org.apache.jena.vocabulary.DCTerms Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From RDFstarTools with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void doubleNestedSubject() { final String filename = "DoubleNestedSubject.ttl"; final Graph g = convertAndLoadIntoGraph(filename); assertEquals( 1, g.size() ); final Triple t = g.find().next(); assertTrue( t.getSubject() instanceof Node_Triple ); assertFalse( t.getPredicate() instanceof Node_Triple ); assertFalse( t.getObject() instanceof Node_Triple ); final Triple et = ( (Node_Triple) t.getSubject() ).get(); assertFalse( et.getSubject() instanceof Node_Triple ); assertFalse( et.getPredicate() instanceof Node_Triple ); assertTrue( et.getObject() instanceof Node_Triple ); final Triple eet = ( (Node_Triple) et.getObject() ).get(); assertEquals( DCTerms.created.asNode(), eet.getPredicate() ); }
Example #2
Source File: From Processor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test of getLiteral method, of class Skolemizer. */ @Test public void testGetLiteral() { Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); Literal secondTitle = model.createLiteral("Second"); Literal firstTitle = model.createLiteral("First"); Resource second = model.createResource(). addLiteral(DCTerms.title, secondTitle); Resource first = model.createResource(). addLiteral(DCTerms.title, firstTitle). addProperty(FOAF.primaryTopic, second); Literal firstResult = skolemizer.getLiteral(first, "title"); assertEquals(firstTitle, firstResult); Literal secondResult = skolemizer.getLiteral(first, "primaryTopic.title"); assertEquals(secondTitle, secondResult); Literal resultFail1 = skolemizer.getLiteral(first, "primaryTopic"); assertNull(resultFail1); // primaryTopic is a resource, not a literal Literal resultFail2 = skolemizer.getLiteral(first, "whatever"); assertNull(resultFail2); // no such property }
Example #3
Source File: From Processor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test of getResource method, of class Skolemizer. */ @Test public void testGetResource() { Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); Resource second = model.createResource(). addLiteral(DCTerms.title, "Second"); Resource first = model.createResource(). addLiteral(DCTerms.title, "First"). addProperty(FOAF.primaryTopic, second); Resource secondResult = skolemizer.getResource(first, "primaryTopic"); assertEquals(second, secondResult); Resource resultFail1 = skolemizer.getResource(first, "title"); assertNull(resultFail1); // title is a literal, not a resource Resource resultFail2 = skolemizer.getResource(first, "primaryTopic.title"); assertNull(resultFail2); // title is a literal, not a resource Resource resultFail3 = skolemizer.getResource(first, "whatever"); assertNull(resultFail3); // no such property }
Example #4
Source File: From teamengine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Adds the list of conformance classes to the TestRun resource. A * conformance class corresponds to a {@literal <test>} tag in the TestNG * suite definition; it is represented as an earl:TestRequirement resource. * * @param earl * An RDF model containing EARL statements. * @param testList * The list of test sets comprising the test suite. */ void addTestRequirements(Model earl, final List<XmlTest> testList) { Seq reqs = earl.createSeq(); String key = null; for (XmlTest xmlTest : testList) { String testName = xmlTest.getName(); Resource testReq = earl.createResource(testName.replaceAll("\\s", "-"), EARL.TestRequirement); testReq.addProperty(DCTerms.title, testName); String testOptionality = xmlTest.getParameter(CITE.CC_OPTIONALITY); if (null != testOptionality && !testOptionality.isEmpty()) { testReq.addProperty(CITE.optionality, testOptionality); } if (isBasicConformanceClass(testName)) { testReq.addProperty(CITE.isBasic, "true"); } reqs.add(testReq); } this.testRun.addProperty(CITE.requirements, reqs); }
Example #5
