org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testSyncCustomObjects() throws Exception { oprops.customObjectSyncAction.setValue(CustomObjectSyncAction.createOrUpdate); oprops.customObjectDedupeBy.setValue("marketoGUID"); // doThrow(new MarketoException("REST", "error")).when(client).executePostRequest(eq(SyncResult.class), any(JsonObject.class)); List<IndexedRecord> records = new ArrayList<>(); IndexedRecord record = new Record(MarketoConstants.getCustomObjectRecordSchema()); record.put(0, "mkto-123456"); records.add(record); mktoSR = client.syncCustomObjects(oprops, records); assertFalse(mktoSR.isSuccess()); assertFalse(mktoSR.getErrorsString().isEmpty()); // doReturn(new SyncResult()).when(client).executePostRequest(eq(SyncResult.class), any(JsonObject.class)); mktoSR = client.syncCustomObjects(oprops, records); assertFalse(mktoSR.isSuccess()); // doReturn(getListOperationResult(true, "deleted")).when(client).executePostRequest(eq(SyncResult.class), any(JsonObject.class)); mktoSR = client.syncCustomObjects(oprops, records); assertTrue(mktoSR.isSuccess()); assertTrue(mktoSR.getErrorsString().isEmpty()); }
Example #2
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testGetCustomObjectWithCompoundKey() throws Exception { irProps.customObjectAction.setValue(CustomObjectAction.get); irProps.customObjectName.setValue(TEST_CO_NAME_CAR); irProps.validateFetchCustomObjectSchema(); irProps.useCompoundKey.setValue(true); // "searchableFields": "[[\"customerId\",\"VIN\"],[\"marketoGUID\"],[\"customerId\"]]" irProps.compoundKey.keyName.setValue(Arrays.asList("customerId", "VIN")); irProps.compoundKey.keyValue.setValue(Arrays.asList("4137181", "WBA4R7C30HK896061"));// WBA4R7C55HK895912 MarketoSource source = new MarketoSource(); source.initialize(null, irProps); MarketoRESTClient client = (MarketoRESTClient) source.getClientService(null); MarketoRecordResult result = client.getCustomObjects(irProps, null); LOG.debug("result = {}.", result); assertNotNull(result.getRecords()); assertEquals(1, result.getRecords().size()); IndexedRecord record = result.getRecords().get(0); Schema s = record.getSchema(); assertEquals(4137181, record.get(s.getField("customerId").pos())); assertEquals("WBA4R7C30HK896061", record.get(s.getField("VIN").pos())); assertEquals("FIT", record.get(s.getField("brand").pos())); }
Example #3
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Translate NetSuite data model object to {@code IndexedRecord}. * * @param data NetSuite data object * @return indexed record */ public IndexedRecord read(Object data) { prepare(); Map<String, FieldDesc> fieldMap = typeDesc.getFieldMap(); Map<String, Object> mapView = getMapView(data, runtimeSchema, typeDesc); GenericRecord indexedRecord = new GenericData.Record(runtimeSchema); for (Schema.Field field : runtimeSchema.getFields()) { String nsFieldName = NetSuiteDatasetRuntimeImpl.getNsFieldName(field); FieldDesc fieldDesc = fieldMap.get(nsFieldName); if (fieldDesc == null) { continue; } Object value = readField(mapView, fieldDesc); indexedRecord.put(, value); } return indexedRecord; }
Example #4
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public RecordReader<Void, IndexedRecord> createRecordReader(InputSplit split, TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException { String encoding = context.getConfiguration().get(TALEND_ENCODING); String sheet = context.getConfiguration().get(TALEND_EXCEL_SHEET_NAME); long header = context.getConfiguration().getLong(TALEND_HEADER, 0l); long footer = context.getConfiguration().getLong(TALEND_FOOTER, 0l); String excelFormat = context.getConfiguration().get(TALEND_EXCEL_FORMAT, "EXCEL2007"); long limit = context.getConfiguration().getLong(TALEND_EXCEL_LIMIT, -1); if("EXCEL2007".equals(excelFormat)) { return new Excel2007FileRecordReader(sheet, header, footer, limit); } else if("EXCEL97".equals(excelFormat)) { return new Excel97FileRecordReader(sheet, header, footer, limit); } else if("HTML".equals(excelFormat)) { return new ExcelHTMLFileRecordReader(encoding, header, footer, limit); } throw new IOException("not a valid excel format"); }
Example #5
