org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.util.ResolvedResource Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.util.ResolvedResource. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public ArtifactDownloadReport download(final ArtifactOrigin origin, DownloadOptions options) {
    Checks.checkNotNull(origin, "origin");
    return getRepositoryCacheManager().download(origin.getArtifact(),
        new ArtifactResourceResolver() {
            public ResolvedResource resolve(Artifact artifact) {
                try {
                    Resource resource = getResource(origin.getLocation());
                    if (resource != null) {
                        String revision = origin.getArtifact().getModuleRevisionId().getRevision();
                        return new ResolvedResource(resource, revision);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                return null;
        }, downloader, getCacheDownloadOptions(options));
Example #2
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public ResolvedResource findIvyFileRef(DependencyDescriptor dd, ResolveData data) {
    if (!isM2compatible() || !isUsepoms()) {
        return null;
    ModuleRevisionId mrid = dd.getDependencyRevisionId();
    mrid = convertM2IdForResourceSearch(mrid);
    final String revision = dd.getDependencyRevisionId().getRevision();
    final MavenTimedSnapshotVersionMatcher.MavenSnapshotRevision snapshotRevision = MavenTimedSnapshotVersionMatcher.computeIfSnapshot(revision);
    if (snapshotRevision != null) {
        final ResolvedResource rres = findSnapshotDescriptor(dd, data, mrid, snapshotRevision);
        if (rres != null) {
            return rres;
    return findResourceUsingPatterns(mrid, getIvyPatterns(),
            DefaultArtifact.newPomArtifact(mrid, data.getDate()), getRMDParser(dd, data),
Example #3
Source File:    From Pushjet-Android with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
public ResolvedModuleRevision cacheModuleDescriptor(DependencyResolver resolver, ResolvedResource resolvedResource, DependencyDescriptor dd, Artifact moduleArtifact, ResourceDownloader downloader, CacheMetadataOptions options) throws ParseException {
    if (!moduleArtifact.isMetadata()) {
        return null;

    assert resolvedResource.getResource().isLocal();
    File file = new File(resolvedResource.getResource().getName());
    assert file.isFile();

    ArtifactOrigin origin = new ArtifactOrigin(moduleArtifact, true, file.getAbsolutePath());
    MetadataArtifactDownloadReport report = new MetadataArtifactDownloadReport(moduleArtifact);

    ModuleDescriptor descriptor = parseModuleDescriptor(resolver, moduleArtifact, options, file, resolvedResource.getResource());
    return new ResolvedModuleRevision(resolver, resolver, descriptor, report);
Example #4
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public ResolvedResource findArtifactRef(Artifact artifact, Date date) {
    ModuleRevisionId mrid = artifact.getModuleRevisionId();
    if (isM2compatible()) {
        mrid = convertM2IdForResourceSearch(mrid);
    final String revision = artifact.getId().getRevision();
    final MavenTimedSnapshotVersionMatcher.MavenSnapshotRevision snapshotRevision = MavenTimedSnapshotVersionMatcher.computeIfSnapshot(revision);
    if (snapshotRevision != null) {
        final ResolvedResource rres = findSnapshotArtifact(artifact, date, mrid, snapshotRevision);
        if (rres != null) {
            return rres;
    return findResourceUsingPatterns(mrid, getArtifactPatterns(), artifact,
            getDefaultRMDParser(artifact.getModuleRevisionId().getModuleId()), date);
Example #5
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public DownloadReport download(Artifact[] artifacts, DownloadOptions options) {
    DownloadReport dr = new DownloadReport();
    for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
        final ArtifactDownloadReport adr = new ArtifactDownloadReport(artifact);
        ResolvedResource artifactRef = getArtifactRef(artifact, null);
        if (artifactRef != null) {
            Message.verbose("\t[NOT REQUIRED] " + artifact);
            ArtifactOrigin origin = new ArtifactOrigin(artifact, true, artifactRef
            File archiveFile = ((FileResource) artifactRef.getResource()).getFile();
        } else {
    return dr;
Example #6
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void resolveAndCheckRevision(ModuleDescriptor systemMd,
        ModuleRevisionId dependencyConstraint, ResolvedResource ivyRef, boolean isDynamic) {
    // we get the resolved module revision id from the descriptor: it may contain extra
    // attributes that were not included in the dependency constraint
    ModuleRevisionId resolvedMrid = systemMd.getResolvedModuleRevisionId();
    if (resolvedMrid.getRevision() == null || resolvedMrid.getRevision().length() == 0
            || resolvedMrid.getRevision().startsWith("working@")) {
        if (!isDynamic) {
            resolvedMrid = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(resolvedMrid,
        } else if (ivyRef == null) {
            resolvedMrid = systemMd.getMetadataArtifact().getModuleRevisionId();
        } else if (ivyRef.getRevision() == null || ivyRef.getRevision().length() == 0) {
            resolvedMrid = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(resolvedMrid, "working@" + getName());
        } else {
            resolvedMrid = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(resolvedMrid, ivyRef.getRevision());
    if (isDynamic) {
        Message.verbose("\t\t[" + toSystem(resolvedMrid).getRevision() + "] "
                + dependencyConstraint.getModuleId());
    checkModuleDescriptorRevision(systemMd, dependencyConstraint);
Example #7
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private ModuleRevisionId getRevision(ResolvedResource ivyRef, ModuleRevisionId askedMrid,
        ModuleDescriptor md) {
    Map<String, String> allAttributes = new HashMap<>();

