org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestAttribute Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From servicecomb-saga-actuator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 200, response = String.class, message = "authenticated user"), @ApiResponse(code = 403, response = String.class, message = "unauthenticated user") }) @RequestMapping(value = "reservations", method = POST, consumes = APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<String> reserve(@RequestAttribute String customerId) { if (!customers.contains(customerId)) { throw new InvocationException(FORBIDDEN, "No such customer with id " + customerId); } return ResponseEntity.ok(String.format("{\n" + " \"body\": \"Hotel reserved with id %s for customer %s\"\n" + "}", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), customerId)); }
Example #2
Source File: From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 6 votes |
String handleInInterface( @CookieValue("cookie") int cookieV, @PathVariable("pathvar") String pathvarV, @RequestHeader("header") String headerV, @RequestHeader(defaultValue = "#{systemProperties.systemHeader}") String systemHeader, @RequestHeader Map<String, Object> headerMap, @RequestParam("dateParam") Date dateParam, @RequestParam Map<String, Object> paramMap, String paramByConvention, @Value("#{request.contextPath}") String value, @ModelAttribute("modelAttr") @Valid TestBean modelAttr, Errors errors, TestBean modelAttrByConvention, Color customArg, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @SessionAttribute TestBean sessionAttribute, @RequestAttribute TestBean requestAttribute, User user, @ModelAttribute OtherUser otherUser, Model model, UriComponentsBuilder builder);
Example #3
Source File: From micronaut-spring with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public BindingResult<Object> bind(ArgumentConversionContext<Object> context, HttpRequest<?> source) { final AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = context.getAnnotationMetadata(); final boolean required = annotationMetadata.getValue("required", boolean.class).orElse(true); final String name = annotationMetadata.getValue(RequestAttribute.class, String.class).orElseGet(() -> annotationMetadata.getValue(RequestAttribute.class, "name", String.class).orElse(context.getArgument().getName()) ); return new BindingResult<Object>() { @Override public Optional<Object> getValue() { return source.getAttributes().get(name, context); } @Override public boolean isSatisfied() { return !required; } }; }
Example #4
Source File: From servicecomb-saga-actuator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 200, response = String.class, message = "authenticated user"), @ApiResponse(code = 403, response = String.class, message = "unauthenticated user") }) @RequestMapping(value = "bookings", method = POST, consumes = APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<String> book(@RequestAttribute String customerId) { if (!customers.contains(customerId)) { throw new InvocationException(FORBIDDEN, "No such customer with id " + customerId); } return ResponseEntity.ok(String.format("{\n" + " \"body\": \"Flight booked with id %s for customer %s\"\n" + "}", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), customerId)); }
Example #5
Source File: From servicecomb-saga-actuator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 200, response = String.class, message = "authenticated user"), @ApiResponse(code = 403, response = String.class, message = "unauthenticated user"), @ApiResponse(code = 400, response = String.class, message = "insufficient account balance") }) @RequestMapping(value = "payments", method = POST, consumes = APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<String> pay(@RequestAttribute String customerId) { if ("anonymous".equals(customerId)) { throw new InvocationException(FORBIDDEN, "No such customer with id " + customerId); } if (balance < 800) { throw new InvocationException(BAD_REQUEST, "Not enough balance in account of customer " + customerId); } balance -= 800; return ResponseEntity.ok(String.format("{\n" + " \"body\": \"Payment made for customer %s and remaining balance is %d\"\n" + "}", customerId, balance)); }
Example #6
Source File: From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 6 votes |
String handleInInterface( @CookieValue("cookie") int cookieV, @PathVariable("pathvar") String pathvarV, @RequestHeader("header") String headerV, @RequestHeader(defaultValue = "#{systemProperties.systemHeader}") String systemHeader, @RequestHeader Map<String, Object> headerMap, @RequestParam("dateParam") Date dateParam, @RequestParam Map<String, Object> paramMap, String paramByConvention, @Value("#{request.contextPath}") String value, @ModelAttribute("modelAttr") @Valid TestBean modelAttr, Errors errors, TestBean modelAttrByConvention, Color customArg, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @SessionAttribute TestBean sessionAttribute, @RequestAttribute TestBean requestAttribute, User user, @ModelAttribute OtherUser otherUser, Model model, UriComponentsBuilder builder);
Example #7
Source File: From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public boolean test(MethodParameter parameter) { RequestAttribute annotation = parameter.getParameterAnnotation(RequestAttribute.class); return annotation != null && ( == null || && annotation.required() == this.required; }