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testGetLeadsChanges() throws Exception { inputProperties.inputOperation.setValue(getLeadChanges); inputProperties.afterInputOperation(); inputProperties.beforeMappingInput(); inputProperties.batchSize.setValue(1000); // inputProperties.oldestCreateDate.setValue(DATE_OLDEST_CREATE); inputProperties.latestCreateDate.setValue(DATE_LATEST_CREATE); MarketoSource source = new MarketoSource(); source.initialize(null, inputProperties); MarketoClientService client = source.getClientService(null); // MarketoRecordResult result = client.getLeadChanges(inputProperties, null); List<IndexedRecord> changes = result.getRecords(); assertTrue(changes.size() > 0); assertTrue(result.getRemainCount() > 0); List<IndexedRecord> records = result.getRecords(); assertTrue(records.size() > 0); for (IndexedRecord r : records) { assertNotNull(r.get(0)); assertTrue(r.get(0) instanceof Long); } }
Example #6
Source File: From avro-util with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void serializeRecord0(IndexedRecord data, Encoder encoder) throws IOException { CharSequence field0 = ((CharSequence) data.get(0)); if (field0 == null) { (encoder).writeIndex(0); (encoder).writeNull(); } else { if (field0 instanceof CharSequence) { (encoder).writeIndex(1); if (field0 instanceof Utf8) { (encoder).writeString(((Utf8) field0)); } else { (encoder).writeString(field0 .toString()); } } } }
Example #7
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void checkSamples(int limit, String checkFieldExists) throws Exception { runtime.initialize(null, dataset); final List<IndexedRecord> samples = new ArrayList<>(); runtime.getSample(limit, new Consumer<IndexedRecord>() { @Override public void accept(IndexedRecord indexedRecord) { samples.add(indexedRecord); } }); assertThat(samples.size(), Matchers.greaterThan(0)); assertThat(samples.size(), Matchers.lessThan(limit + 1)); for (IndexedRecord r : samples) { assertNotNull(r.get(r.getSchema().getField(checkFieldExists).pos())); } }
Example #8
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public TableRow convertToDatum(IndexedRecord indexedRecord) { // When BigQueryOutput do not specify schema, so read it from the incoming data if (schema == null) { schema = indexedRecord.getSchema(); initFieldConverters(); } TableRow row = new TableRow(); for (Schema.Field field : schema.getFields()) { Object v = indexedRecord.get(field.pos()); if (v != null) { row.set(, fieldConverters.get(; } } return row; }
Example #9
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * From the input: {"a": "a", "b": "b", "c": "c"} * * no extracted element. * * The result should be: * * key: empty * * value: {"a": "a", "b": "b", "c": "c"} */ @Test public void test_EverythingIsAValue() throws Exception { GenericRecord inputRecord = new GenericRecordBuilder(inputSimpleSchema) // .set("a", "a") // .set("b", "b") // .set("c", "c") // .build(); String transformedIndexedRecord = ("{'key': {}, " + "'value': {'a': 'a', 'b': 'b', 'c': 'c'}}").replaceAll("\\'", "\""); IndexedRecord outputRecord = KeyValueUtils.transformToKV(inputRecord, SchemaGeneratorUtils.extractKeyValues(inputRecord.getSchema(), new ArrayList<String>())); assertEquals(transformedIndexedRecord, outputRecord.toString()); Schema kvSchema = SchemaGeneratorUtils.mergeKeyValues(outputRecord.getSchema()); String mergedRecord = ("{'a': 'a', 'b': 'b', 'c': 'c'}").replaceAll("\\'", "\""); assertEquals(mergedRecord, KeyValueUtils.transformFromKV(outputRecord, kvSchema).toString()); }
Example #10
Source File: From avro-util with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
public void serialize(Map<CharSequence, IndexedRecord> data, Encoder encoder) throws IOException { (encoder).writeMapStart(); if ((data == null)||data.isEmpty()) { (encoder).setItemCount(0); } else { (encoder).setItemCount(data.size()); for (CharSequence key0 : ((Map<CharSequence, IndexedRecord> ) data).keySet()) { (encoder).startItem(); (encoder).writeString(key0); IndexedRecord union0 = null; union0 = ((Map<CharSequence, IndexedRecord> ) data).get(key0); if (union0 == null) { (encoder).writeIndex(0); (encoder).writeNull(); } else { if ((union0 instanceof IndexedRecord)&&"com.adpilot.utils.generated.avro.record".equals(((IndexedRecord) union0).getSchema().getFullName())) { (encoder).writeIndex(1); serializeRecord0(((IndexedRecord) union0), (encoder)); } } } } (encoder).writeMapEnd(); }
