org.testcontainers.containers.Container.ExecResult Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From camel-kafka-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@AfterEach public void tearDown() throws IOException, InterruptedException { SfdxCommand sfdxCommand = SfdxCommand.forceDataRecordDelete() .withArgument("--sobjecttype", "Account") .withArgument("--where", String.format("Name=%s", accountName)); LOG.debug("Deleting the test account {}", accountName); ExecResult result = container.execCommand(sfdxCommand); if (!verifyCommand(sfdxCommand, result)) { fail("Unable to delete the test account on Salesforce"); } accountName = null; deleteKafkaTopic(TestUtils.getDefaultTestTopic(this.getClass())); }
Example #2
Source File: From camel-kafka-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@BeforeEach public void setUp() throws IOException, InterruptedException { received = false; account = "TestAccount" + TestUtils.randomWithRange(1, 100); SfdxCommand sfdxCommand = SfdxCommand.forceDataRecordCreate() .withArgument("--sobjecttype", "Account") .withArgument("--values", String.format("Name=%s", account)); LOG.debug("Creating the test account"); ExecResult result = container.execCommand(sfdxCommand); if (!verifyCommand(sfdxCommand, result)) { fail("Unable to create test account on Salesforce"); } }
Example #3
Source File: From testcontainers-java with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Override public Boolean call() { String command = "true"; for (int internalPort : internalPorts) { command += " && "; command += " ("; command += format("cat /proc/net/tcp* | awk '{print $2}' | grep -i ':0*%x'", internalPort); command += " || "; command += format("nc -vz -w 1 localhost %d", internalPort); command += " || "; command += format("/bin/bash -c '</dev/tcp/localhost/%d'", internalPort); command += ")"; } Instant before =; try { ExecResult result = ExecInContainerPattern.execInContainer(waitStrategyTarget.getContainerInfo(), "/bin/sh", "-c", command); log.trace("Check for {} took {}", internalPorts, Duration.between(before,; return result.getExitCode() == 0; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } }
Example #4
Source File: From camel-kafka-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@AfterEach public void tearDown() throws IOException, InterruptedException { SfdxCommand sfdxCommand = SfdxCommand.forceDataRecordDelete() .withArgument("--sobjecttype", "Account") .withArgument("--where", String.format("Name=%s", account)); LOG.debug("Deleting the test account"); ExecResult result = container.execCommand(sfdxCommand); if (!verifyCommand(sfdxCommand, result)) { fail("Unable to delete the test account on Salesforce"); } account = null; deleteKafkaTopic(TestUtils.getDefaultTestTopic(this.getClass())); }
Example #5
Source File: From okapi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
static void exec(String... command) { try { ExecResult execResult = POSTGRESQL_CONTAINER.execInContainer(command); OkapiLogger.get().debug(() -> String.join(" ", command) + " " + execResult); } catch (InterruptedException|IOException|UnsupportedOperationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
Example #6
Source File: From zipkin-reporter-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
void declareQueue(String queue) { ExecResult result; try { result = container.execInContainer("rabbitmqadmin", "declare", "queue", "name=" + queue); } catch (Throwable e) { propagateIfFatal(e); throw new AssumptionViolatedException( "Couldn't declare queue " + queue + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } if (result.getExitCode() != 0) { throw new AssumptionViolatedException("Couldn't declare queue " + queue + ": " + result); } }
Example #7
Source File: From pulsar with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void prepareSource() throws Exception { ExecResult execResult = kafkaContainer.execInContainer( "/usr/bin/kafka-topics", "--create", "--zookeeper", "localhost:2181", "--partitions", "1", "--replication-factor", "1", "--topic", kafkaTopicName); assertTrue( execResult.getStdout().contains("Created topic"), execResult.getStdout()); kafkaConsumer = new KafkaConsumer<>( ImmutableMap.of( ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, kafkaContainer.getBootstrapServers(), ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "source-test-" + randomName(8), ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest" ), new StringDeserializer(), new StringDeserializer() ); kafkaConsumer.subscribe(Arrays.asList(kafkaTopicName));"Successfully subscribe to kafka topic {}", kafkaTopicName); }