Source File: From teamengine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Adds the test inputs to the TestRun resource. Each input is an anonymous * member of an unordered collection (rdf:Bag). A {@value #TEST_RUN_ID} * parameter is treated in special manner: its value is set as the value of * the standard dct:identifier property. * * @param earl * An RDF model containing EARL statements. * @param params * A collection of name-value pairs gleaned from the test suite * parameters. */ void addTestInputs(Model earl, final Map<String, String> params) { Bag inputs = earl.createBag(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : params.entrySet()) { if (param.getKey().equals(TEST_RUN_ID)) { this.testRun.addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, param.getValue()); } else { if (param.getValue().isEmpty()) continue; Resource testInput = earl.createResource(); testInput.addProperty(DCTerms.title, param.getKey()); testInput.addProperty(DCTerms.description, param.getValue()); inputs.add(testInput); } } this.testRun.addProperty(CITE.inputs, inputs); }
Example #6
Source File: From trellis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@BeforeEach @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") void setUp() { initMocks(this); final Map<String, String> namespaces = new HashMap<>(); namespaces.put("dcterms", DCTerms.NS); namespaces.put("rdf", uri); service = new JenaIOService(mockNamespaceService, null, mockCache, ",,,", "", false); service2 = new JenaIOService(mockNamespaceService, mockRdfaWriterService, mockCache, emptySet(), singleton(""), false); service3 = new JenaIOService(mockNamespaceService, null, mockCache, emptySet(), emptySet(), true); when(mockNamespaceService.getNamespaces()).thenReturn(namespaces); when(mockCache.get(anyString(), any(Function.class))).thenAnswer(inv -> { final String key = inv.getArgument(0); final Function<String, String> mapper = inv.getArgument(1); return mapper.apply(key); }); }
Example #7
Source File: From RDFstarTools with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void doubleNestedObject() { final String filename = "DoubleNestedObject.ttl"; final Graph g = convertAndLoadIntoGraph(filename); assertEquals( 1, g.size() ); final Triple t = g.find().next(); assertFalse( t.getSubject() instanceof Node_Triple ); assertFalse( t.getPredicate() instanceof Node_Triple ); assertTrue( t.getObject() instanceof Node_Triple ); final Triple et = ( (Node_Triple) t.getObject() ).get(); assertFalse( et.getSubject() instanceof Node_Triple ); assertFalse( et.getPredicate() instanceof Node_Triple ); assertTrue( et.getObject() instanceof Node_Triple ); final Triple eet = ( (Node_Triple) et.getObject() ).get(); assertEquals( DCTerms.created.asNode(), eet.getPredicate() ); }
Example #8
Source File: From RDFstarTools with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void nestedSubjectAndObject() { final String filename = "NestedSubjectAndObject.ttl"; final Graph g = convertAndLoadIntoGraph(filename); assertEquals( 1, g.size() ); final Triple t = g.find().next(); assertTrue( t.getSubject() instanceof Node_Triple ); assertFalse( t.getPredicate() instanceof Node_Triple ); assertTrue( t.getObject() instanceof Node_Triple ); final Triple st = ( (Node_Triple) t.getSubject() ).get(); assertEquals( DCTerms.creator.asNode(), st.getPredicate() ); final Triple ot = ( (Node_Triple) t.getObject() ).get(); assertEquals( DCTerms.created.asNode(), ot.getPredicate() ); }
Example #9
Source File: From RDFstarTools with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void nestedObject() { final String filename = "NestedObject.ttl"; final Graph g = convertAndLoadIntoGraph(filename); assertEquals( 1, g.size() ); final Triple t = g.find().next(); assertFalse( t.getSubject() instanceof Node_Triple ); assertFalse( t.getPredicate() instanceof Node_Triple ); assertTrue( t.getObject() instanceof Node_Triple ); final Triple et = ( (Node_Triple) t.getObject() ).get(); assertEquals( DCTerms.creator.asNode(), et.getPredicate() ); }
Example #10
Source File: From RDFstarTools with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void nestedSubject() { final String filename = "NestedSubject.ttl"; final Graph g = convertAndLoadIntoGraph(filename); assertEquals( 1, g.size() ); final Triple t = g.find().next(); assertTrue( t.getSubject() instanceof Node_Triple ); assertFalse( t.getPredicate() instanceof Node_Triple ); assertFalse( t.getObject() instanceof Node_Triple ); assertEquals( DCTerms.source.asNode(), t.getPredicate() ); final Triple et = ( (Node_Triple) t.getSubject() ).get(); assertEquals( DCTerms.creator.asNode(), et.getPredicate() ); }