Example #11
Source File: From avro-util with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
public void serialize(Map<CharSequence, IndexedRecord> data, Encoder encoder) throws IOException { (encoder).writeMapStart(); if ((data == null)||data.isEmpty()) { (encoder).setItemCount(0); } else { (encoder).setItemCount(data.size()); for (CharSequence key0 : ((Map<CharSequence, IndexedRecord> ) data).keySet()) { (encoder).startItem(); (encoder).writeString(key0); IndexedRecord record0 = null; record0 = ((Map<CharSequence, IndexedRecord> ) data).get(key0); serializeRecord0(record0, (encoder)); } } (encoder).writeMapEnd(); }
Example #12
Source File: From spork with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static Object unionResolver(Object o) { if (o instanceof org.apache.avro.util.Utf8) { return o.toString(); } else if (o instanceof IndexedRecord) { return new AvroTupleWrapper<IndexedRecord>((IndexedRecord) o); } else if (o instanceof GenericArray) { return new AvroBagWrapper<GenericData.Record>( (GenericArray<GenericData.Record>) o); } else if (o instanceof Map) { return new AvroMapWrapper((Map<CharSequence, Object>) o); } else if (o instanceof GenericData.Fixed) { return new DataByteArray(((GenericData.Fixed) o).bytes()); } else if (o instanceof ByteBuffer) { return new DataByteArray(((ByteBuffer) o).array()); } else if (o instanceof GenericEnumSymbol) { return o.toString(); } else { return o; } }
Example #13
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testGetLeadFail() throws Exception { inputProperties.inputOperation.setValue(getLead); inputProperties.leadKeyTypeSOAP.setValue(EMAIL); inputProperties.afterInputOperation(); // inputProperties.leadKeyValue.setValue(EMAIL_INEXISTANT); MarketoSource source = new MarketoSource(); source.initialize(null, inputProperties); MarketoClientService client = source.getClientService(null); // MarketoRecordResult result = client.getLead(inputProperties, null); List<IndexedRecord> records = result.getRecords(); assertEquals(emptyList(), records); LOG.debug("record = " + records); }
Example #14
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void getLeadsSample(int limit, Consumer<IndexedRecord> consumer) { final List<String> idList = new ArrayList<>(); Consumer<IndexedRecord> changes = new Consumer<IndexedRecord>() { @Override public void accept(IndexedRecord r) { idList.add(String.valueOf(r.get(r.getSchema().getField("leadId").pos()))); } }; dataset.operation.setValue(Operation.getLeadChanges); dataset.afterOperation(); getLeadChangesSample(); ReaderDataProvider<IndexedRecord> readerDataProvider = new ReaderDataProvider<>(source.createReader(container), limit, changes); readerDataProvider.retrieveData(); dataset.operation.setValue(Operation.getLeads); dataset.afterOperation(); properties.leadKeyType.setValue("id"); properties.leadKeyValue.setValue(","))); source.initialize(container, properties); }
Example #15
Source File: From avro-util with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
public IndexedRecord deserializerecord0(Object reuse, Decoder decoder) throws IOException { IndexedRecord record; if ((((reuse)!= null)&&((reuse) instanceof IndexedRecord))&&(((IndexedRecord)(reuse)).getSchema() == arrayArrayElemSchema0)) { record = ((IndexedRecord)(reuse)); } else { record = new org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData.Record(arrayArrayElemSchema0); } int unionIndex0 = (decoder.readIndex()); if (unionIndex0 == 0) { decoder.readNull(); } if (unionIndex0 == 1) { if (record.get(0) instanceof Utf8) { record.put(0, (decoder).readString(((Utf8) record.get(0)))); } else { record.put(0, (decoder).readString(null)); } } return record; }
Example #16
