elemental2.dom.Element Java Examples

The following examples show how to use elemental2.dom.Element. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: NaluPluginElemento.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public boolean attach(String selector,
                      Object content) {
  Element selectorElement = DomGlobal.document.querySelector("#" + selector);
  if (selectorElement == null) {
    return false;
  } else {
    if (content instanceof Iterable) {
      Iterable<?> elements = (Iterable<?>) content;
      for (Object element : elements) {
        if (element instanceof IsElement) {
          selectorElement.appendChild(((IsElement<?>) element).element());
        } else if (element instanceof HTMLElement) {
          selectorElement.appendChild(((HTMLElement) element));
    } else if (content instanceof IsElement) {
      selectorElement.appendChild(((IsElement<?>) content).element());
    } else if (content instanceof HTMLElement) {
      selectorElement.appendChild(((HTMLElement) content));
    return true;
Example #2
Source File: MockShellLogin.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private HTMLElement render() {
  document.body.style.margin = CSSProperties.MarginUnionType.of(0);

  HTMLDivElement shell = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  shell.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("auto");
  shell.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  shell.style.margin = CSSProperties.MarginUnionType.of(0);

  HTMLDivElement content = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  content.id = "content";
  content.style.position = "absolute";
  content.style.overflow = "hidden";
  content.style.top = "128px";
  content.style.bottom = "42px";
  content.style.left = "212px";
  content.style.right = String.valueOf(0);


  Element footer = createSouth();

  return shell;
Example #3
Source File: NaluPluginElemental2.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void updateMetaPropertyContent(String property,
                                      String content) {
  NodeList<Element> metaTagList = DomGlobal.document.getElementsByTagName("meta");
  for (int i = 0; i < metaTagList.length; i++) {
    if (metaTagList.item(i) instanceof HTMLMetaElement) {
      HTMLMetaElement nodeListElement = (HTMLMetaElement) metaTagList.item(i);
      if (!Objects.isNull(nodeListElement.getAttribute("property"))) {
        if (nodeListElement.getAttribute("property")
                           .equals(property)) {
  HTMLMetaElement metaElement = (HTMLMetaElement) DomGlobal.document.createElement("meta");
  metaElement.content = content;
Example #4
Source File: NaluPluginElemental2.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void updateMetaNameContent(String name,
                                  String content) {
  NodeList<Element> metaTagList = DomGlobal.document.getElementsByTagName("meta");
  for (int i = 0; i < metaTagList.length; i++) {
    if (metaTagList.item(i) instanceof HTMLMetaElement) {
      HTMLMetaElement nodeListElement = (HTMLMetaElement) metaTagList.item(i);
      if (!Objects.isNull(nodeListElement.name)) {
        if (nodeListElement.name.equals(name)) {
  HTMLMetaElement metaTagElement = (HTMLMetaElement) DomGlobal.document.createElement("meta");
  metaTagElement.name = name;
  metaTagElement.content = content;
Example #5
Source File: LeafletResources.java    From gwty-leaflet with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void whenReady(boolean debug, Element.OnloadFn function){
	HTMLScriptElement leafletScript = (HTMLScriptElement) DomGlobal.document.createElement("script");
	if (debug) {
		leafletScript.src = GWT.getModuleName() + "/leaflet/leaflet-src.js";
	} else {
		leafletScript.src = GWT.getModuleName() + "/leaflet/leaflet.js";
	HTMLLinkElement leafletStyle = (HTMLLinkElement) DomGlobal.document.createElement("link");
	leafletScript.onload = function;
Example #6
Source File: NaluPluginElemento.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void updateMetaPropertyContent(String property,
                                      String content) {
  NodeList<Element> metaTagList = DomGlobal.document.getElementsByTagName("meta");
  for (int i = 0; i < metaTagList.length; i++) {
    if (metaTagList.item(i) instanceof HTMLMetaElement) {
      HTMLMetaElement nodeListElement = (HTMLMetaElement) metaTagList.item(i);
      if (!Objects.isNull(nodeListElement.getAttribute("property"))) {
        if (nodeListElement.getAttribute("property")
                           .equals(property)) {
  HTMLMetaElement metaElement = (HTMLMetaElement) DomGlobal.document.createElement("meta");
  metaElement.content = content;
Example #7
Source File: NaluPluginElemento.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void updateMetaNameContent(String name,
                                  String content) {
  NodeList<Element> metaTagList = DomGlobal.document.getElementsByTagName("meta");
  for (int i = 0; i < metaTagList.length; i++) {
    if (metaTagList.item(i) instanceof HTMLMetaElement) {
      HTMLMetaElement nodeListElement = (HTMLMetaElement) metaTagList.item(i);
      if (!Objects.isNull(nodeListElement.name)) {
        if (nodeListElement.name.equals(name)) {
  HTMLMetaElement metaTagElement = (HTMLMetaElement) DomGlobal.document.createElement("meta");
  metaTagElement.name = name;
  metaTagElement.content = content;
Example #8
Source File: NaluPluginElemento.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void remove(String selector) {
  Element selectorElement = DomGlobal.document.querySelector("#" + selector);
  if (selectorElement != null) {
    if (selectorElement.childNodes.length > 0) {
      for (int i = selectorElement.childNodes.asList()
                                             .size() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
Example #9
Source File: InjectedLeafletResources.java    From gwty-leaflet with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void whenReady(Element.OnloadFn function){
	HTMLScriptElement leafletScript = (HTMLScriptElement) DomGlobal.document.createElement("script");
	leafletScript.onload = function;
Example #10
Source File: MockShellLogin.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Element createNorth() {
  HTMLElement panel = (HTMLElement) document.createElement("header");
  panel.id = "header";
  panel.style.position = "absolute";
  panel.style.overflow = "hidden";
  panel.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("128px");
  panel.style.top = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.right = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  panel.style.borderBottom = "black 1px solid";
  return panel;
Example #11
Source File: MockShellLogin.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Element createSouth() {
  HTMLElement panel = (HTMLElement) document.createElement("header");
  panel.id = "footer";
  panel.style.position = "absolute";
  panel.style.overflow = "hidden";
  panel.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("128px");
  panel.style.top = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.right = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  panel.style.borderBottom = "black 1px solid";
  return panel;
Example #12
Source File: MockShell01.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private HTMLElement render() {
  document.body.style.margin = CSSProperties.MarginUnionType.of(0);