Example #8
Source File: From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unused") private void handleWithRequestAttribute( @RequestAttribute Foo foo, @RequestAttribute("specialFoo") Foo namedFoo, @RequestAttribute(name="foo", required = false) Foo notRequiredFoo, @RequestAttribute(name="foo") Optional<Foo> optionalFoo) { }
Example #9
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@PostMapping( path = "usingPostMapping/{targetName}", consumes = {"text/plain", "application/*"}, produces = {"text/plain", "application/*"}) public String usingPostMapping(@RequestBody User srcUser, @RequestHeader String header, @PathVariable String targetName, @RequestParam(name = "word") String word, @RequestAttribute String form) { return String.format("%s %s %s %s %s",, header, targetName, word, form); }
Example #10
Source File: From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 5 votes |
public String handle( @CookieValue("cookie") int cookieV, @PathVariable("pathvar") String pathvarV, @RequestHeader("header") String headerV, @RequestHeader(defaultValue = "#{systemProperties.systemHeader}") String systemHeader, @RequestHeader Map<String, Object> headerMap, @RequestParam("dateParam") Date dateParam, @RequestParam Map<String, Object> paramMap, String paramByConvention, @Value("#{request.contextPath}") String value, @ModelAttribute("modelAttr") @Valid TestBean modelAttr, Errors errors, TestBean modelAttrByConvention, Color customArg, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @SessionAttribute TestBean sessionAttribute, @RequestAttribute TestBean requestAttribute, User user, @ModelAttribute OtherUser otherUser, Model model, UriComponentsBuilder builder) { model.addAttribute("cookie", cookieV).addAttribute("pathvar", pathvarV).addAttribute("header", headerV) .addAttribute("systemHeader", systemHeader).addAttribute("headerMap", headerMap) .addAttribute("dateParam", dateParam).addAttribute("paramMap", paramMap) .addAttribute("paramByConvention", paramByConvention).addAttribute("value", value) .addAttribute("customArg", customArg).addAttribute(user) .addAttribute("sessionAttribute", sessionAttribute) .addAttribute("requestAttribute", requestAttribute) .addAttribute("url", builder.path("/path").build().toUri()); assertNotNull(request); assertNotNull(response); return "viewName"; }
Example #11
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@PutMapping( path = "usingPutMapping/{targetName}", consumes = {"text/plain", "application/*"}, produces = {"text/plain", "application/*"}) public String usingPutMapping(@RequestBody User srcUser, @RequestHeader String header, @PathVariable String targetName, @RequestParam(name = "word") String word, @RequestAttribute String form) { return String.format("%s %s %s %s %s",, header, targetName, word, form); }
Example #12
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@DeleteMapping( path = "usingDeleteMapping/{targetName}", consumes = {"text/plain", "application/*"}, produces = {"text/plain", "application/*"}) public String usingDeleteMapping(@RequestBody User srcUser, @RequestHeader String header, @PathVariable String targetName, @RequestParam(name = "word") String word, @RequestAttribute String form) { return String.format("%s %s %s %s %s",, header, targetName, word, form); }
Example #13
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@GetMapping( path = "usingGetMapping/{targetName}", consumes = {"text/plain", "application/*"}, produces = {"text/plain", "application/*"}) public String usingGetMapping(@RequestBody User srcUser, @RequestHeader String header, @PathVariable String targetName, @RequestParam(name = "word") String word, @RequestAttribute String form) { return String.format("%s %s %s %s %s",, header, targetName, word, form); }
Example #14
Source File: From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void supportsParameter() { assertTrue(this.resolver.supportsParameter( this.testMethod.annot(requestAttribute().noName()).arg(Foo.class))); // SPR-16158 assertTrue(this.resolver.supportsParameter( this.testMethod.annotPresent(RequestAttribute.class).arg(Mono.class, Foo.class))); assertFalse(this.resolver.supportsParameter( this.testMethod.annotNotPresent(RequestAttribute.class).arg())); }
Example #15
Source File: From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 5 votes |
public String handle( @CookieValue("cookie") int cookieV, @PathVariable("pathvar") String pathvarV, @RequestHeader("header") String headerV, @RequestHeader(defaultValue = "#{systemProperties.systemHeader}") String systemHeader, @RequestHeader Map<String, Object> headerMap, @RequestParam("dateParam") Date dateParam, @RequestParam Map<String, Object> paramMap, String paramByConvention, @Value("#{request.contextPath}") String value, @ModelAttribute("modelAttr") @Valid TestBean modelAttr, Errors errors, TestBean modelAttrByConvention, Color customArg, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @SessionAttribute TestBean sessionAttribute, @RequestAttribute TestBean requestAttribute, User user, @ModelAttribute OtherUser otherUser, Model model, UriComponentsBuilder builder) { model.addAttribute("cookie", cookieV).addAttribute("pathvar", pathvarV).addAttribute("header", headerV) .addAttribute("systemHeader", systemHeader).addAttribute("headerMap", headerMap) .addAttribute("dateParam", dateParam).addAttribute("paramMap", paramMap) .addAttribute("paramByConvention", paramByConvention).addAttribute("value", value) .addAttribute("customArg", customArg).addAttribute(user) .addAttribute("sessionAttribute", sessionAttribute) .addAttribute("requestAttribute", requestAttribute) .addAttribute("url", builder.path("/path").build().toUri()); assertNotNull(request); assertNotNull(response); return "viewName"; }