    String revision = ivyRef.getRevision();
    if (revision == null) {
        Message.debug("no revision found in reference for " + askedMrid);
        if (getSettings().getVersionMatcher().isDynamic(askedMrid)) {
            if (md.getModuleRevisionId().getRevision() == null) {
                revision = "working@" + getName();
            } else {
                Message.debug("using " + askedMrid);
                revision = askedMrid.getRevision();
        } else {
            Message.debug("using " + askedMrid);
            revision = askedMrid.getRevision();

    return ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(askedMrid.getOrganisation(), askedMrid.getName(),
        askedMrid.getBranch(), revision, allAttributes);
Example #8
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private ResolvedResource findDynamicResourceUsingPattern(ResourceMDParser rmdparser,
        ModuleRevisionId mrid, String pattern, Artifact artifact, Date date) {
    String name = getName();
            IvyPatternHelper.getTokenString(IvyPatternHelper.REVISION_KEY)), artifact));
    ResolvedResource[] rress = listResources(repository, mrid, pattern, artifact);
    if (rress == null) {
        Message.debug("\t" + name + ": unable to list resources for " + mrid + ": pattern="
                + pattern);
        return null;
    } else {
        ResolvedResource found = findResource(rress, rmdparser, mrid, date);
        if (found == null) {
            Message.debug("\t" + name + ": no resource found for " + mrid + ": pattern="
                    + pattern);
        return found;
Example #9
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected ResourceMDParser getRMDParser(final DependencyDescriptor dd, final ResolveData data) {
    return new ResourceMDParser() {
        public MDResolvedResource parse(Resource resource, String rev) {
            try {
                ResolvedModuleRevision rmr = BasicResolver.this.parse(new ResolvedResource(
                        resource, rev), dd, data);
                if (rmr != null) {
                    return new MDResolvedResource(resource, rev, rmr);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                Message.warn("Failed to parse the file '" + resource + "'", e);
            return null;

Example #10
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Test case for IVY-676.
 * @throws Exception if something goes wrong
 * @see <a href="">IVY-676</a>
public void testFindIvyFileRefWithMultipleIvyPatterns() throws Exception {
    FileSystemResolver resolver = new FileSystemResolver();
            + "/test/repositories/multi-ivypattern/ivy1/ivy-[revision].xml");
            + "/test/repositories/multi-ivypattern/ivy2/ivy-[revision].xml");

    ModuleRevisionId mrid = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance("org1", "mod1.1", "1.0+");
    ResolvedResource ivyRef = resolver.findIvyFileRef(new DefaultDependencyDescriptor(mrid,
            false), data);

    // check that the found ivy file is the one from the first pattern!
        new File("test/repositories/multi-ivypattern/ivy1/ivy-1.0.xml").getCanonicalPath(),
        new File(ivyRef.getResource().getName()).getCanonicalPath());
Example #11
Source File:    From pushfish-android with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
public ResolvedModuleRevision cacheModuleDescriptor(DependencyResolver resolver, ResolvedResource resolvedResource, DependencyDescriptor dd, Artifact moduleArtifact, ResourceDownloader downloader, CacheMetadataOptions options) throws ParseException {
    if (!moduleArtifact.isMetadata()) {
        return null;

    assert resolvedResource.getResource().isLocal();
    File file = new File(resolvedResource.getResource().getName());
    assert file.isFile();

