to a unit of * measurement, then this method convert the {@code range} unit to the same unit than this * instance. * * @param type the class to cast to. Must be one of {@link Byte}, {@link Short}, * {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float} or {@link Double}. * @return the casted range, or {@code range} if no cast is needed. */ @Override <N extends Number & Comparable<? super N>> NumberRange<N> convertAndCast(final NumberRange<?> range, final Class<N> type) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (range instanceof MeasurementRange<?>) try { return ((MeasurementRange<?>) range).convertAndCast(type, unit); } catch (IncommensurableException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IncompatibleUnits_2, ((MeasurementRange<?>) range).unit, unit), e); } return new MeasurementRange<>(type, range, unit); }
Example #19
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * If the given range is an instance of {@code MeasurementRange}, converts that * range to the unit of this range. Otherwise returns the given range unchanged. * * @param range the range to convert. * @return the converted range. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given target unit is not compatible with the unit of this range. */ private <N extends E> Range<N> convert(final Range<N> range) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (range instanceof MeasurementRange<?>) try { return ((MeasurementRange<N>) range).convertAndCast(range.elementType, unit); } catch (IncommensurableException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IncompatibleUnits_2, ((MeasurementRange<?>) range).unit, unit), e); } return range; }
Example #20
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Casts this range to the specified type and converts to the specified unit. * This method is invoked on the {@code other} instance in expressions like * {@code this.operation(other)}. * * @param type the class to cast to. Must be one of {@link Byte}, {@link Short}, * {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float} or {@link Double}. * @param targetUnit the target unit, or {@code null} for no change. * @return the casted range, or {@code this}. * @throws IncommensurableException if the given target unit is not compatible with the unit of this range. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <N extends Number & Comparable<? super N>> MeasurementRange<N> convertAndCast(final Class<N> type, Unit<?> targetUnit) throws IncommensurableException { if (targetUnit == null || targetUnit.equals(unit)) { if (elementType == type) { return (MeasurementRange<N>) this; } targetUnit = unit; } else if (unit != null) { final UnitConverter converter = unit.getConverterToAny(targetUnit); if (!converter.isIdentity()) { boolean minInc = isMinIncluded; boolean maxInc = isMaxIncluded; double minimum = converter.convert(getMinDouble()); double maximum = converter.convert(getMaxDouble()); if (minimum > maximum) { final double td = minimum; minimum = maximum; maximum = td; final boolean tb = minInc; minInc = maxInc; maxInc = tb; } if (Numbers.isInteger(type)) { minInc &= (minimum == (minimum = Math.floor(minimum))); maxInc &= (maximum == (maximum = Math.ceil (maximum))); } return new MeasurementRange<>(type, Numbers.cast(minimum, type), minInc, Numbers.cast(maximum, type), maxInc, targetUnit); } } return new MeasurementRange<>(type, this, targetUnit); }
Example #21
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns a converter from this unit to the specified unit of unknown type. * This method can be used when the quantity type of the specified unit is unknown at compile-time * or when dimensional analysis allows for conversion between units of different type. * * @param that the unit to which to convert the numeric values. * @return the converter from this unit to {@code that} unit. * @throws IncommensurableException if this unit is not {@linkplain #isCompatible(Unit) compatible} with {@code that} unit. * * @see #isCompatible(Unit) */ @Override public UnitConverter getConverterToAny(final Unit<?> that) throws IncommensurableException { if (that == this) { return IdentityConverter.INSTANCE; } ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("that", that); UnitConverter c = toTarget; if (target != that) { // Optimization for a common case. final Unit<?> step = that.getSystemUnit(); if (target != step && !target.isCompatible(step)) { throw new IncommensurableException(incompatible(that)); } c = target.getConverterToAny(step).concatenate(c); // Usually leave 'c' unchanged. c = step.getConverterToAny(that).concatenate(c); } return c; }
Example #22
