com.googlecode.javaewah.EWAHCompressedBitmap Java Examples

The following examples show how to use com.googlecode.javaewah.EWAHCompressedBitmap. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
@Ignore("This test requires an external resource. This can lead to false positive failures.")
public void bitmapTest() throws OWLOntologyCreationException, OBOFormatParserException, IOException {
	Set<Integer> ixs = new HashSet<Integer>();
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bm = bm(ixs);
	Set<Integer> ixs2 = new HashSet<Integer>();
	for (int i : bm.toArray()) {
Example #2
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
public EWAHCompressedBitmap ancsProperBitmapCachedModifiable(OWLClass c) {
	if (properSuperclassBitmapMap != null && properSuperclassBitmapMap.containsKey(c)) {
		return properSuperclassBitmapMap.get(c);
	Set<Integer> ancsInts = new HashSet<Integer>();
	for (Node<OWLClass> anc : reasoner.getSuperClasses(c, false)) {
		// TODO - verify robust for non-Rep elements
		OWLClass ac = anc.getRepresentativeElement();
		if (ac.equals(thing))
		Integer ix = classIndex.get(ac);
		if (ix == null) {

	//msg(c + " ancs = "+caints.size());
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bm = bm(ancsInts);
	if (properSuperclassBitmapMap == null)
		properSuperclassBitmapMap = new HashMap<OWLClass,EWAHCompressedBitmap>();
	properSuperclassBitmapMap.put(c, bm);
	return bm;		
Example #3
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
private EWAHCompressedBitmap getElementsForAttributeAsBitmao(OWLClass c) throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	if (classToElementBitmapMap == null)
		classToElementBitmapMap = new HashMap<OWLClass,EWAHCompressedBitmap>();
	if (classToElementBitmapMap.containsKey(c)) {
		return classToElementBitmapMap.get(c);
	Set<OWLNamedIndividual> inds = getElementsForAttribute(c);
	Set<Integer> indInts = new HashSet<Integer>();
	for (OWLNamedIndividual i : inds) {
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bm = convertIntsToBitmap(indInts);
	classToElementBitmapMap.put(c, bm);
	return bm;
Example #4
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
public AttributePairScores getPairwiseSimilarity(OWLClass c, OWLClass d)
		throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	AttributePairScores s = new AttributePairScores(c,d);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmc = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(c);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmd = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(d);

	s.simjScore =  bmc.andCardinality(bmd) / (double) bmc.orCardinality(bmd);
	s.asymmetricSimjScore =  bmc.andCardinality(bmd) / (double) bmd.cardinality();
	s.inverseAsymmetricSimjScore =  bmc.andCardinality(bmd) / (double) bmc.cardinality();

	ScoreAttributeSetPair sap = getLowestCommonSubsumerWithIC(c, d);
	s.lcsIC = sap.score;
	s.lcsSet = sap.attributeClassSet;
	return s;
Example #5
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
private EWAHCompressedBitmap ancsProperBitmapCachedModifiable(OWLClass c) {
	if (properSuperclassBitmapMap != null && properSuperclassBitmapMap.containsKey(c)) {
		return properSuperclassBitmapMap.get(c);

	Set<Integer> ancsInts = new HashSet<Integer>();
	for (Node<OWLClass> anc : reasoner.getSuperClasses(c, false)) {
		// TODO - verify robust for non-Rep elements
		OWLClass ac = getDeterministicRepresentative(anc);
		if (ac.equals(thing))

	EWAHCompressedBitmap bm = convertIntsToBitmap(ancsInts);
	if (properSuperclassBitmapMap == null)
		properSuperclassBitmapMap = new HashMap<OWLClass,EWAHCompressedBitmap>();
	properSuperclassBitmapMap.put(c, bm);
	return bm;		
Example #6
Source File:    From nem.core with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a new SparseBitmap that is the logical <code>or</code> of all the given bitmaps.
 * @param bitmaps Bitmaps to compute the logical <code>or</code> for
 * @return SparseBitmap that has the values set according to the <code>or</code> of the given bitmaps.
public static SparseBitmap batchOr(final SparseBitmap... bitmaps) {
	if (bitmaps.length < 1) {
		return SparseBitmap.createFromUnsortedData();

	if (bitmaps.length < 2) {
		return bitmaps[0];