    ArtifactOrigin origin = new ArtifactOrigin(moduleArtifact, true, file.getAbsolutePath());
    MetadataArtifactDownloadReport report = new MetadataArtifactDownloadReport(moduleArtifact);

    ModuleDescriptor descriptor = parseModuleDescriptor(resolver, moduleArtifact, options, file, resolvedResource.getResource());
    return new ResolvedModuleRevision(resolver, resolver, descriptor, report);
Example #12
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ResolvedResource findIvyFileRef(DependencyDescriptor dd, ResolveData data) {
    ModuleRevisionId mrid = dd.getDependencyRevisionId();
    if (isM2compatible()) {
        mrid = convertM2IdForResourceSearch(mrid);
    return findResourceUsingPatterns(mrid, ivyPatterns,
        DefaultArtifact.newIvyArtifact(mrid, data.getDate()), getRMDParser(dd, data),
Example #13
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public File getIvyFile(String mrid) {
    ResolvedResource r = getTestRepository().findIvyFileRef(
        new DefaultDependencyDescriptor(ModuleRevisionId.parse(mrid), false),
    if (r == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("module not found: " + mrid);
    return ((FileResource) r.getResource()).getFile();
Example #14
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ResolvedResource findIvyFileRef(DependencyDescriptor dd, ResolveData data) {
    ModuleRevisionId mrid = dd.getDependencyRevisionId();

    String osgiType = mrid.getOrganisation();
    if (osgiType == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported OSGi module Id: " + mrid.getModuleId());
    String id = mrid.getName();
    Collection<ModuleDescriptor> mds = ModuleDescriptorWrapper.unwrap(getRepoDescriptor()
            .findModules(osgiType, id));
    if (mds == null || mds.isEmpty()) {
        Message.verbose("\t " + id + " not found.");
        return null;

    ResolvedResource[] ret;
    if (BundleInfo.BUNDLE_TYPE.equals(osgiType)) {
        ret = findBundle(dd, data, mds);
    } else {
        ret = findCapability(dd, data, mds);

    ResolvedResource found = findResource(ret, getDefaultRMDParser(dd.getDependencyId()), mrid,
    if (found == null) {
        Message.debug("\t" + getName() + ": no resource found for " + mrid);
    return found;
Example #15
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ResolvedResource[] findBundle(DependencyDescriptor dd, ResolveData data,
        Collection<ModuleDescriptor> mds) {
    ResolvedResource[] ret = new ResolvedResource[mds.size()];
    int i = 0;
    for (ModuleDescriptor md : mds) {
        MetadataArtifactDownloadReport report = new MetadataArtifactDownloadReport(null);
        ResolvedModuleRevision rmr = new ResolvedModuleRevision(this, this, md, report);
        MDResolvedResource mdrr = new MDResolvedResource(null, md.getRevision(), rmr);
        ret[i++] = mdrr;
    return ret;
Example #16
Source File:    From Pushjet-Android with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public ResolvedModuleRevision cacheModuleDescriptor(DependencyResolver resolver, final ResolvedResource resolvedResource, DependencyDescriptor dd, Artifact moduleArtifact, ResourceDownloader downloader, CacheMetadataOptions options) throws ParseException {
    if (!moduleArtifact.isMetadata()) {
        return null;

    ArtifactResourceResolver artifactResourceResolver = new ArtifactResourceResolver() {
        public ResolvedResource resolve(Artifact artifact) {
            return resolvedResource;
    ArtifactDownloadReport report = download(moduleArtifact, artifactResourceResolver, downloader, new CacheDownloadOptions().setListener(options.getListener()).setForce(true));

    if (report.getDownloadStatus() == DownloadStatus.FAILED) {
        LOGGER.warn("problem while downloading module descriptor: {}: {} ({} ms)", resolvedResource.getResource(), report.getDownloadDetails(), report.getDownloadTimeMillis());
        return null;

    ModuleDescriptor md = parseModuleDescriptor(resolver, moduleArtifact, options, report.getLocalFile(), resolvedResource.getResource());
    LOGGER.debug("\t{}: parsed downloaded md file for {}; parsed={}" + getName(), moduleArtifact.getModuleRevisionId(), md.getModuleRevisionId());