Example #8
Source File: From pulsar with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void prepareSink() throws Exception { ExecResult execResult = serviceContainer.execInContainer( "/usr/bin/kafka-topics", "--create", "--zookeeper", "localhost:2181", "--partitions", "1", "--replication-factor", "1", "--topic", kafkaTopicName); assertTrue( execResult.getStdout().contains("Created topic"), execResult.getStdout()); kafkaConsumer = new KafkaConsumer<>( ImmutableMap.of( ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, serviceContainer.getBootstrapServers(), ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "sink-test-" + randomName(8), ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest" ), new StringDeserializer(), new StringDeserializer() ); kafkaConsumer.subscribe(Arrays.asList(kafkaTopicName));"Successfully subscribe to kafka topic {}", kafkaTopicName); }
Example #9
Source File: From git-as-svn with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
@NotNull private User createUser(@NotNull String username, @NotNull String email, @NotNull String password) throws Exception { // Need to create user using command line because users now default to requiring to change password ExecResult createUserHelpResult = gitea.execInContainer("gitea", "admin", "create-user", "--help", "-c", "/data/gitea/conf/app.ini"); boolean mustChangePassword = createUserHelpResult.getStdout().contains("--must-change-password"); String mustChangePasswordString = mustChangePassword ? "--must-change-password=false" : ""; gitea.execInContainer("gitea", "admin", "create-user", "--name", username, "--password", password, "--email", email, mustChangePasswordString, "-c", "/data/gitea/conf/app.ini"); ApiClient apiClient = GiteaContext.connect(giteaApiUrl, administratorToken); UserApi userApi = new UserApi(sudo(apiClient, username)); return userApi.userGetCurrent(); }
Example #10
Source File: From git-as-svn with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
@BeforeClass void before() throws Exception { SvnTestHelper.skipTestIfDockerUnavailable(); String giteaVersion = System.getenv("GITEA_VERSION"); if (giteaVersion == null) { SvnTestHelper.skipTestIfRunningOnCI(); giteaVersion = "latest"; } final int hostPort = 9999; final int containerPort = 3000; final String hostname = DockerClientFactory.instance().dockerHostIpAddress(); giteaUrl = String.format("http://%s:%s", hostname, hostPort); giteaApiUrl = giteaUrl + "/api/v1"; gitea = new FixedHostPortGenericContainer<>("gitea/gitea:" + giteaVersion) .withFixedExposedPort(hostPort, containerPort) .withExposedPorts(containerPort) .withEnv("ROOT_URL", giteaUrl) .withEnv("INSTALL_LOCK", "true") .withEnv("SECRET_KEY", "CmjF5WBUNZytE2C80JuogljLs5enS0zSTlikbP2HyG8IUy15UjkLNvTNsyYW7wN") .withEnv("RUN_MODE", "prod") .withEnv("LFS_START_SERVER", "true") .waitingFor(Wait.forHttp("/user/login")) .withLogConsumer(new Slf4jLogConsumer(log)); gitea.start(); ExecResult createUserHelpResult = gitea.execInContainer("gitea", "admin", "create-user", "--help", "-c", "/data/gitea/conf/app.ini"); boolean mustChangePassword = createUserHelpResult.getStdout().contains("--must-change-password"); String mustChangePasswordString = mustChangePassword ? "--must-change-password=false" : ""; { ExecResult result = gitea.execInContainer("gitea", "admin", "create-user", "--name", administrator, "--password", administratorPassword, "--email", "", "--admin", mustChangePasswordString, "-c", "/data/gitea/conf/app.ini"); System.out.println(result.getStdout()); System.err.println(result.getStderr()); } ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient(); apiClient.setBasePath(giteaApiUrl); apiClient.setUsername(administrator); apiClient.setPassword(administratorPassword); UserApi userApi = new UserApi(apiClient); AccessTokenName accessTokenName = new AccessTokenName(); accessTokenName.setName("integration-test"); AccessToken token = userApi.userCreateToken(administrator, accessTokenName); administratorToken = new GiteaToken(token.getSha1()); // Switch to the GiteaContext approach // CreateTestUser final User testUser = createUser(user, userPassword); Assert.assertNotNull(testUser); final User collaboratorUser = createUser(collaborator, collaboratorPassword); Assert.assertNotNull(collaboratorUser); // Create a repository for the test user testPublicRepository = createRepository(user, "public-user-repo", "Public User Repository", false, true); Assert.assertNotNull(testPublicRepository); testPrivateRepository = createRepository(user, "private-user-repo", "Private User Repository", true, true); Assert.assertNotNull(testPrivateRepository); }