Java Code Examples for org.jxmpp.jid.EntityFullJid#getResourcepart()
The following examples show how to use
org.jxmpp.jid.EntityFullJid#getResourcepart() .
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Example 1
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void userHasLogged(EntityFullJid user) { String localpart = user.getLocalpart().toString(); boolean isAnonymous = "".equals(localpart); String title = "User logged (" + connection.getConnectionCounter() + "): " + (isAnonymous ? "" : localpart) + "@" + connection.getXMPPServiceDomain() + ":" + connection.getPort(); title += "/" + user.getResourcepart(); log(title); // Add the connection listener to the connection so that the debugger can be notified // whenever the connection is closed. connection.addConnectionListener(connListener); }
Example 2
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
Occupant(Presence presence) { MUCUser mucUser = (MUCUser) presence.getExtensionElement("x", ""); MUCItem item = mucUser.getItem(); this.jid = item.getJid(); this.affiliation = item.getAffiliation(); this.role = item.getRole(); // Get the nickname from the FROM attribute of the presence EntityFullJid from = presence.getFrom().asEntityFullJidIfPossible(); if (from == null) { LOGGER.warning("Occupant presence without resource: " + presence.getFrom()); this.nick = null; } else { this.nick = from.getResourcepart(); } }
Example 3
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override protected void sendChatState(ChatState state) throws SmackException.NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { if (!chatStatEnabled || !SparkManager.getConnection().isConnected() ) { return; } // XEP-0085: SHOULD NOT send 'gone' in a MUC. if ( state == ChatState.gone ) { return; } for ( final EntityFullJid occupant : chat.getOccupants() ) { final Resourcepart occupantNickname = occupant.getResourcepart(); final Resourcepart myNickname = chat.getNickname(); if (occupantNickname != null && !occupantNickname.equals(myNickname)) { SparkManager.getMessageEventManager().sendComposingNotification(occupant, "djn"); } } }
Example 4
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void startChat(ChatRoom groupChat, EntityFullJid groupJID) { Resourcepart userNickname = groupJID.getResourcepart(); String roomTitle = userNickname + " - " + groupChat.getRoomJid(); // TODO: Remove duplicate variable userNickname and nicknameOfUser. Resourcepart nicknameOfUser = userNickname; Resourcepart nickname = groupChat.getNickname(); if (nicknameOfUser.equals(nickname)) { return; } ChatRoom chatRoom; try { chatRoom = chatManager.getChatContainer().getChatRoom(groupJID); } catch (ChatRoomNotFoundException e) { Log.debug("Could not find chat room - " + groupJID); // Create new room chatRoom = new ChatRoomImpl(groupJID.asEntityBareJid(), nicknameOfUser, roomTitle); chatManager.getChatContainer().addChatRoom(chatRoom); } chatManager.getChatContainer().activateChatRoom(chatRoom); }
Example 5
Source File: From jxmpp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void entityFullFromComplexTest() throws XmppStringprepException { EntityFullJid entityFullJid = JidCreate.entityFullFrom(""); Domainpart domainpart = entityFullJid.getDomain(); assertEquals(Domainpart.from(""), domainpart); Localpart localpart = entityFullJid.getLocalpart(); assertEquals(Localpart.from("foo"), localpart); Resourcepart resourcepart = entityFullJid.getResourcepart(); assertEquals(Resourcepart.from("bar@baz"), resourcepart); }
Example 6
Source File: From jxmpp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void entityFullFromUnsecapedComplexTest() throws XmppStringprepException { EntityFullJid entityFullJid = JidCreate.entityFullFromUnescaped(""); Domainpart domainpart = entityFullJid.getDomain(); assertEquals(Domainpart.from(""), domainpart); Localpart localpart = entityFullJid.getLocalpart(); assertEquals(Localpart.from("foo"), localpart); Resourcepart resourcepart = entityFullJid.getResourcepart(); assertEquals(Resourcepart.from("bar@baz"), resourcepart); }
Example 7
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns the nickname that was used to join the room, or <code>null</code> if not * currently joined. * * @return the nickname currently being used. */ public Resourcepart getNickname() { final EntityFullJid myRoomJid = this.myRoomJid; if (myRoomJid == null) { return null; } return myRoomJid.getResourcepart(); }
Example 8
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Handle all presence packets being sent to this Group Chat Room. * * @param stanza the presence packet. */ private void handlePresencePacket( Stanza stanza ) { final Presence presence = (Presence) stanza; if ( presence.getError() != null ) { return; } final EntityFullJid from = presence.getFrom().asEntityFullJidIfPossible(); if (from == null) { return; } final Resourcepart nickname = from.getResourcepart(); final MUCUser mucUser = stanza.getExtension( "x", "" ); final Set<MUCUser.Status> status = new HashSet<>(); if ( mucUser != null ) { status.addAll( mucUser.getStatus() ); final Destroy destroy = mucUser.getDestroy(); if ( destroy != null ) { UIManager.put( "OptionPane.okButtonText", Res.getString( "ok" ) ); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, Res.getString( "", destroy.getReason() ), Res.getString( "" ), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE ); leaveChatRoom(); return; } } if ( presence.getType() == Presence.Type.unavailable && !status.contains( MUCUser.Status.NEW_NICKNAME_303 ) ) { if ( currentUserList.contains( from ) ) { if ( pref.isShowJoinLeaveMessagesEnabled() ) { getTranscriptWindow().insertNotificationMessage( Res.getString( "", nickname ), ChatManager.NOTIFICATION_COLOR ); scrollToBottom(); } currentUserList.remove( from ); } } else { if ( !currentUserList.contains( from ) ) { currentUserList.add( from ); getChatInputEditor().setEnabled( true ); if ( pref.isShowJoinLeaveMessagesEnabled() ) { getTranscriptWindow().insertNotificationMessage( Res.getString( "", nickname ), ChatManager.NOTIFICATION_COLOR ); scrollToBottom(); } } } }