    MetadataArtifactDownloadReport madr = new MetadataArtifactDownloadReport(md.getMetadataArtifact());

    return new ResolvedModuleRevision(resolver, resolver, md, madr);
Example #17
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private ResolvedResource findSnapshotArtifact(final Artifact artifact, final Date date,
                                              final ModuleRevisionId mrid, final MavenTimedSnapshotVersionMatcher.MavenSnapshotRevision snapshotRevision) {
    if (!isM2compatible()) {
        return null;
    final String snapshotArtifactPattern;
    if (snapshotRevision.isTimestampedSnapshot()) {
        Message.debug(mrid + " has been identified as a (Maven) timestamped snapshot revision");
        // this is a Maven timestamped snapshot revision. Something like 1.0.0-<timestampedRev>
        // We now get the base revision from it, which is "1.0.0" and append the "-SNAPSHOT" to it.
        final String inferredSnapshotRevision = snapshotRevision.getBaseRevision() + "-SNAPSHOT";
        // we replace the "/[revision]" in the descriptor pattern with the "inferred" snapshot
        // revision which is like "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT". Ultimately, this will translate to
        // something like
        // org/module/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/artifact-1.0.0-<timestampedRev>(-[classifier]).ext
        snapshotArtifactPattern = getWholePattern().replaceFirst("/\\[revision\\]", "/" + inferredSnapshotRevision);
    } else {
        // it's not a timestamped revision, but a regular snapshot. Try and find any potential
        // timestamped revisions of this regular snapshot, by looking into the Maven metadata
        final String timestampedRev = findTimestampedSnapshotVersion(mrid);
        if (timestampedRev == null) {
            // no timestamped snapshots found and instead this is just a regular snapshot
            // version. So let's just fallback to our logic of finding resources using
            // configured artifact pattern(s)
            return null;
        Message.verbose(mrid + " has been identified as a snapshot revision which has a timestamped snapshot revision " + timestampedRev);
        // we have found a timestamped revision for a snapshot. So we replace the "-[revision]"
        // in the artifact file name to use the timestamped revision.
        // Ultimately, this will translate to something like
        // org/module/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/artifact-1.0.0-<timestampedRev>(-[classifier]).ext
        snapshotArtifactPattern = getWholePattern().replaceFirst("\\-\\[revision\\]", "-" + timestampedRev);
    return findResourceUsingPattern(mrid, snapshotArtifactPattern, artifact, getDefaultRMDParser(artifact
            .getModuleRevisionId().getModuleId()), date);
Example #18
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private ResolvedResource findSnapshotDescriptor(final DependencyDescriptor dd, final ResolveData data,
                                                final ModuleRevisionId mrid,
                                                final MavenTimedSnapshotVersionMatcher.MavenSnapshotRevision snapshotRevision) {
    if (!isM2compatible()) {
        return null;
    final String snapshotDescriptorPattern;
    if (snapshotRevision.isTimestampedSnapshot()) {
        Message.debug(mrid + " has been identified as a (Maven) timestamped snapshot revision");
        // this is a Maven timestamped snapshot revision. Something like 1.0.0-<timestampedRev>
        // We now get the base revision from it, which is "1.0.0" and append the "-SNAPSHOT" to it.
        final String inferredSnapshotRevision = snapshotRevision.getBaseRevision() + "-SNAPSHOT";
        // we replace the "/[revision]" in the descriptor pattern with the "inferred" snapshot
        // revision which is like "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT".
        // Ultimately, this will translate to something like
        // org/module/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/artifact-1.0.0-<timestampedRev>(-[classifier]).ext
        snapshotDescriptorPattern = getWholePattern().replaceFirst("/\\[revision\\]", "/" + inferredSnapshotRevision);
    } else {
        // it's not a timestamped revision, but a regular snapshot. Try and find any potential
        // timestamped revisions of this regular snapshot, by looking into the Maven metadata
        final String timestampedRev = findTimestampedSnapshotVersion(mrid);
        if (timestampedRev == null) {
            // no timestamped snapshots found and instead this is just a regular snapshot
            // version. So let's just fallback to our logic of finding resources using
            // configured Ivy pattern(s)
            return null;
        Message.verbose(mrid + " has been identified as a snapshot revision which has a timestamped snapshot revision " + timestampedRev);
        // we have found a timestamped revision for a snapshot. So we replace the "-[revision]"
        // in the artifact file name to use the timestamped revision.
        // Ultimately, this will translate to something like
        // org/module/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/artifact-1.0.0-<timestampedRev>(-[classifier]).ext
        snapshotDescriptorPattern = getWholePattern().replaceFirst("\\-\\[revision\\]", "-" + timestampedRev);
    // find the descriptor using the snapshot descriptor pattern
    return findResourceUsingPattern(mrid, snapshotDescriptorPattern,
            DefaultArtifact.newPomArtifact(mrid, data.getDate()), getRMDParser(dd, data),
Example #19
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Get a built artifact.
 * @param artifact ditto
 * @return ResolvedResource
 * @throws IllegalStateException
 *             if this entry's built has not (yet) completed successfully
public ResolvedResource getBuiltArtifact(Artifact artifact) {
    if (!this.built) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("build in directory `" + this.dir
                + "' has not yet successfully completed");
    return new ResolvedResource(new BuiltFileResource(this.dir, artifact),
Example #20
Source File:    From pushfish-android with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public ResolvedModuleRevision cacheModuleDescriptor(DependencyResolver resolver, final ResolvedResource resolvedResource, DependencyDescriptor dd, Artifact moduleArtifact, ResourceDownloader downloader, CacheMetadataOptions options) throws ParseException {
    if (!moduleArtifact.isMetadata()) {
        return null;