  this.shell = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  this.shell.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("auto");
  this.shell.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  this.shell.style.margin = CSSProperties.MarginUnionType.of(0);

  Element header = createNorth();

  HTMLDivElement navigation = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  navigation.id = "navigation";
  navigation.style.position = "absolute";
  navigation.style.overflow = "hidden";
  navigation.style.top = "128px";
  navigation.style.bottom = "42px";
  navigation.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  navigation.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("212px");
  navigation.style.borderRight = "black 1px solid";

  HTMLDivElement content = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  content.id = "content";
  content.style.position = "absolute";
  content.style.overflow = "hidden";
  content.style.top = "128px";
  content.style.bottom = "42px";
  content.style.left = "212px";
  content.style.right = String.valueOf(0);


  Element footer = createSouth();

  return this.shell;
Example #13
Source File: MockShell01.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Element createNorth() {
  HTMLElement panel = (HTMLElement) document.createElement("header");
  panel.id = "header";
  panel.style.position = "absolute";
  panel.style.overflow = "hidden";
  panel.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("128px");
  panel.style.top = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.right = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  panel.style.borderBottom = "black 1px solid";
  return panel;
Example #14
Source File: MockShell01.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Element createSouth() {
  HTMLElement panel = (HTMLElement) document.createElement("header");
  panel.id = "footer";
  panel.style.position = "absolute";
  panel.style.overflow = "hidden";
  panel.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("128px");
  panel.style.top = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.right = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  panel.style.borderBottom = "black 1px solid";
  return panel;
Example #15
Source File: MockShellDuplicateName.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private HTMLElement render() {
  document.body.style.margin = CSSProperties.MarginUnionType.of(0);

  HTMLDivElement shell = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  shell.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("auto");
  shell.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  shell.style.margin = CSSProperties.MarginUnionType.of(0);

  Element header = createNorth();

  HTMLDivElement navigation = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  navigation.id = "navigation";
  navigation.style.position = "absolute";
  navigation.style.overflow = "hidden";
  navigation.style.top = "128px";
  navigation.style.bottom = "42px";
  navigation.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  navigation.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("212px");
  navigation.style.borderRight = "black 1px solid";