Example #16
Source File: From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "OptionalUsedAsFieldOrParameterType"}) private void handleWithRequestAttribute( @RequestAttribute Foo foo, @RequestAttribute("specialFoo") Foo namedFoo, @RequestAttribute(name="foo", required = false) Foo notRequiredFoo, @RequestAttribute(name="foo") Optional<Foo> optionalFoo, @RequestAttribute Mono<Foo> fooMono, String notSupported) { }
Example #17
Source File: From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public boolean test(MethodParameter parameter) { RequestAttribute annotation = parameter.getParameterAnnotation(RequestAttribute.class); return annotation != null && ( == null || && annotation.required() == this.required; }
Example #18
Source File: From authmore-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@PostMapping("/oauth/token") public TokenResponse token( @RequestParam(value = "grant_type", required = false) String grantType, @RequestParam(value = "code", required = false) String code, @RequestParam(value = "redirect_uri", required = false) String redirectUri, @RequestParam(value = "client_id", required = false) String clientId, @RequestParam(value = "username", required = false) String username, @RequestParam(value = "password", required = false) String password, @RequestParam(value = "scope", required = false) String scope, @RequestParam(value = "refresh_token", required = false) String refreshToken, @RequestAttribute(RequestProperties.CURRENT_CLIENT) ClientDetails client) { GrantTypes realType = GrantTypes.eval(grantType); if (isEmpty(clientId)) throw new OAuthException(OAuthException.INVALID_CLIENT); switch (realType) { case AUTHORIZATION_CODE: return authorizationCodeTokenIssuer.issue(client, redirectUri, code); case PASSWORD: return passwordTokenIssuer.issue(client, username, password, scope); case CLIENT_CREDENTIALS: return clientCredentialsTokenIssuer.issue(client, scope); case REFRESH_TOKEN: return refreshTokenIssuer.issue(client, refreshToken); default: throw new OAuthException(OAuthException.UNSUPPORTED_GRANT_TYPE); } }
Example #19
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public String getParameterName(RequestAttribute annotation) { String value = annotation.value(); if (value.isEmpty()) { value =; } return value; }
Example #20
Source File: From BlogManagePlatform with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * è·åspringç³»å泚解äžçå¿ å¡«è®Ÿçœ® * @author Frodez * @date 2019-06-11 */ private boolean requestXXX(ResolvedMethodParameter methodParameter) { Optional<RequestAttribute> requestAttribute = methodParameter.findAnnotation(RequestAttribute.class); if (requestAttribute.isPresent()) { return requestAttribute.get().required(); } Optional<RequestBody> requestBody = methodParameter.findAnnotation(RequestBody.class); if (requestBody.isPresent()) { return requestBody.get().required(); } Optional<RequestHeader> requestHeader = methodParameter.findAnnotation(RequestHeader.class); if (requestHeader.isPresent()) { return requestHeader.get().required(); } Optional<RequestParam> requestParam = methodParameter.findAnnotation(RequestParam.class); if (requestParam.isPresent()) { return requestParam.get().required(); } Optional<RequestPart> requestPart = methodParameter.findAnnotation(RequestPart.class); if (requestPart.isPresent()) { return requestPart.get().required(); } Optional<PathVariable> pathVariable = methodParameter.findAnnotation(PathVariable.class); if (pathVariable.isPresent()) { return pathVariable.get().required(); } return false; }
Example #21
Source File: From servicecomb-saga-actuator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@RequestMapping(value = "/usableResource", method = POST, consumes = APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<String> postUsableResource( @RequestAttribute(name = "hello") String who, @RequestAttribute(name = "response") String response) { return ResponseEntity.ok("hello " + who + ", with response " + response); }
Example #22
Source File: From servicecomb-saga-actuator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 200, response = String.class, message = "authenticated user"), @ApiResponse(code = 403, response = String.class, message = "unauthenticated user") }) @RequestMapping(value = "bookings", method = PUT, consumes = APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<String> cancel(@RequestAttribute String customerId) { if (!customers.contains(customerId)) { throw new InvocationException(FORBIDDEN, "No such customer with id " + customerId); } return ResponseEntity.ok(String.format("Flight booking cancelled with id %s for customer %s", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), customerId)); }
Example #23