	EWAHCompressedBitmap firstMap = bitmaps[0].bitmap;

	for (int index = 1; index < bitmaps.length; ++index) {
		firstMap = firstMap.or(bitmaps[index].bitmap);

	return new SparseBitmap(firstMap);
Example #7
Source File:    From StreamingRec with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void trainInternal(List<Item> items, List<ClickData> transactions) {
	//iterate over all newly published items
	for (Item item : items) {
		//if the keywords of the item are not null, create a keyword map an save it
			//create an empty bitmap of keyword IDs
			EWAHCompressedBitmap itemKeywords = new EWAHCompressedBitmap();
			itemKeywordMap.put(, itemKeywords);
			//iterate over the item's keywords
			for (String keyword : item.keywords.keySet()) {				
				//if the keyword is unknown, generate a new INT id for it
					keywordMap.put(keyword, ++currentKeywordCounter);
					keywordItemMap.put(currentKeywordCounter, new LongOpenHashSet());
				//extract the id of the keyword
				int keywordInt = keywordMap.get(keyword);
				//set the bit for this keyword in the item's bitmap
				//also set the item in the keyword's reverse lookup map
Example #8
Source File:    From symbol-sdk-java with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a new SparseBitmap that is the logical <code>or</code> of all the given bitmaps.
 * @param bitmaps Bitmaps to compute the logical <code>or</code> for
 * @return SparseBitmap that has the values set according to the <code>or</code> of the given
 * bitmaps.
public static SparseBitmap batchOr(final SparseBitmap... bitmaps) {
    if (bitmaps.length < 1) {
        return SparseBitmap.createFromUnsortedData();

    if (bitmaps.length < 2) {
        return bitmaps[0];

    EWAHCompressedBitmap firstMap = bitmaps[0].bitmap;

    for (int index = 1; index < bitmaps.length; ++index) {
        firstMap = firstMap.or(bitmaps[index].bitmap);

    return new SparseBitmap(firstMap);
Example #9
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
private double getAttributeGraphInformationContentSimilarity(
		int cix, int dix) throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmc = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(cix);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmd = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(dix);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap cad = bmc.and(bmd);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap cud = bmc.or(bmd);

	double sumICboth = 0;
	double sumICunion = 0;
	// faster than translating to integer list
	IntIterator it = cud.intIterator();
	while (it.hasNext()) {
		int x =;
		double ic = getInformationContentForAttribute(x);
		// TODO - we can avoid doing this twice by using xor in the bitmap
		sumICunion += ic;

		if (cad.get(x)) {
			sumICboth += ic;
	totalTimeGIC += tdelta(t);
	return sumICboth / sumICunion;
Example #10
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public double getAttributeJaccardSimilarity(OWLClass c, OWLClass d) throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmc = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(c);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmd = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(d);

	return bmc.andCardinality(bmd) / (double) bmc.orCardinality(bmd);
Example #11
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
private Set<Node<OWLClass>> getNamedCommonSubsumers(int cix, int dix) throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmc = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(cix);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmd = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(dix);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap cad = bmc.and(bmd);
	Set<Node<OWLClass>> nodes = new HashSet<Node<OWLClass>>();
	for (int ix : cad.toArray()) {
		OWLClassNode node = new OWLClassNode(classArray[ix]);
	return nodes;
Example #12
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public Set<Node<OWLClass>> getNamedCommonSubsumers(OWLNamedIndividual i,
		OWLNamedIndividual j) throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmc = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(i);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmd = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(j);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap cad = bmc.and(bmd);
	Set<Node<OWLClass>> nodes = new HashSet<Node<OWLClass>>();
	for (int ix : cad.toArray()) {
		OWLClassNode node = new OWLClassNode(classArray[ix]);
	return nodes;
Example #13
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
private Set<Node<OWLClass>> getNamedUnionSubsumers(OWLNamedIndividual i,
		OWLNamedIndividual j) throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmc = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(i);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmd = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(j);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap cad = bmc.or(bmd);
	Set<Node<OWLClass>> nodes = new HashSet<Node<OWLClass>>();
	for (int ix : cad.toArray()) {
		OWLClassNode node = new OWLClassNode(classArray[ix]);
	return nodes;
Example #14
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public Set<Node<OWLClass>> getNamedLowestCommonSubsumers(OWLClass c,
		OWLClass d) throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	EWAHCompressedBitmap cad = getNamedLowestCommonSubsumersAsBitmap(c, d);
	Set<Node<OWLClass>> nodes = new HashSet<Node<OWLClass>>();
	// TODO - optimize this & ensure all elements of an equivalence set are included
	for (int ix : cad.toArray()) {
		OWLClassNode node = new OWLClassNode(classArray[ix]);
	return nodes;