  HTMLDivElement content = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  content.id = "content";
  content.style.position = "absolute";
  content.style.overflow = "hidden";
  content.style.top = "128px";
  content.style.bottom = "42px";
  content.style.left = "212px";
  content.style.right = String.valueOf(0);


  Element footer = createSouth();

  return shell;
Example #16
Source File: MockShellDuplicateName.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Element createNorth() {
  HTMLElement panel = (HTMLElement) document.createElement("header");
  panel.id = "header";
  panel.style.position = "absolute";
  panel.style.overflow = "hidden";
  panel.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("128px");
  panel.style.top = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.right = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  panel.style.borderBottom = "black 1px solid";
  return panel;
Example #17
Source File: MockShellDuplicateName.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Element createSouth() {
  HTMLElement panel = (HTMLElement) document.createElement("header");
  panel.id = "footer";
  panel.style.position = "absolute";
  panel.style.overflow = "hidden";
  panel.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("128px");
  panel.style.top = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.right = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  panel.style.borderBottom = "black 1px solid";
  return panel;
Example #18
Source File: MockShell.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private HTMLElement render() {
  document.body.style.margin = CSSProperties.MarginUnionType.of(0);

  this.shell = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  this.shell.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("auto");
  this.shell.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  this.shell.style.margin = CSSProperties.MarginUnionType.of(0);

  Element header = createNorth();

  HTMLDivElement navigation = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  navigation.id = "navigation";
  navigation.style.position = "absolute";
  navigation.style.overflow = "hidden";
  navigation.style.top = "128px";
  navigation.style.bottom = "42px";
  navigation.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  navigation.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("212px");
  navigation.style.borderRight = "black 1px solid";

  HTMLDivElement content = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  content.id = "content";
  content.style.position = "absolute";
  content.style.overflow = "hidden";
  content.style.top = "128px";
  content.style.bottom = "42px";
  content.style.left = "212px";
  content.style.right = String.valueOf(0);


  Element footer = createSouth();

  return this.shell;
Example #19
Source File: MockShell.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Element createNorth() {
  HTMLElement panel = (HTMLElement) document.createElement("header");
  panel.id = "header";
  panel.style.position = "absolute";
  panel.style.overflow = "hidden";
  panel.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("128px");
  panel.style.top = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.right = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  panel.style.borderBottom = "black 1px solid";
  return panel;
Example #20
Source File: MockShell.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Element createSouth() {
  HTMLElement panel = (HTMLElement) document.createElement("header");
  panel.id = "footer";
  panel.style.position = "absolute";
  panel.style.overflow = "hidden";
  panel.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("128px");
  panel.style.top = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.right = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  panel.style.borderBottom = "black 1px solid";
  return panel;
Example #21
Source File: MockErrorShellIllegal.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private HTMLElement render() {
  document.body.style.margin = CSSProperties.MarginUnionType.of(0);

  HTMLDivElement shell = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  shell.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("auto");
  shell.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  shell.style.margin = CSSProperties.MarginUnionType.of(0);

  Element header = createNorth();

  HTMLDivElement navigation = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  navigation.id = "navigation";
  navigation.style.position = "absolute";
  navigation.style.overflow = "hidden";
  navigation.style.top = "128px";
  navigation.style.bottom = "42px";
  navigation.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  navigation.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("212px");
  navigation.style.borderRight = "black 1px solid";

  HTMLDivElement content = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  content.id = "content";
  content.style.position = "absolute";
  content.style.overflow = "hidden";
  content.style.top = "128px";
  content.style.bottom = "42px";
  content.style.left = "212px";
  content.style.right = String.valueOf(0);