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns the angular value of the axis having the given direction. * This helper method is used for subclass constructors expecting a {@link DirectPosition} argument. * * @param position the position from which to get an angular value. * @param positive axis direction of positive values. * @param negative axis direction of negative values. * @return angular value in degrees. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given coordinate it not associated to a CRS, * or if no axis oriented toward the given directions is found, or if that axis * does not use {@linkplain Units#isAngular angular units}. */ static double valueOf(final DirectPosition position, final AxisDirection positive, final AxisDirection negative) { final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = position.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(); if (crs == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.UnspecifiedCRS)); } final CoordinateSystem cs = crs.getCoordinateSystem(); final int dimension = cs.getDimension(); IncommensurableException cause = null; for (int i=0; i<dimension; i++) { final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = cs.getAxis(i); final AxisDirection dir = axis.getDirection(); final boolean isPositive = dir.equals(positive); if (isPositive || dir.equals(negative)) { double value = position.getOrdinate(i); if (!isPositive) value = -value; final Unit<?> unit = axis.getUnit(); if (unit != Units.DEGREE) try { value = unit.getConverterToAny(Units.DEGREE).convert(value); } catch (IncommensurableException e) { cause = e; break; } return value; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IllegalCRSType_1, Classes.getLeafInterfaces(crs.getClass(), CoordinateReferenceSystem.class)[0]), cause); }
Example #23
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns a converter from this unit to the specified unit of unknown type. * This method can be used when the quantity type of the specified unit is unknown at compile-time * or when dimensional analysis allows for conversion between units of different type. * * @param unit the unit to which to convert the numeric values. * @return the converter from this unit to {@code that} unit. * @throws IncommensurableException if this unit is not {@linkplain #isCompatible(Unit) compatible} with {@code that} unit. * * @see #isCompatible(Unit) */ @Override public UnitConverter getConverterToAny(final Unit<?> unit) throws IncommensurableException { ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("unit", unit); final Unit<?> step = unit.getSystemUnit(); if (step != this && !isCompatible(step)) { throw new IncommensurableException(incompatible(unit)); } if (step == unit) { return IdentityConverter.INSTANCE; } // Same remark than in getConverterTo(Unit). return unit.getConverterToAny(step).inverse(); }
Example #24
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns {@code true} if coordinates in this axis seem to map cell corner instead than cell center. * A {@code false} value does not necessarily means that the axis maps cell center; it can be unknown. * This method assumes a geographic CRS. * * <p>From CF-Convention: <cite>"If bounds are not provided, an application might reasonably assume the * grid points to be at the centers of the cells, but we do not require that in this standard."</cite> * We nevertheless tries to guess by checking if the "cell center" convention would result in coordinates * outside the range of longitude or latitude values.</p> */ final boolean isCellCorner() throws IOException, DataStoreException { double min; boolean wraparound; switch (abbreviation) { case 'λ': min = Longitude.MIN_VALUE; wraparound = true; break; case 'φ': min = Latitude.MIN_VALUE; wraparound = false; break; default: return false; } final Vector data = read(); final int size = data.size(); if (size != 0) { Unit<?> unit = getUnit(); if (unit == null) { unit = Units.DEGREE; } try { final UnitConverter uc = unit.getConverterToAny(Units.DEGREE); if (wraparound && uc.convert(data.doubleValue(size - 1)) > Longitude.MAX_VALUE) { min = 0; // Replace [-180 … +180]° longitude range by [0 … 360]°. } return uc.convert(data.doubleValue(0)) == min; } catch (IncommensurableException e) { warning(e, Errors.Keys.InconsistentUnitsForCS_1, unit); } } return false; }
Example #25
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Fills one dimension of the geographic bounding box or vertical extent. * The extent values are written in the given {@code extent} array. * * @param dim the dimension for which to get the extent. * @param targetUnit the destination unit of the extent. * @param positive the direction considered positive, or {@code null} if the unit symbol is not expected to contain a direction. * @param extent where to store the minimum and maximum values. * @param index index where to store the minimum value in {@code extent}. The maximum value is stored at {@code index+1}. * @return {@code true} if a minimum or a maximum value has been found. */ private boolean fillExtent(final AttributeNames.Dimension dim, final Unit<?