Example #11
Source File: From RDFUnit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public Resource write(Model model) { Resource resource = ElementWriter.copyElementResourceInModel(testGenerator, model); resource .addProperty(RDF.type, RDFUNITv.TestGenerator) .addProperty(DCTerms.description, testGenerator.getDescription()) .addProperty(RDFUNITv.sparqlGenerator, testGenerator.getQuery()) .addProperty(RDFUNITv.basedOnPattern, ElementWriter.copyElementResourceInModel(testGenerator.getPattern(), model)); for (ResultAnnotation resultAnnotation: testGenerator.getAnnotations()) { Resource annotationResource = ResultAnnotationWriter.create(resultAnnotation).write(model); resource.addProperty(RDFUNITv.resultAnnotation, annotationResource); } return resource; }
Example #12
Source File: From RDFUnit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public Resource write(Model model) { Resource resource = ElementWriter.copyElementResourceInModel(pattern, model); resource .addProperty(RDF.type, RDFUNITv.Pattern) .addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, pattern.getId()) .addProperty(DCTerms.description, pattern.getDescription()) .addProperty(RDFUNITv.sparqlWherePattern, pattern.getSparqlWherePattern()); if (pattern.getSparqlPatternPrevalence().isPresent()) { resource.addProperty(RDFUNITv.sparqlPrevalencePattern, pattern.getSparqlPatternPrevalence().get()); } for (PatternParameter patternParameter: pattern.getParameters()) { Resource parameter = PatternParameterWriter.create(patternParameter).write(model); resource.addProperty(RDFUNITv.parameter, parameter); } for (ResultAnnotation resultAnnotation: pattern.getResultAnnotations()) { Resource annotationResource = ResultAnnotationWriter.create(resultAnnotation).write(model); resource.addProperty(RDFUNITv.resultAnnotation, annotationResource); } return resource; }
Example #13
Source File: From Processor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test of getNameValueMap method, of class Skolemizer. */ @Test public void testGetNameValueMap() { UriTemplateParser parser = new UriTemplateParser("{name}/{title}|{smth}|{primaryTopic.title}"); Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); Literal secondTitle = model.createLiteral("Second"); Literal firstTitle = model.createLiteral("First"); Resource second = model.createResource(). addLiteral(DCTerms.title, secondTitle); Resource first = model.createResource(). addLiteral(DCTerms.title, firstTitle). addProperty(FOAF.primaryTopic, second); Map<String, String> expected = new HashMap<>(); expected.put("title", firstTitle.getString()); expected.put("primaryTopic.title", secondTitle.getString()); Map<String, String> result = skolemizer.getNameValueMap(first, parser); assertEquals(expected, result); }
Example #14
Source File: From Processor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test of build method, of class Skolemizer. */ @Test public void testBuild_Model() { Model expected = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); Resource expAbsolute = expected.createResource(baseUriBuilder.clone().path(absoluteId).build().toString()). addProperty(RDF.type, absolutePathClass). addLiteral(DCTerms.identifier, absoluteId); Resource expRelative = expected.createResource(absolutePathBuilder.clone().path(relativeId).build().toString()). addProperty(RDF.type, relativePathClass). addLiteral(DCTerms.identifier, relativeId); Resource expThing = expected.createResource(absolutePathBuilder.clone().path(thingTitle).fragment(thingFragment).build().toString()). addProperty(RDF.type, thingClass). addLiteral(DCTerms.title, thingTitle); Resource expImported = expected.createResource(absolutePathBuilder.clone().path(thingTitle).fragment(thingFragment).build().toString()). addProperty(RDF.type, importedClass). addLiteral(DCTerms.title, thingTitle); Resource expRestricted = expected.createResource(UriBuilder.fromUri(restrictionValue).clone().path(restrictedId).build().toString()). addProperty(RDF.type, restrictedClass). addLiteral(DCTerms.identifier, restrictedId); expRelative.addProperty(FOAF.primaryTopic, expThing); expThing.addProperty(FOAF.isPrimaryTopicOf, expRelative); Model result =; assertTrue(result.isIsomorphicWith(expected)); }
