kodkod.ast.visitor.AbstractReplacer Java Examples

The following examples show how to use kodkod.ast.visitor.AbstractReplacer. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: Translator.java    From org.alloytools.alloy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns an annotated formula f such that f.node is equivalent to
 * annotated.node with its <tt>truePreds</tt> replaced with the constant formula
 * TRUE and the remaining predicates replaced with equivalent constraints.
 * @requires truePreds in annotated.predicates()[RelationnPredicate.NAME]
 * @requires truePreds are trivially true with respect to this.bounds
 * @return an annotated formula f such that f.node is equivalent to
 *         annotated.node with its <tt>truePreds</tt> replaced with the constant
 *         formula TRUE and the remaining predicates replaced with equivalent
 *         constraints.
private AnnotatedNode<Formula> inlinePredicates(final AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated, final Set<RelationPredicate> truePreds) {
    final AbstractReplacer inliner = new AbstractReplacer(annotated.sharedNodes()) {

        public Formula visit(RelationPredicate pred) {
            Formula ret = lookup(pred);
            if (ret != null)
                return ret;
            return truePreds.contains(pred) ? cache(pred, Formula.TRUE) : cache(pred, pred.toConstraints());
    Formula x = annotated.node().accept(inliner);
    return annotate(x);
Example #2
Source File: Translator.java    From org.alloytools.alloy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns an annotated formula f such that f.node is equivalent to
 * annotated.node with its <tt>simplified</tt> predicates replaced with their
 * corresponding Formulas and the remaining predicates replaced with equivalent
 * constraints. The annotated formula f will contain transitive source
 * information for each of the subformulas of f.node. Specifically, let t be a
 * subformula of f.node, and s be a descdendent of annotated.node from which t
 * was derived. Then, f.source[t] = annotated.source[s].
 * </p>
 * @requires simplified.keySet() in
 *           annotated.predicates()[RelationPredicate.NAME]
 * @requires no disj p, p': simplified.keySet() | simplified.get(p) =
 *           simplifed.get(p') // this must hold in order to maintain the
 *           invariant that each subformula of the returned formula has exactly
 *           one source
 * @requires for each p in simplified.keySet(), the formulas "p and
 *           [[this.bounds]]" and "simplified.get(p) and [[this.bounds]]" are
 *           equisatisfiable
 * @return an annotated formula f such that f.node is equivalent to
 *         annotated.node with its <tt>simplified</tt> predicates replaced with
 *         their corresponding Formulas and the remaining predicates replaced
 *         with equivalent constraints.
private AnnotatedNode<Formula> inlinePredicates(final AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated, final Map<RelationPredicate,Formula> simplified) {
    final Map<Node,Node> sources = new IdentityHashMap<Node,Node>();
    final AbstractReplacer inliner = new AbstractReplacer(annotated.sharedNodes()) {

        private RelationPredicate source = null;

        protected <N extends Node> N cache(N node, N replacement) {
            if (replacement instanceof Formula) {
                if (source == null) {
                    final Node nsource = annotated.sourceOf(node);
                    if (replacement != nsource)
                        sources.put(replacement, nsource);
                } else {
                    sources.put(replacement, source);
            return super.cache(node, replacement);

        public Formula visit(RelationPredicate pred) {
            Formula ret = lookup(pred);
            if (ret != null)
                return ret;
            source = pred;
            if (simplified.containsKey(pred)) {
                ret = simplified.get(pred).accept(this);
            } else {
                ret = pred.toConstraints().accept(this);
            source = null;
            return cache(pred, ret);