    ArtifactResourceResolver artifactResourceResolver = new ArtifactResourceResolver() {
        public ResolvedResource resolve(Artifact artifact) {
            return resolvedResource;
    ArtifactDownloadReport report = download(moduleArtifact, artifactResourceResolver, downloader, new CacheDownloadOptions().setListener(options.getListener()).setForce(true));

    if (report.getDownloadStatus() == DownloadStatus.FAILED) {
        LOGGER.warn("problem while downloading module descriptor: {}: {} ({} ms)", resolvedResource.getResource(), report.getDownloadDetails(), report.getDownloadTimeMillis());
        return null;

    ModuleDescriptor md = parseModuleDescriptor(resolver, moduleArtifact, options, report.getLocalFile(), resolvedResource.getResource());
    LOGGER.debug("\t{}: parsed downloaded md file for {}; parsed={}" + getName(), moduleArtifact.getModuleRevisionId(), md.getModuleRevisionId());

    MetadataArtifactDownloadReport madr = new MetadataArtifactDownloadReport(md.getMetadataArtifact());

    return new ResolvedModuleRevision(resolver, resolver, md, madr);
Example #21
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected ResolvedResource findResourceUsingPatterns(ModuleRevisionId moduleRevision,
        List<String> patternList, Artifact artifact, ResourceMDParser rmdparser, Date date) {
    List<ResolvedResource> resolvedResources = new ArrayList<>();
    Set<String> foundRevisions = new HashSet<>();
    boolean dynamic = getSettings().getVersionMatcher().isDynamic(moduleRevision);
    for (String pattern : patternList) {
        ResolvedResource rres = findResourceUsingPattern(moduleRevision, pattern, artifact,
            rmdparser, date);
        if (rres != null && !foundRevisions.contains(rres.getRevision())) {
            // only add the first found ResolvedResource for each revision
            if (!dynamic) {
                // stop iterating if we are not searching a dynamic revision