> targetUnit, final AxisDirection positive, final double[] extent, final int index) { double min = numericValue(dim.MINIMUM); double max = numericValue(dim.MAXIMUM); boolean hasExtent = !Double.isNaN(min) || !Double.isNaN(max); if (hasExtent) { final String symbol = stringValue(dim.UNITS); if (symbol != null) { try { final UnitConverter c = Units.valueOf(symbol).getConverterToAny(targetUnit); min = c.convert(min); max = c.convert(max); } catch (ParserException | IncommensurableException e) { warning(e); } boolean reverse = false; if (positive != null) { reverse = AxisDirections.opposite(positive).equals(Axis.direction(symbol)); } else if (dim.POSITIVE != null) { // For now, only the vertical axis have a "positive" attribute. reverse = CF.POSITIVE_DOWN.equals(stringValue(dim.POSITIVE)); } if (reverse) { final double tmp = min; min = -max; max = -tmp; } } } extent[index ] = min; extent[index+1] = max; return hasExtent; }
Example #26
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Sets a Bursa-Wolf parameter from an EPSG parameter. * This method recognizes only the parameters that do not depend on time (EPSG:8605 to 8611). * This method does not recognize the time-dependent parameters (EPSG:1040 to 1046) because * they are not used in WKT 1 {@code TOWGS84} elements. * * @param parameters the Bursa-Wolf parameters to modify. * @param code the EPSG code for a parameter from the [PARAMETER_CODE] column. * @param value the value of the parameter from the [PARAMETER_VALUE] column. * @param unit the unit of the parameter value from the [UOM_CODE] column. * @param locale the locale, used only if an error message need to be formatted. * @throws FactoryDataException if the code is unrecognized. */ static void setBursaWolfParameter(final BursaWolfParameters parameters, final int code, double value, final Unit<?> unit, final Locale locale) throws FactoryDataException { Unit<?> target = unit; if (code >= 8605) { if (code <= 8607) target = Units.METRE; else if (code <= 8610) target = Units.ARC_SECOND; else if (code == 8611) target = Units.PPM; } if (target != unit) try { value = unit.getConverterToAny(target).convert(value); } catch (IncommensurableException e) { throw new FactoryDataException(Errors.getResources(locale).getString(Errors.Keys.IncompatibleUnit_1, unit), e); } switch (code) { case 8605: parameters.tX = value; break; case 8606: parameters.tY = value; break; case 8607: parameters.tZ = value; break; case 8608: parameters.rX = value; break; case 8609: parameters.rY = value; break; case 8610: parameters.rZ = value; break; case 8611: parameters.dS = value; break; default: throw new FactoryDataException(Errors.getResources(locale) .getString(Errors.Keys.UnexpectedParameter_1, code)); } }
Example #27
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Tests unit conversions by the {@link MeasurementRange#convertTo(Unit)} method. * * @throws IncommensurableException if a conversion between incompatible units were attempted. */ @Test public void testConvertTo() throws IncommensurableException { final MeasurementRange<Float> range = MeasurementRange.create(1000f, true, 2000f, true, Units.METRE); assertSame(range, range.convertTo(Units.METRE)); assertEquals(MeasurementRange.create(1f, true, 2f, true, Units.KILOMETRE), range.convertTo(Units.KILOMETRE)); }
Example #28
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Creates an operation between two temporal coordinate reference systems. * The default implementation checks if both CRS use the same datum, then * adjusts for axis direction, units and epoch. * * <p>This method returns only <em>one</em> step for a chain of concatenated operations (to be built by the caller). * But a list is returned because the same step may be implemented by different operation methods. Only one element * in the returned list should be selected (usually the first one).</p> * * @param sourceCRS input coordinate reference system. * @param targetCRS output coordinate reference system. * @return a coordinate operation from {@code sourceCRS} to {@code targetCRS}. * @throws FactoryException if the operation can not be constructed. */ protected List<CoordinateOperation> createOperationStep(final TemporalCRS sourceCRS, final TemporalCRS targetCRS) throws FactoryException { final TemporalDatum sourceDatum = sourceCRS.getDatum(); final TemporalDatum targetDatum = targetCRS.getDatum(); final TimeCS sourceCS = sourceCRS.getCoordinateSystem(); final TimeCS targetCS = targetCRS.getCoordinateSystem(); /* * Compute the epoch shift. The epoch is the time "0" in a particular coordinate reference system. * For example, the epoch for java.util.Date object is january 1, 1970 at 00:00 UTC. We compute how * much to add to a time in 'sourceCRS' in order to get a time in 'targetCRS'. This "epoch shift" is * in units of 'targetCRS'. */ final Unit<Time> targetUnit = targetCS.getAxis(0).getUnit().asType(Time.class); double epochShift = sourceDatum.getOrigin().getTime() - targetDatum.getOrigin().getTime(); epochShift = Units.MILLISECOND.getConverterTo(targetUnit).convert(epochShift); /* * Check axis directions. The method 'swapAndScaleAxes' should returns a matrix of size 2×2. * The element at index (0,0) may be +1 if source and target axes are in the same direction, * or -1 if there are in opposite direction ("PAST" vs "FUTURE"). The value may be something * else than ±1 if a unit conversion is applied too. For example the value is 60 if time in * sourceCRS is in hours while time in targetCRS is in minutes. * * The "epoch shift" previously computed is a translation. Consequently, it is added to element (0,1). */ final Matrix matrix; try { matrix = CoordinateSystems.swapAndScaleAxes(sourceCS, targetCS); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IncommensurableException exception) { throw new OperationNotFoundException(notFoundMessage(sourceCRS, targetCRS), exception); } final int translationColumn = matrix.getNumCol() - 1; // Paranoiac check: should always be 1. final double translation = matrix.getElement(0, translationColumn); matrix.setElement(0, translationColumn, translation + epochShift); return asList(createFromAffineTransform(AXIS_CHANGES, sourceCRS, targetCRS, matrix)); }
Example #29
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Tests {@link Extents#getVerticalRange(Extent)}. * * @throws IncommensurableException if a conversion between incompatible units were attempted. */ @Test @SuppressWarnings("null") public void testGetVerticalRange() throws IncommensurableException { final List<DefaultVerticalExtent> extents = Arrays.asList( new DefaultVerticalExtent( -200, -100, VerticalCRSMock.HEIGHT), new DefaultVerticalExtent( 150, 300, VerticalCRSMock.DEPTH), new DefaultVerticalExtent( 0.1, 0.2, VerticalCRSMock.SIGMA_LEVEL), new DefaultVerticalExtent( -600, -300, VerticalCRSMock.HEIGHT_ft), // [91.44 … 182.88] metres new DefaultVerticalExtent(10130, 20260, VerticalCRSMock.BAROMETRIC_HEIGHT) ); Collections.shuffle(extents, TestUtilities.createRandomNumberGenerator()); /* * Since we have shuffled the vertical extents in random order, the range that we will * test may be either in metres or in feet depending on which vertical extent is first. * So we need to check which linear unit is first. */ Unit<?> unit = null; for (final DefaultVerticalExtent e : extents) { unit = e.getVerticalCRS().getCoordinateSystem().getAxis(0).getUnit(); if (Units.isLinear(unit)) break; } final UnitConverter c = unit.getConverterToAny(Units.METRE); /* * The actual test. Arbitrarily compare the heights in metres, converting them if needed. */ final DefaultExtent extent = new DefaultExtent(); extent.setVerticalElements(extents); final MeasurementRange<Double> range = Extents.getVerticalRange(extent); assertNotNull("getVerticalRange", range); assertSame ("unit", unit, range.unit()); assertEquals ("minimum", -300, c.convert(range.getMinDouble()), 0.001); assertEquals ("maximum", -91.44, c.convert(range.getMaxDouble()), 0.001); }
Example #30
Source File: From sis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Completes (if necessary) the given coordinate operation for making sure that the source CRS * is the given one and the target CRS is the given one. In principle, the given CRS shall be * equivalent to the operation source/target CRS. However discrepancies happen if the user CRS * have flipped axis order, or if we looked for 2D operation while the user provided 3D CRS. * * @param operation the coordinate operation to complete. * @param sourceCRS the source CRS requested by the user. * @param targetCRS the target CRS requested by the user. * @return a coordinate operation for the given source and target CRS. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the coordinate systems are not of the same type or axes do not match. * @throws IncommensurableException if the units are not compatible or a unit conversion is non-linear. * @throws FactoryException if the operation can not be constructed. */ private CoordinateOperation complete(final CoordinateOperation operation, final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS, final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS) throws IllegalArgumentException, IncommensurableException, FactoryException { CoordinateReferenceSystem source = operation.getSourceCRS(); CoordinateReferenceSystem target = operation.getTargetCRS(); final MathTransformFactory mtFactory = factorySIS.getMathTransformFactory(); final MathTransform prepend = swapAndScaleAxes(sourceCRS, source, mtFactory); final MathTransform append = swapAndScaleAxes(target, targetCRS, mtFactory); if (prepend != null) source = sourceCRS; if (append != null) target = targetCRS; return transform(source, prepend, operation, append, target, mtFactory); }