  Element footer = createSouth();

  return shell;
Example #22
Source File: MockErrorShellIllegal.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Element createNorth() {
  HTMLElement panel = (HTMLElement) document.createElement("header");
  panel.id = "header";
  panel.style.position = "absolute";
  panel.style.overflow = "hidden";
  panel.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("128px");
  panel.style.top = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.right = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  panel.style.borderBottom = "black 1px solid";
  return panel;
Example #23
Source File: MockErrorShellIllegal.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Element createSouth() {
  HTMLElement panel = (HTMLElement) document.createElement("header");
  panel.id = "footer";
  panel.style.position = "absolute";
  panel.style.overflow = "hidden";
  panel.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("128px");
  panel.style.top = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.right = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  panel.style.borderBottom = "black 1px solid";
  return panel;
Example #24
Source File: MockErrorShell.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Element createNorth() {
  HTMLElement panel = (HTMLElement) document.createElement("header");
  panel.id = "header";
  panel.style.position = "absolute";
  panel.style.overflow = "hidden";
  panel.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("128px");
  panel.style.top = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.right = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  panel.style.borderBottom = "black 1px solid";
  return panel;
Example #25
Source File: NaluPluginElemental2.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean attach(String selector,
                      Object asElement) {
  Element selectorElement = DomGlobal.document.querySelector("#" + selector);
  if (selectorElement == null) {
    return false;
  } else {
    selectorElement.appendChild((HTMLElement) asElement);
    return true;
Example #26
Source File: NaluPluginElemental2.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void remove(String selector) {
  Element selectorElement = DomGlobal.document.querySelector("#" + selector);
  if (selectorElement != null) {
    if (selectorElement.childNodes.length > 0) {
      for (int i = selectorElement.childNodes.asList()
                                             .size() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
Example #27
Source File: ShellDoesNotHaveGenericContext.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private HTMLElement render() {
  document.body.style.margin = CSSProperties.MarginUnionType.of(0);

  HTMLDivElement shell = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  shell.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("auto");
  shell.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  shell.style.margin = CSSProperties.MarginUnionType.of(0);

  Element header = createNorth();

  HTMLDivElement navigation = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  navigation.id = "navigation";
  navigation.style.position = "absolute";
  navigation.style.overflow = "hidden";
  navigation.style.top = "128px";
  navigation.style.bottom = "42px";
  navigation.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  navigation.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("212px");
  navigation.style.borderRight = "black 1px solid";

  HTMLDivElement content = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  content.id = "content";
  content.style.position = "absolute";
  content.style.overflow = "hidden";
  content.style.top = "128px";
  content.style.bottom = "42px";
  content.style.left = "212px";
  content.style.right = String.valueOf(0);


  Element footer = createSouth();

  return shell;
Example #28
Source File: ShellDoesNotHaveGenericContext.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Element createNorth() {
  HTMLElement panel = (HTMLElement) document.createElement("header");
  panel.id = "header";
  panel.style.position = "absolute";
  panel.style.overflow = "hidden";
  panel.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("128px");
  panel.style.top = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.right = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  panel.style.borderBottom = "black 1px solid";
  return panel;
Example #29
Source File: ShellDoesNotHaveGenericContext.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Element createSouth() {
  HTMLElement panel = (HTMLElement) document.createElement("header");
  panel.id = "footer";
  panel.style.position = "absolute";
  panel.style.overflow = "hidden";
  panel.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("128px");
  panel.style.top = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.right = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  panel.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  panel.style.borderBottom = "black 1px solid";
  return panel;
Example #30
Source File: ShellDoesNotExtendAbstractShell.java    From nalu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private HTMLElement render() {
  document.body.style.margin = CSSProperties.MarginUnionType.of(0);

  HTMLDivElement shell = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  shell.style.height = CSSProperties.HeightUnionType.of("auto");
  shell.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("100%");
  shell.style.margin = CSSProperties.MarginUnionType.of(0);

  Element header = createNorth();

  HTMLDivElement navigation = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  navigation.id = "navigation";
  navigation.style.position = "absolute";
  navigation.style.overflow = "hidden";
  navigation.style.top = "128px";
  navigation.style.bottom = "42px";
  navigation.style.left = String.valueOf(0);
  navigation.style.width = CSSProperties.WidthUnionType.of("212px");
  navigation.style.borderRight = "black 1px solid";

  HTMLDivElement content = (HTMLDivElement) document.createElement("div");
  content.id = "content";
  content.style.position = "absolute";
  content.style.overflow = "hidden";
  content.style.top = "128px";
  content.style.bottom = "42px";
  content.style.left = "212px";
  content.style.right = String.valueOf(0);


  Element footer = createSouth();

  return shell;