Source File: From servicecomb-saga-actuator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 200, response = String.class, message = "authenticated user"), @ApiResponse(code = 403, response = String.class, message = "unauthenticated user") }) @RequestMapping(value = "payments", method = PUT, consumes = APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<String> refund(@RequestAttribute String customerId) { if ("anonymous".equals(customerId)) { throw new InvocationException(FORBIDDEN, "No such customer with id " + customerId); } balance += 800; return ResponseEntity.ok(String.format("Payment refunded for customer %s and remaining balance is %d", customerId, balance)); }
Example #24
Source File: From servicecomb-saga-actuator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 200, response = String.class, message = "authenticated user"), @ApiResponse(code = 403, response = String.class, message = "unauthenticated user") }) @RequestMapping(value = "reservations", method = PUT, consumes = APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<String> cancel(@RequestAttribute String customerId) { if (!customers.contains(customerId)) { throw new InvocationException(FORBIDDEN, "No such customer with id " + customerId); } return ResponseEntity.ok(String.format("Hotel reservation cancelled with id %s for customer %s", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), customerId)); }
Example #25
Source File: From servicecomb-saga-actuator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 200, response = String.class, message = "authenticated user"), @ApiResponse(code = 403, response = String.class, message = "unauthenticated user") }) @RequestMapping(value = "rentals", method = POST, consumes = APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<String> rent(@RequestAttribute String customerId) {"Received car rental request from customer {}", customerId); if (!customers.contains(customerId)) {"No such customer {}", customerId); throw new InvocationException(FORBIDDEN, "No such customer with id " + customerId); } if ("snail".equals(customerId)) { try {"Encountered extremely slow customer {}", customerId); int timeout = delay; delay = 0; TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(timeout);"Finally served the extremely slow customer {}", customerId); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return new ResponseEntity<>("Interrupted", INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } } return ResponseEntity.ok(String.format("{\n" + " \"body\": \"Car rented with id %s for customer %s\"\n" + "}", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), customerId)); }
Example #26
Source File: From servicecomb-saga-actuator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 200, response = String.class, message = "authenticated user"), @ApiResponse(code = 403, response = String.class, message = "unauthenticated user") }) @RequestMapping(value = "rentals", method = PUT, consumes = APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<String> cancel(@RequestAttribute String customerId) { if (!customers.contains(customerId)) { throw new InvocationException(FORBIDDEN, "No such customer with id " + customerId); } return ResponseEntity.ok(String.format("Car rental cancelled with id %s for customer %s", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), customerId)); }
Example #27
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@RequestMapping(path = "/uploadArrayWithoutAnnotation", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE, consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE) public String uploadArrayWithoutAnnotation(MultipartFile[] file1, MultipartFile[] file2, @RequestAttribute("name") String name) { List<MultipartFile> multipartFileList = new ArrayList<>(); multipartFileList.addAll(Arrays.asList(file1)); multipartFileList.addAll(Arrays.asList(file2)); return _fileUpload(multipartFileList) + name; }
Example #28
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ResponseHeaders({@ResponseHeader(name = "h1", response = String.class), @ResponseHeader(name = "h2", response = String.class)}) @RequestMapping(path = "/responseEntity", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ResponseEntity<Date> responseEntity(InvocationContext c1, @RequestAttribute("date") Date date) { HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.add("h1", "h1v " + c1.getContext().get(Const.SRC_MICROSERVICE)); InvocationContext c2 = ContextUtils.getInvocationContext(); headers.add("h2", "h2v " + c2.getContext().get(Const.SRC_MICROSERVICE)); return new ResponseEntity<>(date, headers, HttpStatus.ACCEPTED); }
Example #29
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ResponseHeaders({@ResponseHeader(name = "h1", response = String.class), @ResponseHeader(name = "h2", response = String.class)}) @RequestMapping(path = "/responseEntity", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE) @Override public ResponseEntity<Date> responseEntity(InvocationContext c1, @RequestAttribute("date") Date date) { return super.responseEntity(c1, date); }
Example #30
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ResponseHeaders({@ResponseHeader(name = "h1", response = String.class), @ResponseHeader(name = "h2", response = String.class)}) @PostMapping(path = "/responseEntity") @Override public ResponseEntity<Date> responseEntity(InvocationContext c1, @RequestAttribute("date") Date date) { return super.responseEntity(c1, date); }