Example #15
Source File: From incubator-taverna-language with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected OntModel getOntModel() { OntModel ontModel = createOntologyModel(OWL_DL_MEM_RULE_INF); ontModel.setNsPrefix("foaf", foaf.NS); ontModel.setNsPrefix("prov", prov.NS); ontModel.setNsPrefix("ore", ore.NS); ontModel.setNsPrefix("pav", pav.NS); ontModel.setNsPrefix("dct", DCTerms.NS); // ontModel.getDocumentManager().loadImports(foaf.getOntModel()); return ontModel; }
Example #16
Source File: From teamengine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * This method is used to add test inputs in to earl report. * * @param earl * Model object to add the result into it. * @param params * The variable is type of Map with all the user input. */ private void addTestInputs( Model earl, Map<String, String> params ) { Bag inputs = earl.createBag(); if ( !params.equals( "" ) && params != null ) { String value = ""; for ( String key : params.keySet() ) { value = params.get( key ); Resource testInputs = earl.createResource(); testInputs.addProperty( DCTerms.title, key ); testInputs.addProperty( DCTerms.description, value ); inputs.add( testInputs ); } } this.testRun.addProperty( CITE.inputs, inputs ); }
Example #17
Source File: From arctic-sea with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Resource createResource(Model model, Resource parent) { addNsPrefix(model); Resource location = model.createResource(DCTerms.Location); for (Geometry geometry : getGeometries()) { geometry.addToResource(model, location); } return location; }
Example #18
Source File: From trellis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@BeforeEach void setUp() { initMocks(this); final Map<String, String> namespaces = new HashMap<>(); namespaces.put("dc", DCTerms.NS); namespaces.put("rdf", RDF.uri); namespaces.put("dcmitype", ""); when(mockNamespaceService.getNamespaces()).thenReturn(namespaces); service = new DefaultRdfaWriterService(mockNamespaceService); }
Example #19
Source File: From trellis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
static Stream<Triple> getTriples() { final Node sub = createURI("trellis:data/resource"); final Node bn = createBlankNode(); return of( create(sub, DCTerms.title.asNode(), createLiteral("A title")), create(sub, DCTerms.subject.asNode(), bn), create(bn, DCTerms.title.asNode(), createLiteral("Other title")), create(sub, DCTerms.spatial.asNode(), createURI("")), create(sub, DCTerms.spatial.asNode(), createURI("")), create(sub, DCTerms.spatial.asNode(), createURI("")), create(sub, RDF.type.asNode(), DCTypes.Text.asNode())) .map(JenaCommonsRDF::fromJena); }
Example #20
Source File: From trellis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
static Stream<Triple> getTriples2() { final Node sub = createURI("trellis:data/resource"); final Node other = createURI(""); final Node bn = createBlankNode(); return of( create(sub, DCTerms.subject.asNode(), bn), create(sub, DCTerms.spatial.asNode(), createURI("")), create(bn, RDF.type.asNode(), DCTypes.Text.asNode()), create(bn, DCTerms.subject.asNode(), other), create(sub, RDF.type.asNode(), DCTypes.Text.asNode())) .map(JenaCommonsRDF::fromJena); }
Example #21
Source File: From Processor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Resource toResource(Exception ex, Response.StatusType status, Resource statusResource) { if (ex == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Exception cannot be null"); if (status == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Response.Status cannot be null"); Resource resource = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel().createResource(). addProperty(RDF.type, HTTP.Response). addLiteral(HTTP.statusCodeValue, status.getStatusCode()). addLiteral(HTTP.reasonPhrase, status.getReasonPhrase()); if (statusResource != null) resource.addProperty(, statusResource); if (ex.getMessage() != null) resource.addLiteral(DCTerms.title, ex.getMessage()); return resource; }
Example #22