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static <T> List<IndexedRecord> makeIndexedRecords(NetSuiteClientService<?> clientService, Schema schema, ObjectComposer<T> objectComposer, int count) throws Exception { NsObjectInputTransducer transducer = new NsObjectInputTransducer(clientService, schema, schema.getName()); List<IndexedRecord> recordList = new ArrayList<>(); while (count > 0) { T nsRecord = objectComposer.composeObject(); IndexedRecord convertedRecord =; Schema recordSchema = convertedRecord.getSchema(); GenericRecord record = new GenericData.Record(recordSchema); for (Schema.Field field : schema.getFields()) { Object value = convertedRecord.get(field.pos()); record.put(field.pos(), value); } recordList.add(record); count--; } return recordList; }
Example #17
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Checks {@link JiraUpdateWriter#write()} throws {@link IOException} which message contains * "Reason: record update failed" * in case server responses with 400 Bad Request status code * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testWriteBadRequest() throws IOException { IndexedRecord badJsonRecord = new GenericData.Record(UPDATE_SCHEMA); String badProject = "{\"name\":\"Updated Integration Test Project\"\"assigneeType\":\"PROJECT_LEAD\"}"; badJsonRecord.put(0, "TP"); badJsonRecord.put(1, badProject); thrown.expect(IOException.class); thrown.expectMessage("Reason: record update failed"); thrown.expectMessage("Record: " + badProject); thrown.expectMessage("Error: "); thrown.expectMessage("{\"errorMessages\":[\"Unexpected character (\'\\\"\' (code 34)):"); JiraWriter updateProjectWriter = JiraTestsHelper.createWriter(HOST_PORT, USER, PASS, Resource.PROJECT, Action.UPDATE);"upd"); try { updateProjectWriter.write(badJsonRecord); } finally { updateProjectWriter.close(); } }
Example #18
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testGetSampleExcelHtml() throws Exception { String fileSpec = sourceFilePrepare("sales-force.html"); // Configure the component. SimpleFileIODatasetProperties props = createDatasetProperties(); props.path.setValue(fileSpec); props.format.setValue(SimpleFileIOFormat.EXCEL); props.excelFormat.setValue(ExcelFormat.HTML); props.setHeaderLine.setValue(true); props.headerLine.setValue(1); final List<IndexedRecord> actual = getSample(props,100); assertThat(actual, hasSize(100)); List<Field> fields = actual.get(0).getSchema().getFields(); assertThat(fields, hasSize(7)); assertThat("UID", equalTo(fields.get(0).name())); assertThat("Hire_Date", equalTo(fields.get(6).name())); assertThat("000001", equalTo(actual.get(0).get(0))); assertThat("France", equalTo(actual.get(0).get(5))); }
Example #19
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void checkRecord(TypeDescriptor<?> type, Schema schema) { // For a record, we want to make sure that all the fields are deterministic. Class<?> clazz = type.getRawType(); for (Schema.Field fieldSchema : schema.getFields()) { Field field = getField(clazz,; String fieldContext = field.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "#" + field.getName(); if (field.isAnnotationPresent(AvroEncode.class)) { reportError( fieldContext, "Custom encoders may be non-deterministic -- remove @AvroEncode"); continue; } if (!IndexedRecord.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()) && field.isAnnotationPresent(AvroSchema.class)) { // TODO: We should be able to support custom schemas on POJO fields, but we shouldn't // need to, so we just allow it in the case of IndexedRecords. reportError( fieldContext, "Custom schemas are only supported for subtypes of IndexedRecord."); continue; } TypeDescriptor<?> fieldType = type.resolveType(field.getGenericType()); recurse(fieldContext, fieldType, fieldSchema.schema()); } }
Example #20
Source File: From samza with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Converts the nested avro object in SamzaMessage to relational message corresponding to * the tableName with relational schema. */ @Override public SamzaSqlRelMessage convertToRelMessage(KV<Object, Object> samzaMessage) { List<String> payloadFieldNames = new ArrayList<>(); List<Object> payloadFieldValues = new ArrayList<>(); Object value = samzaMessage.getValue(); if (value instanceof IndexedRecord) { fetchFieldNamesAndValuesFromIndexedRecord((IndexedRecord) value, payloadFieldNames, payloadFieldValues, payloadSchema); } else if (value == null) { // If the payload is null, set each record value as null payloadFieldNames.addAll(payloadSchema.getFields().stream().map(Schema.Field::name).collect(Collectors.toList())); IntStream.range(0, payloadFieldNames.size()).forEach(x -> payloadFieldValues.add(null)); } else { String msg = "Avro message converter doesn't support messages of type " + value.getClass(); LOG.error(msg); throw new SamzaException(msg); } return new SamzaSqlRelMessage(samzaMessage.getKey(), payloadFieldNames, payloadFieldValues, new SamzaSqlRelMsgMetadata(0L, 0L)); }