Example #15
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
private double computeSimJwithBM(EWAHCompressedBitmap iAttsBM, EWAHCompressedBitmap jAttsBM) {
	int cadSize = iAttsBM.andCardinality(jAttsBM);
	int cudSize = iAttsBM.orCardinality(jAttsBM);
	double simJPct = 0;
	if (cudSize != 0) {
		simJPct = (cadSize * 100) / cudSize;
	return simJPct;
Example #16
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
private Set<Node<OWLClass>> getNamedLowestCommonSubsumers(int cix, int dix) throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	EWAHCompressedBitmap cad = getNamedLowestCommonSubsumersAsBitmap(cix, dix);
	Set<Node<OWLClass>> nodes = new HashSet<Node<OWLClass>>();
	// TODO - optimize this & ensure all elements of an equivalence set are included
	for (int ix : cad.toArray()) {
		OWLClassNode node = new OWLClassNode(classArray[ix]);
	return nodes;

Example #17
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
private EWAHCompressedBitmap getNamedLowestCommonSubsumersAsBitmap(OWLClass c,
		OWLClass d) throws UnknownOWLClassException  {
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmc = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(c);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmd = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(d);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap cad = bmc.and(bmd);	
	int[] csInts = cad.toArray();
	for (int ix : csInts) {
		cad = cad.andNot(ancsProperBitmapCachedModifiable(classArray[ix]));
	return cad;
Example #18
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
private EWAHCompressedBitmap getNamedLowestCommonSubsumersAsBitmap(int cix, int dix)
		throws UnknownOWLClassException  {
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmc = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(cix);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmd = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(dix);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap cad = bmc.and(bmd);	
	int[] csInts = cad.toArray();
	for (int ix : csInts) {
		cad = cad.andNot(ancsProperBitmapCachedModifiable(classArray[ix]));
	return cad;
Example #19
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
private ScoreAttributeSetPair getLowestCommonSubsumerWithICNoCache(int cix, int dix)
		throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
	EWAHCompressedBitmap cad = getNamedLowestCommonSubsumersAsBitmap(cix, dix);

	Set<OWLClass> lcsClasses = new HashSet<OWLClass>();
	double maxScore = 0.0;
	for (int ix : cad.toArray()) {
		// TODO: use getAttributeTriadScore here
		double score = 
		double sdiff = score - maxScore;
		if (sdiff >= 0) {
			if (sdiff > 0.01) {
				lcsClasses= new HashSet<OWLClass>(Collections.singleton(classArray[ix]));
				maxScore = score;					
			else {
				maxScore = score;					
		//			if (score == maxScore) {
		//				lcsClasses.add(classArray[ix]);
		//				maxScore = score;
		//			}
		//			else if (score >= maxScore) {
		//				lcsClasses= new HashSet<OWLClass>(Collections.singleton(classArray[ix]));
		//				maxScore = score;
		//			}
	if (lcsClasses.size() == 0) {
		// TODO - remove obsoletes
		//LOG.warn("Hmmmm "+c+" "+d+" "+lcs);
	totalTimeLCSIC += tdelta(t);

	return new ScoreAttributeSetPair(maxScore, lcsClasses);
Example #20
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public int getAttributeJaccardSimilarityAsPercent(OWLClass c,
		OWLClass d) throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmc = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(c);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmd = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(d);

	return (bmc.andCardinality(bmd) * 100) / bmc.orCardinality(bmd);
Example #21
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public double getElementJaccardSimilarity(OWLNamedIndividual i,
		OWLNamedIndividual j) throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmc = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(i);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmd = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(j);

	return bmc.andCardinality(bmd) / (double) bmc.orCardinality(bmd);
Example #22
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public int getElementJaccardSimilarityAsPercent(OWLNamedIndividual i,
		OWLNamedIndividual j) throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmc = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(i);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmd = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(j);

	return (bmc.andCardinality(bmd) * 100) / bmc.orCardinality(bmd);
Example #23
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public double getAsymmetricAttributeJaccardSimilarity(OWLClass c, OWLClass d) throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmc = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(c);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmd = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(d);