Source File: From teamengine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Model initializeModel( String suiteName ) { Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); Map<String, String> nsBindings = new HashMap<>(); nsBindings.put( "earl", EARL.NS_URI ); nsBindings.put( "dct", DCTerms.NS ); nsBindings.put( "cite", CITE.NS_URI ); nsBindings.put( "http", HTTP.NS_URI ); nsBindings.put( "cnt", CONTENT.NS_URI ); model.setNsPrefixes( nsBindings ); this.testRun = model.createResource( CITE.TestRun ); this.testRun.addProperty( DCTerms.title, suiteName ); String nowUTC = ZoneId.of( "Z" ) ).format( DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT ); this.testRun.addProperty( DCTerms.created, nowUTC ); this.assertor = model.createResource( "", EARL.Assertor ); this.assertor.addProperty( DCTerms.title, "OGC TEAM Engine", this.langCode ); this.assertor.addProperty( DCTerms.description, "Official test harness of the OGC conformance testing program (CITE).", this.langCode ); /* * Map<String, String> params = suite.getXmlSuite().getAllParameters(); String iut = params.get("iut"); if (null * == iut) { // non-default parameter refers to test subject--use first URI value for (Map.Entry<String, String> * param : params.entrySet()) { try { URI uri = URI.create(param.getValue()); iut = uri.toString(); } catch * (IllegalArgumentException e) { continue; } } } if (null == iut) { throw new * NullPointerException("Unable to find URI reference for IUT in test run parameters." ); } */ this.testSubject = model.createResource( "", EARL.TestSubject ); return model; }
Example #23
Source File: From teamengine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void processTestResult( Element childlogElement, TestInfo testDetails, Resource earlResult ) { switch ( testDetails.result ) { case 0: earlResult.addProperty( EARL.outcome, CITE.Continue ); this.cContinueCount++; break; case 2: earlResult.addProperty( EARL.outcome, CITE.Not_Tested ); this.cNotTestedCount++; break; case 6: // Fail earlResult.addProperty( EARL.outcome, EARL.Fail ); String errorMessage = parseTextContent( childlogElement, "exception" ); if ( errorMessage != null ) { earlResult.addProperty( DCTerms.description, errorMessage ); } this.cFailCount++; break; case 3: earlResult.addProperty( EARL.outcome, EARL.NotTested ); this.cSkipCount++; break; case 4: earlResult.addProperty( EARL.outcome, CITE.Warning ); this.cWarningCount++; break; case 5: earlResult.addProperty( EARL.outcome, CITE.Inherited_Failure ); this.cInheritedFailureCount++; break; default: earlResult.addProperty( EARL.outcome, EARL.Pass ); this.cPassCount++; break; } }
Example #24
Source File: From teamengine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Creates EARL statements for the entire collection of test suite results. * Each test subset is defined by a {@literal <test>} tag in the suite * definition; these correspond to earl:TestRequirement resources in the * model. * * @param model * An RDF Model containing EARL statements. * @param results * A Map containing the actual test results, where the key is the * name of a test subset (conformance class). */ void processSuiteResults(Model model, Map<String, ISuiteResult> results) { for (Map.Entry<String, ISuiteResult> entry : results.entrySet()) { String testName = entry.getKey(); String testReqName = testName.replaceAll("\\s", "-"); // can return existing resource in model Resource testReq = model.createResource(testReqName); ITestContext testContext = entry.getValue().getTestContext(); int nPassed = testContext.getPassedTests().size(); int nSkipped = testContext.getSkippedTests().size(); int nFailed = testContext.getFailedTests().size(); testReq.addLiteral(CITE.testsPassed, new Integer(nPassed)); testReq.addLiteral(CITE.testsFailed, new Integer(nFailed)); testReq.addLiteral(CITE.testsSkipped, new Integer(nSkipped)); if (nPassed + nFailed == 0) { testReq.addProperty(DCTerms.description, "A precondition was not met. All tests in this set were skipped."); } if(isBasicConformanceClass(testName)){ if(nFailed > 0){ areCoreConformanceClassesPassed = false; } } processTestResults(model, testContext.getFailedTests()); processTestResults(model, testContext.getSkippedTests()); processTestResults(model, testContext.getPassedTests()); } }
Example #25
