Java Code Examples for
The following examples show how to use .
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Example 1
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test method contains( String... ) */ @Test public void testContainsStringArray() throws LdapException { Attribute attr1 = new DefaultAttribute( atEMail ); assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() ); assertFalse( attr1.contains( "a" ) ); assertFalse( attr1.contains( ( String ) null ) ); attr1.add( ( String ) null ); assertEquals( 1, attr1.size() ); assertTrue( attr1.contains( ( String ) null ) ); attr1.remove( ( String ) null ); assertFalse( attr1.contains( ( String ) null ) ); assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() ); attr1.add( "a", "b", "c" ); assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() ); assertTrue( attr1.contains( "a" ) ); assertTrue( attr1.contains( "b" ) ); assertTrue( attr1.contains( "c" ) ); assertFalse( attr1.contains( "e" ) ); assertFalse( attr1.contains( ( String ) null ) ); }
Example 2
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test method contains( byte[]... ) */ @Test public void testContainsByteArray() throws LdapException { Attribute attr1 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd ); assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() ); assertFalse( attr1.contains( BYTES1 ) ); assertFalse( attr1.contains( ( byte[] ) null ) ); attr1.add( ( byte[] ) null ); assertEquals( 1, attr1.size() ); assertTrue( attr1.contains( ( byte[] ) null ) ); attr1.remove( ( byte[] ) null ); assertFalse( attr1.contains( ( byte[] ) null ) ); assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() ); attr1.add( BYTES1, BYTES2, BYTES3 ); assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() ); assertTrue( attr1.contains( BYTES1 ) ); assertTrue( attr1.contains( BYTES2 ) ); assertTrue( attr1.contains( BYTES3 ) ); assertFalse( attr1.contains( BYTES4 ) ); assertFalse( attr1.contains( ( byte[] ) null ) ); }
Example 3
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test method testClone() */ @Test public void testClone() throws LdapException { Attribute attr = new DefaultAttribute( atDC ); Attribute clone = attr.clone(); assertEquals( attr, clone ); attr.setUpId( "DomainComponent" ); assertEquals( "0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25", clone.getId() ); attr.add( "a", ( String ) null, "b" ); clone = attr.clone(); assertEquals( attr, clone ); attr.remove( "a" ); assertNotSame( attr, clone ); clone = attr.clone(); assertEquals( attr, clone ); }
Example 4
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test the conversion method */ @Test public void testToClientAttribute() throws LdapException { Attribute attribute = new DefaultAttribute( atCN, "test", "test2" ); Attribute clientAttribute = attribute.clone(); assertTrue( clientAttribute instanceof Attribute ); assertTrue( clientAttribute.contains( "test", "test2" ) ); assertEquals( "", clientAttribute.getId() ); attribute.remove( "test", "test2" ); assertTrue( clientAttribute.contains( "test", "test2" ) ); }
Example 5
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testCreateServerModification() throws LdapException { Attribute attribute = new DefaultAttribute( "cn", cnAT ); attribute.add( "test1", "test2" ); Modification mod = new DefaultModification( ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attribute ); Modification clone = mod.clone(); attribute.remove( "test2" ); Attribute clonedAttribute = clone.getAttribute(); assertEquals( 1, mod.getAttribute().size() ); assertTrue( mod.getAttribute().contains( "TEST1" ) ); assertEquals( 2, clonedAttribute.size() ); assertTrue( clone.getAttribute().contains( "test1" ) ); assertTrue( clone.getAttribute().contains( "test2" ) ); }
Example 6
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testCreateServerModification() throws LdapException { Attribute attribute = new DefaultAttribute( "cn" ); attribute.add( "test1", "test2" ); Modification mod = new DefaultModification( ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attribute ); Modification clone = mod.clone(); attribute.remove( "test2" ); Attribute clonedAttribute = clone.getAttribute(); assertEquals( 1, mod.getAttribute().size() ); assertTrue( mod.getAttribute().contains( "test1" ) ); assertEquals( 2, clonedAttribute.size() ); assertTrue( clone.getAttribute().contains( "test1" ) ); assertTrue( clone.getAttribute().contains( "test2" ) ); }