Example #21
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Utility method to generate a function for the given schema and check that it is appropriately deterministic. */ public static GeneratorFunction<IndexedRecord> generatorOfRecord(Schema schema) { // Create a function generator and context. GeneratorFunction<IndexedRecord> fn = GeneratorFunctions.ofRecord(schema); assertThat(fn, notNullValue()); // Create a record. GeneratorContext ctx = generatorContextOf(0, 0L); IndexedRecord r1 = fn.apply(ctx); // Verify that reusing the function generator with the same context returns the same record. ctx.setRowId(0); assertThat(fn.apply(ctx).toString(), equalTo(r1.toString())); // Verify that generating a new function generator with the same schema returns the same record. assertThat(GeneratorFunctions.ofRecord(schema).apply(generatorContextOf(0, 0L)).toString(), equalTo(r1.toString())); // Return the generator for further testing. return fn; }
Example #22
Source File: From hudi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testGetFileReader() throws IOException { // parquet file format. final Configuration hadoopConf = new Configuration(); final Path parquetPath = new Path("/partition/path/f1_1-0-1_000.parquet"); HoodieFileReader<IndexedRecord> parquetReader = HoodieFileReaderFactory.getFileReader(hadoopConf, parquetPath); assertTrue(parquetReader instanceof HoodieParquetReader); // other file format exception. final Path logPath = new Path("/partition/path/f.b51192a8-574b-4a85-b246-bcfec03ac8bf_100.log.2_1-0-1"); final Throwable thrown = assertThrows(UnsupportedOperationException.class, () -> { HoodieFileReader<IndexedRecord> logWriter = HoodieFileReaderFactory.getFileReader(hadoopConf, logPath); }, "should fail since log storage reader is not supported yet."); assertTrue(thrown.getMessage().contains("format not supported yet.")); }
Example #23
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testGetCurrent() { AzureStorageQueueSource source = new AzureStorageQueueSource(); ValidationResult vr = source.initialize(getDummyRuntimeContiner(), properties); assertNotNull(vr); assertEquals(ValidationResult.OK.getStatus(), vr.getStatus()); reader = (AzureStorageQueueListReader) source.createReader(getDummyRuntimeContiner()); reader.queueService = queueService; final List<CloudQueue> list = new ArrayList<>(); try { list.add(new CloudQueue(new URI(""), dummyCredential)); when(queueService.listQueues()).thenReturn(new Iterable<CloudQueue>() { @Override public Iterator<CloudQueue> iterator() { return new DummyCloudQueueIterator(list); } }); assertTrue(reader.start()); IndexedRecord current = reader.getCurrent(); assertNotNull(current); assertEquals("queue-1", current.get(0)); } catch (InvalidKeyException | URISyntaxException | StorageException | IOException e) { fail("should not throw " + e.getMessage()); } }
Example #24
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testIncludeAllFields() throws Exception { TypeDesc basicTypeDesc = connection.getBasicMetaData().getTypeInfo("Opportunity"); Schema schema = getDynamicSchema(); NsObjectInputTransducer transducer = new NsObjectInputTransducer(connection, schema, basicTypeDesc.getTypeName()); SearchResultSet<Record> rs = connection.newSearch() .target(basicTypeDesc.getTypeName()) .search(); TypeDesc typeDesc = connection.getMetaDataSource().getTypeInfo(basicTypeDesc.getTypeName()); int count = 0; while (count++ < connection.getSearchPageSize() && { Record record = rs.get(); IndexedRecord indexedRecord =; logger.debug("Indexed record: {}", indexedRecord); Schema recordSchema = indexedRecord.getSchema(); assertEquals(typeDesc.getFields().size(), recordSchema.getFields().size()); for (FieldDesc fieldDesc : typeDesc.getFields()) { String fieldName = fieldDesc.getName(); Schema.Field field = recordSchema.getField(fieldName); assertNotNull(field); Object value = indexedRecord.get(field.pos()); } } if (count == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("No records"); } }