	return bmc.andCardinality(bmd) / (double) bmd.cardinality();
Example #24
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public double getAsymmetricElementJaccardSimilarity(OWLNamedIndividual i,
		OWLNamedIndividual j) throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmc = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(i);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmd = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(j);

	return bmc.andCardinality(bmd) / (double) bmd.cardinality();
Example #25
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public int getAsymmetricElementJaccardSimilarityAsPercent(OWLNamedIndividual i,
		OWLNamedIndividual j) throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmc = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(i);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmd = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(j);

	return (bmc.andCardinality(bmd) * 100) / bmd.cardinality();
Example #26
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public double getElementGraphInformationContentSimilarity(
		OWLNamedIndividual i, OWLNamedIndividual j) throws UnknownOWLClassException {
	// TODO - optimize
	long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmc = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(i);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bmd = ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(j);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap cad = bmc.and(bmd);
	EWAHCompressedBitmap cud = bmc.or(bmd);

	//Set<Node<OWLClass>> ci = getNamedCommonSubsumers(i, j);
	//Set<Node<OWLClass>> cu = getNamedUnionSubsumers(i, j);
	double sumICboth = 0;
	double sumICunion = 0;

	// faster than translating to integer list
	IntIterator it = cud.intIterator();
	while (it.hasNext()) {
		int x =;
		double ic = getInformationContentForAttribute(x);
		// TODO - we can avoid doing this twice by using xor in the bitmap
		sumICunion += ic;

		if (cad.get(x)) {
			sumICboth += ic;

	totalTimeGIC += tdelta(t);

	return sumICboth / sumICunion;
Example #27
Source File:    From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public EWAHCompressedBitmap ancsBitmapCachedModifiable(OWLClass c) {
	if (superclassBitmapMap != null && superclassBitmapMap.containsKey(c)) {
		return superclassBitmapMap.get(c);
	Set<Integer> caints = ancsIntsCachedModifiable(c);
	//msg(c + " ancs = "+caints.size());
	EWAHCompressedBitmap bm = bm(caints);
	if (superclassBitmapMap == null)
		superclassBitmapMap = new HashMap<OWLClass,EWAHCompressedBitmap>();
	superclassBitmapMap.put(c, bm);
	return bm;		
Example #28
Source File:    From RoaringBitmap with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public BitmapAggregator priorityQueueOrAggregator() {
  return new BitmapAggregator() {
    public Bitmap aggregate(final Iterable<Bitmap> bitmaps) {
      Iterator<EWAHCompressedBitmap> iterator = new Iterator<EWAHCompressedBitmap>() {
        final Iterator<Bitmap> i = bitmaps.iterator();

        public boolean hasNext() {
          return i.hasNext();

        public EWAHCompressedBitmap next() {
          return ((EwahBitmapWrapper);

        public void remove() {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
      return new EwahBitmapWrapper(FastAggregation.or(iterator));
Example #29
Source File:    From StreamingRec with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Calculates the Jaccard similarity of two items in terms of their keywords
 * @param itemKeywords Keywords of the first item
 * @param anotherItemsKeywords Keywords of the other item 
 * @return the Jaccard similarity
protected double similarity(EWAHCompressedBitmap itemKeywords, EWAHCompressedBitmap anotherItemsKeywords) {
	int intersection = itemKeywords.andCardinality(anotherItemsKeywords);
	if (intersection == 0) {
		// if the intersection is 0 -> return 0
		return 0;
	// otherwise calculate the jaccard
	int union = itemKeywords.orCardinality(anotherItemsKeywords);
	return intersection * 1d / union * 1d;
Example #30
Source File:    From StreamingRec with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Calculates the Jaccard similarity of two items in terms of the sets of users 
 * that clicked on them respectively
 * @param itemClicks Users that clicked on the first item
 * @param anotherItemsClicks Users that clicked on the other item 
 * @return the Jaccard similarity
protected double similarity(EWAHCompressedBitmap itemClicks, EWAHCompressedBitmap anotherItemsClicks) {
	int intersection = itemClicks.andCardinality(anotherItemsClicks);
	if (intersection == 0) {
		// if the intersection is 0 -> return 0
		return 0;
	// otherwise calculate the jaccard
	int union = itemClicks.orCardinality(anotherItemsClicks);
	return intersection * 1d / union * 1d;