Source File: From RDFUnit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public StatusTestCaseResult read(final Resource resource) { checkNotNull(resource); TestCaseResult test = TestCaseResultReader.create(DCTerms.description, RDFUNITv.testCaseLogLevel).read(resource); TestCaseResultStatus status = null; for (Statement smt : resource.listProperties(RDFUNITv.resultStatus).toList()) { status = TestCaseResultStatus.resolve(smt.getObject().asResource().getURI()); } checkNotNull(status); return new StatusTestCaseResultImpl(resource, test.getTestCaseUri(), test.getSeverity(), test.getMessage(), test.getTimestamp(), status); }
Example #26
Source File: From RDFUnit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Resource write(Model model) { Resource resource = ElementWriter.copyElementResourceInModel(patternParameter, model); resource .addProperty(RDF.type, RDFUNITv.Parameter) .addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, patternParameter.getId()) .addProperty(RDFUNITv.parameterConstraint, model.createResource(patternParameter.getConstraint().getUri())); if (patternParameter.getConstraintPattern().isPresent()) { resource.addProperty(RDFUNITv.constraintPattern, patternParameter.getConstraintPattern().get()); } return resource; }
Example #27
Source File: From teamengine with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void addTestRequirements( Model earl, TestInfo testInfo ) { Resource testReq = earl.createResource( testInfo.testName.replaceAll( "\\s", "-" ), EARL.TestRequirement ); testReq.addProperty( DCTerms.title, testInfo.testName ); testReq.addProperty( CITE.isBasic, Boolean.toString( testInfo.isBasic ) ); this.reqs.add( testReq ); }
Example #28
Source File: From teamengine with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void processTestResults( Model earl, Element logElement, NodeList logList, String conformanceClass, Resource parentTestCase ) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { NodeList childtestcallList = logElement.getElementsByTagName( "testcall" ); for ( int l = 0; l < childtestcallList.getLength(); l++ ) { Element childtestcallElement = (Element) childtestcallList.item( l ); String testcallPath = childtestcallElement.getAttribute( "path" ); Element childlogElement = findMatchingLogElement( logList, testcallPath ); if ( childlogElement == null ) throw new NullPointerException( "Failed to get Test-Info due to null log element." ); TestInfo testDetails = getTestinfo( childlogElement ); // create earl:Assertion GregorianCalendar calTime = new GregorianCalendar( TimeZone.getDefault() ); Resource assertion = earl.createResource( "assert-" + ++this.resultCount, EARL.Assertion ); assertion.addProperty( EARL.mode, EARL.AutomaticMode ); assertion.addProperty( EARL.assertedBy, this.assertor ); assertion.addProperty( EARL.subject, this.testSubject ); // link earl:TestResult to earl:Assertion Resource earlResult = earl.createResource( "result-" + this.resultCount, EARL.TestResult ); earlResult.addProperty(, earl.createTypedLiteral( calTime ) ); processTestResult( childlogElement, testDetails, earlResult ); processRequests( earlResult, childlogElement, earl ); assertion.addProperty( EARL.result, earlResult ); // link earl:TestCase to earl:Assertion and earl:TestRequirement String testName = testDetails.testName; StringBuilder testCaseId = new StringBuilder( testcallPath ); testCaseId.append( '#' ).append( testName ); Resource testCase = earl.createResource( testCaseId.toString(), EARL.TestCase ); testCase.addProperty( DCTerms.title, testName ); testCase.addProperty( DCTerms.description, testDetails.assertion ); assertion.addProperty( EARL.test, testCase ); if ( parentTestCase != null ) parentTestCase.addProperty( DCTerms.hasPart, testCase ); else earl.createResource( conformanceClass ).addProperty( DCTerms.hasPart, testCase ); processTestResults( earl, childlogElement, logList, conformanceClass, testCase ); } }
Example #29