Example 7
Source File: From keycloak with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private Entry prepareEntry(Entry e) { Attribute attr = e.get(name); if (attr != null) { int start = (min != null)? min : 0; start = (start < attr.size())? start : attr.size() - 1; int end = (max != null && max < attr.size() - 1)? max : attr.size() - 1; if (start != 0 || end != attr.size() - 1) { // some values should be stripped out Iterator<Value> it = attr.iterator(); Set<Value> valuesToRemove = new HashSet<>(end - start + 1); for (int i = 0; i < attr.size(); i++) { Value v =; if (i < start || i > end) { valuesToRemove.add(v); } } attr.setUpId(attr.getUpId() + ";range=" + start + "-" + ((end == attr.size() - 1)? "*" : end)); attr.remove(valuesToRemove.toArray(new Value[0])); } else if (min != null) { // range explicitly requested although no value stripped attr.setUpId(attr.getUpId() + ";range=0-*"); } } return e; }
Example 8
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Test method get() */ @Test public void testGet() throws LdapException { Attribute attr1 = new DefaultAttribute( "dc", atDC ); attr1.add( ( String ) null ); assertEquals( nullStringValue, attr1.get() ); Attribute attr2 = new DefaultAttribute( "email", atEMail ); attr2.add( "a", "b", "c" ); assertEquals( "a", attr2.get().getString() ); attr2.remove( "a" ); assertEquals( "b", attr2.get().getString() ); attr2.remove( "b" ); assertEquals( "c", attr2.get().getString() ); attr2.remove( "c" ); assertNull( attr2.get() ); Attribute attr3 = new DefaultAttribute( "userPassword", atPwd ); attr3.add( BYTES1, BYTES2, BYTES3 ); assertTrue( Arrays.equals( BYTES1, attr3.get().getBytes() ) ); attr3.remove( BYTES1 ); assertTrue( Arrays.equals( BYTES2, attr3.get().getBytes() ) ); attr3.remove( BYTES2 ); assertTrue( Arrays.equals( BYTES3, attr3.get().getBytes() ) ); attr3.remove( BYTES3 ); assertNull( attr2.get() ); }
Example 9
Source File: From MyVirtualDirectory with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Check a String attribute to see if there is some byte[] value in it. * * If this is the case, try to change it to a String value. */ private boolean checkHumanReadable( Attribute attribute ) throws LdapException { boolean isModified = false; // Loop on each values for ( Value<?> value : attribute ) { if ( value instanceof StringValue ) { continue; } else if ( value instanceof BinaryValue ) { // we have a byte[] value. It should be a String UTF-8 encoded // Let's transform it try { String valStr = new String( value.getBytes(), "UTF-8" ); attribute.remove( value ); attribute.add( valStr ); isModified = true; } catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException uee ) { throw new LdapException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_281 ) ); } } else { throw new LdapException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_282 ) ); } } return isModified; }
Example 10
Source File: From MyVirtualDirectory with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Check a String attribute to see if there is some byte[] value in it. * * If this is the case, try to change it to a String value. */ private boolean checkHumanReadable( Attribute attribute ) throws LdapException { boolean isModified = false; // Loop on each values for ( Value<?> value : attribute ) { if ( value instanceof StringValue ) { continue; } else if ( value instanceof BinaryValue ) { // we have a byte[] value. It should be a String UTF-8 encoded // Let's transform it try { String valStr = new String( value.getBytes(), "UTF-8" ); attribute.remove( value ); attribute.add( valStr ); isModified = true; } catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException uee ) { throw new LdapException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_281 ) ); } } else { throw new LdapException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_282 ) ); } } return isModified; }
Example 11