    return annotate(annotated.node().accept(inliner), sources);
Example #3
Source File: Translator.java    From kodkod with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns an annotated formula f such that f.node is equivalent to annotated.node
 * with its <tt>truePreds</tt> replaced with the constant formula TRUE and the remaining
 * predicates replaced with equivalent constraints.
 * @requires truePreds in annotated.predicates()[RelationnPredicate.NAME]
 * @requires truePreds are trivially true with respect to this.bounds
 * @return an annotated formula f such that f.node is equivalent to annotated.node
 * with its <tt>truePreds</tt> replaced with the constant formula TRUE and the remaining
 * predicates replaced with equivalent constraints.
private AnnotatedNode<Formula> inlinePredicates(final AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated, final Set<RelationPredicate> truePreds) {
	final AbstractReplacer inliner = new AbstractReplacer(annotated.sharedNodes()) {
		public Formula visit(RelationPredicate pred) {
			Formula ret = lookup(pred);
			if (ret!=null) return ret;
			return truePreds.contains(pred) ? cache(pred, Formula.TRUE) : cache(pred, pred.toConstraints());
	return annotate(annotated.node().accept(inliner));	
Example #4
Source File: Translator.java    From kodkod with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns an annotated formula f such that f.node is equivalent to annotated.node
 * with its <tt>simplified</tt> predicates replaced with their corresponding Formulas and the remaining
 * predicates replaced with equivalent constraints.  The annotated formula f will contain transitive source 
 * information for each of the subformulas of f.node.  Specifically, let t be a subformula of f.node, and
 * s be a descdendent of annotated.node from which t was derived.  Then, f.source[t] = annotated.source[s]. </p>
 * @requires simplified.keySet() in annotated.predicates()[RelationPredicate.NAME]
 * @requires no disj p, p': simplified.keySet() | simplified.get(p) = simplified.get(p') // this must hold in order
 * to maintain the invariant that each subformula of the returned formula has exactly one source
 * @requires for each p in simplified.keySet(), the formulas "p and [[this.bounds]]" and
 * "simplified.get(p) and [[this.bounds]]" are equisatisfiable
 * @return an annotated formula f such that f.node is equivalent to annotated.node
 * with its <tt>simplified</tt> predicates replaced with their corresponding Formulas and the remaining
 * predicates replaced with equivalent constraints.
private AnnotatedNode<Formula> inlinePredicates(final AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated, final Map<RelationPredicate,Formula> simplified) {
	final Map<Node,Node> sources = new IdentityHashMap<Node,Node>();
	final AbstractReplacer inliner = new AbstractReplacer(annotated.sharedNodes()) {
		private RelationPredicate source =  null;			
		protected <N extends Node> N cache(N node, N replacement) {
			if (replacement instanceof Formula) {
				if (source==null) {
					final Node nsource = annotated.sourceOf(node);
					if (replacement!=nsource) 
						sources.put(replacement, nsource);
				} else {
					sources.put(replacement, source);
			return super.cache(node, replacement);
		public Formula visit(RelationPredicate pred) {
			Formula ret = lookup(pred);
			if (ret!=null) return ret;
			source = pred;
			if (simplified.containsKey(pred)) {
				ret = simplified.get(pred).accept(this);
			} else {
				ret = pred.toConstraints().accept(this);
			source = null;
			return cache(pred, ret);

	return annotate(annotated.node().accept(inliner), sources);
Example #5
Source File: HOLTranslationNew.java    From org.alloytools.alloy with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public boolean solveNext() {
    convInst = null;
    iterCnt = 0;
    int maxIter = options.getHolSome4AllMaxIter();
    HOLTranslation currTr = convTr;
    while (currTr.cnf().solve()) {
        final Instance currInst = currTr.interpret();
        final Evaluator eval = new Evaluator(currInst);
        convTr = currTr;
        convInst = currTr.interpret();
        if (iterCnt == 0)
            rep.holFixpointFirstSolution(Fixpoint.this, currInst);
            rep.holFixpointIncrementingOutcome(Fixpoint.this, currInst);
        if (maxIter > 0 && iterCnt > maxIter)
            throw new HOLException("[Fixpoint] Max number of iterations reached: " + maxIter);
        // TODO: works only when inc is first order
        Formula inc = proc.fullConditionFormula().accept(new AbstractReplacer(new HashSet<Node>()) {

            public Expression visit(UnaryExpression unaryExpr) {
                if (unaryExpr.op() != ExprOperator.PRE)
                    return super.visit(unaryExpr);
                TupleSet val = eval.evaluate(unaryExpr.expression());
                return bounds.ts2expr(val);
        // if (iterCnt == 1) {
        // List<Formula> fix = new
        // ArrayList<Formula>(bounds.relations().size());
        // for (Relation r: bounds.relations()) {
        // if (r.isAtom()) continue;
        // if (!r.name().endsWith("_clq") &&
        // !r.name().endsWith("_e")) {
        // Expression val = bounds.ts2expr(currInst.tuples(r));
        // fix.add(val == Expression.NONE ? r.no() : r.eq(val));
        // }
        // }
        // inc = inc.and(Formula.and(fix));
        // }
        rep.holFixpointIncrementing(Fixpoint.this, inc);
        currTr = currTr.next(inc);
    if (convInst != null && iterCnt > 0)
        rep.holFixpointIncrementingOutcome(Fixpoint.this, null);
    return convInst != null;