    if (resolvedResources.size() > 1) {
        ResolvedResource[] rress = resolvedResources
                .toArray(new ResolvedResource[resolvedResources.size()]);
        return findResource(rress, rmdparser, moduleRevision, date);
    } else if (resolvedResources.size() == 1) {
        return resolvedResources.get(0);
    } else {
        return null;
Example #22
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ResolvedResource findResource(ResolvedResource[] rress, ResourceMDParser rmdparser,
        ModuleRevisionId mrid, Date date) {
    if (isM2compatible()) {
        // convert 'M2'-organisation back to 'Ivy'-organisation
        mrid = convertM2ResourceSearchIdToNormal(mrid);
    return super.findResource(rress, rmdparser, mrid, date);
Example #23
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ResolvedResource findArtifactRef(Artifact artifact, Date date) {
    ModuleRevisionId mrid = artifact.getModuleRevisionId();
    if (isM2compatible()) {
        mrid = convertM2IdForResourceSearch(mrid);
    return findResourceUsingPatterns(mrid, artifactPatterns, artifact,
        getDefaultRMDParser(artifact.getModuleRevisionId().getModuleId()), date);
Example #24
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ResolvedResource findIvyFileRef(DependencyDescriptor dd, ResolveData data) {
    for (DependencyResolver resolver : chain) {
        ResolvedResource result = resolver.findIvyFileRef(dd, data);
        if (result != null) {
            return result;
    return null;
Example #25
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ResolvedResource[] findCapability(DependencyDescriptor dd, ResolveData data,
        Collection<ModuleDescriptor> mds) {
    List<ResolvedResource> ret = new ArrayList<>(mds.size());
    for (ModuleDescriptor md : mds) {
        IvyNode node = data.getNode(md.getModuleRevisionId());
        if (node != null && node.getDescriptor() != null) {
            // already resolved import, no need to go further
            return new ResolvedResource[] {buildResolvedCapabilityMd(dd, node.getDescriptor())};
        ret.add(buildResolvedCapabilityMd(dd, md));
    return ret.toArray(new ResolvedResource[mds.size()]);
Example #26
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected ResolvedResource findFirstArtifactRef(ModuleDescriptor md, DependencyDescriptor dd,
        ResolveData data) {
    for (String configName : md.getConfigurationsNames()) {
        for (Artifact artifact : md.getArtifacts(configName)) {
            ResolvedResource ret = getArtifactRef(artifact, data.getDate());
            if (ret != null) {
                return ret;
    return null;
Example #27
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected long getPublicationDate(ModuleDescriptor md, DependencyDescriptor dd, ResolveData data) {
    if (md.getPublicationDate() != null) {
        return md.getPublicationDate().getTime();
    ResolvedResource artifactRef = findFirstArtifactRef(md, dd, data);
    if (artifactRef != null) {
        return artifactRef.getLastModified();
    return -1;
Example #28
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void cacheModuleDescriptor(ModuleDescriptor systemMd, ModuleRevisionId systemMrid,
        ResolvedResource ivyRef, ResolvedModuleRevision rmr) {
    RepositoryCacheManager cacheManager = getRepositoryCacheManager();

    final ModuleDescriptorParser parser = systemMd.getParser();

    // the metadata artifact which was used to cache the original metadata file
    Artifact requestedMetadataArtifact = (ivyRef == null) ? systemMd.getMetadataArtifact()
            : parser.getMetadataArtifact(
                    ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(systemMrid, systemMd.getRevision()),

    cacheManager.originalToCachedModuleDescriptor(this, ivyRef, requestedMetadataArtifact, rmr,
        new ModuleDescriptorWriter() {
            public void write(ResolvedResource originalMdResource, ModuleDescriptor md,
                    File src, File dest) throws IOException, ParseException {
                if (originalMdResource == null) {
                    // a basic ivy file is written containing default data
                    XmlModuleDescriptorWriter.write(md, dest);
                } else {
                    // copy and update ivy file from source to cache
                    parser.toIvyFile(new FileInputStream(src),
                        originalMdResource.getResource(), dest, md);
                    long repLastModified = originalMdResource.getLastModified();
                    if (repLastModified > 0) {
Example #29
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void checkNotConvertedExclusionRule(ModuleDescriptor systemMd, ResolvedResource ivyRef,
        ResolveData data) {
    if (!getNamespace().equals(Namespace.SYSTEM_NAMESPACE) && !systemMd.isDefault()
            && data.getSettings().logNotConvertedExclusionRule()
            && systemMd instanceof DefaultModuleDescriptor) {
        DefaultModuleDescriptor dmd = (DefaultModuleDescriptor) systemMd;
        if (dmd.isNamespaceUseful()) {
            Message.warn("the module descriptor " + ivyRef.getResource()
                    + " has information which can't be converted into the system namespace. It will require the availability of the namespace '"
                    + getNamespace().getName() + "' to be fully usable.");
Example #30
Source File:    From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ArtifactOrigin locate(Artifact artifact) {
    ArtifactOrigin origin = getRepositoryCacheManager().getSavedArtifactOrigin(
    if (!ArtifactOrigin.isUnknown(origin)) {
        return origin;
    ResolvedResource artifactRef = getArtifactRef(artifact, null);
    if (artifactRef != null && artifactRef.getResource().exists()) {
        return new ArtifactOrigin(artifact, artifactRef.getResource().isLocal(), artifactRef
    return null;