Example #25
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Try to find a field in either the key index record or the value index record * * @param fieldPath the field name. Can be a path for hierarchical element * @param keyRecord an Indexed record * @param valueRecord an another Indexed record * @return the Object matching to the fieldName if it was found, null otherwise */ public static Object getFieldFromKV(String fieldPath, IndexedRecord keyRecord, IndexedRecord valueRecord) { // Start with the value record, there is an higher chance to find the field Object outputField = getFieldValue(fieldPath, valueRecord); if (outputField != null) { return outputField; } else { return getFieldValue(fieldPath, keyRecord); } }
Example #26
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public IndexedRecord apply(GeneratorContext input) { if (schema == null) { schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(jsonSchema); } GenericData.Record record = new GenericData.Record(schema); for (int i = 0; i < inner.length; i++) { record.put(i, inner[i].apply(input)); } return record; }
Example #27
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public String apply(IndexedRecord input) { try { JsonNode jsonNode = mapper.readValue(String.valueOf(input.get(0)), JsonNode.class); return jsonNode.path("field").asText(); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } }
Example #28
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public IndexedRecord convertToAvro(String delimitedString) { String[] fields = delimitedString.split(delimiter); if (fields.length != size) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input string has wrong number of fields"); } IndexedRecord record = new GenericData.Record(schema); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Object value = converters[i].convertToAvro(fields[i]); record.put(i, value); } return record; }
Example #29
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected static void doWriteRows(SalesforceConnectionModuleProperties props, List<IndexedRecord> outputRows) throws Exception { SalesforceSink salesforceSink = new SalesforceSink(); salesforceSink.initialize(adaptor, props); salesforceSink.validate(adaptor); SalesforceWriteOperation writeOperation = salesforceSink.createWriteOperation(); Writer<Result> saleforceWriter = writeOperation.createWriter(adaptor); writeRows(saleforceWriter, outputRows); }
Example #30
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testSyncLead() throws Exception { outProperties.outputOperation.setValue(OutputOperation.syncLead); outProperties.operationType.setValue(OperationType.createOrUpdate); outProperties.lookupField.setValue(; outProperties.deDupeEnabled.setValue(false); outProperties.updateSchemaRelated(); outProperties.updateOutputSchemas(); MarketoSource source = new MarketoSource(); source.initialize(null, outProperties); MarketoClientService client = source.getClientService(null); // // test attributes List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<>(); Field field = new Schema.Field("accountType", Schema.create(Schema.Type.STRING), null, (Object) null); fields.add(field); Schema s = MarketoUtils.newSchema(outProperties.schemaInput.schema.getValue(), "leadAttribute", fields); IndexedRecord record = new GenericData.Record(s); record.put(0, null); record.put(1, ""); record.put(2, "ForeignPersonSysId"); record.put(3, "SFDC");// CUSTOM, SFDC, NETSUITE; record.put(4, "My firstName"); List<IndexedRecord> leads = Arrays.asList(record); outProperties.schemaInput.schema.setValue(s); outProperties.beforeMappingInput(); /// MarketoSyncResult result = client.syncLead(outProperties, record); LOG.debug("result = {}.", result); List<SyncStatus> changes = result.getRecords(); assertTrue(changes.size() > 0); for (SyncStatus r : changes) { assertNotNull(r); assertNotNull(r.getId()); LOG.debug("r = {}.", r); } }