Source File: From RDFUnit with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public Resource write(Model model) { Resource resource; if (testCaseResult.getElement().isAnon()) { resource = model.createResource(JenaUtils.getUniqueIri(executionUri + "/")); } else { resource = ElementWriter.copyElementResourceInModel(testCaseResult, model); } // general properties resource .addProperty(RDF.type, RDFUNITv.TestCaseResult) .addProperty(PROV.wasGeneratedBy, model.createResource(executionUri)) .addProperty(RDFUNITv.testCase, model.createResource(testCaseResult.getTestCaseUri())) .addProperty(, model.createTypedLiteral(testCaseResult.getTimestamp(), XSDDatatype.XSDdateTime)); if (testCaseResult instanceof StatusTestCaseResult) { resource .addProperty(RDF.type, RDFUNITv.StatusTestCaseResult) .addProperty(RDFUNITv.resultStatus, model.createResource(((StatusTestCaseResult) testCaseResult).getStatus().getUri())) .addProperty(DCTerms.description, testCaseResult.getMessage()) .addProperty(RDFUNITv.testCaseLogLevel, model.createResource(testCaseResult.getSeverity().getUri())) ; } if (testCaseResult instanceof AggregatedTestCaseResult) { resource .addProperty(RDF.type, RDFUNITv.AggregatedTestResult) .addProperty(RDFUNITv.resultCount, ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(Long.toString(((AggregatedTestCaseResult) testCaseResult).getErrorCount()), XSDDatatype.XSDinteger)) .addProperty(RDFUNITv.resultPrevalence, ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(Long.toString(((AggregatedTestCaseResult) testCaseResult).getPrevalenceCount().orElse(-1L)), XSDDatatype.XSDinteger)); } if (testCaseResult instanceof ShaclLiteTestCaseResult) { resource.addProperty(RDF.type, SHACL.ValidationResult) ; } if (testCaseResult instanceof ShaclTestCaseResult) { Collection<PropertyValuePair> annotations = ((ShaclTestCaseResult) testCaseResult).getResultAnnotations(); for (PropertyValuePair annotation : annotations) { for (RDFNode rdfNode : annotation.getValues()) { if (rdfNode.isAnon() && annotation.getProperty().equals(SHACL.resultPath)) { resource.getModel().add(reanonimisePathBlankNodes(resource, rdfNode)); } else { resource.addProperty(annotation.getProperty(), rdfNode); } } } boolean containsMessage = -> an.getProperty().equals(SHACL.message)); if (!containsMessage) { resource.addProperty(SHACL.message, testCaseResult.getMessage()); } boolean containsFocusNode = -> an.getProperty().equals(SHACL.focusNode)); if (!containsFocusNode) { resource.addProperty(SHACL.focusNode, ((ShaclTestCaseResult) testCaseResult).getFailingNode()); } boolean containsSeverity = -> an.getProperty().equals(SHACL.severity)); if (!containsSeverity) { resource.addProperty(SHACL.severity, ResourceFactory.createResource(testCaseResult.getSeverity().getUri())); } } return resource; }
Example #30
Source File: From teamengine with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Initializes the test results graph with basic information about the * assertor (earl:Assertor) and test subject (earl:TestSubject). * * @param suite * Information about the test suite. * @return An RDF Model containing EARL statements. */ Model initializeModel(ISuite suite) { Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); Map<String, String> nsBindings = new HashMap<>(); nsBindings.put("earl", EARL.NS_URI); nsBindings.put("dct", DCTerms.NS); nsBindings.put("cite", CITE.NS_URI); nsBindings.put("http", HTTP.NS_URI); nsBindings.put("cnt", CONTENT.NS_URI); model.setNsPrefixes(nsBindings); suiteName = suite.getName(); this.testRun = model.createResource(CITE.TestRun); this.testRun.addProperty(DCTerms.title, suite.getName()); String nowUTC ="Z")).format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT); this.testRun.addProperty(DCTerms.created, nowUTC); this.assertor = model.createResource("", EARL.Assertor); this.assertor.addProperty(DCTerms.title, "OGC TEAM Engine", this.langCode); this.assertor.addProperty(DCTerms.description, "Official test harness of the OGC conformance testing program (CITE).", this.langCode); Map<String, String> params = suite.getXmlSuite().getAllParameters(); String iut = params.get("iut"); if (null == iut) { // non-default parameter refers to test subject--use first URI value for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : params.entrySet()) { try { URI uri = URI.create(param.getValue()); iut = uri.toString(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { continue; } } } if (null == iut) { throw new NullPointerException( "Unable to find URI reference for IUT in test run parameters."); } this.testSubject = model.createResource(iut, EARL.TestSubject); return model; }