Example 9
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected ImageIcon getImageIcon(EntityFullJid participantJID) { Resourcepart displayName = participantJID.getResourcepart(); ImageIcon icon = SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.GREEN_BALL); icon.setDescription(displayName.toString()); return icon; }
Example 10
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected void addParticipant(final EntityFullJid participantJID, Presence presence) { // Remove reference to invitees for (CharSequence displayName : invitees.keySet()) { EntityFullJid jid = SparkManager.getUserManager().getJIDFromDisplayName( displayName); Occupant occ = chat.getOccupant(jid); if (occ != null) { String actualJID = occ.getJid().toString(); if (actualJID.equals(jid)) { removeUser(displayName); } } } Resourcepart nickname = participantJID.getResourcepart(); MUCAffiliation affiliation = null; MUCRole role = null; final MUCUser extension = (MUCUser) presence.getExtension( MUCUser.NAMESPACE ); if ( extension != null && extension.getItem() != null ) { affiliation = extension.getItem().getAffiliation(); role = extension.getItem().getRole(); } if ( affiliation == null ) { affiliation = MUCAffiliation.none; } if ( role == null ) { role = MUCRole.none; } usersToRoles.put(participantJID, role); usersToAffiliation.put(participantJID, affiliation); Icon icon; if (_localPreferences.isShowingRoleIcons()) { icon = getIconForRole(role, affiliation); } else { icon = PresenceManager.getIconFromPresence(presence); if (icon == null) { icon = SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.GREEN_BALL); } } if (!exists(nickname)) { addUser(icon, nickname); } else { int index = getIndex(nickname); if (index != -1) { final JLabel userLabel = new JLabel(nickname.toString(), icon, JLabel.HORIZONTAL); model.setElementAt(userLabel, index); } } }
Example 11
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Handles the Nickname Completion dialog, when Pressing CTRL + SPACE<br> * it searches for matches in the current GroupchatList and also in the * Roster * * @throws ChatRoomNotFoundException * when for some reason the GroupChatRoom cannot be found, this * should <u>not</u> happen, since we retrieve it from the * ActiveWindowTab and thus <u>can be ignored</u> */ private void handleNickNameCompletion() throws ChatRoomNotFoundException { // Search for a name that starts with the same word as the last word in the chat input editor. final String text = getChatInputEditor().getText(); if ( text == null || text.isEmpty() ) { return; } final int lastSpaceCharacterIndex = text.lastIndexOf( ' ' ); // -1 when space does not occur. final String needle = text.substring( lastSpaceCharacterIndex + 1 ); final Set<String> matches = new TreeSet<>( String::compareToIgnoreCase ); if ( SparkManager.getChatManager().getChatContainer().getActiveChatRoom() instanceof GroupChatRoom ) { final GroupChatRoom activeChatRoom = (GroupChatRoom) SparkManager.getChatManager().getChatContainer().getActiveChatRoom(); for ( EntityFullJid participant : activeChatRoom.getParticipants() ) { final Resourcepart nickname = participant.getResourcepart(); if ( nickname.toString().toLowerCase().startsWith( needle.toLowerCase() ) ) { matches.add( nickname.toString() ); } } } else { for ( RosterEntry re : Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ).getEntries() ) { // Use the name if available, otherwise the localpart of the JID. final String username; if ( re.getName() != null ) { username = re.getName(); } else { username = re.getUser().substring( 0, re.getUser().indexOf( '@' ) ); } if ( username.toLowerCase().startsWith( needle.toLowerCase() ) ) { matches.add( username ); } } } if ( matches.size() == 1 ) { // If we only have 1 match, that match can be used immediately. getChatInputEditor().appendText( matches.iterator().next().substring( needle.length() ) ); } else { // More than one match: create Popupmenu and let the user select one. final JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu(); for ( final String match : matches ) { final JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem( match ); popup.add( menuItem ); menuItem.addActionListener( new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { getChatInputEditor().appendText( match.substring( needle.length() ) ); popup.setVisible( false ); } } ); } SparkManager.getChatManager().getChatContainer(), getChatInputEditor().getCaret().getMagicCaretPosition().x, SparkManager.getChatManager().getChatContainer().getHeight() - 20 ); } }