Source File: From camunda-bpm-platform with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void init() throws Exception { initializeDirectory(); // Enable POSIX groups in ApacheDS Dn nis = new Dn("cn=nis,ou=schema"); if (service.getAdminSession().exists(nis)) { Entry entry = service.getAdminSession().lookup(nis); Attribute nisDisabled = entry.get("m-disabled"); if (null != nisDisabled && "TRUE".equalsIgnoreCase(nisDisabled.getString())) { nisDisabled.remove("TRUE"); nisDisabled.add("FALSE"); List<Modification> modifications = new ArrayList<Modification>(); modifications.add(new DefaultModification(ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, nisDisabled)); service.getAdminSession().modify(nis, modifications); service.shutdown(); initializeDirectory(); // Note: This instantiates service again for schema modifications to take effect. } } startServer(); createGroup("office-berlin"); createUserUid("daniel", "office-berlin", "Daniel", "Meyer", ""); createGroup("people"); createUserUid("ruecker", "people", "Bernd", "Ruecker", ""); createUserUid("monster", "people", "Cookie", "Monster", ""); createUserUid("fozzie", "people", "Bear", "Fozzie", ""); createGroup("groups"); createPosixGroup("1", "posix-group-without-members"); createPosixGroup("2", "posix-group-with-members", "fozzie", "monster", "ruecker"); }
Example 12
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Test method contains( Value... ) throws LdapException */ @Test public void testContainsValueArray() throws LdapException { Attribute attr1 = new DefaultAttribute( atEMail ); assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() ); assertFalse( attr1.contains( stringValue1 ) ); assertFalse( attr1.contains( nullStringValue ) ); attr1.add( ( String ) null ); assertEquals( 1, attr1.size() ); assertTrue( attr1.contains( nullStringValue ) ); attr1.remove( ( String ) null ); assertFalse( attr1.contains( nullStringValue ) ); assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() ); attr1.add( "a", "b", "c" ); assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() ); assertTrue( attr1.contains( stringValue1 ) ); assertTrue( attr1.contains( stringValue2 ) ); assertTrue( attr1.contains( stringValue3 ) ); assertTrue( attr1.contains( stringValue1, stringValue3 ) ); assertFalse( attr1.contains( stringValue4 ) ); assertFalse( attr1.contains( nullStringValue ) ); Attribute attr2 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd ); assertEquals( 0, attr2.size() ); assertFalse( attr2.contains( BYTES1 ) ); assertFalse( attr2.contains( nullBinaryValue ) ); attr2.add( ( byte[] ) null ); assertEquals( 1, attr2.size() ); assertTrue( attr2.contains( nullBinaryValue ) ); attr2.remove( ( byte[] ) null ); assertFalse( attr2.contains( nullBinaryValue ) ); assertEquals( 0, attr2.size() ); attr2.add( BYTES1, BYTES2, BYTES3 ); assertEquals( 3, attr2.size() ); assertTrue( attr2.contains( binaryValue1 ) ); assertTrue( attr2.contains( binaryValue2 ) ); assertTrue( attr2.contains( binaryValue3 ) ); assertFalse( attr2.contains( nullBinaryValue ) ); }
Example 13
Source File: From MyVirtualDirectory with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Unregisters an ContextPartition with this BackendManager. Called for each * registered Backend right befor it is to be stopped. This prevents * protocol server requests from reaching the Backend and effectively puts * the ContextPartition's naming context offline. * * Operations against the naming context should result in an LDAP BUSY * result code in the returnValue if the naming context is not online. * * @param partition ContextPartition component to unregister with this * BackendNexus. * @throws Exception if there are problems unregistering the partition */ private void unregister( Partition partition ) throws Exception { Attribute namingContexts = rootDse.get( SchemaConstants.NAMING_CONTEXTS_AT ); if ( namingContexts != null ) { namingContexts.remove( partition.getSuffixDn().getName() ); } partitions.remove( partition.getSuffixDn().getName() ); }
Example 14
Source File: From MyVirtualDirectory with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Unregisters an ContextPartition with this BackendManager. Called for each * registered Backend right befor it is to be stopped. This prevents * protocol server requests from reaching the Backend and effectively puts * the ContextPartition's naming context offline. * * Operations against the naming context should result in an LDAP BUSY * result code in the returnValue if the naming context is not online. * * @param partition ContextPartition component to unregister with this * BackendNexus. * @throws Exception if there are problems unregistering the partition */ private void unregister( Partition partition ) throws Exception { Attribute namingContexts = rootDse.get( SchemaConstants.NAMING_CONTEXTS_AT ); if ( namingContexts != null ) { namingContexts.remove( partition.getSuffixDn().getName() ); } partitions.remove( partition.getSuffixDn().getName() ); }